Correction to: Adv Ther

The authors would like to acknowledge missing data for all prior latanoprost users as a whole. The following sentence has been added to the manuscript (page 8, first paragraph):

Mean (SD) reduction from baseline at Month 6 for users of all latanoprost formulations (preserved and PF) was 6.1 (4.25) mmHg (25.9%; p < 0.0001).

The authors have also prepared a table to summarise the change in intraocular pressure following a switch to the preservative-free tafluprost/timolol fixed-dose combination from all latanoprost formulations (preserved and preservative-free formulations). See Table 1 below.

Table 1 Change in intraocular pressure following a switch to the preservative-free tafluprost/timolol fixed-dose combination from all latanoprost formulations (preserved and preservative-free formulations)

The original article has been corrected.