FormalPara Key Summary Points

Why carry out this study?

Artificial intelligence can enhance our ability to diagnose eye diseases like keratoconus by leveraging large volumes of ocular images and training models with deep learning algorithms.

The significant change in corneal endothelial cells observed in the diagnosis of keratoconus has not been significantly explored in previous studies.

What was learned from this study?

Our research developed an end-to-end model to automatically identify and assess corneal endothelial morphological changes in keratoconus eyes.

We also constructed a novel nomogram, which can provide valuable information for the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of the disease.


Keratoconus, also known as the conical cornea, is a condition that affects the shape of the cornea. In a healthy eye, the cornea is spherical, but in individuals with keratoconus, the cornea becomes thin and bulges outward, forming a cone-like shape [1, 2]. This irregular shape can cause several vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and decreased visual acuity [3]. The prevalence of keratoconus varies depending on the population, but it is estimated to affect 1 in every 2000 individuals [4,5,6]. The condition is more common in young people and can become more severe as they age. It is also more common in individuals with a family history of the condition, as well as in those with certain systemic conditions, such as allergies and Down syndrome [7,8,9]. Treatment for keratoconus varies depending on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, glasses or contact lenses can be used to correct vision. In more severe cases, corneal transplant surgery may be necessary to replace the damaged cornea with a healthy one from a donor [10]. In recent years, corneal crosslinking (CXL) has been proven to effectively stop the progression of the disease and reduce the incidence of treatment-related complications [11].

Diagnosis of keratoconus is typically made by an eye doctor during a comprehensive eye exam. This may include a slit lamp microscopy, refraction test, corneal topography, and anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT) [12,13,14]. However, the early symptoms of keratoconus can be similar to those of other eye problems, making it difficult to differentiate between them. This can lead to misdiagnosis or a delay in the correct diagnosis, which can have a significant impact on the patient's vision and quality of life [15]. To address this challenge, healthcare providers need to have access to a range of diagnostic tools and techniques that can accurately detect keratoconus, even in its early stages. Additionally, ongoing research into new diagnostic methods, such as the use of artificial intelligence (AI), has the potential to improve our ability to diagnose keratoconus and other eye conditions in the future [16,17,18,19]. For example, Al-Timemy et al. trained a deep convolutional neural network on a large dataset of corneal topographic maps and then tested the network on a separate dataset of images from patients with keratoconus [20]. The results showed that the AI system was able to accurately diagnose keratoconus with a sensitivity and specificity of > 90% [20]. Another study used three deep learning (DL) algorithms to detect keratoconus based on corneal topography, with the ResNet152 model showing the highest accuracy of 0.995 [21]. The authors of the study concluded that AI has the potential to improve the accuracy and efficiency of keratoconus diagnosis.

The human corneal endothelium acts as a single layer of uniform hexagonal-shaped cells, covering the back surface of the cornea. Its role is to maintain the hydration of the cornea and preserve its transparency [22]. However, as endothelial cells are not capable of reproduction, the surrounding cells will take over the functions of dead cells, leading to changes in cell number, tessellation, and size due to aging and other pathological factors [23, 24]. During the development and progression of keratoconus, significant morphological changes take place within the corneal endothelium [25,26,27]. The specific endothelial changes in keratoconus are not fully understood and are still a subject of ongoing research. However, there are several proposed mechanisms that may contribute to these changes:

  • Mechanical stress. The progressive thinning and steepening of the cornea in keratoconus result in increased mechanical stress on the corneal endothelium. This mechanical stress can potentially lead to endothelial cell damage or dysfunction;

  • Oxidative stress. Keratoconus is associated with increased levels of oxidative stress in the cornea. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are harmful molecules generated during various metabolic processes, can damage the corneal endothelial cells and impair their function.

  • Inflammatory factors. Chronic inflammation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of keratoconus. Inflammatory mediators released in the cornea can affect the corneal endothelial cells and contribute to endothelial changes.

  • Genetic factors. Some studies suggest that genetic factors may play a role in the development of keratoconus, including potential genetic abnormalities in the corneal endothelial cells. These genetic factors could influence the structure and function of the endothelium [28,29,30].

The combination of corneal endothelial parameters and topographical indices may improve the diagnostic accuracy for keratoconus. Therefore, in this study, we have developed an end-to-end model to automatically identify corneal endothelial cells and diagnose keratoconus by corneal endothelial images acquired from the non-contact specular microscope.


Study Design and Datasets

This is a retrospective case–control study which was performed at the Refractive Surgery Center of West China Hospital (Chengdu, China). We targeted patients who had endothelium imaging records. This study included a keratoconus cohort and a normal cohort: the keratoconus cohort consisted of 221 patients (403 images) who were consecutively recruited from January 2021 to September 2022, and the normal cohort comprised 185 patients with myopia (370 images) who underwent implantable collamer lens surgery from September 2021 to August 2022.

The study followed the principles of the Helsinki Declaration and was approved by the Ethics Committee of West China Hospital of Sichuan University (No. 2023496). Exemption from informed consent was granted because this study only used previous examination and medical records, the privacy and personal identity information of the subjects were protected, and the research project did not involve personal privacy and commercial interests.

The diagnosis of keratoconus was made based on standard guidelines [6, 31], including visual symptoms (progressive myopia and irregular astigmatism), direct observation of keratoconus signs (Fleischer ring, Vogt striae, stromal scar, corneal thinning, and conical protrusion) on slit-lamp examination), obvious keratoconus corneal topography on Pentacam HR instrument (Oculus GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany), such as irregular astigmatism, elevation and pachymetry of the cornea, corneal steepening, skewed axes, and/or an asymmetric bowtie pattern on corneal maps. The Amsler-Krumeich classification was used to assess the stage of keratoconus, which was based on corneal power, astigmatism, corneal thickness, and corneal transparency measured using slit-lamp biomicroscopy and anterior segment OCT (AS-OCT). Subjects with inflammatory ocular disorders, ocular surface diseases, glaucoma, or systemic diseases with ocular involvement were excluded from the research. Patients who had a history of ocular surgery, contact lens usage, or use of topical (excluding artificial tears) or systemic drugs that might impact the cornea were excluded from the study.

Specular Microscopy

The non-contact specular microscope (Topcon SP-3000P, Tokyo, Japan) was used to measure corneal endothelial images and morphometric parameters. The patient assumed a slit-lamp posture and was instructed to look straight ahead at the built-in fixation objects. The monitor displayed a targeting circle, and the device automatically focused the pupil picture until it was in clear focus within the circle. The measurements were taken from the central cornea, and three consecutive readings were obtained, with the subject blinking between each one. The examiner carefully validated the image with the highest contrast and illumination quality selected by the device. The manufacturer's built-in software was used to detect and count the cells automatically. The specular microscopy data collected included cell number (N), minimum cell size (MIN), maximum cell size (MAX), average cell size (AVG), standard deviation (SD), endothelial cell density (ECD), coefficient of variation (CV), percentage of hexagonal cells (HEX), and corneal thickness (CCT). Additionally, the endothelial images were saved as 8-bit gray JPG files, with a resolution of 160 × 356 pixels, and used to train and test DL algorithms for automated corneal endothelial cell segmentation and keratoconus diagnosis.

Corneal Endothelial Segmentation

A Fully Convolutional Network model with a Resnet50 (FCN_ResNet50) was established to perform the endothelial segmentation. Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) have recently demonstrated significant improvements in medical image segmentation applications. Shelhamer et al. first introduced FCN, which modifies a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) for image classification to serve as the network's encoder module [32]. Convolution layers are created by re-utilizing the weights and biases of fully connected layers. To up-sample the feature maps into a full-resolution segmentation map, a decoder module with an inverted convolution layer is added. In the present study, Resnet50 is the FCN model’s basis network, which was adapted from the ImageNet dataset and has a great capability for feature extraction of images. The information extractor was made up of a succession of densely linked expanded convolution and concatenated operators, followed by an adoptive pooling layer. Ultimately, the produced feature map was evaluated by a decoder for the endothelial segmentation task. To assess the performance of FCN_ResNet50, the endothelial cell and background pixel accuracy, global accuracy, endothelial cell intersection over union (IoU), background IoU, and mean IoU were assessed to evaluate the accuracy of segmentation.

Keratoconus Classification

We firstly acquired the segmented corneal endothelial images from the FCN_ResNet50 framework, which were further classified into two groups: keratoconus and normal control. These images were randomly divided into separate training and validation datasets at a 7:3 ratio. The training dataset was used for model building and hyperparameter tuning, while the validation dataset was used to evaluate generalization performance. Both data augmentation and normalization were employed for training images; however, only normalization was used for validated images. In our investigation, we used random affine modification and horizontal patch flipping to enhance the data. After z-score normalization on RGB channels, the upgraded images were put into four dominant DL networks (Densnet121, Resnet50, Inception_v3, and Mobilenet_v2) for model training. The DL networks were fine-tuned using transfer learning, which involved freezing the weights of convolution layers optimized for identifying general image features and replacing the deeper layers with new fully connected task layers that were trained using backpropagation for the new tasks. After fine-tuning, the fully connected layers were used to extract DL features from the endothelial images. This approach of using transfer learning can improve the accuracy and efficiency of deep learning for new tasks by leveraging the pre-trained networks.

Moreover, we conducted principal component analysis (PCA) to respectively compress the four kinds of DL features into two main DL features (PC-0 and PC-1). Afterward, multiple machine learning algorithms (support vector machines [SVM], k-nearest neighbors classifier [KNN], random-forest, extra-tree, lightGBM, and XGBoost) combined with fivefold cross-validation were applied to train models for diagnosis of keratoconus. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) were adopted to assess the performance of the algorithms.

Statistical Analysis

All statistical analyses were carried out using packages from the Python 3.8.0 and R 4.2.2 programming environments, respectively. Pytorch (v 1.10.1) in Python was used to implement all DL frameworks, which was worked on a GeForce RTX-3080 GPU with 10 GB of RAM. The “Sklearn” package in Python was used to run the machine learning algorithms. The “pROC” package in R was applied to draw ROC curves and estimate AUC values. In the statistical analysis for visual acuity, the logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) units was utilized. Mean ± standard deviation or median (interquartile range) was used to describe continuous data, whereas frequencies were used to describe categorical variables. When comparing two groups, the Wilcoxon test was employed, whereas the Kruskal–Wallis test was used when comparing more than two groups. The Chi-square test was used to assess the relationships between cohorts and clinicopathological characteristics.


Participants and Datasets

Our retrospective study included 403 eyes from 221 patients with keratoconus (153 males and 68 females). The mean age of the patients was 22 (interquartile range [IQR] 18–27) years. The median of the sphere was − 4.20 (IQR − 7.00 to − 1.70) D, and the median of the cylinder was − 2.00 (IQR − 4.00 to − 1.00) D. The median corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) was 0.19 (IQR 0.03–0.40) logMAR. The median of keratometric 1 (K1) power at the 3-mm zone was 45.2 (IQR 43.2–48.9) D; the median of keratometric 2 (K2) power at the 3-mm zone was 49.0 (IQR 46.0–53.0) D. Based on Amsler-Krumeich’s classification, the keratoconus cohort was divided into four stages: 93 eyes (23%) were at stage I, 90 eyes were at stage II (22%), and 220 eyes (55%) pertained to stage III&IV combined. The baseline characteristics of all patients with keratoconus are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Baseline characteristics of all patients with keratoconus enrolled in the study

To match the keratoconus cohort, we retrospectively collected data on 185 patients with myopia (370 eyes) who had undergone specular microscopy measurement. The differences in morphometric parameters of endothelial cell between the keratoconus cohort and normal cohort are given in Table 2. According to the Wilcoxon tests, the corneal thickness (CCT), endothelial cell density (ECD), coefficient of variation (CV), and number of cells (N) in the keratoconus cohort were significantly decreased, while the percentage of hexagonal cells (HEX) was significantly increased. The differences in the morphometric parameters of endothelial indicated that the corneal endothelium may be a potential signature for the diagnosis of keratoconus.

Table 2 Differences in the morphometric parameters of endothelial cells between the keratoconus cohort and normal cohort

We therefore acquired 773 high-quality corneal endothelial images for artificial intelligence application. First, we divided the endothelial cell images into a right eye dataset and a left eye dataset. Then we randomly stratified the right eye dataset into a 70% training set and a 30% test set. The left eye dataset was used as an external validation set (Table 3). The statistical results showed that there were no differences in clinical characteristics among training, test, and validation datasets.

Table 3 Clinical parameters of the training and validation datasets in the present study

Corneal Endothelial Cell Segmentation

The simplified process of segmentation is presented in Fig. 1a. First, we manually labeled the region of interest (ROI) in 100 corneal endothelial images before training the FCN ResNet50 segmentation model for 50 epochs with a batch size of 32 for each epoch. The entire training procedure took around 30 min to finish. As the number of training iterations increased, the training loss converged at the first 30 epochs (Fig. 2a). The endothelial cell pixel accuracy, background pixel accuracy, and global accuracy achieved nearly 90% at the first 30 epochs, meanwhile the IoU of endothelial cell and background, and mean IoU converged to about 80% at the first 30 epochs, which highlighted the effective segmentation of the FCN_ResNet50 model (Fig. 2b). Next, 773 corneal endothelial images were put into the FCN_ResNet50 model for automatic segmentation, which took around 10 min to finish. An example of automatic segmentation for endothelial images is shown in Fig. 2c.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The developed end-to-end of the deep-learning framework in our research. a The workflow of corneal endothelial cell segmentation. b The ensemble machine learning system of keratoconus classification. FCN_ResNet50 The fully convolutional network with a ResNet50 model, PCA principal component analysis

Fig. 2
figure 2

The FCN_ResNet50 for segmentation of corneal endothelial cells. a The loss distribution of FCN_ResNet50 training. b The distribution curves for accuracy (acc) and intersection over union (IoU) of FCN_ResNet50 training. c The example of automatic segmentation for endothelial images between keratoconus and normal control

Keratoconus Classification

The simplified process of classification is shown in Fig. 1b. The segmented endothelial images were respectively sent into four deep learning networks (Densnet121, Resnet50, Inception_v3, and Mobilenet_v2) for training 50 epochs, with a batch size of 32 per epoch. The optimizer was SGD (stochastic gradient descent) with a learning rate of 10-2 and L2 regularization of 10-5. The ROC curves showed that the AUC values of the Densnet121 model were 0.714 and 0.805 in the training and test datasets, respectively (Fig. 3a) and that the AUC values of the training and test datasets in the Resnet50 model were 0.722 and 0.819, respectively (Fig. 3b). In the Inception_v3 model, the AUC values were 0.729 and 0.808 for the training and test datasets, respectively (Fig. 3c), and in the Mobilenet_v2 model, the AUC values for the training and test datasets were 0.691 and 0.801, respectively (Fig. 3d). The Grad-CAM (gradient-weighted class activation mapping) technique can calculate the key regions that the model predicts for endothelial cell images. Therefore, we utilized it to visualize the heat maps of the final convolutional layers for the four different models and to overlay them onto the original images. The blue regions in Fig. 3e indicate the active areas where the model focuses on. We observed that our models were able to selectively focus on different endothelial regions (Fig. 3e). Each of the DL features of the endothelial image was then extracted from the fully connected layers in the four deep learning networks. Based on PCA analysis, we successfully compressed these DL features into eight main features (DS-0, DS-1, RS-0, RS-1, IN-0, IN-1, MB-0, and MB-1) (Electronic Supplementary Material [ESM] Table S1). following which the eight main features were transferred into six machine learning algorithms and combined with fivefold cross-validation for model training. The accuracy distribution of the six machine learning algorithms showed that the eight DL features can accurately distinguish between keratoconus and normal groups in the training set, test dataset, and validation set (Fig. 4a). Details on the metrics (sensitivity, specificity, precision, recall, and F1 score) of seven machine learning models are listed in ESM Table S2. The ROC curves showed that all machine learning algorithms can achieve > 98% AUC value to diagnose keratoconus, regardless of whether it is in the training set (Fig. 4b), test dataset(Fig. 4c), or validation set (Fig. 4d). According to the distribution of accuracy for models, we observed that the XGBoost model achieved the highest accuracy (Fig. 4a). Also, based on the score of eight DL features, we conducted neighborhood component analysis (NCA) to visualize the distribution of samples, which illustrated that keratoconus and normal samples could be well identified (Fig. 4e). The relative importance of the eight DL features was calculated by the XGBoost model (Fig. 4f). Finally, we developed a DL diagnostic formula: \(|\sum_{i=1}^{\mathrm{N}}\left({importance}_{i}\times {expr}_{i}\right)|\) with the eight DL features, which was used to calculate the DL-score of each sample. We further standardized these values to range from 0 to 1.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The performance of deep learning networks. ad The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and corresponding area under the curve (AUC) values for the Densnet121 model (a), the Resnet50 model (b), the Inception_v3 model (c), and the Mobilenet_v2 model (d). e Heat maps of the four deep-learning models according to the Grad-CAM (gradient-weighted class activation mapping) technique

Fig. 4
figure 4

The ensemble machine learning system for diagnosis of keratoconus. a The accuracy distribution of 6 machine learning algorithms for keratoconus diagnosis (support vector machines [SVM], k-nearest neighbors classifier [KNN], RandomForest, ExtraTrees, XGBoost, LightGBM). bd The ROC curves and corresponding AUC values for the 6 machine learning algorithms in the training dataset (b), in the test dataset (c), and in the validation dataset (d). e Neighborhood component analysis (NCA) of all samples. f The importance of eight deep learning features in the XGBoost model

Nomogram Construction

A novel nomogram based on the morphometric parameters and DL-score of our cohort of patients was created to provide a simpler and more accurate approach to diagnose keratoconus in clinical practice. First, the logistic regression analysis was applied to determine the diagnostic significance of the DL-score of endothelial images and morphometric parameters for keratoconus. The results revealed that DL-score, CCT, ECD, and the number of cells were significantly associated with keratoconus (Fig. 5a). As a consequence, these factors were employed to develop a new nomogram. Total points aggregated each variable's points, which can indicate the likelihood of keratoconus (Fig. 5b). The calibration curve of the nomogram performed well in comparison with the ideal model (Fig. 5c). The ROC curves were applied to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of the nomogram model, which showed that the AUC value was 0.945; this value was significantly higher than DL-score (AUC 0.91; p value < 0.001) (Fig. 5d). Decision curves were also developed to examine the practical application of the nomogram, and the investigation revealed that our nomogram and DL-score provided a superior clinical outcome than “treat-all” or “treat-none” practices. (Fig. 5e).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Development and performance of the nomogram. a Forest plot of logistic regression analysis for deep learning (DL)-score, cell number (N), minimum cell size (MIN), maximum cell size (MAX), average cell size (AVG), standard deviation (SD), endothelial cell density (ECD), coefficient of variation (CV), percentage of hexagonal cells (HEX), and corneal thickness (CCT). b Nomogram score system for the diagnosis of keratoconus, consisting of the DL-score, N, ECD, and CCT. c Calibration curve of the nomogram in terms of agreement between predicted keratoconus. d ROC curves of the DL-score and nomogram. e Decision curve analyses of DL-score and nomogram

Associations of Clinical Parameters with DL-Score and Nomogram

We conducted Spearman and subgroup analyses to explore the relationships among the DL-score, nomogram, and other clinical parameters. According to the associated heatmap, the DL-score and nomogram were positively connected with the keratoconus stage, but negatively linked with CCT, ECD, HEX, and the number of cells. Age, sphere, cylinder, CDVA, K1, and K2 were unrelated to the DL-score or the nomogram (Fig. 6a). In addition, the box plots revealed that the keratoconus group had a higher DL-score (Fig. 6b) and a higher nomogram score (Fig. 6c) than the normal group. Interestingly, compared to the stage I&II groups, the DL-scores (Fig. 6d) and nomogram scores (Fig. 6e) were significantly increased in the stage III&IV group.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Correlations and differentiation. a The correlations for DL-score and nomogram with clinical parameters. Red represents a positive association, blue represents a negative association. Asterisks indicate significance at *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01. b Distribution of DL-score in keratoconus and normal group. c Distribution of nomogram score in keratoconus and normal group. d Distribution of DL-score among different stages of keratoconus. e Distribution of nomogram score among different stages of keratoconus. DL deep learning


Patients with keratoconus often exhibit a decrease in corneal endothelial cell density and abnormal endothelial cell morphology. The endothelial morphological changes may be related to the deformation of the anterior surface of the cornea [33, 34]. Therefore, observation and analysis of corneal endothelial morphology can provide valuable diagnostic information to help physicians determine the severity, location, and cause of keratoconus. Previous studies have shown that the morphological changes in the corneal epithelium can be used to monitor the progression of keratoconus [35]. For example, research on a large study cohort of 712 keratoconic eyes revealed that ECD, CV, and size of endothelial cells significantly correlated with the progression of keratoconus [26]. Moreover, Elmassry et al. observed that qualitative and quantitative structural alterations in the endothelial cells occurred in different stages of keratoconus eyes [34]. However, the morphological changes in corneal endothelial cells are more noticeable in progressive keratoconus, and it is difficult to detect changes in the endothelial morphology using the naked eye or non-invasive instruments in the early stages of the disease. Therefore, in this study, we applied multiple DL models to automatically segment endothelial cells and extract DL features from endothelial images for the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of the keratoconus.

The endothelial cells in keratoconus can not be well imaged and measured by specular microscopy or confocal microscopy. As a result, most of the endothelial cell images acquired from keratoconus are partial and uncompleted. Thus, we first developed the FCN ResNet50 segmentation model, which can automatically identify endothelial cells with > 90% of accuracy. Next, the segmented endothelial images were respectively sent into four DL networks for DL feature extraction. Compared to the normal control group, DL features, such as IN-0, DS-0, DS-1, and MB-1, were significantly different in keratoconic eyes (Table 2). In addition, the measurements of the Topcon specular microscope indicated that CCT, CV, and count of endothelial cells were significantly decreased in eyes with keratoconus; that the HEX in eyes with keratoconus was significantly higher than that of control eyes; and that there was no significant difference in ECD between the keratoconus and normal control groups. These observations are consistent with those reported in many previous studies. For example, Weed et al. reported no significant difference in the ECD between controls (38 eyes) and eyes with moderate or severe keratoconus (19 eyes) [27]. Likewise, Yeniad et al. and Timucin et al. did not observe any significant decrease in ECD in eyes affected by keratoconus [25, 36]. However, in our keratoconus study, the percentage of hexagonal cells was higher despite the lower ECD compared to controls. This contradictory finding may be explained by factors such as mechanical stress on the endothelial layer causing compensatory migration and enlargement of remaining viable cells; sample selection bias and limitations of the specular microscopy technique could also contribute to these differences. The unexpected higher hexagonality suggests complex endothelial remodeling in keratoconus that warrants further research. Overall, the relationship between ECD and HEX may not be proportional depending on the disease state and measurement techniques. Therefore, when evaluating keratoconus, it is important to pay attention to changes in both corneal shape and endothelial cell number and morphology to detect and treat potential issues early on.

To integrate the features of DL and improve their clinical usability, we have constructed a diagnostic model and scoring system which can accurately distinguish keratoconus eyes from normal control eyes. Furthermore, the measurements of the Topcon specular microscope and the DL-score in keratoconus eyes were estimated by the logistic regression analysis. We discovered that DL-score was a harmful factor, while the CCT, ECD, and count of endothelial cells were protective factors for diagnosis of keratoconus. Hence, we developed a new nomogram that incorporates the factors mentioned above, which can be utilized to estimate the probability of keratoconus. The calibration curve for the diagnosis of keratoconus indicated that the nomogram had a strong predictive performance. In addition, the nomogram (AUC 0.945) has a better performance for diagnosis of keratoconus than the DL-score (AUC 0.910). With the help of this nomogram, we can provide a personalized and accurate diagnosis for patients with keratoconus in clinical applications. Moreover, we observed that the developed nomogram and DL-score were closely associated with the stage of keratoconus, CCT, and count of endothelial cells in keratoconic eyes. These results suggest that the nomogram and DL-score we built can not only assist in the diagnosis of keratoconus but also monitor the progression of keratoconus.

Our study on keratoconus also highlights the potential practical applications of our DL framework, which demonstrates high accuracy in diagnosing keratoconus based on corneal endothelial cell features, making it a promising tool for early detection and diagnosis. The framework also shows promise as a screening tool in clinical settings, effectively identifying individuals who may require further diagnostic testing. Additionally, the use of corneal endothelial cell features can complement existing diagnostic methods and enhance their accuracy. Understanding these cellular changes aids in treatment planning, monitoring, and tracking of disease progression. Our findings open avenues for future research on corneal endothelial cell analysis and its impact on treatment outcomes.

The primary constraint of our research is the limited sample size, its single-center study design, and absence of fruste keratoconus cases. The ability to differentiate suspect or fruste keratoconus is limited. Additionally, our study solely relied on endothelial images from specular microscopy, neglecting other supporting elements, such as corneal topography, anterior segment OCT, and physical examinations. Consequently, we were unable to conduct a comprehensive evaluation, which restricted the accuracy in practical scenarios. To address this, future investigations will focus on increasing the cohort size, enrolling multiple centers, and incorporating multimodal data to enhance the precision of the DL models.


To sum up, we have developed an end-to-end model to automatically identify and assess corneal endothelial morphological changes in keratoconus eyes. We have also constructed a novel nomogram, which can provide valuable information for the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of the disease. This nomogram represents a valuable tool for clinical practice.