Correction : Geomech. Geophys. Geo-energ. Geo-resour. (2023) 9:38

Following publication of the original article (Kruszewski et al. 2023), the below text has been changed


“As an example, seismic event with a local magnitude, ML, of 2.4 in Landau from 2009 and 2.2 in Insheim from 2010 (both located in the Upper Rhine Graben, Germany), related to the geothermal system, created infrastructural damages, propagated resistance of the local communities (Groos et al. 2013; Buijze et al. 2019), and, as a result, promoted changes to the operation practises”


“As an example, seismic event with a local magnitude, ML, of 2.4 in Landau from 2009 and 2.2 in Insheim from 2010 (both located in the Upper Rhine Graben, Germany), related to the geothermal system promoted changes to the operation practises (Groos et al. 2013; Buijze et al. 2019).”

The original article has been corrected.