I shall require that [the] logical form [of a scientific system] shall be such that it can be singled out, by means of empirical tests, in a negative sense: it must be possible for an empirical scientific system to be refuted by experience. —Karl Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 1959 (Popper 2002, p19)

1 Introduction

Mobile malware is now established as a serious threat. Its volume has increased steadily in recent years, in particular within the Android ecosystem whose popularity has attracted significant interest from malware writers. Security reports by Google, the Android platform maintainer, as well as by antivirus vendors even indicate that mobile malware is increasingly sophisticated and evolves fast, which suggests that organised criminal groups are heavily invested in producing and distributing malware at scale. To overcome this threat, the research community has quickly turned to machine learning techniques (Arp et al. 2014; Mariconti et al. 2017; Avdiienko et al. 2015; Garcia et al. 2018; Gascon et al. 2013; Jerome et al. 2014; Narayanan et al. 2017) as a potential panacea for identifying malware at scale within market apps and on users’ devices. Approaches proposed in the literature have been reported to successfully identify a great deal of malware samples with little analysis effort (e.g., sometimes just enumerating requested permissions as learning features) and without any prior knowledge on the actual malicious behaviour to identify.

Recently, however, a number of studies have started to explicitly cast doubts on the performance achievements that are claimed in the literature. Notably, researchers have raised some concerns about the variety of evaluation biases that many works carry. For example, Allix et al. (2015) and Allix et al. (2016a) then (Pendlebury et al. 2019) have experimentally shown that the performance of malware detectors that are described in the literature is actually highly dependent on experimental parameters, such as dataset construction or evaluation methodology. Evaluation is indeed often biased towards reaching high performance while overlooking a general threat to validity in the fact that the machine learning paradigm itself brings its own share of variability in performance (Islam et al. 2017; Hutson 2018).

Evaluating the performance of a Security system is challenging (Van der Kouwe et al. 2019). Yet, to advance research on malware detectors, the community needs to ensure that evaluations of the approaches are comprehensive and reliable. Traditionally, research communities in various domains rely on independent reproduction to either adjust the level of trust in published results, and to uncover potential biases or limitations not considered in the original publication (Duvendack et al. 2015; Fokkens et al. 2013; Gundersen and Kjensmo 2018).

Reproducibility is an important criterion for acknowledging a research contribution. It is highly related to the concepts of repeatability and replicability. The exact meaning of these terms (i.e., Repeatability, Reproducibility, and Replicability) can however vary over time and across research fields (Plesser 2018). In the remainder of this paper we will refer to the Terminology section of ACM’s Artefact Review and Badging policy (Association for Computer Machinery 2020)Footnote 1. The concepts differ mainly on who re-performs the experiments and/or whether the experimental setup is changed from the original one:

  • Repeatability: “Same team, same experimental setup”;

  • Reproducibility: “Different team, same experimental setup”;

  • Replicability: “Different team, different experimental setup”.

Given that the community must validate the assessment results provided by specific research groups in the literature, reproducibility appears to be the key concern.

Although there is a consensus on the benefits brought by reproduction, its conditions and practical barriers have so far received little attention in the field of Android malware detection. In recent years, the concerns have culminated to the extent that many major venues encourage the review of research artefacts in parallel to the submitted papers.

This paper

We consider the possibility to reproduce machine learning based malware detection approaches by focusing on potentially influential research results presented at major venues. After applying filtering criteria (which are developed in Sect. 3.1), we have identified five approaches that are relevant for our empirical analysis on reproducibility of machine learning based Android malware detection approaches. Notably, our study investigates the following research questions:

figure a

To answer these questions, we embark on a complete reproduction attempt of the five identified literature approaches that rely on machine learning techniques to perform

binary classification and family identification of Android apps:

  • DREBIN, which was presented by Arp et al. (2014) at the NDSS symposium in 2014. With over a thousand citations, this work is regarded as a first breakthrough in this research direction.

  • MaMaDroid, which was presentedFootnote 2 by Mariconti et al. (2017) again at the NDSS symposium in 2017. This state of the art has also rapidly collected over a hundred citations.

  • RevealDroid, which was published by Garcia et al. (2018) in the TOSEM journal in 2018. This work has been also presented at ICSE in the same year and has collected more than 50 citations.

  • DroidCat, which was published in the TIFS journal in 2019 by Cai et al. (2019) and has collected more than 30 citations.

  • MalScan, the most recent identified approach, which has been presented at ASE in 2019 by Wu et al. (2019).

Overall, our experiments have resulted in: (1) successfully reproducing MalScan approach; (2) successfully replicating DREBIN, MaMaDroid, and RevealDroid; (3) and failure to reproduce and replicate DroidCat

The paper reports on our following contributions:

  • We discuss the implications of the practical obstacles that must be overcome when attempting to reproduce state-of-the-art approaches from the literature;

  • We present a detailed explanation of why the reproduction attempts eventually turn into replication studies in machine learning based malware detection;

  • We discuss how other scientific fields, when faced with similar questions, are trying to outgrow from what is often called the Reproduction Crisis;

  • We detail the consequences of non-reproducibility for the field of Android Malware Detection research.

2 Ingredients for Building a Machine Learning based Malware Detector

We revisit in this section the typical building blocks of an ML-based malware detector. The general workflow requires labelled datasets for training and testing ML models, a well-defined feature engineering procedure (features extraction + embedding) as well as a selection of supervised learning algorithms for classification. Figure 1 illustrates the various building blocks which are further detailed as follows.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Traditional machine learning building blocks

2.1 Datasets

The first step in conducting a machine learning experiment is to collect a dataset. Such a dataset must be relevant to the prediction task (e.g., a dataset of apps with labels on maliciousness state is necessary to classify an android app as malware or goodware) and complete (e.g., the dataset must contain both malware and goodware). For the case of Android, labelled datasets can be collected from different sources:

  • Curated malware datasets, such as Genome (Zhou and Jiang 2012) and DREBIN (Arp et al. 2014).

  • Android app markets such as the official Google Play Store, and alternative markets like Amazon Appstore and AppChina.

  • AndroZoo (Allix et al. 2016b), which is a growing collection of over 13 million Android apps regularly crawled from app markets.

For practicality reasons, in order to label app samples in a large scale manner, researchers rely on antivirus engines or online services such as VirusTotalFootnote 3 to determine if an app sample is malware or goodware. Depending on the level of consensus among different antivirus decisions, malware datasets may be more or less noised. For example, while many evaluation scenarios consider an app to be malicious as long as it is flagged by any antivirus, some researchers define a threshold of n (with n > 1) antivirus agreements for considering a sample as malware.

2.2 Feature Extraction

Once datasets are collected, researchers proceed to identify app features that must be extracted to build representations of each sample. Such feature engineering is focused on making explicit the characteristics that can help discriminate malware from goodware samples. There is a variety of features that can be extracted from the APK filesFootnote 4. The most common ones in the literature are permissions, App components, intents, API calls, and network addresses. Various tools are then leveraged to perform feature extraction, including AAPT2 (Android Asset Packaging Tool)Footnote 5, AndroData (Khatter and Malik 2015), AppExtractor (Zhao et al. 2015), and AndroParse (Schmicker et al. 2019).

2.3 Embedding

Machine learning algorithms take as input numerical vectors that are amenable to computing in a vector space. Such vectors are constructed based on details of the extracted features. The idea of embedding is to create a vector space that translates the information contained in the features (e.g., a vector space that has the value 1 if the dimension (the feature) is present in the app, and 0 otherwise)

2.4 Classification

Once feature vectors are extracted for the samples in the dataset, learning algorithms can be applied to build classifiers. There are two types of classification:

  • Binary classification, which is most prevalent, consists in predicting whether a sample belongs to the malware class or the goowdware class.

  • Multi-class classification which promotes a finer-grained prediction, mainly to the level of which malware family the sample is associated to.

To evaluate classification approaches, a labelled dataset is required where each sample is known to be malware or goodware. Then, the dataset is split into:

  • A training set, which is leveraged by the learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines (Hearst et al. 1998) and Random Forests (Breiman 2001) to uncover the relationships between the input feature vectors, and the output class. Generally, the learning algorithm tries to discover the discrimination thresholds between classes in the vector space.

  • A test set, which is separate from the training set, but drawn from the same distribution, is used to assess the performance of the trained classifier. Performance metrics are computed by comparing the predictions of the classifier on each test sample against the ground truth class of the sample.

Besides the datasets, which may impact the performance of the classifiers, some hyper-parameters tuning for the learning algorithms may significantly impact the resulting classifier.

figure b

3 Reproduction

We now describe our journey to reproduce five approaches identified from the literature. First, we present the selection criteria, which eventually led to the identification of DREBIN (Arp et al. 2014), MaMaDroid (Mariconti et al. 2017), RevealDroid (Garcia et al. 2018), DroidCat (Cai et al. 2019), and MalScan (Wu et al. 2019). Then, for each reproduction subject, we (1) introduce the approach, (2) describe how we reproduce the building blocks of the machine learning approach, and (3) quantitatively compare the results obtained based on our reproduction against the results presented in the original publication. We note that we have contacted the original authors in order to ask them for some artefacts, and some problems encountered during the reproduction process.

figure c

3.1 Reproduction Subject Selection

To select our candidate approaches, we have relied on the following methodology: First, we consider 16 major venues in Software Engineering, Security, and Machine Learning (EMSE, TIFS, TOSEM, TSE, FSE, ASE, ICSE, NDSS, S&P, Usenix Security, CCS, AsiaCCS, SIGKDD, NIPS, ICML, and IJCAI) that are consensuallyFootnote 6 tagged as the top venues in their respective domains.

Papers presented at these top conferences/journals in the last ten years (i.e., from 2009-2019) are then listed as the subject population. Then, we selected candidate papers that have {malware or malicious} and {classification or detection or android or mobile} in their title. Note that we have used these six keywords in order to maximise the chance to find the papers that deal with Android malware detection. Table 1 summarises the statistics of relevant subjects.

Table 1 Number of listed and candidate papers from the 16 venues

We then examined each of the 82 candidate papers individually and applied our first selection criteria as follows: (1) the paper must propose an approach (i.e., not about empirical analysis or surveys); (2) the paper must deal specifically with malware detection. 58 papers out of 82 have not satisfied these criteria, and then could not pass to the second round of selection.

Table 18 in Appendix includes justifications for the rejection of these 58 candidate papers based on the enumerated criteria.

The 24 remaining papers indeed matched our topic, and then passed to the second round of selection. At this stage, we examined again each paper individually, and we applied our second selection criteria as follows: (3) the paper must provide some artefacts to build on; (4) the paper must provide enough details about how to perform the experiments. Unfortunately, 19 papers out of 24 do not provide enough information about the dataset used in their experiments (or provide information only about a subset of the apps) and (or) do not share their artefacts (or provide enough details about their experiments) which makes it impossible to reproduce the approach. We present in Table 2 the details about the availability of the artefacts for these 19 papers.

Table 2 Short listed Papers. Yellow colour highlights the selected papers

In the end, six papers (out of 82) have satisfied the minimum criteria for the reproduction attempt. Our paper (Allix et al. 2016a) indeed matches our selection criteria, but we can not attempt its reproduction based on ACM terminology.

We present in Table 2 the details about the availability of the artefacts for the 24 papers that match our topic, including the 5 selected papers that are highlighted in yellow.


In 2014, Arp et al. (2014) have proposed an approach that performs a broad static analysis of Android apps to collect a large number of features for learning to discriminate malware from goodware. The analysis concerned both the disassembled bytecode as well as metadata from the Manifest file. Overall, their DREBIN approach uses 8 types of features: Hardware components, Requested permissions, App components, Filtered intents, Restricted API calls, Used permissions, Suspicious API calls, and Network addresses.

3.2.1 Dataset

To reproduce DREBIN’s experiments, we obtained from the authors their original dataset of 5560 malware APK files, which represents 4.3% of the total number of apps used in their original publication. Unfortunately, the goodware dataset of 123 453 apks is not provided. Instead, the authors release the list of the apks’ SHA256 hashes. For our reproduction effort, we have leveraged AndroZoo (Allix et al. 2016b), which is to the best of our knowledge the largest collection of Android apps, to build up again the original goodware set. Unfortunately, after searching through the 10 millions of samples available at the time of the study in AndroZoo, we have managed to retrieve only a subset of 57 307 applications (i.e., only 46.42% of the dataset used for the original experiments). Therefore, in order to keep the reproduction experiment as close as possible to the original experimental setup, we opted to complement the goodware dataset by selecting goodware samples in AndroZoo from the same period as indicated in the DREBIN publication (i.e., August 2010 - October 2012). Overall, Table 3 provides a summary of our collected dataset.

Table 3 DREBIN dataset

3.2.2 Feature Extraction

The feature set is presented by DREBIN’s authors as a key contribution in their publication. They provide artefacts where different files already record the extracted features for their dataset apps. Given that we undertake to reproduce the entire approach, including the feature extraction process, we must re-run feature extractors on the collected dataset.

DREBIN uses four sets of features (hardware components, requested permissions, app components (names attributed by the developer to activities, services, content providers and broadcast receivers components), filtered intents) that are extracted from the manifest file, using the Android Asset Packaging Tool, and four other sets of features (restricted API calls, used permissions, suspicious API calls, network addresses) that are extracted from the disassembled code. Since the feature extraction scripts were not made available by the DREBIN authors, we relied on externally re-implemented extractorsFootnote 7 (Narayanan et al. 2017). It is noteworthy that we opted to port the code from python2.7—which is now considered End of Life—to python3, and to use up-to-date libraries, in particular AndroGuard (Desnos and Gueguen 2011) that performs most of the APK processing. We have made sure that the porting has no impact on the output of the implemented code, and while not strictly required for the purpose of this reproduction, this software update will allow our own reproduction to outlive the already started phasing out of Python2.7.

After extracting the features, the size of the usable dataset is reduced, and passed from 5560 to 5479 apps for the malware, and from 57 307 to 57 300 apps for the goodware. This reduction is mainly due to the presence of invalid APK files. The goodware apps used to complete the goodware dataset are incrementally collected in order to have, after the features extraction, the total number of goodware samples that is used in the original publication. Our final completed dataset is then composed of 5479 malware applications, and 123 453 goodware samples as presented in Table 3

3.2.3 Feature Embedding

The extracted features are combined together to create vectors that are mapped into a n-dimensional vector space where n is the total number of the extracted features. Typically, given the n features extracted, if a feature exists in a sample apk, the vector associated to the apk will have the value 1 at the index corresponding to the feature. Otherwise, the value will be 0.

Although the original code to embed the extracted features into a vector-space amenable for machine learning is not available, the embedding process was adequately documented, hence the embedding component was readily re-implemented in previous work by Narayanan et al. (2017). Nevertheless, for practical reasons, we could only re-use the feature extraction scripts provided by Narayanan et al.. Indeed, Narayanan et al. re-used the feature set of DREBIN, but with a different experimental setup and the feature embedding step was too tightly coupled with their own setup to be re-used in the context of a full reproduction attempt.

3.2.4 Classification

DREBIN relies on Support Vector Machines (SVM) to predict the class (malware or goodware) of a given app. Like most machine learning algorithms, SVM has various options referred to as hyper-parameters. The relevance of these parameters is indirectly acknowledged in the original paper through the statement

“The detection model and respective parameters of DREBIN are determined on the known partition […]”(Arp et al. 2014)

No further mention is made about the actual hyper-parameter tuning that was performed. In particular, neither the values that were set nor the methods that were used to determine those values are documented. To work around this issue, Narayanan et al. had to come up with their own method of selecting C—the most important parameter of SVM—that may or may not be equivalent to what was done in the original work. We adopt our own strategy: after preliminary testing on more than 200 values of C, we noticed that C had in this case negligible impact for values of C comprised between 0.01 and 100. Thus, we opted to set C = 1, which is the default value implemented in scikit-learnFootnote 8, the popular Machine-Learning framework that we used for our reproduction experiments.

DREBIN authors indicate that 66% of their dataset has been used as a training set, and 33% as a test set. This procedure has been repeated 10 times and the results are averaged. The dataset partitioning and the way the performance metrics are computed is adequately documented, and we faced no difficulty when re-implementing this part.

The original publication was not accompanied with code artefacts on the classification part either, and did not provide a precise description of the implementation. We have implemented it ourselves, as part of the reproduction effort, using the scikit-learn framework.

3.2.5 Results

The results of our experiments show that DREBIN’s approach reaches a recall score of 0.92. In the original publication, the model was reported to detect 94% of the malware. We provide in Fig. 2 the ROC curve extracted from DREBIN’s publication, which represents the plot of the true-positive rate against the false positive rate. Our experiments lead to a slightly different ROC curve presented in Fig. 3. The reproduced model slightly outperforms the original one, but the overall performance is similar.

Fig. 2
figure 2

ROC curve from DREBIN publication

Fig. 3
figure 3

ROC curve from reproduction experiments

3.3 MaMaDroid

In 2017, Mariconti et al. (2017) presented at the NDSS conference the MaMaDroid malware detection system, which attempts to characterise the application behaviour (Mariconti et al. 2017). An extended version (Onwuzurike et al. 2019) has even been recently published in the ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security. MaMadroid leverages the sequence of API calls that are performed by each app. In order to extract the sequence of API calls, a call graph is statically generated using the Soot (Vallée-Rai et al. 1999; Lam et al. 2011) static analysis framework and FlowDroid (Arzt et al. 2014) for flow and context preservation. Concretely, extracted API calls are abstracted to either:

  • package: the package name of the callee. E.g., java.lang

  • or family: the first component of the package name of the callee. E.g., java, android, google

MaMaDroid then models the transitions between the abstracted API calls as Markov chains and uses a representation of those Markov chains as features for the machine learning prediction task.

3.3.1 Dataset

Experiments in the MaMaDroid publications are performed with a dataset consisting of 8447 goodware samples and 35 493 malware samples. The publication precisely describes the origin of the goodware set:

  • 5879 apps are collected from PlayDrone (Viennot et al. 2014) in the period between April and November 2013. They form a subset referred to as oldbenign;

  • 2568 apps are retrieved from the Google Play StoreFootnote 9. They are selected by considering “the top 100 apps in each of the 29 categories […] as of March 7, 2016” (Mariconti et al. 2017). This subset is referred to as newbenign.

The malware dataset is split into five groups:

  • 5560 malware apps coming from the DREBIN’s paper (August 2010 - October 2012), denoted as drebin;

  • 2013: 6228 apps obtained from VirusShareFootnote 10;

  • 2014: 15 417 apps obtained from VirusShare;

  • 2015: 5314 apps obtained from VirusShare;

  • 2016: 2974 apps obtained from VirusShare.

Since the APK files are not directly provided by original authors, we have based our search on the lists of SHA256 hashes and the identified sources in order to retrieve the original apps. We provide in Table 16 in Appendix a detailed explanation of our dataset collection process.

Table 4 summarises the number of applications described in the original paper, the one provided in the lists of hashes, and the apps we have been able to download for oldbenign, newbenign, drebin, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 datasets.

Table 4 MaMaDroid’s dataset

3.3.2 Feature Extraction

MaMaDroid’s authors make available the records of the extracted features from their experiments. Nevertheless, as for reproduction experiments of DREBIN, our goal is to achieve a full reproduction of MaMaDroid, including the feature extraction process. We thus discard the pre-computed features, and undertake to re-compute all features from the raw APKs.

Due to the presence of invalid APK files (Plain text, HTML, MS Word, ...), and analysis failures in Soot (as summarised in Table 5) during the process of extracting the features, the static analyser could produce call graphs for only 5410, 1446, 5445, 6089, 13 961, 4294, and 2317 apps, for oldbenign, newbenign, drebin, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 respectively as described in Table 4.

Table 5 Number of invalid APKs and number of failed feature extractions

Due to the low number of samples that could be considered after features extraction for newbenign (i.e., 56.30%), we decided to complete the dataset with apps from AndroZoo. Following the information in MaMaDroid, we select only apps until 7 March 2016.

The code to extract the features was made available by original authors. However, we noticed a potential problem with the way call graphs are processed by the provided code. This specific issue will be detailed in the discussion in Section 4, as we consider it to be a good illustration of the complexity that may arise from seemingly mundane details.

We had to adapt parts of the code so that it could run on a different directory structure than that of the original authors. We have also decided to port the code from python2 to python3, for the same reasons mentioned before. We believe that porting the code is not needed in order to perform our reproduction, but it will make it useful for other researchers that want to use DREBIN or MaMaDroid.

3.3.3 Feature Embedding

As described by its authors, MaMaDroid operates in two modes:

  • In package mode (i.e., when API calls are abstracted to package names). A list of known packages provided by the Android Operating System is used to map API calls to their package name. Calls to code defined in an app (i.e., not part of the Android Framework) are abstracted to self-defined, while obfuscated code are mapped to obfuscated.

  • In family mode, there are 11 possible families, i.e., developer-defined, obfuscated, android, google, java, javax , xml, apache, junit, json, dom. The last 9 families refer to android.⋆, com.google.⋆, java.⋆, javax.⋆, org.xml.⋆, org.apache.⋆, junit.⋆, org.json, and org.w3c.dom.⋆ packages.

The code for the feature embedding is provided by authors. However, we noticed discrepancies between the provided code and the paper. While both the original paper (Mariconti et al. 2017) and its newer, extended version (Onwuzurike et al. 2019) explicitly state that the Android API version level considered is 24, the code instead uses level 28, or 26 in an older version of the code repository. The version considered has an impact on the list of packages, and potentially on families, known to the feature extractor program, and hence actually extracted. Since none of the two versions available to us matched the paper, we opted to use the latest version of the code that considers level 28.

Additionally, the extracted features as provided by original authors correspond to a filtering step that is described in Section 4.A of their paper (Mariconti et al. 2017), but the provided code does not perform this filtering. We therefore had to adapt this filtering step so that it matches the experiment described in the original paper.

Markov chains are built using the abstracted calls as the states, and the probabilities of moving from one state to another as the transitions. For each app, the feature vector is created using the probabilities of the transitions. States that are not present in a chain take the value of 0 in the feature vector. In family mode, each call is abstracted to one of the 11 families. Thus, there are 121 features representing the possible transitions in the markov chain. In package mode, the total number of the features stated in the paper is 115 600 and it represents the transitions between 340 states.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has also been used in several of MaMaDroid’s experiments. It is a dimension-reduction tool, used to transform a large set of variables to a small set. The transformed set still contains most of the amount of information, and it is made of components that are linear combinations of the large set. Thus, PCA reduces the huge amount of memory needed to train the model and to perform the classification. The results of the experiments are reported using Precision, Recall, and f1 scores. In the paper, PCA is used with 10 selected components.

We note that the CSV files generated with authors’ script do not match the expected output. In particular, when abstracting to family mode, all the feature vectors of the generated files are set to 0, and when abstracting to package mode, they are all set to 0 except the ones that represent transitions between obfuscated and selfdefined states. We have therefore examined the code of the authors, and we have made the necessary modifications so the calls are abstracted to the correct family/package. We note that we had also to modify the list of families provided in the code. In particular, we have changed xml., apache., dom., and json. to org.xml., org.apache., org.w3c.dom., and org.json. so the calls can be abstracted to the corresponding families, using the correct name of the package.

3.3.4 Classification

The Random Forests ensemble learning algorithm is leveraged in MaMaDroid for malware classification. In the original publication, the authors have explicitly discussed the values of the hyper-parameters. In family mode, MaMaDroid uses 51 trees with maximum depth of 8, while in package mode, they use 101 trees of maximum depth of 64. We note that MaMaDroid has actually been tested with 4 classification algorithms, namely Random Forests, 1-Nearest Neighbor (1-NN), 3-Nearest Neighbor (3-NN), and Support Vector Machines (SVM). However, since the best detection performances were achieved with Random Forests, the publication reports detailed performance metrics only for the Random Forest case. Therefore, our reproduction attempt is focused on the Random Forests-based classification.

The original NDSS publication also mentions that the 10-fold cross-validation technique has been used to provide the performance results of the prediction over different samples. Although the scripts for performing classification experiments were not made available by the authors, the publication contained enough information—including hyper-parameters—that allowed us to re-implement the necessary code.

3.3.5 Results

We have reproduced all 24 experiments from MaMaDroid where authors provided detailed performance metrics. These experiments correspond to the section IV.B of reference (Mariconti et al. 2017), and evaluate the approach when the training set and the test set come from the same period. We did not attempt to reproduce the other experiments of MaMaDroid since they are either focusing on a specific point (sensitivity to the number of years separating the training set from the test set) or comparing to another approach. The 24 reproduced experiments correspond to the evaluation of the approach over 6 different combinations of training and test sets and 4 different modes (namely, Family mode without PCA; Family mode with PCA, Package mode without PCA, and Package mode with PCA).

Performance results are presented in terms of Precision, Recall, and F-measure scores. We opt to present the results of the 24 experiments in a table that has the same design of the original paper. We thus provide the metrics’ scores for our reproduced experiments in Table 6, and the scores provided by the original authors in Table 7. The first column of the tables represents the pairs of datasets (malware and goodware) trained and tested using 10-fold cross-validation technique. From the two Tables, we can notice that the Precision of original paper for all the experiments (with and without PCA) is higher in 23 out of 24 experiments (with a largest difference of 0.08, i.e., up to 8 percentage points), and equal to our results in 1 experiment. The Recall of original paper is higher in 11 out of 24 experiments (with a largest difference of 0.05, i.e., up to 5 percentage points), smaller in 8 experiments (with a largest difference of 0.02), and equal to our Recall in 5 experiments. As for F-measure of the paper, it is higher in 22 out of 24 experiments (with a largest difference of 0.05, i.e., up to 5 percentage points), and equal to our results in 2 experiments.

Table 6 Performance of our reproduction attempt of MaMaDroid
Table 7 Performance of MaMaDroid, as reported by original authors: (Onwuzurike et al. 2019)

3.4 RevealDroid

RevealDroid is a machine-learning-based Android malware detection and family identification approach that was published in 2018 in the TOSEM journal. The authors also presented their approach at the ICSE conference in the same year as a journal first paper. Overall, RevealDroid extracts features that belong to three categories: Android-API Usage, Reflective Feature, and Native Calls.

3.4.1 Dataset

RevealDroid is evaluated using benign apps collected from AndroZoo, and malicious apps collected from the following 4 sets: Genome project, DREBIN’s dataset, VirusShare, and VirusTotal. To collect their dataset, we have downloaded the compressed file provided by the authors in the RevealDroid dedicated webpageFootnote 11. However, the provided file does not contain the raw APK files needed for our reproduction. Instead, it contains 1065 files that are mainly related to the extracted features.

Fortunately, we discover in the RevealDroid code repositories Footnote 12Footnote 13 files containing lists of hashes of the apps used in the original RevealDroid paper. We present in Table 8 the number of apps used in the original paper, as well as the number of apps we were able to collect for the four sets (we do not present the Genome dataset in the table since it is already included in Drebin dataset). A detailed explanation of the dataset collection process is provided in Table 9.

Table 8 RevealDroid’s dataset
Table 9 RevealDroid’s dataset collection process

3.4.2 Feature Extraction

RevealDroid uses three sets of features:

  • Android API-Usage: the features considered are: (1) the number of Android API method invocations, noted MAPI, (2) the number of API invocations for specific Android API packages, noted PAPI. These features are extracted using Dexpler (Bartel et al. 2012) and Soot (Vallée-Rai et al. 1999);

  • Reflective Feature: RevealDroid extracts information about dynamic class loading that is represented by: the full or partial method names invoked; the number of times the full or partial method name is invoked; and the total number of reflective invocations. Note that full method names are defined by the original authors as the methods that have both the reflectively invoked method and class names statically determined, and the partial method names are the ones that have only the invoked method name statically determined. These features are also extracted using Dexpler and Soot.

  • Native Call: These features are represented by the external calls of every binary in the app, and the number of invocations of each external call. Native Call features are extracted based on the Android ABI toolchainFootnote 14.

The source code of the features extractor is made available by the authors of RevealDroid. However, we have faced some issues compiling their tool due to the mismatch between the version of some libraries present in the repository with the version required by the code. Also, we were not sure about the exact script that extracts Android API-Usage features. The documentation of the repository shows two potential scripts that are used to extract sensitive API features and package API features respectively. Confused about sensitive API features extractor (if it needs to be used) and if the script that extracts MAPI features is missing, we have decided to contact original authors. With their help, we have made sure that the package API features extractor is all what we need to use. We have also validated with original authors the relevant output of this extractor since it generates two outputs.

We note that we were not able to extract the features for all the apps in our collection, because Soot has crashed on some apps. We present in Table 8 the number of apps we have ended up with after extracting the features.

3.4.3 Feature Embedding

The three sets of features presented in the previous section with their values are used to construct a feature vector for each app. The code for the feature embedding was to some extent difficult to identify among the variety of scripts the authors provide. However, searching over the entire two repositories helped us to find some useful scripts that served as a base for our vector embedding script. Specifically, we have noticed that the classification’s code requires as input either a CSV or an HDF file that stores the features matrix. Thus we have written the script in a way to generate an HDF file output for each dataset so they can be concatenated later (using a script provided by original authors) and thus used as input in the classification task. However, after running our script for the benign dataset, we have encountered some problems related to the storage space needed to generate the HDF file (more than 200GB for the benign dataset only). Hence, we have re-written another script that does not store the matrix but uses it directly to perform the classification.

3.4.4 Classification

As we have mentioned previously, RevealDroid is a malware detector but also a family identifier. In the following, we present each of the working modes separately.

Malware detection

In this mode, RevealDroid is evaluated for its ability to distinguish malware and benign apps using linear SVM and 10-fold cross-validation setting. We note that the hyper-parameters of the classifier are not mentioned in the paper. However, thanks to the code made available by the authors, we were able to know that RevealDroid does not use the default hyper-parameters for C, penalty, and dual, that are set to 0.01, l1, and False respectively. We have thus combined the authors’ code (and ported it from python2 to python3) with our script of the previous step in order to avoid the storage issues. We have also noticed that the matrix used in the cross-validation does not involve any shuffling. Since the authors’ script takes as input an HDF file (that we do not know how exactly it has been generated), we are not sure if the matrix stored in that file is already shuffled or not. Thus we have added this step to the script since we know that our matrix is not shuffled.

Family detection

RevealDroid is able to identify the family label of malware apps using a Classification and Regression Trees (CART) classifier. The evaluation is made using 10-fold cross-validation and the classifier is used with its default hyper-parameters. The number of labels in this mode of operation is determined by the number of malware families contained in the training set. Similarly to malware detection, we had to write our own script to perform the classification.

Searching over the code repository, we have identified a file that contains 30 868 hashes with their respective family labels. Thus, we have used this file in order to map each malware in our collected dataset to its family label.

3.4.5 Results

We have reproduced the experiments that assess how accurate RevealDroid is for both the malware detection task and the family identification task. We did not attempt to reproduce the other experiments for the same reasons mentioned for MaMaDroid’s reproduction.

Malware detection

The entire dataset has been used to evaluate RevealDroid in a time agnostic scenario where the age of the apps is not taken into consideration when determining the training and testing sets. Original authors have reported their results with Precision, Recall, and F1 score. We present in Table 10 our results compared to original authors results.

Table 10 Performance of RevealDroid in malware detection

We notice that the metrics reported in RevealDroid’s paper are all higher than the ones we have obtained, with a largest difference of 11 percentage points for benign identification, and a largest difference of 9 percentage points for malware detection.

RevealDroid’s authors also provide the precision-recall (PR) curve of their approach. This curve represents the precision and recall values for different probability thresholds. We provide in Fig. 4 the precision-recall curve extracted from RevealDroid’s publication. Our experiments show again a different PR curve presented in Fig. 5. Our PR curve that has an area under the curve (AUC) of .96 is not as good as the one reported by original authors which has an AUC of .98

Fig. 4
figure 4

Precision Recall Curve from RevealDroid’s publication

Fig. 5
figure 5

Precision Recall Curve from reproduction experiments

Family detection

The original publication evaluates RevealDroid performance for family detection using two experiments that involve two datasets:

  • The first evaluation is performed on the Genome dataset. The publication reports only the number of family labels found in this dataset (48 malware families) but not the exact number of apps selected to perform this experiment. Our genome dataset (collected based on the list of hashes from RevealDroid’s repository) contains 1232 apps with 41 malware family labels. The authors report that their model has 95% correct classification rate. Our reproduction results show a correct classification rate of 91%.

  • The second evaluation involves malware apps from DREBIN, VirusShare, and VirusTotal datasets. In this experiment, original authors have used 27 979 malware samples with 447 family labels. Our collected dataset contains 26 084 malware apps with 388 families. Original results show a correct classification rate of 84%. Our reproduction reports a correct classification rate of 85%.

3.5 DroidCat

DroidCat is a malware detection and categorisation approach that has been published on 2019 in the TIFS journal. DroidCat is based on dynamic analysis along with machine learning techniques. The tool uses 70 features that are related to the structure of apps executions, Inter-Component Communication (ICC), and security sensitive accesses. These features have been selected based on a benchmark suit that involved 122 features belonging to the same mentioned categories.

3.5.1 Dataset

DroidCat’s experiments involve android apps from different sources covering the period from 2009 to 2017. The malware dataset is collected from AndroZoo (AZ), VirusShare (VS), Drebin (DB), and Genome dataset (MG). The benign apps are downloaded from AndroZoo and Google Play (GP). The authors provide the lists of hashes on their websiteFootnote 15, and state that the apps can be downloaded from AndroZoo. In total, we need to collect eight datasets: four collections for malware and four for goodware. While examining the lists of the hashes, we have noticed that the numbers of apps do not match the ones reported in DroidCat publication. Specifically, we had missing apps in five out of eight datasets, and more apps in the three remaining sets. We have thus contacted the authors to advise us on how to obtain the missing hashes and what are the apps that should be discarded in order to have the same exact experimental setup. Unfortunately, we did not get a response to our email. Thus, we decided to build the dataset based on the available lists of hashes, even if several apps from the original paper are missing. We have successfully downloaded almost all the apps from AndroZoo, except for 2017 benign dataset that we have retrieved from Google Play. We present in Table 11 a summary of the original and our collected dataset.

Table 11 DroidCat dataset

3.5.2 Feature Extraction and Embedding

DroidCat is based on dynamic analysis and machine learning techniques to detect android malware apps and their families. To extract the features, DroidCat instruments an app using Soot (Vallée-Rai et al. 1999) in order to collect its execution traces when run in an Android emulator. The execution traces include method calls and ICCs. DroidCat’s authors leverage Monkey’sFootnote 16 randomly generated inputs in order to automatically collect these traces.

After collecting the traces, DroidCat extracts 70 features that belong to three categories:

  • Structure: It contains 32 features that describe the distribution (i.e., percentage and frequency) of method calls, their declaring classes, and caller-callee links.

  • ICC: It contains 5 features to describe the ICC distributions. For instance: the percentage of external explicit ICCs.

  • Security: It includes 33 features that describe the distribution of sources and sinks, as well as the reachability between them.

These features computation is implemented on top of the authors’ Android App Dynamic Characterisation Toolkit DroidFaxFootnote 17, and their Android data-flow analysis and instrumentation library duafdroidFootnote 18, which is based on the Soot framework. The code for features extraction is made available by DroidCat’s authors, but still we have faced some issues with Soot that crashes either during the apps instrumentation or the features computation. We had thus to solve the issues by using a more recent android jar file (API level 30) than the one used by the authors (API level 19). We also had to handle the exceptions that occurred for some methods, which prevented DroidCat to compute the features. DroidCat features extractor generates, for each app, a vector that contains the package name of the app, and the values of the computed features.

3.5.3 Classification

DroidCat trains a Random Forest classifier with 128 trees, for both malware detection and family identification. DroidCat is evaluated on each of the four datasets separately. For each dataset, the apps of each class are sorted by their age (first-seen date obtained from VirusTotal) and are split at 70 percentile. The performance of DroidCat is thus evaluated on the 30% newest apps, the remaining 70% apps being used for the training.

The code for the classification part is also made available by the authors. However, we have found a variety of scripts that perform the classification differently (random split, cross-validation, ...). We have thus selected randomly one of the scripts that split the dataset by their first-seen date (we note these scripts date-scripts), and we have ported it from Python2 to Python3. But again, we have noticed that the date-scripts extract the date from the features vectors themselves. We were puzzled by this information since the features vectors generated in the last step contain only the name of the package and the features’ values. While searching again in the repository, we have found a script that adds the date to the features vectors of each app, but this script assumes that the feature vectors are identified with their sha256 hashes and not with their package name (so it can find the first-seen date in other files found in the same repository). Since the package name does not enable to uniquely identify the apps, we have decided to re-compute the features and modify the code of the authors so it generates the correct output.

For family classification we have used the labels files that map directly malware hashes to their families, which is available in DroidCat’s repository as well as the script that loads family labels from these files. The other scripts select the family label from VirusTotal reports, which we could not find in the repository. However, we have noticed some issues with the selected script: (1) Apps for which it could not find a label are attributed the MALICIOUS label. (2) Some samples have “none” as their family label, and the script does not exclude them. (3) It removes the families that have less than 20 apps. Since these details are not mentioned in the paper, and are not found in the other date-scripts either, we have removed the apps that are mapped to MALICIOUS and “none” labels and we have kept all the apps we were able to identify families for.

3.5.4 Results

We have reproduced the experiments that evaluate DroidCat’s performance for malware detection as well as malware categorisation. DroidCat’s publication reports the results for its two working modes in terms of the weighted average of Precision, Recall, and F1. The ROC curves of the technique is also provided for the four datasets.

Malware detection

We present in Table 12 our results compared to original authors results. We notice that our scores for the reproduction experiments are not as good as the scores reported by the DroidCat’s publication. Table 12 shows a difference of 16.09 percentage points for mean precision, 17.82 percentage points for mean recall, and 17.66 percentage points for mean F1 (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
figure 6

ROC curve for malware detection from DroidCat publication

Table 12 Performance of DroidCat for malware detection and family identification

The ROC curve of our reproduction is presented in Fig. 7. When compared to the original ROC curve presented in Fig. 6, the two figures enable to draw similar conclusion being unable to reach the same detection performance reported in the DroidCat publication (Fig. 8).

Fig. 7
figure 7

ROC curve for malware detection from our reproduction

Fig. 8
figure 8

ROC curve for family detection from DroidCat publication

Family identification

Our results for family detection compared to DroidCat’s publication are presented in Table 12. The reproduction scores are remarkably lower than the original scores on the four datasets. The same observation is made for our ROC curve provided in Fig. 9 when it is compared to DroidCat’s family detection ROC curve presented in Fig. 8.

Fig. 9
figure 9

ROC curve for family detection from our reproduction

3.6 MalScan

In 2019, MalScan has been presented at ASE as a graph-based static analysis approach that detect Android malware. MalScan considers function call graphs extracted from the apps as social networks and perform centrality analysis to represent the semantic features of the graphs. The approach considers six different centrality measures: degree, katz, closeness, harmonic, average, and concatenate.

3.6.1 Dataset

MalScan’s dataset contains a total of 30 715 samples that include 15 285 benign apps and 15 430 malicious apps collected from AndroZoo. These apps cover the period from 2011 to 2018, and their hashes are provided by original authors. Based on these lists, we were able to collect all the apps from AndroZoo. We present in Table 13 a summary of this dataset.

Table 13 MalScan dataset

3.6.2 Feature Extraction and Embedding

To extract its features, MalScan uses AndroGuard (Desnos and Gueguen 2011) to generate the function call graph that it considers as a social network. The functions and their call relationships in the function call graph are regarded as actors and social interactions in the social network.

The social network is used to compute the centrality of sensitive API calls based on PScout’s results (Au et al. 2012). As the centrality enables to measure how important a node is within the network, MalScan calculates four centrality measures, each one of them is considered as a set of features. These centrality measures are: degree centrality (Freeman 1978), katz centrality (Katz 1953), closeness centrality (Freeman 1978), and harmonic centrality (Marchiori and Latora 2000). The authors have also constructed two other centrality measures which are: average centrality (the average of the four former centrality measures), and concatenate centrality (the concatenation of the four centrality measures).

The dimension of the feature vectors generated with degree, katz, closeness, harmonic, and average centrality measures is the total number of sensitive API calls from PScout’s results which is 21 986 (Au et al. 2012). As for concatenate centrality, the dimension of its feature vectors is 87 944.

The code for the features extraction and vectors embedding is made available by original authors. Using their code, we were able to generate the feature vectors for degree, katz, closeness, and harmonic centrality measures. As of average and concatenate centrality feature vectors, they are not implemented in the code. We had thus to write this part of the code so our reproduction is complete.

3.6.3 Classification

MalScan’s authors mention in their paper that they select three algorithms to perform the classification: 1-Nearest Neighbors, 3-Nearest Neighbors, and Random Forest. The evaluation of the approach is based on 10-fold cross-validation, and Random Forest is implemented with its default parameters as cited by the authors. The code for this part is also provided by the authors and it enables to compute F1 score and Accuracy for the three ML algorithms.

As we reproduced the experiments that assess the detection effectiveness of MalScan, we were unable to decide about the exact ML algorithm used to report the results presented in Section IV-B Table V of the original MalScan paper. The authors do not explicitly name the algorithm they have chosen for the detection effectiveness. As a workaround, we have used 1-Nearest Neighbor to compare with their results. We base our choice on the affirmation of the authors in section IV-D which assesses the Robustness of MalScan against Adversarial Attacks. In this same section, the authors affirm that they select 1-NN for this experiment since it provides better effectiveness on malware detection. Nonetheless, we are not sure whether it is the algorithm used to report the results in section IV-B Table V.

3.6.4 Results

As mentioned in the previous section, we have reproduced the experiments that evaluate the detection effectiveness of MalScan. The results are reported in terms of Accuracy and F1 for the eight datasets using the six sets of features. In total, 48 experiments are reproduced. We report our metrics in Table 14 and the original results in Table 15.

Table 14 Detection effectiveness of MalScan from our reproduction
Table 15 Detection effectiveness of MalScan from the original publication

From the two Tables, we can notice that both F1 score and Accuracy of the original paper are higher in 30 out of 48 experiments (with a largest difference of 1.5 percentage points), smaller in 12 experiments, and equal to our results in 6 experiment. Overall, our reproduction results are very similar to the results reported in the original publication.

4 Lessons Learnt

Reproducing the experimental setups, and hence results, from the reproduced approaches takes a significant effort. In Section 3, while describing the reproduction steps, we enumerated the challenges that we face to pinpoint all relevant information, and detailed the guesswork that was necessary to pursue the reproduction attempts. In Section 4,

(1) we present the outcomes of our reproduction attempt and, in order to allow readers to fully grasp the realities of those often overlooked aspects; (2) we offer illustrations of concrete difficulties that we faced; (3) we conclude on the divergence of reproduction results.

4.1 Outcome of our Reproduction Attempts

After putting extensive effort to reproduce DREBIN, MaMaDroid, RevealDroid, DroidCat, and MalScan, and based on the experimental results that we compare against the performance presented by the authors in their publications, we formulate the following question:

Can our reproduction attempt be considered as successful?

For DREBIN, MaMaDroid, RevealDroid, and DroidCat, our reproduction attempt could not achieve 100% identical experimental setup. Missing data, software artefacts and/or details resulted in deviations from the original setups—the causes and consequences of those deviations are discussed below. Following the precise terminology defined in Introduction, we come to the conclusion that we have failed to reproduce DREBIN, MaMaDroid, RevealDroid, and DroidCat.

As for MalScan we have been able to report similar results using the same exact experimental setup provided by original authors. Following the same ACM terminology, we can conclude that we have succeeded in reproducing the MalScan approach.

figure h

For DREBIN, MaMaDroid, and RevealDroid, We have nonetheless achieved a replication that we strove to keep as close as possible to the original approaches (e.g., by replacing missing dataset samples with samples from the same sources and from the same period of collection).

The three replications yielded similar results to the original approaches. The performance differences could very well be explained by the deviations of our experimental setups. Hence, we have to conclude that the replication of DREBIN MaMaDroid, and RevealDroid is successful, i.e., we were able to achieve performance that is very close to what original authors reported. However, an important (if not huge) engineering effort has been required to obtain a fair replicability of these approaches.

figure i
figure j

As for DroidCat, we have failed both to reproduce and to replicate the approach. The results of our experiments are not even fairly similar to original results. Our failure can be explained by the difference of our dataset. The effect of this difference is more significant on the familial classification, since the labels are determined based on malware apps of our dataset. Moreover, we were not sure if some of the scripts we have used are the same scripts used to report original results. Consequently, we have ended up with a different experimental setup.

figure k

4.2 Insights from our Reproduction Journey

4.2.1 Dataset Re-acquisition is Hard

The first category of problems that we have identified are barriers to re-acquire the dataset used to yield published results.

While we were able to obtain the full dataset for our MalScan reproduction attempt, for DREBIN, MaMaDroid, RevealDroid, and DroidCat approaches, we were unable to obtain 100% identical datasets. When it was possible, We resorted to retrieve dataset samples that are as similar as possible to the original datasets. Even so, this task proved to require a significant amount of work and time.

  • DREBIN: As mentioned before, we have succeeded to collect only 46,42% of the same original goodware APKs. Completing the goodware dataset has turned out to be necessary to simulate the original experimental setup. Our goodware dataset is composed of samples selected from the same time period as DREBIN original goodware dataset. However, these samples do not present the same exact APK files.

  • MaMaDroid: The authors do not directly provide the APK files but the list of hashes, although they indicated the original source of the apps (DREBIN, PlayDrone and VirusShare). We have been able to collect from VirusShare almost all necessary apps. We present in Table 17 in Appendix, an illustration of a problem encountered during the collection of the dataset.

  • RevealDroid: The authors do not provide the APK files. We had to search in their code repositories for the potential lists of hashes that have been used to report their results. For VirusShare dataset, we have been able to collect the exact same number of apps used in original experiments. As for the other datasets, we have failed to identify and collect the exact same apps. We provide in Table 9 a detailed explanation of the process of collection as well as the problems we have encountered.

  • DroidCat: The authors do not provide the APK files, but the lists of the hashes. However, we have noticed a significant mismatch between the number of apps in the original publication and the number in the lists. We have again failed to reproduce the exact same dataset.

figure l

4.2.2 Feature Extraction Process can be Puzzling

Once a raw dataset is collected, the next step is to extract features. For MalScan, this process has been straightforward using original code. As for the other approaches, this extraction has brought its own barriers to reproduction.

  • DREBIN: Authors do not provide the code for extracting the features. Thus, we have used a re-implementation of DREBIN’s code that is made publicly available by other authorsFootnote 19 (Narayanan et al. 2017).

  • MaMaDroid: The code is made publicly available by original authors. However, we have faced problems to generate the call graphs from which features are extracted. In particular:

    • We noticed that none of the provided versions of the software exactly matched the description of any of the three versions of the paper. Similarly, the code depends on data files for FlowDroid that users are expected to obtain from the FlowDroid repository, but no mention is made of the exact version of those files.

    • A specific directory structure is supposed to be respected for the process to succeed. Nonetheless, neither this structure nor the expected output are documented in the code. We note that if this directory structure is not respected, an intermediate output file can still be generated, but it does not represent the expected call graph that can be used to create the vectors space.

      In Table 17 in Appendix, we provide an illustration of some of the encountered problems.

  • RevealDroid: The authors provide their code, but still we were somehow confused about the exact script we need to use to extract API usage features and their outputs.

  • DroidCat: The code is made available by original authors. However, the features extractor crashed on several apps due to Soot not being able to instrument the apps.

figure m

4.2.3 Vector Embedding Code may be Buggy

After overcoming several challenges related to feature extraction, embedding the extracted features into a vector space comes with its share of problems.

  • DREBIN: Original code is not available. However, the process appeared to be well documented in the publication to enable reproduction of the feature embedding procedure.

  • MaMaDroid: Authors make their code publicly available. However, the API version level of the list of the known packages provided in the code (28 or 26) differs from the version stated in the original paper (24). This mismatch has made a successful reproduction task even more difficult. An illustration of the encountered problems is presented in Table 17 in Appendix. This case raises another important question in the context of a reproduction: Should the code be run “as is”, even though it demonstrably differs from the explanation provided in the original paper?

  • RevealDroid: The authors make their code repositories publicly available. However, since the vector embedding part is not included in their repositories’ documentation, we were unable to identify the script that is supposed to create the features vectors among the variety of files they provide.

  • DroidCat: With the original code provided, we have faced some issues in computing the features. These issues are caused by the author’s tool duafdroid that has failed to compute the features on several apps.

  • MalScan: The authors share their code that generates the features vectors of four out of six sets of features. For the missing vectors, we had to write our own implementation based on the details provided in the original publication.

figure n

4.2.4 Classification Procedure may Require Clarifications

  • DREBIN: The code again is not available. We have then relied on externally re-implemented codeFootnote 20 (Narayanan et al. 2017), and still, we had to recover ourselves several undisclosed, though crucial, hyper-parameters such as C. Original authors have not documented the value used to perform the experiment. We have then decided to use the default value C = 1 of scikit-learn framework we use for our experiment. We note that the exact implementation used in original work is also not specified in the paper.

  • MaMaDroid: Unlike Features Extraction and Vector Embedding steps, the code that performs the classification is not made available by authors. However, the configuration of Random Forest algorithms is well detailed, and authors provide hyper-parameters values for both family and package modes. We note that the Random Forest implementation used in original work is also not specified in the paper. Thus, we have used the same framework scikit-learn for both reproduced approaches.

  • RevealDroid: The code is made available by original authors. But since it requires as input an HDF file, we have combined it with our script that creates the features vectors to avoid storage issues as we have mentioned previously.

  • DroidCat: Original authors share their classification scripts. However, we were unable to identify the exact file that has been used to generate original results as mentioned previously. We have also faced problems related to the incompatibility of the vectors space and the input of the classification selected script.

  • MalScan: The code is made available by original authors and it calculates the performance metrics of three ML algorithms. However, we were confused about the exact algorithm that is used to report original results since it is not explicitly stated in the paper.

4.3 Conclusions on the Divergence of Reproduction Results

Our reproduction efforts allowed us to obtain performance metrics, that we reported in the same way as in the original works, i.e., mainly (1) a table for MaMaDroid, RevealDroid, DroidCat, and MalScan; (2) a ROC curve for both DREBIN and DroidCat; (3) a PR curve for RevealDroid. While there exist methods to average several ROC curves into one single summary ROC curve (Chen and Samuelson 2014), it is unclear whether DREBIN’s ROC curve is the result of such a process, or the standalone ROC curve of one specific experiment. As for DroidCat’s ROC curves and RevealDroid’s PR curves, they are generated using original authors’ scripts. For MaMaDroid, RevealDroid, and MalScan, the results provided are averaged over the 10-fold cross-validation splits. None of the five reproduced approaches provided a complete distribution of results, that would enable us to perform a statistical comparison between their results and ours. As a consequence, we have to conclude whether our results confirm those of the original authors based on single data points comparison. For instance, we had to compare DroidCat’s Figs. 6 and 7 and decide, somewhat subjectively whether we consider them to be “similar enough”. Similarly, when comparing the F-measure for MaMaDroid’s experiment using Package mode (PCA) and 2016, newbenign and our replication, we were left to our own judgment to decide whether 0.85 is “similar enough” to 0.89.

To the best of our knowledge, there is no universally accepted method to objectively decide when a single data point difference must be considered abnormal.

figure o

This problem is exacerbated by the differences of our reproduction attempts against the original works. Indeed, in order for experimenters to be able to conclude that a replication reasonably proves that the claims of the original paper are wrong, it would be necessary to prove that the performance mismatch cannot possibly be explained by the differences of the reproduction.

figure p

5 Reproduction in the Bigger Picture

Our first intention for this work was to perform a complete reproduction of the five approaches. The availability of the artefacts and the similarity of our results to original publication has made us conclude that we have successfully reproduced MalScan approach. However, some missing artefacts and description details have made the reproduction of the four other approaches impossible, and our attempt has thus turned into a replication exercise. The results reported with Drebin, MaMaDroid, and RevealDroid reproduction/replication attempt can confirm that we have fairly similar results as those stated in the original publications after investing a substantial amount of effort to re-engineer the process and fill the datasets so that they are as close as possible to the literature experiments. As for DroidCat, the huge difference between our reproduction/replication results and original publication has made us conclude that we have failed both to reproduce and to replicate the approach.

We described all the difficulties that we have faced, starting from the missing APK files, to identifying and fixing bugs in the partial code that was released by authors. Our reproduction/replication of some approaches has put us in puzzling situations namely when the information in the code did not match what is stated in the paper. This mismatch was explicit for differences between the API version levels of MaMaDroid approach for instance.

The mismatch was however harder to detect for the case where the code was buggy. In this second case we have discovered some parts of the code that do not perform what is described in the papers.

We understand, through our own experience, that releasing a reproducible approach is not a straightforward exercise. It is however, still, very necessary to advance the research. With the MalScan approach, we can learn that releasing a reproducible approach is possible. Reproduction works are essential as they enable, on the one hand, to validate the approach, and on the other hand, to leverage existing work, and to build on it to advance the research domain. The difficulty of reproduction has also been addressed in other research fields and has shown that researchers may not just fail to reproduce other researchers’ works, but also to reproduce their own results. The repeated unsuccessful reproduction attempts has led to what is called the Reproduction Crisis.

Maturity of the research field

The use of Machine learning for malware detection has been investigated for many years in the Android research community. Several approaches have indeed been presented at second tier venues. Nevertheless, our study about the subjects selection has showed that in the last ten years, 24 out of 26 806 papers published at 16 top venues deal with android malware detection. On the one hand, the scarcity of research results at top-tier venues questions the significance of the achievements made so far by the community. On the other hand, literature approaches continuously report high performance scores with different approaches.

Our failed reproduction attempts for four out of five approaches now stresses on the following question that the community should answer:

figure q

With TESSERACT (Pendlebury et al. 2019), the authors have recently raised concerns of limitations and blind spots in experimental evaluations, following up on previous studies by Allix et al. (2016a) and Allix et al. (2015). These studies however did not consider the deeper question of reproducibility. Thus, despite 10 years of tentative approaches and published record performance measurements, it remains unclear in which direction the research field is moving. In short, one wonders:

figure r

In practice, no comparison seems to be actually feasible among the state of the art. The target working scenario/context of each approach is virtually never defined, due to imprecisions in approach design, non-detailed descriptions of experimental protocols, lack of agreed upon Benchmarks, lack of artefacts, and, more generally, non-reproducibility of experiments.

Theoretical foundations

State-of-the-art machine learning based approaches for malware detection such as MaMaDroid and Drebin are presented as a careful orchestration of design choices leading to a performance feat that deserves publication. Unfortunately, the evaluation of such approaches generally eludes an assessment of the added value. Typically, it is unclear which steps in the learning pipeline is the key differentiator in the Drebin and MaMaDroid approaches in terms of performance impact. One could question indeed whether the feature set or the ML algorithm, among many other parameters, could be, for example, the main contributors to the performance. Overall, a concern that can be raised is the lack of justification to the different parameter choices (including not only learning hyper-parameters, but also algorithm choice and feature engineering). In short the published content often overlooks a large part of the story behind the approach development and propose whole new approach instead of leveraging previous advances. Reproducibility of the experiments, however, could have resolved such issues by allowing other researchers to systematically experiment and introduce variations in the different steps. This, furthermore, might have resulted in an overall move forward of the field where new approaches build on previous ones, instead of the plethora of seemingly unconnected approaches the domain has seen. To summarise, the failed reproducibility attempts raise the following questions:

figure s

On the need for a transparent experimental framework

During our reproduction journey, we have stumbled upon several obstacles, which other research fields dealing with the use of machine learning are also facing. A recurrent challenge is that the experimental pipelines implemented in current research papers are heavily ad-hoc. A solution to the reproduction problem could be to enforce the use of standardised machine learning pipeline management tooling, with a strong separation of concerns. Ideally, a new proposed approach would be fully characterised by a configuration file describing all the technical parameters. This would eliminate uncertainty, guarantee reproducibility, and allow researchers to investigate the effect of each parameter and to rigorously compare different approaches.

Industry is facing similar problems in the management of the full lifecycle of Machine-Learning systems. While it is unrealistic to expect researchers to deliver production-grade systems, the tooling developed to address production issues, such as TensorFlow ExtendedFootnote 21 or MetaflowFootnote 22 could also be used by researchers to make their approaches more re-usable.

6 Related Work

Our work is related to various research directions in the literature. With respect to our reproduction subjects, a number of research works have attempted to compare against them (cf. Section 6.1). Other researchers have already presented investigation results on the biases in the machine learning-based malware detection field (cf. Section 6.2). We also discuss how reproduction is viewed in the scientific literature beyond the research community (cf. Section 6.3). Finally, we enumerate a few strategies proposed in other fields towards ensuring reproducibility (cf. Section 6.4).

6.1 Comparison Against the Reproduced Approaches in the Litterature

DREBIN has been published in 2014, and it is considered as a state of the art approach in android malware detection. Thus, it has rapidly become the center of many related works. To demonstrate the capability of their CASANDRA online learning based framework for malware detection, (Narayanan et al. 2017) have provided an experimental comparison with the DREBIN (as well as with the work of (Allix et al. 2016a)). As part of their experimental setup, they have used DREBIN’s malware dataset with 5000 randomly chosen goodware apps from the same period of DREBIN. While they used the same malware dataset, the same features, and the same algorithm as DREBIN, they did not attempt to reproduce DREBIN. Thus, they developed their own experimental setup for comparison.

This process is performed over and over in the literature (Abaid et al. 2017; Demontis et al. 2019; Jordaney et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2019) where authors attempt to obtain the training datasets and implement feature extraction of DREBIN based on the descriptions in the paper. Although authors consider these as reproductions, comparing the obtained results with the original works, which may have different parameters, is not sound.

DREBIN and MaMaDroid are also often reused to perform approach assessments and comparisons. For example, Skovoroda and Gamayunov (2017) have proposed a heuristic approach to static analysis of Android applications using 2 collections of malware datasets: DREBIN and ISCX (Abdul Kadir et al. 2015). Chen et al. (2018) have presented KUAFUDET which is a learning enhancing defense system with adversarial detection, and they have applied their poisoning attack to DREBIN, MaMaDroid, and DroidAPIMiner (Aafer et al. 2013). (Smutz and Stavrou 2016) have proposed a method to identify the observations on which the performance of an ensemble classifier is low. They have evaluated their method using PDFrate, which is a PDF malware detector, and they have replicated DREBIN experimental datasets using 100 000 benign and 5000 malicious applications.

Regarding the two recent approaches RevealDroid and DroidCat, they have also been used by researchers to perform comparison. For instance, Scalas et al. (2019) have compared System API-based strategies with RevealDroid and three other approaches. Cai (2020) have also compared the sustainability of their tool DroidSpan against RevealDroid as well as four other systems from the literature. (Pei et al. 2020) have evaluated their approach against eight state of the art techniques that include DREBIN, MaMaDroid, and DroidCat. Also, (Gong et al. 2020) have compared their tool APICHECKER with DREBIN, DroidCat, and nine other approaches from the literature.

It is worth noting that some of the reproduced approaches are evaluated against each other. For example, RevealDroid’s authors have compared against re-implementation of DREBIN by selecting subset of features, and MalScan’s effectiveness is compared against DREBIN and MaMaDroid approaches.

6.2 Biases in Machine Learning based Malware Detection

In malware research, Rossow et al. (2012) have conducted a survey on 36 malware execution’s papers from 2006-2011 to assess the methodological rigour and prudence, and they have highlighted some deficiencies such as the experimental setup which is often not adequately described in the papers.

In 2015, Allix et al. (2015) showed the significant impact of time coherence in the construction of datasets for Android malware detection. They discovered that not ensuring that the training set contains only apps anterior to the test set led to artificially high reported performance of malware detectors.

Allix et al. (2016a) presented an experimental study demonstrating that a popular evaluation methodology (10-fold cross-validation) could also bring seemingly high performance, despite poor performance in a real world scenario.

Pendlebury et al. (2019) published a study measuring how DREBIN and MaMaDroid were affected by the two biases described in both Allix et al. papers introduced above. They built and released TESSERACT, a tool to automatically evaluate those biases in any machine learning-based Android malware detector. TESSERACT requires a trained machine-learning model. This point highlights the need for relevant research approaches to either provide such a trained model, and/or to allow other researchers to build their own. The latter can only be achieved if the approach is reproducible, or at least replicable.

6.3 Reproduction in Research

In a survey published in Nature in 2016 and conducted over a pool of 1576 researchers, it has been shown that more than 70% of the respondents had not succeeded in reproducing experiments of another scientist, and more than 50% have been unable to reproduce their own experiments (Baker 2016).

The bombastic number of researches that are published every year and reporting very good results, has raised the question of quality and reproducibility of the research, and has drawn the attention of researchers in the other scientific fields.

Nuijten (2019) has addressed this problem in the field of psychology. They have affirmed that publication bias and human biases are among the main causes of the reproducibility crisis that is triggered by repeated failures of reproduction.

In medical research, a survey has been carried out on faculty members and trainees at MD Anderson Cancer Center and has revealed that 50% of the participants have failed at least one time to reproduce published data (Mobley et al. 2013).

In economics, McCullough et al. (2006) have examined the reproducibility of articles from the online archive “the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking”, which requires the authors to provide the code and the data to make their research reproducible. The results of this work reported that fewer than 15 of over 150 empirical articles could be reproduced.

King (1995) has affirmed that sufficient information for reproduction is usually unavailable in political science, which makes the reproduction often impossible even with the help of the authors.

Reaves et al. (2016) have categorised papers about android application analysis tools from more than 17 top venues based on, among others, the availability of the tools. After evaluation on a representative sample, they have concluded that tools suffer from important issues.

6.4 Improving Reproducibility

To ensure the healthy development of research, the need of reproduction is becoming crucial. Reproduction helps to verify the correctness of the results as well as to improve them. This has motivated researcher to propose solution to improve Reproducibility.

Nuijten (2019) has proposed strategies to be adopted by researchers in order to increase reproducibility in psychology. They have identified four key factors: Improving statistical inference, Pre-registration, Multisite collaborations, and transparency.

In political science, King (1995) has presented Reproduction Standards, which requires the existence of sufficient information to understand, evaluate, and build upon prior work without the help of the authors. To encourage adherence to the reproduction standards, they have proposed solutions to be implemented by authors, Tenure and Promotion Review Committees, Editors and Reviewers of Books and Journals, as well as the implementation of Graduate Programs.

In 2015, an openly-peer-reviewed journal “ReScience” was created Footnote 23. It aims to publish explicit reproductions of research under the condition that they have to be open-source and reproducible (Rougier et al. 2017).

The journal Public Finance Review has called for papers that reproduce previous research whether the result of reproduction is positive or negative (Burman et al. 2010).

In malware research, Rossow et al. (2012) have defined guidelines that are crucial for prudent malware experiments. These guidelines are inspired from 4 goals: transparency, realism, correctness, and safety.

Several Computer Science conferences now offer a way for research artefacts to be evaluated. Among such conferences are Usenix SecurityFootnote 24, ICSEFootnote 25, POPLFootnote 26, ACSACFootnote 27,

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we discuss the findings of a reproduction attempt that we made for five approaches on machine learning based malware detection which have had a large influence on the research line. With this work, we make an urgent call to android malware detection researchers to take lessons from our reproduction experience, and to make their approaches and experiments reproducible to avoid, in the near future, a setback due to a Reproduction Crisis in our field. We also invite other researchers to invest in reproduction studies, and publishers to encourage and promote this kind of publications.

Our investigation of the related work also revealed that the reproduction problem is not specific to the Computer Science domain. Instead, it seems every branch of scientific inquiry faces its very own reproduction crisis. Fortunately, all fields seem equally eager to outgrow this crisis, albeit there are fields that acknowledged the issue and started their correcting efforts long before others.

Our reproduction attempt has been successful for one out of five approaches. As for the other detectors, our reproduction has turned to be a replication study. Somewhat worrying is that our reproduced/replicated approaches are not exactly equivalent to the original approaches. We had to guess several elements, hence introducing potential differences. We also had to modify the artefacts provided by original authors, therefore introducing actual differences. Combined, those differences make it almost impossible to use reproduced/replicated approaches to draw any conclusion on the original approaches. Whatever the findings, experimenters would rightly wonder: Given that the reproduced system is different from the original one, would this finding also hold for the original system?.

Even comparing the performance of a new approach against a reproduction comes with the same question: Does it perform better than RevealDroid, or does it perform better than a reproduced RevealDroid?.

Our work conclusions call for a large and systematic community effort to tackle head-on the reproduction crisis in the Machine Learning-based malware detection field. We have proposed some next step in this direction with the need for implementing a transparent framework to manage experimental setups.