
Multiobjective optimization problems refer to optimizing multiple conflicting objectives and arise in many application areas such as engineering, economy, or industry. Usually, no solution exists in which all objectives achieve their individual optima at the same time. Instead, there exists a set of the so-called Pareto optimal solutions, at which an improvement in one objective is only possible at the expense of getting worse values in, at least, one of the others. All Pareto optimal solutions form the Pareto optimal set.

Pareto optimal solutions are mathematically incomparable, so additional preference information, usually coming from a decision maker (DM), who is an expert in the problem domain, is required to identify the most preferred solution (MPS) as the final solution. The role of the DM in the solution process varies depending on the type of multiobjective optimization method [19]. In a priori methods, the DM expresses her/his preferences before the solution process starts, while in a posteriori methods, preferences are used in selection once a representative set of Pareto optimal solutions has been generated. On the contrary, solution processes with interactive methods consist of iterations, where the DM is actively involved by directing the search with preference information. (S)he iteratively sees information about the solutions available, and expresses and fine-tunes or even changes her/his preference information at each iteration until (s)he is satisfied with some of the solutions.

The main benefit of interactive methods is that the DM can learn which types of solutions are feasible without dealing with large amounts of data at once. At the same time, (s)he can progressively adjust one’s preferences based on the gained insight into the problem. Actually, in an interactive solution process, we can often distinguish two phases [21]: a learning phase, where the DM explores different solutions to find a region of interest (ROI) formed by the Pareto optimal solutions that satisfy her/him the most; and a decision phase, where (s)he fine-tunes the search within this ROI to select her/his MPS.

Over the years, many interactive methods have been proposed [18,19,20]. Among them, interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO) methods [4] are suitable for problems with, e.g., discontinuous and non-differentiable functions. EMO methods incorporate preference information into an evolutionary process to generate a population of solutions approximating the ROI best by reflecting the given preferences [18, 29]. To find a suitable method among the many alternatives available, we must test and compare different interactive methods to understand their potential to fulfill different needs of the solution process successfully. However, the quantitative assessment of interactive methods involving real DMs is not a trivial task due to several reasons [2, 16].

It is expensive to involve many DMs with the appropriate domain expertise to run a sufficient amount of tests. Naturally, DMs learn about the problem during the interactive solution process, and thus, the order in which methods are applied affects their performance. To compensate for this, we would need an even higher number of DMs. A survey of published comparisons of interactive methods is given in [2], where the need for characterizing desirable properties of interactive methods is emphasized. Overall, the survey supports the need for improved means for comparing interactive methods.

Overall, it is hard and time-consuming to design experiments with human DMs to compare different interactive methods due to their subjectivity, learning of the problem, human fatigue, and other limiting factors. However, to some degree, comparisons can be conducted without humans. According to [26], we can divide interactive methods into non ad-hoc and ad-hoc ones depending on whether a value function can be used to replace the DM or not, respectively. If the preference information used in the method cannot be derived from a value function, we need different means for assessing interactive methods, and this is the focus of this paper. So-called artificial DMs (ADMs) have been introduced in the literature to replace the DM and run ad-hoc methods conveniently. However, they are suited for methods involving a single type of preference information.

To the best of our knowledge, there are only a few ADMs to compare interactive methods: [1, 3, 13, 24]. The one suggested in [13] simulates the learning of a DM by progressively narrowing the angle of a cone, which is defined based on a pre-defined MPS. In [3, 24], ADMs are proposed for comparing reference point-based interactive methods (the former directed at EMO methods). Both of them consist of a pre-defined steady part that includes an aspiration point initially set (formed by aspiration levels for the objectives), which the solution process must converge to and which remains unchanged, and a current context that evolves based on the knowledge gained about the problem during the solution process. Note that these ADMs are based on a goal point set initially (an MPS in [13] and an aspiration point in [3, 24]) and their performance highly relies on this point. These ADMs run each of the methods individually, which means that the preferences used at each iteration with each of them are different, since they are generated based on the output of every single method.

We focus here on ADMs for comparing interactive EMO methods of ad-hoc type. We extend our previous ADM [1], which was tailored to methods applying reference points, to compare interactive EMO methods applying different types of preference information. We call it ADM-II. Both ADMs are designed to run all the methods to be compared simultaneously using similar preference information at each iteration. Furthermore, these are the first ADMs that generate preferences depending on the phase (learning or decision) of the interactive solution process to allow a better analysis of the performance in each phase.

As said, the main novelty of ADM-II is its ability to generate different types of preference information, thus clearly extending the scope of the existing ADMs. Besides a reference point, the following types of preferences can be generated: selecting one or several preferred solution(s) or non-preferred solution(s) among a set of alternatives, specifying preferred ranges for the objective functions, and performing pairwise comparisons among solutions. The further novelty lies in the way preference information is generated in the decision phase (compared to [1]).

At each iteration, ADM-II generates preference information based on the solutions obtained so far by all methods that are compared. In this way, we adapt the preferences to the insight gained during the solution process. To perform a fair comparison, the same computational resources (i.e., number of function evaluations or generations per iteration) are internally assigned to each interactive EMO method compared.

To evaluate the performance of a method, we must measure the quality of the solutions produced at each iteration taking into account the preferences, and we propose a performance indicator for this purpose. This indicator counts the number of nondominated solutions which are in a composite front consisting of the nondominated solutions of populations of all compared methods. This composite front is updated, while ADM-II is performing iterations. Our indicator measures the number of nondominated solutions with which each method has contributed to building the composite front. It indicates the exploratory potential of each method and its adaptation capacity to the changes in the preference information in each phase. Furthermore, in the decision phase, the quality (i.e., Pareto optimality) of the final MPS reached can be evaluated using, e.g., an achievement scalarizing function [28], which provides a measurement of each method’s convergence capability. It is important to note that the quality of the results obtained depends on the methods themselves, not on ADM-II.

To summarize, our main contribution is proposing ADM-II to provide a computational tool to gain deeper knowledge about the performance of different interactive EMO methods without involving human DMs. This means that many repetitions can be done in stable conditions. Unlike [1], our ADM is able to compare methods using different types of preferences, which has not been done earlier in the literature. Thus, it can be used to test several interactive methods. We do not claim that ADM-II can investigate all human biases that can affect decision making, but ADMs provide good means for finding viable candidate methods that can be further tested with humans or directly applied to solve the problem in question.

In addition, we demonstrate how ADM-II can be applied by comparing some interactive EMO methods with a set of benchmark problems with up to nine objectives. Besides the new indicator, we also report the number of function evaluations used and apply a quality indicator developed for a priori EMO methods.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We present the background concepts of multiobjective optimization in “Background concepts”. “Artificial decision maker for interactive EMO” gives a detailed description of the proposed ADM-II while, in “Computational experiments”, we demonstrate the performance of ADM-II comparing several interactive EMO methods applying different types of preference using benchmark problems. Finally, we conclude and mention future research directions in “Conclusions”.

Background concepts

In general, a multiobjective optimization problem can be formulated in the following form:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll} \text{ minimize } &{} {\{f_1(\mathbf{{x}}), f_2(\mathbf{{x}}), \dots , f_k(\mathbf {x})\}}\\ \text{ subject } \text{ to } &{} \mathbf{{x}} \in S, \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

where \(f_i : S \rightarrow \mathbb {R}\) are the k conflicting objective functions (with \(k \ge 2\)) to be optimized at the same time. The decision vectors \({\mathbf{{x}}} = (x_1, x_2,\dots , x_n)^T\) belong to the feasible set \(S \subset \mathbb {R}^n\), whose images in the objective space, denoted by \(\mathbf {f({\mathbf{{x}}})}\) = \((f_1({\mathbf{{x}}}), f_2({\mathbf{{x}}}),\ldots , f_k({\mathbf{{x}}}))^T\), are called objective vectors.

Usually, the conflict degree among the objectives makes it impossible to find a solution where all the objectives can reach their individual optimum. Therefore, we are interested in the so-called Pareto optimal solutions, at which no objective function value can be improved without impairing, at least, one of the others. Given \(\mathbf {z}^1, \mathbf {z}^2 \in \mathbb {R}^k\), we say that \( \mathbf {z}^1\) dominates \( \mathbf {z}^2\) if \(z^1_i \le z^2_i\) for all \(i = 1,2,\dots ,k\) and \(z^1_j < z^2_j\) for, at least, one index j. If \( \mathbf {z}^1\) and \( \mathbf {z}^2\) do not dominate each other, they are (mutually) nondominated. Furthermore, a decision vector \(\mathbf{{x}}^* \in S\) is Pareto optimal if there does not exist another \(\mathbf{{x}} \in S\), such that \(\mathbf {f} (\mathbf {x})\) dominates \(\mathbf {f} (\mathbf {x}^*)\). The corresponding objective vector \(\mathbf {f({\mathbf{{x}^*}})}\) is called a Pareto optimal objective vector. The set formed by all Pareto optimal solutions is called the Pareto optimal set, denoted by E, and its image in the objective space is referred to as the Pareto optimal front, denoted by PF. Since we deal here with EMO methods, they cannot guarantee Pareto optimality, but we deal with nondominated solutions approximating Pareto optimal ones.

The ranges of the objective function values in the PF are defined by the ideal and the nadir points. The ideal point \(\mathbf {z}^{\star }=(z_1^{\star },\dots , z_k^{\star })^T\) is obtained by \(z_i^{\star } = \min _{\mathbf{x} \in S} f_i(\mathbf{x}) = \min _{\mathbf{x} \in E} f_i(\mathbf{x})\) (\(i=1, \dots , k\)) and contains the lowest objective function values. The nadir point \(\mathbf{z}^{\mathrm {nad}} = (z_1^{\mathrm {nad}}, \dots , z_k^{\mathrm {nad}})^T\) can be defined as \(z_i^{\mathrm {nad}} = \max _{\mathbf{x} \in E} f_i(\mathbf{x})\) (\(i=1, \dots , k\)) and is formed by the highest (i.e., the worst) objective function values between Pareto optimal solutions. In practice, the nadir point is usually approximated, since its computation is difficult as the set E is unknown (see, e.g., [9, 19, 27] and references therein). Alternatively, the DM can also be asked for the worst possible objective function values and consider them as the components of the nadir point.

There are different ways of expressing preferences [17, 19, 25]. The options available for expressing preferences in the ADM-II that we propose here are the following:

  • Giving a reference point \(\mathbf{q} = (q_1, \dots , q_k)^T\), where each \(q_i\) is a desirable aspiration value for the objective function \(f_i\) (\(i=1, \dots , k\)).

  • Selecting p (with \(p \ge 1\)) solutions as the most preferred ones among a set of solutions. Let us denote them by \(\mathbf {PS}_1, \dots , \mathbf {PS}_{p}\).

  • Selecting np (with \(np \ge 1\)) solutions as the most non-preferred (unacceptable) ones among a set of solutions. Let us denote them by \(\mathbf {NPS}_1, \dots , \mathbf {NPS}_{np}\).

  • Specifying preferred ranges with desirable values for the objective functions. We denote by \([f^l_i, f^u_i]\) the preferred range for the objective function \(f_i\) (\(i=1, \dots , k\)). As a result, the preferences are determined by a k-dimensional hyper-box \([f^l_1, f^u_1] \times \dots \times [f^l_k, f^u_k]\) in the objective space.

  • Performing pairwise comparisons of solutions, i.e., given two solutions, the DM decides which one satisfies her/him the most.

In the literature, there exists a plethora of interactive methods for solving multiobjective optimization problems (surveyed, e.g., in [4, 18,19,20, 29]). As mentioned in the introduction, the solution process with interactive methods can often be observed to have two phases aimed at different purposes [21]. First, in the learning phase, the DM explores the problem to learn about the conflict degree among the objectives and what kind of solutions are feasible reflecting different preferences. At the end of this phase, an ROI is identified according to the DM’s desires. Second, in the decision phase, (s)he further explores this ROI by progressively fine-tuning her/his preferences to finally converge to her/his MPS.

Artificial decision maker for interactive EMO

In this section, we describe the new ADM-II for comparing the performance of interactive EMO methods. As mentioned, ADM-II can handle various types of preference information such as providing a reference point, selecting either the most preferred or the most non-preferred solution(s) among a set of alternative solutions, specifying desirable objective function ranges, or performing pairwise comparisons. To compare the methods in a meaningful way, all of them are run simultaneously using the same computational resources (i.e., number of function evaluations or generations per iteration). If all of the interactive methods being compared use the same preference type, ADM-II produces the preference information in the same way for all methods. In case methods utilizing different types of preferences are compared, ADM-II generates the preferences accordingly and produces the type of preference information each method expects, but the philosophy underlying the generating procedure for the different types is similar.

Internally, our ADM-II follows a different strategy to generate the preferences at the iterations of each of the two phases of the interactive solution process. In the learning phase, it simulates an exploratory search in the objective space to inspect possible solutions. To this aim, the preference information for each iteration of this phase is generated in a way that the search is oriented toward the least explored region of the PF. At the last iteration of this phase, an ROI is found. In the decision phase, the behavior of ADM-II pursues a finer search within this ROI to find an MPS. Thus, at each iteration of this phase, the preferences produced by ADM-II are generated within the ROI to refine the solutions in it. The number of iterations carried out in each phase is set at the beginning. In what follows, we refer to the number of iterations in the learning and the decision phases by L and D, respectively. They are parameters of ADM-II.

To generate new preferences depending on the responses of all the methods, ADM-II makes use of the solutions found so far by all methods included in the comparison. At each iteration, the solutions generated by the methods are combined, and a composite front is formed by deleting the dominated ones, as can be seen in Fig. 1a. To be more specific, at each iteration, the composite front is constituted by the nondominated solutions generated so far by all the methods. It is important to note that no information about the true PF is required to generate new preferences.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Division of the PF internally performed in ADM-II

The generation of preferences in ADM-II is based on dividing the objective space into sub-areas. This is done following the philosophy of the so-called decomposition-based EMO methods (like [5]), although any other procedure allowing us to have information about sub-areas of the PF can also be used in ADM-II. EMO methods of this type usually decompose the original problem into several sub-problems. We use this idea to make a distinction between sub-areas of the PF that have already been explored more or less (i.e., the exploration degree of the different parts of the PF). Based on this, we decide how to generate the preferences at each iteration to guide the search for new nondominated solutions toward a specific part of the PF.

Let us describe the algorithm designed to divide the composite front into several sub-areas to identify the regions to be explored at each iteration. Initially, ADM-II creates a set of reference vectors uniformly distributed along the PF. To do this, the canonical simplex-lattice design method [7] is used, as suggested in [5, 6]. In this method, the number of reference vectors that are created is controlled by a lattice resolution, which is given by \(\left( {\begin{array}{c}l+k-1\\ k-1\end{array}}\right) \), where l is a pre-fixed parameter. Subsequently, at each iteration, ADM-II calculates the angles between each solution in the composite front and each reference vector. Then, each solution is assigned to the reference vector with the smallest angle. Figure 1b depicts an example for a bi-objective problem, where two reference vectors (\(V_1\) and \(V_2\)) and three solutions (\(S_1\), \(S_2\) and \(S_3\)) are shown. Solution \(S_1\) is assigned to \(V_1\), given that the angle between \(S_1\) and \(V_1\) (denoted by \(\beta \)) is smaller than the angle between \(S_1\) and \(V_2\) (denoted by \(\alpha \)). In the same way, \(S_2\) is assigned to \(V_1\) and \(S_3\) is assigned to \(V_2\).

Once all solutions in the composite front have been assigned to the reference vectors, ADM-II gets information about the exploration degree of each region of the PF at the current iteration by counting the number of assigned solutions to each reference vector. The more solutions assigned to a reference vector, the best explored the sub-area is, where the reference vector lies. This information is conveniently used in ADM-II to generate new preferences at each iteration of the learning and decision phases depending on the needs, as described in “Preference generation in the learning and decision phases”.

ADM-II also considers how the interactive EMO methods compared reflect the preference information in the solutions they produce. As described in “Performance evaluation”, it employs performance indicators that internally consider the preferences used along the iterations. Furthermore, cumulative indicator values are also computed separately in the learning and decision phases, since they allow us to evaluate the performances of the methods in both phases. In addition, we propose a new performance indicator, called contribution to CF, which is obtained as the number of nondominated solutions each method has contributed to build/extend the composite front along the iterations.

Algorithm 1 contains the main steps of ADM-II.

figure a
Fig. 2
figure 2

Reference point as preference information in ADM-II

Preference generation in the learning and decision phases

As previously mentioned, in the learning phase, the main purpose of ADM-II is to explore the whole set of Pareto optimal solutions. Therefore, it progressively inspects the sub-areas of the PF that have been poorly covered so far. At each iteration of this phase, a set of uniformly distributed reference vectors on the composite front is first obtained, and the solutions of the composite front are assigned to reference vectors, as described before. Then, the least explored area of the composite front is determined based on the reference vector that has the lowest number of assigned solutions. ADM-II generates preferences for the next iteration to direct the search for new nondominated solutions toward this region. In the example of Fig. 2a, \(V_2\) would be selected as the vector defining the least explored area. It should be noted that ADM-II does not consider the vectors with no solutions assigned. This prevents algorithms from being compelled to search for solutions in areas where no solutions exist in the true PF. Once the iterations corresponding to the learning phase have been completed (until iteration L), ADM-II finds the reference vector with the highest number of assigned solutions. Let us refer to this vector as \(V_D\). The part of the PF where the vector \(V_D\) is located can be assumed to be the best explored area of the composite front. Then, the ROI to be explored in detail at the next D iterations (corresponding to the decision phase) is formed by the solutions assigned to \(V_D\), and the preference information is obtained at each iteration based on this vector.

As one can note, the way of generating the preference information in both phases depends on the reference vector selected. In what follows, we describe the strategy designed to generate different types of preference information for the two phases.

Giving a reference point

In the learning phase, the reference vector selected at each iteration (identifying the least explored area) and the solutions assigned to this vector are used to find the location of the new reference point. For this, the distances of these solutions to the ideal point of the current composite front are calculated, and the one with the minimum distance (denoted by |d|) is identified. The next reference point is then located on the selected reference vector according to this distance |d|. Figure 2a graphically shows how the new reference point is generated, which is denoted by \(\mathbf {q}\).

At the iterations of the decision phase, reference points are generated to progressively converge toward the PF by performing a finer search in the ROI identified at the end of the learning phase to find an MPS. ADM-II finds the solution assigned to the reference vector \(V_D\) with the minimum distance |d| to the ideal point of the composite front. Then, |d| allows us to generate the next reference point, as shown in Fig. 2b. First, we obtain the point labeled as \(\bar{\mathbf {q}}\) along the reference vector \(V_D\) using |d|, and then, the new reference point \(\mathbf {q}\) is generated by applying a perturbation to each component of this point. For the perturbation, the distance \(|\bar{d}|\) between \(\bar{\mathbf {q}}\) and the nearest solution to \(\bar{\mathbf {q}}\) from the composite front is calculated, and then, each component of \(\mathbf {q}\) is obtained as the corresponding component of \(\bar{\mathbf {q}}\) minus \(|\bar{d}|\). This way of producing reference points in the decision phase assures that the new reference point always dominates the previously generated points. In practice, this means that the reference points generated in this phase get progressively closer to the ideal point as the iterations are performed, since the solutions provided by the methods, which are used to update the composite front, progressively converge to the PF.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Selecting the p most preferred solutions as preference information in ADM-II

It is noteworthy that the way of generating reference points in the learning phase is similar to the procedure designed in the previous ADM [1]. Nevertheless, in the decision phase, the behavior of ADM-II for producing new reference points is totally different from [1] (where the reference points generated in this phase always lie on the reference vector \(V_D\) of the ROI being explored).

Selecting the preferred solution(s)

At each iteration of the learning phase, the most preferred solution(s) are selected among the solutions assigned to the reference vector of the least explored area. First, the distance of each solution to the ideal point of the current composite front is calculated. Then, all the assigned solutions are ranked in descending order according to their distances to the ideal point, and the first p solutions are selected as the most preferred solutions \(\mathbf {PS}_1, \dots , \mathbf {PS}_{p}\). It may happen that ADM-II has to find a higher number of preferred solutions than the number of assigned solutions to the selected reference vector. In this case, the reference vector of the second least explored area is found, and ADM-II selects the necessary number of preferred solutions from the solutions assigned to this vector, in a similar way, based on their distances to the ideal point.

In the decision phase, ADM-II selects the most preferred solutions in a similar way, considering the solutions assigned to the reference vector \(V_D\) (which represents the best explored area at the end of the learning phase). If the number of assigned solutions to \(V_D\) is lower than the required number of preferred solutions, the remaining preferred solutions are the closest ones to \(V_D\) based on the angle values, even if these solutions are assigned to other reference vectors. Since the purpose of ADM-II is to refine the search for solutions in the ROI defined by \(V_D\), we provide the preference information within this ROI and near to it if needed.

This preference generation in the learning phase is exemplified in Fig. 3a, where \(V_3\) is the vector representing the least explored area (since it has the least number of assigned solutions). If only one preferred solution is required by a method, \(\mathbf {PS}_1\) is the one selected given that it is the closest one to the ideal point. If a method expects two preferred solutions, then \(\mathbf {PS}_1\) and \(\mathbf {PS}_2\) are selected. If, e.g., four preferred solutions have to be selected, as \(V_3\) has only two assigned solutions, the reference vector \(V_1\) is found as the second least explored area. Then, the remaining preferred solutions are chosen among the ones assigned to \(V_1\) based on their distances to the ideal point. In this case, besides \(\mathbf {PS}_1\) and \(\mathbf {PS}_2\), solutions \(\mathbf {PS}_3\) and \(\mathbf {PS}_4\) are chosen as preferred solutions.

The behavior in the decision phase is shown in Fig. 3b. If a method expects, e.g., four preferred solutions, ADM-II selects the three solutions assigned to the reference vector of the best explored area (\(V_2\) in this case), and the solution \(\mathbf {PS}_4\) (even though it is assigned to \(V_1\)), because it is the one with the smallest angle to \(V_2\).

Selecting the non-preferred solution(s)

For finding non-preferred solutions, we follow a similar procedure to the previous one, but select the most unwanted solutions, so that the methods would not converge to the regions where unwanted solutions are. At each iteration of the learning phase, ADM-II finds the reference vector of the best explored area (with the highest number of assigned solutions). Then, the non-preferred solutions are found among the solutions assigned to this vector. In this way, in the learning phase, ADM-II avoids producing more nondominated solutions in the best approximated area, so that the regions with fewer solutions are emphasized. On the other hand, at each iteration in the decision phase, ADM-II selects as the non-preferred ones the solutions with the largest angles to the reference vector \(V_D\) representing the ROI that is being explored. This means that ADM-II avoids selecting the solutions outside the ROI or the furthest ones from \(V_D\).

Figure 4a represents a case where a method expects the two most non-preferred solutions in the learning phase. As shown, \(\mathbf {NPS}_1\) and \(\mathbf {NPS}_2\) are selected among the solutions assigned to the vector \(V_2\) associated with the best explored area. With this, ADM-II avoids getting more solutions around \(V_2\) by selecting \(\mathbf {NPS}_1\) and \(\mathbf {NPS}_2\) as non-preferred solutions, because the region where \(V_2\) is has already been explored. In this way, ADM-II seeks to search for solutions from the least explored areas, which is the purpose of the learning phase. In Fig. 4b, the solutions selected in the decision phase are shown. In this case, \(V_2\) is the vector that represents the ROI. \(\mathbf {NPS}_1\) and \(\mathbf {NPS}_2\) are the furthest solutions from \(V_2\), based on the angles to this vector, and ADM-II chooses them as the two most non-preferred solutions.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Selecting the np most non-preferred solutions as preference information in ADM-II

Specifying preferred ranges

To generate preferred ranges for objective functions, first, ADM-II generates a reference point \(\mathbf {q}\) as indicated in “Giving a reference point”, depending on the phase in question. Then, the ranges are calculated at each iteration by perturbing the components of \(\mathbf {q}\) using the distance \(|\bar{d}|\) of the nearest solution of the composite front to \(\mathbf {q}\). That is, for every \(i=1, \dots , k\), the desirable range for the objective function \(f_i\) is defined as \([ q_i\)\(|\bar{d}|\), \( q_i\) \(+\) \(|\bar{d}|]\), where \(q_i\) is the component i of \(\mathbf {q}\). This is illustrated in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Specifying desirable objective function ranges as preference information in ADM-II

Performing pairwise comparisons

For pairwise comparisons, ADM-II compares the solutions generated by each method in the following way. At each iteration in the learning phase, the solution that is finally chosen is the one with the minimum angle to the reference vector of the least explored area. On the other hand, at each iteration in the decision phase, from the two ones provided by the method, the solution with the minimum distance to the ideal point of the composite front is chosen.

Figure 6a illustrates the comparison of solutions in the learning phase, where solution \(\mathbf {S}_1\) is selected rather than \(\mathbf {S}_2\), since it has the smallest angle to \(V_3\) (which represents the least explored area). In Fig. 6b, we show the behavior in the decision phase. Between \(\mathbf {S}_1\) and \(\mathbf {S}_2\), ADM-II selects \(\mathbf {S}_2\), since it is closer to the ideal point.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Performing pairwise comparisons as preference information in ADM-II

Performance evaluation

To evaluate the performance of methods aimed at generating solutions reflecting preferences, it is not enough to quantify the convergence (closeness to the PF) and diversity (spread over the PF and uniformity among solutions) among the nondominated solutions obtained. Basically, this is the information that is assessed by commonly used performance indicators of (a posteriori) EMO methods [15]. However, when preferences are considered, the performance should also be assessed regarding the ROI defined by the preferences.

Moreover, ideally, aspects in relation to the interaction with the DM should also be considered to evaluate the performance of interactive methods. Indeed, besides evaluating how well each method obeys the preferences (i.e., the method’s ability to generate solutions reflecting the different preferences), the quality of the solutions generated should be measured differently in the two phases of the solution process, since they have different goals. In the learning phase, one should measure how well each method responses to the given preference information at different parts of the PF; and in the decision phase, how well the method converges when exploring solutions within a specific ROI.

In the literature, we can find performance indicators for EMO methods that incorporate preferences given a priori (before the solution process starts) [12, 14, 23, 30]. However, to the best of our knowledge, quality indicators for measuring the quality of the solutions found by interactive methods are not available in the literature, and we propose a performance indicator for this purpose here. This indicator is named as contribution to CF, and it is aimed at evaluating the contribution of each method being compared to build the composite front. That is, our indicator quantifies the number of nondominated solutions which each method has provided for building the composite front. The more nondominated solutions a method has contributed to forming the composite front, the better the performance of this method is.

Note that the composite front is updated at each iteration, and it is obtained by merging the nondominated solutions produced by all the methods. Thus, this indicator offers an insight into the exploratory potential of each method and its capacity to adapt the search for new nondominated solutions toward the area of the PF corresponding to the preferences used (i.e., the responsiveness of each method for the generated preference information). Specifically, since ADM-II generates preference information to explore different regions of the PF during the learning phase, at the iterations of this phase, the number of solutions provided by each method to the composite front reflects its exploration potential. If one method has contributed with a higher number of solutions than other one(s), we could say that it has a better exploration capability than the other(s). However, because ADM-II focuses on finding better solutions in a specific ROI during the decision phase, the method that provides more solutions to the composite front in this phase has a stronger convergence capability than the other(s). Furthermore, in the decision phase, an achievement scalarizing function, such as the one in [28], can be used to measure the quality of the final solution(s) found by each method. This function projects the final solution to the PF, and one can study the distance to evaluate its closeness to the PF.

Additionally, ADM-II assesses the performance of all the methods based on commonly used performance indicators as follows. Let us denote by \({m_{i}}\) the value of a performance indicator m at iteration i for a method. For each method, ADM-II calculates the value of \({m_{i}}\) for the solution set obtained by each method at each iteration i. When the solution process has finished, cumulative indicator values are calculated for all the methods to evaluate their performance for the learning and decision phases, separately. The performance in the learning phase is evaluated as \(\sum _{i=1}^{L} m_i\), using the indicator values until iteration L, while the one in the decision phase is calculated as \(\sum _{i=L+1}^{L + D} m_i\), with the indicator values from iteration \(L+1\) until the end.

Because of the way of generating preferences in the proposed ADM-II, indicators developed for a priori reference point-based EMO methods can be employed to measure the performance of interactive methods based on some of the preference types considered, like methods using preferred ranges, because ADM-II internally produces a reference point to generate this type of preferences (see “Specifying preferred ranges”). We use the R-metric [14] that applies regular performance indicators to measure the quality of a set of solutions to approximate the ROI associated with a reference point. Internally, a parameter \(\Delta \) is employed to control the size of the considered ROI. To be more specific, we use the R-IGD metric (i.e., R-metric using IGD), because it allows quantifying both convergence and diversity of the solutions and is computationally efficient for problems with a high number of objectives. The lower the R-IGD value, the better the quality of the solutions is to approximate the ROI.

Computational experiments

When it comes to choosing the most suited interactive method for a specific problem, assessing and comparing the performance of interactive methods are crucial. For this purpose, different experiments can be designed using our ADM-II based on different needs. Here, we demonstrate its applicability and usefulness to assess the performance of several interactive EMO methods from different perspectives.

We have conducted two separate experiments. In the first one, we use ADM-II to compare the performance of interactive reference point-based versions of the EMO methods RVEA [5] and NSGA-III [8]. The main purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the contributions made in comparison to the previous ADM [1] in relation to the quality indicators. Interactive RVEA (named as iRVEA) was proposed in [11], and interactive NSGA-III (named as iNSGAIII) has been implemented in a corresponding way. In the second experiment, we compare iRVEA using preferred ranges and reference points as preference information to illustrate ADM-II’s ability to handle different types of preferences. The Python implementations of the aforementioned methods and ADM-II are openly available under the DESDEO framework [22] (

Experimental settings

In what follows, we describe the experimental settings for the two experiments. We solved the DTLZ1-4 benchmark problems [10] with 3–9 objectives (k), which implied a total of 28 different problems. As recommended in [10], for each problem, the number of decision variables was set as \(10+k-1\). We provided the same computational budget to all the methods: 100 generations per iteration. Besides, we used the parameter values for iRVEA and iNSGAIII proposed in [5] and [8], respectively.

We used the same parameter values in ADM-II as we considered in [1] for the ADM proposed there. That is, the number of iterations for the learning phase was \(L=4\), the number of iterations for the decision phase \(D=3\), and the lattice resolution 5. However, note that ADM-II can be easily adapted to test different capabilities of interactive methods according to the needs. If the method’s responsiveness for learning purposes is to be assessed, the number of iterations in the learning phase can be set to a high value. On the other hand, if the purpose is to evaluate the convergence ability of interactive methods, one can increase the number of iterations in the decision phase. Furthermore, it is also possible to apply ADM-II to test the methods in only one phase by setting the number of iterations for the other one as zero. In addition, ADM-II can be configured to run multiple phases in different orders. We have conducted our experiments here, so that the solution process begins with the learning phase and continues with the decision phase, which is the typical order followed in most real-world applications.

Last but not least, to apply the R-metric, we have to set a value for the parameter \(\Delta \). We set \(\Delta = 0.3\) for the learning phase and \(\Delta =0.2\) for the decision phase, as suggested in [1]. In the R-metric calculation, this parameter is utilized to specify the ROI based on the reference point provided by the DM and significantly affects the results. Therefore, we chose a greater \(\Delta \) for the learning phase, because the ADM-II is still exploring, and a slightly lower value for the decision phase, because the ROI has already been found. However, there is no widely accepted way to set \(\Delta \) in the literature, and further investigation and sensitivity analysis on this parameter are required.

To ensure the reliability of the numerical results presented, we performed 21 independent runs with ADM-II. We used the same experimental settings for each experiment and each problem.

Numerical results

As mentioned earlier, in addition to the R-IGD metric, we evaluate the methods based on the new quality indicator contribution to CF proposed in “Performance evaluation”. This indicator helps understand the method’s responsiveness to the provided preference information, which is generated in ADM-II differently in both phases.

Even though we specified the same budget of 100 generations per iteration to all methods in the comparison, the actual number of function evaluations varied among them due to the way they internally handle populations of solutions. Therefore, in addition to R-IGD and the proposed indicator, we also show the number of function evaluations (denoted by FEs) required by each method to comprehend the actual budget utilized at every iteration. This information is crucial, since it tells us more about the methods’ performance when we combine it with the R-IGD results and the contribution to CF. For example, if a method has a lower R-IGD value and contributes with more solutions to build the composite front using fewer function evaluations, this information indicates that the method is preferable for that case.

As previously stated, we examine cumulative indicator values for each phase, which means that we sum the results of each iteration dedicated to the learning and decision phases separately. Eventually, we list the mean and standard deviations of the aforementioned indicator values of 21 independent runs at the end of each phase.


Table 1 Cumulative results of the comparison of iRVEA and iNSGAIII

In the first experiment, we compared iRVEA with iNSGAIII, both using reference points as preference information. Table 1 shows the mean and standard deviations of the results of iRVEA and iNSGAIII for both phases (iterations 1–4 for the learning phase, and iterations 5–7 for the decision phase) on the DTLZ problems. To save space, we just show in Table 1 the results for 4, 7, and 9 objectives. The rest of the results are available in Table 3 of the Appendix. We highlight the best results in bold font in both tables.

Since we provided a fixed number of generations to both methods, the number of function evaluations is proportional to the population size. For iNSGAIII, there is no standard deviation in the number of function evaluations, since its internal procedure always assures the same population sizes, and its total number of function evaluations varies depending on the number of objectives of the problems. Because iRVEA employs adaptive reference vector management, the population size varies throughout the solution process, resulting in a variation of the number of function evaluations.

In terms of DTLZ1 results, iRVEA performed better when the number of objectives was high, and iNSGAIII had better R-IGD values and contributed more to building the composite front with four objectives. However, it consumed more function evaluations. On the other hand, iRVEA outperformed iNSGAIII in both R-IGD values and the number of solutions contributing to the composite front for seven and nine objectives. To attain this, iRVEA consumed fewer function evaluations making its performance significantly better than iNSGAIII. The same conclusions can be made for the DTLZ3 problem.

The R-IGD values reached by iNSGAIII were better than those of iRVEA for every DTLZ2 and DTLZ4 problem, but it required a higher number of function evaluations. An interesting observation can be made for the nine-objective DTLZ4 problem. Despite the fact that iNSGAIII had higher R-IGD values for both phases, iRVEA contributed more to the composite front with fewer function evaluations.

These findings show that the quality indicators employed serve a variety of purposes and complement one another. In general, with iNSGAIII, a larger function evaluation budget is required to ensure the quality of the solutions. On the other hand, it appears that iRVEA is more efficient in terms of budget utilization vs. contribution to the composite front.

iRVEA with reference points vs. preferred ranges

Table 2 Cumulative results of the comparison of reference point- and preferred range-based iRVEA

In the second experiment, we compared reference point-based iRVEA (denoted by iRVEA-RP) and iRVEA using preferred ranges (denoted by iRVEA-Ranges). The purpose is to demonstrate the ability of ADM-II to handle different types of preferences in the comparative study. The results are summarized in Table 2. As in the previous experiment, we report the results for 4, 7, and 9 objectives, while the remaining results are available in Table 4 of the Appendix. In both tables, we highlight the best results in bold font.

In relation to the R-IGD metric, we can see that iRVEA-Ranges outperformed iRVEA-RP in the decision phase of almost all the problems, while iRVEA-RP had better R-IGD values in the learning phase of most of them. This means that, on one hand, iRVEA-Ranges exploited and refined the solutions better in the ROI than iRVEA-RP according to our experiment with ADM-II. Besides, on the other hand, iRVEA responded better to the drastic changes in the provided reference points than those in the provided preferred ranges.

Moreover, iRVEA-RP contributed more to the composite front than iRVEA-Ranges using slightly fewer function evaluations in almost all cases, with a few exceptions. However, when iRVEA-Ranges contributed more solutions to the composite front, it consumed more function evaluations than iRVEA-RP. Therefore, a higher allocation of resources is required to get better-qualified solutions using iRVEA-Ranges.

With these experiments, we have demonstrated that the preference generation in ADM-II and the quality indicators introduced support comparing different perspectives of interactive methods. Before applying interactive methods in real-world applications, one can utilize our ADM to find particular methods for various needs. For example, one can apply iRVEA-RP to support the DM in exploring different regions of the objective space, gaining insight into the problem, and understanding the feasibility of preferences. In this experiment, we have seen that iRVEA-Ranges is more suitable to find better solutions in a specific ROI in the decision phase. However, this was the case for DTLZ problems and the findings reached may differ in other problems, meaning that some specific methods may be appropriate for specific problems with different needs. It should be highlighted that our intention is not to generalize our findings of methods compared but rather demonstrate how to apply ADM-II in various situations. Besides, our ADM does not alter the internal functioning of the interactive methods that are compared, it just compares them by providing preference information in a different manner for the learning and decision phases, separately.

Table 3 iRVEA vs. iNSGAIII: numerical results with 100 generations per iteration for the objectives ranging from 3 to 9
Table 4 iRVEA-RP vs. iRVEA-Ranges: numerical results with 100 generations per iteration for the objectives ranging from 3 to 9


In this paper, we have proposed a novel artificial decision maker, ADM-II, to compare interactive EMO methods without involving human DMs. As preference information, ADM-II can generate reference points, preferred and non-preferred solutions among a set of solutions, preferred ranges for the objective functions, and pairwise comparisons. Thus, it can be used to compare methods utilizing these types of preferences. It generates preferences using a similar philosophy to allow a fair comparison of interactive methods handling different types of preference information. Besides, ADM-II produces the preferences in different ways in the learning and decision phases of interactive methods to reflect their different goals in either exploring various solutions or converging in the region of interest, respectively.

In addition, we have proposed a new performance indicator. It counts how many nondominated solutions each method contributes in building a composite front formed by nondominated solutions of all methods compared. This indicator enables the evaluation of different capabilities of interactive methods. Since the composite front is built and updated after each iteration, this indicator informs about each method’s responsiveness to the provided preference information.

Our two experiments have demonstrated the applicability of ADM-II for different purposes. The benefits of the new indicator, along with the R-IGD metric and the number of function evaluations, were shown in the first experiment by comparing two interactive methods using the same type of preference information. Furthermore, a second experiment was conducted to show the potential of ADM-II in generating different types of preferences. Based on the results of these experiments, we can say that ADM-II helps to understand the methods’ ability to respond to the preference information provided in the learning and decision phases. Before involving a real DM in the solution process of real-world problems, ADM-II can be applied with various candidate interactive methods, even handling different types of preference information, and the most suited method(s) can be found. It is also possible to select some methods based on a particular preference type to gain insight into the problem in the learning phase and then apply another method to find an MPS in the decision phase.

We used fixed values for the number of iterations dedicated to the learning and decision phases. In our future research, we plan to make ADM-II adaptive, so that it automatically decides when to switch from the learning phase to the decision phase and when to end the decision phase. Another important future research topic is to develop new quality indicators for measuring desirable properties of interactive methods.