Contraceptives and stuff like that I think I learned mostly through sex ed class. But everything else, I learned online. Anal sex, learned online. Oral sex and the details about that, learned online. Self-pleasure, masturbation, learned that online. Histories of queer communities, different sexualities and gender identities, learned online. Different ways that queer communities engage in sex, learned it online. Everything except penis-penetration type of sex, I learned everything else online. Everything.

– Abby (age 20, Latinx, queer, non-binary)

Our research aims to understand how youth with a range of sexual identities have experienced school-based sex education, how they have explored sexual content online and how they see the two in relation to each other. It emerges from a recognition that while the existing literature on sex education is well developed, the research on sexual learning online is less robust. In particular, we know little about how school-based and Web-based sexual learning experiences differ for youth with non-normative sexual and gender identities and those who identify as straight. We also know little about the interaction between school-based and online sexual learning.

In this study, based on in-depth interviews with 56 college students from a variety of backgrounds and identities, we ask: (1) How do youth with varied sexual identities recall experiencing formal school-based sex education from elementary through high school offerings? (2) How do heterosexually-identified and LGBQ + -identified youth utilize the Internet and social media sites for self-discovery and for acquiring information not offered in their formal sex education curriculum, and how do they assess that information?

Bridging and building upon the scholarship on LGBQ + student experiences (Beattie et al. 2021) and on formal and informal sex education, we find that while both heterosexual and LGBQ + youth report that formal sex education was both limited and heteronormative, their experiences of online sexual learning are quite divergent. Largely excluded from their school’s sex education curriculum, LGBQ + youth often seek online content related to their identity or imagined partners and practices—in ways that may be both affirming and confusing. This dynamic points to ways the reform of school-based sex education remains significant, despite its diminished role as an information source (Lindberg et al. 2016), and highlights the interaction between formal school curriculum, informal online learning, and sexual “scripts” (Simon and Gagnon 1986), identities and practices.

Sex Education and Online Sexual Learning

Decades of research have established three clear characteristics of formal sex education in the USA: (1) governed largely at the local and state level, it varies widely from place to place; (2) it is usually both narrow in scope and short in duration; and (3) it is almost exclusively heteronormative.

Informed by competing sex education policy frameworks—one advocating “comprehensive” sex education and the other “abstinence” education (Fields 2012; Fine and McClelland 2006; Irvine 2002; Luker 2006)—the curriculum runs the gamut from conservative just-say-no to liberal here’s-how-it-works to total silence (Kramer 2019). Regardless of ideological bent, American sex education tends to reinforce dominant understandings of race, class, gender, and sexuality (Connell and Elliott 2009; Fields 2005, 2008; McNeill 2013). In particular, sex education in the USA has been almost exclusively focused on heterosexual identities and practices (Hirst 2004; Irvine 2002; Luker 2006; Fine and McClelland 2006; Pascoe 2007) and at times outright hostile towards non-normative ones (McNeil 2013; Gowen and Winges-Yanez 2014).

Formal sex education has been one major institutional source of sexual scripts at what Simon and Gagnon (1986, 105) call the “cultural scenario” level, a kind of collective “instructional guide” specifying the “appropriate objects, aims, and desirable qualities of self-other relations,” instructing the “times, places, sequences of gesture and utterance and… what the actor and his or her coparticipants (real or imagined) are assumed to be feeling,” which are then “rehearsed at the time of our initial sexual encounters.” These cultural scripts are then adapted and molded by individuals into “interpersonal scripts” that shape “the materials of relevant cultural scenarios into scripts for behavior in particular contexts,” and brought into the self as “intrapsychic scripts,” the “private world of wishes and desires that are experienced as originating in the deepest recesses of the self” (Simon and Gagnon 1986, 99–100).

Formal sex education, of course, is not the only source of sexual information, scripts, and learning. Young people also learn about sex and sexuality outside of schools from people around them (family, peers, community, and religious leaders) and, though often passively, through the consumption of popular culture. Since the inception of popular media in the early twentieth century, generally speaking, “depictions of sexual content and imagery abound in popular film, television, and advertising”; in centralized, risk-averse, commercial cultural industries, the sexual content was typically characterized by “regressive and often objectifying portrayals of sex and sexuality,” routinely rendering non-normative sexualities invisible or stigmatizing them, if still open to “queer readings” (Grossman 2020, 281). That is, the cultural scripts and sexual content provided by popular culture was—until more recent structural changes such as the expansion of cable and then streaming outlets—quite a thin and narrow source for sexual learning, particularly for people experiencing desires and identities outside of the sexual and gender mainstream. Digital technologies have plainly altered that, rendering new popular culture far more diverse, more individualized, and more emphemeral, not only “personal, mass, and global but also decentralized” (Grossman 2020, 286). This is, of course, a very different cultural environment for sexual learning.

While the relevance of school-based sex ed is in decline (Lindberg et al. 2016), in recent years social media and online spaces, and the popular culture circulating within them, have become a crucial informal curriculum through which young people learn about sexuality (Adams-Santos 2020; Boyd 2015; Fields 2012; Orenstein 2016; Orenstein 2020; Simon and Daneback 2013) and “craft and articulate their sexualities” (Adams-Santos 2020, 2)—what some have called “the new sex ed” (Orenstein 2020, 52). The Internet’s “availability, acceptability, affordability, anonymity, and aloneness” make it “unique in the delivery of sexual information in the digital age” (Simon and Daneback 2013, 315, 306). For youth with non-normative sexual desires and identities, some researchers have found, the various available online platforms hold a particular draw, interacting with offline experiences “in ways that shape their emerging identities, social lives, romantic relationships, sexual behaviors, and physical and sexual health” (DeHaan et al. 2013). The prevalence of “techno-sexuality” (Waskul 2014), which allows youth to explore and experience sexuality beyond adult control, combined with the continued heteronormative emphasis of school-based sex education, points to the questions that animate our research.

While research on online sexual learning is increasing, and has established that “online sex education plays a role in adolescents’ lives,” just what sort of role, and how, and for whom, remains more poorly understood. Scholars have suggested, for instance, that “there is little knowledge on adolescents’ use of online sexual information for sexuality education in particular” (Nikkelen et al. 2020, 190); that “the qualitative experiences of adolescents who engage with sex information online, from their initial interest in information to the effects such information could have on their lives,” the “process of applying online information offline” and “demographic differences” all remain understudied (Simon and Daneback 2013, 312–314). Furthermore, the dynamic relationship between formal sex education—what it does and does not provide to youth—and online sexual explorations, the decentering of traditional sexual scripts (at the cultural, interpersonal, and intrapsychic levels) and the impact of this destabilization, have received scant scholarly attention (for an exception, see DeHaan et al. 2013). Our research addresses these gaps.

Methods and Data

We recruited college-age students between the ages of 18 and 22 years. Given national differences in sex education, we limited our respondents to the USA and territories. We found respondents primarily through posting flyers (online due to COVID restrictions) on websites affiliated with Boston-area colleges. These colleges attracted students from varied geographic locations in the USA and Puerto Rico, types of schooling, sexual identities, race and social class backgrounds (see Table 1).

Table 1 Background Information

On the flyers we indicated that we were interested in learning about sex education programs in their schools and also their use of digital spaces. We restricted the recruitment to young people enrolled in college because we wanted to understand how these youth made sense of the “sexual scripts” (Simon and Gagnon 1986), or social underpinnings of sexuality and sexual identity taught in high school sex ed programs and augmented or challenged by private Internet searches and social media interactions, once they were away from home. Given our particular interest in the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual (LGBQ +) youth, we indicated on organization posts that we were particularly interested in LGBQ + youth and their experiences. In total we conducted 56 in-depth interviews with college students.

This paper compares college age youth who currently identify as heterosexual or straight (39.3%) with the experiences of those who identify as LGBQ + or queer (60.7%) youth. While we distinguish between straight and queer respondents on the basis of their current self-reported identities, many of our respondents described experiences of fluid or changing sexual practices and desires. While youth are coming out as lesbian, gay, queer, questioning, bisexual at younger ages than in the past, data indicates that most reveal their sexual identity to family and friends in college (Beattie et al. 2021; Dunlap 2016). For instance, 20% reported that in high school they either identified as heterosexual or were questioning their sexual or gender identities but currently identify as LGBQ + . In the sections that follow we capture this fluidity in their descriptions of identify shifts and discoveries, both in the context of sex education in schools and in online explorations, which we note when we introduce quotes from our respondents.

Online flyers included a link to a Google form that college students from 18 to 22 years old completed in order to volunteer. On the form we asked for contact information and background information (age, pronouns, race, sexual identity in high school and currently, gender identity, region of the country where they grew up). We re-checked this information at the time of the interview and used it for coding purposes. When we reached out to our respondents, we also sent then a consent form that included information on audio and video recording and confidentiality. Interviews lasted between 1.5 and 2 hours, were audio recorded and videotaped, and transcribed verbatim. Since Zoom allows us to record with simultaneous transcription, we destroyed the video recording within a week after checking the accuracy of the transcript. To protect our respondents’ confidentiality, we informed them that we would use pseudonyms in any publications and presentations.

The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Boards for the protection of human subjects at the University of San Francisco and Wellesley College (for Zoom interviews only because of pandemic restrictions on in-person interviewing in 2021). All interviews were conducted between March and November 2021.

We chose qualitative interviews as the most effective method to access interviewees’ opinions and recollections, within their social context, and for understanding multiple aspects of the same experience (Gerson and Damaske 2021). We developed a semi-structured interview guide that asked questions related to experiences of sex education both in their schools as well as in digital spaces, including what students recalled learning from elementary school through high school; what material was taught, for how long and by whom; the major messaging frameworks they encountered; how useful and inclusive they thought the curriculum was at the time and in retrospect; whether and how students sought information online, and if so what types of information; where they searched; and how they evaluated the information they found. We also asked for what they discussed with parents, other family members and their peers.

In the convention of interview data analysis, we developed a detailed coding scheme in order to discern patterns across interviews. Both inductive and deductive codes were developed. Construction of the codes was guided by the principles of grounded theory, with emerging themes identified and then reanalyzed for consistency and completeness (Charmaz 2006; Gerson and Damaske 2021; Glaser and Strauss 1967). We coded interviews to reveal the topics interviewees recalled learning in schools; how they were presented, where, for how long, and by whom; the frames through which the sexual information was presented; school-based learning outside of classroom settings; feelings and perceptions of inclusion in the curriculum; when they began consuming online content and what kinds of information or activities they sought; what sites they most frequently visited; whether they also created online content; with whom they discussed sex education content or online learnings; and how accurate and reliable they took sexually-related information to be both at schools and online. This allowed us to quantify the content, generating the figures and tables referred to in this paper.

In addition, we generated a related qualitative coding document in which interviewees’ quotes were gathered according to thematic content, in order to more deeply understand their accounts of their own learning and how they made sense of their experiences of school-based and online sexual learning, with particular attention to the divergent circumstances that led our interviewees to turn to the various online platforms available to them. Each interview was coded by at least two researchers to facilitate intercoder reliability. Coders met weekly to discuss their individual coding, referring back to the original interviews to reach consensus.

Since our respondents were in college at the time of the interviews the summer provided a natural break in interviewing. We used the summer to code the interviews conducted in the first round (March–June 2021). This allowed us to discuss where we had achieved “conceptual depth” (Nelson 2017, 556) both with regard to the open-ended questions we were asking and also with regard to understanding the interplay between schools and online learning, and how they might differ for our two groups.

Our interviews were retrospective by necessity, and retrospective accounts hit up against the “limitations of chronological memory, the potential for hindsight-based rationalizations, as well as people’s tendencies to construct stories that place themselves in a favorable light” (Langley and Meziani 2020, 373). People look back through the filters of the present, and details become fuzzy or distorted, and that was certainly the case in our research. Our investigations, however, are not so much aimed at a factual account of what took place in classrooms or online as at what stands out in participants’ memories, and the related “imagined meanings of their activities, their self-concepts, their fantasies about themselves” (Lamont and Swidler 2014, 159); that is, how participants remember their sex education and online explorations, and how they understand those in relation to their life paths and identities.

Formal Sex Education: Experiences of a Limited and Heteronormative Curriculum

Most of our respondents recalled having some version of sex education, particularly in the latter parts of their schooling (see Table 1), though not a lot of it; what they did receive they report finding quite limited in scope and heterosexually focused. In elementary school, almost two thirds of the respondents (61.4%) had sex education, and most (77.1%) reported that it was for one class on puberty and hygiene. Almost three quarters recalled having sex education in middle school; of these, the majority (72%) said that the class was a module or a brief part of another course (such as health or biology). The largest portion of respondents (85.9%) reported having sex education in high school, again typically as a module of a course (60.4%), though a third (33.3%) recounted having a full sex education course for half a year.

Generally speaking, our respondents recall elementary school sex education focused on puberty and menstruation, typically in class meetings segregated by sex. Despite often having some exposure to this sort of information through parents (usually mothers), and finding the emphasis on bodily changes and hygiene “embarrassing,” many respondents recalled being excited for their first sex education class. As one respondent, Erika (21, Asian, cisgender woman, lesbian, attended public school in the Northeast) put it, “It was a really highly anticipated conversation. Everyone in the class knew the day we were going to talk about it and people were talking about it, like, ‘Wait, do you know this, this and this about [puberty]?’” Interestingly, our respondents recalled only learning information related to their sex assigned at birth.

By middle and high school, class content became more varied, in part to cover state-mandated material, and all students were in classes together. In some school districts these classes were supplemented by professionals from the community. In other schools, students could elect a human development course or a section of a biology course that presented information on reproduction. Respondents recalled putting condoms on bananas, learning about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), watching videos about birth, sometimes discussing consent and sexual assault and mostly being told not to have intercourse. Many noted that no answer to the central question “What is sex?” was provided.

Few of the respondents recalled learning much novel or in depth in school, regardless of whether they went to private or public schools. Some respondents told us that the sex education came too late: they had already learned quite a bit about sex from peers and other sources, and some were already involved in sexual activity. Others reported that they did not pay a lot of attention because the topics they were interested in, such as sexual pleasure and sexual practices, were not covered. All agreed that in addition to pleasures and practices, a vast range of sex- and sexuality-related topics were almost entirely absent from the curriculum, including cultural representations of sexuality, pornography, relationships and dating, non-cisgender and non-heterosexual identities, and abortion.

Overarching Cultural Scripts: Abstinence, Danger, Gender, and Heterosexuality

Our respondents articulated, looking back, the cultural scripting their school-based education provided, in terms of the appropriate “objects, aims, and desirable qualities,” as well as the appropriate “times, places, sequences” and emotional content, for sexual encounters (Simon and Gagnon 1986, 105). The focus, they reported, was most often on the dangers of sex (disease, unplanned pregnancy) and ways to avert them (condoms, occasionally sexual consent tools), often with a fear or abstinence message, and often from a male perspective. (While we expected that secular private schools would be more progressive in sex education content, the evidence from our interviews suggested that this was not the case.)

For instance, John, a 21-year-old white, cisgender, straight man from rural Colorado, received minimal sex education from his private school. He recalled,

I don’t think I learned anything new. I think all I got out of it is like, “Oh that’s how you have heterosexual sex, this is what a penis looks like going into a vagina,” from a cheesy video – and I already kind of knew this… It was the biology of how it works. I wouldn’t say I remember anything about pleasure or things like that. It was mainly just the scientific aspects of it.

As Jessica, a 20-year-old, white, cisgender woman from the Northeast who came out as bisexual in her junior year of high school, put it, “teachers had to walk a fine line between informing us and not seeming like they were encouraging us to have sex.” Even so, she recalls, the focus was on male pleasure. “Male ejaculation was discussed. Why was there no discussion of oral sex or lube or that women could have an orgasm?” Elena, age 20, Latinx, non-binary, queer and asexual, who attended public school in southeast LA, echoed this view. Her elementary school sex education was brief (“a one-time, thirty-minute to an hour class”) and focused on puberty, and her middle school offered one session in seventh grade (“how to put a condom on a banana”). Recalling her “penis-heavy” 9th grade health class, she said:

The biggest thing I remember was just abstinence. “Don't have sex. The best contraceptive is never have sex, so just don't have sex." Which is not helpful at all, because most people engage in sexual activity. I don't remember anything about other forms of sex ed, like how to have sex or different forms of pleasure or anything like that. The knowledge about how to apply a condom and what you can catch is not really helpful because then you don't even know how to engage in sex…. So then, well, I know that I can catch chlamydia, for example, but what are ways that I can prevent it? None of that. What ways can I engage in sex? Never taught. So were they ever that helpful? Not really.

As another respondent put it, “Abstinence is [presented as] the gold standard.”

The majority of our respondents, regardless of identity, understood the focus on abstinence to be tied to the primary framing of sex as risky, dangerous, and fearful; their classes focused primarily on disease and pregnancy (See Fig. 1). As Jocelyn (African American, cisgender, straight woman, from an urban, East Coast public school) recalled, the message was: “If you want to avoid STI, don’t have sex. If you don’t want to get pregnant, don’t have sex.” Similarly, Shenita, a 21-year-old, African American, cisgender, straight woman who attended a public school in the mid-Atlantic suburbs, recalled her teacher comparing sex to “operating heavy machinery, dangerous” and telling the class of 13-year-olds that “none of us should be having sex within the next ten years.”

Fig. 1
figure 1

Primary Framing of the Sex Ed Curriculum

We also found a general consensus—again in line with most popular and academic accounts of American sex education (Gowen and Winges-Yanez 2014; McNeill 2013) —that the sex ed curriculum youth encountered generally assumed everyone in the room was heterosexual, implicitly or explicitly equated heterosexuality with sexual normalcy, and treated non-heterosexual sexualities as rare, a side note, or nonexistent. Youth repeatedly recalled that teachers “very much emphasized that heterosexual dynamic” (Ana Luisa, 18, Latinx, cisgender woman, lesbian and educated in public school), with a “very heterosexual” take on pregnancy and an “overall emphasis on heterosexual couples” in discussions of and videos about sexually transmitted infections (Lizzie, 19, white, cisgender woman, asexual, queer, public school-educated). Nearly three-quarters of the LGBQ + youth, and more than nine-tenths of the heterosexual youth, said that only heterosexual relationships were discussed in their sex ed classes; four-fifths of the LGBQ + youth and all of their heterosexual counterparts indicated that non-cisgender identities were never discussed. LGBQ + youth rarely asked for information that might be more applicable to their lives because, some reported, they felt they would be “flagged” in school peer cultures that emphasized heteronormativity.

When non-normative sexualities were discussed, a few respondents noted, it was often in the context of HIV. For instance, Julia, a 19-year-old, Latinx/white, nonbinary, lesbian, educated in public school in rural Georgia, recalls:

I knew I was queer in middle school and I was hoping to hear something. The only time I ever heard about queer people in sex ed was when they were talking about HIV and AIDS. So that was a scary thing because I had just figured out I was queer, and then the gym teacher comes in and says, “This is a bunch of dead gay people, and you can be like them, too,” and I was like, “I could be like them too?”

The absence of information about non-heterosexual practices was, not surprisingly, less directly concerning to cisgender heterosexual respondents than their LGBQ + counterparts. Thus, their experiences diverged quite significantly. LGBQ + youth in particular recall the heteronormative bent of their school-based sex education as rendering it at best unhelpful to their understanding of sexual identities and practices. As Ana Luisa put it, at the time she already knew that heterosexual dynamics were “just not something I would have encountered,” so sex ed “was just useless to me personally.” She and her similarly positioned peers simply did not find much material from the cultural scripts offered by formal sex education with which to develop interpersonal scripts for their sexual interactions, or that affected the shape of their intrapsychic scripts of sexual desire.

Another absence is worth noting: although we did not query them about it directly, none of our respondents reported themes of love, care, and affection for others as a prominent theme in their formal sex education. Hints of such a framework in which to place sex occasionally came through in, for instance, lessons on consent, which tied sexual behavior to a kind of ethics of care for the other, and in lessons on sexual safety and health, which tied sexual behavior to a care of oneself and others. Yet, the notion that love is a necessary component of sex (or a precursor for sexual activity) appears to have been weak enough in the curriculum to not emerge organically in our respondents’ memories.

LGBQ + Youth and School-Based Sex Ed: Absences, Improvisations, and Memory

While all youth reported that there was limited information that was useful for first sexual encounters, LGBQ + youth felt particularly unprepared for sexual experiences and health hygiene. As Karl, who identifies as a cisgender gay man and Latinx, and went to public schools in the Northeast, put it, “They never really went over things like mouth guards or finger ones. For other people who do not practice actual intercourse, how are they going to know how to protect themselves?” Marlie, who went to private school in California and identifies as Latinx, bisexual/queer and a cisgender woman, similarly noted:

I don’t think there was any information that prepared me for my first sexual encounters, which started actually that year when I was 15 years old. In the classes, there wasn’t as much of an emphasis on the actual act of sex and what that is like and what happens. It is not that they emphasized heterosexual sex, it is that they did not talk about queer sex…. We definitely did not talk about what fingering is, what vulva on vulva sex is like, what penis on penis sex is like, any of that. My first sexual encounters were not with somebody with a penis, so I didn’t feel prepared to know about proper hygiene regarding fingering or dental dams or any of that stuff.

Other respondents found ways to translate—or perhaps more accurately, to hack—the heterosexually-directed information they encountered. For instance, Rhonda, age 22, Native American and white, cisgender lesbian woman, reported that in her public school in Kansas teachers focused a lot on preventing STDs and “keeping safe” through condom use, but “we never learned about LGBQ sex ed at all.”

So when a lot of us started coming out, we were like, “Well, what do we do now?” We knew condoms, in heterosexual relations, could help prevent STDs, but we didn’t know how that worked if we were having sex with women or AFAB [assigned female at birth] people. One thing that was very novel to us was that you could cut open a condom and make a dental dam – because you couldn’t buy dental dams where we lived, they just weren’t available anywhere. So, we just compared what we needed to use with what we had learned from our health classes. And whenever one of our friends was going to meet someone new, we would tell them, ”Hey, don’t forget about this cool trick you can use, because you don’t want to get an STD.”

In effect, through efforts such as these condom displays, queer youth found it necessary and possible to create new “interpersonal scripts”: The “disjunctures of meaning between distinct spheres of life,” as Simon and Gagnon pointed out (1986, 99, 102, 106) created moments of “ad hoc improvisation” at the interpersonal level.

While a few respondents reported seeking support from queer-friendly teachers outside of sex ed classes, still others internalized the notion that their sexual desires and curiosities were irrelevant. Emily, for example, who identifies as a white, asexual, cis-gender woman, who went to a public school in the Northeast, noted that.

just one mention of there being other sexualities than straight, gay and bi, would’ve been useful for me, just off-hand, in a context that conveys authority would have been helpful…. I just figured I was wired differently and just left it at that.

She reached the conclusion, she said, that “I was an outlier and did not count.”

Interestingly, LGBQ+ youth also were less likely than their straight counterparts to recall a framing of sex as dangerous (39% of LGBQ+ youth vs. 71% of heterosexual youth). Queer identifying youth reported more often that their sex education classes framed sex scientifically, as a heterosexual biological process (21% of LGBQ+ youth vs. 9.5% of heterosexual youth). Furthermore, while no heterosexual youth recalled receiving sex education through a moral frame, LGBQ+ youth were more likely to recall a moral frame in the curriculum, either one that treated certain kinds of sex as immoral (15%) or all sex as morally acceptable (12%) (see Fig. 1). Finally, heterosexual youth recalled feeling in high school that the curriculum included material relevant to them (77%), but only 30% of the LGBQ+ youth felt the same way. Those who felt included or even partly included often recalled that same sex relationships were briefly mentioned, and that this mention made them feel included. However, at the time of the interview, and now in college, regardless of sexual identity, the majority did not feel that the curriculum was inclusive of them or of their LGBQ+ friends (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Inclusion in the Curriculum

While at first glance these findings seem counterintuitive, we suggest that they are outcomes of a nascent or developed identity difference that shapes the reception and memory of sex education. The broader range of sex ed frames LGBQ + respondents recall may have to do with their heightened sensitivity to the cultural frames surrounding non-normative sexualities and genders (Weeks 2023), the “paradigmatic” scripting of sexuality (Simon and Gagnon 1986, 102)—as morally questionable, unnatural, or scientifically explicable deviations—that have less personal resonance for heterosexual respondents. The greater inclusivity that almost a third of LGBQ + students recall may have to do with the identity needs through which they filtered the curriculum, in which any mention of non-normative sexualities, and of ways to manage heterosexual situations as an outsider to them, stood out as memorable. Their overall irrelevance and invisibility within the curriculum—and within the cultural scenario scripting more broadly—we suggest, made moments of relevance and visibility particularly memorable.

Pleasure, Identity, and Online Sexual Learning: Convergent and Divergent Experiences

Online sexual explorations started early for the youth we interviewed, and were both constant and extensive. The Internet and its myriad platforms—including not just websites but interactive social media and online communities—was robust by the time all of our interviewees entered middle school. Our oldest interviewees at age 22 were 12–14 years old in 2011–2013; while our youngest interviewees at age 18 were 12–14 years old in 2015–2017.

Internet searches for almost two-thirds of our respondents began in middle school between the ages of 12–14, with just over a quarter searching the Internet even earlier (See Table 1). Although parents rarely monitored their children’s Internet searches, many of our respondents told us that they would sneak down early in the morning or late at night to the family computer or iPad hoping that their parents would not discover their activities. By high school all of our respondents, who completed high school between 2017 and 2020, had their own devices (phones, iPads, computers) in their rooms. Still, they were careful to hide their Internet Web search history.

Online Explorations: Finding and Making New Sexual Scripts

Our respondents used a variety of online platforms, each facilitating different kinds of activity, to seek out information, explore identities, compare themselves to their peers, and for entertainment and fun, regardless of their sexual identity. Online space—whether social network, content, or media-sharing platforms—of course, offers significant communication changes not readily found offline, serving as “a massive expert database,” providing easy access to the kind of credentialed expertise found in formal sex education; as a “global broker, a way for individuals with special concerns to find each other,” allowing for the dissemination of alternative and sometimes counter-normative sexual expertise, as well as sexuality-based community formation; and as a “global collective memory, allowing people to contribute, store, and annotate comments” (Radin 2006, 593), facilitating alternative sexual storytelling. Accordingly, our respondents’ explorations ranged from information on how to “do sex,” to how people think about and label themselves sexually, to how to get sexual pleasure or give it to others, to topics like consent, disease, and activism; many also reported using online explorations to assess where they stood in terms of “normal” physical and sexual development.

Unlike school-based sexual learning, online explorations were not dominated by any “master” script, but involved a youth’s transformation from “being exclusively an actor trained in his or her role(s)” to “being a partial scriptwriter or adaptor,” as Simon and Gagnon (1986, 99) describe interpersonal scripting. Respondents went all over the Internet for sex- and sexuality-related content. In Fig. 3 we have grouped these sites into various categories that our respondents used for learning online. We asked our interviewees what websites they accessed and what they remembered learning online; the answers showed widely ranging exploration. They reported taking online sex quizzes on Buzzfeed (“15 Things You Need to Know About Your Sex Life”), looking at medical sites (for “information about asexuality and attraction”) and sexuality education sites (such as Scarleteen, “a one-stop shop for LGBQ youth”), consulting Wikipedia and Google (for instance, for articles on “how to make out or give a blow job,”) watching porn sites (such as PornHub); enjoying fan fiction (Wattpad) and “smut” fan fiction (“it’s just like porn but it’s words”) on user-generated story sites; watching video sites (such as You Tube videos on sex positions, “the arousal of the vulva,” and masturbation, and TED Talks about the effects of porn), spending time on social networking sites (such as Grindr), in video chat rooms, on microblogging and networking sites (such as Tumbir), and in large online forums like Yahoo and Autostraddle.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Websites Used

Julia, quoted earlier, who identified as queer in middle school, described their explorations in a way that echoed throughout our interviews: secretive, exciting, voracious, and curiosity-driven.

I would look up information in the middle of the night. I would pull a blanket over my head and I’m looking at Tumblr, which was the fountainhead for the LGBTQ people in general. That’s a lot of my childhood experiences, trying to find information and then learning it. It was exciting. Now I understand that it was me taking agency over my own conceptualization of what sex can be, what sexual identity can be, what gender can be. It was like putting little puzzle pieces together which made me feel better. But I did it in a secretive way.

These wide-ranging, relatively unfettered explorations often began with pleasure-seeking but led to unexpected places. For instance, Bryan (age 21, white, cisgender male) grew up bisexual in a Southern town and school where the message was “very much sex is taboo.” He began his online explorations at age 12, sometimes Googling particular questions, but mostly “just looking for pleasure, or pictures, or browsing material, it would pretty much be Pornhub.” Over time, he dove into sub-Reddits—also initially for arousal—where he eventually discovered that “people were also having very intelligent and mature discussions about pleasure.”

Many of our respondents, in fact, turned to other online platforms for information about sexual pleasure and practices that were missing from their formal sex education. For instance, Summer, who identifies as  Latina/white, a cisgender woman, and bisexual, spent much of her time on Wattpad, where she read “books that people write on there that are not very good,” but whose quality she overlooked when she “stumbled across a few smutty books – and by smut I mean like books with like sexual content – and that’s where I got my basic knowledge of sexual pleasure.” Similarly, Jessica (age 20, white, bisexual, cisgender woman) sought information about queer sexual practices that were unavailable in her public-school education:

I would sometimes seek out Cosmopolitan or Buzzfeed or Autostraddle articles to ease any anxiety I felt or to get ideas about what to do, and I think about both anatomy and pleasure, for sure, because I feel like that wasn’t really talked about in my middle school sex ed…. Whenever I was looking in high school, and now, whenever I have looked at Autostraddle, it’s a lot of little graphics, like little silhouette positions, with descriptions of what’s going on, like, “Oh, here’s different positions to try.”

These online sites, that is, became something of an alternative how-to manual.

Given the mix of types of expertise available on online platforms—credentialed in a traditional sense or staking a claim to be so, lay and crowd-sourced expertise—the question or what information could be relied upon was often unresolved. While the majority of our respondents presumed that the Internet provided accurate information, 30% of our respondents told us they thought the Internet was a mix of accurate and inaccurate information. Many of our respondents looked to triangulate information from the websites they frequented; others reported that they were relieved to find answers to their questions regardless of the source and accuracy. Moreover, when our interviewees were skeptical about information their teacher discussed in their sex education class they turned to the Internet for answers. During middle school in 2014, Angie, who is currently age 19, Asian, and identified as queer prior to coming to college, described how her use of the Internet hastened her growing up as she tried to figure out which source was accurate:

So Tumblr was a thing, that’s where all the cool kids learned how to be adults.

We were learning about sexually transmitted diseases and infections and I was listening. But I remember thinking like, “Some of this is a little weird.” And then slowly after the fact, I started looking up more and more things on Tumblr to try and figure out like, “Was what they were telling me true? Is this actually how I would get a sexually transmitted infection? Is this actually how I would get AIDS or get HIV? Is this actually how sex works?”

While most respondents reported using the Internet as a source of “basic knowledge about sexual pleasure” and “ideas about what to do,” the explorations of straight and queer youth were quite divergent (see Fig. 4). Heterosexual youth tended to be primarily focused on sexual pleasure and entertainment, with sexual learning as a byproduct. In particular, straight youth—especially but not only young men—who more readily saw themselves in the sex ed curriculum, were more likely than their queer counterparts to initially turn to online platforms seeking pleasure (23.5%) and sexual practices (23.5%), usually on porn sites. Through this process, they continued to experience online sexual sites as instructional, even if that was an indirect result of their porn consumption, and even if they were skeptical—as many were or became over time—of porn’s reality and impact.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Internet Searches Over Time

As John (21, white, straight, cisgender male) described his own quite typical experience, he recalled going on his mother’s computer in elementary school to “look up ‘big boobs’ or something.” In seventh grade, entering puberty, a friend showed him porn videos. “I was thinking about it all the time,” he recalls. “‘Wow. I really want to have sex with someone.’”

Such online explorations often interacted with offline ones through a back-and-forth in which youth tested out in one arena what they had learned in the other. Particularly as they got older, youth often tried out what they saw online in their own relationships, adapting the cultural material into interpersonal sexual scripts, and then returned online with those experiences in mind. Juan (19, Latino, straight, cisgender male who grew up in Puerto Rico) described it this way:

What did I look for in porn? At first it was pretty basic stuff – well, not basic at the time, but today I’d consider it to be a little bit basic in terms of sexual experimentation. I looked at hand jobs or stuff like that. And I think as I started to experiment more... What I looked for in porn kind of was the same as what I was experimenting with. When I had my first girlfriend in 10th grade, we started to kind of experiment, and that’s when I started to look [online] for fingering and blowjobs.

For many respondents, pornography consumption itself set in motion a process at the intrapsychic level, in which they attempted to distinguish their own fantasies and desires from those contained in the cultural scripts of porn, an “internal dialogue” in which sexual desires experienced as “originating in the deepest recesses of the self” in relation to social meanings and expectations encountered in cultural scenarios (Simon and Gagnon 1986, 99). For instance, RJ, a 21-year-old white cisgender male who identified as straight until college, realized at a certain point not only that porn presented “very unrealistic expectations of stuff that I had to unlearn,” and unhelpful sexual models such as the fact that “there is not a lot of foreplay in porn, or any female-centric pleasure,” but also that it had taken over his sexual desires such that “I couldn’t pleasure myself without porn, And I was like, ‘This is probably bad.’” Similarly, Max, a 21-year-old white cisgender male, came to believe—through offline conversations with women friends and his mother, as well as online viewings of TED talks on the subject—that pornography was not only unhealthy due to the unrealistic view of sex it generates but also because of its impact on his sexual desires. “When I was watching a lot of porn, when I would have sex, it would be kind of harder to enjoy it or be in the moment,” he said. “I’d be thinking about something that I’d seen in a video.” Both RJ and Max moved back and forth at an intrapsychic level distinguishing between a manufactured fantasy life and the realities of interpersonal sexual relations..

Offline conversations also lead to online sexual explorations. For instance, Mila (21, Latinx/white, cisgender woman, identified as straight in high school and in college), recalled a phone call with her boyfriend, in which he suggested that she watch porn and learn to masturbate. She followed up. “That is how I watched my first porn video,” she said. “I was like, ‘Damn, that’s hot.’ I could probably still tell you who was in that video. I remember it so distinctly.” Encouraged to explore her relationship to her sexual body—her self-desire—in the context of a sexual partnership, she turns to an online platform, bridging the intrapsychic, interpersonal, and cultural levels of sexual scripts.

LGBQ+ Youth Online: Information and Identity Work

Despite some overall similarities, LGBQ + and heterosexual youth differed quite a bit in their uses of online platforms. Although all youth reported initially turning to the Internet for specific sex-educational information, queer youth were more likely to do so. The LGBQ + youth we spoke to also tended to have more varied uses than the heterosexual ones (see Fig. 3). The latter turned mainly to sexual entertainment sites (22.9%) or large Internet forums (31.3%); the former turned less frequently to those and accessed a wider range of types of websites from micro-blogging sites (15.8%) to user-generated sites such as Wattpad (12.3%). Over time, LGBQ + youth were likely to search for information about LGBQ + identities (28%), followed by searches for information about safe sex/contraception (14%), sexual practices (13%) and information related to their own or someone else’s pleasure (15%).

In contrast to the primarily pleasure- and entertainment-driven explorations of straight youth, queer youth took to filling in knowledge gaps about non-conforming sexualities. Most significantly, they often reported using digital platforms for what scholars refer to as “identity work” (Bernstein 1997; Beech et al. 2008). This work took several, often overlapping, forms. One form of identity work came when youth, curious about an inchoate feeling of difference, discovered a sexual identity through their online explorations that they then developed in their daily lives and interactions. Another type of identity work turned to digital spaces to firm up and further develop a sexual identity that was forming offline. Lastly, youth used online spaces for validation of a stigmatized sexual identity, seeking out others with similar experiences in a lower-risk online environment.

The theme of online discovery and exploration of identity, entirely absent among heterosexually-identified respondents, was common among queer ones. These identity explorations online were typically conditioned on both the absence of information about queerness in face-to-face settings and the safe anonymity of the Internet. For instance, Ana Luisa, a Latinx, cisgender lesbian, described being “scared of being looked at differently because I was curious about this stuff.” Online, people would “know me but they didn’t really know me. They didn’t see me in the halls every single day. They didn’t cook my dinner every day. So, I felt like the Internet was really the only place I could go.” Similarly, Ruby—African American, who identified as non-binary and bisexual in high school and currently identifies as non-binary and pansexual—went online at first primarily to absorb information, learning “gay vernacular” and exploring “freely and without barriers” topics that were taboo at home and not addressed in school. The Internet, they said, was like “an elder” they could turn to that neither protected them from information their family deemed dangerous nor judged. In effect, they were engaged in “an internal rehearsal” (Simon and Gagnon 1986, 99) of their self-identities that could be imagined and fantasized without the intervention of others. Their intrapsychic scripting became a “significant part of the self-process” (Simon and Gagnon 1986, 99) that they found difficult to explore offline or in conversation with peers, teachers or parents.

Once they began online explorations, identity shifts often evolved, whether born of accident or curiosity. Bryan, for example, whose explorations with heterosexual porn are recounted above, did not turn to online spaces to work through his sexual identity. He was “never into gay porn” as a young teenager—although he now considers that “part of the self-repressing”—and he considered himself “very straight” in high school despite a small inkling that he should be questioning his identity. Later, finding himself drawn to gay porn, he noticed TikToks on Instagram that indicated

a large community of people talking about, “Oh, I thought I was straight but then I had this experience.” And I would just scroll and scroll and scroll. After about 50 of those matched up with my experience, I started to think, “Okay, I need to start thinking about this a little more.”

Thus, his path to bisexual identity, which by college was fully formed, began with the online discovery of people whose experiences “matched up” with his own.

Like Bryan, Abby, age 20, who identifies as Latina and a cisgender woman, was questioning her sexual identity in high school, also began pursuing her curiosities online “before I realized my own identity as a queer person,” then became inspired by her reading of online fan fiction to think differently about her identity.

I was looking for representation, queer media. I was searching for media in some way that kind of represented what I was feeling. And so then I would search for media that would create that feeling in me again. Like, “Damn, I want to be them.” And that was always essentially men who are portrayed in a more feminine way.

Similarly, Sara, age 18, who identifies as Latinx and a cisgender woman, had begun wondering in her first year of high school in Puerto Rico whether she was lesbian. She happened on a thread on Twitter that was “like, ‘How to tell if you’re a lesbian versus just Sapphic in general,’” which led her to the “Lesbian Masterdoc,” a 30-page, 20-section document aimed at helping women consider the “am I a lesbian?” question. “That was a pretty big stepping stone in realizing that I was a lesbian,” they said, “because so much of it resonated, so much of it resembled what I was feeling, so much of it resembled my [offline] experiences.”

For others, identity was not so much discovered as developed and solidified online in relation to offline experiences. Michael’s path to queerness began with sexual explorations involving “watching porn for the sake of jacking off,” and also “learning about some different ways that sex could look or different forms sex could take.” Michael, who grew up in the Midwest and identifies as white, gay and a cisgender male, describes the impact of the Internet on his sexual identity as a process in which he first investigated a little bit to see “what it felt like to be looking at naked guys or whatnot,” but not as the place where he really discovered a queer identity. Instead, an actual crush on another guy moved him towards a queer identity: “Okay, I’m queer because I had this crush on this guy.” After he had already begun that movement toward a queer identity, he says, the Internet became more central to his identity as he began “seeking out and savoring the knowledge that I could get.”

Once I discovered that this is something that I could be, that’s when it opens up these things of exploring who I am. And after having this affirmation that I had these feelings for a guy, that’s when I have permission to be myself to be exploring what that means for me. What I find useful is just being, “Oh, there are possibilities for how I can be.” And seeing what feels good, seeing what feels good to imagine, and to hear people tell stories about things and to learn about things that I might want or that might feel good for me that I haven’t come across in my [offline] life…. Learning about my identity and what feels rich to me, what feels titillating to me, I think is still more what comes from the Internet, reading and hearing other people’s perspectives and whatnot.

Indeed, the discovery or confirmation of new possible identities was also often accompanied by the pursuit of their positive affirmation. Ruby described how “the Internet really exposed me to queerness in a way that was helpful for me to develop my own identity.” While they first turned to online sources to fill in gaps in their knowledge of sexuality, as time went on and their identity shifted, Ruby began to wonder, “What will happen if I come out as queer?” Like many respondents, Ruby turned to online platforms for possible answers, seeking out sites that affirmed that gay and lesbian life could be happy rather than tragic. Watching queer movies online, Ruby said,

there was always a bit of a tragedy to the gay romance. It’s like, all right, is this movie going to let this gay person live and be happy or are they going to die because they’ve been outed. That’s what I was looking to know: Will I perish if I come out and can I live happily ever after?

As they delved deeper, Ruby found themself gravitating to gay, non-binary, and trans YouTubers who “kind of led me through my self-discovery as like non-binary and pansexual.” Unlike the school, family, and peer spaces of their everyday life, the Internet was “a safe space to explore that for myself.” In college, these identity explorations became the basis for a crystallized identity as openly non-binary and pansexual. Like for many respondents, online sexual identity (and sometimes also gender identity) explorations—driven first by the absence of adult information sources about queerness and also often the pursuit of pleasure—took place over a long period of time, eventually becoming the basis for the claiming of a different identity in everyday life offline.


Operating at a time and place where sexuality is in many ways “post-paradigmatic,” with fewer shared meanings, the cultural scenario emerging from schooling has lost many of its “coercive powers” (Simon and Gagnon 1986, 102–103). In the face of an endless and easily accessed world of online sexual content, along with its own significant institutional constraints, school-based sex education clearly has a greatly diminished role as a controlled source of information (Lindberg et al. 2016). School- based sex education, our research once again confirms, provides some students with a narrow swath of knowledge on a limited range of topics, typically related to biological reproduction, the avoidance of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, with very little on sex or sexual identity. For many of our respondents, this information was not just too little but also too late, as sexual activity and talk was part of the school culture, and some were already involved in sexual activity. Even those who were sexually curious but not active lacked strong memories of sex education, as they reported that most of the topics they were interested in, such as masturbation or other sexual practices, were simply not addressed. Such perceptions of deficient education existed even in “comprehensive” sex ed settings, where the emphasis was broader than abstinence and disease. Online sexual explorations, on the other hand, were wide-ranging and uncontrolled, often accessed in isolation and without adult guidance, and put to quite divergent uses by youth of different sexual identities.

Just as the experience of sexual learning itself tends to be bifurcated, existing research tends to focus on either school-based sex education or on the “intersection of sexuality and digital space” (Adams-Santos 2020, 1; Waskul 2014); our research highlights the dynamic interaction between formal school curriculum, informal online sexual learning, and sexual identities and practices.

First, as its role as an information source is further diminished, sex education gains significance in a different way: The very absences of information about sexual pleasure and sexual identity further propels youth to seek information elsewhere. Our interviewees rarely talked to their parents about sexual activity, reporting that sex was a taboo topic. Similar to findings from research Elliott (2012) conducted with parents, our respondents believed that their parents did not recognize them as sexual beings; schools did not go much further. In this context, digital platforms were a place to get answers, without judgment or exposure, to pretty much any sexual question or curiosity, even when they did not know exactly what they were looking for. Online explorations felt exciting as they pieced together information not otherwise available to them, and a place in which youth experienced agency, arming themselves with information lacking in sex ed and in the home, and often countering the framings found in school and at home (abstinence, danger, heteronormativity, and the like). Nearly all the online information, they reported, was new – an indicator, again, that the vacuum left by school-based sex education is an important push towards the digital space.

Second, the push to and pull of the Internet accentuates an ambivalent relationship to the sources of sexual knowledge and how to assess their reliability, particularly as youth are simultaneously operating in at least two very different arenas of authority. Our respondents often reported having been uncertain about the accuracy and reliability of information sources, and looked for ways to triangulate and substantiate online sources; despite a certain eye-rolling skepticism about school-based sex education, they generally assumed that their teachers were reliable authorities, and rarely described a concern about substantiating school-based information. Information learned online was often shared with peers, and tested out practically in relationships. Youth were likely to share websites or make suggestions to friends from the sites they frequented, such as how to make a dental dam out of a condom, use lubricants, or locate erogenous zones even as they also often articulated concerns that the online pornography they consumed gave them a distorted view of sexual activities, bodies, and pleasures. The controlled information from school was seen as reliable but often without much value; the uncontrolled information from online spaces was seen as valuable but often suspect, sometimes even scary.

Third, we have seen a destabilization of the relatively rigid conventional cultural scripts contained in school-based sex ed curricula, displaced by the multifarious and messy cultural scripts circulating within online platforms. The former left little room for identity play and exploration, or for the elaboration of alternative sexual scripts at the interpersonal and intrapsychic levels. Our respondents, particularly those who are LGBQ + -identified, were regularly and actively engaged in identity work and interpersonal re-scripting facilitated by a decentralized, multi-platformed online environment in which no single set of sexual scripts prevails.

Finally, as one set of scholars put it simply, “Sexuality education is exclusive of young people of different sexual and gender orientations, and this exclusion can have various negative impacts” (Gowen and Winges-Yanez 2014, 799). Much more therefore seems to be riding on self-generated online sexual learning for LGBQ + youth than for others, given the privileging of heteronormative identities in sex education and in school settings more generally, where queer students participated in what one respondent called a “code of silence” regarding queer identification or questioning. In the “post-paradigmatic” context, LGBQ + youth in particular seek not just information but new shared meanings, often improvising interpersonal scripts such that their identities can be made “congruent with desired expectations” (Simon and Gagnon 1986, 99). One impact, though not an entirely negative one, is LGBQ + youths’ heavy reliance on the Internet for sexual knowledge, identity work, and community not supported in schools. While the classroom was not a safe environment in which students could discuss their discomfort with a heteronormative lens—and often the assumption of heterosexuality—online space was quite the opposite. For many, their digital communities, whether fleeting or more lasting, became critical support. Having found queer community online, the lack of queer community in school became even more evident. The Internet provided an unparalleled source of affirmation and identification that queer interviewees did not find in schools, homes, or local communities.

Our findings are suggestive and, given the data limitations, not nearly the end of the story. Certainly, the need “for relevant and inclusive information on sexual health” (Gowen and Winges-Yanez 2014, 799), particularly for LGBTQ + youth, is plain; other have suggested, for instance, “directly discussing LGBTQ issues, emphasizing sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention over pregnancy prevention, and addressing healthy relationships” (Gowen and Winges-Yanez 2014, 788). One particular gap that future research might seek to fill is the unique sexuality education experiences of transgender and non-binary youth, which may or may not parallel those of LGBQ + youth, and their unique needs. Our research also offers a view on how sexual identity needs affect the consumption of school-based sex education, including how it is remembered—the relative invisibility and exclusion of LGBQ + youth means that the few moments of visibility and inclusion in school curricula carry outsized impact—as well as driving much of the online activity of LGBQ + youth. Future research could usefully develop this line of inquiry.

In the end, our findings shed a different kind of light on the common critiques and calls for reform that contemporary US sex education regularly and rightly receives. For all of their importance, political debates over sex education in schools (Luker 2006), and political fights for school board control, may be less relevant for those seeking to understand and advocate for the sexual wellbeing of youth than they appear. Given the institutional constraints on school-based sex education, its role as a driver towards online sexual exploration is likely to continue; in democratic political settings, the digital space will continue serving as a primary setting for sexual learning. Unless schools are willing and institutionally able to recognize and tap into the dynamic interaction between sex education, online sexual explorations, and offline relationships, their role as relevant sources of sexual learning is likely to continue to recede.