Correction: Energy Systems

In the original publication of the article, the value under column 30 s–5 min of row VRE ramping in Table 5 was incorrectly published as “1”. The correct value should read “0”. The correct table (Table 5) is given below:

Table 5 Shares of each reserve demand source active in each intra-hourly interval

Also, on page 14, in the paragraph following the subsection Frequency reserve, the sentence which reads as “Of these factors, it is assumed……………at least 30 s before it occurs and, thus, does not need a reserve response faster than 30 s. This 30 s is also shown in Table 5, and represented in Eq. (17) through OVREo,” should read “Of these factors, it is assumed……………at least 5 min before it occurs and, thus, does not need a reserve response faster than 5 min. This 5 min is also shown in Table 5, and represented in Eq. (17) through OVREo,”. The original article has been corrected.