1 Introduction

Quantum theory is so far the best available framework to describe the microscopic world. It consists of a normative set of assumptions and rules designed to deal with phenomena with no classical explanation. Its predictive power is undeniable. Nonetheless, it also opens up room for puzzling behaviours having no classical counterpart [1,2,3,4,5]. The root cause of all these remarkably odd phenomena is still unclear [6], and even quantum-to-classical and classical-to-quantum transitions are yet to be fully understood – although, from a dynamical perspective, there have been robust proposals for obtaining such understanding [7,8,9].

What is undebatable, though, is that incompatibility of observables is a key feature of quantum theory [10, 11]. In this work we focus on the generalization of this notion to quantum channels. Intuitively, compatibility between two quantum channels can be seen as on-demand simulability of those channels via a third, larger CPTP map [12,13,14,15,16,17,18] - in much the same way that joint measurability can be seen as on-demand simulabililty [10, 19, 20]. For quantum maps, this third channel contains, at all times, the information about the two original maps. More precisely, we say that two channels are compatible when their individual action can be recovered from a third quantum map via marginalization (Fig. 1) [15]. It is within this perspective that we associate compatibility and simulability.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Schematic box-representation of compatible maps ψB|A and ϕC|A. Their compatibilizer is the larger black box representing 𝜃BC|A (colours online)

Our second main concept, divisibility, has a long history within the open quantum dynamics community [21,22,23,24], where it is traditionally equaled to memoryless, or Markovian, processes [25,26,27]. Classical Markovian processes are governed by the Chapman-Kolmogorov equations and it turns out that a divisible dynamics is described by a functional expression that satisfies a similar set of equations [28]. More recently, it has become clearer that memoryless quantum processes deserve a different and less involved treatment [29, 30] and that divisibility makes no explicit reference to memory. We say that a quantum channel Ψ divides another channel Φ when it is possible to find a third CPTP map 𝜃 such that Φ = 𝜃 ∘Ψ, where ∘ denotes sequential composition (Fig. 2). In this sense, it is clear that divisibility of maps should not be seen as characterizing memory, but rather as a signal of how one can simulate the action of a given map with the aid of two others.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Schematic arrow-representation for ψB|A dividing ϕC|A. The quotient map 𝜃C|B is represented by the black arrow from \({\mathscr{H}}_{B}\) to \({\mathscr{H}}_{C}\) and verifies ϕC|A = 𝜃C|BψB|A (colours online)

So far we have emphasized the simulability aspects exhibited by compatibility and divisibility. Undeniably, there are many other intriguing features associated with both concepts [10, 31, 32] , however, in this work, it is exactly the idea that they allow for some sort of simulability that we want to put forward and use as a motivation to bring them together. Compatibility amounts for the existence of a third quantum channel holding all the necessary information to simulate the original channels, whereas divisibility says that one of the maps can be simulated as a post-processing of the other. In both it is clear the existence of an external channel whose use can reveal the action of (at least one of) the original channels. Simply put, the former can be seen as a sort of simulability in parallel, and the latter as expressing a sequential-like simulability.

Even in the light of this shared simulation feature, at a first glance, one may consider compatibility and divisibility as radically different concepts, with radically distinct body of applications. Our contribution comes to show that this is not entirely the case. Depending on the physical properties of the involved channels and on how the environment exchanges information with the evolving system, it might be the case that compatibility implies divisibility, or that divisibility implies compatibility, or that compatibility equals divisibility. To obtain a full equivalence, we will have to touch on a third and unexpected ingredient: self-degradable channels [33,34,35,36]. These are channels that allow one to obtain information about the evolution of the system looking only at the evolution of the environment and vice versa (see Section 3.1 for the precise definition).

In recent years, (self-)degradable channels have been extensively studied in the literature [34, 35, 37, 38]. The main reason of their importance is that they have a simple mathematical form that allows one to compute (sometimes even with a closed, analytic expression) the quantum and private classical capacities [34, 35]. Our contribution highlights that they are not only a result of mathematical convenience, but they are the channels for which the physical notions of compatibility and divisibility are related. As such, they are channels describing a dynamics with specific physical features.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a list with the key concepts we want to connect in our work. Our main findings are in Section 3, where we establish that divisibility equals compatibility for self-degradable channels. Degradability is somehow a necessary and sufficient condition for the equivalence, and we comment why in sub-Section 3.2. A physical intuition behind our results can be found in sub-Section 3.3. We conclude our main exposition approaching limitations and further works in Section 4. We have also prepared a few appendices to make the text richer and easier to read. Appendix A comes with an expanded discussion of all the definitions we are using in this work - it is intended for an audience not familiarized with the concepts we are dealing with. In the Appendix B present three paradigmatic examples. First, we show that plain divisibility does not imply compatibility. Secondly, we show that compatibility also does not imply divisibility. Thirdly, we explore how poor a resource theory of compatibility would be. The last appendix, Appendix C explains in more details why divisibility and compatibility are not connected in general.

2 Main Definitions

In this preparatory section, we collect the key definitions we need to establish a bridge between compatibility and divisibility. Namely, we give precise definitions for what we mean by divisibility, compatibility and degradability. A more in-depth discussion about these concepts can be found in Appendix A.

Definition 2.1 (Divisibility for two channels)

Let ψB|A and ϕC|A be two cptp maps. We say that ψB|A dividesϕC|A whenever there exists another cptp map 𝜃C|B such that

$$\phi_{C|A}=\theta_{C|B} \circ \psi_{B|A}.$$

We will refer to 𝜃C|B as the quotient map.

Remark 1

Definition 2.1 says that whenever ψB|A divides ϕC|A, it is possible to recover the action of the latter through the action of the former - given we have access to the quotient map 𝜃B|C. In other words, we can say that ϕC|A can be simulated through ψB|A.

Definition 2.2 (Compatibility)

Let ψB|A and ϕC|A be two cptp maps. We say that ψB|A is compatible with ϕC|A whenever there exists another cptp map

$$\theta_{BC|A}: \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{H}_{A}) \rightarrow \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{H}_{B}) \otimes \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{H}_{C})$$

such that, for every ρA in \(\mathcal {D}({\mathscr{H}}_{A})\), the following equations

$$\psi_{B|A}(\rho_{A})=\text{Tr}_{C}\left[\theta_{BC|A}(\rho_{A}) \right]$$
$$\phi_{C|A}(\rho_{A})=\text{Tr}_{B}\left[\theta_{BC|A}(\rho_{A}) \right]$$

hold true. The channel 𝜃BC|A is called the compatibilizer for ψB|A and ϕC|A. When it is not possible to find a channel satisfying (3) and (4) above, we say that ψB|A and ϕC|A are incompatible.

Remark 2

Simply put, Definition 2.2 says that whenever two channels are compatible there exists a larger channel that can be used to recover the action of the original ones. A bit more precisely, if 𝜃BC|A is a compatibilizer for ψB|A and ϕC|A, then 𝜃BC|A carries simultaneously the information of how ψB|A and ϕC|A act on \(\mathcal {D}({\mathscr{H}}_{A})\). Finally, one should notice a clear asymmetry between defs. 2.2 and 2.1. Whenever ψB|A is compatible with ϕC|A, it is immediate that ϕB|A is also compatible with ψC|A. However, the same argument does not hold true for divisibility, as it might be the case that ψB|A divides ϕC|A but not the other way around - see Appendix B.

Definition 2.3 (Complementary Channel)

Let ψB|A be a quantum channel and

$$\psi_{B|A}(\cdot)= \text{Tr}_{E}\left[ V (\cdot) V^{\ast} \right]$$

be its Lindblad-Stinespring representation, where \(V:{\mathscr{H}}_{A} \rightarrow {\mathscr{H}}_{B} \otimes {\mathscr{H}}_{E}\) is an isometry. The complementary channel of ψB|A, with respect to the dilation \(V:{\mathscr{H}}_{A} \rightarrow {\mathscr{H}}_{B} \otimes {\mathscr{H}}_{E}\), is defined as:

$$\psi_{E|A}^{c}(\cdot)= \text{Tr}_{B}\left[ V (\cdot) V^{\ast} \right],$$

where the trace now is performed over \({\mathscr{H}}_{B}\).

Remark 3

Note we are defining complementary channels with respect to a particular representation. A given quantum channel ψB|A might end up being associated with many complementary channels, as distinct dilations may lead to distinct complementary channels. In our work, the complementary channel to a given quantum channel will mean that we have tacitly assumed a particular Lindblad-Stinespring representation. We comment further on this issue in Appendix A.

Definition 2.4 (Degradable Maps)

A quantum channel ψB|A is called degradable when there exists another quantum channel λE|B such that

$$\psi_{E|A}^{c}=\lambda_{E|B} \circ \psi_{B|A},$$

where \(\psi _{E|A}^{c}\) is complementary to ψB|A. On the other hand, when \(\psi _{E|A}^{c}\) is degradable, the original map ψB|A is called anti-degradable.

Remark 4

We discuss degradability and anti-degradability in more details in Appendix A - they have been thoroughly studied in the past and are crucial for estimating channel capacity bounds. For the time being, one can understand degradable maps as that class of quantum channels that divides their own complementary channels - see Fig. 6. Moreover, these properties are independent of the particular complementary channel considered

Definition 2.5 (Self-Degradable Maps)

A channel ψB|A is self-degradable (or self-complementary) whenever it coincides with its complementary map. More precisely,


with \(\mathcal {D}({\mathscr{H}}_{B}) \simeq \mathcal {D}({\mathscr{H}}_{E})\).

3 Main Results

This section contains our main results. Here we establish that the notion of degradability is preponderant to connect divisibility and compatibility. Simply put, our result says that for self-degradable channels, compatibility implies divisibility, as well as divisibility implies compatibility.

The fact we need an auxiliary element to connect compatibility and divisibility may not be entirely clear at this stage. But it is the case that, with no further assumptions, neither divisibility implies compatibility nor vice-versa - see Appendices ?? and ??. Remarkable is that the necessary and somehow sufficient conditions for equivalence coalesces onto the notion of degradability, as we discuss in sub-Section 3.2.

We have already introduced the concept of degradability for quantum channels [33,34,35,36] in the previous section. Section 3.1 contains our main results. Section 3.2 analyses the possible reasons for the success in connecting compatibility and divisibility when restricted to degradable channels. In sub-Section 3.3, we give a physical interpretation of our results.

3.1 (Anti)Degradable and Self-degradable Channels - Connecting Divisibility with Compatibility

We start off this section stating the main result that makes possible to connect divisibility with compatibility [13].

Theorem 3.1 (Compatibility and Ordering)

Two quantum channels ϕC|A and ψB|A are compatible if and only if there exists a cptp map 𝜃C|E such that \(\phi _{C|A}=\theta _{C|E} \circ \psi _{E|A}^{c}\).

This theorem is not new and has already appeared in the literature before - see ref. [13]. Simply saying, it establishes a connection between compatibility and the ordering determined by the composition of maps. In Appendix A we provide an alternative proof for this result in a language that matches with the present work and that is potentially more familiar to a broader community of quantum information. We also comment on how the compatibility as an ordering relationship does not accept catalysis - being, therefore, a poor resource theory (see Appendix B).

Technically speaking, the most natural way to leverage the content of Theorem 3.1 consists of demanding that ψB|A and its complement \(\psi _{E|A}^{c}\) verify a composition rule. This is exactly the key assumption we adopt to finally put together the concepts of divisible maps and compatibility. At a first sight, that class of maps might seem too restrictive or merely an exercise of mathematical abstraction but, as it turns out, these maps have been thoroughly investigated in the literature [35, 38,39,40], or more recently in [41], and have a concrete physical meaning, as we will discuss in Section 3.2.

Given our purposes, we have all the ingredients needed for our main equivalence to hold. The proof is going to involve a combination of Theorem 3.1 and Definition 2.4.

Theorem 3.2

Let ψB|A and ϕC|A be two quantum channels. The following statements hold true:

  1. i)

    If ψB|A is degradable and ψB|A and ϕC|A are compatible, then ψB|A divides ϕC|A.

  2. ii)

    If ψB|A is anti-degradable and ψB|A divides ϕC|A, then ψB|A and ϕC|A are compatible.


Initially, let us assume that ψB|A and ϕC|A are compatible. In this case, Theorem 3.1 ensures that there exists 𝜃C|E such that \(\phi _{C|A}=\theta _{C|E} \circ \psi _{E|A}^{c}\). Now, because ψB|A is degradable, it is possible to write down its complementary map as \(\psi _{E|A}^{c}=\lambda _{E|B} \circ \psi _{B|A}\), with λE|B a cptp map. Hence, ϕC|A = (𝜃C|EλE|B) ∘ ψB|A and ψ divides ϕ.

On the other hand, let us assume now that ψB|A divides ϕC|A. In this case, there exists 𝜃C|B such that ϕC|A = 𝜃C|BψB|A. Now, as we have assumed that ψB|A is anti-degradable, there exists another cptp map λB|E with \(\psi _{B|A}=\lambda _{B|E} \circ \psi _{E|A}^{c}\). Hence, \(\phi _{C|A}=(\theta _{C|B} \circ \lambda _{B|E}) \circ \psi _{E|A}^{c}\) and, because of Theorem 3.1, ψ is compatible with ϕ. □

Straightforwardly from Theorem 3.2, it follows that with self-degradable channels we can cut out the middle maps λE|B and λB|E. In this very particular case compatibility equals divisibility. We formalize it in a corollary.

Corollary 3.3

Let ψB|A and ϕC|A be two quantum channels. Assume that ψB|A is self-degradable. The following statements are equivalent:

  1. i)

    ψB|A and ϕC|A are compatible.

  2. ii)

    ψB|A divides ϕC|A.

Remark 5

To begin with, note that if we had been working within the usual framework of open quantum dynamics, where it is given a discrete family \(\mathcal {F}=\{ \psi _{X_{t}|X_{0}}\}_{t}\) of cptp maps (see Appendix A), in order to ensure that compatibility implies divisibility of \(\mathcal {F}\), we would have to assume that every member of that family (but the last one) is degradable. Recursive use of Theorem 3.2 would guarantee that, for being two-by-two compatible, the whole dynamics is Markovian. Analogously, anti-degradability plus the usual definition of divisibility would imply compatibility between consecutive time steps. Finally, despite being rather restrictive, the full equivalence expressed by Corollary 3.3 neatly bridges the two concepts. Recall that, for qubits, self-complementarity rules-out the simplest cases of reversible and completely depolarizing channels [40].

Overall, we have seen that if we assume degradability or anti-degradability we can see compatibility and divisibility within a closer perspective. Mathematically speaking, although Theorem 3.2 puts an end to the story, it remains to explain why we have been forced to demand for (anti)degradable maps. Moreover, it is important to reason about the physical meaning of the results.

3.2 Why (anti)Degradable Maps?

Let us recall that Theorem 3.2 assumes (anti)degradability to establish a connection between divisibility and compatibility. It is natural to ponder over what is the role played by (anti)degradability in these statements. In the next proposition we show that (anti)degradability emerges naturally from assuming compatibility and divisibility.

Proposition 3.4

If ψB|A and ϕC|A are compatible channels such that ϕC|A = 𝜃C|BψB|A, for a given cptp map 𝜃C|B, then ϕC|A is anti-degradable.


To begin with, because ψB|A and ϕC|A are compatible, there is another cptp map 𝜃B|E such that \(\psi _{B|A} = \theta _{B|E} \circ \phi _{E|A}^{c}\). Now, as ϕC|A = 𝜃C|BψB|A, we conclude:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \phi_{C|A}&=\theta_{C|B} \circ \psi_{B|A} \\ & = \theta_{C|B} \circ \theta_{B|E} \circ \phi_{E|A}^{c}. \end{array}$$

Notice that, in Proposition 3.4, not only we are getting anti-degradability out of the result, rather than plain degradability, but also note that it is ϕ which ends up being anti-degradable. Remember that in Theorem 3.2 we had to demand either degradability or anti-degradability of ψ to obtain divisibility or compatibility, respectively.

An alternative version of the above proposition is also possible. Instead of requiring compatibility for the channels ψB|A and ϕC|A, we could have asked for compatibility between the conjugate version of the channels. Similarly to Proposition 3.4’s proof, we would have obtained that ψ must be degradable. Other variants can also be obtained if we move around the super-index indicating the conjugate channel.

3.3 Physical Intuition

We conclude this section discussing the physical intuition behind our results. To begin with, consider the two diagrams displayed in Fig. 6. Roughly speaking, they show that degradable maps are those in which the evolution of the environment can be fully determined if we monitor the system. To be a bit more precise, the environment evolved states are fully encoded in the system, in the sense that one can recover any environment evolved state by a suitable, but fixed, physical operation that can be done on the system alone. For anti-degradable maps, a similar picture holds, but with the environment and system papers reversed. Self-degradable maps are, therefore, those in which system and environment are on equal footing, to the extent that we can imagine to do process tomography on the system to obtain the information on the evolution of the environment and vice-versa. Let us focus on this class of maps.

Fig. 3
figure 3

When ψB|A (green) is anti-degradable and divides ϕC|A (blue), the map \({\Theta }_{CB^{\prime }|A}=(\theta _{C|B} \otimes \text {id}_{B^{\prime }})\circ {\Psi }_{BB^{\prime }|A}\) (orange) is the natural compatibilizer for the pair. (colours online)

The content of Theorem 3.1 is that if ψB|A and ϕC|A are compatible, the compatibilizer 𝜃BC|A also stores in itself the information about the environment described by \(\psi ^{c}_{E|A}\), and vice versa. It is as if the black-box of Fig. 1 were taken so large that it also encompasses the environment of a Lindblad-Stinespring dilation for ψB|A, and so that \(\psi ^{c}_{E|A}\) contains the information of ϕC|A. In fact,

$$\phi_{C|A}=\text{Tr}_{B}(\theta_{BC|A})=\theta_{C|E} \circ \psi^{c}_{E|A}.$$

Now, self-degradability says that we can bring ψB|A back into the game, as environment and system are on equal footing, \(\psi ^{c}_{E|A}=\psi _{B|A}\). As a consequence, ψB|A ends up dividing ϕC|A, thus containing information about it. On the other hand, assuming that ψB|A divides ϕC|A, with the former being self-degradable, it is possible to write ϕC|A in terms of the environment in \(\psi ^{c}_{E|A}\). In this way, one can find an appropriate large box 𝜃BC|A involving the environment E for ψB|A, such that it acts as the compatibilizer for ψB|A and ϕC|A. In brief, self-degradability bridges in both directions the evolution of environment and system (up to a function), and this is the very key point in equating compatibility and divisibility, as we can make the compatibilizer large enough to accommodate the environment.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Concise summary of results. With no restrictions on the class of channels, the difference between the parallel character of compatibility and the sequential character of divisibility prevails and the two notions are not related. If the channel ψB|A is degradable and ψB|A and ϕC|A are compatible, then ψB|A divides ϕC|A. If the channel ψB|A is anti-degradable and ψB|A divides ϕC|A, then ψB|A and ϕC|A are compatible. If ψB|A is self-degradable, it is equivalent to state that ψB|A divides ϕC|A and that ψB|A and ϕC|A are compatible

There is also an alternative form of seeing why anti-degradability together with divisibility implies compatibility. Suppose that ψB|A is anti-degradable and, additionally, that it divides ϕC|A. Self-degradability of ψB|A implies that ψB|A is self-compatible (cf. Theorem 3.2). In other words, there is a channel

$${\Psi}_{BB^{\prime}|A}: \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{H}_{A}) \rightarrow \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{H}_{BB^{\prime}})$$

such that:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \text{Tr}_{B}[{\Psi}_{BB|A}]=\psi_{B|A} { and } \text{Tr}_{B^{\prime}}[{\Psi}_{BB^{\prime}|A}]=\psi_{B^{\prime}|A} \end{array}$$

with \(\mathcal {D}({\mathscr{H}}_{B}) \simeq \mathcal {D}({\mathscr{H}}_{B^{\prime }})\). As ψB|A divides ϕC|A, there must exist a cptp map 𝜃C|B verifying ϕC|A = 𝜃C|BψB|A. Now, define \({\Theta }_{CB^{\prime }|A}:=(\theta _{C|A} \otimes \text {id}_{B^{\prime }}) \circ {\Psi }_{BB^{\prime }|A}\). This composition satisfies:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \text{Tr}_{B^{\prime}}({\Theta}_{CB^{\prime}|A})=\phi_{C|A} \text{and} \text{Tr}_{C}({\Theta}_{CB^{\prime}|A})=\psi_{B|A}. \end{array}$$

The newly defined quantum channel \({\Theta }_{CB^{\prime }|A}\) is, then, the compatibilizer of ψB|A and ϕC|A. In sum, the anti-degradability of ψB|A allowed for its extension as a larger channel \({\Psi }_{BB^{\prime }|A}\) that simulates on demand the action of ψ regardless the output we block. Sticking the quotient map 𝜃C|A into one of outputs of Ψ, we gain the compatibilizer of ψ and ϕ. This is the case simply because one end keeps behaving like ψ, while the other (with 𝜃) starts behaving like ϕ - see Fig. 3

4 Conclusions

In this work we have established a connection between compatibility and divisibility of cptp maps (summarized in Fig. 4). We have shown that for self-degradable maps there is a direct equivalence between the two concepts: compatibility implies divisibility and vice versa. Slightly relaxing this hypothesis, compatible and degradable maps are divisible. Furthermore, divisible and anti-degradable maps are compatible. These implications and equivalences do not hold true if we remove (anti)degradability from the body of hypothesis, as we have managed to show that neither compatibility directly implies divisibility nor that divisibility directly implies compatibility in general. Interestingly, the latter is a consequence of the no-broadcasting theorem.

Apart from some cases, it is known that determining whether or not a certain map, or a family of maps, is (anti)degradable is not a trivial task. However, if one knows beforehand that degradability holds, Theorem 3.2 can be used to determine divisibility with a number of SDPs that scales with the size of the family under consideration. Recall that from an information theoretical perspective, the authors of ref. [42] have come up with an algorithm that must implement an infinite number of SDPs to determine the divisibility of a single pair of maps. With extra information, our results might be useful in this case.

In addition to the usefulness of our result for assessing the divisibility or compatibility of this particular class of channels, we also provide physical insights into the meaning of (anti)degradable channels. They are not only the channels that have particularly simplified mathematical expressions that allow one to compute the quantum and classical capacities (in general, uncomputable), but they are the channels for which the physical notions of compatibilty and divisibility are related.

There are, of course, open questions that originate from this work. A natural one is whether the class of self-degradable channels identifies the class of channels for which compatibility equals divisibility. This question alone motivates further research on this special class of channels. To name other open challenges, consider for instance the argument of example 3. There we constructed a situation where the maps are compatible and not-divisible. Our entire construction was based upon the intuition that conditionally independent maps are not divisible. Although this makes sense, and although it works for that example, we still lack a general mathematical proof of this statement. We can push this direction even further: it is still unknown whether or not compatible maps possess at least one compatibilizer respecting conditional independence. This will also be explored in a future work.

Finally, we recognize the limitations of our work. The conditions for Theorem 3.2 and Corollary 3.3 are quite restrictive. Nonetheless, we emphasize how our work puts together two concepts that, up to this day, had always been thought of being separate. Each of these concepts has its own toolbox, and we believe that our work can help to pave-down a new road allowing for an interplay of these toolboxes. We have also been able to identify open questions that should be explored in future research.