
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved significant success in tackling various tasks such as classification [1], object detection [2], and natural language processing [3]. The effect of a neural network depends on its architecture and network weights. There are several methods used to solve the weight optimization problem, such as Adagrad [4], Adadelta [5], and Adam [6]. However, the development of a new state-of-the-art architecture often requires a vast amount of domain knowledge and repetitive trials. Neural architecture search (NAS) seeks to automate this process and can be formulated as an optimization problem:

$$\begin{aligned}&\max _{a\in A}\ \textrm{ACC}\left( W_{\alpha }^*;{\mathcal {D}}^\textrm{val}\right) ; \nonumber \\&\quad s.t.\ W_a^* = \arg \min _{W_a}{\mathcal {L}}\left( W_a; {\mathcal {D}}^\textrm{trn}\right) , \end{aligned}$$

where A denotes the search space of neural architecture, the architecture a is evaluated on the validation set \({\mathcal {D}}^\textrm{val}\), \(W^*_a\) is the weight of a which is trained on the training set \({\mathcal {D}}^\textrm{trn}\).

According to different optimization methods, NAS can be divided into three categories, namely evolutionary algorithm (EA) based, reinforcement learning (RL) based, and gradient-based methods. In EA-based NAS [7,8,9,10,11,12], the architectures are regarded as the individuals via encoding scheme, and iteratively evolve for the optimal architecture. RL-based NAS [13, 14] uses the controller to sample new architectures from the pre-defined search space, and trains the networks to obtain the final performance as reward. Unlike EA-based and RL-based methods, learning over a discrete and non-differentiable search space, gradient-based NAS [15, 16] relaxes the search space to be continuous and jointly optimizes the architecture and network weights with gradient descent.

Although the experiments in the previous work [8] show that EAs have a stronger search ability than RL, they suffer from high computational demands because each network in the population needs to be trained from scratch. For example, the LargeEvo algorithm [7] requires a total of 3150 GPU days to complete one search. To tackle the high computational cost, surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms (SAEAs) [17,18,19,20] use the trained surrogate models to replace the process of training the network from scratch, i.e., Sun et al. [21] propose an end-to-end performance predictor to accelerate the fitness evaluation in EA, Lu et al. [22] propose adaptive switching, which can adaptively selects among four types of surrogate models via cross-validation, Rawal et al. [23] speed up the search process by estimating performance of candidate structures through a trained long short-term memory (LSTM).

Although SAEAs greatly reduce the computational cost of NAS, the surrogate models still require a vast amount well-trained networks for supervised learning. The reason for this is that supervised learning requires a large amount of labeled samples to extract features. For the classification task on CIFAR-10, Peephole [24] samples over 800 networks as the training data of the surrogate model. To overcome this drawback, there are a few recent methods [25,26,27] that integrate unsupervised learning into NAS. The embedding of each architecture is obtained through unsupervised representation learning and used to train the surrogate model. Since unsupervised learning can obtain informative representation of each architecture with unlabeled data, the amount of labeled data required for surrogate models training can be reduced using these representations as input to the surrogate models [26].

Unfortunately, these work also have some shortcomings. Arch2vec [25] assumes that the embeddings of architectures follow the Gaussian distribution and reconstructs the input neural architectures using a variational autoencoder, but this assumption is not guaranteed [27]. NASGEM [26] uses an autoencoder to map the architectures to the embedding space, and improves the feature representation by minimizing the reconstruction loss and the similarity loss. However, NASGEM only vectorizes the adjacency matrix of the input neural architecture to an embedding space and ignores the node operations, which is crucial to the performance of the network. Unlike the two previous methods that use antoencoders for unsupervised learning, the work in [27] proposes two self-supervised learning methods to pre-train the architecture embedding part of the surrogate model, namely SS-RL and SS-CCL. SS-RL takes predicting the graph edit distance (GED) between two architectures as a pretext task. SS-CCL is a central contrastive learning algorithm, which uses GED to construct positive sample set and negative sample set. GED is calculated based on position-aware path-based encoding (PAPE), which is a coding strategy that records the position of each operation by assigning each node with a unique index. However, different index orders on the same network architecture may result in completely different encodings. It causes a large GED between isomorphic network architectures whereas the real GED should be zero.

To reduce the number of labeled data required for the surrogate model, another approach is to use online learning. Online learning actively identify more new valuable solutions to be evaluated using the expensive fitness function and uses these solutions to update the surrogate model [28]. This process is called infill criterion in SAEAs and it should consider both convergence and uncertainty of each candidate solution [29]. On the one hand, the solutions with better accuracy are selected to update the surrogate model can improve the prediction performance in the promising region of search space. On the other hand, the solutions with greater uncertainty can not only encourage exploration but also improve the effectiveness of the surrogate model in the region of high uncertainty. Nevertheless, some work on NAS so far has not considered on both. The work in [30] obtains the uncertainty estimation by calculating the standard deviation of m predictions and uses independent Thompson sampling (ITS) choose new individuals to update the surrogate model. However, solutions with high uncertainty in ITS do not have high probability of being selected, which is inconsistent with our expectations. Another infill criterion is proposed in [22], which chooses solutions with high diversity on the Pareto front, without considering the uncertainty.

Furthermore, environmental selection is a critical step in SAEAs. It should trade-off exploitation and exploration, namely, the search process can not only exploit the known information to speed up the convergence, but also explore the uncertain regions in the search space. There is some work using clustering to increase the diversity of populations to balance exploitation and exploration, such as [31, 32] uses k-means to partition the population and select solutions from each cluster into the next generation. However, the main drawback of k-means algorithm is that the initialization of centroid is not easy to be determined. In addition, the number of solutions in each cluster is unbalanced, which will cause outliers with poor quality to be erroneously retained because they belong to a cluster of their own.

To sum up, the SAEAs for NAS have three open issues: (1) an efficient embedding method is needed to extract the inherent characteristics of neural architecture which can enhance the performance of surrogate model, (2) an infill criterion is needed to efficiently update the surrogate models and take into account both the convergence and uncertainty, (3) a simple and effective environmental selection strategy is need to trade-off between exploitation and exploration.

In order to address these issues, we propose a novel algorithm for NAS, called surrogate-assisted evolutionary neural architecture search with network embedding (SAENAS-NE). SAENAS-NE uses graph2vec [33] to map each neural architecture to the embedding space. Graph2vec learns representations for entire network by predicting whether a subgraph exists and networks with more identical subgraphs have more similar representations. It dose not require prior assumptions about the distribution of architecture representations, nor does it require a unique index to each operation. Further, to reduce the number of real evaluations required, we use RankNet [34] as surrogate model and design a novel infill criterion that determines new architectures to evaluate. In addition, we propose a novel environmental selection strategy which choose individuals to form the next population. The main contributions of this paper are the following:

  • To enhance the performance of surrogate model with less training data, graph2vec is applied to NAS to obtain the embedding of each architecture, which encourages the neural architectures with similar topologies to cluster together. In addition, different initialization of graph2vec in the process of generating embeddings can get different but similar embeddings. Based on this trait, the surrogate model calculates different embeddings of the same architecture, and obtains the standard deviation of the estimated fitness value as its uncertainty estimation.

  • To effectively update the surrogate model, we adopt a novel infill criterion to choose individuals for re-evaluation. The infill criterion takes the estimated value of the individual and the model uncertainty as two objectives and use nondominated sorting to choose new individuals for real evaluation. It considers both convergence and uncertainty, and gives the updated surrogate model better prediction performance throughout the search process.

  • To balance the exploitation and exploration in the optimization process, a novel environmental selection strategy is proposed to keep diversity among the solutions in the obtained population. It clusters all candidate members based on their distances from the reference solution, and selects the best individual in each cluster to enter the next population. It does not require additional centroids, while the number of solutions in each cluster is consistent.

The remainder structure of this paper takes the form of five sections. We first introduce the background of NAS in Section “Related work”. Section “Preliminaries: graph2vec” gives a brief review of graph2vec. Then, in Section “Methodology”, the proposed algorithm, a surrogate-assisted ENAS with network embedding, is described in detail. Experimental settings and results are presented in Section “Experiments”. Finally, a summary containing conclusions and future work is in Section “Conclusions”.

Related work

Evolutionary algorithm-based neural architecture search

Over the past years, EAs have gradually become popular in NAS and many popular EA-based optimizers have been employed recently in NAS.

Genetic algorithm (GA) is the most widely used optimizer in EA-based NAS. LargeEvo [7] uses the binary tournament selection for mating and does not require human participation. Genetic CNN [10] uses a fixed-length binary string to represent the architecture, which makes various genetic operations easier. The work in [35] encodes three different building blocks (the convolutional layer, the pooling layer, the full connection layer) into one chromosome and uses crossover and mutation to create offspring. In particular, it designs a method called unit alignment for crossover with variable length encoding. REA [8] removes the oldest individual from population to guarantee the diversity of the population and has achieved the state-of-the-art performance.

Genetic programming (GP) approach is also used for NAS. CGP-CNN [36, 37] uses the Cartesian genetic programming (CGP) encoding scheme and adopts the highly functional modules for searching the optimal architectures. GPCNN [38] is the first research which uses tree-based GP to design CNN architectures with a novel crossover operator called partial subtree crossover. AutoML-Zero [39] uses basic mathematical operations as building blocks to design the architectures instead of sophisticated expert-designed layers.

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is another popular evolutionary algorithm for NAS. Junior et al. [40] present a novel PSO algorithm called psoCNN with a new difference operator and a new velocity operator, and it updates the particle based on the type of layers, independent of the hyperparameters. Wang et al. [41] focus on searching the optimal hyperparameters of dense blocks and performs multi-objective optimization where two objectives are considered: classification accuracy and computational cost.

Apart from the above methods, there are other EAs for NAS. For example, DE-NAS [42] applies canonical differential evolution (DE) to obtain the better architectures after making the discrete or categorical parameters continuous. DeepSwarm [43] uses ant colony optimization (ACO) [44] to search for the optimal architectures through progressive neural architecture search, which explores the full search space using small incremental steps. Sharaf et al. [45] use a firefly algorithm based on the k-nearest neighborhood attraction firefly and produce satisfying solutions.

Encoding schemes

In addition to the optimizer, another factor that affects the search performance is encoding schemes. Recent studies have demonstrated the significant effect of encoding schemes on NAS [30, 46]. The encoding schemes can be categorized into two broad categories: the adjacency matrix and path-based encodings [47].

The adjacency matrix encoding represents the network architecture through vectorized adjacency matrix and a list of operation labels of each node [13, 15, 46]. In addition, some work presents several variants of adjacency matrix encoding, i.e., a categorical-valued variant in [47] where the features are a list of the indices specifying the corresponding edges in the adjacency matrix. In order to address the challenge of discrete coding to the optimization algorithm, the work [46] defines a real value in [0,1] for each edge, rather than just {0,1} in the previous work.

Path-based encoding treats the neural architecture as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), and encodes each path of the DAG from the input to the output. Compared to the adjacency matrix encoding, the path-based encoding can reduce the dependency among the features and increase the performance of neural predictors [47]. As far as we know, BANANAS [30] adopts path-based encoding for the first time. The encoding is one-hot vector whose length is \(\sum _{i=0}^{n}q^i=(q^{n+1}-1)/(q-1)\), where n is the number of nodes, q is the number of possible operations. Given an architecture, all paths in this architecture are first found out and the feature corresponding to each path is set to 1. Like the adjacency matrix encoding mentioned above, the path-based encoding also has the categorical-valued variant and the continuous-valued variant [47]. In contrast to [27, 30] proposes a novel encoding scheme termed PAPE. Different from the previous path encoding, PAPE records the position of each operation in the path, then encodes each path by the position and type of operations, and finally concatenates all path encoding in the order of path length to form the encoding to the architecture.

In addition to the above encoding schemes, different schemes exist in the recent studies. Some work factorizes an architecture into unique blocks and encode each block by its kernel size, expansion rate, number of layers [22, 48, 49]. Inspired by the gene expression process, a novel encoding scheme called action command encoding (ACEncoding) is proposed in [50]. ACEncoding uses seven action commands which composed of three integers and encodes these action commands into a variable-length sequence and it can represent more complex neural architectures.

Performance estimation strategy

After generating the new architectures, one significant bottleneck of NAS is how to efficiently evaluate them. Early work (e.g., [7, 13]) trains all candidate networks from scratch and use the accuracy of corresponding networks as the evaluation value, which is the simplest but very time-consuming performance estimation strategy. To alleviate this problem, many methods for speeding up performance estimation have been proposed. Below we review three different types of accelerated evaluation methods, namely the low fidelity estimation, weight sharing mechanism and surrogate model technique.

Many studies estimate the performance of networks in a low fidelity level. For example, some work trains each network on shorter training time [51, 52]; Some work trains the networks on a subset of the training data [53] or lower resolution images [54]. While low fidelity approximation reduces the computational cost, its underestimation of the performance brings a bias to the selection of better architectures [55].

In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature that adopt the weight sharing mechanism in one-shot architecture search to reduce the computational cost. SMASH [56] first trains a hypernetwork which can dynamically generate the weights of the networks, and then compares the validation performance of candidate networks with hypernetwork-generated weights. Besides, some work pre-trains the supernet, and then all candidate networks as sub-networks inherit the weight of supernet. One-Shot [57] uses a dynamic dropout rate to randomly zero out a subset of the operations at supernet training time. To alleviate the weight co-adaption problem, SPOS [58] assumes that all architectures are single paths of the supernet and trains the supernet by uniform path sampling. Because of the inherent unfairness in the supernet training, FairNAS [59] trains the supernet with a fairness perspective, namely, it makes each block be activated and updated only once. In Landmark Regularization [60], a regularization term is defined by leveraging a set of stand-alone performance and guide the supernet training. Different from the above methods divide the training hypernetwork and search candidate architecture into two stages, Darts [15] adopts the gradient-based method and optimizes the weights together with the architecture.

As a consequence, the weight sharing mechanism can reduce the evaluation cost. However, some work shows that there are a large gap between supernet predicted accuracies and that of stand-alone model which trained from scratch [15, 46]. Therefore, the approach that the expensive evaluation of all candidate architectures replaced by surrogate models gets more and more attention. Some work estimates the performance of candidate architectures by extrapolating the model training curve [23, 61, 62]. The alternative way to build surrogate models is supporting prediction performance based on architecture instead of partial learning curves. There are various surrogate models adopted in different NAS methods, such as multilayer perceptron [30], LSTM [63], and random forest [21].

Preliminaries: graph2vec

Graph embedding [64, 65] projects graphs into a continuous vector space, which preserves graphs’ properties. Graph2vec is a neural embedding approach that learns representations of the graphs. Inspired by doc2vec which is a document embedding method, graph2vec views an entire graph as a document and the rooted subgraphs as words, and then learns the representations of graphs through the doc2vec skip-gram training process [66]. As shown in Fig. 1a, the document composed of words and the graph composed of rooted subgraphs in Figure 1b. Graph, rooted subgraphs and the detailed algorithm are introduced below.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a doc2vec samples 5 words from the document. b graph2vec samples 5 rooted subgraph from the full graph

Let \(G = (N,E)\) represent a graph, where N as a set of nodes and E as a set of edges. Each node is associated with a label to indicate different node types. Graph2vec represents each graph by a fixed-length features which is trained to predict the rooted subgraphs in the full graph, and the rooted subgrphs are defined as following:

Definition 1

Rooted subgraphs are a specific class of subgraphs. In a given graph G, \(\textrm{sg}_n^d=(N_\textrm{sg}, E_\textrm{sg})\) is a rooted subgraph of degree d around node n, so long as \(N_\textrm{sg}\in N, E_\textrm{sg}\in E \) and all the nodes in the rooted subgraphs are reachable in d hops from n.

figure a

Figure 1b shows that a graph containing five nodes extracts five rooted subgraphs with \(d=1\). Given a set of graphs, graph2vec learns their embeddings in three steps:

  1. 1.

    extract the rooted subgraphs from all graphs to produce a vocabulary;

  2. 2.

    build the skip-gram model with negative sampling;

  3. 3.

    use the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer [67] to optimize the parameters.

The whole process is elaborated in Algorithm 1.

As described before, we should extract the rooted subgraphs from the graphs (see lines 12–21 of Algorithm 1). The procedure takes the root node n, graph G and the degree d as the inputs and return the rooted subgraphs \(sg_n^d\). For cases where \(d=0\), the root node is returned. Otherwise, we first get the degree \(d-1\) rooted subgraphs of all neighbors of the root node and sort them, then concatenate them with the degree \(d-1\) rooted subgraphs of the root node. Given a sequence of the rooted subgraphs \(\textrm{sg}_n^d=\{\textrm{s}g_1,\textrm{sg}_2,...,\textrm{sg}_l\}\) extracted from G, we intend to maximize the following log likelihood:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{j=1}^{l} \log \ \textrm{Pr}\left( sg_i|G\right) . \end{aligned}$$

As shown in Fig. 2, in order to maximize Eq. (2), the skip-gram model builds l classifers. In each classifer, the probability \(\textrm{Pr}(\textrm{sg}_i|G)\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{Pr}\left( \textrm{sg}_i|G\right) = \frac{\exp \left( \Phi (G) \cdot w_{\textrm{sg}_i}\right) }{\sum _{\textrm{sg}\in {\mathcal {V}}}\exp \left( \Phi (G) \cdot w_{\textrm{sg}}\right) ,} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\Phi (G)\) is the embedding vector of G, \(w_\textrm{sg}\) and \(w_{\textrm{sg}_i}\) are the network weights corresponding to sg and \(\textrm{sg}_i\), respectively, \({\mathcal {V}}\) is the vocabulary containing all rooted subgraphs. As can be seen from Eq. (3), it is prohibitively expensive if the whole vocabulary are considered. To alleviate this problem, graph2vec adopts negative sampling which selects a small subset of rooted graphs at random that are not in the target graph to train the model.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The skip-gram model: the graph embedding is trained to predict the rooted subgraphs

At the beginning of training the skip-gram model, the embeddings of all the graphs in \({\mathbb {G}}\) are randomly initialized and then they are updated with SGD (see lines 3–10 of Algorithm 1). For prediction, the embedding of a new graph is obtained by gradient descent. In this step, in addition to the graph embedding, the rest parameters of the model have been trained and fixed, and the graph embedding is updated through the gradient descent.


Overall framework

Fig. 3
figure 3

The overall framework of SAENAS-NE

In this section, the proposed SAENAS-NE using an SAEA to search for the optimal architecture in the network embedding space is given in detail. As shown in Fig. 3, it can be divided into three components: network embedding, surrogate model and EA-based NAS. In SAENAS-NE, we first train the graph2vec model which maps the architectures into the embedding space and then employs RankNet as the surrogate model to guide the search of EA. Particularly, we propose an effective environmental selection and infill criterion in SAENAS-NE. Algorithm 2 lists the framework of the SAENAS-NE.

figure b

To begin this algorithm, we use an architecture dataset to train a graph2vec model which maps architectures into the embedding space (line 1). Then, we initialize a training data Arch consisting of N randomly generated architectures, where each architecture is trained. In addition, the training data constitute the initial population \(P_{FE}\) and is used to train the surrogate model RankNet (lines 3–4). Finally, we repeat the following steps until the maximum number of real evaluations is reached (lines 5–18).

In each generation, there is a surrogate-assisted evaluation phase where the predicted value of the RankNet will be used to replace the real evaluation of the individual (lines 7–12) and the initial population of surrogate-assisted evaluation is set as \(P_{FE}\). Subsequently, an infill criterion is adopted to select several individuals \(P_\textrm{infill}\) for real evaluations, that is, to fully train the network corresponding to each individual and obtain their validation accuracy (line 13). After that, these real evaluated individuals are collected in the Arch and the surrogate model is updated (lines 15–16). At last, we select the parent population of the next generation from the mixed population of \(P_{FE}\) and \(P_\textrm{infill}\) (lines 17–18).

In the following subsections, we elaborate on the detail of network embedding, surrogate model, environmental selection and infill sampling.

Network embedding

Fig. 4
figure 4

An example of network embedding

As described in Section “Preliminaries: graph2vec”, we train the skip-gram model to get the architecture embedding by predicting whether the substructures are present in the architecture and expect that architectures with more identical substructures will be closer to each other in the embedding space. In our work, the substructures are the rooted subgraphs and a classifier will be constructed for each rooted subgraph. Figure 4 provides an example to illustrates how the network is embedded into a fixed-length vector. Figure 4a depicts a neural network in the NASBench-101 search space. The extracted rooted subgraphs with \(d=0\ or\ 1\) are shown in Fig. 4b. In Fig. 4c, we demonstrate the process of network embedding in graph2vec. If we consider the vocabulary that contains all rooted subgraphs, the output and weights of the classifier are huge. In order to offer a computationally efficient classifier, T. Mikolov et al. [68] propose negative sampling by the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} \log \sigma \left( \Phi (G)\cdot w_{\textrm{sg}_i}\right) \nonumber \\{} & {} \quad +\sum _{j=1}^k {\mathbb {E}}_{\textrm{sg}_j\sim P_n(\textrm{sg})}\left[ \log \sigma (-\Phi (G) \cdot w_{\textrm{sg}_j})\right] , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma \) is sigmoid function, \(P_n(\textrm{sg})\) is the noise distribution where there are k negative samplesFootnote 1 of \(sg_i\). Equation (4) is used to replace every \(\log \textrm{Pr}(\textrm{sg}_i|G)\) in Eq. (2). For each classifier, the meaning expressed by the formula is to distinguish the target rooted subgraph \(\textrm{sg}_i\) from the k negative samples which are not included in the graph.

After training the skip-gram model, the model saves the embedding of all graphs \(\Phi (G)\) and the weights corresponding to all rooted subgraphs \(w_\textrm{sg}\) in the training. When we require the embedding of a new architecture, we can fix the weights corresponding to the rooted subgraphs in the skip-gram model, and continuously update the embedding of the new architecture through the gradient descent.

Surrogate model

Unlike previous work [21, 30, 69] that use regression models as the surrogate model, we use RankNet to evaluate the individual architectures. The advantage of RankNet is that the goal of model training is to directly rank each individual architecture instead of predicting their accuracy. In RankNet, we use feedforward neural network with two hidden layers as the underlying model which maps an input vector \(x\in \Re ^n\) to a real number \(s_i=f(x_i)\). For each pair of architectures given, their embedding \(x_i,x_j\) is presented to the RankNet, which compute their scores \(s_i=f(x_i)\) and \(s_j=f(x_j)\). Then we use the sigmoid function to calculate the probability that \(x_i\) is better then \(x_j\):

$$\begin{aligned} P_{ij} = P\left( x_i\vartriangleright x_j\right) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-\left( s_i-s_j\right) .}} \end{aligned}$$

Finally, RankNet trains the underlying model by minimizing the following cost function:

$$\begin{aligned} C = -{\bar{P}}_{ij}\log P_{ij}-\left( 1-{\bar{P}}_{ij}\right) \log \left( 1-P_{ij}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

where \({\bar{P}}_{ij} \in \{0,1\}\) is the target label.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The Kendall Tau metric under different s(x). The horizontal axis indicates the neural architectures within a certain percentage range after the architectures sorted in ascending order of s(x)

After training the RankNet, we can compute the score of each individual architecture instead of the accuracy as its fitness. To leverage the confidence level of the predictions of surrogate models to preform a global search, the surrogate models need to output an uncertainty estimation for the predictions. In our work, the embedding of the network is continuously updated through the gradient descent in the skip-gram model and different random vector initializations will eventually get different but similar embedding vectors, as shown in surrogate model diagram in Fig. 3. Thus, we can obtain several embedding of network and their predictions, and compute the mean and standard deviation of these predictions as their fitness \({\hat{f}}(x)\) and uncertainty estimation s(x). In our experiments, we compute the Kendall Tau (\(\tau \)) [70] metric as the correlation between the predictions rankings and the ground truth. As shown in Fig. 5, we report the change of the Kendall Tau metric of 2000 random networks under different s(x) across 20 different runs. We can see that the Kendall tau metric are reduced by increasing s(x). The lower the Kendall Tau the higher the true uncertainty, thus our method of calculating the uncertainty estimation is effective.

Environmental selection based on reference population

The selection of the individuals with benefits on convergence and diversity for the next population brings improvements to SAEAs. That is, the selected individuals need a high fitness and try to stay as far away as possible between different individuals. In order to solve the problem of centroid initialization and the imbalance of the number of individuals in each cluster, we propose a new method called environmental selection based on reference population. More specifically, the reference population is parent solutions, and candidate solutions with a shorter distance from a reference solution p will be preferentially associated with p unless the number of solutions in the cluster represented by p reaches a pre-specified number.

In order to cluster all candidates, we need to compute distances between children and reference solutions. After obtaining their embeddings, we compute the distance by

$$\begin{aligned} \theta _{i,j} = 1-\frac{x_i\cdot x_j}{||x_i||\cdot ||x_j||} , \end{aligned}$$

where \(x_i\) and \(x_j\) are the embeddings and the second item is the cosine similarity of two vectors. \(\theta _{i,j} \in [0,2]\) and the closer the \(\theta _{i,j}\) is to zero, the more similar the two architecture.

There are two environmental selection operators in Fig. 3. One selects the next population \(P_{t+1}\) from the mixed population of \(P_t\) and \(Q_t\) in the phase of surrogate-assisted evaluation, and the other selects the individuals from the parent population \(P_{FE}\) and the new evaluated offspring \(P_\textrm{infill}\) to form the next population in the phase of real evaluation. The two environmental selection operators are similar and their reference population are parent population and the worst k individuals in \(P_{FE}\), respectively.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Using clustering in environmental selection

The details about environmental selection are presented in Algorithm 3. We first cluster the candidates based on the distance between the reference population and the offspring, and then we select the best member in each cluster for next population. Let \(\Theta \in R^{N,r\times N}\) be the distance matrix that is build from Eq. (7), N is the number of reference population and r is the number of offspring members associated with each reference solution (the r is 2 in Fig. 6). An element \(\theta _{i,j}\) in \(\Theta \) represents the distance between the i-th reference solution and j-th child. After obtaining \(\Theta \), we find the smallest distance from the matrix \(\Theta \), suppose it is \(\theta _{i,j}\), associate the i-th reference solution and j-th child and set the distance from all reference solutions to the j-th child to infinity. If the number of associated children of the i-th reference solution reaches r, the distance from the reference solution to all children is set to infinity. Repeat this process until all elements of the matrix \(\Theta \) are infinite.

figure c

In the phase of surrogate-assisted evaluation, the r is 6 and in order to prevent individuals which have been real evaluated from being repeatedly interviewed, these individuals will be deleted from the cluster. In the phase of real evaluation, the r is 1 and the reference population consists of the worst K individuals in \(P_{EF}\). An example of candidate clustering is shown in Fig. 6, \(\theta _{3,6}\) is the smallest distance, so associate child \(q_6\) with reference solution \(p_3\) and set \(\theta _{i,6}=\inf , \forall i\in [1,3]\). Then, the children \(q_1\) and \(q_3\) are, respectively, associate with \(p_1\) and \(p_2\). Similarly, we set \(\theta _{i,1}=\theta _{i,3}=\inf , \forall i \in [1,3]\). Next, \(q_4\) is associated to \(p_2\), and set \(\theta _{i,4}=\inf , \forall i\in [1,3] \). Particularly, the number of offspring members associated with \(p_2\) reaches \(r=2\), so \(\theta _{2,j}=\inf , \forall j\in [1,6]\). Finally, \(q_2\) and \(q_5\) are also associated with \(p_1\) and \(p_3\), respectively, in the same way. Because each reference solution has only r children associated with it, \(q_5\) is associated with \(p_3\) even though it is closer to \(p_2\).

Infill sampling based on multi-objective selection

The approximated fitness \({\hat{f}}(x)\) and the uncertainty s(x) can measure the new solution’s merit [71], in order to consider both for all candidate architectures in infill sampling, inspired by multi-objective optimization [72], we consider \({\hat{f}}(x)\) and s(x) as two separate objectives and choose K new architectures from \(P_{t_\textrm{max}}\) by utilizing nondominated sorting. Given two individuals x and y, x dominates y if and only if \({\hat{f}}(x)> {\hat{f}}(y), s(x)\ge s(y)\) or \({\hat{f}}(x)\ge {\hat{f}}(y), s(x)> s(y)\). The candidate architectures are sorted into several nondominated fronts according to the domination relationships, Fig. 7 illustrates this process.

Fig. 7
figure 7

All nondominated fronts sorted according to the approximated fitness \({\hat{f}}(x)\) and the uncertainty s(x)

The candidate architectures have a higher selection priority in the lower rank nondominated front. First, we select the candidates from the front 1. If the size of the front 1 is smaller then K, all members of front 1 will be selected for real evaluation. The remaining members for real evaluations are chosen from subsequent nondominated fronts in order of their ranks. Assume that front q is the last chosen front, that is, if all members in front q are selected, the number of candidates which are real evaluated will be greater than K. In this case, we sort the members in the front q according to the approximated fitness \({\hat{f}}(x)\), and then select the member with the larger \({\hat{f}}(x)\) until the number of candidates for real evaluations reaches K.

Since we sort all the members in \(P_{t_\textrm{max}}\) by the nondominated sorting according to \({\hat{f}}(x)\) and s(x), the selected solutions have either a higher approximated fitness, a greater uncertainty, or both. Finally, these selected solutions are used to update the surrogate model. In addition, the infill sampling strategy is implemented after environment selection, thus the diversity of the selected solutions can be guaranteed.


In this section, we conduct experiments on three commonly used NASBench search spaces [46, 73] and DARTS search space [15]. The experiments consist of three parts. First, the performance of the proposed SAENAS-NE is quantified on the three commonly used NASBench and DARTS search spaces, and compared to the existing NAS algorithms. Second, the effectiveness of graph2vec is verified by comparing it with the existing network embedding method. Lastly, we perform the ablation experiments to validate the effectiveness of the new environmental selection and infill sampling strategies, and the effectiveness of the hyper-parameter r. All the experiments are conducted using one NVIDIA GTX 2080Ti GPU and one Intel Xeon Gold 4210R CPU.

NASBench search space

NASBench-101, NASBench-201 and NASBench-301 are the commonly used NASBench search space where various NAS algorithms can be compared with each other. Next, we introduce the three NASBench search space, respectively.

  • NASBench-101 [46] consists of 423k unique convolutional architectures and all architectures are trained and evaluated three times on CIFAR-10 with different random initializations. For each architecture, its validation accuracies and test accuracies corresponding to the three independent trainings are reported. NASBench-101 builds the architecture by stacking cells and restrict the search space to a cell. The cells are defined by directed acyclic graphs on V nodes, where each node represents the operations and the adjacency matrix represents the connection of different operations. In order to limit the size of the search space, only 3 \(\times \) 3 convolution, 1 \(\times \) 1 convolution and 3 \(\times \) 3 max-pool are allowed to be used and the maximum number of edges is 9.

  • NASBench-201 [73] contains 15,625 architectures and each architecture generated by 4 nodes and 5 associated options (zeroize, skip-connect, 1 \(\times \) 1 convolution, 3 \(\times \) 3 convolution and 3 \(\times \) 3 avg-pool). Each node and edge represent the feature map and operation, respectively. NASBench-201 provides the training, validation, and test accuracy on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-16-120.

  • NASBench-301 [74] is the first surrogate NAS benchmark which contains \(10^{18}\) architectures. Different from NASBench-101, NASBench-201 and other tabular NAS benchmark, NASBench-301 fits various regression models on CIFAR-10 and provide a predicted accuracy of each architecture. NASBench-301 has the same search space as in DARTS [15], the architectures contain the normal and reduction cell, which is defined as a DAG with 2 input nodes, 4 intermediate nodes, and 1 output node. The nodes represent the feature map and are connected by directed edges representing one of the following 7 operations: separable convolution 3 \(\times \) 3, separable convolution 5 \(\times \) 5, dilated convolution 3 \(\times \) 3, dilated convolution 5 \(\times \) 5, dilated convolution 3 \(\times \) 3, max-pool 3 \(\times \) 3, avg-pool 3x3 and skip connection.

Peer competitors

The compared algorithms in our experiment are summarized as follows.

  • Random search is the simplest but competitive baseline for NAS algorithms. It randomly selects n architectures from the search space and uses the architecture with the highest validation accuracy as the final result.

  • REA [8] adopts EA as the optimizer and introduces an age property to favor the younger individuals in each generation.

  • BANANAS [30] is a Bayesian optimization algorithm which proposes a path-based encoding scheme for the architectures and uses an ensemble of feedforward neural networks as surrogate model.

  • GP_bayesopt is another algorithm provided in the work [30] which sets up Bayesian optimization with Gaussian process model and UCB acquisition function.

  • Deep Networks for Global Optimization (DNGO) [75] performs Bayesian optimization with basis function extracted from the neural network.

  • Bohamiann is a Bayesian optimization with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo artificial neural networks [30]. It uses a Bayesian neural network as the surrogate model.

  • GCN_predictor [30] uses Bayesian optimization as its optimizer and a graph convolutional networks as the surrogate model.

  • BONAS [76] is a Bayesian optimization which uses GCN as a surrogate model to discover the optimal architecture and design a weighted loss focusing on architectures with high performance.

  • Arch2vec-RL and Arch2vec-BO [25]Footnote 2 use reinforcement learning and Bayesian optimization, respectively, as optimizer to search the optimal architecture, and employ the embedding method arch2vec which adopts variational autoencoder to learn the architecture representations.

  • NPENAS-SSRL and NPENAS-SSCCL [27], respectively, use evolutionary algorithms as optimizers and two self-supervised learning model for pre-training the architecture embeddings. One learns the architecture embeddings by introducing the pretext task which predicts the distance between architectures. Another first constructs positive samples and negative samples, and then proposes a contrastive learning algorithm to learn the architecture embeddings.

Parameter settings

The common parameter settings of all algorithms are the same as in [27, 30].

  • The size of the architecture embedding is set to 32 for NASBench-101, NASBench-201 and NASBench-301, which is the same as the hidden layer size of GIN layer in [27].

  • The maximum number of the real evaluations is set to 150 for NASBench-101, 100 for NASBench-201, and 300 for NASBench-301.

Furthermore, we use the code directly from the open-source repositoriesFootnote 3 and the parameter settings are hardly changed. The specific parameter settings in SAENAS-NE are shown as below.

  • The maximum degree of the rooted subgraphs is 2. A subgraph of degree 2 can represent up to 5 network layers in a cell, which is sufficient in the search space we use.

  • The initial learning rate is 0.025 and the cosine learning rate schedule is adopted.

  • The number of epochs for training graph2vec model is 40, which makes the graph2vec train well.

  • The number of new architectures (K) are selected from \(P_{t_\textrm{max}}\) is set to 10, the same as the value set in [27].

  • The size of population is set to 20 for NASBench-101 and NASBench-201, 30 for NASBench-301.

Neural architecture search performance

In order to discuss the behavior of the SAENAS-NE, we compare it with other algorithms described in Section 5.2 on NASBench-101, NASBench-201 and NASBench-301.

Results on NASBench-101

Table 1 The performance of the 12 compared algorithms and SAENAS-NE on NASBench-101

The performance of different NAS algorithms over 200 independent runs on NASBench-101 are reported in Table 1. In Table 1, the top two algorithms in order use real evaluations, namely, the accuracy of each candidate architecture is obtained by training the network from scratch. The middle six algorithms construct surrogate models from the original encoding of the architectures while the bottom five algorithms map the architectures into the embedding space through unsupervised or self-supervised algorithms.

Our proposed method SAENAS-NE achieves comparable performance on NASBench-101. The results of Wilcoxon rank-sum (WRS) test show that SAENAS-NE significantly superior to nine algorithms (Random Search, REA, BANANAS, DNGO, Bohamiann, GCN_Predictor, BONAS, Arch2vec_Rl, Arch2vec_BO), almost equivalent to two algorithms (GP_bayesopt, NPENAS-CCL), and inferior to NPENAS-SSRL in terms of validation accuracy. According to [69], well-performing neural network does not have a strong correlation between the validation accuracy and the test accuracy on NASBench-101. Thus, both NPENAS-SSRL and NPENAS-CCL outperform SAENAS-NE in test accuracy, which is not exactly the same as its validation accuracy.

Table 2 The performance of the 12 compared algorithms and SAENAS-NE on NASBench-201

Results on NASBench-201

Table 2 shows the results obtained from the 200 independent runs of the 12 compared algorithms and SAENAS-NE on NASBench-201. Our method SAENAS-NE achieves the best performance on both the validation accuracy and test accuracy on CIFAR-10. On CIFAR-100, SAENAS-NE obtains slightly lesser validation accuracy and test accuracy than NPENAS-SSRL and NPENAS-CCL. Specifically, the validation accuracy of SAENAS-NE differs from the accuracy of NPENAS-SSRL and NPENAS-CCL by 0.01% and 0.02%, respectively, and the test accuracy of SAENAS-NE differs by 0.01% and 0.03%, respectively. On ImageNet-16-120, SAENAS-NE is only 0.03% lower than NPENAS-CCL in validation accuracy while achieves the best result in test accuracy.

In addition, it can be seen from the Table 2 that except the validation accuracy on CIFAR-100, SAENAS-NE maintains the lowest standard deviation in all accuracy, thus it can be proved that our method has good stability on NASBench-201.

Results on NASBench-301

Table 3 The performance of the 11 compared algorithms and SAENAS-NE on NASBench-301

As shown in Table  3, SAENAS-NE achieves the best performance compared with other 11 NAS algorithms. As NPENAS-SSRL [27] is less suitable for a large search space and is not used on DARTS-like search space, it is not compared here.

Except for GP_bayesopt, other compared algorithms are at least 0.09% less accurate than SAENAS-NE. Although GP_bayesopt performs the closest to SAENAS-NE, it is still significantly inferior to SAENAS-NE in WRS test. Figure 8 provides the validation accuracy of the best neural network during the search process of all algorithms. It is apparent from this figure that SAENAS-NE outperforms all methods except GP_bayesopt when the search budget exceeds 50 and outperforms GP_bayesopt when search budget exceeds 200.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Performance comparison of NAS algorithms on NASBench-301

Results on the real-world search space

Table 4 The performance of the 7 compared algorithms and SAENAS-NE on DARTS search space. The test accuracy is averaged over 5 seed

To further demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm, we conduct experiments on the DARTS search space. The search space consists of convolutional cells and reduction cells. For each cell, two input nodes and four nodes contain two edges as input form a DAG. The final network is obtained by stacking these two cells. For simplicity, we search for the same convolutional cells and reduction cells as in [25]. The implementations of SAENAS-NE on DARTS is available at

Similar to [25], we set the maximum number of the real evaluations to 100. When an individual needs to be real evaluated, the individual will be decoded into a neural network and trained from scratch for 50 epoch, then the average validation accuracy of the last 5 epochs is used as the real evaluation value of the individual. As shown in Table 4, our algorithm achieves comparable classification accuracy with fewer parameters.

Effects of network embedding and surrogate model

Fig. 9
figure 9

Predictive performance of embedding methods with different search budget

To verify the effectiveness of the graph2vec applied to the network embedding, we compare it with other embedding methods. The comparison is performed on NASBench-101, NASBench-201, NASBench-301 under the search budgets of 20, 50, 100 and 200. To be fair, all the embedding methods use RankNet as the predictor and the prediction performance of the architecture embeddings is used as the metric which measures how well the embedding methods. The result with Kendall’s Tau coefficient is plotted in Fig. 9.

On the NASBench-101, the performance of graph2vec is slightly inferior to SS-CCL but significantly better than that of other embedding methods, including original encoding, path encoding, arch2vec and SS-RL. SS-RL shows the worst performance. Unlike the work in [27], the weights of the embedding part of the neural network in SS-RL and SS-CCl are not updated after the self-supervised learning is completed, which ensures that architecture embedding is not affected by subsequent supervised training.

On the NASBench-201, graph2vec achieves its best performance in three different dataset, namely CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-16-120. Path encoding performs close to graph2vec when the search budget is more than 100, but it is significantly worse than graph2vec when the search budget is less than 100. Arch2vec has similar performance to graph2vec at the search budget of 20 and 50 on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-16-120, but the gap with graph2vec increases as the search budget increases. Except for path encoding and arch2vec, other embedding methods including original encoding, SS-RL and SS-CCL all have clear performance gaps with graph2vec in all search budget across three different datasets.

On the NASBench-301, graph2vec and SS-CCL have comparable performance and both outperform other embedding methods (original encoding, path encoding and arch2vec). SS-CCL has better performance when the search budget is 20 and 50, whereas graph2vec achieves the best performance with the search budget exceeds 50. SS-RL is less suitable for the large search space [27], thus we do not compare the performance of SS-RL in NasBench-301.

In summary, graph2vec achieves a superior performance on all three NASBench search spaces. Original encoding and SS-RL have poor performance. A decent performance of path encoding is maintained in three different dataset of NASBench-201 but decreased on NASBench-101 and NASBench-301 with larger search spaces containing more architectures. Arch2vec achieves moderate performance among all embedding methods on the three NASBench search space. SS-CCL shows the best performance on NASBench-101, but the performance decreases on NASBench-201 and NASBench-301.

Effects of environmental selection and infill sampling

Table 5 Performance comparison of three version of SAENAS-NE

To further analyze the behavior of our environmental selection strategy and infill criterion, we set baseline as SAENAS-NE-w/o-S &I, which is SAENAS-NE without the proposed environmental selection and the infill criterion. Another compared method is SAENAS-NE-w/o-I, which is a version of SAENAS-NE with only the proposed environmental selection strategy. As NASBench-301 is the largest among the three NASBench search space, SAENAS-NE-w/o-S &I, SAENAS-NE-w/o-I and SAENAS-NE are run independently over 200 times, respectively, and compared their validation accuracy on NASBench-301 for analyzing the effect of the proposed environmental selection and infill sampling strategies. The results of performance comparison are summarized in Table 5. As can be seen from the table, SAENAS-NE-w/o-S &I achieves validation accuracy of 94.96%. After adopting the proposed environmental selection strategy, the validation accuracy of SAENAS-NE-w/o reaches 94.99% (0.03% improvement over the baseline). SAENAS-NE contains both the environmental selection and infill criterion, and its validation accuracy reaches 95.01% (0.05% improvement over the baseline). In addition, from the standard deviation of the validation accuracy of the three algorithms, the proposed environmental selection and infill sampling can improve the stability of the algorithm.

The proposed environmental selection strategy and infill criterion can improve the diversity of the population to avoid local optima. To verify this, the average diversity value (ADV) are defined as a measure of population diversity,

$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{ADV}(P) = \frac{\sum _{i\ne j}\theta _{i,j}}{N\times (N-1)/2}, \end{aligned}$$

where P is the population and \(\theta _{i,j}\) is calculated by Eq. (7) to represent the distance between the i-th individual and the j-th individual in the embedding space in the population P. The ADVs of SAENAS-NE-w/o-S &I, SAENAS-NE-w/o-I and SAENAS-NE are presented in Fig. 10. As can be seen from the figure, the proposed environmental selection strategy and infill criterion slow down the deterioration of diversity to increase the possibility of finding a better individual.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Average diversity value plots for three version of SAENAS-NE under over 200 independent runs on NASBench-301

Effects of parameter r in the environmental selection

Fig. 11
figure 11

Effects of parameter r in the environmental selection: a performance comparison of different r values. b Average diversity value plots for SAENAS-NE with different r values

The parameter r is the number of offspring members associated with each reference solution in environmental selection. In the phase of real evaluation, the update of the population is a one-to-one competition between the parent individual and the child individual, thus the value of r is fixed to 1. To investigate the influence of the r in the phase of surrogate-assisted evaluation , we set the parameter \(r = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10\) and compare their performance under 20 independent runs on NASBench-301. The change of validation accuracy of the best individual in the population over the search cost for different r are plotted in Fig. 11a. From these results, the best performance on NASBench-301 is achieved when \(r = 6\). A larger r means more offspring and more individuals in each cluster, which can enhance the convergence of the optimization. However, it can be seen from Fig. 11b that a larger r makes the population diversity decay more severely. Therefore, \(r = 6\) is a suitable value, which can balance the convergence and diversity of the population, and thus obtain better performance.


This paper presents a novel surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm with network embedding for neural architecture search, where a graph2vec model is proposed to generate meaningful representation of each architecture and a RankNet model is trained to approximate the true accuracy of the neural network. The graph2vec model enables the vector representations of similar topologically structured architectures to be closer in the embedding space. Furthermore, to enhance the search ability of the algorithm and efficiently update the surrogate model, a new environmental selection strategy and infill criterion are designed. Our proposed method SAENAS-NE achieves competitive performance on three different NASBench search space. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed embedding method can offer informative representations and improve the accuracy of the surrogate model. In addition, the environmental selection and infill sampling strategy improves the performance of the algorithm by enhancing the diversity of the population and updating the surrogate model efficiently.

For the future work, the generalization ability of SAENAS-NE requires further investigation by applying it on more search spaces or extending it to other tasks including object detection and natural language processing. In addition, more methods to improve the quality of the network embedding are worthy of research , such as contrastive learning [79]. In addition, designing adaptive environmental selection and infill sampling strategies to adapt to different search spaces is also a promising future research direction.