1 Introduction

The complexity and scale of modern software programs often lead to overlooked programming errors and security vulnerabilities. Research has shown that developers spend more than 50% of their time detecting and fixing bugs (LaToza et al. 2006; Murphy-Hill et al. 2015). In practice, they usually rely on automated program analysis or testing tools to audit the code and look for security vulnerabilities. Among them, static program analysis techniques have been widely used because they can understand nontrivial program behaviors, scale to millions of lines of code, and detect subtle bugs (Ayewah et al. 2008, 2007; Yamaguchi et al. 2015; Fan et al. 2019). Although static analysis has limited capacity to identify bug-triggering inputs, it can achieve better coverage and discover bugs that are missed by dynamic analysis and testing tools. In fact, static analysis can provide useful feedback and has been proven to be effective in improving software quality (Livshits and Lam 2005; Guarnieri et al. 2011).

Besides these classic usage scenarios, driven by the needs of recent AI research on source code understanding and vulnerability detection tasks (Yüksel and Sözer 2013a; Tripp et al. 2014; Koc et al. 2017b; Russell et al. 2018; Li et al. 2018; Sestili et al. 2018; Zhou et al. 2019; Buratti et al. 2020; Suneja et al. 2020; Paletov et al. 2018), static analysis techniques have also been used to generate labeled datasets for model training (Russell et al. 2018). As programs exhibit diverse and complex behaviors, training models for vulnerability detection requires large labeled datasets of buggy and non-buggy code examples. This is especially critical for advanced neural network models such as CNN, RNN, GNN, etc. However, existing datasets for vulnerability detection suffer from the following limitations:

  • Almost all datasets are on a function level and do not provide context information (e.g., traces) explaining how a bug may happen. Besides, they usually do not specify the bug types and locations. In many cases, the function-level example does not even include the bug root cause.

  • Some datasets (e.g. CGD Li et al. 2018) are derived from confirmed bugs in NVD (NIST 2023a). Although they have high-quality labels, the number of such samples is limited and may be insufficient for model training.

  • Synthetic datasets such as Juliet (NIST 2023b) and S-babi (Sestili et al. 2018) can be large. However, they are generated based on a few predefined patterns and thus cannot represent the diverse behaviors observed in real-world programs.

  • There are also labeling efforts based on commit messages or code diffs. Predicting code labels based on commit messages is known to produce low-quality labels (Russell et al. 2018). Code diff based methods (Zhou et al. 2019) assume all functions in a bug-fixing commit are buggy, which may not be the case in reality. More importantly, these approaches have difficulty in identifying bug types, locations, and traces.

On the other hand, static analysis can reason beyond function boundaries. It’s automated and scales well enough to generate large datasets from programs in the wild. For example, Russell et al. (2018) applied the Clang static analyzer (LLVM 2018), Cppcheck (Cppcheck-team 2023), and Flawfinder (Wheeler 2023) to generate a labeled data set of millions of functions to train deep learning models and learn features from source code. In some sense, it is the most promising labeling approach as it can additionally identify bug types and locations while using traces as context information.

Despite the popularity in these scenarios, static analysis tools are known to generate an excess of false alarms. One reason is the use of approximation heuristics to reduce complexity and improve scalability. In particular, static analysis tries to model all possible execution behaviors and thus can suffer from the state-space blowup problem (Tripp et al. 2014). To handle industry-scale programs, static analysis tools aggressively approximate the analysis and sacrifice the precision for better scalability and speed. For example, the path-sensitive analysis does not scale well on large programs, especially when modeling too many path states or reasoning about complex path constraints. Therefore, path insensitive analysis that ignores path conditions and assumes all paths are feasible is commonly used in practice, which obviously introduces false positives. False positives (FP) are issues reported by static analyzers which can be ignored as they are not real bugs or vulnerabilities. Analogously, true positives (TP) are issues reported by Static Analysis tools which are genuine bugs or vulnerabilities.

These false positives greatly hinder the utilization of static analysis tools like Infer (Facebook 2023a) as it is inefficient for developers to go through a long list of reported issues to find only a few true positives (Johnson et al. 2013; Muske et al. 2013).

The analysis required to separate false positives from true positives is time consuming and often requires expert developers. Suppressing false positives is a great way to improve developer productivity, increase adoption of static analyzers while at the same time improving software security. To suppress false positives, various methods have been proposed (as summarized in Muske and Serebrenik 2016). Among them, machine learning based approaches (Kremenek and Engler 2003; Jung et al. 2005; Yüksel and Sözer 2013b; Hanam et al. 2014; Tripp et al. 2014; Koc et al. 2017a; Zhang et al. 2017; Reynolds et al. 2017; Raghothaman et al. 2018; Koc et al. 2019) focus on learning to identify the patterns of false positives from examples. However, training such machine learning models requires good labeled datasets. Most existing works manually generate such datasets by reviewing the analyzed code and the output of the static analysis, also called bug report.

In our experience, this review process is very labor-intensive and cannot scale. Therefore, the datasets are relatively small and may not cover the diverse behaviors observed in reality.

To address the challenges of creating a large labelled vulnerability dataset, we propose D2A, an approach to automatically label issues as true or false positives. This approach is based on differential analysis and it generates labels to distinguish the issues that are more likely to be true positives from the ones that are more likely to be false positives. Our goal is to generate a large labelled dataset that can be used to train machine learning models for (1) static analyzer false positive prediction, and (2) vulnerability detection tasks. We demonstrate how such a dataset containing bug reports and code snippets can be helpful for the false positive prediction task. With the D2A Leaderboard (Section 5) we show how different pieces of information from the dataset can be used, either individually or combined, for the broader task of vulnerability detection.

The differential analysis approach is described as follows: (i) We select projects with commit histories and focus on commits which appear to be bug fixing code changes, as opposed to code refactoring or new features. (ii) Instead of predicting labels based on commit messages, we run static analysis on the versions before and after such commits. (iii) If any issue detected in a before-commit version disappears in the corresponding after-commit version, it is very likely to constitute a real bug fixed by the commit. If we analyze a large number of consecutive version pairs and aggregate the results, some issues found in a before-commit version never disappear in an after-commit version. We consider these issues not very likely to be real bugs because they were never fixed. After the differential analysis process, we de-duplicate the issues found in all versions and adjust their classifications according to the commit history. Finally, we label the issues that are very likely to be real bugs as positives and the remaining ones as negatives. We name the labeling mechanism auto-labeler.

We ran the Infer static analyzer on thousands of selected consecutive version pairs from OpenSSL, FFmpeg, libav, httpd, NGINX and libtiff, well known open source projects. Out of 349,373,753 issues reported by the static analyzer, after deduplication, we labeled 18,653 unique issues as positives and 1,276,970 unique issues as negatives. Given there is no ground truth, to validate the efficacy of the auto-labeler, we randomly selected and manually reviewed 57 examples. The result shows that D2A improves the label accuracy from 7.8% observed in the manual case study without our technique (Section 2.2.1) to 53% based on the manual label validation of randomly selected samples in Table 4.

Although the D2A dataset is mainly for machine learning based vulnerability detection methods, which usually require a large number of labeled samples, in this paper, we show it can be used to help developers prioritize static analysis issues that are more likely to be true positives. In particular, inspired by Tripp et al. (2014), we defined features from static analysis outputs and source code and trained a static analysis false positive prediction model. The result shows that we were able to significantly reduce false alarms, allowing developers to investigate issues that are less likely to be false positives first. In summary, we make the following contributions:

  • We propose a novel approach to label static analysis issues based on differential analysis and commit history heuristics.

  • Given that it can take several hours to analyze a single version pair (e.g. 12hrs for FFmpeg), we parallelized the pipeline such that we can process thousands of version pairs simultaneously in a cluster, which makes D2A a practical approach.

  • We ran large-scale analyses on thousands of version pairs of real-world C/C++ programs, and created a labeled dataset of millions of samples with the hope that the dataset can be helpful to AI method on vulnerability detection tasks.

  • Unlike existing function-level datasets, we derive samples from inter-procedural analysis and preserve more details such as bug types, locations, traces, and analyzer outputs.

  • We demonstrated a use case of the D2A dataset. We trained both classic machine learning models and a deep learning model for the static program analysis false positive reduction task, which can effectively help developers prioritize issues that are more likely to be real bugs.

  • We created a leaderboard based on the D2A dataset and made it public. It has already attracted community attention and participation. Using the leaderboard, researchers can compare their model performance on D2A with other models. The leaderboard can be found at https://ibm.github.io/D2A.

  • To facilitate future research, we make the D2A dataset and its generation pipeline publicly available at https://github.com/ibm/D2A.

In Section 2 we discuss the motivation for the paper in more depth. We describe the generation of the D2A Dataset in Section 3. In Section 4 we define the false positive prediction problem and how we plan to use the D2A Dataset to tackle this problem with ML and actually improve static analyzer output. To solve the false positive prediction problem we try two approaches, feature engineering with Classical ML models (Section 4.3) and Deep Learning (Section 4.4). In order to encourage community participation, we developed a leaderboard which is discussed in Section 5. The results for Dataset Generation (Section 3.6), FP Prediction (Section 4.5) and Leaderboard (Section 5.4) are discussed in their respective sections. Related Work in different technologies and domains is covered in Section 6. We end with the Conclusion in Section 8 and Threats to Validity in Section 7.

2 Motivation

This section, describes the motivations behind this work. First, we show how existing datasets to train ML models for vulnerability detection are not sufficient, and second, we show the manual case study performed as a basis for the approach followed in this paper.

2.1 Existing Datasets for AI on Vulnerability Detection Task

Training ML models for code understanding and vulnerability detection requires large high-quality datasets. Indeed, according to a recent survey (Lin et al. 2020), the lack of large real-world datasets has become a major barrier for this field. Many existing works created self-constructed datasets based on different criteria, however only a few fully released their datasets.

Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of a few popular publicly available software vulnerability datasets. We evaluate these datasets and highlight the contributions D2A can make.

Table 1 Publicly available datasets for AI on C/C++ vulnerability detection

Juliet (NIST 2023b), Choi et al. (2017), and S-babi (Sestili et al. 2018) are synthetic datasets that were generated from predefined patterns. Although their sizes are decent, the main drawback is the lack of diversity comparing to real-world programs (Choi et al. 2017).

The examples in Draper (Russell et al. 2018) are from both synthetic and real-world programs, where each example contains a function and a few labels indicating the bug types. These labels were generated by aggregating static analysis results. Draper does not provide details like bug locations or traces. For real-world programs, Draper does not maintain the links to the original code base. If we want to further process the function-level examples to obtain more information, it’s difficult to compile or analyze them without headers and compiler arguments.

The Devign (Zhou et al. 2019) dataset contains real-world function examples from commits, where the labels are manually generated based on commit messages and code diffs. In particular, if a commit is believed to fix bugs, all functions patched by the commit are labeled as 1, which are not true in many cases. In addition, only a small portion of the dataset was released.

CDG (Li et al. 2018) is derived from real-world programs. It’s unique because an example is a subset of a program slice and thus not a valid program. Its label was computed based on NVD: if the slice overlaps with a bug fix, it’s labeled as 1. Since the dataset is derived from confirmed bugs, the label quality is better. However, the number of such examples is limited and may not be sufficient for model training.

In fact, there is a pressing need for labeled datasets from real-world programs and encoding context information beyond the function boundary (Lin et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2019; Li et al. 2018). It has been shown that preserving inter-procedural flow in code embedding can significantly improve the model performance (e.g. 20% precision improvement in code classification task) (Sui et al. 2020). To this end, D2A examples are generated based on inter-procedural analysis, where an example can include multiple functions in the trace. D2A also provides extra details such as the bug types, bug locations, bug traces, links to the original code base/commits, analyzer outputs, and compiler arguments that were used to compile the files having the functions. We believe they are helpful for AI for vulnerability detection in general.

2.2 Manual Review and False Positive Reduction

We perform a manual review of the static analyzer output in order to evaluate their quality. This review motivates our approach and in particular the use of ML algorithms to solve this problem.

We start by running a state-of-the-art static analyzer on a large real-world program. We select bug types that may lead to security problems and manually go through each issue to confirm how many reported issues are real bugs. We include Infer bug types based on the vulnerabilities reported as CWE (MITRETop25 (MITRETop25)) like NULL_DEREFERENCE (CWE476 (CWE476)), UNINITIALIZED_VALUE (CWE457 (2023)) and RESOURCE_LEAK (CWE400 (2023)).

The manual review allows us to understand the performance of a state-of-the-art static analyzer for large real-world programs in terms of how many reported issues are real bugs. This motivates the use of a ML approach that can improve the static analyzer output by reducing the number of false positives.

2.2.1 Manual Case Study

Since we are interested in large C/C++ programs, we require that the static analyzer should be able to handle industrial-scale programs and detect a broad set of bug types. To the best of our knowledge, the Clang Static Analyzer (LLVM 2018) and Infer (Facebook 2023a) are two state-of-the-art static analyzers that satisfy our needs. However, the Clang Static Analyzer does not support cross translation unit analysis such that the inter-procedural analysis may be incomplete. Therefore, we choose Infer in our experiments. We chose OpenSSL as a benchmark because of its importance in the open-source security ecosystem and its long commit history. We use OpenSSL version 7f0a8dc which has 1499 *.c/*.h files and 513.6k lines of C code in total. We run Infer using its default setting and the results are summarized in Table 2. Infer reported 492 issues of 4 bug types: 326 DEAD_STORE, 101 UNINITIALIZED_VALUE, 64 NULL_DEREFERENCE, and 1 RESOURCE_LEAK. Among them, DEAD_STORE refers to issues where the value written to a variable is never used. Since such issues are not security vulnerabilities and are in fact often intended to overwrite data such as passwords to avoid leakage of sensitive data, their removal might create a security issue so were excluded from the manual review. The remaining 166 issues may lead to security-related problems and thus were included in the study.

Table 2 Manual Review: OpenSSL 7f0a8dc

The manual review was performed by 8 developers who are proficient in C/C++. We started by understanding the bug reports produced by Infer. Figure 1 shows an example of the bug report of a NULL_DEREFERENCE issue. It has two sections. The bug location, bug type, and a brief justification why Infer thinks the bug can happen are listed in lines 1–3. The bug explanation part can be in different formats for different bugs. In lines 6-27, the bug trace that consists of the last steps of the offending execution is listed. Figure 1 shows 3 of the 5 steps. In each step (e.g. line 6-11), the location and 4 additional lines of code that sit before and after the highlighted line are provided.

We firstly had two rounds of manual analyses to figure out if the reported issue may be triggered. Each issue was reviewed by two reviewers. If both reviewers agreed that the reported bug can happen, we have an additional round of review and try to confirm the bug by constructing a test case. If the two reviewers disagree, then a third reviewer is assigned to act as a tie breaker. This process was very time consuming and challenging, especially when reviewing a complex program with cryptography involved.

As shown in Table 2, out of 166 security vulnerability related issues, we confirmed that 13 (7.8%) issues are true positives and 92.2% are false positives.

2.2.2 Feature Exploration for False Positive Reduction

During the manual review, we found we can make a good guess for some issues by looking at the bug reports. Inspired by the existing false positive reduction works (Yüksel and Sözer 2013b; Tripp et al. 2014), we explored the idea of predicting if the issues flagged by Infer are true positives solely based on the bug reports as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Infer bug report example

Fig. 2
figure 2

Feature Exploration. We experiment with a few features that may reflect the complexity of the issues. After normalization, the averages of these 8 feature values for true positives and false positives are significantly different, which suggests a classifier may achieve good performance

Existing approaches are not directly applicable as they target different languages or static analyzers. Following the observation from Tripp et al. (2014) and Du et al. (2019) that issues with complex code are more likely to be false positives, we considered features in bug reports and source code that may reflect code complexity. We explored the following 8 features that belong to 3 categories: (1) error_line and error_char denote the location (line and column number) where the bug occurs. (2) length, c_file_count and package_count denote the unique number of line numbers, source files and the directories respectively in the trace. (3) if_count and function_count are the numbers of the branches and functions in the trace.

We extracted the features from the bug reports of 166 issues. After normalization, we computed the average feature values of the 13 true positive issues and 153 false positive issues. As shown in Fig. 2, the average feature values of true positives and false positives are significantly different and easily separable for all 8 features, which suggests a good false positive reduction classifier can perform very well.

3 D2A Dataset Generation

In this section, we present the differential analysis based approach that labels the issues detected by the static analyzer. Then, we show how we generate two kinds of examples for the D2A dataset based on the results obtained.

3.1 Overview

Figure 3 shows the overall workflow of D2A. The input to the pipeline is a URL to a git repository. The output is examples generated by using the static differential analysis.

As the pre-processing step, based on the commit messages only, the Commit Message Analyzer (Section 3.2) selects a list of commits that are likely to be bug fixes. Because it can be very expensive to analyze a pair of consecutive versions, the goal of this step is to filter out commits that are not closely related to bug fixes (e.g. documentation improvement commits) and speed up the process.

For each selected commit, we obtain two sets of issues reported by the static analyzer by running the analyzer on the before-commit and the corresponding after-commit versions. The auto-labeler (Section 3.3) compares these two sets and identifies the issues that are fixed by the commit.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The overview of D2A dataset generation pipeline

After aggregating all such issues from multiple consecutive version pairs and filtering out noises based on commit history, the auto-labeler labels issues that are very likely to be real bugs as positives, and the issues that are never fixed by a commit as negatives because they are very likely to be false positives. We further extract the function bodies according to the bug traces and create the dataset.

3.2 Commit Message Analysis

We created the Commit Message Analyzer (CMA) to identify commits that are more likely to refer to vulnerability fixes and not documentation changes or new features.

Using the NVD dataset (NIST 2023a), CMA can learn the language used in commits that fix vulnerabilities. A pure ML approach would require a larger dataset than NVD, hence the CMA uses a hybrid approach. This approach combines semantic similarity-based methods (Chandrasekaran and Mago 2020) and snippet samples-based methods (Sahami and Heilman 2006) to identify relevant commit messages and their associated commits. From the commit messages, we first filter out word-level noises such as code snippets, meaningless tokens, names, email addresses, links, etc. Then, we identify commits that successfully fixed the vulnerabilities in the NVD database. We extract the commit messages that describe the vulnerabilities as well as the fixes. Then, we trained a model to learn the common keywords that can be used as indicators to help recognize bug-fixing commits. Based on the semantic distribution of the vulnerable mentions, CMA identifies the category of the vulnerability and ranks commits based on confidence scores, with a threshold set to 0.8.

Like any ML based technique, the quality of CMA model prediction is bounded by the dataset, which in this case, refers to the NVD and commit messages. It’s possible some bugs are fixed silently and the commits don’t have meaningful messages. The CMA will find it hard to identify such fixes since the messages are uninformative and don’t contain any useful signal that the model can exploit. We try to mitigate the number of uninformative commits by excluding messages that are too short, however, this approach will not remove all uninformative messages. The CMA will still produce useful results because NVD label quality is relatively high and most of the commit messages in our experience are informative.

3.3 Auto-labeler

For each bug-fixing commit selected by CMA, we run the static analyzer on the versions before and after the commit. We evaluated several static analyzers such as CppCheck (Cppcheck-team 2023), Flawfinder (Wheeler 2023), Clang Static Analyzer (LLVM 2018), and Infer (Facebook 2023a). We chose Infer because it’s arguably the state-of-the-art inter-procedural static analysis engine that can detect non-trivial security related bug types. Infer’s inter-procedural static analysis, as its name indicates, considers the interactions between different procedures or methods, offering a more comprehensive view of a program’s behavior. It is enhanced by the use of separation logic (O’Hearn et al. 2001) and bi-abduction (Calcagno et al. 2011). Separation logic is about the ability to reason on disjoint parts of memory, simplifying the analysis of intricate data structures, particularly those involving pointers. Bi-abduction, an inference rule in separation logic, further aids in deducing the best explanation for the state changes in memory across procedures by breaking the large analysis of a large program in small independent analyses of its procedures. This gives Infer the ability to scale independently of the size of the analyzed code.

Identify Fixed Issues in a Version Pair

If we denote the issues found in the before-commit version as \(I_\text {before}\) and the ones in the corresponding after-commit version as \(I_\text {after}\), all issues can be classified into three groups: (1) the fixed issues (\(I_\text {before}\) - \(I_\text {after}\)) that are detected in the before-commit version but disappear in the after-commit version, (2) the pre-existing issues (\(I_\text {after}\) \(\cap \) \(I_\text {before}\)) that are detected in both versions, and (3) the introduced issues (\(I_\text {after}\) - \(I_\text {before}\)) that are not found in the before-commit versions but detected in the after-commit version. We are particularly interested in the fixed issues because they are very likely to be bugs fixed by the commit. We use the infer-reportdiff tool (Facebook 2023b) to compute them.

Note that it’s possible that a fixed issue is not a real bug as the static analyzer may make mistakes, e.g. omit an issue from the after-commit even though the code had not changed. In our experience, an important reason is that Infer can exhibit non-deterministic behaviors (Villard, 2023). And the non-determinism occurs more frequently when enabling parallelization (Zheng 2023). In order to minimize the impact, we have to run Infer in single-threaded mode. However, this setting brings in performance challenges and it takes several hours to analyze a version pair. For example, on an IBM POWER8 cluster, it takes 5.3 hrs and 12 hrs to analyze a version pair of OpenSSL and FFmpeg, respectively, in single-thread mode. As we will need to analyze thousands of version pairs, it’s impractical to do so on a PC or a small workstation. Therefore, we parallelized the analysis to process more than a thousand version pairs simultaneously in a cluster. The improvement in performance depends on the availability of computation resources like CPUs and RAMs.

Deduplicate Infer Issues Based on Commit History

After identifying fixed and pre-existing (not-fixed) issues in each version pair, we deduplicate the issues that occur in multiple version pairs. In particular, we compute a checksum of the bug report after removing location-related contents (e.g, file names, line numbers, etc) and use it as the id for deduplication. The reason we remove location-related contents is that another commit may have made changes earlier in the file, changing the the line numbers in the bug report. The expected time-based sequence for a real bug is for it to appear in a number of commit pairs, disappear from the after-commit of a later pair, and never reappear. We sort all occurrences of the fixed issues based on the author date of the commits and apply the following heuristics to eliminate any false positives.

  • Fixed-then-unfixed issues: Because of some randomness in the way Infer selects code to analyze, it may accidentally omit a bug from the after-commit version, falsely suggesting that it was fixed by that commit. If a fixed issue reappears in a later commit pair, we assume that it is a false positive caused by an error in the static analyzer. We change the label of such cases and mark them as negative. (Note that this sequence could happen if the suspect code was removed and then later re-introduced.)

  • Untouched issues: For each fixed issue we check which parts of the code are patched by the commit. If the commit code diff does not overlap with any step of the bug trace at all, it’s unlikely the issue is fixed by the commit but more likely to be a static analyzer error. We mark such cases negative as well.

After applying the above filters, the remaining issues in the fixed issues group are labeled as positives (issues that are more likely to be buggy) and all other issues are labeled as negatives (issues that are more likely to be non-buggy). We call these auto-labeler examples. Because auto-labeler examples are generated based on issues reported by Infer, they all have the infer bug reports.

After-fix Examples

Due to the nature of the vulnerability detection task, the auto-labeler produces many more negatives than positives such that the dataset of auto-labeler examples is quite imbalanced. Given that the positive auto-labeler examples are assumed to be bugs fixed in the after-commit versions, extracting the corresponding fixed versions produces another kind of auto-labeler negative examples, which we call after-fix examples.

In particular, the auto-labeler works on two consecutive versions that are before and after a commit. Given a particular issue detected in the before-commit version does not occur in the after-commit version, the commit may have changed something that fixed the issue. Therefore, given an issue that detected in the before version but disappeared in the after version, if we know the commit changed some code in the trace reported by static analyzer, extracting the corresponding parts from the after-commit version may reveal how the issue is fixed and thus gives us a negative example. More details and a concrete example could be found at https://github.com/IBM/D2A/blob/main/README.md#sample-types.

There are two benefits: (1) Since each negative example corresponds to a positive example, the dataset of auto-labeler positive examples and after-fix negative examples is balanced. (2) The after-fix negative examples are closely related to the positive ones so that they may help models focus on the delta parts that fixed the bugs. Note that the after-fix examples do not have a static analysis bug report because the issue does not appear in the after-commit version.

3.4 Infer’s Bug Trace

Infer static analysis produces many output files. For our purposes, the bug trace text file is particularly interesting. As illustrated in Fig. 1, features reflecting the static analysis logic and rules can be extracted from the bug trace file. The bug trace starts with the location where the static analyzer believes the error to have originated, and lists all the steps up to the line generating the error. Many of the bugs are inter-procedural, so the bug trace cuts across many files and functions. For each step in the flow, the trace contains 5 lines of code centered on the statement involved, the location of the file and function in the project, and a brief description of the step. At the top of the trace, the file and line of code where the bug occurred are mentioned along with the bug type (error type). There is also a short description of the bug. The bug trace is therefore a combination of different types of data like source code, natural language, numeric data like line numbers, and file paths.

3.5 An Example in the D2A Dataset

Figure 4 shows a D2A example, which contains bug-related information obtained from the static analyzer, the code base, and the commit meta-data.

Fig. 4
figure 4

A simplified example in D2A dataset

In particular, every example has its label (0 or 1) and label_source (“auto_labeler” or “after_fix_extractor”) to denote how the example was generated and if it is buggy. bug_type, bug_info, trace and zipped_bug_report are obtained from the static analyzer, which provides details about the bug types, locations, traces, and the raw bug report produced by Infer. This information can be useful to train models on bug reports.

For each step in the trace, if it refers to a location inside a function, we extract the function body and save it in the functions section. Therefore, an example has all functions involved in the bug trace, which can be used by function level or trace level models. Besides, we cross-check with commit code diff. If a function is patched by the commit, the touched_by_commit is true.

In addition, the compiler arguments used to compile the source file are saved in the compiler_args field. They can be useful when we want to run extra analysis that requires compilation (e.g. libclang Clang 2023 based tools).

3.6 Dataset Generation Results

3.6.1 Dataset Statistics

The dataset generation pipeline is written in python and runs on a POWER8 cluster, where each node has 160 CPU cores and 512GB RAM. We analyzed 6 open-source programs (namely, OpenSSL, FFmpeg, httpd, NGINX, libtiff, and libav) and generated the initial version of the D2A dataset. In particular, Infer can detect more than 150 types of issues in C/C++/Objective-C/Java programs (Infer Infer). However, some issues detectors are not ready for production and thus disabled by default. In the pipeline, we additionally enabled the detection of all issue types related to buffer overflows, integer overflows, and memory/resource leaks, even though some of them may not be production-ready.

Table 3 summarizes the dataset generation results. The column CMA Version Pairs shows the number of bug-fixing commits selected by the commit message analyzer (Section 3.2). For each selected commit, we run Infer on both the before-commit and after-commit versions. We drop a commit if Infer failed to analyze either the before-commit version or the after-commit version. Column Infer shows the number of commits or version pairs Infer successfully analyzed. For auto-labeler examples (Section 3.3), column Issues Reported and unique auto-labeler examples - all shows the number issues Infer detected in the before-commit versions before and after deduplication, which will be labeled as positives and negatives as shown in column Positives and Negatives. For after-fix examples (Section 3.3), column Negatives shows the number of examples generated based on the auto-labeler positive examples. In total, we processed 11,846 consecutive versions pairs. Based on the results, we generated 1,295,623 unique auto-labeler examples and 18,653 unique after-fix examples.

Table 3 Dataset generation results

The data described in Table 3 is further processed before used for training. The training dataset is described in Section 4.5.1 and training data statistics, including statistics for security-related bug types can be found in Table 7.

3.6.2 Manual Label Validation

As there is no ground truth, to evaluate the label quality we randomly selected 57 examples (41 positives, 16 negatives) with a focus on positives. We gave more weights to positive examples because they are more important for our purpose. As mentioned in Section 4.1, labeling a non-buggy example as buggy is against the goal of false positive reduction. But it’s acceptable if we miss some of the real bugs. If we select examples according to the overall dataset distribution, we will have too few positive examples. Each example was independently reviewed by 2 reviewers.

Table 4 Auto-labeler manual validation results

Table 4 shows the label validation results. On this biased sample set, the accuracy with and without the auto-labeler is 53% and 35% respectively. Note the accuracy on an unbiased sample set is expected to be higher as there should be more negative examples. Take the OpenSSL study in Section 2.2 as an example. Without auto-labeler, the accuracy was only 7.8% observed in the manual case study of a set of 166 security-related examples (Section 2.2.1).

4 Using D2A for FP Prediction

The D2A dataset can be used to train ML models, which can operate on code directly or which can be used to improve static analyzer output. In this work we present Augmented Static Analysis, which is one way to improve the static analyzer output by using ML models trained on D2A data to predict false positives. We chose this task because we felt this would be the fastest way to improve developer productivity and experience as static analyzers are already part of their workflow. Our approach, uses the D2A dataset to train ML models and then uses one of the Infer output files called the Bug Trace, for inference. In the following subsections, we define the augmented static analysis problem (Section 4.1) and then provide some details about the Infer Static Analyzer output (Section 4.2), which becomes input to our trained ML models. ML models are discussed in depth in Sections 4.3 and 4.4. Then in Section 4.5 we discuss the results of various models on the FP prediction problem.

4.1 Problem Statement

As observed previously (Johnson et al. 2013; Muske et al. 2013), an excessive number of false positives greatly hinders the utilization of static analyzers as developers get frustrated and do not trust the tools. To this end, we aim to define a process that can identify a subset of the reported issues that are more likely to be true positives, and use it as a prioritization tool. The model will rank issues based on the increasing likelihood of being false positives or decreasing likelihood of being true positives. Developers may focus on the issues likely to be true positives first and then move to remaining issues which are likely to be false positive, if they have the time.

We treat the static analyzer as a black box and train a false positive prediction model based on the bug reports and source code. Our goal is to achieve a balance between a large number of predicted positives and a high false positive reduction rate. We want developers to see more real bugs at the start of the prioritized list of issues. An example of this is shown in our libtiff case study in Table 9.

4.2 Problem Dataset

As described in Section 3.3, the original dataset has two types of negative examples, before-fix and after-fix. For these experiments, we built a dataset using the positive samples and the before-fix negative examples. We are not interested in the after-fix negative examples since these samples don’t have bug traces produced by static analysis. In every project, the number of negative labels is very large compared to the number of positive labels, as can be seen in Table 7.

4.3 FP Prediction with Classical Machine Learning

In this section, we discuss how we identify useful features from bug trace and source code, and then train machine learning models for the false positive prediction task.

4.3.1 Feature Engineering

Our primary assumption when coming up with features was that complex code is more likely to have bugs and/or is more likely to be classified as having bugs by a static analyzer, because it is highly probable that the developer failed to consider all possible implications of the code. Complex code is also more difficult for other developers to understand, increasing the chance of their introducing bugs. We extract features based on this assumption and taking inspiration from Flynn (2016) and Du et al. (2019).

One indication of complexity is the size of the bug trace. A long bug trace indicates that the control passes through many functions, files or packages. The location of the bug could also indicate the complexity of the code. The line number is indicative of the size of the file, and the column number indicates the length of the line of the code where the bug occurred. The depth of the line of code could indicate how entrenched the problematic code happens to be. Conditional statements cause many branches of execution to emerge and these can lead to convoluted and buggy code. One way to estimate the complexity is to count the number of times conditional statements occur and also the occurrences of OR/AND conditions. The error type is also a major feature that we consider, as well as the number of C keywords used. Table 5 lists the features we extract from bug reports.

Table 5 Features extracted from infer bug report

Although bug reports contain some code and we can extract features from them, the context is generally limited to only a few lines. In order to better capture code complexity, we decided to design features that used more of the surrounding context of the lines of code that appear in bug reports. Apart from bug reports, D2A includes the full source code of each function that occurs in the bug report, including the buggy function identified by the static analyzer. The URL of the file which contains the buggy function is also available and can be easily downloaded. The source code from functions and the file provides additional context which can be used to design features.

Table 6 shows the features, which are extracted from source code. This includes features extracted the source code of all the functions in the bug trace (“_functions” suffix), from the source code of the buggy function (“_bug_function” suffix), from the source code of the file which contains the buggy function (“_bug_code” suffix). There are 4 code features, for each of these 3 code subsets of functions, bug function and bug file. The Cyclomatic Complexity of pure code data (no bug reports) was calculated using the Lizard (Yin 2019) tool. All the bug report and source code features are extracted, normalized and saved in the features file. We analyze the relative importance of these features in Section 4.5.3.

Table 6 Features extracted from source code
Fig. 5
figure 5

The blue X marks the point on the ROC curve that minimizes the distance from the top-left corner. The green dot indicates the point where the False Positive Reduction Rate is 95%. This figure is for the Classical ML model described in Section 4.3

The features are designed for Infer bug report and/or C/C++ source code. Generalizing these features to other static analyzers and programming languages would require careful examination of each feature and would be highly dependent on the characteristics of the static analyzer and the programming language.

4.3.2 Model Selection

We experimented with 13 well-known machine learning models. Namely the Scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al. 2011) implementations of Decision Trees, K-means, Random Forest, Extra-trees, Gradient Boosting, Ada Boost, Linear Classifiers, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Multinomial Naive Bayes, and Complement Naive Bayes. And also XGBoost (Chen and Guestrin 2016), Catboost (Dorogush et al. 2018) and LightGBM (Ke et al. 2017).

We ranked these models based on both their AUC and F1 scores and selected the four best models for Voting and Stacking ensembles, discussed later. The four best models were, Random Forest, Extra Trees, LightGBM and Catboost.

4.3.3 Evaluation Metrics

In order to evaluate different models, because of the imbalance in the dataset, we used the Area Under the Curve (AUC score, Fig. 5), a threshold-invariant metric that visualizes the trade-off when we want to reduce the false positive rate while maintaining a good true positive rate. Since the main task is to reduce the number of False Positives, we calculate the percentage reduction in False Positives on the test set. Relying too much on this metric can bias towards models, which make very few accurate predictions. To make sure this is not the case, we also calculate the total percentage of True Positives which are predicted by the model. An ideal model would have a very high AUC Score, low False Positive rate, and high True Positives rate. One choice for the threshold is the point which minimizes the distance from the top-left corner (all true positives and no false positives). Once this threshold-point is chosen we also present F1-score as the average of each class F1-score since our goal is to reduce the number of false positives while preserving the real ones.

In this work, we deviate from Zheng et al. (2021) and change the threshold-point to be where the False Positive Rate (FPR) is 5%. The 5% point was chosen arbitrarily, based on our assumption of how much false positives the users would be willing to tolerate. This point is indicated by the green dot in Fig. 5 while the blue cross indicates the previous threshold-point, closest to the top-left corner. The False Positive Reduction Rate (FPRR) at the new threshold-point (green dot) is 95% (100 - FPR). The F1 score is also calculated based on this point. Setting the threshold-point to FPRR 95% sets a standard for models and makes the comparison between them easier. The models also become more selective causing a reduction in the number of positive predictions and consequently a lower True Positive Rate (TPR) but also a much lower FPR. The lower TPR can be mitigated by model improvement.

4.3.4 Voting

Real-world datasets present a high imbalance between real bugs and false positives. Also, the projects used to derive the datasets proposed in this work vary in size yielding different dataset sizes. Therefore, it’s not easy to choose the model which does the best on all the datasets. While on a specific dataset a model can perform greatly, it could work poorly in another: to mitigate such a problem we applied a soft-voting strategy, based on Scikit-learn, which averages the scores of each classifier, which should produce a more stable behavior across datasets.

4.3.5 Stacking Ensemble

Voting ensemble gives us good results but it is better suited for combining the predictions of a group of classifiers which perform equally well. If there is a difference in the performance of classifiers, or certain classifiers outperform others, it’s better to use an ensemble that can learn from the predictive behavior of individual classifiers. For this purpose, we also used a stacking ensemble (Wolpert 1991) which has a logistic regression classifier that is trained with base model predictions as features.

Figure 6 shows the latest ensemble architecture we use to make predictions. Trace features, combined with Bug function features, trace functions features and bug file features are fed into the base models. Base model predictions are then combined using the scikit-learn Voting(soft) or Stacking classifiers, and scored with their predict_proba function. predict_proba is a function supported by scikit-learn models which returns the probability of different labels.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Stacking and Voting Ensemble architecture with different Tree, Boosting base models. Features from different types of data can be taken as input

4.4 FP Prediction with Deep Learning

Zheng et al. (2021) showed that feature engineering for source code analysis can be an effective way to predict false positives. Deep learning is a powerful and a more generalizable technique that has been applied to source code related tasks (Feng et al. 2020; Guo et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2021). Both approaches come with their limitations and trade-offs. While ml ensembles are light weight and give very good results, they rely on hand crafted features which require expertise and time to develop, and are not easily generalizable. On the other hand, deep learning models are more generalizable, but have greater hardware requirements, limits on input size and may not be able to learn strong features like cyclomatic complexity. In Section 5 we show how different models perform on different types of data.

In this section, we discuss training BERT, which is a deep learning model, on both source code and static analyzer bug reports for the FP prediction task. BERT does not require hand crafted features and hence is more generalizable to other static analyzer outputs and programming languages. Related work, Section 6, has more details about BERT (Devlin et al. (2019)) and self-supervised learning.

BERT has proven to be very successful in NLP classification tasks. The bidirectional nature of BERT suits defect detection because both front and back contexts are important in defect analysis. Since D2A contains C/C++ data only, we decided to use C-BERT (Puri et al. 2021; Buratti et al. 2020) which is a BERT-based model trained only on C source code.

Any BERT model, including C-BERT, can be trained in two phases. The first phase is unsupervised and involves training with a large quantity of text data. In case of C-BERT the text data was C source code. More details about this process can be found in Devlin et al. (2019), Buratti et al. (2020) and Puri et al. (2021). The second phase, fine-tuning, is supervised and task dependent. We use the D2A dataset in the fine-tuning phase.

Fine-tuning is performed on one single Nvidia V100 GPU. We fine-tune for 10 epochs, using a small learning rate of 0.000008 to avoid destroying the knowledge acquired during pre-training. Batch size is set to 16 and the typical fine-tuning time ranges between 30 minutes to a couple of hours (for bigger datasets such as OpenSSL and libav).

Like all transformer-based models, C-BERT has a limitation on the input size, which is the maximum size of the input text, measured in tokens, that can be fed into the model. The maximum size of input text that can be fed into the C-BERT model is 512 tokens. In other words, the input context window size of C-BERT is 512 tokens. If the input code snippet or bug report, after preprocessing with Sentencepiece (Kudo and Richardson 2018), is longer than 512 tokens, it will be truncated.

Due to the same input size limitation, we can not fit all data into the context window. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 7, we explored multiple options to combine several types of the data in the D2A dataset and evaluated their performances:

  • Trace only: the bug trace produced by Infer only (e.g., Fig. 1). It’s a mixture of source code and natural language.

  • Single bug function: the particular function body where the bug occurs per the Infer report. It’s only source code.

  • Functions: concatenating all the functions that appeared in the Infer trace. It’s only source code.

  • Trace + Bug Function: besides the Infer trace, we additionally include the function body where the bug occurs per the Infer report. It’s a mixture of source code and natural language.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Due to input size restriction for fine-tuning, we have to pick just a subset of the available data in the D2A dataset. We tried to combine all the information that are useful for a BERT-like model in different ways and evaluated their performance. For bug trace and bug function, we had two special tokens ([CLS] and [SEP]) to let the model know where the input starts and where it ends. For list of functions, since it’s a concatenated list, we separate each of them with the special token [SEP] and we do the same to concatenate the bug trace and the bug function. After the input is built with the special tokens, it is tokenized and sent to the model. As designed by the original BERT model, the special token [CLS] is sent to a standard linear layer that will perform the final binary classification. It should be noted that the different alternatives in input at the tokenization block are never given to the model together, since it can see only one modality at a time

While a detailed evaluation of C-BERT performances can be found in Section 4.5, we highlight here a few interesting findings. We observed that option of Trace+Bug Function consistently outperformed other options, which confirms our intuition that C-BERT can leverage the bi-modal data of natural language and code. Another interesting result is that only modeling the list of functions in trace usually gave the worst results, which is expected since concatenating multiple functions could be too long for the limited input size.

4.5 False Positive Prediction Results

In this section, we show the evaluation results of the AI-based static analysis false positive prediction as a use case to demonstrate how D2A dataset can be helpful.

4.5.1 Dataset

To facilitate reproducibility, we defined and plan to release a split for each project. In particular, we drop bug types without any positive examples and split each project’s data into train:dev:test sets (80:10:10) while maintaining the distribution of bug types. We use the same split in this experiment. The model will be trained on the train + dev sets and tested on the test set.

We observed that some FFmpeg and libav examples are quite similar as libav was forked from FFmpeg (Wiki 2023). We dropped FFmpeg examples so that the all-data combined experiment would be fair. FFmpeg examples are more imbalanced compared to libav and we leave it for future work.

Although we collect examples generated for many bug types that are not production-ready and are disabled by default in Infer, for the initial experiments, we considered just the 18 security-related bug types that are enabled by default. These results are in Table 8. When trained and tested on all bug types, not just security related, the classical ml models and the original set of bug report features described in Zheng et al. (2021) did not perform very well on the large OpenSSL and libav datasets, as can be seen in Table 9. With C-BERT and improved ensemble models with new code features, the results improved on the full dataset with all error types. Table 7 shows the statistics of the full train:dev:test data used in the experiments.

Table 7 Production-ready security related error types filtering

4.5.2 Results

The results show the impact of different ML techniques and different features on the FP prediction problem. We try three models, a voting ensemble trained with old set of features described in Zheng et al. (2021) (vote), the C-BERT model which extracts features automatically from bug reports and source code (c-bert) and finally a voting ensemble trained with new features (vote-new). The new set of features are the full set of bug report features as well features extracted directly from source code.

Table 8 Default security error types false positive classification results
Table 9 All error types false positive classification results

We trained Random Forest using 1000 estimators, Extra Trees with 500. For the Boosting algorithms, we used 500 estimators, learning rate 0.03, importance type gain for the LGBM classifier, and the same number of estimators for Catboost. For C-BERT and Vote ensemble on new features, we fix the threshold-point to 0.05 FPR. Because this point has changed compared to Vote ensemble applied on initial set of trace features, we omit FPRR and F1 columns from the results Tables 8 and 9. We also omit Predicted Negatives (N) and Correct Negative (TN) columns since they can be calculated from other metrics. Since voting ensemble improvement reflects improvement in base models, we omit the base model results as well.

C-BERT outperforms vote ensemble on datasets with all error types. This could be because large datasets require more features to correctly classify samples. C-BERT also outperforms vote on small project datasets with default security error types, but since these datasets are small the results are not too reliable. In both the tables we can see that vote-new AUC scores are much better than vote. This improvement is because of new features. The new features also help the voting ensemble outperform the more sophisticated C-BERT model across the board.

4.5.3 Feature Importance

In order the better understand the impact of features on model performance we rank the features according to their importance in Fig. 8. The initial set of bug report features from Zheng et al. (2021) are shown in green and the new bug report and source code features are show in blue. Line number of the error in the file and the number of lines of code in the bug report and average length of line of code are significant bug report features perhaps suggesting that large files and complex bug reports distinguish real errors. The new code based features have a significant impact as they account for 4 of the top 5 features. The “If without else” count in trace functions and Cyclomatic complexity of the buggy file are the most important features after error line number. Features based on the buggy file and functions in bug reports seem to have a bigger impact than features based on buggy function alone. This highlights the importance of additional context.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Feature Importance of Random Forest algorithm trained on OpenSSL Default Security errors after including new features (shown in blue)

4.5.4 Libtiff Results Analysis

An interesting project is libtiff for which all models achieve very good AUC. To analyze this result further, in Fig. 9 we plot the cost of finding each True Positive in terms of False Positives for libtiff with the Vote-soft ensemble on all error types. The X-axis shows True Positives in decreasing order of model confidence. The Y-axis plots the count of new False Positives since the last True Positive. The purple line represents the cumulative number of False Positives, while the dotted purple line parallel to the x-axis indicates the 95% FP Reduction line or 5% FP rate, indicating that 95% of False Positives lie above this line. As mentioned before, this arbitrary point is our guess of how much false positives users would be willing to tolerate. The plot indicates that the model is confident in its prediction of True Positives to a considerable degree. The first 27 highly ranked samples are all TPs. This analysis is useful because it justifies providing a prioritized list of static analyzer output to developers so that they can focus first on those samples which a model confidently thinks are TP.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Cost of each TP in new FPs

5 D2A Leaderboard

With Stacking ensemble, C-BERT and Voting Ensemble we had multiple models for identifying False Positives, each with its own strength. In order to compare the model performance on different types of input data from D2A, we decided to create a leaderboard (https://github.com/ibm/D2A). Generally, a leaderboard shows the top scoring competitors in a tournament. This idea has been adopted in the AI domain, where a leaderboard will show the top performing models and teams for a given dataset. With the D2A leaderboard we could see how different models perform on tasks which cater to different types of D2A data. We have also made this leaderboard public so that others can participate and compare their model performance on D2A with other models. Table 10 summarizes the leaderboard tasks and available data.

The leaderboard is meant to demonstrate how the D2A dataset can be used both in terms of the different types of D2A data and alternative but related tasks to FP Reduction, like Vulnerability Detection. It is conceivable that the dataset can be used for more code related tasks like Bug Localization and Bug Fixing, which we do not explore in this work.

5.1 Data

All the leaderboard data is derived from the original D2A dataset which contains different program elements to help with program analysis. In order to understand the impact of different program elements on predictions, we use them in isolation and in combination. The D2A dataset contains labels derived from two sources, the auto-labeler and the after-fix extractor. The leaderboard makes use of both kinds of labels where each label indicates if a sample represents a real (1) or false (0) report of a bug.

Details of different kinds of data and the corresponding labels are given below.

  • Infer Bug Reports (Trace): This dataset consists of Infer bug reports, which are a combination of English language and C Programming language text.

  • Bug function source code (Function)

  • Bug function source code, trace functions source code and bug function file URL (Code)

The D2A dataset contains a lot more information which we did not use in the leaderboard tasks.

Table 10 Tasks and data summary for D2A leaderboard

5.2 Tasks

Tasks require the use some of the different program and program analysis elements that D2A contains.

  • Trace: Bug trace or a bug report contains both natural language and code. The code is limited to code snippets from different functions and files. Models are expected to work with a combination of natural language and code snippets to make the prediction.

  • Code: Models can use source code from bug function, all the bug trace functions and the file in which the bug function occurs to make the prediction. The file pointed to by bug_url must be downloaded in order to be used.

  • Trace + Code: Models can use all the fileds from the previous 2 tasks to make the prediction.

  • Function: Models can use only the source code from the bug function to make the prediction. The functions have been derived from a different subset of the full D2A dataset chosen to achieve a more balanced dataset.

Most publicly available defect detection datasets contain only a single function. We include a single function task, but also include multiple functions for cross functional defects and bug reports. Different types of models may be suited for different tasks and the goal is to highlight this and encourage models that perform well across different tasks.

5.3 Metrics

The datasets for the Code + Trace, Trace and Code tasks are derived from the auto-labeler generated samples, and are quite unbalanced with a 0:1 ratio of about 40:1. The Function datasets contain functions marked ‘1’ by the auto-labeler plus the matching after-fix ’0’ functions, so are well balanced with a 0:1 ratio of about 8:9. Because of these different distributions we use different metrics to measure the performance of models on different tasks.

  • Balanced Data: For the balanced dataset we use Accuracy to measure model performance.

  • Unbalanced Data: Because the dataset is so heavily unbalanced, we cannot use Accuracy since the model predicting only 0 would have a 98% accuracy. Instead we use the two metrics described below.

    • AUROC: Many open source project datasets are huge with hundreds of thousands of examples and thousands of positive examples. The cost associated with verifying every label is high, which is why it is important to rank the models in the order of their overall model confidence. We use AUROC percentage for this purpose.

    • F1 - 5% FPR: The macro-average F1 score is generally considered a good metric for unbalanced datasets. We want the AUROC curve to peak as early as possible so we calculate the macro-average F1-score percentage at 5% FPR point indicated in Fig. 5.

  • Overall: To get the overall model performance, we calculate the simple average percentage of all the scores across all the tasks.

5.4 Leaderboard Results

Table 11 shows the result of the Stacking ensemble (stacking), C-BERT (c-bert), and the Voting ensemble (vote-new) on the 4 Leaderboard tasks. Both ensemble models are trained on the full set of features including bug report features and source code features. Overall Stacking and C-BERT models perform the best, with Voting scoring less than both the models. The C-BERT model performs very well on trace and single function tasks. This could be because the function and trace data fit within the context window of C-BERT, while the full list of functions and code does not. Also, as indicated by Fig. 8, some important features are based on the buggy file and its functions, which are not input to C-BERT because of the context window limitation. Ensembles do better than C-BERT for Code and Code + trace because they can use features from all sources and are not restricted by context window size.

Table 11 D2A Leaderboard

6 Related Work

Datasets for AI-based Vulnerability Detection

Juliet (NIST 2023b), Choi et al. (2017), and S-babi (Sestili et al. 2018) are synthetic datasets. They are generated based on predefined patterns and cannot represent real-world program behaviors. Draper (Russell et al. 2018), Devign (Zhou et al. 2019) and CDG (Li et al. 2018) were generated from real-world programs. However, as discussed in Section 2, they suffer from labeling or source limitations. In fact, lacking good real-world datasets has become a major barrier for this field (Lin et al. 2020). D2A is automated and scales well on large real-world programs. It can produce more bug related information. We believe it can help to bridge the gap.

AI-based Static Analysis FP Reduction

Static analysis is known to produce a lot of false positives. To suppress them, several machine learning based approaches (Kremenek and Engler 2003; Jung et al. 2005; Yüksel and Sözer 2013b; Hanam et al. 2014; Tripp et al. 2014; Koc et al. 2017a; Zhang et al. 2017; Reynolds et al. 2017; Flynn et al. 2018; Raghothaman et al. 2018; Koc et al. 2019) have been proposed. Because they either target different languages or different static analyzers/model, they are not directly applicable. Inspired by their approaches, we designed and implemented a false positive reduction model for Infer as a use case for the D2A dataset. Besides the classic machine learning models presented in Section 4.3 that leverage the manually picked features, we further explored the direction of using deep learning model to learn from both the code and text in the bug report for the static analysis false positive reduction task. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt along this direction.

Defect Detection Leaderboard

The only other defect detection leaderboard is CodeXGLUE (Lu et al. 2021) Defect Detection (Code-Code) based on the Devign dataset. Since the samples in this dataset are limited to a single function, it is ideally suited for transformer based models and we see this reflected in the top performing models on the leaderboard, which includes C-BERT. D2A Leaderboard contains abundant information of various types of program and program analysis elements, which makes it is more challenging and levels the playing field for different machine learning approaches.

Features for Vulnerability Detection

Du et al. (2019) suggest some interesting features that they extract using Joern (Yamaguchi et al. 2014). We extract some similar features but using either simple string matching or using the Lizard (Yin 2019) tool. Inspired by their findings, we additionally included other relevant features that were extracted from both the source code and the static analysis report.

Contextual Representation with BERT

BERT (Devlin et al. 2019) is a bidirectional encoder based on the transformer architecture (Vaswani et al. (2017)) that can create a meaningful representation for every token by looking at both left and right context. As a result, every token will have a contextual representation of its neighbors such that the final representation of a word changes if its context changes. The learning phase of BERT can be divided into two phases, pre-training and fine-tuning:

  • Pre-training is a self-supervised process, with a goal to build a general language representation that is not connected to specific tasks. To learn the statistical properties of source code, parts of the input are masked and then the model is asked to predict them back (Feng et al. 2020; Kanade et al. 2020).

  • Fine-tuning is a supervised phase and requires task-related labels, so every downstream task, like vulnerability detection, needs a specific fine-tuning dataset.

Self-supervised Learning for Code

Existing works (Hindle et al. 2012; Allamanis et al. 2018; Ray et al. 2016) have shown that source code is natural. Similar to speech and natural language, source code tends to be repetitive and predictable. This naturalness can be exploited such that the statistical distribution of source code can be learned from a huge amount of data available on sites like GitHub. Compared to feature engineering based learning, which requires labeled data, the most appealing advantage of self-supervised deep learning is that the models can extract features automatically from unlabelled data. Once the model has been trained on generic source code, it only needs a small amount of labeled data to be fine-tuned for a specific task.

Self-supervised learning based language models (Devlin et al. 2019; Liu et al. 2019; Vaswani et al. 2017) have already been successful in the field of natural language processing for tasks like text classification, question & answering, text completion, etc. And now, it is possible to see the same trend for code-related tasks, as shown by the popular leaderboard CodeXGlue (Lu et al. 2021), where most of the top performing models are based on such architectures but trained specifically on source code.

7 Threats to Validity

Initial Manual Analysis

The initial manual analysis of Infer output was done on one project, OpenSSL, for only 4 bug types. The reason is the high amount of time needed from expert developers - it took around 10 hours for each of the 8 developers to label 166 candidate vulnerabilities in total. Ideally, such manual analysis should be applied to more projects and more bug types. However, while we cannot always expect the same label accuracy improvement across different projects (from 7.8% in initial manual analysis to 53% in manual label validation of randomly selected samples), we think the jump is wide enough that the tool remains useful to save developers’ time.

Commit Message Analyzer

Like all ML models, the quality of the Commit Message Analyzer is bounded by the dataset, which in our case, are the NVDs and their commit messages. It is possible that in any given repository, some bugs are fixed silently and the commits don’t have meaningful messages. Some of these commits can be some real fixes with poorly worded commit messages. The CMA will not be able to identify such fixes.

Reliance on NVDs and the inability to recognize silent fixes or fixes from uninformative commit messages also introduces bias in the CMA. However, due to the lack of an oracle that can cover all possible scenarios (which is true for both traditional rule-based or ML-based detectors), it’s unlikely to have a prefect bug detection dataset. Our goal is to create a reasonably large-scale dataset that can facilitate sophisticated model exploration and adoption and CMA helps us create such a dataset.

Result Manual Analysis

Because manual analysis is an expensive process, D2A result validation was done for only 57 samples. Although we have only a very small number of curated labels, the improvements we report in the predictions of D2A labels should be useful in practice.

Data Splitting

We have partitioned the dataset into train:val:test splits randomly. However, to correctly align with real life use case we should partition the data according to time, which would mean the test set consists of latest issues and train would consist of older issues. Nie et al. (2021) talk about the impact of choosing different evaluation methodologies on code summarization and show that not considering time to split the data will inflate or underestimate the result. They experiment with a strategy similar to our balanced random splits, which they call mixed project evaluation and they show that this approach inflates the results. We wish to perform a similar study for vulnerability analysis using D2A dataset. With D2A, the number of samples we generate from a repository depends on the number of commits in the repository and the number of fixes. To generate time based data splits, we will have to regenerate data by identifying a point in time and use it to partition between train and test. However this may result in too few or too many samples in train or test and we will need multiple generation attempts to arrive at the right balance. Once done, we will have to rerun all the experiments on multiple repositories for all three models. This is an interesting and ideal approach which we hope to explore in the future.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose D2A, a novel approach to label static analysis issues based on differential analysis and build a labeled dataset from real-world programs for AI-based vulnerability detection methods. We ran D2A on 6 large programs and generated a labeled dataset, called the D2A dataset, of more than 1.3M examples with detailed bug related information obtained from the inter-procedural static analysis, the code base, and the commit history. By manually validating randomly selected samples, we show D2A significantly improves the label quality compared to static analysis alone. This dataset contains varied data which can be used for Vulnerability Analysis.

We define the false positive reduction problem to showcase the utility of the dataset in improving developer productivity. We train both classic machine learning models as well as a deep learning model for the static program analysis false positive prediction task on the D2A dataset, which can effectively help developers prioritize and investigate potential true positives first. By further analyzing the results of libtiff, we show how a prioritized list of static analyzer issues can be helpful for developers.

By combining hand-crafted features from bug reports and source code, we show that machine learning ensembles can perform well on default security errors and on relatively smaller projects like libtiff, httpd and NGINX. More importantly, we show that adding more features leads to model performance improvement on harder data from relatively large projects like OpenSSL and libav with all error types. We show how C-BERT, a transformer based deep learning model can be used to train with D2A data. Deep learning models are more generalizable than hand crafted features and show good performance on D2A data.

The D2A dataset can also be leveraged in different ways to tackle the more general problem of vulnerability detection. In order to show how this can be done and to encourage community participation, we created a leaderboard based on the D2A dataset and made it publicly available. The leaderboard can be used to compare the performance of different models.