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Mathematical situations of play and exploration

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Educational Studies in Mathematics Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The mathematical situations of play and exploration introduced here have been developed as an empirical research instrument for the longitudinal study “erStMaL” (early Steps in Mathematics Learning). They are designed as situations that allow children and a guiding adult to construct situation-related knowledge in common dialogue processes and in mutual conditions. In addition, the situations focus on the activity of the persons involved, as well as the meaning of artefacts as objects of different cultural worlds. Besides relevant theoretical aspects for the development of the mathematical situations of play and exploration, exemplary analyses are introduced to clarify the conceptual aims.

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Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7

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  1. The projekt “erStMaL”(early Steps in Mathematics Learning) is a longitudinal study in the field of early mathematical education. The project is established at the IDeA centre (Inidividual Development and Adaptive Education of Children at Risk). It is an interdisciplinary research center in the context of the LOEWE initiative of the federal state government of Hessen. LOEWE is a national initiative in the development of scientific and economic excellence.

  2. The indicated mathematical domains refer to educational standards of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal States of Germany (KMK) for the primary school, grade 4. In the “Principles and standards for school mathematics” of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) the mathematical domains are formulated for overlapping grades.

  3. Transcript of the mathematical play and exploration situation “golden treasure”, data collection point T1 (legend: actions are in italics, < … happened at the same time, / …lifting the voice)


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This research was funded by the Hessian initiative for the development of scientific and economic excellence (LOEWE)

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Vogel, R. Mathematical situations of play and exploration. Educ Stud Math 84, 209–225 (2013).

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