
Deception researchers are typically interested in measuring the decision-making process of different individuals (i.e., judges) or investigating how various manipulations (e.g., providing training or varying the type of lie) affect veracity judgments. Articles on human veracity judgments typically report (almost dogmatically) a few key findings: deception detection ability is on average 54%, just above chance (Bond & DePaulo, 2006, 2008), lies are detected at a lower rate (below chance) compared to truths (above chance), known as the veracity effect (Levine et al., 1999), and judges tend to overestimate how often others are truthful, known as the truth bias (Bond & DePaulo, 2006; Levine, 2014).

These statements underscore two key points. First, findings in deception research are remarkably stable. Second, for over a century, we have been analyzing deception data using the same methods, which have constrained our understanding of veracity judgments. In this tutorial, we present a method that improves on the traditional analysis plan, providing a flexible and robust framework that adapts to researcher needs and designs, does not require potentially questionable data transformations, and provides new insights into judge and sender (i.e., liars and truth-tellers) effects.

Traditional Deception Detection Analysis

The traditional analysis plan involves two to four separate analyses trying to unpack judges’ accuracy and bias. Judges’ binaryFootnote 1 responses (usually, “Lie” or “Truth”) are used to compute two measures. Accuracy is computed by matching each individual response to the veracity of the stimulus (e.g., a video or a statement), and if they are congruous (e.g., the judge said “Lie” and the video was of a lie) it is marked as correct, if they are incongruous it is marked as incorrect. A standard procedure is to then tally the values across trials for each participant and convert these into percentage (%) correct. This percentage reflects the accuracy of the judge. Bias is often computed by coding all binary responses as “Truth” = 1 and “Lie” =  − 1, and then summing the values. When compared to the stimuli base rate in the study (typically, a 1:1 ratio of lies and truths), if the sum is positive it is taken as indicating the judge was truth-biased, if the sum is negative it is taken as a lie-bias, and 0 is taken as unbiased. Unfortunately, reliance on proportion correct as a measure of accuracy conflates estimates with response tendencies (e.g., guessing and bias), which cannot be alleviated by the reporting of the separate bias analysis (an issue that has been prevalent in behavioral research; Wagner, 1993).

It is also typical to see subsequent analyses where the above data are converted into an aggregate form of signal detection theory (SDT) analysis (Green & Swets, 1966). The rationale for reporting this additional analysis is to permit the researcher to disentangle bias from accuracy, which the previous two analyses do not permit. We will explain the SDT framework shortly, but for now, we note two measures: d-prime and criterion. D-prime is a measure of discriminability, often (mis)interpreted as reflecting accuracy. Criterion is a measure of the decision threshold, reflecting the strength of the signal needed to make a judgment.

Fundamentally, deception researchers want two questions answered: (1) can people detect lies, and (2) are they biased when making veracity judgments? With the traditional analysis, the two SDT quantities, alongside the accuracy and bias quantities, are submitted to a factorial analysis, such as a t-test or an analysis of variance (ANOVA), from which researchers will make inferences. The results from these four—unconnected—analyses require substantial assumptions, which we argue are untenable and unnecessary in deception research.

Estimating deception detection by aggregating and transforming correct judgments into percentages can conflate accuracy with bias. For such analyses, studies with low trial counts may produce sizable differences in accuracy due to data artifacts rather than true deception detection ability (Levine et al., 2022). The aggregate SDT analyses partially address the issue of conflated effects, but remain suboptimal. Moreover, the d-prime and criterion analyses are not the same as accuracy and bias, and do not answer the same hypotheses. SDT’s discriminability measures the latent trait of deception detection while accounting for response bias, while the accuracy analysis merely measures task performance.

The issue of low trial counts also highlights the problem of sender variability in deception research. Differences in effects can often be attributed to mere differences in sender perception (Bond & DePaulo, 2008; Levine, 2016). Some senders, regardless of the veracity of their statement, are perceived as disingenuous (or as honest) the majority of the time, referred to as the demeanor bias (Levine et al., 2011). In a low trial experiment, effects may emerge simply due to a few senders biasing judgment. It has also been argued that the above chance performance (54%) is due to a handful of liars being poor at deceiving (i.e., transparent liars; Levine, 2010).

Additionally, it is often implicitly assumed that senders are uniformly affected by experimental manipulations. However, research on sender variability suggests otherwise. Factors such as cognitive load, interview style, answer types, preparation level, and lie topic, to name a few, can have non-uniform effects (Hartwig & Bond, 2011; Levine et al., 2010; Vrij et al., 2007, 2008). Failing to account for sender variability will lead to inaccurate, biased, and potentially spurious findings, particularly given the lack of stimuli standardization in deception research (Vrij, 2008).

Judge variability is equally crucial in deception research (Bond & DePaulo, 2008; Levine, 2016). There have even been attempts to identify groups or individuals with superior deception detection abilities, but these have yielded inconclusive results (Aamodt & Custer, 2006; Bond & Uysal, 2007; Ekman & O’Sullivan, 1991). However, what is evident is the significant variability in accuracy and bias between individuals, which can impact aggregate estimates (Bond & DePaulo, 2008; Meissner & Kassin, 2002).

Thus, sender and judge variability play crucial roles in deception detection estimates, highlighting the limitations of traditional approaches that fail to account for these factors. Our tutorial offers an alternative approach that not only enables the same inferences as traditional methods but also provides numerous benefits. This approach allows for the direct modeling of binary judgments without the need for data transformation or aggregation, it accommodates complex experimental designs, handles missing data, unbalanced designs, and is robust to outliers and small sample sizes. By providing a unified analysis, it focuses directly on the quantities researchers aim to measure, eliminating the need for multiple disparate analyses.

Signal Detection Theory

Signal detection theory (SDT) (Green & Swets, 1966; Macmillan & Creelman, 2005; Wickens, 2001) is a widely used framework in psychology for understanding decision-making in uncertain situations. It incorporates the discrimination ability (d-prime) of judges to distinguish signal from noise and their decision-making strategy (criterion) towards a specific response. In deception research, SDT has been proposed to provide a superior method for understanding veracity judgments compared to the accuracy approach, allowing for the simultaneous measurement of judges’ ability to detect deception and their willingness to label someone as deceptive (Bond & DePaulo, 2006; Masip et al., 2009; Meissner & Kassin, 2002).

In SDT, responses are categorized into hits (H), misses (M), false alarms (FA), and correct rejections (CR). In a deception context, a hit occurs when the sender lies and the judge responds with “lie”, while a miss happens when the sender lies but the judge responds with “truth”. A false alarm is when the sender is honest but the judge responds with “lie”, and a correct rejection is when the sender is honest and the judge responds with “truth”. The estimation of the judge's hit rate and false alarm rate, along with their decision-making tendencies on the latent scale, is based on the observed H and FA. The relationship between these response types is dependent on task difficulty and response strategy. Task difficulty influences the balance between hit and false alarm rates (e.g., easier tasks yield higher hit rates and lower false alarm rates). The response strategy, or bias, of the individual also plays a role. If a person has extremely stringent criteria for answering “lie”, they will not commit many false alarms (considered a conservative bias), while a person that easily answers “lie” is likely to have more hits but also more false alarms (considered a liberal bias). In deception, judges may adopt different strategies depending on their goals, such as in a forensic setting prioritizing the identification of liars over the risks of false alarms (Meissner & Kassin, 2002).

Various measures can be computed from an SDT framework (Macmillan & Creelman, 2005), yet commonly d-prime and criterion are reported in the deception literature. D-prime (d') is calculated on a standardized scale, similar to Cohen's d, making it easily interpretable for those familiar with effect sizes in psychology. A d' = 0 indicates no discriminability between signal and noise, while higher values indicate stronger discrimination ability. Typically, d-prime is viewed as a distance measure, with the 0 point serving as a meaningful boundary (i.e., permitting comparisons like d′ = 0.4 is twice the discriminability of d′ = 0.2), however, negative d' values are technically possible. The criterion in SDT represents the decision-making threshold that determines whether a signal is present or absent. It is influenced by factors such as incentives, instructions, and expectations.

One limitation of traditional by-person SDT analyses is that in cases of perfect discriminability or total incorrect discriminability (e.g., H = 1 and FA = 0), the value of d′ is undefined. These edge cases are possible and observed in deception research, especially when only a few trials are presented to each participant. Researchers are then faced with the decision to either delete these data points, which affects precision and statistical power, or apply a correction that biases the estimation of d' (Hautus, 1995). We will return to this topic in the model section.

In SDT, judges compare their perception of the stimulus evidence to the decision threshold (Green & Swets, 1966; Kellen et al., 2021). Unlike other decision-making models, guessing is not treated as a separate process but is determined by the decision threshold (DeCarlo, 2020). Figure 1 illustrates the SDT process, showing distributions of evidence for truths (red) and lies (blue). The distributions refer to judges' perception variability of the evidence, which can fluctuate even for the same stimulus. Consequently, the same stimulus can produce different responses due to perceptual variability, not stimulus variability (DeCarlo, 2020).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Illustration of the basic SDT model

The decision axis, along which the internal degree of evidence following a stimulus presentation is distributed, is commonly called “evidence”. In the current work, the latent evidence space represents the internal strength of the deception signal which the observer uses to categorize stimuli as a “lie” or a “truth”. Our choice is rather neutral for the sake of the tutorial, yet it is essential to consider the implications of one's beliefs when conceptualizing the latent space (Macmillan & Creelman, 2005; Rotello, 2017). We merely emphasize the conceptual differences that this change brings to the research question.

A noteworthy mention, although d′ and proportion correct (p(c))—the “accuracy” metric used in the traditional analysis—are strongly correlated in common research scenarios (Bond & DePaulo, 2006), the two are conceptually distinct, non-exchangeable measures of sensitivity. While it is true that p(c) can be converted to an approximate d′ (d′ = 2z[p(c)])), this approximation only holds exactly in the special case where performance is at chance. When performance deviates from chance, it has been repeatedly shown that the empirical predictions of SDT far outperform those of p(c) (Macmillan & Creelman, 2005). Moreover, p(c) simply captures task performance, while SDT-based metrics provide insights into individuals’ ability to differentiate truths and lies.

Generalized Linear Mixed Models

The traditional deception detection analysis plan fails to adequately control for the variability introduced by the selection of participants and items which can lead to imprecise and biased estimations (Rouder & Lu, 2005). To address this issue, we propose the use of generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) that simultaneously model participant variability, item variability, and measurement error, which seems particularly important in deception detection research. We adopt a Bayesian framework for these models mostly due to its practicality and the availability of computational techniques (Gelman et al., 2013; Kruschke, 2015; Kruschke & Liddell, 2018a, 2018b; McElreath, 2020), yet similar implementations exist within the frequentist framework.

The shift from t-tests and ANOVAs to GLMMs provides flexibility in modeling statistical phenomena that occur at different levels of the experimental design. GLMMs are particularly useful for experimental designs involving repeated measurements, unequal sample sizes, missing data, and complex design structures. The estimation in multilevel models involves sharing information between groups (e.g. participants), known as partial pooling. This strategy improves parameter estimation compared to independent estimation (i.e. separate models for each participant) or complete pooling (i.e., same parameter value for all participants) through a phenomenon known as shrinkage. Shrinkage produces more precise estimations, especially in scenarios with repeated measurements or unbalanced designs, and mitigates the impact of extreme values (Gelman & Hill, 2006; Gelman et al., 2013; McElreath, 2020). See the companion script for an illustration.

Importantly for our current application, SDT models can be represented as GLMMs that incorporate variability from both participants and items (i.e., random effects) (DeCarlo, 1998; Rouder & Lu, 2005; Rouder et al., 2007). These models rely on the probit transform to map probabilities onto the z-values of a standard normal (Gaussian) distribution. Unlike aggregate SDT analyses, this approach directly estimates the quantities of interest with minimal assumptions or the need to run multiple models, enabling inferences from a single analysis.

Traditional analyses, such as ANOVAs, while popular, have significant drawbacks when applied to analyzing deception detection data. One limitation of ANOVA is its assumption that senders can be aggregated into a single group-level effect, known as the stimulus-as-fixed-effect fallacy. This leads to a loss of information, increased error, biased estimates, and an underestimation of uncertainty. Implementing recognized solutions for this issue is challenging due to the typically small number of trials in deception research (Baayen et al., 2002; Clark, 1973). GLMMs, on the other hand, estimate individual-level effects for senders and judges, capturing heterogeneity and providing more accurate estimates of the group-level effect (Rouder et al., 2007).

Another limitation of ANOVA is its handling of incomplete data. ANOVA requires complete data, often resulting in list-wise deletion of incomplete cases (i.e., removing participants if only one trial answer is missing). GLMMs can handle missing data and unbalanced designs and offer principled ways of imputing missing values. Moreover, in typical applications of SDT, especially when participants only complete relatively few trials, it is common that some participants do not have any observations in one of the four trial categories (e.g. misses). As a result, analysts must then adjust the data so that the SDT parameters can be estimated. Adjusting the data is unnecessary in multilevel models because individual-specific parameters borrow information from other participants’ estimates.

ANOVA-style analyses of SDT data have been shown to produce an asymptotic downward bias and underestimate the uncertainty (error) of the effect (Rouder & Lu, 2005; Rouder et al., 2007). This leads to misleading precision and poor predictive ability. While considering the accuracy analyses, there is an additional concern with the bounded nature of the data. ANOVAs and t-tests rely on the assumption of continuous data, yet percentages are bounded (0–100). These models can predict incorrect or impossible values (e.g., 102% accuracy). The proposed probit GLMM overcomes this issue by mapping the binary responses to the z-transformed continuous normal distribution.

In sum, GLMM (SDT) models offer advantages over traditional analyses for deception detection data. They capture individual differences and variability of senders and judges, accommodate unbalanced designs and low trial numbers, handle missing data without listwise deletion, and provide a more flexible approach to inference. Analyzing deception data directly, without the need to aggregate and transform, improves reliability with unbiased estimates, realistic uncertainty values, and the ability to incorporate sources of variability ignored in ANOVA-style approaches.

Deception Detection Analysis within a SDT GLMM Framework

We provide a tutorial for using a Bayesian GLMM with a Bernoulli probability distribution and a probit link function to analyze deception detection data. Our approach focuses on modeling the binary decisions judges make (i.e., “Lie” or “Truth”) instead of on their aggregate accuracy differences, and translating these directly into an SDT framework. Thus, we are attempting to understand how people judge veracity on a case-by-case basis, while incorporating judge and sender variability in our estimates. For brevity, we employ a standard modeling and syntax approach, while keeping the code and mathematical notations to a minimum. Elements of the tutorial have been posited before in Vuorre (2017) and Zloteanu (2022).

The full code and example data can be found here: The tutorial is presented in the R programming environment (R Core Team, 2022). The models are conducted using the brms package (Bürkner, 2017) and unpacked using the emmeans package (Lenth, 2023). To replicate all results and outputs in this manuscript and the accompanying script you will also need the following packages: bayestestR (Makowski et al., ), distributional (O’Hara-Wild et al., 2023), ggdist (Kay, 2023a), knitr (Xie, 2023), parameters (Lüdecke et al., 2020), patchwork (Pedersen, 2022), posterior (Bürkner et al., 2023), scales (Wickham & Seidel, 2022), tidybayes (Kay, 2023b), and tidyverse (Wickham et al., 2019). We present only snippets of code, focusing on the core components for illustration purposes, yet for the output to be reproducible please follow the full companion script.

All packages are loaded in R; only the top three are shown in the code box below.

figure a

Once the packages are loaded, we focus on the data and specifying the model. For the current example, a synthetic dataset was generated using the properties of the data presented in (Zloteanu et al., 2021). In the original experiment, participants were randomly allocated to one of three deception detection training groups, Emotion, Bogus, or None. They were then presented with two sets of video stimuli, Affective and Experiential, each containing 20 trials (10 lies and 10 truths). For each of the 40 trials, participants responded using a two-alternative forced-choice option of either “lie” or “truth”. We can load this from our work directory as follow:

figure b

Synthesizing data from a real example ensures that its structure (e.g., means, variance, and correlations) mirror real-world effects, allowing for a more naturalistic simulation of the results researchers are likely to encounter. The design of this study also permits us to demonstrate how the proposed analysis plan can easily be extended to more complex designs. However, the only requirement for the data is that it be in long-form (i.e., each data point is given one row), and the responses from participants are coded as 1 s and 0 s (here, 0 = “Truth”, 1 = “Lie”). Unlike in the traditional approach, no other processing of the data is needed, reducing the potential for coding errors. See Table 1 for a glimpse at the data. The dataset contains N = 106 participants with 40 trials (20 lies and 20 truths) per participant.

Table 1 Six rows of the example data with response accuracy

Attention should be given to isLie and sayLie columns. The former refers to the coding of the stimulus as a lie (Yes or No), and the latter is the answers judges provided (0 = “truth” and 1 = “lie”). This coding has theoretical implications.Footnote 2 As discussed in the SDT section, if one envisions the task as relating to “deception detection”, it implies we are attempting to capture the latent trait/ability related to accurately perceiving when a lie is occurring. For convenience, we refer to this trait as evidence discriminability. In this parameterization, we are modeling people’s ability to discriminate lies from truths. From an SDT perspective, d-prime is the distance between the two distributions in terms of the latent variable and criterion measures the response threshold for claiming an exemplar belongs to the lie category, instead of the “default” truth category (see Fig. 1).

Estimating d-Prime and Criterion (Simple Model)

The first model, Model 0 (baseline), estimates only c and d’, while incorporating two important sources of variability: participants (i.e., judges) and stimuli (i.e., senders). We do not yet include any other predictors. To ensure that the model estimates our parameters correctly, the categorical predictor that reflects the falsehood of the stimuli must use a contrast coding structure (i.e., No =  − 0.5 and Yes = 0.5). This ensures the model intercept is “between” Lie and True trials—their average (grand mean)—corresponding to the negative criterion, − c.Footnote 3

figure c

We then define the GLMM using R’s extended formula syntax (see brms documentation for details). We regress ‘sayLie’ (0 = “True”, 1 = “Lie”) on an intercept (“1” in R syntax means an intercept) and the slope of ‘isLie’ (whether the stimulus was a truth or a lie). These components of the syntax capture the criterion value (-intercept) and discriminability (slope of isLie). To capture the sources of variance in our design, we specify correlated random effects for both these elements across ‘Participant’ and model the intercepts as random across ‘Stimulus’. These two components tell the model how to capture the variability between participants (e.g., p001 might be systematically more liberal) and between stimuli (e.g., the sender in video “1-1_T” may elicit a more consistent or varied response pattern).

figure d

Once the model has been specified, we can pass it to brm() as follows:

figure e

Let us unpack the above code. The ‘formula = f0’ passes our model to brms, the ‘family = bernoulli(link = probit)’ specifies the model distribution to be used (here, a Bernoulli distribution with a probit link function), ‘data = d’ points to the data we are using, ‘prior = p0’ points to the specified model priors (see script for details; the prior can be omitted), and ‘file = "models/m0"’ saves the model output for later use. Once the model has run (which may take some time depending on your system performance, data size, and model complexity) we can print the output. We will use the parameters() function:

figure f

The output includes the model parameters, the mean of the posterior distribution, the 95% credible intervals (CIs), the probability of direction (pd), the Brooks-Gelman-Rubin scale reduction factor (Rhat), and the effective sample size (ESS). The pd is an inferential index which quantifies the percentage of the posterior distribution that is of the same sign as its median value, and ranges from 50 to 100% (Makowski et al., 2019a, 2019b). If the model perfectly captures the analyst’s prior beliefs, then this quantity indicates the posterior belief that the effect has the indicated sign. The Rhat and ESS are useful diagnostic tools to assess model fit and convergence. It is recommended that the Rhat does not exceed 1.01 and the minimum ESS is 400 (Vehtari et al., 2021).

figure g

The model output can be interpreted as a typical regression coefficients table. Here, the ‘Intercept’ is the negative criterion value (i.e., c = 0.27 when reversed) and ‘isLie1’ predictor is d-prime (i.e., d’ = 0.00).Footnote 4 To see the posteriors we can either call brms’ plotting function, ‘plot(m0)’, but with a little code wrangling (see script) we can plot the posteriors of our estimates on the correct scale for both parameters and label the results more clearly.

An aspect of the Bayesian framework is moving away from focusing on point estimates (e.g., the posterior mean), and interpreting the entire distribution. Here, using Fig. 2, we see that the average participant had a conservative response bias, as evidenced by most of the population-level criterion’s posterior distribution falling above zero, and the 95% credible values ranging from 95% CI [0.08, 0.47], but excluding 0.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Estimated posterior distributions for d-prime and criterion, with 66% (thick) and 95% CIs (thin lines) for Model 0

Credible interval, unlike the frequentist confidence interval, allows for statements such as “95% of the credible values fall within this range”. The posterior mass indicates participants on average are more likely to declare a statement to be truthful than deceptive, pd = 99.83%. As the 95% CI excludes 0 and pd is over 99% in the positive direction, it can be interpreted as evidence for the existence of the effect (Kruschke, 2018). Thus, we could conclude that people show a small-to-moderate conservative bias towards detecting lies (akin to a “truth-bias”).

Moving over to the d-prime estimate, the model finds the mean discriminability to be approximately 0, d′ = 0.004, but with substantial uncertainty, 95% CI [− 0.35, 0.38]. The credible values range from moderate negativeFootnote 5 to moderate positive discriminability, and including 0 as a credible effect; due to the large uncertainty, no clear inference can be made, and we conclude that more data is needed. Plotting the effect estimates and variability are recommended to illustrate this uncertainty and the potential inferences that can be drawn.

If we explore the random effect of different participants in detail, Fig. 3, we see this is due to the variability in judges’ discriminability. This is one of the many benefits of using GLMMs to model the data, as we can get a better sense of the individual differences in veracity judgments; for additional variance partitioning methods and plots, see the companion script. In the caterpillar plots, we present the different decision thresholds (c) and discriminability (d′) of a few participants to illustrate the spread in response tendencies and discriminabilities, as well as the response to specific stimuli, highlighting sender-specific effects. Figure 3 demonstrates the importance of not assuming homogeneity in either judges or senders, and the importance of capturing these components in the analysis process.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Caterpillar plots for random effects. Left two panels: Criteria and d-primes; negative criteria indicate a liberal bias (i.e., lie-bias) and positive conservative bias (i.e., truth-bias). Right panel: Criteria for stimuli. We show a random sample of 20 participant- and stimuli-specific parameters to reduce overplotting

Another visualization option for such models is a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve; these display the relationships between the probabilities of hits and false-alarms. Although we do not consider these to be of particular use in deception research, due to the overall low and variable accuracy rates, they can be easily computed if one so wishes. See the companion script for an example.

Thus, without requiring any data manipulation, this approach provides comprehensive and transparent results. Crucially, this method uncovers valuable information that would have been overlooked by traditional analysis plans, such as stimuli and judge variability, and the large uncertainty in estimates. In traditional approaches, ignoring these sources of uncertainty would result in misleadingly precise and potentially biased estimates. The GLMM SDT model emphasizes the importance of considering the heterogeneity of stimuli in deception research and the need for sufficient data (judges and stimuli) to obtain reliable and precise effect estimates.

Between-Subjects Manipulations

Often an experiment will have a more complex design with additional predictors. To demonstrate the flexibility of the approach, we expand the model to include a between-subjects manipulation. In the synthetic dataset, there is such a factor, Training, with three levels: Bogus, Emotion, and None (see Zloteanu et al., 2021). Adding this factor to our model is simple. The syntax includes an additional predictor, ‘Training’, using a dummy coding structure. The asterisk in ‘isLie * Training’ is shorthand for the model including main effects and the interaction between the predictors. The rest of the syntax is unchanged.

figure h

We pass the new syntax to brm() as Model 1:

figure i

With this simple modification, we are now capturing the different groups that participants were randomly assigned to at the start of the experiment. We run the model and print the output.

figure j

In the current parameterisation, adding ‘Training’ with dummy contrasts leads to an intercept that is the ‘-criterion’ for ‘Training = “None”’ (the baseline, see script). The two additional Training parameters reflect the difference in the negative criterion between each group and the baseline (e.g., ‘TrainingBogus’ is the difference in -c from the ‘Intercept’). The parameters with ‘isLie1:’ in their terms refer to the difference in d-prime from the baseline group; the baseline group’s d-prime is indicated by ‘isLie1’.

figure k

Interpreting such a table can be challenging. It is often more informative to wrangle the output to get the quantities of interest; also, see companion script for how to directly show criterion, instead of -criterion and differences. We use the emmeans package:

figure l

We obtain the -c for each group, captured in ‘emm_m1_c1’, and the differences in criterion between groups (-cdiff; akin to a pairwise test), ‘emm_m1_c2’. We do the same for d’, where we obtain the discriminability for each group, ‘emm_m1_d1’, and the difference in discriminability between every two groups (d’diff), ‘emm_m1_d2’.

figure m

We can then display all the above quantities in a single figure (and reverse − c for better interpretability) which provides all the relevant information about the experiment (Fig. 4). The code for the plot can be found in the companion script.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Posterior distributions with 66% (thick) and 95% CIs (thin lines) of the criterion and d-prime parameters from Model 1. The densities are colored according to whether the value lies within (dark) or outside the ROPE from − 0.1 to 0.1. Proportions of the full posterior distribution within the ROPE are displayed in numbers

As in Model 0, inferences about the direction (pd), size (mean), and uncertainty (CI) of effects can be done using the output and the plot. However, by specifying a region of practical equivalence (ROPE) we can also quantify effect relevance (Kruschke, 2015; Makowski et al., 2019a, 2019b). Setting a ROPE around the null permits us to ask if the estimated effects are practically equivalent to zero. Decisions about negligible effects can made on the basis of the 95% CI falling entirely within the ROPE, known as the HDI + ROPE decision rule (Kruschke, 2018), or by using the entire posterior density, known as the ROPE(100%) decision rule (Makowski et al., 2019a, 2019b).

For interpretation, the former quantifies the probability that the credible values are not negligible, while the latter that the possible values are not negligible. To illustrate its use, in Fig. 4, we set an arbitraryFootnote 6 ROPE from − 0.1 to 0.1 (in d′ units), and display the percentage of the posteriors within this range. Thus, from the figure we can infer the estimated discrimination ability and response tendency of judges in each training condition, the difference in size and direction of these effects between groups, and the certainty and importance of these effects.

An easy method to obtain such summary estimates is to use the describe_posterior() function. We specify our ± 0.1 ROPE and use the ROPE(100%) proportion of the posterior rule:

figure n

The output is similar to that obtained with parameters(), but with additional columns. The last column provides the percentage of the posterior contained within the ROPE we set.

figure o

Based on the ROPE(100%) rule to infer a negligible/no effect (fully contained; 100%) or a relevant effect (fully outside; 0%), we see that the estimates are too uncertain to make any strong claims, as none show a definitive effect or no effect.

In Bayesian estimation dichotomous judgments are extraneous to the numerical results, and inferences can be made using the entire posterior, portions of it, or any comparisons of interest (Kruschke & Liddell, 2018a, 2018b). For instance, if we use the pd metric, we could infer that there is more evidence in favor of both Bogus, pd = 98.98% and Emotion, pd = 98.58%, training producing an improvement in discriminability over None (‘isLie1:TrainingBogus’ and ‘isLie1:TrainingEmotion’, respectively), with roughly 99% of their posterior distributions showing a positive effect; we can interpret this as “there is a 99% probability that the discriminability improvement of training is positive”. Similarly, the 95% CIs for both estimates do not include 0, supporting the existence of an effect. We would then use the mean and CIs to estimate the effect size and uncertainty.

If we look at the ROPE column we can also directly interpret these values in terms of parameter probabilities, which for the ddiff in Bogus training we could write as “there is a 5.97% probability that the effect is negligible in size”. We can similarly make more tentative claims, such as stating there is more evidence that being assigned the Emotion training group, cdiff = 0.05, 95% CI [− 0.07, 0.18], leads to an increase in the conservative bias (truth-bias), pd = 81.10%, but does not exclude it leading to a more liberal bias, as the 95% CIs includes positive values.Footnote 7 This flexibility and nuance in reporting is a benefit of this approach.

As with Model 0, these estimates highlight the need for more data in deception experiments. Although the current data is synthetic, the properties reflect real experiments, including the level of uncertainty. When employing traditional designs with aggregated and transformed data, effect uncertainties are masked by the (unrealistic) assumptions of the analyses (Rouder et al., 2007). We will return to this issue in the discussion.

Within-Subjects Manipulations and Interactions

As a final demonstration, we extend the model to include a within-subjects manipulation, LieType, with two levels: Affective and Experiential. The change in syntax is minimal but has a few extra elements compared to the previous model. As before, we add this predictor (dummy coded) to the syntax as part of the main interaction. An additional step for specifying within-subjects effects is that they should also be incorporated as random slopes for Participants; below the (1 + isLie * LieType | Participant) specifies that we assume each participant may show specific responding patterns based on the type of stimulus they see, the veracity of a stimulus, and the interaction of these two components. Thus, we specify a “maximal model” (Barr et al., 2013).

figure p

The summary output can be quite difficult to interpret given the multiple interactions and parameters of interest. Thus, we wrangle the results to provide a cleaner summary:

figure q

This directly provides the quantities of interest: d-prime, criterion, and their differences for each condition and group.

figure r

We plot all the relevant parameters in a single figure (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Posterior distributions and 95% CIs of the criterion and d-prime parameters, or differences therein, from Model 2. Red densities (left) are the Affective stimuli and green densities (right) the Experiential stimuli

From the figure and output, we see the importance of capturing the full design of the experiment. Participants’ responses differed between the two types of lies, affecting both the criterion and discriminability, while also revealing effects that were masked by the unmodeled interaction. For the sake of conciseness, we omit a full interpretation of the results.

Briefly, we note that the plot indicates differences in how judges viewed the two stimuli sets, especially for d-prime (see lower left panel in Fig. 5). To investigate this, we can modify the emmeans code to request the differences in d-prime between Affective and Experiential stimuli, split by group:

figure s

There is some evidence of a difference in discriminability between the two sets. This is most evident in the Bogus group, with only a 1.79% probability that the effect is negligible. However, the pd and ROPE values suggest that no decisive judgments can be made.

figure t

An example write-up for a parameter in Model 2 that indicates an effect—‘Bogus, Experiential’—would be as follows (values reversed to c):

“The probability that judges in the Bogus training group have a conservative bias when judging Experiential truths and lies is pd = 99.92%, displaying an overall positive moderate effect, c = 0.41, 95% CI [0.14, 0.69], that can be considered non-negligible, 0% in ROPE.”

Overall, Model 2 reveals the benefits of modeling deception data using a GLMM SDT approach. If we had employed an ANOVA, the estimates would (misleadingly) appear more precise, and many insights would have been hidden behind the strong assumptions factorial models make regarding the data.


This tutorial showcased a hierarchical SDT approach to analyze deception detection data. This approach offers a nuanced and robust method to analyze veracity judgments, overcoming many of the limitations of the traditional method. The examples presented revealed important insights into the factors influencing deception detection accuracy, including effects on discriminability, decision thresholds (bias), and sender variability. These challenge the traditional methods commonly employed in the field, which fail to incorporate crucial sources of variability, producing biased or inaccurate estimates.

Importantly, the application of GLMMs reveals a larger degree of uncertainty in the estimated effects than previously assumed in the field, denoting the potential existence of spurious effects in prior research, and the limited predictive power of past models. Furthermore, GLMMs are amenable to the difficulties present in deception research, handling missing data more efficiently, accommodating unbalanced groups, and being robust to outliers and small samples. These models present notable practical and theoretical advantages over the traditional aggregation approach.

The assumption for items (senders) being homogeneous, we argue, is not realistic in deception research, given the diversity and lack of standardization of stimuli. It is essential to consider participant and item variability as more than just nuisance parameters, as they can provide valuable insights for theory construction. Aggregating trials across items implicitly assumes that all senders have the same discriminability and induce the same criterion. Similarly, aggregating trials across participants assumes that all judges have the same discriminability and criterion. These assumptions are too strict in deception research. In reality, judges will vary from one another in both (Bond & DePaulo, 2006, 2008). Likewise, senders will also vary in discriminability (i.e., a few transparent liars; Levine, 2010) and effects on criteria (e.g., demeanor bias; Levine et al., 2011). The unmodeled variability in aggregate SDT models can lead to an underestimation of discriminability (Rouder & Lu, 2005; Rouder et al., 2007) or biased estimates (Hautus, 1995). We also encourage a shift from percentage correct as a measure of deception detection, as this metric is design-sensitive, conflates accuracy and bias, and can lead to erroneous inferences (Macmillan & Creelman, 2005).

Models that incorporate random effects, such as GLMMs, provide estimates that are similar to models without full random effects, like ANOVAs, at least in terms of mean estimate (cf. Rouder et al., 2007). However, the latter will overestimate effect precision. GLMMs will yield larger uncertainty but more realistic precision and predictions. Contrastingly, averaging the data can mask the variability in participants' sensitivity, bias, or both. This not only introduces potential effect biases but also obscures the variability in discriminability (Macmillan & Kaplan, 1985). The showcased approach enables the empirical investigation of claims regarding sender and judge effects, moving beyond the customary mention of these in an article’s limitations section without confirmation. With GLMMs we can examine the impact of sender and judge variability directly and substantively.

SDT is a robust and well-documented framework and a valuable tool alongside other approaches, facilitating theory-building and enhancing our understanding of veracity judgments. Adopting this framework allows for direct investigations of the quantities that deception researchers want to measure—people’s ability to detect deception and their veracity judgment process—which are not accessible when employing accuracy measures. Similarly, to keep the article self-contained, we provided only a cursory introduction to GLMMs or the Bayesian framework, so we encourage researchers to delve deeper into these topics (Kruschke, 2015; Kruschke & Liddell, 2018a, 2018b; McElreath, 2020; Wagenmakers et al., 2018). The high level of uncertainty in all the models presented underscores the need for improved precision in deception experiments, which implies larger datasets. While it may be unfeasible to use more sensitive stimuli given the nature of the topic (e.g., more obvious lies) or increase the number of trials due to the potential demand effects (e.g., fatigue), including more judges holds potential for enhancing effect reliability (Levine et al., 2022).

The proposed methodology streamlines the analysis process by eliminating the need for multiple, unconnected analyses or data transformation and correction, contrasting traditional methods that require several steps to unpack veracity judgments. Our tutorial advocates for a unified SDT GLMM framework, efficiently modeling participant and item variability and providing more realistic effect estimates. This approach is particularly advantageous for experimental designs with complex or problematic data structures. Traditional approaches are suboptimal given the research questions and designs employed in the deception field, and can lead to biased estimates, increased inferential errors, loss of information, and an underestimation of uncertainty. SDT GLMMs offer a flexible and reliable approach to deception detection analysis, accommodating experimental complexities, and improving accuracy and realism in effect estimates.

Ultimately, the aim of this tutorial is to showcase the application of a well-documented modeling strategy to deception data and offer an additional tool for researchers moving forward, providing them with several benefits and solutions over traditional approaches. Lastly, we advocate for the sharing of open data and materials within the field, recognizing the importance of the topic, especially within the forensic and legal sectors, and promoting transparency in our methodologies to advance veracity judgment research.


Our work contributes to the increasing interest in employing more sophisticated statistical modeling approaches in deception research, such as confidence-accuracy judgment models (i.e., metacognition, Type II SDT) (Volz et al., 2022; Vuorre & Metcalfe, 2022), and the use of mixed models to better capture sources of judgment variance (Volz et al., 2023; Zloteanu et al., 2021). We note that the SDT framework offered here extends to both such metacognitive judgments (Paulewicz & Blaut, 2020), and to models which incorporate multiple statements per sender (as in Volz et al., 2023).

The current SDT GLMM framework can easily be extended to accommodate different designs and intuitions into the underlying judgment process. There are several avenues to explore beyond the Yes–No Gaussian distribution assumption for the latent space. While SDT models commonly assume equal variance for the noise and signal distributions and a constant response criterion across trials, as did the present models, these assumptions can be relaxed (Kellen et al., 2021). Similarly, if researchers prefer to employ an honesty scale (e.g., Zloteanu et al., 2022), an unequal variance SDT model can be used (see Bürkner & Vuorre, 2019; Vuorre, 2017). There are also non-linear models which can incorporate guessing, and other decision strategies (see Bürkner, 2019). And, as mentioned, extending this framework to Type II SDT, quantifying judges’ awareness of their decisions (Barrett et al., 2013). By considering and comparing various SDT models, researchers can engage in theory-building and develop our understanding of the veracity judgment process.


In this tutorial, we demonstrated the advantages of utilizing SDT GLMMs to directly model deception detection data. Our approach offers utility, flexibility, and additional insights over traditional methods, providing a unified analysis for making inferences and a principled reporting structure. SDT GLMMs allow for a more detailed exploration of the decision-making process, while also reducing many limitations of the traditional approach. By employing SDT GLMMs, we can gain deeper insights into people’s decisions and the sources of effects, advance our knowledge of the veracity judgment process, reduce error, and improve the theoretical and practical application of our findings.