1 Introduction

Given a pointed topological space \((X,x_{0})\), the nth Gotttlieb group of X, also called the evaluation subgroup of \(\pi _{n}(X)\) and denoted by \(G_{n}(X)\), consists of those \(\alpha \in \pi _{n}(X)\) for which there is a map \(F : X \times S^{n} \longrightarrow X\) such that the following diagram commutes:

figure a

where \(f: S^{n}\longrightarrow X\) is a representative of \(\alpha \) and \(\nabla \) is the folding map. Thus for every \(\alpha \in G_{n}(X,x_{0})\), there exists at least one map \(F:X \times S^{n}\longrightarrow X\) such that \(F(x_{0},s)=f(s) \). We say that F is an affiliated map to \(\alpha \) [3]. If X has a base point \(x_{0}\) and \(aut X\) denotes the monoid of self homotopy equivalences of X with \(ev :aut X \longrightarrow X \) the evaluation map at \(x_{0}\), then it follows from the definition that

$$\begin{aligned} G_{n}(X)=im \Big ( ev_{\sharp }:\pi _{n}(aut X,1_{X}) \longrightarrow \pi _{n}(X,x_{0}) \Big ) . \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, if \(f: X \longrightarrow Y\) is a based map between simply connected CW complexes and map(XYf), the space of maps from X to Y which are homotopic to f, then \(G_{n}(Y,X;f)= im ( ev_{\sharp }:map(X,Y;f)\longrightarrow \pi _{n}(Y) )\) is the nth evaluation subgroup of f [9]. In [10], Woo and Lee defined relative evaluation subgroups \(G_{n}^{rel}(X,Y;f)\) and showed that they fit in a sequence

$$\begin{aligned} \cdots \longrightarrow G_{n+1}^{rel}(Y,X;f)\longrightarrow G_{n}(X)\longrightarrow G_{n}(Y,X;f) \longrightarrow \cdots \end{aligned}$$

called the G-sequence of f.

We use Sullivan models to compute rational relative Gottlieb groups of the inclusion \(Gr(2,n)\hookrightarrow Gr(2,n+1)\). We refer to [4] for details and work over a field of characteristic zero in this case \({\mathbb {Q}}\).

Definition 1

A differential graded algebra (dga) is a graded algebra \(A=\bigoplus _{n\ge 0}A^{n}\) together with a derivation d, \(d=d_{n}:A^{n} \longrightarrow A^{n+1}\) such that \(d \circ d=0\). Then (Ad) is called a cochain algebra. A graded algebra A is commutative if \(a\cdot b=(-1)^{deg a \cdot deg b } b \cdot a \) for \(a, b\in A\) [2, Chap. 3].

Definition 2

A Sullivan algebra is a commutative cochain algebra of the form \((\wedge V, d)\) where \(V = \left\{ V^{p} \right\} _{p\ge 2}\) and \(\wedge V\) denotes the graded free commutative algebra on V. A Sullivan model for a commutative cochain algebra (Ad) is a quasi-isomorphism \(m:(\wedge V,d) \longrightarrow (A,d)\) from a Sullivan algebra \((\wedge V,d) \). A Sullivan algebra is said to be minimal if the differential is decomposable, that is, \(Im d \subset \wedge ^{+}V \cdot \wedge ^{+}V \). Moreover, if \(H^{0}(A)={\mathbb {Q}}\) then (Ad) has a minimal model which is unique up to isomorphism. If X is a nilpotent space and \(A_{PL}(X)\) the commutative differential graded algebra (cdga) of piecewise linear forms on X, then a Sullivan model of X is a Sullivan model of \(A_{PL}(X)\) [2, Chap.12].

2 Derivation spaces and the rationalized G-sequence

Given commutative differential graded algebras \((A, d_{A})\) and \((B, d_{B})\) and a map \(\phi : A \longrightarrow B\), define a \(\phi \)-derivation of degree n to be a linear map \(\theta :A^{*} \longrightarrow B^{*-n}\) which satisfies \(\theta (xy)=\theta (x)\phi (y)+ (-1)^{n|x|}\phi (x)\theta (y)\). We only consider derivations of positive degree. Let \(Der_{n}(A,B;\phi )\) denote the vector space of all \(\phi \)-derivations of degree n for \(n>0\). Define a linear map \(D:Der_{n}(A,B;\phi )\longrightarrow Der_{n-1}(A,B;\phi )\) by \(D(\theta )=d_{B}\circ \theta - (-1)^{|\theta |}\theta \circ d_{A}\). Then, \((Der_{*}(A,B;\phi ),D)\) is a chain complex. In case \(A=B\) and \(\phi =1_{B}\), the chain complex of derivations \(Der_{*}(B,B;1)\) is just the usual complex of derivations on the commutative differential graded algebra B [6]. If \(\phi :(\wedge V,d)\longrightarrow (\wedge W,d) \) is a Sullivan minimal model of \(f:X \longrightarrow Y \), then \(H_{n}(Der(\wedge V,\wedge W;\phi ),D ) \cong \pi _{n}( map(X,Y;f))\otimes {\mathbb {Q}}; n\ge 2 \) [6, 1].

We note that \(Der(\wedge V,B;\phi )\cong Hom(V,B)\). If \(\lbrace v_{i} \rbrace \) is a basis of V, we denote by \((v_{i},b)\), the unique \( \phi \)-derivation \(\theta \) such that

$$\begin{aligned} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \theta (v_{i})=b_{i}&{} b_{i}\in B, \\ \theta (v_{j})=0 &{} i \ne j. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Pre-composition with \(\phi \), respectively post-composition with the augmentation \(\varepsilon : B \longrightarrow {\mathbb {Q}}\), gives a map of chain complexes

$$\begin{aligned} \phi ^{*}:Der_{*}(B,B;1)\longrightarrow Der_{*}(A,B;\phi ), \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \varepsilon _{*}:Der_{*}(A,B;\phi )\longrightarrow Der_{*}(A,{\mathbb {Q}};\varepsilon ). \end{aligned}$$

Definition 3

Let \(\phi : V \longrightarrow W\) be a map of differential graded vector spaces. Define a differential graded vector space, \(Rel_{*}(\phi )\), called the mapping cone as follows. \(Rel_{n}(\phi )=sV_{n-1} \oplus W_{n}\) with differential \(\delta \) of degree \(-1\) given by \(\delta (sv, w)=(-sd_{V}(v),\phi (v)+d_{W}(w) )\) [7]. There are chain maps \(J: W_{n}\longrightarrow Rel_{n}(\phi )\) and \(P: Rel_{n}(\phi )\longrightarrow V_{n-1}\) defined by \(J(w)=(0,w)\) and \(P(sv,w)=v\). These give a short exact sequence of chain complexes

which leads to a long exact sequence in homology

whose connecting homomorphism is \(H(\phi )\). We refer to this sequence as the long exact homology sequence of \(\phi \).

We use Theorem 3.3 of [6]


Let \(f: X \longrightarrow Y \) be a map between simply connected CW-complexes and \(\phi :(\wedge V,d)\longrightarrow (\wedge W,d) \) its Sullivan model. The long exact sequence induced by \(f_{*}:map(X,X;1)\longrightarrow map(X,Y;f)\) on rational homotopy groups is equivalent to the long exact homology sequence of the map

$$\begin{aligned} \phi ^{*}:Der_{*}(\wedge W,\wedge W;1)\longrightarrow Der_{*}(\wedge V,\wedge W;\phi ) \end{aligned}$$

induced by the minimal model \(\phi :(\wedge V,d)\longrightarrow (\wedge W,d)\) of the map \(f:X \longrightarrow Y\).

Definition 4

Given a commutative differential graded algebra map \(\phi :A \longrightarrow B\), we have the following commutative diagram of differential graded vector spaces;

figure b

Here, \(\varepsilon \) denotes the augmentation of either A or B. On passing to homology and using the naturality of the mapping cone construction, we obtain the following homology ladder \((n\ge 2)\),

figure c

Definition 5

Suppose \(\phi : A \longrightarrow B\) is a map of commutative differential graded algebras, we define the evaluation subgroups of \(\phi \) by

$$\begin{aligned} G_{n}(A,B;\phi )= im\lbrace H(\varepsilon _{*}) :H_{n}(Der(A,B;\phi )) \longrightarrow H_{n}(Der(A,{\mathbb {Q}};\varepsilon )) \rbrace . \end{aligned}$$

In the special case \(A=B\) and \(\phi =1_{B}\), we refer to the Gottlieb group of B, and use the notation \(G_{n}(B)\). If \(B=(\wedge V,d)\) is a model of a simply connected space X, then an element \(\alpha \in G_{n}(B)\) is represented by a linear mapping \(f: V^{n}\longrightarrow {\mathbb {Q}}\) that extends into a derivation \(\theta \) of \(\wedge V\) such that \(\delta \theta =0\). Moreover, \(G_{n}(B)\cong G_{n}(X_{{\mathbb {Q}}})\) [2, Proposition 29.8].

The nth relative evaluation subgroup of \(\phi \) is defined by;

$$\begin{aligned} G_{n}^{rel}(A,B;\phi )=im\lbrace H(\varepsilon _{*},\varepsilon _{*}):H_{n}(Rel(\phi ^{*}))\longrightarrow H_{n}(Rel(\widehat{\phi ^{*}})) \rbrace . \end{aligned}$$

Then the image of the upper long sequence in the lower, of the ladder above, gives a sequence


that terminates in \(G_{2}(A,B;\phi )\).

We refer to this sequence as the G-sequence of the map \(\phi : A \longrightarrow B\). This can be applied to the minimal model \(\phi :(\wedge V,d) \longrightarrow (\wedge W,d) \) of the map \(f :X \longrightarrow Y \) as stated and proved in [6, Theorem 3.5].

3 The inclusion \(Gr(2,n) \hookrightarrow Gr(2,n+1)\)

Let Gr(kn) be the Grassmann manifold of k-dimensional subspaces of \({\mathbb {C}}^{n}\). The cohomology ring \(H^{*}(Gr(k,n), {\mathbb {Q}})\) is generated by the Chern classes \(c_{i}\in H^{2i}(Gr(k,n),{\mathbb {Q}})\), for \(1\le i \le k\). Further, the cohomology ring has a presentation

$$\begin{aligned} H^{*}(Gr(k,n),{\mathbb {Q}})=\wedge (c_{1},c_{2},\ldots , c_{k}) / ( h_{n-k+1},\ldots ,h_{n} ), \end{aligned}$$

as the quotient of the polynomial ring generated by \(c_{1},c_{2}, \ldots , c_{k}\), \(\vert c_{i} \vert =2i\), modulo the ideal generated by the elements \(h_{j},n-k+1\le j\le n\). Here, \(h_{j}\) is defined as the 2jth degree term in the Taylor’s expansion of \((1+c_{1}+c_{2}+c_{3}+ \cdots + c_{k})^{-1}\) where \((1+c_{1}+c_{2}+c_{3}+ \cdots +c_{k})\) is the total Chern class [4].

In particular, the cohomology rings of Gr(2, n) and \(Gr(2, n+1)\) are:

  • \(H^{*} (Gr(2,n),{\mathbb {Q}})=\wedge (y_{2},y_{4})/ (h_{n-1},h_{n}) \) and

  • \(H^{*} (Gr(2,n+1),{\mathbb {Q}})=\wedge (x_{2},x_{4})/ (h_{n},h_{n+1})\) respectively.

The minimal model of Gr(2, n) is \((\wedge (y_{2},y_{4},y_{2n-3},y_{2n-1}),d )\) with \(d(y_{2})=d(y_{4})=0\), \(d(y_{2n-3})=h_{n-1}\), \(d(y_{2n-1})=h_{n}\). In the same way, a model of \(Gr(2,n+1)\) is given by \(( \wedge (x_{2},x_{4},x_{2n-1},x_{2n+1}),d )\) with \(dx_{2}=dx_{4}=0\), \(dx_{2n-1}=h_{n}\) and \(dx_{2n+1}=h_{n+1}\).

Lemma 1



Write the Taylor series \((1+x_{2}+x_{4})^{-1}=1+h_{1}+h_{2}+ \cdots \) where, \(|h_{i}|=2i\). From \((1+x_{2}+x_{4})(1+x_{2}+x_{4})^{-1}=1\), one gets the relation \(h_{n+1}=-x_{2}h_{n}-x_{4}h_{n-1}\)\(\square \)

In particular, \(h_{n+1}\) is co-boundary in \(( \wedge (x_{2},x_{4},x_{2n-3},x_{2n-1}),d )\), that is, there exists \(\alpha \) of degree \(2n+1\) such that \(d\alpha =h_{n+1}\).

Theorem 1

Let \(B= (\wedge (y_{2},y_{4},y_{2n-3},y_{2n-1}),d )\). Then \(G_{n}(B)=\langle [ y_{2n-3}^{*} ], [ y_{2n-1}^{*} ] \rangle \).


Let \(\alpha _{2n-1}=(y_{2n-1},1)\) and \(\alpha _{2n-3}=(y_{2n-3},1)\). Then \(\delta \alpha _{n-1}=\delta \alpha _{2n-3}=0\). Moreover, \(\alpha _{2n-3}\) and \(\alpha _{2n-1}\) can not be boundaries for degree reason. Therefore, \([ \alpha _{2n-3} ] \) and \(\left[ \alpha _{2n-1} \right] \) are non zero homology classes in \(H_{*}( Der(B,B;1))\). Further, \(\varepsilon _{*}(\alpha _{2n-3})=y_{2n-3}^{*}\) and \(\varepsilon _{*}(\alpha _{2n-1})=y_{2n-1}^{*}\).

As Gr(2, n) is a finite CW-complex then \(G_{even}(B)=0\) [2, Pg.379] . Hence, \(G_{n}(B)= \left\langle \left[ y_{2n-3}^{*} \right] ,\left[ y_{2n-1}^{*} \right] \right\rangle \). \(\square \)

The inclusion \(Gr(2,n)\hookrightarrow Gr(2,n+1)\) has a model of the form

$$\begin{aligned} \phi :\wedge V= \Big ( \wedge (x_{2},x_{4},x_{2n-1},x_{2n+1}),d \Big ) \longrightarrow \Big ( \wedge (y_{2},y_{4},y_{2n-3},y_{2n-1}),d \Big )=B \end{aligned}$$

where \(\phi (x_{2})=y_{2}\), \(\phi (x_{4})=y_{4}\), \(\phi (x_{2n-1})=y_{2n-1}\) and \(\phi (x_{2n+1})=\alpha \) where \(d\alpha =h_{n+1}\) by Lemma 1.

Theorem 2

Consider the inclusion \(Gr(2,n)\hookrightarrow Gr(2,n+1) \) and \(\phi :(\wedge V,d)\longrightarrow (B,d)\) its Sullivan model, then \(G_{*}(\wedge V, B;\phi ) \cong \langle [ x_{2n-1}^{*}] ,[ x_{2n+1}^{*}] \rangle \).


As Gr(2, n) is formal, \(Der(\wedge V,B;\phi ) \overset{\simeq }{\longrightarrow } Der (\wedge V, H(B);f \circ \phi )\) where \(f:B\xrightarrow {\simeq }H(B)\) is a quasi isomorphism. Similarly, since B is formal \(Der(B,B;1)\simeq Der(B,H(B);f)\). Define \(\theta _{2n-1}=(x_{2n-1},1)\), \(\theta _{2n+1}=(x_{2n+1},1)\) in \(Der(\wedge V,H(B);f \circ \phi )\). Then \(\delta \theta _{2n-1}=\delta \theta _{2n+1}=0\). Moreover, \([\theta _{2n-1} ] \) and \([\theta _{2n+1} ] \) are nonzero cohomology classes in \(H_{*}( Der(\wedge V,H^{*}(B);f \circ \phi ))\).

We note that, \(\theta _{2}=(x_{2},1)\) and \(\theta _{4}=(x_{4},1)\) are not cycles in \(Der (\wedge V, H(B);f \circ \phi )\) [8].

Further, \(H(\varepsilon _{*})([\theta _{2n-1} ]) = [x^{*}_{2n-1} ] \in G_{2n-1}(\wedge V,B;f \circ \phi ) \). In a similar way, \(H(\varepsilon _{*})([ \theta _{2n+1} ]) = [x^{*}_{2n+1} ]\in G_{2n+1}(\wedge V,B;f \circ \phi ) \). It then follows that \(G_{*}(\wedge V,B;f \circ \phi )= \langle [x^{*}_{2n-1}], [x^{*}_{2n+1} ] \rangle \). \(\square \)

Theorem 3

Consider the inclusion \(Gr(2,n)\hookrightarrow Gr(2,n+1) \) and

$$\begin{aligned} \phi : (\wedge V,d)&=\Big (\wedge (x_{2},x_{4},x_{2n-1},x_{2n+1}),d \Big ) \\&\longrightarrow \Big (\wedge V(y_{2},y_{4},y_{2n-3},y_{2n-1}),d \Big )=B \end{aligned}$$

its Sullivan model, then \(G_{*}^{rel}(\wedge V,B;\phi )= \langle [ ( x_{2n-3}^{*},0)] , [ ( 0, y_{2n+1}^{*})] \rangle \).


Consider the diagram below [6].

figure d

Let \(\alpha _{2n-1}=(y_{2n-1},1)\), \(\alpha _{2n-3}=(y_{2n-3},1) \in Der(B,H(B);f)\) and \(\theta _{2n-1}\), \(\theta _{2n+1} \in Der(\wedge V,H^{*}(B);\phi )\) as defined above. Then \(\phi ^{*}(\alpha _{2n-1})=\theta _{2n-1}\) and \(\phi ^{*}(\alpha _{2n-3})=0\).

Further, \(D(\alpha _{2n-1},0)=(0,\theta _{2n-1})\), \(D(\alpha _{2n-3},0)=(0,0)\) and \(D(0,\theta _{2n-1},0)=0=D(0,\theta _{2n+1})\). Therefore, \( [(\alpha _{2n-3},0) ] \) and \( [(0,\theta _{2n+1}) ] \) are non zero homology classes in \(H_{*} (Rel(\phi ^{*}) )\). Moreover, \(H(\varepsilon _{*},\varepsilon _{*})([\alpha _{2n-3},0 ] )= [(x^{*}_{2n-3},0) ] \) and \(H(\varepsilon _{*},\varepsilon _{*})([(0,\theta _{2n+1}) ] )= [(0,y^{*}_{2n+1}) ] \). A straightforward computation shows that \([(x^{*}_{2n-3},0) ] \) and \( [(0,y^{*}_{2n+1}) ] \) span \(H(\varepsilon _{*},\varepsilon _{*})\). \(\square \)

The G-sequence reduces to

and is exact.

Example 1

Consider \(Gr(2,4)\hookrightarrow Gr(2,5)\). A model of the inclusion is given by

$$\begin{aligned} \phi :\wedge V= \Big ( \wedge (x_{2},x_{4},x_{7},x_{9}),d \Big ) \longrightarrow \Big (\wedge (y_{2},y_{4},y_{5},y_{7}),d \Big )=B, \end{aligned}$$

where \(dx_{2}=dx_{4}=0, dx_{7}=x_{4}^{2}-3x^{2}x_{4}+x_{2}^{4}\), \(dx_{9}=4x_{2}^{3}x_{4}-3x_{2}x_{4}^{2}-x_{2}^{5}\)\(dy_{2}=dy_{4}=0\), \(dy_{5}=2y_{2}y_{4}-y_{2}^{3}\) and \(dy_{7}=y_{4}^{2}-3y_{2}^{2}y_{4}+y_{2}^{4}\).

Moreover, \(\phi (x_{2})=y_{2}\), \(\phi (x_{4})=y_{4}\), \(\phi (x_{7})=y_{7}\) and \(\phi (x_{9})=-y_{2}y_{7}-y_{4}y_{4} \).

We compute \( G_{*}^{rel}(\wedge V,B;\phi ) \). Let \(\alpha _{7}=(y_{7},1), \alpha _{5}=(y_{5},1) \in Der_{7}(B,H(B);f)\) where \( f:B \overset{\cong }{\rightarrow } H(B) \) and \( \theta _{7}=(x_{7},1) \), \( \theta _{9}=(x_{9},1)\in Der(\wedge V,H^{*}(B);f\circ \phi ) \) then \(\phi ^{*}(\alpha _{7})=\theta _{7}\) and \(\phi ^{*}(\alpha _{5})=0\). Moreover, \( D(s\alpha _{7},0)=(0,\theta _{7}) \), \( D(s\alpha _{5},0)=(0,0) \) and \( D(0,\theta _{7})=D(0,\theta _{9})=(0,0) \). Hence \( \left[ (s\alpha _{5},0) \right] \) and \( \left[ (0,\theta _{9}) \right] \) are non zero homology classes. Moreover, \( (\epsilon _{*},\epsilon _{*})(s\alpha _{5},0)=(sy_{5}^{*},0) \), (\(\epsilon _{*},\epsilon _{*}) (0,\theta _{9})=(0,y_{9}^{*})\). Therefore

$$\begin{aligned} G_{*}^{rel}(\wedge V,B ;\phi )= \left\langle \left[ (0,x_{9}^{*}) \right] ,\left[ ( sy_{5}^{*},0) \right] \right\rangle . \end{aligned}$$