Correction to: Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (2015) 410:37–54

In the original publication of the article, Fig. 2b was published incorrectly. The correct version of Fig. 2 is provided in this correction.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a Topographical view of normal crypts and ACF in the colonic mucosa of experimental rats (× 10). A, B Colon of control and control + CVC-treated rats show normal crypts. C Topographical view of ACF (arrows) with multiple (eighteen) crypts in the colon of a rat treated with DMH. D Topographical view of ACF (arrow) with eight crypts in the colon of a rat treated with DMH + X-radiation. E Topographical view of ACF (arrow) with four crypts in the colon of a rat treated with DMH + CVC. F Topographical view of ACF (arrow) with two crypts in the colon of a rat treated with DMH + CVC + X-radiation. b Topographical view of dysplastic ACF in the colonic mucosa of experimental animals (× 20). A: Normal crypts in the unsectioned colon of control rats. B Normal crypts in the unsectioned colon of the rats supplemented with CVC alone. C DACF (arrow) with thirteen crypts resist methanol, decolouration after methylene blue staining in the unsectioned colon of the rat treated with DMH alone. D DACF (arrow) with seven crypts in the unsectioned colon of DMH-treated rat exposed to radiation alone. E DACF (arrow) with four crypts in the unsectioned colon of DMH-treated rat supplemented with CVC. F DACF (arrow) with three crypts in the unsectioned colon of DMH-treated rat treated with both CVC and X-radiation