1 Introduction

The perhaps most famous mortality forecasting model is the Lee-Carter model, see [21], which is a simple model for mortality rates. This model assumes that the age and calendar time effects follow a log-linear relationship, which makes parameter estimation very simple. That is, if we let \(\mu _{x,t}\) denote the mortality rate for age x during calendar year t, it is assumed that given estimates \({{\widehat{\mu }}}_{x,t}\) it holds that

$$\begin{aligned} \log ({{\widehat{\mu }}}_{x,t}) = \alpha _x + \beta _x\kappa _t, \end{aligned}$$

for \(x\in {\mathcal {X}}\) and \(t\in {\mathcal {I}}\), where \({\mathcal {X}}\) denotes observed ages, and \({\mathcal {I}}\) denotes observed time points. When it comes to producing forecasts of future mortality the “trick” used is to model the estimated \(\kappa _t\)s as a univariate Gaussian process, often a random walk with drift, i.e.

$$\begin{aligned} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{t+1} = \gamma + {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t + \epsilon _{t+1}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\epsilon _t \sim \mathsf {N}(0, \sigma ^2)\) and i.i.d. The Gaussian process used to describe the variation in the \(\kappa _t\)s is easy to forecast into the future, and given these forecasts it is straightforward to produce future values of \(\mu _{x,t}\).

The above outlined description of the Lee-Carter model is a model describing the evolution of mortality rates, whereas what we observe are death counts. [21] discuss ways of adjusting for this, but a more natural approach is the one underlying the Poisson Lee-Carter model from [6]: Let \(D_{x,t}\) denote the number of individuals dying being of age x during calendar year t, and let \(r_{x,t}\) denote the central exposure-to-risk for individuals being x years old during calendar year t. It is then assumed that

$$\begin{aligned} D_{x,t} \mid r_{x,t} \sim \mathsf {Po}(r_{x,t} \mu _{x, t}( \varvec{\theta })), \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \mu _{x, t}(\varvec{\theta }) := \exp \{\varvec{\theta }_{x,t}\} := \exp \{\alpha _x + \beta _x \kappa _t\}, \end{aligned}$$

which corresponds to a Poisson regression model with a log-link function, whose parameters can be estimated using standard maximum likelihood theory. Still, in order to be able to produce forecasts the estimated \(\kappa _t\)s are modelled as a one-dimensional (Gaussian) process, e.g. following (1).

If one wants to avoid the inconsistency of using the above described two-step estimation procedure, first estimating parameters, and second treating the estimated parameters as outcomes of a stochastic process, one can use state-space models, see e.g. [9, 13] for the standard Lee-Carter model and extensions, and [1] for the Poisson Lee-Carter model.

Apart from improving on the estimation procedure, another line of research concerns using more flexible modelling approaches. From a constructive modelling perspective the Poisson distribution assumption is natural, see e.g. [1, 6], and one can hence consider the following generalisation concerning the modelling of the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s:

Model (Generalised Lee-Carter)

$$\begin{aligned} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{t+1} = f(\mathcal {F}_{t} ; \varvec{\eta }) + \epsilon _{t+1}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varvec{\eta }\) is a vector containing all parameters needed to fully parametrise \(f(\cdot )\), where \(\epsilon _t \sim \mathsf {N}(0, \sigma ^2)\) and i.i.d., and where \(\mathcal {F}_t = \sigma \{{{\widehat{\kappa }}}_s; s \le t\}\) and

$$\begin{aligned} f(\mathcal {F}_t ; \varvec{\eta }) := {\mathbb {E}}[{{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{t+1} \mid \mathcal {F}_t](\varvec{\eta }). \end{aligned}$$

Note that we use the notation \(\mathcal {F}_t\) in order to stress that the modelling below naturally allows for including other information than just historical \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s into the conditioning. The approach that will be taken in the present paper is to model \(f(\mathcal {F}_t; \varvec{\eta })\) as a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network, see e.g. [15] for a general introduction to recurrent neural networks, e.g. [24, 26] for LSTM versions of [21] and [6], e.g. [16, 27, 29, 31] for other neural network models used for mortality forecasting, and e.g. [10, 22] for tree-based machine learning techniques. Hence, we do not investigate the appropriateness of the model structure in (2) and (3) as compared to other model structures or the inconsistency of the two-step estimation procedure. Instead we see the model structure and the MLE of \(\varvec{\theta }\) as given, and focus on modelling the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s. In this respect, the MLE of the \(\kappa _t\)s can be regarded as “data” when calibrating the neural network model.

Important aspects of using neural network models is to decide on (i) the architecture of the model, and (ii) the number of epochs to be used for calibrating the model. In the present paper we will illustrate the performance for a number of architectures, not claiming to show the performance of the best possible architecture. We will instead focus considerably more on (ii) and, in particular, on the effect of using different amounts of data for calibration. The reason for this is that LSTM neural network models tend to have a large number of parameters that needs to be calibrated. This implies that you need to have access to a rather large amount of data to be used for calibration. Moreover, neural network models (in general) are calibrated using iterative procedures and the question is for how long this iterative procedure should be carried out. The standard procedure of how to decide on the number of iterations to be used is based on so-called “early stopping” where you have one set of data for in-sample training and another set of data for validation (out-of-sample training), where you stop the iterative calibration procedure when the performance on the out-of-sample validation data starts to deteriorate. An obvious risk with using early stopping is that the optimisation method might have converged to a local minimum. One way of reducing this problem is to average over a number of different models, using random initialisation of the parameters. This is an example of an ensemble model.

Further, in the present paper the primary interest is on one-dimensional LSTM neural network models, where the only dimension is time. Based on the discussion in the previous paragraph, this implies that we would expect to need long time series in order to obtain reliable model calibrations. When it comes to data for entire countries this may be feasible, but for e.g. life insurers this may become problematic. Moreover, even if mortality data for longer time periods is available, using the full historical data set might not be appropriate when staying within the simple model structure in (2) and (3), since when increasing the length of the time series, one also increases the time period for which it should be reasonable to use constant \(\alpha _x\)s and \(\beta _x\)s. Thus a compromise is needed between having enough data to improve the performance of the LSTM model, and at the same time ensuring that the performance of the global model (2) and (3) does not degrade as a consequence of the time window being too long.

For the calibration we will consider the following three approaches for splitting the data into data used for in-sample training and out-of-sample validation:

  1. (LO)

    Calibration LO (“last observations”): The standard approach of withholding the last fraction of observations (chronologically in time) as validation data.

  2. (RT)

    Calibration RT (“random time”): Sampling the validation data randomly in time.

  3. (SP)

    Calibration SP (“split population”): Sampling individuals and randomly assigning them to subsets of the underlying population, where one subset is used for in-sample training and another subset is used for out-of-sample validation, without splitting the time dimension.

The idea behind Calibration RT and SP is to make more efficient use of data, considering that the amount of available information might be restricted. The obvious drawback with Calibration LO is that if we have a small data set and split it into data for in-sample training and out-of-sample validation, the number of examples used for training will be reduced further. Furthermore, if the validation set is inherently different from the rest of training data or future data, then the model that minimises the error on the validation set might not generalise well. With Calibration RT, since we are sampling validation data randomly in time, this approach will also reduce the number of examples used for training, but here we have the ability to draw the validation set randomly several times, and train a number of different models on these different splits into training data and validation data. An ensemble model based on these individual model calibrations will as a whole be trained on the full data set and does, hence, not risk choosing one single validation set which is not representative of the time series. The idea of using cross-validation based on sampling data randomly in time for general autoregressive time series models is analysed in [3]. In the context of mortality modelling, [2] use this procedure for assessing predictive performance. In the present paper the procedure is instead used for the purpose of model building (including when available data is limited), and theoretical support for using this approach over Calibration LO is provided. Concerning Calibration SP, this approach allows us to use the whole time period for both in-sample training and out-of-sample validation by sampling i.i.d. individual life histories. That is, since both training and validation data are based on sampling i.i.d. individual life histories, the calibrated \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) predictor from the training data set should capture the relevant time-dynamics in the validation data set as well. Calibration SP is novel to the present paper. In Sects. 3.13.3 these three approaches are discussed in more detail.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the methods contain different implicit views on the (trend-)stationarity of data. Calibration RT and SP essentially treat all observations in the time dimension as equally relevant, which aligns with the underlying model assumptions in (2) and (3). Calibration LO instead views the last observations as more relevant for the future, since the parameters chosen are the ones that give the best performance on the validation set only consisting of the last observations. Depending on the data, this might be an appropriate assumption to make. However, such an assumption also indicates that the underlying model defined by (2) and (3) is not suitable for the task at hand.

Finally, in order to try to keep the amount of information necessary for calibration at a minimum, we will combine the above three approaches with LSTM boosting of the standard Poisson Lee-Carter model from [6]. This means that we will use the estimated mean-function for the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) process from the standard Poisson Lee-Carter model from [6] as an intercept in the LSTM model. Given that the mean-function from the Poisson Lee-Carter model is reasonably representative for the observed data, the LSTM model only needs to improve on this baseline model. This should be considerably more stable than trying to learn all data dynamics from start when only having access to a limited amount of data. Moreover, other potential benefits of using boosting is that this procedure likely will make the data fed into the LSTM model approximately trend adjusted. This in turn may prove beneficial when making long-term predictions. The boosted version of the model is described in more detail in Sect. 3.7.

The approach of modelling \(f(\mathcal {F}_t ; \varvec{\eta })\) in (4) as an LSTM neural network is the same as in [24, 26]. There are, however, some important differences in both implementation and methodology. First, we ensure that there is a clear distinction between the out-of-sample validation set, used when training the model, and the test set representing future data used for evaluating the model performance. This is important in order to ensure that the model evaluation is not biased by the model having seen the test data during training. Secondly, we construct an LSTM model with lag order larger than one, to be able to see if any improvement is due to using a recurrent neural network model, or if it is only the effect of allowing for non-linearities. As discussed in Sect. 2, an LSTM model where sequences are of length 1 is essentially no different from a feedforward neural network model. Thirdly, we also evaluate the model performance based on the log-likelihood of the full model, not only the MSE of the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s, since the goal is to predict mortality rates. In particular, in our numerical illustrations in Sect. 5 examples are given where the MSE based on the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s contradict the log-likelihood for the observed deaths.

Main contributions. We focus on alternative procedures for calibration, which combined with ensembling enables more efficient use of data, when the number of observations in available data is limited. Sampling validation data randomly in time for the purpose of model building (Calibration RT) has to the best of our knowledge not been systematically treated in the mortality literature previously. Creating validation data by sampling individuals and randomly assigning them to subpopulations (Calibration SP) is novel in itself, since it enables the split into training and validation data without splitting data in the time dimension. We provide empirical support for the two alternative calibration approaches over the standard approach of withholding the last fraction of observations for validation (Calibration LO), and can also partly motivate the advantage of the alternative approaches theoretically. In particular there are situations where Calibration RT and SP perform well when the performance of Calibration LO is very poor, while it is typically the case that when Calibration LO performs better than Calibration RT and SP, these latter approaches still perform well. Furthermore, we show that using untransformed data when training the neural network can be problematic, leading to unreasonable long-term predictions. Instead, we suggest a boosted version of the model, which stabilises long-term predictions, and still retains improved short-term performance for populations where non-linearities are present.

The remainder of the paper is organised as follows: Sect. 2 provides a brief background to LSTM neural network models, Sect. 3 introduces the different calibration procedures, model aggregation (ensembling), and boosting, followed by a short section on likelihood considerations and performance measures in Sect. 4. The effects of using the different calibration techniques are illustrated on Swedish, Italian and US mortality data from [19], which is done in Sect. 5. For more technical details on the calibration procedures, implementation, detailed numerical analyses and additional comparisons, see the Supplementary Materials [23]. The paper ends with a number of closing remarks in Sect. 6.

2 LSTM neural network models

The long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network model belongs to a specific type of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) called gated RNNs. RNNs are a form of feedforward neural networks that are specialised at processing sequential data. This means that the output of an RNN is determined based on previous elements of the sequence, while the output of a standard feedforward neural network only depend on the current input. For an introduction to RNNs, see e.g. [15, Ch. 10]. However, in standard RNNs the same function is composed with itself many times, leading to the so-called vanishing gradient problem, which makes it difficult for standard RNNs to learn long-term dependencies. As a solution to this problem [18] developed the LSTM model, which was later extended in [14] where the so-called forget gate was introduced. Thus the LSTM model is a natural model class to consider for time series modelling. Since the original LSTM model was introduced, many different variants have been suggested. For an overview of different types of gated RNNs, see [15, Ch. 10.10] and references therein. In the present paper, we focus on the original LSTM model defined below, and restrict our analysis to a shallow model with one hidden LSTM layer.

Let \(\varvec{x}_t\in {\mathbb {R}}^c\) be the input vector, and \(\varvec{h}_t\in {\mathbb {R}}^d\) the hidden layer vector, where c is the number of features in the input data, and d is the number of neurons in the hidden layer. Following a similar notation as [15, Ch. 10.10], an LSTM cell is described by:

$$\begin{aligned} \varvec{f}_t&=\sigma \Big (\varvec{b}^f+\varvec{U}^f\varvec{x}_t+\varvec{W}^f\varvec{h}_{t-1}\Big ) \nonumber \\ \varvec{g}_t&=\sigma \Big (\varvec{b}^g+\varvec{U}^g\varvec{x}_t+\varvec{W}^g\varvec{h}_{t-1}\Big ) \nonumber \\ \varvec{q}_t&=\sigma \Big (\varvec{b}^q+\varvec{U}^q\varvec{x}_t+\varvec{W}^q\varvec{h}_{t-1}\Big )\nonumber \\ \varvec{s}_t&=\varvec{f}_t\odot \varvec{s}_{t-1}+\varvec{g}_t\odot \phi \Big (\varvec{b}+\varvec{U}\varvec{x}_t+\varvec{W}\varvec{h}_{t-1}\Big ) \nonumber \\ \varvec{h}_t&=\phi (\varvec{s}_t)\odot \varvec{q}_t, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\odot\) denotes the Hadamard product, \(\varvec{f}_t\) is the forget gate, \(\varvec{g}_t\) is the input gate, \(\varvec{q}_t\) is the output gate, \(\sigma (\cdot )\) is the logistic sigmoid function, \(\phi (\cdot )\) is the activation function, \(\varvec{b}^f\), \(\varvec{b}^g\), \(\varvec{b}^q\), and \(\varvec{b}\) denote the biases (\(\in {\mathbb {R}}^d\)), \(\varvec{U}^f\), \(\varvec{U}^g\), \(\varvec{U}^q\), and \(\varvec{U}\) denote the input weights (\(\in {\mathbb {R}}^{d \times c}\)), and \(\varvec{W}^f\), \(\varvec{W}^g\), \(\varvec{W}^q\), and \(\varvec{W}\) denote the recurrent weights (\(\in {\mathbb {R}}^{d \times d}\)). The initial values are \(\varvec{h}_0=\varvec{0}\) and \(\varvec{s}_0=\varvec{0}\). Since the three gates are all defined in terms of the logistic sigmoid activation function, they take values in \((0,1)^d\). Hence the gates control to what degree information flows through the memory cell. \(\varvec{s}_t\) is the cell state, hence the forget gate controls to what degree the previous cell state \(\varvec{s}_{t-1}\) is passed forward to the current state, while the input gate controls to what degree the input at time t and the hidden layer vector at time \(t-1\) adjusts the cell state. Finally, the output gate controls to what degree the current cell state is passed forward to the current hidden layer output \(\varvec{h}_t\).

Due to the gates in an LSTM cell, each with its own biases, input weights and recurrent weights, an LSTM model tends to have a large number of parameters. To be precise, for each LSTM layer, the number of parameters is \(4((c+1)d+d^2)\). As an example, in a shallow LSTM model with 5 neurons and 1-dimensional sequences, the LSTM layer would contribute with 140 parameters.

Remark 1

  1. (a)

    In the original LSTM model, two different activation functions were used for updating \(\varvec{s}_t\) and \(\varvec{h}_t\). In the description of an LSTM cell in (5), we have chosen the same activation function \(\phi (\cdot )\), since this is consistent with the implementation in the R package keras, see [8], used for the numerical illustrations in Sect. 5.

  2. (b)

    As in the original LSTM model, we use the logistic sigmoid function for the gate activation, implemented in the R package keras as “recurrent_activation”. In several recent papers using LSTM models for forecasting of mortality rates, see e.g. [24, 29], the gate activation has been set to the hyperbolic tangent function. With this choice of gate activation the intuitive interpretation of the gates in the LSTM model does not hold, since they will now take values in \((-1,1)\) instead of (0, 1).

  3. (c)

    Note that the time step index t in the forward propagation equations in (5) corresponds to the position in the input sequence \((\varvec{x}_t)_{t=1}^p\), and not the time step index of the original time series. When the lag order p is set to 1, the output will simply be a non-linear transformation of the input \(\varvec{x}_1\), since the initial value of the hidden layer vector and the cell state is zero. Hence for this case similar results should be achievable with a standard feedforward neural network. It is for \(p>1\) that one can start taking advantage of the properties of an LSTM model.

3 Model calibration, aggregation, and boosting

The general problem that we want to address is how to make efficient use of data for model calibration by analysing three different model calibration procedures. In particular, we are interested in if it is possible to obtain a procedure that produces reasonable model calibrations even when only having access to a limited amount of data. This becomes even more demanding when we want to use early stopping during the calibration of the LSTM model in order to prevent overfitting. When using early stopping, the training data needs to be split into two sets, one which is used for in-sample training, and one which is used for validation (out-of sample training). It is the performance on the out-of-sample validation data that determines when the iterative calibration procedure should be stopped. For time series data, the standard procedure is to withhold the last fraction of observations (chronologically in time) for validation, e.g. according to a 80/20 split. However, when the total number of observations is small, splitting the training data in this way further reduces the number of observations the model can be trained on, which might worsen the performance of the model. Furthermore, there might be important information contained in the withheld observations which the model is never trained on. The smaller the calibration data set, the more likely that there is important information contained in the validation set that is not contained in the data used as input for training, hence the model is never given the opportunity to learn this information.

For a neural network specialised at dealing with sequential data, the lag order p of the model is a hyperparameter. If training data consists of the one-dimensional time series \(({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t)_{t=1}^n\), then \(\varvec{x}_t=({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{t-p},\ldots ,{{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{t-1})^\top\) are the covariates for \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\), where \(t=p+1,\ldots ,n\). Hence training data consist of \(n-p\) observations. For autoregressive data with lag order p, the standard way to structure data is according to

$$\begin{aligned} \varvec{K}= \begin{bmatrix} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_1 &{} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_2 &{} \ldots &{} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_p &{} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{p+1}\\ {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_2 &{} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_3 &{} \ldots &{} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{p+1} &{} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{p+2} \\ \vdots &{} \vdots &{} \ddots &{} \vdots &{} \vdots \\ {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{n-p} &{} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{n-p+1} &{} \ldots &{} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{n-1} &{} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_n \end{bmatrix}. \end{aligned}$$

The matrix \(\varvec{K}\) contains the training data for the neural network model, with the first p columns corresponding to the input sequences and the last column corresponding to the output that should be predicted by the model.

We use three different methods for splitting the training data into data used for in-sample training and out-of-sample validation; (i) the aforementioned method of withholding the last fraction of rows of \(\varvec{K}\) for validation; (ii) randomly sampling observations in the form of rows of \(\varvec{K}\) for validation; and (iii) splitting the underlying population into subpopulations, using one subpopulation for in-sample training and one for out-of-sample validation.

3.1 Calibration LO—withholding the last fraction of observations

When validation data consist of the last \(100\alpha\)%, \(\alpha \in (0, 1)\), of observations, this means that the last \([ \alpha (n-p) ]\) rows of \(\varvec{K}\) will be kept aside as validation data, and the first \(n-p-[ \alpha (n-p) ]\) rows are used as input when training the model, where [x] denotes the integer closest to x. Let \({\mathcal {I}}\) denote the set of row indices of the matrix \(\varvec{K}\), i.e. \({\mathcal {I}} :=\{t:1\le t\le n-p\}\). Let \(\mathcal {V}\) denote the set of row indices of \(\varvec{K}\) corresponding to the out-of-sample validation data. Then \(\mathcal {V}:=\{t:n-p-[ \alpha (n-p) ]+1\le t \le n-p\}\), and the in-sample training data has index set \({\mathcal {T}} := {\mathcal {I}} \setminus {\mathcal {V}}\). Let \((\varvec{x}^*_t,{{\widehat{\kappa }}}^*_t)_{t\in {\mathcal {V}}}\) denote the validation data. Calibration LO can then be described according to:

Model calibration

  1. (i)

    Let \({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(i)}\) denote the estimate of \(\varvec{\eta }\) from \(f(\varvec{x}_t ; \varvec{\eta }), t \in \mathcal {T}\), of model (4) in the ith calibration epoch.

  2. (ii)

    Calculate the prediction error

    $$\begin{aligned} (s^{(i)})^2 = \frac{1}{|{\mathcal {V}}|} \sum _{t \in {\mathcal {V}}} ({{\widehat{\kappa }}}^*_t- f(\varvec{x}^*_t ; {{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(i)}))^2 \end{aligned}$$

    and continue the updating procedure of \({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(i)}\) as long as \((s^{(i)})^2\) is decreasing.

3.2 Calibration RT—sampling randomly in time

An alternative way of choosing the validation set is to sample \([ \alpha (n-p) ]\) rows of \(\varvec{K}\) randomly. This method enables us to draw the validation data several times and averaging over the models calibrated to each split into training data and validation data, thus allowing us to utilise data better. An ensemble model formed in such a way will be trained on the whole training set, given that each observation in the training set is contained in the training examples used as input for the calibration of at least one individual model, see further Sect. 3.5.

This somewhat unorthodox procedure means that the validation set and the training set will be dependent, since one row of \(\varvec{K}\) drawn to be included in the validation set will likely contain observations that are also in the training set. As shown in [3] this type of procedure can still work well in the context of cross-validation for general autoregressive models. The motivation is that \({{\widehat{\epsilon }}}_t={{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t-f(\varvec{x}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}})\) are uncorrelated, provided that \(f(\varvec{x}_t;\varvec{\eta })\) is estimated appropriately. That using this procedure for creating an ensemble model also tends to work well within our setting is supported empirically by the results in Sect. 5.

The calibration procedure for one calibration follows steps (i)–(ii) in the previous section, with \(\mathcal {V}\) consisting of the set of row indices of matrix \(\varvec{K}\) that were sampled randomly.

3.3 Calibration SP—Splitting the population by sampling individuals randomly

Compared with many other time series data situations, such as e.g. stock indices, mortality data is based on an underlying population of individuals, which may be split into subpopulations. That is, by uniformly at random assigning individuals into, e.g. either of two cohorts at birth, the resulting subpopulations should consist of i.i.d. samples from the same underlying distribution. When it comes to mortality data this means that entire individual life-histories are assigned to different groups.

Consequently, instead of splitting data in the time dimension, using one part of the data for training and the other part for validation, we can split the population in two parts. In the latter split the entire observed time interval is used for training and validation, but based on different sets of individuals. This approach is particularly interesting in the situation where we have a sufficiently large underlying population, but where the observed time interval is short, which is a situation that is relevant for e.g. larger insurance companies. Furthermore, it enables us to construct bootstrapped samples of the original population, which makes it possible to form an ensemble model using bagging, see e.g. [4, 17, Ch. 8.7], something that is in general not possible for time series data, since we would normally only have access to one realisation from the underlying stochastic process. This is discussed further in Sect. 3.5.

For model (4) the calibrating procedure based on a single split is focused on the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s:

Creating calibration data

  1. (i)

    Split the total population into two subpopulations producing the two data sets \((D_{x,t}, r_{x,t})\) and \((D_{x,t}^*, r_{x,t}^*), x \in \mathcal {X}, t \in {\mathcal {I}}.\)

  2. (ii)

    Calculate \({{\widehat{\varvec{\theta }}}} = ({{\widehat{\varvec{\alpha }}}}, {{\widehat{\varvec{\beta }}}}, {{\widehat{\varvec{\kappa }}}})\) based on \((D_{x,t}, r_{x,t})\), and calculate \({{\widehat{\varvec{\theta }}}}^*\) based on \((D_{x,t}^*, r_{x,t}^*)\).

    Model calibration

  3. (iii)

    Let \({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(i)}\) denote the estimate of \(\varvec{\eta }\) from \(f(\varvec{x}_t; \varvec{\eta }), t \in {\mathcal {I}}\), of model (4) in the ith calibration epoch.

  4. (iv)

    Calculate the prediction error

    $$\begin{aligned} (s^{(i)})^2 = \frac{1}{|{\mathcal {V}}|} \sum _{t \in {\mathcal {V}}} ({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t^* - f(\varvec{x}_t^* ; {{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(i)}))^2 \end{aligned}$$

    where \(\varvec{x}_t^*=({{\widehat{\kappa }}}^*_{t-p},\ldots ,{{\widehat{\kappa }}}^*_{t-1})^\top\), \({\mathcal {V}} = {\mathcal {I}}\), and continue the updating procedure of \({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(i)}\) as long as \((s^{(i)})^2\) is decreasing.

Remark 2

  1. (a)

    Note that for this calibration procedure the full parameter vector \(\varvec{\theta }= (\varvec{\alpha }, \varvec{\beta }, \varvec{\kappa })\) will be re-estimated for the two populations. Since \({{\widehat{\varvec{\theta }}}}\) and \({{\widehat{\varvec{\theta }}}}^*\) are estimated based on two independent subpopulations for the whole training period \({\mathcal {I}}\), \({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(i)}\) will be independent of \({{\widehat{\varvec{\kappa }}}}^*\), and thus \((\varvec{x}^*_t,{{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t^*)\) for \(t\in {\mathcal {I}}\).

  2. (b)

    If one has access to individual level mortality data, the calibration procedure outlined above is straightforward. However, it is common to only have access to aggregate data, in which case only the aggregate number of deaths and a measure of the size of the population for each age and calendar year is available. In this situation, if we assume that all individuals are i.i.d. following the observed 1-year mortality probabilities per age, gender, and calendar year, this means that the aggregate observed dynamics of deaths and survivors are described by conditional binomial distributions. Thus, by conditioning on the overall number of deaths in a specific age-gender-calendar time cohort, a split into two subpopulations corresponds to hypergeometric sampling. This procedure is described in detail in Algorithm 1(ii) in the Supplementary Materials [23], see also [23, Remark 1] for additional comments. Using this procedure means that we are not able to capture any heterogeneities that exist in actual subpopulations of the aggregate population. However, the purpose of splitting the population in this way is not to analyse actual subpopulations. In fact, if individual level data was available, one would not want to split this population into subpopulations based on e.g. region or socioeconomic factors. As mentioned above, one would instead randomly assign individuals to different subpopulations, since we want both the training set and the validation set to follow the same empirical distribution. Hence, we believe that creating synthetic subpopulations in this way provides a useful approximation for the current purpose. This is strengthened by the results in the numerical illustration in Sect. 5, where we rely on aggregate data from the HMD [19], and use this procedure for splitting the population.

  3. (c)

    Note that Algorithm 1(ii) in the Supplementary Materials [23] only describes one way of creating subpopulations. As an example, another alternative is to sample uniformly at random over a set of birth cohorts, in this way creating training and validation data that will have random weights w.r.t. the same birth cohort producing more diverse age structures per calendar year.

3.4 Early stopping rule

If we consider an estimate of \(\varvec{\eta }\), without stressing which epoch it is related to, and let

$$\begin{aligned} e_t := {{\widehat{\kappa }}}^*_t - f(\varvec{x}^*_t; {{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}), \quad t\in {\mathcal {V}} \end{aligned}$$

it follows that (7) and (8) can be expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} s^2 = \frac{1}{|{\mathcal {V}}|} \sum _{t \in {\mathcal {V}}} e_t^2. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}[e_t^2 \mid \varvec{x}^*_t] = \sigma ^2 + {\text {Bias}}_t^2(\varvec{\eta }, \sigma ^2; \varvec{x}^*_t) + {\text {Var}}_t(\varvec{\eta },\sigma ^2;\varvec{x}^*_t) \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&{\text {Bias}}_t^2(\varvec{\eta }, \sigma ^2; \varvec{x}^*_t) = {\mathbb {E}}[(f(\varvec{x}^*_t; \varvec{\eta }) - {\mathbb {E}}[f(\varvec{x}^*_t; {{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}})])^2 \mid \varvec{x}^*_t], \\&{\text {Var}}_t(\varvec{\eta }, \sigma ^2; \varvec{x}^*_t) = {\mathbb {E}}[({\mathbb {E}}[f(\varvec{x}^*_t; {{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}})] - f(\varvec{x}^*_t; {{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}))^2 \mid \varvec{x}^*_t], \end{aligned}$$

which gives us that

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}[s^2]&= \sigma ^2 + \frac{1}{|{\mathcal {V}}|} \sum _{t \in \mathcal V}{\mathbb {E}}[{\text {Bias}}_t^2(\varvec{\eta }, \sigma ^2 ; \varvec{x}^*_t)]+ \frac{1}{|{\mathcal {V}}|} \sum _{t \in \mathcal V}{\mathbb {E}}[{\text {Var}}_t(\varvec{\eta }, \sigma ^2 ; \varvec{x}^*_t)]\\&= \sigma ^2 + \overline{{\text {Bias}}}^2(\varvec{\eta }, \sigma ^2)+\overline{{\text {Var}}}(\varvec{\eta }, \sigma ^2). \end{aligned}$$

When using early stopping, training will be stopped after the number of epochs at which \(s^2\) is minimised. Hence using early stopping corresponds to finding the optimal balance between the the prediction bias and the variance.

3.5 Model aggregation

It has long been known that model aggregation, or ensembling, can improve the accuracy of predictions in both classification and regression problems, se e.g. [11, 25, 28]. Hence, to get more stable predictions, we create an ensemble model, by aggregating over m model calibrations. If \({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}_0^{(j)}\) is the optimally stopped estimate of \(\varvec{\eta }\) in model calibration j, the aggregated predictor is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{f}\big (\varvec{x}_t ; ({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0)_{j=1}^m\big ):=\frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^mf(\varvec{x}_t ; {{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}_0^{(j)}). \end{aligned}$$

For a single time point t, the prediction error of the ensemble model will always be less than or equal to the average of the prediction errors of the individual models. Let \(({\widetilde{\kappa }}_t)_{t=1}^l\) denote observations from the test data (future data), and let \({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t=({\widetilde{\kappa }}_{t-1},\ldots ,{\widetilde{\kappa }}_{t-p})^\top\). Define \({{\bar{\kappa }}}_t:=\bar{f}\big ({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t;({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0)_{j=1}^m\big )\). Then, for a single time point t,

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m{\mathbb {E}}[({\widetilde{\kappa }}_t-f({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]&={\mathbb {E}}\Big [\frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m\Big ({{\bar{\kappa }}}_t-f({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0)+{\widetilde{\kappa }}_t-{{\bar{\kappa }}}_t\Big )^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t\Big ]\\&=\frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m{\mathbb {E}}[({{\bar{\kappa }}}_t-f({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]\\&\quad +{\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-{{\bar{\kappa }}}_t)^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]\\&\ge {\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-{{\bar{\kappa }}}_t)^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]. \end{aligned}$$

Furthermore, as shown in [28], if the error terms \(e_t^{(i)}\) and \(e_t^{(j)}\) are uncorrelated for \(i\ne j\), then

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-{{\bar{\kappa }}}_t)^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t] = \frac{1}{m^2}\sum _{j=1}^m{\mathbb {E}}[({\widetilde{\kappa }}_t-f({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t ;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t], \end{aligned}$$

i.e. the prediction error is reduced by a factor 1/m when ensembling as compared to the average of the prediction errors of the individual models. If the error terms of the individual models are perfectly correlated and have the same variance, then there is no gain from ensembling, since then

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-{{\bar{\kappa }}}_t)^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]={\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-f({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t ;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(1)}_0))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]. \end{aligned}$$

Hence, when constructing an ensemble model, we would like the individual models to be diverse, in the sense that the correlations between the error terms of the models are low. There are several different methods for constructing ensembles, see e.g. [11]. We focus on the methods of injecting randomness and manipulating training examples, and our choice will depend on the calibration method used, since manipulating training examples is not straightforward for all calibration methods.

Calibration LO – using the last fraction of observations as validation data. We construct the ensemble by injecting randomness into the learning algorithm. When using neural network regression models, each time the model is calibrated we will get a slightly different prediction due to the random initialisation of the calibration, and due to using stochastic gradient descent. However, each individual model will use the same training and validation data. Hence, for this case each parameter estimate \({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}_0^{(j)}\) in the aggregated predictor in (10) has been determined according to steps (i)–(ii) in Sect. 3.1, over the same sets \(\mathcal {T}\) and \(\mathcal {V}\). In [30] this is what is called the nagging predictor, from combining networks and aggregating, as opposed to bagging, combined bootstrapping and aggregation.

Calibration RT—sampling the validation data randomly in time. We will combine the method of injecting randomness through the random initialisation of the calibration, and using stochastic gradient descent, with manipulating training examples. In each run this is done by drawing a new sample for the validation data. Hence, for each model calibration, the set \(\mathcal {V}^{(j)}\) consists of a random sample of row indices of matrix \(\varvec{K}\), and \({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0\), the optimally stopped estimate of \(\varvec{\eta }\) for model calibration j, will depend both on the random initialisation of the calibration, and the random split of the row indices of matrix \(\varvec{K}\) into \(\mathcal {V}^{(j)}\) and \(\mathcal {T}^{(j)} := {\mathcal {I}} \setminus \mathcal {V}^{(j)}\). By both injecting randomness and manipulating training examples, we make the individual models more diverse. Furthermore, by randomly drawing a different validation set for each model we can utilise data better in the sense that the ensemble model will have used most observations both for training and validation.

Calibration SP—creating validation data by splitting the population by sampling individuals. We again combine injecting randomness via random initialisation with manipulating training examples, but in a slightly different way as compared to the second calibration method. Since we here sample individuals randomly, we are able to manipulate training examples through bootstrapping, which is not straightforward for the other two calibration methods where the training data is split in the time dimension. Hence our ensemble model in this case will be a combination of injecting randomness via random initialisation and population bagging, see [4]. Thus, instead of splitting the total population into two subpopulations, we sample individuals at random with replacement of the same population size as the original population, and then split this bootstrapped population into two subpopulations. This can also be combined with subsampling, where the sampled number of individuals is less than the original population size. This strategy can be used to prevent overfitting for the case when the total population is very large, thus essentially leading to \({{\widehat{\varvec{\kappa }}}}\) and \({{\widehat{\varvec{\kappa }}}}^*\) being equal if using the original population (or a bootstrapped population of the same size) as a starting point when making the population split. Furthermore, subsampling also has the benefit of creating more diverse models, since the training sets used for each individual model will be less similar when using subsampling for large populations. The parametric bootstrapping procedure used in the present paper is described by Algorithm 1 in the Supplementary Materials [23] and examples of subsampling are given in Sect. 3.8 in the Supplementary Materials [23].

Variance parameter estimation and simulation of ensemble models. For repeated one-step simulations of future data, assuming we have an estimate of the variance parameter, the simulated future outcome from the ensemble model at time step \(t-1\) is used as an observation when predicting the value at time t. Hence, for the jth trajectory and \(t>n\),

$$\begin{aligned} {{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_{t}^{(j)}=\bar{f}\big (({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_{t}^{(j)}) ;({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(i)}_0)_{i=1}^m\big )+\epsilon _{t}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\epsilon _{t}\sim \mathsf {N}(0,\sigma ^2_{{\text {ens}}})\) and i.i.d., and

$$\begin{aligned} {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_{n+1}^{(j)}&=\varvec{x}_{n+1}=({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{n},\ldots ,{{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{n+1-p})^\top \\ {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_{n+2}^{(j)}&=({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_{n+1}^{(j)},{{\widehat{\kappa }}}_n\ldots ,{{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{n+1-p})^\top \\&\vdots \\ {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_{n+p}^{(j)}&=({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_{n+p-1}^{(j)},\ldots ,{{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_{n+1}^{(j)},{{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{n})^\top \end{aligned}$$

and \({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_{t}^{(j)}=({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_{t-1}^{(j)},\ldots ,{{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_{t-p}^{(j)})^\top\) for \(t>n+p\). Finally, the prediction of the ensemble model at time step t over N simulated trajectories is given by the median of \(\big (\bar{f}\big (({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_{t}^{(j)}); ({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(i)}_0)_{i=1}^m\big )\big )_{j=1}^N\), and in a similar manner prediction intervals can be constructed. Note that since the estimated predictor \({{\widehat{f}}}\) in general will be highly non-linear, it is important not to make predictions by directly inserting \({{\widehat{\varvec{x}}}}_t\) corresponding to expected values into f.

Concerning the estimation of \(\sigma _{{\text {ens}}}^2\), the natural estimator is to use the in-sample variance \({{\bar{s}}}^2\):

$$\begin{aligned} {{\bar{s}}}^2&=\frac{1}{|{\mathcal {I}}|}\sum _{t\in \mathcal I}\Big ({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t-\bar{f}\big (\varvec{x}_t;({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0)_{j=1}^m\big )\Big )^2. \end{aligned}$$

Similarly to the ensemble prediction error above, let \(\hat{\bar{f}}(\varvec{x}_t):={{\bar{f}}}\big (\varvec{x}_t;({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0)_{j=1}^m)\), and it follows that

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m \big ({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t-f(\varvec{x}_t,{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}_0^{(j)})\big )^2&=\frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m \big ({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t-\hat{{{\bar{f}}}}(\varvec{x}_t)+\hat{\bar{f}}(\varvec{x}_t)-f(\varvec{x}_t,{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}_0^{(j)})\big )^2 \\&=({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t-\hat{{{\bar{f}}}}(\varvec{x}_t))^2+\frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m(\hat{{{\bar{f}}}}-f(\varvec{x}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0))^2\\&\ge ({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t-\hat{{{\bar{f}}}}(\varvec{x}_t))^2, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} ({{\bar{s}}})^2=\frac{1}{|{\mathcal {I}}|}\sum _{t\in \mathcal I}({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t-\hat{{{\bar{f}}}}(\varvec{x}_t))^2 \le \frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m (s^{(j)})^2 \end{aligned}$$

where \((s^{(j)})^2\) is the in-sample variance for model calibration j:

$$\begin{aligned} (s^{(j)})^2 = \frac{1}{|{\mathcal {I}}|}\sum _{t\in \mathcal I}({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t-f(\varvec{x}_t,{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}_0^{(j)}))^2. \end{aligned}$$

Moreover, similarly to Sect. 3.4, although defined in-sample, one can note that \({\mathbb {E}}[({{\bar{s}}})^2]\) is equal to \(\sigma ^2\), here referring to the \(\sigma ^2\) from (4), plus a (reducible) error part.

3.6 Relating calibration RT to calibration LO

When creating validation data by withholding the last fraction of observations (Calibration LO), we will have the same in-sample training data and out-of-sample validation data for each of the individual models that make up the ensemble model. If we disregard any differences of the models due to the random initialisation of the calibration, each model will give the same estimate \({\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}_0^{{\text {LO}}}\) of \(\varvec{\eta }\), where \({\text {LO}}\), as above, refers to Calibration LO. Hence, the ensemble model in (10) using this calibration method becomes

$$\begin{aligned} \widehat{{\bar{f}}}_{{\text {LO}}}(\varvec{x}_t) := \bar{f}(\varvec{x}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{{\text {LO}}}_0)=f(\varvec{x}_t; {{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}_0^{{\text {LO}}}). \end{aligned}$$

When we create validation data by sampling observations randomly in time (Calibration RT), we get the estimates \({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}_0^{(j)}\), \(j=1,\ldots ,m\) of \(\varvec{\eta }\), and the ensemble model is given by (10),

$$\begin{aligned} \widehat{{\bar{f}}}_{{\text {RT}}}(\varvec{x}_t):= \bar{f}(\varvec{x}_t;({{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0)_{j=1}^m). \end{aligned}$$

If \({\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-\widehat{\bar{f}}_{{\text {LO}}}({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]\ge {\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-f({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}_0^{(j)}))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]\) for \(j=1,\ldots ,m\), where \(({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t,{{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t)_{t=1}^l\) is unseen future data, then

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-\widehat{{\bar{f}}}_{{\text {LO}}}({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]&\ge \frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m{\mathbb {E}}[({\widetilde{\kappa }}_t-f({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t] \\&\ge {\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-\widehat{\bar{f}}_{{\text {RT}}}({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]. \end{aligned}$$

Conversely, if \({\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-\widehat{\bar{f}}_{{\text {LO}}}({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]\le {\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-f({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}_0^{(j)}))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]\) for \(j=1,\ldots ,m\), then

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-\widehat{{\bar{f}}}_{{\text {LO}}}({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]&\le \frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m{\mathbb {E}}[({\widetilde{\kappa }}_t-f({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]\\&=\frac{1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m{\mathbb {E}}[(\widehat{{\bar{f}}}_{{\text {RT}}}({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t)-f({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t;{{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}}^{(j)}_0))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]\\&\quad +{\mathbb {E}}[({{\widetilde{\kappa }}}_t-\widehat{\bar{f}}_{{\text {RT}}}({{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t))^2\mid {{\widetilde{\varvec{x}}}}_t]. \end{aligned}$$

Hence, if \(\widehat{{{\bar{f}}}}_{{\text {LO}}}(\cdot )\) is the worst individual model, in the sense that this model achieves the largest out-of-sample error, then \(\widehat{{{\bar{f}}}}_{{\text {RT}}}(\cdot )\) will be better. If, on the other hand, \(\widehat{{{\bar{f}}}}_{{\text {LO}}}(\cdot )\) is the best individual model, i.e. achieves the smallest out-of-sample error, it is still not guaranteed to be better than the ensemble model \(\widehat{{{\bar{f}}}}_{{\text {RT}}}(\cdot )\), since this will depend on how much better it is compared to the individual models that make up the ensemble model \(\widehat{{{\bar{f}}}}_{{\text {RT}}}(\cdot )\), as well as how large the correlation is between the error terms of the individual models. To conclude, unless there is reason to believe that \(\widehat{\bar{f}}_{{\text {LO}}}(\cdot )\) will produce a substantially better model than the models based on sampling validation data randomly in time, essentially “putting all eggs in one basket”, a more agnostic alternative is to use the ensemble model \(\widehat{\bar{f}}_{{\text {RT}}}(\cdot )\).

3.7 LSTM boosting

Regardless of how data is split and used for model calibration / assessment, once the amount of data being used is reduced, it becomes even more important to have good starting values for the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)-process. The idea with boosting is as follows:

  1. (i)

    Decide on a reference time series model for the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s, thinking of this as a “standard” time series model, e.g. an ARIMA model. Let \(h(\mathcal {F}_{t-1} ; \varvec{\xi })\) denote the mean-function of the reference model, i.e.

    $$\begin{aligned} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{t+1} := h(\mathcal {F}_{t} ; \varvec{\xi }) + {{\widetilde{\epsilon }}}_{t+1}, \end{aligned}$$

    where \({{\widetilde{\epsilon }}}_t \sim \mathsf {N}(0, \chi ^2)\) and i.i.d.

  2. (ii)

    Obtain an estimate \({{\widehat{\varvec{\xi }}}}\) of \(\varvec{\xi }\).

  3. (iii)

    Given \({{\widehat{\varvec{\xi }}}}\), introduce the version of the LSTM neural network model (4) defined by

    $$\begin{aligned} {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_{t+1} = h(\mathcal {F}_{t} ; {{\widehat{\varvec{\xi }}}}) + f(\mathcal {F}_{t} ; \varvec{\eta }) + \epsilon _{t+1}, \end{aligned}$$

    where \(\epsilon _t \sim \mathsf {N}(0, \sigma ^2)\) and i.i.d., and where \(h(\mathcal {F}_{t} ; {{\widehat{\varvec{\xi }}}})\) acts like an \(\mathcal {F}_t\)-measurable (non-trainable) intercept function in the LSTM model.

The above boosting procedure is exemplified for model (4), but the steps hold verbatim for generalisations of this model as well.

4 Likelihoods and performance measures

As discussed in the introduction, the starting point for the modelling is the Poisson Lee-Carter model from [6], see (2) and (3), whose log-likehood (up to an additive constant) is given by

$$\begin{aligned} l(\varvec{\theta }) = \sum _{x,t} (-r_{x,t}\exp \{\alpha _x + \beta _x\kappa _t\} + d_{x,t}(\alpha _x + \beta _x\kappa _t)), \end{aligned}$$

which gives us the MLE of \(\varvec{\theta }\). Since the parameters of the model are estimated by maximum likelihood based on observed death counts, it is natural to evaluate the model performance based on future death counts and the corresponding out-of-sample likelihood. But, as is the case in the present paper, if the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s are treated as outcomes of a stochastic process, whose parameters are contained in \(\varvec{\eta }\) together with the relevant filtration given by the \(\mathcal {F}_t\)s, we arrive at the complete data likelihood given by

$$\begin{aligned} L(\varvec{\alpha }, \varvec{\beta }, \varvec{\eta }) = \prod _{x,t} p(d_{x,t} \mid r_{x,t} ; \alpha _x, \beta _x, {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t)q({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t ; \mathcal {F}_{t-1}, \varvec{\eta }), \end{aligned}$$

where \(p(\cdot )\) corresponds to the probability mass function of the Poisson distribution and where \(q(\cdot )\) corresponds to Gaussian densities. Here one can note that (13) defines a state-space model or a hidden Markov model, see e.g. [12] and [7].

The corresponding incomplete data likelihood, when we only observe death counts, is given by

$$\begin{aligned} L^*(\varvec{\alpha }, \varvec{\beta }) = {\mathbb {E}}_{\varvec{\kappa }}\left[ \prod _{x,t} p(d_{x,t} \mid r_{x,t} ; \alpha _x, \beta _x, {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t)\right] , \end{aligned}$$

where \({\mathbb {E}}_{\varvec{\kappa }}[\cdot ]\) corresponds to the expectation taken over the joint distribution of the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s. Thus, by simulating \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s from \(q(\cdot ; \mathcal {F}_{t-1}, {{\widehat{\varvec{\eta }}}})\) it is possible to estimate \(L^*(\varvec{\alpha }, \varvec{\beta })\), which, after taking the logarithm, is comparable with (12).

However, when computing (14) in practice, using the average over all trajectories will often turn out to be numerically unstable. The reason for this is that by sampling \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) trajectories without conditioning on the observed death counts, only a small fraction of trajectories will be in reasonable agreement with the deaths actually observed. For more on these issues, see e.g. [12, Ch. 11.3] or [20]. Because of this we instead evaluate different models in Sect. 5 based on the median of incomplete likelihoods per trajectory given by

$$\begin{aligned} {{\widetilde{L}}}^*(\varvec{\alpha }, \varvec{\beta }) = \text {median}_{\varvec{\kappa }}\left[ \prod _{x,t} p(d_{x,t} \mid r_{x,t} ; \alpha _x, \beta _x, {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t)\right] , \end{aligned}$$

which will indicate the typical performance of the \(\kappa _t\)-models. Moreover, note that (15) is

  1. (i)

    computable for any \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)-model, and that it is possible to compute both in-sample and out-of-sample, given the \(r_{x,t}\)s,

  2. (ii)

    smaller or equal to the corresponding likelihood consistent with (12), with equality if and only if the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) process is degenerate putting all probability mass in the points corresponding to the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s from the MLE of \(\varvec{\theta }\).

In Sect. 5, when likelihoods are discussed, it is (15) computed out-of-sample that will be used to evaluate model performance. Note, however, that the model parameters \(\varvec{\eta }\) defining the \(\widehat{\kappa }_t\)-model are calibrated based on the inner Gaussian (validation) MSE. This is in line with e.g. [26]. Due to this it is not necessarily the best \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)-model chosen w.r.t. the minimal (validation) MSE that will maximise the incomplete data likelihood (15). In Sect. 5 we give an example of when this occurs.

Remark 3

  1. (a)

    To better understand the models’ performance, we will compare the approximate log-likelihood with the log-likelihood of the saturated model, which we define as the model with estimates of \(\kappa _t\) corresponding to the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s from the MLE of \(\varvec{\theta }\). This is since the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s correspond to the best fit we can achieve based on observed death count data, given the model structure and the estimates \(({{\widehat{\varvec{\alpha }}}},{{\widehat{\varvec{\beta }}}})\). For the prediction period we define the saturated model as the one with estimates of \(\kappa _t\) corresponding to the MLE of \(\kappa _t\) based on mortality data for the prediction period, given \(({{\widehat{\varvec{\alpha }}}},{{\widehat{\varvec{\beta }}}})\) estimated for the in-sample period. Hence, we maximise the log-likelihood in (12) over \(\varvec{\kappa }\) for the prediction period, using the previous estimates of \((\varvec{\alpha },\varvec{\beta })\). Thus, if we could look into the future, but were restricted by our model choice and the previous estimates of \((\varvec{\alpha },\varvec{\beta })\), these estimates of the \(\kappa _t\)s give the best possible fit to data.

  2. (b)

    In Sect. 5 we also plot the incomplete data log-likelihood per age x. For age x we define

    $$\begin{aligned} L_x^*(\alpha _x,\beta _x)={\mathbb {E}}_{\varvec{\kappa }}\left[ \prod _{t} p(d_{x,t} \mid r_{x,t} ; \alpha _x, \beta _x, {{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t)\right] , \end{aligned}$$

    and plot \(\log L_x^*(\alpha _x,\beta _x)\) as a function of x. However, since

    $$\begin{aligned} \sum _x\log L_x^*(\alpha _x,\beta _x)\ne \log L^*(\varvec{\alpha },\varvec{\beta }), \end{aligned}$$

    this should only be seen as an indication of which ages the fit is better or worse for each model and does not completely align with the log-likelihood defined by (14). Due to this it is not possible to ascertain that the incomplete log-likelihood marginalised w.r.t. age should be lower than the corresponding saturated log-likelihood. This is also the case when changing from (14) to (15). However, when comparing the log-likelihood defined by (14) for each model, this will never exceed the log-likelihood for the saturated model.

5 Numerical illustrations

We will now illustrate the methods for calibration based on data from [19] for Italy, Sweden, and the USA. As mentioned early on, the ambition in the current section is not to obtain optimal model architectures, but rather to find architectures that work reasonably well for all populations. Moreover, the numerical illustrations are only used to highlight certain observations and artefacts of the methods used, but more details can be found in the Supplementary Materials [23] (available online).

Concerning estimation, the first step is to estimate all \((\alpha _x, \beta _x)_x\) and \(\kappa _t\)s using the Poisson Lee-Carter model defined by (2) and (3) using the R package StMoMo, see [32]. Given these initial estimates, the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\)s are in a second step modelled as a univariate Gaussian LSTM model defined by (4) using the R package keras, see [8].

The structure of the numerical illustrations is as follows:

Base case. The base case is to use death count data from 1950–1999 for training and to use 2000–2016 for out-of-sample testing. That is, the data from 1950–1999 will be split into in-sample training and validation sets in different ways depending on the different calibration procedures (i.e. LO, RT, or SP). The reason for not using data older than 1950 is in order to avoid the influence of WWII. Moreover, the assumption of having \((\alpha _x, \beta _x)_x\)s independent of time will provide a poor model fit when using longer time periods. This is due to structural breaks in data.

Long-term predictions. After having analysed the base case, which focus on short to medium range predictions, we move on to analysing the influence of the calibrations on long-term predictions. In this situation the focus is on the predictions themselves, since we lack suitable test data.

Calibration using a limited amount of data. The last part focus on the situation when having small amounts of data to be used for calibration. The data periods used are 1970–1989 for training together with 1990–2006 for testing, and 1980–1999 for training together with 2000–2016 for testing.

All model parameters used are summarised in Appendix A. For a detailed discussion of model parameters and other considerations necessary for the LSTM implementation and the calibration procedures, see the Supplementary Materials [23].

5.1 Base case

We start by considering the ReLu activation function when using un-scaled data (no pre-processing), see further Section 3.2 in the Supplementary Materials [23]. Further, since lag 5 is being used, the effective training data consists of the time period 1955–1999. In Table 1 the total MSE for the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) ensemble models used with Calibration LO, SP, and RT are shown, with the MSE for the best performing model of the three marked in bold for each population. As a point of reference a standard Gaussian random walk with drift model (RWD) for the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) process is used. The MSE for the RWD is underlined for the populations where the RWD outperforms the LSTM models. From Table 1 it is seen that Calibration SP in general outperforms the RWD in the test set. The only exceptions being Swedish females, where the trend is very close to linear, and for USA males and females, where the performance of the RWD is good by chance. That is, the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) processes for USA females and males exhibit structural breaks that are un-reasonable to capture based on the training data, see Fig. 1. Concerning Calibration RT it is seen that it overall performs well. When turning to Calibration LO, this calibration produces the best test MSE for Italian females and males, but the closeness to the RWD for females indicates a quite linear evolution of the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) process, whereas the dynamics for males is less linear. Still, the performance of the LO calibration in these cases is comparable with those from Calibration RT and SP. On the other hand, it is clear that Calibration LO is considerably worse for Swedish males, indicating that the last observations are not too representative for the future evolution of the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) process, see Fig. 2. The goal with the predictive modelling is of course to forecast mortality rates. One way of doing this is to take into account not only the variation in the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) process in (3), but also the Poisson variation in the number of deaths in (2). This is discussed in [1, Eq. (16)] where a two-step procedure is used. In the first step the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) process is simulated and \(\mu _{x,t}\) from (3) is calculated for each trajectory, denoted \(\mu _{x, t}^*\), and in the second step the number of deaths \(D_{x,t}^*\) are simulated, given \(\mu _{x,t}^*\) according to (2). Combining this, the predicted simulated mortality rates are calculated according to

$$\begin{aligned} {{\widehat{\mu }}}^*_{x,t}=\frac{D_{x,t}^*}{r_{x,t}}. \end{aligned}$$

Figure 3 shows the predicted simulated mortality rates for age 55 and 85 calculated according to (16), for calibration approach LO and RT. Clearly the predicted mortality rates for Calibration LO are far too low, while Calibration RT works fairly well.

Further, as discussed in Sect. 4, the MSE does not provide the full picture. In Table 2 the total log-likelihood based on (15) for test data is summarised together with the saturated model based on the raw estimates of \((\alpha _x, \beta _x)_x\) and \((\kappa _t)_t\). From Table 2 it is seen that the general ordering of the predictive performance of using the different calibrations remain essentially the same. Note, however, that for Swedish females all three LSTM models are better than the Poisson Lee-Carter, whereas the RWD outperformed the LSTM models in terms of MSE in Table 1. This illustrates the importance of assessing the global performance of the model in terms of deaths (or mortality rates), not only focusing on the inner \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) process. The reason for that Calibration SP has a higher log-likelihood than the Poisson Lee-Carter model is explained by that it captures the dynamics in older ages better. This is illustrated for Calibration SP and RT compared to the Poisson Lee-Carter model in Fig. 4. See also the simulated predicted mortality rates for Swedish females for age 55 and 85 in Fig. 5.

To conclude this far, Calibration RT and SP tend to perform best, and rarely considerably worse than Calibration LO. For Calibration LO we have seen examples where its predictive performance deteriorates, when at the same time Calibration RT and SP produce reasonable predictions.

Table 1 Out-of-sample MSE (2000–2016) for LSTM ensembles trained on “raw data” (no pre-processing) with activation function ReLu. Full set of parameters are given in Appendix A
Fig. 1
figure 1

USA females: \(\kappa _t\) in-sample and out-of-sample. Left: Calibration LO. Middle: Calibration RT. Right: Calibration SP. Bold solid black line shows raw (“observed”) estimates. Thin solid black lines correspond to median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles for the LSTM ensembles trained on “raw data” (no pre-processing) with activation function ReLu. Thin dashed red lines correspond to median and percentiles for the RWD. Data to the right of the last vertical dashed line correspond to test data. For calibration LO, the area between the vertical dashed lines show in-sample validation data

Fig. 2
figure 2

Swedish males: \(\kappa _t\) in-sample and out-of-sample. Left: Calibration LO. Middle: Calibration RT. Right: Calibration SP. Bold solid black line shows raw (“observed”) estimates. Thin solid black lines correspond to median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles for the LSTM ensembles trained on “raw data” (no pre-processing) with activation function ReLu. Thin dashed red lines correspond to median and percentiles for the RWD. Data to the right of the last vertical dashed line correspond to test data. For calibration LO, the area between the vertical dashed lines show in-sample validation data

Fig. 3
figure 3

Swedish males: Observed mortality rates 1950–2016, and predicted simulated mortality rates calculated according to (16). Top: Age 55. Bottom: Age 85. Left: Calibration LO. Right: Calibration RT. Bold solid black line shows observed mortality rates. Thin solid black lines correspond to median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles for the LSTM ensembles trained on “raw data” (no pre-processing) with activation function ReLu. Thin dashed red lines correspond to median and percentiles for the Poisson Lee-Carter model

Table 2 Log-likelihood calculated according to (15) out-of-sample (2000–2016) for the Poisson Lee-Carter model and for the LSTM ensembles trained on “raw data” (1950–1999) with activation function ReLu
Fig. 4
figure 4

Top: Swedish females, Calibration SP. Bottom: Italian females, Calibration RT. Left: \(\kappa _t\) in-sample and out-of-sample. Bold solid black line shows raw (“observed”) estimates. Thin solid black lines correspond to median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles for the LSTM ensembles trained on “raw data” (no pre-processing) with activation function ReLu. Thin dashed red lines correspond to median and percentiles for the RWD. Data to the right of the last vertical dashed line correspond to test data. Right: log-likelihood per age, calculated in agreement with (15), out-of-sample. The solid black line corresponds to the LSTM ensemble, the dashed red line corresponds to the Poisson Lee-Carter model, and the dash-dotted blue line corresponds to the saturated model

Fig. 5
figure 5

Swedish females: Observed mortality rates 1950–2016, and predicted simulated mortality rates calculated according to (16). Top: age 55. Bottom: age 85. Left: Calibration LO. Middle: Calibration RT. Right: Calibration SP. Bold solid black line shows observed mortality rates. Thin solid black lines correspond to median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles for the LSTM ensembles trained on “raw data” (no pre-processing) with activation function ReLu. Thin dashed red lines correspond to median and percentiles for the Poisson Lee-Carter model

Fig. 6
figure 6

Italian males: \(\kappa _t\) long-term prediction. Left: Calibration LO. Middle: Calibration RT. Right: Calibration SP. Bold solid black line shows raw (“observed”) estimates. Thin solid black lines correspond to median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles for the LSTM ensembles trained on “raw data” (no pre-processing) with activation function ReLu. Thin dashed red lines correspond to median and percentiles for the RWD. Data to the right of the last vertical dashed line correspond to test data. For calibration LO, the area between the vertical dashed lines show in-sample validation data

5.2 Long-term predictions

Compared with standard time-series models it is not obvious whether an LSTM model calibration will produce predictions that are “non-explosive”, i.e. not tending to \(\pm \infty\). In Sect. 5.1 it was seen that the LSTM model may be calibrated successfully in order to produce short to medium-term predictions that out-performed an RWD, when only looking at the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) process, or the Poisson Lee-Carter model when considering actual death counts or mortality rates. As an example, all calibrations, LO, RT, and SP, produced reasonable predictions for Italian males in the short to medium-term. This is, however, not the case when pushing the predictions further into the future, see Fig. 6, where all calibrations decrease super linearly producing mortality rates that are practically zero—including extremely narrow prediction intervals. This indicates that even though we have used early stopping based on validation data when calibrating the LSTM model, all calibrations seem to have overfitted to non-linearities in the training data.

This dramatic deterioration of the long-term predictions can, at least partly, be diminished by using boosting, as discussed in Sect. 3.7, and scaling. That is, we first fit an RWD to the original \(\kappa _t\) estimates, and only feed the resulting residuals, scaled to lie between \([-1, 1]\) using the min-max-scaler, to the LSTM. This boosted LSTM model turns out to work best with tanh as activation function, instead of the previously used ReLu activation. The performance of boosted SP calibrations for Italian and Swedish males are given in Fig. 7, where it is clearly seen that the boosted models provide a reasonable compromise between the (possibly very) non-linear pure LSTM model and the linear RWD model. Here one can note that when the RWD and pure LSTM are in conflict, the prediction intervals will be wider, see the analysis for USA females in the Supplementary Materials [23]. Similarly, when the RWD and the pure LSTM are aligned, the prediction intervals may still be narrow, see the analysis for Swedish females in the Supplementary Materials [23].

A summary of test log-likelihoods calculated according to (15) for all populations is given in Table 3, which compared with Table 2 show that the boosted models in general provide good predictive performance.

Before ending this section, it is worth stressing that you can, of course, use another model than a simple RWD as the basis for boosting such as more general ARIMA models. Another simple generalisation is to boost squared residuals, in this way creating an ARCH type LSTM model.

The conclusion in the current section is again that Calibration RT and SP tend to outperform the standard LO calibration.

Fig. 7
figure 7

\(\kappa _t\) long-term prediction with Calibration SP. Top: Italian males. Bottom: Swedish males. Left: LSTM ensemble trained on “raw data” (no pre-processing) with activation function ReLu. Right: LSTM ensemble trained on residual after boosting and scaling with activation function tanh. Bold solid black line shows raw (“observed”) estimates. Thin solid black lines correspond to median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles for the LSTM ensemble. Thin dashed red lines correspond to median and percentiles for the RWD. Data to the right of the last vertical dashed line correspond to test data

Table 3 Log-likelihood calculated according to (15) out-of-sample (2000–2016) for the Poisson Lee-Carter model and for the LSTM ensembles trained on residual after boosting and scaling (1950–1999) with activation function tanh

5.3 Calibration using a limited amount of data

As already discussed in Sect. 5.2, by using boosting the predictive performance becomes a compromise between a simpler model (here RWD) and a complex non-linear model (here LSTM). This approach tends to stabilise long-term predictions, and if the two model types are in “conflict” the prediction intervals widen, whereas if they are “aligned” it is possible to still obtain reasonably narrow prediction intervals. Due to this, we only considered boosted models when reducing the amount of data used for calibration even more than previously. In the current section we will consider two different situations: training based on 1970–1989 together with testing on 1990–2006, and training based on 1980–1999 together with testing based on 2000–2016. The results for the test log-likelihoods calculated according to (15) for all calibrations are summarised in Tables 4 and 5. As in Sect. 5.2 it is seen that the boosted RT and SP calibrations generally outperform Calibration LO. Further, for many of these populations the \({{\widehat{\kappa }}}_t\) processes are essentially linear, but the overall boosted model is similar to or only slightly worse than a standard RWD, see the analysis for e.g. Italian and Swedish females in the Supplementary Materials [23]. On the other hand, when there are non-linearities, the boosted models seem to capture these patterns reasonably well. Furthermore, by using boosted models the long-term predictions are reasonable as well.

Table 4 Log-likelihood calculated according to (15) out-of-sample (1990–2006) for the Poisson Lee-Carter model and for the LSTM ensembles trained on residual after boosting and scaling (1970–1989) with activation function tanh
Table 5 Log-likelihood calculated according to (15) out-of-sample (2000–2016) for the Poisson Lee-Carter model and for the LSTM ensembles trained on residual after boosting and scaling (1980–1999) with activation function tanh

6 Concluding remarks

In this paper, we focus on how to use data efficiently together with an LSTM neural network extension of the Poisson Lee-Carter model. We introduce alternative methods for calibration of the model, combined with ensembling, and illustrate that sampling validation data randomly in time (Calibration RT), and creating validation data by sampling individuals and randomly assigning them to different subpopulations (Calibration SP), are viable alternatives to the standard approach of withholding the last fraction of observations as validation data (Calibration LO). This can at least partly be motivated theoretically, see Sect. 3.6. Further, as was seen in Sect. 5, Calibration LO may perform very poorly in situations where RT and SP perform well, while in situations where LO is the best, the performance of RT and SP is still good. The general approach to calibration, using LO, RT or SP, is of course not only applicable to LSTM neural network models, but can be used with other models as well, with obvious modifications. The need for using these alternative calibration procedures might be larger when the number of observations in available or relevant data is limited.

Furthermore, as seen in Sect. 5.2, when using boosting and applying the calibration methods to the residuals produced by first using a simpler model, as described in Sect. 3.7, we obtain more robust models that provide reasonable predictions for long-term forecasting horizons, without degrading the performance too much in the short-term. In our numerical illustrations these models consist of a compromise between a linear RWD model used for boosting, and a non-linear LSTM model. The resulting forecasts are close to the ones from a simple RWD when mortality rates are essentially log-linear, but can still capture some of the non-linearity in data when sufficiently strong non-linearities are present, without producing unreasonable long-term predictions. Additionally, boosting combined with Calibration RT and SP enables us to produce reasonable forecasts based on training data consisting of as few as 20 observations, though perhaps one should still be careful when attempting to use highly complex models when data is scarce.

Note that all figures in Sect. 5 only contain future evolutions of processes given point estimates. That is, we have not accounted for any estimation error in the prediction intervals. One way of including this is to use the bootstrap procedure described for the Poisson Lee-Carter model in [5]. However, this procedure would become computationally heavy when applied to the ensemble models used in the present paper, which have been introduced to enhance the stability of the predictions.

Finally, the analysis in the present paper is based on that the simple model structure (3) and (2) is good enough to capture the dynamics in mortality data. Hence, the model used is rather inflexible when it comes to structural changes over time, since the estimates \((\alpha _x,\beta _x)\) will be fixed over the whole time period. It is thus too much to hope that this model will be able to produce reasonable results when trained on data over long time periods, giving part of the motivation behind trying to fit the model to limited data, even for cases where data for longer time horizons might be available. This problem can be seen for e.g. simulated in-sample mortality rates for USA females during 1950–1999, even though the corresponding \(\kappa _t\) process behaviour is reasonable, see the Supplementary Materials [23].

The focus in the present paper has been on one-dimensional models in a Poisson setting. A natural continuation would be to consider higher-dimensional versions of this type of Poisson Lee-Carter models. This might in itself lead to richer data, increasing the possibility of obtaining reliable model calibrations without having to increase the length of the time series in the time dimension.