1 Introduction

Mutation testing measures the effectiveness of tests based on their ability to detect artificial faults. Such faults, so-called mutants, are created by applying syntactic changes to the original program, for example, by replacing a relational operator by another one: \(a < b \rightarrow a > b\). The types of changes applied for the generation of mutants are determined by transformation rules called mutation operators. The main outcome of mutation testing is the so-called mutation score, which measures the effectiveness of the test set as the ratio of detected mutants over the total number of mutants. Any mutant not being detected by the tests provides helpful information for including additional tests, and therefore guides the improvement of the test set.

Since its introduction back in the 70s (DeMilo et al. 1978, 1979), research on mutation testing has thrived until becoming a well-established testing technique. In a recent survey by Papadakis et al. (2019), the authors identified more than 400 papers published in the time period 2008-2017 and 87 different mutation tools for a variety of programming languages and artifacts including Java, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Ruby, and UML models, among many others. Mutation testing is a recurrent topic in most software testing and software engineering venues, being the central topic of the series of international workshops on mutation (celebrating its 17th edition in 2022 (https://icst2022.vrain.upv.es/home/mutation-2022/)) and several special issues in top-tier journals (e.g., Just et al. 2019; Papadakis and Just2017).

Previous survey papers on mutation testing have successfully compiled the state of research, its evolution, fundamental problems, and challenges (Jia and Harman 2011; Offutt and Untch 2001; Papadakis et al. 2019). They all agree on the relevance of mutation testing in the research arena, especially as a common experimental methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of testing techniques. Some authors have also explored the benefits and limitations of using mutation testing in open-source applications (Just et al. 2014) and industrial projects (Delgado-Pérez et al. 2018). Some recent papers also investigate the use of mutation testing in large companies such as Google (Petrovic et al. 2021b) and Facebook (Beller et al. 2021). However, the overall impact of mutation testing beyond research is still limited (Arcuri 2018) and mostly unexplored: to what extent is mutation testing adopted in practice? is the impact of the technique on research reflected in real-world software projects? which kind of projects is the technique used for? which are the most popular mutation testing tools in practice? how has the use of mutation testing changed over the years? These are some of the questions addressed in our work.

In this article, we report the findings of a mining study in GitHub on the use of mutation testing in practice. Specifically, we searched and analyzed the GitHub repositories including evidence of the use of existing mutation testing tools. The study was performed in three steps. First, we performed a thorough search for mutation testing tools, identifying a total of 127 tools released in the period 2001-2021, 40 of them new with respect to the tool compilation by Papadakis et al. (2019). Then, we performed a systematic search for GitHub repositories including evidence of the use of the mutation tools found. For this step, we resorted to both automated searches in the web search interface of GitHub and its GraphQL API (https://docs.github.com/en/graphql). Finally, we selected the top 10 more popular tools, based on the results of the previous search, and we manually revised and classified over 3.5K active repositories including evidence of their use.

Among the numerous findings, we observed a significant boost in the number of mutation tools and the number of GitHub repositories including traces of their use in recent years. Infection (https://infection.github.io/) (a mutation tool for PHP) is by far the most widely used tool in GitHub—imported in about one third of the repositories found—followed by PIT (Coles et al. 2016) (Java), Humbug (https://github.com/humbug/humbug) (PHP), StrykerJS (https://stryker-mutator.io/docs/stryker-js/introduction) (JavaScript), and Mutant (https://github.com/mbj/mutant) (Ruby). The predominant use of mutation testing is development, followed by teaching and learning, and research. We traced 21% of the repositories to industry, 6.8% to academia, and 3.4% to public institutions (e.g., HM Courts & Tribunals Service from the UK government) and open-source projects (e.g., phpMyAdmin). Moreover, the identification of mutation tools through two different sources —by literature review and GitHub search— allowed us to assess the current status of mutation testing from a new point of view with respect to previous studies on the topic. Overall, we observed significant differences among the mutation tools reported in the literature and those found in GitHub and built around open-source communities. Judging by our results, the former are less spread and have a greater presence in the set of projects related to teaching and research. The latter, in contrast, are significantly more popular and are mostly used in development projects. This leads to mixed conclusions. On the one hand, the degree of adoption is encouraging with the three most widely used tools referenced above being imported in more than 500 repositories, some of them being quite active —in terms of commits—and popular—in terms of watchers, stars or forks. On the other hand, the results show a gap between the state of research and practice with some of the most widely used tools rarely being referenced in research papers (e.g., Infection, Humbug or StrykerJS).

The results of our study have direct applications such as pointing readers to the most widely used tools in practice and promoting the use of the technique beyond academia, based on its current adoption in industrial projects. However, the main contribution of our work lies on its novel perspective on the state of practice of mutation testing. This new view on mutation opens new and promising research directions by leveraging the collected data. Among others, we envision new empirical studies, both quantitative and qualitative, that complement our findings and delve into their causes, e.g., conducting surveys among the developers of the most relevant projects. Finally, our work paves the path for new mining studies that contribute to closing the gap between research and practice on mutation testing.

The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces mutation testing technique. Our review method and research questions are described in Section 3. The results of our study are detailed in Section 4. Section 5 proposes new promising research directions to complement our findings. Section 6 discusses related work on mutation testing and mining studies on GitHub. The potential threats to validity are discussed in Section 7. Finally, we conclude the article in Section 8.

2 Mutation Testing

Mutation testing is a well-known fault-based technique to evaluate and improve the quality of test suites. This technique not only encourages testers to exercise as much code as possible but also to uncover possible mistakes made by their programmers. In the absence of real faults, simple syntactic modifications are inserted in the hope that they resemble plausible real faults (Competent Programmer Hypothesis (Acree et al. 1979)) and that those simple changes are able to reveal other more complex ones (Coupling Effect Hypothesis (DeMillo et al. 1978)). The injected faults are known as mutations and the new faulty versions of the program under test, as mutants. Once the mutants have been generated, each mutant as well as the original program is executed against the test suite to produce an output. An observable difference between the output of the original version and a mutant serves to classify that mutant as detected or killed. On the contrary, when the output is the same, the mutant remains alive and requires further analysis, as it can point out a deficiency in the fault detection ability of the test suite. This is not always the case, however, because a mutant can turn out to be functionally equivalent to the original program; these are the so-called semantically-equivalent mutants. It follows that a tester should aspire to kill as many mutants as possible to increase the detection power of the test suite. The number of killed mutants over the whole set of non-equivalent mutants is called mutation score.

The injection of mutations is generally systematized with the development of mutation tools, which implement different mutation operators. These operators are applied each time a pattern is found in the program (e.g., each appearance of the relational operator ‘>’ is replaced by ‘<’). As shown later on, more than one hundred mutation testing tools have been developed in the past for most of the widely-used programming languages, including Java, C/C++, Python or C# among many others, and the list has grown in the last years with new mutation tools for emerging domains such as Deep Mutation systems (Ma et al. 2018) or Smart Contracts (Li et al. 2019).

Mutation tools can be used or integrated into other software projects for testing purposes through different means including executable files (e.g., https://github.com/mull-project/mull/releases), static libraries (e.g., https://cs.gmu.edu/~offutt/mujava/#Links), build tools like Gradle or Maven (e.g., https://pitest.org/quickstart/maven/, https://gradle-pitest-plugin.solidsoft.info/), and IDE plugins (e.g., https://github.com/gomezabajo/Wodel/wiki/Get-Started). The rationale behind our work is that most of these mechanisms can be traced back to the code of the application under test leaving evidence of the use of the mutation tools.

3 Review Method

In this section, we describe the systematic approach followed for studying the use of mutation testing in practice by looking into GitHub. Specifically, we detail the research questions and the data collection process. All the searches reported were performed on June 2021.

3.1 Research Questions

We aim to answer the following research questions (RQs):

  • RQ1: What is the current tool support for mutation testing? As a first step, we aim to study the tool support for mutation testing by looking at the mutation tools that have been proposed over the years and their target artifacts.

  • RQ2: To which extent is mutation testing adopted in practice? We aim to study the adoption of mutation testing by examining the number of GitHub projects including evidence of the use of mutation testing tools. We also intend to identify the most frequently used tools and usage patterns.

  • RQ3: Which type of projects are mutation testing tools used for? We aim to analyze the use of each mutation testing tool on different types of projects including teaching, research, and software development. We are particularly interested in studying the use of mutation testing beyond academia.

  • RQ4: Which is the activity and relevance of the projects using mutation tools? Finally, we want to evaluate how active and popular within the community are these projects by looking at different statistics of the GitHub repositories, including commits (activity), and contributors, watchers, stars and forks (popularity). While this analysis cannot give evidence of the particular use given to the mutation tools, it can shed light on the tools most used in relevant projects (i.e., those highly active and popular). This can be a valuable source of information for further analyses which attempt to assess the current practices of developers and companies regarding mutation testing.

3.2 Data Collection and Analysis

Data collection was performed in three steps, graphically depicted in Fig. 1. First, we performed a systematic search for mutation testing tools (RQ1). Second, we conducted a systematic search for GitHub repositories including evidence of use of those tools and, based on the previous findings, we selected and analyzed the 10 tools most frequently used in practice (RQ2). Third, we performed a thorough manual revision and classification of the GitHub repositories using the ten most widely used tools identified in the previous step (RQ3 and RQ4). In what follows, we describe these steps in detail.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Data collection and analysis process

3.2.1 Mutation Tools Search

We started by performing a systematic search for mutation testing tools in three steps.

Previous tool compilation

First, we selected the tools identified in the survey on mutation testing by Papadakis et al. (2019) including papers published between 2008 and 2017. In particular, the survey includes a compilation of the mutation testing tools introduced or used in the surveyed papers. This yielded an initial set of 87 mutation testing tools.

Literature search

Second, we performed a systematic review of the literature for papers proposing mutation testing tools published between 2018 (the year in which the survey by Papadakis et al. was published) and May 2021. In contrast to the survey of Papadakis et al., focused on mutation testing advances in general, we were only interested in papers referencing mutation testing tools, and therefore we adjusted our search strings accordingly. Specifically, we searched for papers including the terms “mutation OR mutation testing OR mutant generation” and “tool OR system OR application OR framework” within the paper title, abstract and/or keywords. The search was performed in the online repositories of Scopus, ACM and IEEE Xplore. As a result, we obtained 84 unique papers meeting the search criteria. Then, we performed a manual revision of the papers for checking whether they proposed a new mutation testing tool. This was an iterative process where all the authors participated by reviewing their assigned papers and later meeting together until reaching a consensus in the cases of doubts. We excluded 49 papers not presenting actual mutation tools (e.g., theoretical studies) or presenting tools already identified. Original tools and their extensions are considered together in our work. As a result, we identified 31 new mutation testing tools. The papers identified in the literature search can be found in the online resource 1 of the supplementary material (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5713585).

GitHub search

During the preparation of our work, we identified some mutation testing tools that were highly popular in GitHub but, interestingly, were not referenced in the research literature. In an attempt to complement the set of tools with those, we performed an additional search in GitHub for mutation testing tools repositories including the search strings “mutation testing” sorted by “Most stars”. GitHub stars are recognized as a reliable source of the popularity of GitHub projects (Borges et al. 2016). The search returned hundreds of results. We analyzed the fifteen top results (i.e., those shown in the first results page), and we selected 9 new mutation tools not included in the tool set derived from the previous tool compilation and our literature search.

Overall, we identified 127 mutation testing tools: 87 from the literature review by Papadakis et al. (2019), 31 from an updated literature search, and 9 tools selected among those with more stars in GitHub. Table 3 shows the list of all mutation testing tools, including source, name, release year and domain.

3.2.2 Repository Mining in GitHub

Our work is based on the observation that most mutation tools leave evidence of their (potential) use in the code repository of the applications under test. These pieces of evidence include references to static libraries, dependency declarations, or configuration files, among others. Based on this, we mined data from GitHub in two steps. First, we searched for repositories including evidence of the mutation testing tools under study scraping the web interface of GitHub. We resorted to the web interface, instead of only the GitHub APIs, because the API constrains searches to user-specified repositories when filtering by code specifying file names and text content. However, that information was not known in advance. Once we had the repositories that met the specified code constraints, in a second step we collected detailed information about each repository using the GitHub GraphQL API (https://docs.github.com/en/graphql). Next, we explain both steps.

Repository search

The search for repositories including evidence of use of the mutation tools was performed on the web search interface of GitHub. The search was performed automatically using web scraping, as described later on. It is worth noting that from December 2020 GitHub only indexes repositories that have had recent activity within the last year, this is, those that have had a commit or have shown up in a search result in the 12 monthsFootnote 1. Hence, the scope of our search is limited to those GitHub repositories with recent activity at the time of performing our search, in June 2021. Finally, note that repositories forked from the main repository of the mutation tools under study do not appear in the search; forked repositories will be treated separately as a complementary metric of the mutation tool’s relevance.

As an initial step, we designed the search queries for each mutation tool. Specifically, we analyzed the papers and official sites of each mutation tool to find out the different ways in which it can be used in third-party projects. For example, PIT can be integrated by directly importing the “pitest.jar” file or, alternatively, it can be automatically imported using tools like Maven (https://maven.apache.org/) or Gradle (https://gradle.org/), in which case their respective configuration files must include the string “org.pitest”. We used this information to define queries for the search of repositories including evidence of use of the mutation testing tools under study. For instance, we searched for projects including the string “org.pitest” in pom.xml or .gradle files and therefore potentially using the tool PIT. This procedure could not be done however for some of the tools: those with no name, and those where a website was not available or whose website did not provide enough information to search for evidence of their use. As a result, we could define the search strings for 55 out of the initial 127 tools. The search strings and the number of repositories matching the queries for each mutation tool, 6,633 in total, can be found in the online resource 3 of the supplementary material (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5713585). Note that when using the query parameter “filename:” (e.g., filename:Jumble), the GitHub engine searches for files starting by the specified name followed by any possible string, (e.g., “Jumble-annotations”).

For automating the search process, we implemented a web scraper using the tool HtmlUnit (https://htmlunit.sourceforge.io). The scraper automatically logs into GitHub and runs the customized queries for each tool in the web search form of GitHub, iterating over all the result pages until collecting all the names and owners of the returned repositories. Duplicates were automatically discarded. The initial search yielded 6,633 repositories including evidence of use of 35 out of the 55 mutation tools under study.

Data extraction

We proceeded to collect detailed information about each repository. Specifically, we used the GraphQL API (https://docs.github.com/en/graphql) of GitHub to automatically extract data from the list of 6,633 repositories obtained in the previous step, that is, those GitHub projects potentially using the mutation testing tools under study. In particular, we automatically collected the following data of each repository: name, description, creation date, last update, URL, owner name, owner bio, owner login (unique username), company, country; primary language, secondary languages, license, topics, number of commits, date of first and last commit, number of issues, number of contributors, watchers, stars, and forks. We should note that some of the projects found in GitHub had been migrated from other GIT-based platforms and, therefore, the number of commits of those projects includes the commits received since the creation of the original repository. Collected data was saved into CSV files for later analyses.

3.2.3 Manual Revision and Classification

At this stage, we manually reviewed the data collected in three steps, namely:

Tool and repository selection

As a part of the work, we performed a manual qualitative analysis of the selected repositories (see details below). To make this analysis affordable, we first reduced the number of mutation tools under study. Specifically, we selected the 10 mutation tools imported from a higher number of GitHub repositories (ranging from 42 repositories to 1,717) according to our previous search. This decision was also motivated by the fact that the rest of the mutation tools were found only in a few repositories and therefore it was difficult to draw meaningful conclusions from them. This reduced the set of repositories from 6,633 to 6,307. Then, we further reduced the set of repositories, by selecting those having at least one commit in the last year; we refer to these as active repositories. This choice allowed us to filter out repositories with no recent activity making our work affordable and, at the same time, to show a more precise picture of the adoption of mutation testing tools at the time of writing this paper. This step reduced the target set of repositories from 6,307 to 3,644.

Identification of false positives

False positives are repositories matching the search criteria, but not referencing actual mutation tools. For example, we found some repositoriesFootnote 2 including the common word “jumble” not referencing the actual mutation testing tool for Java Jumble (Irvine et al. 2007). To identify and discard false positives, we split the active repositories among the authors, who carefully checked whether they included actual references to the target mutation tools. At this step, we also removed those repositories not available at the time of the revision (e.g., repositories removed by their owners). Finally, we identified the main repository in GitHub of these mutation tools, which are also excluded from the counting. This makes a total of 3,581 repositories under study.

Table 1 shows the ten mutation testing referenced from a higher number of repositories. For each tool, the table shows the search queries used in GitHub, the total number of repositories found, and the number of active repositories, i.e., projects with at least a commit in the last year. The reduction in the number of repositories varies significantly from one tool to another. It is notable the reduction of Humbug repositories, which started with 1,717 and is finally narrowed down to 636 active projects (i.e., with at least one commit in the last year). This is probably because Infection has replaced Humbug in recent years —as explained in the main repository of Humbug (https://github.com/humbug/humbug)—, so many repositories still referencing that tool may have become obsolete. MuJava also decreases considerably the number of active repositories from 50 to 9. We observed that many repositories using MuJava were created by students to accomplish university course projects; these are mainly single-use repositories, usually abandoned once the corresponding assignment expires.

Table 1 GitHub search queries and results of repositories for each mutation tool


Finally, we manually classified the active repositories referencing the 10 selected tools, 3,581 in total. Specifically, repositories were classified according to their purpose (teaching, learning, research, development or extension) and origin (academia, industry or public institution). The details of the classification process are given in Section 4.3. The repositories were distributed among the authors for their review and classification. Given the high number of repositories, each repository was initially assigned to one of the authors for its analysis. Doubtful cases were highlighted and additional remarks were included when necessary or deemed appropriate for later revision. The process involved several meetings where the authors refined the classification criteria and discussed doubts until reaching a consensus. We resorted to browser extensions to automatically translate files not written in English.

4 Results

In this section, we present the results of our study and how they answer the target research questions.

4.1 Mutation Testing Tools

This section addresses RQ1 by studying the current tool support for mutation testing. Table 3 (I) summarizes the list of mutation tools found, 127 in total, released between 2001 and 2020. For each tool, the table shows the source (survey of Papadakis et al. (2019), literature search or GitHub search), its name, release year and domain. Most tools address specific programming languages like Java, C, C++, HTML, JavaScript, or Python, among others. Other tools target high-level artifacts such as design models (e.g., UML) or specification languages (e.g., Z). Finally, a diverse group of tools mutates other types of artifacts including spreadsheets, annotations, regular expressions, security policies, and smart contracts, among others. It is noteworthy that about 35% (45 out of 127) of the tools found had no name, which suggests that they are research prototypes or proofs of concept.

Figure 2a shows the number of mutations tools released per year. The first mutation tools reported— Jester (http://jester.sourceforge.net/) for Java and Proteum (Delamaro et al. 2001) for C— were proposed back in 2001. The graph shows a noticeable increase in interest starting in 2008 to date, with between 5 and 13 mutation tools created per year. It is worth noting the peak in the number of tools proposed in the years 2017-2019. The overall increasing trend is clearly observed in the cumulative number of mutation tools per year in Fig. 2b.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Mutation testing tools released between January 2008 and May 2021

Figure 3 depicts the classification of mutation testing tools based on their target artifacts. Java is the predominant target language (16%), followed by C/C++ (14%), models and specification languages (10%), web-related technologies (7%), Android applications (5%), and security-related artifacts (4%). About one third of the tools found (34%)—those classified as “Others”—target other types of artifacts (e.g., spreadsheets, regular expressions, code annotations, etc.), and programming languages such as Smalltalk, PHP or Prolog, among others.

When looking into recent years, the interest in languages like Java and C/C++ seems to diminish in favor of other languages like JavaScript, Python, Swift, and Solidity (smart contracts), among others. Out of the 34 mutation testing tools proposed in the time range 2018-2020, only 6 tools target Java or C/C++ programs. This may be explained by the fact that already exist a good number of mutation tools for Java and C/C++.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Classification of mutation testing tools by target artifact

We observed a significant divergence among the results of the literature search and our search in GitHub. Out of the 10 mutation tools with more stars in GitHub, 7 were not identified in our literature search, namely: StrykerJS (https://stryker-mutator.io/docs/stryker-js/introduction) (JavaScript), Infection (https://infection.github.io/) (PHP), Humbug (https://github.com/humbug/humbug) (PHP), Stryker.NET (https://stryker-mutator.io/docs/stryker-net/Introduction) (.Net), Cosmic-Ray (https://cosmic-ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) (Python), Go-Mutesting (https://github.com/zimmski/go-mutesting) (Go) and Mutmut (https://github.com/boxed/mutmut) (Python). Interestingly, none of those seven tools target Java or C/C++ programs, despite those being the languages receiving more attention in research papers. This suggests a gap between the state of practice and research. We hypothesize that the tools born outside the academic environment are focused from their conception on usability, that is, they seek to be mainly useful for the community. Within academia, however, efforts tend to be more dedicated to research, where priority is given to the evaluation of experimental features (e.g., new mutation operators) and its dissemination through research papers.

Table 2 shows the top 10 most popular mutation testing tools based on the number of GitHub repositories including evidence of their use. As explained in Section 3, in what follows we will focus on these 10 tools to make our work affordable. For each tool, the table shows its name, references (to the main repository in GitHub and the original research paper, if any), programming language, and standard statistics of the tool repository in GitHub (October 2021), namely: number of watchers (i.e, followers), number of stars, number of forks, number of commits, number of issues, and date of the first and the last commit. Note that we did not find a main GitHub repository for Major and therefore the corresponding statistics are missing. Also, the repository hosting MutPy was created before the corresponding mutation tool was released (in 2014), while the repository hosting MuJava was created well after the first version of the corresponding tool was released (in 2004).

Table 2 Mutation testing tools under study: W (watchers), S (stars), F (forks), C (commits), I (issues), FC (first commit) and LC (last commit)

As illustrated in Table 2, the set of tools most widely used based on the traces found in GitHub addresses six different programming languages (Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, and .NET), which shows that the impact of mutation testing is not related to specific domains. Specifically, Java is the dominant target language (Major, MuJava, and PIT), followed by PHP (Humbug and Infection) and Python (Mutmut and MutPy). The most popular tools in terms of GitHub watchers, stars and forks are Humbug (PHP), StrykerJS (JavaScript) and PIT (Java), respectively. Mutant and StrykerJS are the most active projects in terms of commits (3,612) and issues (868), respectively. Being this list of the most popular tools —based on the evidence of use found in GitHub—, it is notable that four of them were conceived in 2016 (Mutmut and StrykerJS) or later (Infection, 2017, and Stryker.NET, 2018). Most of the tools hosted in GitHub are active, having at least one commit in the last 12 months. The exceptions are MuJava (last updated in 2016), Humbug (2017)—its main repository has been archived by the owner— and MutPy (2019).

figure a

4.2 Adoption of Mutation Testing

This section addresses RQ2 by studying the number and the general characteristics of the 3,581 GitHub repositories including evidence of use of the ten mutation testing tools under study, i.e., those found in a larger number of repositories. Specifically, all these tools were used through a library import, and thus in what follows we will refer to repositories importing the mutation testing tools.

For each mutation tool, Table 1 shows its name, the search queries used, the total number of repositories found, and the total number of active repositories. Recall that, to make the manual revision of repositories affordable and identify more accurately the use of mutation testing tools at present, our study is based on the analysis of active repositories, i.e., those having a commit in the last 12 months. Regarding the number of active repositories, Infection is by far the most popular tool being imported in 1,213 repositories; followed by PIT (816), Humbug (636), StrykerJS (487) and Mutant (296). At the other extreme are Mutmut (54), Stryker.NET (36), MutPy (24), Major (10) and MuJava (9).

Figure 4 depicts the number of repositories importing each mutation tool created per year in the last decade. Notice that the corresponding mutation tool may have been imported in a later commit and not necessarily when the repository was created. For instance, some repositories importing Infection were created before 2017, the year when the first commit for this tool was made (according to Table 2). The number of new repositories importing Infection, Humbug, PIT, StrykerJS, Mutant and, on a smaller scale, Mutmut and Stryker.NET, has notably increased in the period 2018-2020. Indeed, all of them reach their peak in 2020, but we should interpret this information cautiously; unlike the rest of the years, part of the repositories in 2020 may appear as active simply because they were created that year. Also, note that we performed our search in June 2021, so the graph only reflects the repositories created during the first half of this year (that explains the decrease in the number of repositories from 2020 to 2021 in almost all the tools). The case of Infection is especially remarkable, with an increment in the number of repositories importing it from 10 in 2017 to 519 in 2020. It is also noteworthy the case of PIT, which shows a positive upward tendency since 2012, remaining as the most imported tool during the last decade until 2020, when it was surpassed by Infection and Humbug. We think this is due to the good support and documentation of PIT and the fact that the tool is popular inside and outside academia. Conversely, we cannot appreciate any clear increase trend for the rest of the tools. For instance, we found a single repository importing MutPy in the years 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Similarly, the creation of the nine repositories integrating MuJava is well spread between 2012 and 2021, with a maximum of two repositories in 2018 and 2020. It is significant that MuJava, a tool widely known in the scientific community, does not present a greater number of active repositories using it. This may be explained by the fact that the tool has not been updated since 2016 —the date of its last commit.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Number of new repositories per mutation tool and year (y-axis on logarithmic scale)

As previously mentioned, the mutation tools under study were used through a library import in all the repositories found. Specifically, some applications use a direct import, this is, they include the mutation library directly (e.g., Jar files in Java or Phar files in PHP), whereas others resort to automated dependency management using build automation tools like Gradle, Maven or Tox. We did not observe any correlation between the import method and the adoption of the mutation tools. Instead, import methods vary among tools and languages. For example, direct import through a Jar file is the method offered by MuJava (Java), and tools like Mutant (Ruby), StrykerJS (JavaScript) and Stryker.NET (.Net) offer build automation tools as the main way of import. Some other tools for Java (e.g., PIT), PHP (e.g., Infection) and Python (e.g., MutPy) provide both methods of import, but build automation tools is the clear choice when both ways are available –according to the number of traces found of each type when executing the search strings–. Overall, the majority of projects using mutation testing tools prefer build automation tools as means of import.

figure b

4.3 Classification of Repositories

In this section, we address RQ3 by studying the types of repositories importing mutation testing tools. Specifically, we classified the GitHub projects into five main groups according to their purpose: research, teaching, development, learning and extension. We classified as research those repositories including evidences of the use of mutation in research activities, for example, replication packages associated with research papersFootnote 3. Teaching projects are those using mutation testing for teaching, including university coursesFootnote 4, tutorials, books, or programming katas. We classified as development those repositories including evidence of the use of mutation testing for actual software developmentFootnote 5. We identified a good number of personal repositories including toy examples used to learn how mutation and other technologies work, we classified those as learning projectsFootnote 6. We also found a few projects that were extensions of the mutation testing tools under study. We marked them as extension projectsFootnote 7. To categorize the repositories, we manually examined all the information available in the corresponding repositories, including their name, description, available documentation, and, exceptionally, even the source code. Despite our best efforts, there were cases where we were unable to identify the category a repository belongs to, for example, in repositories with no documentation nor descriptive names or description. We labeled these as unclassifiedFootnote 8.

Figure 5 shows the percentage of projects belonging to each category. As illustrated, almost half of the repositories under study, 45.2% (1,617 out of 3,581) are dedicated to development, 18.5% (662) to teaching, 7.1% (254) to learning, 1.1% (40) to research, and 0.7% (24) to extensions of the mutation tools under study. Unclassified repositories represent 27.5% of the total of repositories. However, when analyzing the data, we observed some significant differences among the mutation tools found in our GitHub search (Humbug, Infection, Mutmut, StrykerJS and Stryker.NET) and those found in the literature (Major, MuJava, Mutant, MutPy and PIT). To investigate this, we performed a similar classification of the repositories importing both sets of tools, shown in Fig. 6a and b, respectively. Interestingly, we observe an increase in the percentage of projects dedicated to development and a decrease in the number of teaching repositories when focusing on tools found only in GitHub. On the contrary, mutation tools found in the literature (Fig. 6b) show the opposite behavior, with a considerable reduction in the percentage of repositories dedicated to development (35.8% vs 49.6%) and an increase up to double in the number of teaching repositories (28.4% vs 13.8%), research repositories (2.4% vs 0.5%) and learning repositories (10.3% vs 5.6%). Therefore, it seems that a higher proportion of the projects using tools from GitHub –presumably from outside the scientific world– have a developmental purpose, possibly because they have attracted more interest from non-academic developers. On the other hand, the tools found in the literature seem to be used in almost equal proportion in both development and teaching projects, and the sum of repositories from the categories teaching, learning and research is higher than the number of repositories dedicated to development. We hypothesize that tools found in the literature, possibly related to a scientific origin, have drawn more interest from the research and teaching community.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Classification of repositories by category (all mutation testing tools under study)

Fig. 6
figure 6

Classification of repositories by category, divided by tools found in GitHub and in the literature

Figure 7 shows the number of repositories per tool involved in each category on a logarithmic scale. Development is the dominant category in the repositories importing the tools Humbug, Infection, Mutmut, MutPy, PIT and Stryker.NET. Teaching seems to be the most common use of the tools Major, Mutant and StrykerJS. MuJava seems to be mostly used in research projects. It is noteworthy that only three tools, Infection, PIT and StrykerJS, are imported in projects from all categories.

To investigate the origin of the repositories using mutation testing tools, we manually analyzed the information related to the ownership of the repositories. We labeled repositories as Industry if the owner’s affiliation is related to the industry, either as an employee or freelance, Academia if the owner’s affiliation is linked to a teaching center, and as Public when the owner is associated with a public institution, a non-profit organization or a known open-source community. Unfortunately, only 31.1% of the repositories (1,112 out of 3,581) included ownership information and therefore the results should be taken cautiously. The bulk of classified repositories sourced from industry (20.9%, 747 out of 3,581) with owners working in private companiesFootnote 9; followed by academia (6.8%, 242), like those owned by University professorsFootnote 10 or studentsFootnote 11; and a minority from public institutions, non-profit organizations or open-source communities (3.4%, 123). As examples, we found some popular repositories using Infection owned by the open-source community phpMyAdminFootnote 12, a set of open-source projects developed by the European CommissionFootnote 13, and the not-for-profit UK Centre for Ecology & HydrologyFootnote 14. Interestingly, we also observed differences when analyzing the origin of repositories associated with mutation tools found in GitHub and tools found in the literature. The former ones come mostly from industry, 21.8% out of 31.1% of classified repositories, with a small percentage reserved for academia (4.3%) and public institutions (1.7%), whereas the latter are equally sourced from industry (19%) and from academia (11.9%) plus public institutions (7.2%). These results show that the uses of the mutation tools found in GitHub seem to be closely related to development projects and industry owners, while those tools found in the literature present more variety of uses and origins.

figure c
Fig. 7
figure 7

Tools’ repositories by category (y-axis on logarithmic scale)

4.4 Repository Activity and Relevance

This section seeks to answer RQ4 by studying the activity and relevance of the repositories importing the mutation testing tools under study. To do this, we analyzed the values of different measures extracted from GitHub related to activity (commits of the repositories) and popularity (contributors, watchers, stars and forks), and calculated several statistics by mutation tool. This allows us to observe the tools attracting more attention from highly active and popular projects.

Figure 8 displays quartiles, median, minimum and maximum values of commits submitted to repositories importing each mutation tool. The highest median of commits is found in Mutmut, with 79 commits. However, Mutmut and also MuJava are the only tools not referenced in at least one project with more than 1K commits. In a second group, Mutant, PIT, StrykerJS and Stryker.NET present a similar distribution, with medians in the range 45-60 commits. It is surprising, however, the low median of commits in repositories importing Infection and Humbug (9 and 5, respectively), being these two of the most used tools. This might be due to the boost in the number of repositories created in 2021 that use these two tools in comparison to other tools (see Fig. 4) —that is, the period of activity of those repositories is shorter—. It might also suggest that many of their repositories will not be active the next year. Regardless of its low median, Infection appears in a good number of projects with a high volume of commits —shown as outliers—. Namely, 16 out of the 19 projects with more than 10,000 commits reference Infection. This includes the project with the maximum number of commits observed overall (235,708)Footnote 15 —related to the procurement of masks in Taiwan—, followed by two projects belonging to phpMyAdmin —composerFootnote 16 and phpMyAdmin’s main repository (see footnote 12)— with 123,474 and 121,828 commits, respectively.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Commits per mutation tool (y-axis on logarithmic scale)

Figure 9 shows the distribution of repositories based on the total number of commits overall, and per category. As illustrated in Fig. 9a, 41.8% of the repositories (1,488 out of 3,581) received 10 or fewer commits, and 26% (927 out of 3,581) received between 11 and 50 commits. This reflects a limited activity in the projects importing mutation tools. This low activity was especially observed in unclassified (Fig 9g) and learning projects (Fig 9f) where 81.1% and 78% of the projects, respectively, received 50 commits or fewer. As observed in our manual revision, a large portion of these projects are often small and poorly documented examples or proofs of concepts with limited activity. On the contrary, projects extending the mutation tools under study (Fig. 9e) are more active with 50% of the projects having received 51 commits or more. In the middle, we find teaching (Fig 9c), research (Fig 9d) and development projects (Fig 9b) with 40.4%, 40% and 38.2% of the projects, respectively, having received 51 commits or more. Finally, 79% of the projects with more than 500 commits (162 out of 205) fall into the category development, being PIT, Infection and StrykerJS the main mutation testing tools used by these repositories. Teaching projects occupy the second position in this ranking with 17 repositories (8%) with more than 500 commits, leading the list of imports PIT, StrykerJS and Mutant. These results reflect that the most active projects are those dedicated to development, regardless of the mutation tool used.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Distribution of commits

Figure 10 shows several boxplots with the distribution of different popularity-related metrics of the GitHub projects importing the mutation testing tools under study. Specifically, the graphs show on a logarithmic scale the distribution of contributors, watchers, stars, and forks, including their quartiles, median value, minimum, maximum, and outliers. As illustrated, distributions are generally low, with noticeable exceptions in the forms of outliers, especially in Infection, Mutant, PIT and StrykerJS. Thus, to simplify the analysis of the results, outliers over 50 in contributors, watchers, stars, or forks will be deemed as highly popular or relevant projects.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Contributors, watchers, stars and forks (y-axis on logarithmic scale)

Regarding contributors, all the mutation tools are imported in repositories with 10 or fewer contributors —excluding outliers—, with MuJava being the only tool with a median value over one (2). This clearly shows that most of these repositories were generated with individualistic purposes (e.g., to perform a lab activity, to develop basic or ad hoc applications, or to store personal resources), while only a few of them stem from the joint collaboration of a large group of developers in a community, public entity or company. Regarding the latter, interestingly, 74 repositories integrating PIT count with 418 contributors, all from the same owner (HM Courts & Tribunals Service, UK government). Apart from those, half of the repositories with over 50 contributors import StrykerJS (18 out of 36). Most repositories have 5 watchers or fewer, again with MuJava having the highest median value (2). Among the set of repositories that are watched by 50 or more GitHub users, PIT is the tool with more associated repositories (17 out of 23). With regard to stars and forks, the median value is 0 for all the tools. Altogether, the low number of watchers, stars and forks in general, reflects that most of these repositories contain toy, small-sized or still incomplete projects that are not meant to be distributed globally. Contrarily, some of them may have not received much attention from the community despite that being the original intention (as it can be grasped from the details of installation and use in some of the readme files). Using 50 as a threshold, PIT (26 repositories), StrykerJS (23) and Infection (20) are the tools more frequently integrated into the most starred repositories. Similarly, PIT (14 repositories), Infection (10) and StrykerJS (4) are the tools more commonly imported in highly forked repositories. Among the most relevant projects based on these metrics, we can cite the main repository of CheckstyleFootnote 17 (using PIT), with 6,072 stars and 7,894 forks, and phpMyAdmin (using Infection), with 291 watchers.

figure d

5 Action Points

The results of our study open new promising research directions. Among others, we identify the following action points to complement our findings and delve into their causes.

  1. 1.

    Further investigation of mutation tools. Our results show that some mutation testing tools are clearly more popular than others and that the popularity of a tool in the research arena and in practice does not usually go hand in hand. The results of our study, and in particular our dataset, may be an excellent starting point for investigating the causes behind these findings, for example, by conducting a survey among the developers of the most popular projects using each mutation tool.

  2. 2.

    Understanding the use of mutation testing in practice. Our study investigates what mutation testing tools are used in practice, but not how. Such investigation would be of great interest to better understand the strengths and drawbacks of the technique in practice. For example, are all mutation operators equally used? is mutating testing used during the whole development process or only at certain phases? is it integrated into CI/CD pipelines? Answering these and other questions would certainly require interacting with developers and, again, our dataset could act as a useful source to identify promising subject projects.

  3. 3.

    Collecting the opinions of users. Related to the previous point, it would be very helpful to collect the opinions of the actual users of the technique regarding its benefits and limitations. Such insights would be of interest to foster the development of tools and techniques driven by the actual needs of practitioners. Again, our work could be a good starting point to identify popular and mature projects where the different mutation testing tools are currently in use.

  4. 4.

    Comparison of mutation testing tools. We identified some of the most popular mutation tools in practice, including their target artifacts and programming languages, but we did not perform a rigorous comparison of their main features. Such comparison would be of great interest to better understand the potential of current tool support and, perhaps, to explain why some tools are more popular than others. Also, such comparison could serve as the starting point for the definition of guidelines for the development of better mutation testing tools.

  5. 5.

    Conducting further repository mining studies. The results of our study show the potential of repository mining to better understand the current state of practice on mutation testing, but it only scratches the surface. Hence, for example, our work could be complemented with similar studies in other platforms such as Bitbucket or GitLab. Also, it would be nice to increase the degree of automation of the analysis of the repositories. Ideally, this would serve as an effective mechanism to monitor the use of mutation testing in practice. Last, but not least, similar studies could be conducted with different objectives such as understanding the evolution of projects using mutation testing or the performance of the technique when used at scale.

6 Related Work

In this section, we discuss the related work on mutation testing and repository mining.

6.1 Mutation Testing

Mutation testing has been extensively analyzed and studied in the literature. Several systematic literature reviews (Jia and Harman 2011; Offutt and Untch 2001; Papadakis et al. 2019) addressed mutation testing from a general point of view or focused on more particular issues within the topic, such as the techniques to reduce its cost (Pizzoleto et al. 2019; Usaola and Mateo 2010). Some other studies examine various mutation testing tools and compare them following a variety of perspectives. A recent work assesses the effectiveness of the three mutation tools for Java (PIT, MuJava and Major) in the detection of faults (Kintis et al. 2018). The experiments conducted demonstrate that, while none of these mutation tools completely subsumes the others, an improved version of PIT with research purposes is the more effective tool at inducing test cases that could reveal real faults. Another group of papers deepens on technical aspects regarding the usage of mutation testing tools, such as the efficiency, controllability or the compatibility and integration with a test environment. Although most of these studies focus on Java tools (Delahaye and du Bousquet 2015; Márki and Lindström 2017), some other programming languages have been considered too, like C# (Uzunbayir and Kurtel 2019). The study by Delahaye and du Bousquet (2015) identifies three different profiles that can influence the election of a mutation tool: teaching, research and industry. They conclude that PIT is a good choice for the industry and the teaching profile, where tools should be easy to apply and, in the particular case of the industry, should have a good balance between efficiency and meaningfulness of results. According to the survey by Papadakis et al. (2019), PIT, MuJava and Major for Java, and Proteum for C are the mutation tools more frequently used in experimental studies. Some of these results are reflected in our study mining GitHub. MuJava mostly appears in research projects and PIT is mainly imported in development and teaching repositories, but it is also the tool with more repositories dedicated to research.

As for the application of mutation tools in the development of software projects, some works have shown the possible benefits of transferring mutation testing concepts from academia to industry, carrying out empirical studies with open-source applications (Just et al. 2014) and industrial projects (Delgado-Pérez et al. 2018). In fact, a recent study by Petrović et al. (2021a) reveals that mutation testing has positive long-term effects on the testing practices of developers. Also, some recent studies analyze the use of the technique in large companies. Google (Petrovic et al. 2021b) implements its own mutation system for seven programming languages and applies a diff-based probabilistic approach to reduce the prohibitive computational expenses of traditional mutation analysis. In the study by Beller et al. (2021), more than half of the mutants generated –based on some error-inducing patterns– were not detected by Facebook’s rigorous tests.

This study complements previous work by providing a detailed and updated picture of the state of mutation testing in practice by looking into GitHub. Rather than focusing on specific companies or tools, we provide a general overview of the use of the technique in the wild providing helpful insights and trends that will hopefully contribute to narrow the gap between research and practice.

6.2 Repository Mining

Data mining is defined as the process of exploring and analyzing large data sets (e.g., from databases or information repositories) in order to discover meaningful patterns and rules (Aggarwal and Zhai 2012; Pujari 2001; Witten et al. 2017). Data mining has become a highly-demanded task with wide applications, which has attracted many researchers and developers. Among the most commonly mined data sources in recent times, we find GitHub, which is the platform of reference when mining open-source repositories to learn from past experiences (Borges et al. 2016; Cosentino et al. 2016; Gonzalez et al. 2020; Gousios and Spinellis 2017; Kalliamvakou et al. 2014; Xiong et al. 2017).

We found some recent studies on mining data from repositories in GitHub (Borges et al. 2016; Kalliamvakou et al. 2014). Borges et al. (2016) proposed a study on the popularity of software systems hosted at GitHub. This study reveals that repositories owned by organizations are more popular than those owned by individuals. They also reported a strong correlation between stars and forks, and the importance of a large number of contributors to the success of open-source software. In the experience by Kalliamvakou et al. (Kalliamvakou et al. 2014), the best way to identify the software projects with more activity is to consider those projects that have a good balance of number of commits and pull requests, and have a number of committers and authors larger than 2. The number of issues can also be used as an indicator, but not all active projects use GitHub’s issue tracker.

There exist different alternatives to retrieve automatically information from GitHub. In (Mombach1 and Valente 2018), the authors made a comparative study among the three most used methods to mining data from GitHub up to 2018: GitHub REST API, GHTorrent and GitHub Archive. They concluded that REST API was more appropriate when it is important to retrieve the most recent data up to date. GitHub Archive collected data since 2011 and GHTorrent from 2012 to June 2019, when part of its functionality was no longer supported (Cosentino et al. 2016; Gousios 2013; Kalliamvakou et al. 2014; Mombach1 and Valente 2018). Recently, Brito et al. (Brito and Valente 2020) published an experiment comparing REST API vs GraphQL, the most popular tools for mining GitHub nowadays. The authors found that GraphQL requires less effort to implement API queries than REST API, and it provides GraphiQL, a web app to test GraphQL queries with autocomplete options.

Compared to previous work, in this paper we provide a novel application of repository mining in GitHub: studying the use of mutation testing in practice.

7 Threats to Validity

The factors that could have influenced our study are summarized in the following internal and external validity threats.

Internal validity. This refers to whether there is sufficient evidence to support the conclusions and the sources of bias that could compromise those conclusions. Our work is based on the assumption that software projects importing a mutation testing tool (e.g., library) most likely use or have used that tool at some point, although this might not be always true. This threat is minimized by the number of manually reviewed repositories, over 3.5K, which dilutes the potential effect of these unlikely cases where the mutation tool is imported, but not used.

The data collection method could also threaten the validity of our work. To mitigate this threat, we resorted to automated methods whenever it was possible, including the use of web scraping and automated queries on the GraphQL API of GitHub. We managed to define search strings for 55 out of the 83 mutation tools with a name (this could not be done for some tools as we did not find a website that provided the required information). Despite our best efforts analyzing individually each tool, we may have missed some search strings. However, the fact that we found more than 6K repositories with traces of 44 different tools makes us confident that the procedure followed has been adequate. We manually checked the validity of the data at each step, for example, by randomly comparing the data returned by the scrapper and the web API with those observed in the GitHub web platform.

The manual review and classification of the repositories could also threaten the validity of the results, since some repositories could have been misclassified. To minimize this threat, the four authors of the paper participated actively in the review process following a common review procedure. We found some repositories that were hard to classify with confidence. For instance, sometimes it was difficult to discern whether a repository with some toy examples had been created for a teaching/tutorial session or by a novice programmer that sought to learn a particular technology. These repositories were reviewed by all the authors in several working sessions until reaching a consensus. Regarding the classification of repositories into industry, academia or public institution, we based on the profile of the repository’s owner; however, whether this information was conveniently updated by the owners on the platform (e.g., when changing from academia to industry or vice-versa) cannot be ascertained. Similarly, we cannot determine whether a project was developed in a moment when the owner had a different role than the one currently stated in the profile. To mitigate this threat, most of the analyses were performed manually checking all the information available in the corresponding repositories, including the links to external resources and, exceptionally, even the source code. This threat is also partially mitigated by the number of reviewed repositories, over 3.5K, which minimizes the effect of possible misclassified repositories.

Finally, our work is focused on the study of public repositories only, but surely there exists private repositories importing the mutation testing tools under study. Unfortunately, the analysis of such repositories is beyond our reach.

External validity. This refers to the generalizability of the conclusions. Widening the scope of our work to other platforms beyond GitHub (e.g., Bitbucket (https://bitbucket.org/)) could have yielded different results. However, the size and the popularity of GitHub in related mining studies make us confident in the validity of the reported trends.

Also, our study focuses on mutation tools leaving traces of their use in GitHub, e.g., libraries. However, there exist other ways of using mutation tools that do not usually leave traces in code repositories like, for example, those released as an IDE plugin, as an executable file, or as a docker image. A more comprehensive analysis of such uses would require other experimental means (e.g., surveys) and is beyond the scope of this article.

Finally, we focused on active projects (i.e., those with at least one commit in the last 12 months) due to the search restrictions of GitHub and to make our work affordable. This also allowed us to study the current use of mutation testing in practice. Removing this restriction, however, would certainly throw different results.

8 Conclusions

In this paper, we report the findings of a study on the use of mutation testing in practice by looking into GitHub. Specifically, we systematically searched for GitHub repositories including traces of the use of 127 different mutation testing tools released in the last two decades. Then, we focused on the top ten more widely used tools and manually revised the active repositories importing them, over 3.5K. The results show a notable upturn in interest and activity in recent years, mostly focused on a small set of highly popular tools. The impact of the technique transcends specific programming languages with the ten most widely used tools targeting Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, and .Net. The predominant use of mutation testing is development, followed by teaching and learning, and research. We found notable users of the technique including public institutions and relevant open-source projects. Interestingly, some of the most widely used tools in GitHub are rarely found in research papers, this is the case of Infection and Humbug for PHP, and StrykerJS for JavaScript. Our results open new promising research directions including new empirical studies, both quantitative and qualitative, that complement our finding and delve into their causes. Overall, our work provides a novel perspective on the use of mutation testing in the wild and show the potential of repository mining studies to close the gap between research and practice.