As previously announced, from the current volume (Vol 43) this journal undergoes a name change to Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine [1]. This is the 3rd name that the journal has had, the previous being Australasian Physical Sciences in Medicine for Volumes 1–2 (1977–1979) [2] and Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine for Volumes 3–42 (1980–2019). It is important to note that, although the new name will take some time to flow through to indexing databases and journal metrics, the journal itself is not new. It has been established for some 43 years as an scientific journal (Volume 1) and 60 years as an entity, in that its beginnings go back to December 1959 when it was first produced as the Australasian Newsletter of Medical Physics in 1959 [3,4,5].

Out of interest, Issue 1 of Australasian Newsletter of Medical Physics in 1959 contained several articles listed under Technical Notes and Progress Notes of Work in Hand, as listed in Table 1. Although these were not full articles, it can be seen that the 1959 publication was a conduit for sharing scientific information, with some of the titles similar to those seen in the current era.

Table 1 Titles of articles listed under technical notes and progress notes of work in hand from Australasian Newsletter of Medical Physics, 1959