Correction to: Metabolic Brain Disease

Images 7(C) and 7(E) were incorrectly inserted into the original Fig. 7. The corrected figure is shown below. The authors sincerely apologize for this mistake.

Fig. 7
figure 1

Histopathological examination of hippocampus region of the rat brain Hippocampus of 1 rat brain per group was utilized for the histopathological examination.

Figure 7 A: Normal Control, Fig. 7B: Disease Control Animals treated with Scopolamine (2 mg/kg IP). Figure 7 C: Disease treated with Donepezil (1 mg/kg) from Day 8, Fig. 7D: Disease treated with Celastrus paniculatus oil (2 g/kg) from Day 0 and Fig. 7E: Disease treated with Celastrus paniculatus oil (2 g/kg) from Day 8. Magnification: 40x.