Correction to: Journal of Academic Ethics

The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes in the text body which had been addressed by the authors but were missed by the publishing quality team. The corrections are itemized below:

(1.) “Outcome Variable” section; paragraph 3; the citation provided for Table 2 should be removed from the last sentence.

“The results for the factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha demonstrate strong construct validity for the SiteUse outcome variable (see Table 2).”

should be:

“The results for the factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha demonstrate strong construct validity for the SiteUse outcome variable.”

(2.) “Mean Differences across Categorical Predictor Variables” section; paragraph 7; the citation for Table 8 from the last sentence.

“The remaining effect sizes were in the small range (0.20-0.50) or less (see Table 8).”

should be:

“The remaining effect sizes were in the small range (0.20-0.50) or less.”

The Publisher apologize for this mistake.

The original article has been corrected.