Correction to: Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst

In the original publication of the article headings in Table 6 were incorrectly published. Table 6 has been displayed correctly with this Correction.

Table 6 Study site specific mean WOSR yield, mean measured direct N2O emissions in the -NI treatments, indirect N2O emissions calculated with GNOC, direct N2O emission calculated with GNOC, total GHG emissions either based on measured or calculated direct N2O emissions, default values (EU-RED-II, annex V: EC, 2018) for maximum GHG emissions for 50%, 60%, or 65% CO2 savings. Calculations according to the JRC (2019) recommendations assuming NH4+-N accounting for 50% of the total digestate N or based on measured NH4+-N accounting for 57% of the total N

The original article has been corrected.