Correction: Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry (2022) 12(2):263–276

The authors regret for incorrect TEM image of Fig. 1a (page 267) and FTIR spectra of Fig. 2a, b, c (page 268) caused by personal negligence. During the manuscript preparation, the TEM and FTIR were mixed up with the previously published TEM and FTIR of functionalized gold nanoparticles. Accordingly, we again prepare new samples and re-perform the TEM and FTIR experiments. The corrected figures appear below. The new corrected TEM image (Fig. 1a) shows consistency with the published result that the particles are highly dispersed and spherical. The corrected FTIR spectra (Fig. 2a, b, c) are still similar to the published peaks but their smoother and shaper peaks are observed with the unchangeable main peak position. We confirm that this correction does not alter the results and conclusions reported in the paper. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Fig. 1
figure 1

TEM images of Au@DTSP/CRN under Hg2+ concentrations at a 0.0, b 0.2, c 1.0 and d 4.0 μM, while e–h corresponded to DLS results from TEM images of a–d, respectively

Fig. 2
figure 2

FTIR spectra of a Citrate-Au, b DTSP, c Au@DTSP and d Au@DTSP/CRN