Correction to: Diabetes Ther (2020) 11:1017–1027

In the original publication, the timing of baseline CGM assessment was incorrectly stated in the text in two instances; it is correct in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Study design. Asterisk indicates telephone calls by investigators to monitor insulin titration weekly between site visits for all participants, unless participants are attending the study site for sensor replacement. Participants have the option to come to site on day −10 and day 74 for sensor replacement

In the “Data Collection” section, the sentence “Baseline and investigational CGM values are assessed during weeks 0–3 and 9–12, respectively…” should state “Baseline and investigational CGM values are assessed during weeks −3 to 0 and 9 to 12, respectively…” In the “Statistical Analysis” section, the sentence “The percentage of time in the glucose range of ≥ 70 to ≤ 180 mg/dL (≥ 3.9 to ≤ 10 mmol/L) at week 12 will be assessed in both arms using 20 days of blinded CGM data during weeks 0–3 and 9–12” should state “The percent time in the glucose range of ≥ 70 to ≤ 180 mg/dL (≥ 3.9 to ≤ 10 mmol/L) at week 12 will be assessed using data generated during the randomised period”.

It was also noticed that Fig. 1 and its legend required minor amends (inclusion criteria corrected from “HbA1c ≥ 7% to < 10%” to “ ≥ 7% to ≤ 10%”; CGM collection corrected from “week 10–12” to “week 9–12”; footnote corrected from “unless investigators are…” to “unless participants are…”).

The authors also take this opportunity to correct the following minor errors in the original publication:

In the Methods, the sentence “Further, participants must not have experienced a change in body weight of ≥ 5 kg within 3 months prior to screening, used an insulin pump within 6 months prior to screening or have received Gla-300 or IDeg-100 as basal insulin within 30 days prior to screening, glucose-lowering drugs other than rapid-acting insulin analogues within 3 months prior to screening…” should state “Further, participants must not have experienced a change in body weight of ≥ 5 kg within 3 months prior to screening, used an insulin pump within 6 months prior to screening or have received Gla-300 or IDeg-100 as basal insulin within 30 days prior to screening, glucose-lowering drugs other than basal and rapid-acting insulin analogues within 3 months prior to screening…

In the Data Collection section, the sentence “Useable CGM data for any given day are defined as > 80% of records per 24 h…” should state “Useable CGM data for any given day are defined as ≥ 80% of records per 24 h…”

In the Data Collection section, the text “…and data from glucometers. Weekly telephone calls will be uploaded to site computers at weeks 0, 8 and 12.” should read “…and data from glucometers and weekly telephone calls will be uploaded to site computers at weeks 0, 8, 9 and 12.”