1 Introduction

Smart ports are at the forefront of the industry 4.0 revolution, reflecting the widespread adoption of technological advancement and digital transformation across various industries. This trend has also permeated the port sector, giving rise to the concept of “smart ports”. Technological innovations have facilitated the redefinition of international trade dynamics, enabling the acceleration of goods flow and fostering a truly global collaborative environment [1]. While Latin American port communities boast significant developmental potential, the region still lacks the necessary structural cultural changes to fully embrace this transition [2].

In Colombia, evident needs have prompted concerted efforts across different sectors to bolster port infrastructure and streamline related processes. Consequently, smart port solutions are being developed for Colombian ports using a digital twin approach, commonly referred to as “digital twins" [3].

In line with these developments, several studies have explored similar themes. For instance, some propose infrastructural changes in common ports in the United Kingdom based on smart port models from the EU and Asia [4], while others advocate for the utilization of high-performance technology in smart ports to enhance supply chain efficiency within foreign trade [5]. Furthermore, discussions highlight the evolution of ports and terminals, which have entered a fifth stage of development since the 2010s marked by digital transformation and alignment with Industry 4.0 practices [6]. Other studies focus on the risks associated with port services in smart ports [6], as well as the advantages, disadvantages, and sustainability challenges within ports [7, 8]. Additionally, the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) in smart ports for logistics optimization and environmental impact control has been explored [9].

Studies [10] and [11] underscore the pivotal role of ports in enhancing the efficiency of inbound, internal, and outbound logistics, while concurrently fostering sustainable development and ensuring secure operations. These studies emphasize the integration of emerging technologies to transform port services into dynamic enterprises characterized by heightened efficiency and transparency. Additionally, [12] evaluates maritime transport as the cornerstone of the global supply chain, foreseeing a fully automated future driven by data, advanced analytics, and artificial intelligence. Similarly, [13] and [14] investigate seaports worldwide and the associated challenges, including the integration of new technologies in automation, traffic congestion, coordination of residential communities around ports, quantification and reduction of CO2 emissions, and energy transition planning. Consequently, the emergence of smart ports is deemed imperative for global sustainable development. However, to date, no comprehensive scientific mapping or literature review specifically addressing smart ports has been identified.

Despite the unquestionable significance of the subject matter, there is a notable absence of studies that have undertaken a comprehensive scientific review of literature on smart ports within Scopus and Web of Science (WoS). Furthermore, none have established a clear research framework direction. Addressing this critical gap in knowledge, this study endeavors to fill this void. To achieve this, a bibliographic review was conducted utilizing technical analysis and bibliometric tools, focusing on publications indexed in Scopus and WoS spanning the period from 2000 to 2023. Methodologies such as R-studio, Tree of Science (ToS) and, and Bibliometrix were employed to identify authors, countries, journals, institutions, and primary documents relevant to the topic of smart ports.

This paper comprises the following sections: the methodology section provides a detailed account of the information acquisition and analysis processes. The subsequent section presents the findings of a scientific mapping exercise. Then, the authors conduct a network analysis to further elucidate key relationships and trends within the literature. Finally, the results are synthesized and pertinent conclusions are presented.

2 Methodology

This study is carried out in two phases: scientific mapping of knowledge domains, which is based on the bibliometric analysis of the scientific products identified in Scopus; and network analysis, to identify the most outstanding production management data and determine the relevance criteria of the survey.

For scientific mapping and productivity analysis, five bibliometric procedures recommended by [15] were applied: citation search, search for a coincidence of terms, analysis of citations from other literature, analysis of co-authors, and study of citation sets related between different authors. The retrieval period for both the Scopus and WoS databases extends from 2000 to 2023 due to the abundance of articles they contain. On February 27, 2023, a precise search was conducted, yielding 195 results in Scopus and 45 in WoS. The combined total of relevant findings amounted to 240. Bibliometrix, chosen for its validated capabilities and diverse functions demonstrated in previous studies [16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23] and [24].

Table 1 presents the query criteria, query period, and search fields utilized in this study. It outlines the 240 publications identified in Scopus and Web of Science (WoS), which were aligned with the search equation incorporating terms like “Smart Ports”. Specifically, our findings revealed 195 publications in Scopus and 45 in WoS, with 36 duplicates among them. All 204 obtained documents were fully incorporated into the study to enable the implementation of the ToS for scientific mapping and the establishment of bibliometric indicators. Within the network analysis section, documents with the highest PageRank values generated through data processing in R-Studio were selected for further analysis.

Table 1 Query criteria

The data retrieved from the databases underwent processing in the R software to present the bibliography and organize the reference network using graph theory as a framework. This approach expedites the collection of data pertaining to the typologies and distinctive characteristics of the network, along with insights into each constituent article [25, 26]. Subsequently, three bibliometric indicators, as outlined in [25], were applied: in-degree, quantifying the frequency with which other actors cite a particular text; out-degree, determining the instances in which a core article references others or the collective interconnections within each document; and betweenness, recognizing the level of mediation and position of each internal component in the network [27]. Additionally, these indicators offer insights into the utilization of references in both compilation and citation processes [28].

The network was structured using the indegree, outdegree, and betweenness indicators, employing the metaphor of a tree [29, 30]. This versatile method has been previously validated in various studies [31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38]. Through this methodology, the network was divided into three segments: the roots (high input degree) were analyzed to understand traditional articles of fundamental importance on the subject, particularly those referenced but not citing others; the trunk (high intermediation) represented the insertion point for works concurrently referenced and cited by other authors [28], serving as structural texts connecting classic documents with contemporary studies; and the leaves (high output degree) concentrated the most recent works cited by others [25]. These documents reflect contemporary trends shaping studies on the subject or equally referenced foundations, serving as sources for emerging studies.

3 Results

3.1 Scientific mapping of knowledge

Figure 1 depicts the publication count related to Smart Ports. The data reveals that Scopus hosts the largest volume of publications, with the year 2021 showing the highest number of records. Within Scopus, the publications experienced a steady increase from 8 in 2017 to 30 in 2020. Notably, this trend escalated further, with 51 publications in 2021 and 52 in 2022. In contrast, the publications in the WoS database do not surpass 16 annually, commencing from 2017 with 2 publications, followed by 5 in both 2018 and 2019. However, there was a substantial surge in publications, culminating in 16 papers in 2022. Overall, this field has garnered increasing interest within the scientific community, particularly since 2014, with a notable surge in 2017. Both databases have shown a notable increase in the number of publications, as evidenced by the rising trend depicted by the gray line. This trend signifies an annual growth rate of 15.77 %.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Annual publications

In the context of publications by country, Table 2 encompasses documents from both the WoS and Scopus databases following the elimination of duplicates. China emerges as the foremost contributor, leading with the highest number of research papers on smart ports, securing the first position in the Top 10 with 34 documents. Spain and Italy follow closely behind with 26 papers each, positioning them in second and third place, respectively. Notably, Europe stands out, with 6 out of the 10 main countries on the list originating from this continent. Meanwhile, the Americas are represented by the United States and Chile. Although Asia is represented by only two countries on this topic, they collectively boast the highest total number of publications on smart ports. Regarding international collaboration, the United Kingdom, the United States, Egypt, and France have actively engaged in research on this matter.

Table 2 Number of publications by country

Table 3 presents the top 9 authors with the highest number of publications in both Scopus and WoS, ranging from 5 to 7. Notably, Palau C from Spain emerges as the most referenced author with a score of 1254 and an H-index of 18, followed by VOß S from Germany, with a score of 7639 and an H-index of 44, showcasing one of the highest citation levels. Similarly, Heilig L, also from Germany, has 5 publications and a citation count of 696.

Table 3 Publications by authors

Table 4 presents the journals with the highest number of records in the field of study. The number of maximum and predominant records varies between 2 and 11, accounting for approximately 3.6 of the total documents in the area. Notably, all journals within the top 9 have at least three publications. Among them, Maritime Policy and Management journal, despite ranking 5th, exhibits commendable scientific statistics, positioned in quartile 1 with an H-index of 61. Following is the Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering journal with an H-index score of 179. Additionally, journals such as Maritime Policy and Management, Transport Policy, and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics are situated in Q1, underscoring their significance. Furthermore, it is observed that the majority of these journals originate from the United Kingdom, totaling 4, with the remaining journals hailing from Singapore, the United States, Switzerland, and Austria.

Table 4 Publications by journals

Figures 2 and 3 present complementary insights into the field of smart ports. Figure 2 illustrates the co-occurrence network of words related to the studied articles, unveiling three interconnected groups dominated by terms such as “internet of things," “smart ports," and “ports and docks". This visualization provides a comprehensive overview of the key themes and concepts prevalent within the literature.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Word co-occurrence network

On the other hand, Fig. 3 showcases the collaboration network among authors, delineating four collaboration networks. The size of the circle in this network corresponds to the number of publications by each author. Notably, Palau C emerges as the top author in the field, indicating significant contributions to the research domain. Collaboration between authors is highlighted in orange, underscoring the collaborative nature of scholarly endeavors in this field. Additionally, Soler-Flores F, a civil engineer and professor at the International University of La Rioja, stands out as one of the top 9 most cited researchers, with 659 citations. His expertise spans machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, and Bayesian networks. Similarly, Lacalle I, business administrator and director of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, has made notable contributions with 9 published articles, 4 of which focus on artificial intelligence in smart ports. These figures exemplify the interdisciplinary nature of research in smart ports, drawing upon expertise from various fields to advance knowledge and innovation in the domain.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Collaboration network between authors

3.2 Network analysis: originating and structural documents (ToS)

Figure 4 illustrates the authors who have contributed to the discourse on smart ports and highlights the most influential articles in the field. These articles are categorized into three distinct sections: roots, trunk, and leaves. Root articles represent foundational literature, while trunk articles serve as the structural backbone of knowledge, and leaves articles indicate emerging research directions.

The foundational literature in this domain acknowledges the importance of communication standards relevant to smart ports [39]. Furthermore, it proposes a framework for smart ports and introduces a quantitative metric to aid port authorities in strategy formulation and concept evaluation, thereby establishing indicator systems for assessment [40]. Additionally, it examines the current state of digital transformation in contemporary seaports to identify potentials and existing barriers [41]. A succinct overview of literature concerning port supply chain approaches and the science of service is also provided [42]. Conversely, other seminal works within this domain acknowledge the concept of smart logistics [43], identify primary challenges prompting research into smart ports, and investigate the impact of port logistics amidst the global emergence of the fourth industrial revolution [44].

Trunk articles, which form the backbone of knowledge, recognize the port supply chain as an intelligent service system, aligning with the theory of service science [42]. Additionally, leaves articles present future research perspectives and contribute to ongoing scholarly discourse. They recognize theoretical and practical implications to enrich literature on port supply chains [45] and support port operators in developing tools and methods for strategic decision-making to promote digital transformation in seaports [46]. Furthermore, they acknowledge the automation of port equipment and terminal operations, facilitating the transformation into intelligent ports, thus enhancing fluidity, reliability, and security in information exchange and real-time decision-making [47]. Additionally, they emphasize the influential role of forces driving green environmental management in shaping the environmental performance of smart green ports [48].

Fig. 4
figure 4

Smart ports science tree

Figure 5 illustrates the publication count (n) for each cluster, where the defined clusters correspond to the research perspectives within the study area, as presented below. Cluster number 1 stands out with the highest number of documents, exceeding 57, indicating its substantial information richness regarding smart ports. Furthermore, clusters 2 and 3 show an equal number of publications, totaling 55 each. Remarkably, all three clusters demonstrate a similar publication count, ranging between 55 and 60. Nonetheless, clusters 2 and 3, unlike cluster number 1, provide relatively less information on the subject and encompass a diverse range of topics.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Publications by research cluster

3.2.1 Perspective 1: adaptation of seaports to industry 4.0, sustainability and challenges in global trade

The central theme of perspective 1 underscores the significance of maritime transport in global trade, depicted as a network of routes and ports, and its alignment with Industry 4.0. This line of inquiry emphasizes the transition of ports from analog to smart, leveraging technologies such as the Internet of Things and autonomous navigation to optimize operations. The evolution towards smart ports is recognized as a strategic response to challenges including efficiency enhancement, environmental impact mitigation, and adaptation to the Industry 4.0 era. Furthermore, the imperative to integrate novel technologies into maritime transport and address environmental concerns is acknowledged. Notably, the application of dynamic positioning in various domains, including shipping, is highlighted as a crucial component.

Maritime logistics governs a substantial portion, approximately 80 percent, of global trade. Maritime trade networks can be conceptualized as a graph comprising links and nodes, with links symbolizing shipping lanes and nodes representing seaports, pivotal hubs for the exchange of goods, particularly in containerized form [49]. Ports have transitioned from conventional analog setups to modern digital facilities, with the emergence of smart ports, which capitalize on data utilization to expedite processes and enhance efficiency [49]. Given their pivotal role in the global supply chain, seaports necessitate optimization and automation solutions to meet evolving demands, a challenge addressed through the adoption of innovative technologies [50].

Concurrently, the design of ports significantly influences operational development. Governments are thus committed to transforming ports into smart facilities to drive efficiency, reduce environmental footprints, and foster sustainable development [51]. The integration of emerging technologies facilitated by the fourth industrial revolution, such as the IoT, smart ports, and autonomous navigation, underscores this transformative endeavor [51]. Leveraging reliable wireless connectivity, the integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in maritime operations assumes paramount importance, facilitating optimized conventional and machine learning-assisted approaches [52]. As global ports transition into smart entities, the deployment of diverse sensors across different crane locations enables the collection of vast datasets, necessitating effective data utilization and management strategies [53].

This study addresses the escalating concern surrounding the interoperability of critical infrastructures, particularly within port contexts, highlighting the continuous evolution of information systems managing diverse data, processes, and stakeholders [54]. It underscores the necessity of comprehensively understanding the concept of intelligent logistics or logistics 4.0 to discern the challenges propelling the inception of smart ports [43]. In the era of Industry 4.0, reliable and efficient communications are deemed indispensable for the progression of maritime activities [55].

In the 21st century, maritime transport grapples with various challenges including climate change and environmental degradation. Seaports worldwide encounter obstacles such as technology integration, traffic congestion, community harmonization, and carbon emissions reduction, underscoring the impetus behind the creation of smart ports to facilitate adaptation to contemporary demands [13].

Nowadays, Dynamic Positioning (DP) is utilized in various tasks and domains, such as laying submarine pipelines. DP is a pertinent technology for smart ports, as it is employed in maritime operations such as vessel mooring and cargo handling. The requirements for positioning performance in marine operations are progressively stringent, underscoring the significance of this technology in enhancing the efficiency and safety of port operations [56].

3.2.2 Perspective 2: transformation of seaports towards intelligent entities in global supply chains

Research Perspective 2 delves into the transformative journey of seaports evolving into indispensable hubs within global supply chains, underscored by the emergence of fifth-generation ports, smart ports, and port 4.0 paradigms. Central themes encompassing automation, sustainability, and collaborative frameworks within container ports are meticulously examined, accentuating the pivotal role of digitization in enhancing both safety protocols and operational efficacy. Furthermore, the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as digital twins is posited as a catalyst for revolutionizing ports into intelligent and streamlined entities. Moreover, the utilization of simulation methodologies to forecast the ramifications of disruptive events, such as outbreaks, on supply chain performance, is rigorously explored, underscoring the imperative of proactive risk mitigation strategies.

The evolution of seaports into value-adding entities within global supply chains is witnessing remarkable growth with each passing day, underscoring the emergence of concepts such as the fifth-generation port (5G), smart port, or port 4.0 [57]. Current literature and the prevailing status of major container ports emphasize three crucial facets: automation, sustainability, and collaboration [58]. As ports transition and adapt to the era of Port 4.0, automation has gradually become integrated, primarily driven by the pursuit of enhanced security over conventional methods. However, the initial capital investments required are substantial, and operational hurdles loom large.

The pivotal role of digitalization in enhancing port security and operations, particularly in assessing the digitalization level of small and medium-sized ports, provides a roadmap for fostering smart port ecosystems [59]. This underscores the imperative to proficiently manage ports to achieve productivity gains ranging between 10 and 35% [58]. Notably, research endeavors such as the work by [60] offer comprehensive insights into the operational facets of maritime container terminals, along with an overview of prevalent container handling systems deployed in these facilities.

The escalating scale and complexity of port operations require comprehensive and efficient control mechanisms. The integration of digital twin technology is proposed as a transformative strategy to imbue ports with intelligent operations, leveraging holographic visual management and control paradigms [61]. Correspondingly, [62] delineates the application of digital twin technology within container terminal operations in smart ports. Furthermore, [63] elucidates optimal dispatch policies derived from simulation-based performance forecasts facilitated by digital twin implementations, aiding truck dispatch operators. Lastly, [64] underscores the paradigm shift in smart port management through the digital representation obtained from real-world scenarios using digital twins.

This analysis emphasizes the unique characteristics of outbreaks as disruptive risks to supply chains, suggesting simulation techniques to predict their impact on supply chain performance [65]. Overall, this perspective outlines the direction of seaport evolution toward advanced, technology-driven models designed to tackle supply chain challenges and improve operational efficiency.

3.2.3 Perspective 3: the evolution towards green and smart ports: a comprehensive approach to sustainability, technology, and competitiveness in the port industry

The central focus of Perspective 3 delves into the evolution and proliferation of green and smart ports as pivotal responses to contemporary challenges of congestion, sustainability, and efficiency within the port industry. Emphasis is placed on the paramount importance of energy conservation and emissions reduction in fostering the development of sustainable ports, alongside an exploration of how technological advancements, particularly within the Fourth Industrial Revolution framework, are catalyzing the transition from conventional to smart ports. Various facets of this evolution, encompassing architecture, operations, sensing systems, and communications, are scrutinized, with particular attention given to the efficacious implementation of the IoT. Discussions encompass the economic ramifications and competitive edge of smart ports, as well as the imperative for integrated information systems to bolster the visibility, efficiency, and security of port operations. Ultimately, the objective is to establish a theoretical and conceptual framework aimed at addressing the existing lack of coherence in the literature pertaining to smart port terminals.

Indeed, the pursuit of green and smart port development has been a focal point globally, heralding significant progress in energy conservation and emissions reduction [66]. As burgeoning congestion and the imperative for sustainable practices drive the discourse towards smart and sustainable ports, it becomes increasingly evident that smart ports play a pivotal role in optimizing the flow of goods and information, fostering sustainable development, and ensuring safe operations through the utilization of enabling technologies [11].

Scholarly discussions underscore the pressing need to transition seaports into smart ports in response to rapid technological innovations spurred by the Fourth Industrial Revolution [46]. It is acknowledged that the maritime logistics literature is bereft of comprehensive documentation regarding the structure, architecture, and implications of smart ports [45]. Noteworthy advancements in port architecture, operations, sensing systems, and communication standards, spurred by IoT utilization, underscore the transformative potential of smart ports [39].

Furthermore, empirical analyses delineate the substantial economic impact of port industry adaptation to Industry 4.0 technologies, highlighting the pronounced influence of the smart port industry on productivity, value addition, and employment opportunities [44]. Integrated information systems are identified as integral components of port competitiveness, facilitating seamless communication and informed decision-making to bolster operational visibility, efficiency, reliability, and security across diverse conditions [67].

In conclusion, the identification of a theoretical framework for smart port terminals aims to rectify the existing misalignment in the literature, offering a comprehensive review and conceptual definition to advance scholarly discourse in this domain [68].

4 Conclusions

Smart ports represent a transformative force within the maritime industry, integrating advanced technologies and sustainable practices to enhance operational efficiency, safety, and environmental stewardship. These ports leverage automation, digitization, and connectivity to streamline logistics processes and foster collaboration among supply chain stakeholders. Furthermore, smart ports facilitate the adoption of environmentally friendly measures, resulting in reduced carbon emissions and significant cost savings while bolstering operational efficiency. Bibliometric analyses reveal China’s leadership in publications related to smart ports, with Europe emerging as the continent with the highest number of contributing countries on this subject. The volume of publications on smart ports has exhibited substantial growth since 2018, with ongoing expansion, while the most influential author, Palau C, has garnered 7 publications, 1254 citations, and an H index of 18. Notably, the journal “Lecture Notes in Computer Science" tops the list of publications.

The delineated research perspectives manifest in three distinct clusters: the first cluster, “Adaptation of seaports to industry 4.0, sustainability, and challenges in global trade" scrutinizes the impact of the Industry 4.0 revolution and novel technologies on port operations, paving the way for the emergence of smart ports. The second cluster, “Transformation of seaports towards intelligent entities in global supply chains" underscores the augmentation of labor, environmental, and operational security in ports through Industry 4.0 integration. Lastly, “The evolution towards green and smart ports: A comprehensive approach to sustainability, technology, and competitiveness in the port industry" addresses critical issues such as environmental preservation catalyzed by new technologies. Collectively, these clusters underscore the benefits of the Industry 4.0 revolution and its positive ramifications on port activities.

The analyzed articles presented prospective research directions for each identified perspective within the network analysis, highlighting the dynamic nature of the evolving smart port domain. Concurrently, the integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with forthcoming sixth-generation advancements presents significant policy implications, emphasizing the necessity for policymakers and operators to prioritize intelligent aspects and indicators to facilitate the future development of smart ports. This article is positioned to contribute to the cognitive advancement of forthcoming ports, envisioning their pivotal role within the maritime landscape. Anticipating the utilization of digital twin technology, the intelligent evolution of large ports is foreseen, accompanied by the advancement of sophisticated simulation models to examine the repercussions of epidemic outbreaks on global supply chains. The forthcoming trajectory encompasses the advocacy for route sheets and intelligent applications within port terminals, offering the promise of streamlined operations and heightened efficiency. These prospective research avenues herald the beginning of a transformative journey towards smarter, more resilient ports.