We would like to express our gratitude to the Associate Editors, all Editorial Board members, and reviewers who continue to write high-quality reviews that help the authors and the field of mathematics education research. Thank you all!

While the team for Associate Editors continues the work without changes in the last year, we take the opportunity to thank outgoing Editorial Board members for their years of thoughtful and dedicated service: Maria Bartolini Bussi, Chien Chin, Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Helen Forgasz, Ivy Kidron, Carlos Vasco, and Margaret Walshaw.

ESM continues to receive many manuscripts, roughly in line with the previous four years with the exception of the big jump in 2020, which we explained with scholars’ writing capacities in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2022, ESM published three volumes, each with three issues. These issues include 78 regular articles, 8 book reviews, and 2 editorials. Six of the eight book reviews were single-authored. Of the 78 regular articles, 10 were single-authored, 27 had two authors, 19 had three, 13 had four, 7 had five, 1 had six, and 1 had seven authors. In our view, these figures provide interesting indications that collaboration is increasingly prevalent in mathematics education research, for theoretical as well as empirical work. And nearly half of all papers grew in international collaboration: among the regular articles, 47 had authors from only one country, 25 represented two countries, 5 represented three countries, and 1 represented four countries.

There was one special issue, edited by Gabriele Kaiser and Stanislaw Schukajlow (Volume 109, Issue 2): Innovations in measuring and fostering modelling competencies. Currently, there are a few special issues in process, some of which we expect to see published in 2023.

We continue to encourage and support submissions from regions underrepresented in the journal, and indeed, authors from 28 different countries were represented in 2022. However, we still see the dominance of some countries in our field, which has been documented by Mesa and Wagner (2019). Table 1 represents the sources of ESM’s published articles in 2022. It is complicated to read author demographics because we see many instances of people from one country working in another. Table 1 uses the institutional affiliations identified by the authors. (Note to explain the half counts: in two instances authors shared the role of corresponding author, and in one instance an author reported two affiliations.)

Table 1 Number of authors by country published in ESM in 2022

members for their years of thoughtful and dedicated