1 Introduction

Data streams consisting of multi-dimensional elements are ubiquitous. For instance, when the position of a moving object is determined continuously and stored, a data stream is created. Every observed position can be considered as a two-dimensional stream element.

Examples of data streams containing multi-dimensional data are: (1) the price of a stock, (2) the position of a car or a ship, or (3) the position of an aircraft. The first stream consists of price values; each price can be considered as a point in the one-dimensional space.Footnote 1 The second stream consists of coordinates in the two-dimensional space (i.e., longitude and latitude of the vehicle). The last stream consists of coordinates in the three-dimensional space (i.e., the longitude, the latitude, and the altitude of the aircraft).


A very simple stream of two-dimensional position data looks as follows: (54.0044, 8.65926), (53.9336, 8.69052), (53.8972, 8.78316), .... Each bracket pair represents a stream element, consisting of a WGS84 [1] coordinate. \(\square\)

Apart from simple bracket structured data, well-known data formats such as CSV or JSON can be used for the encoding of the stream elements. This makes it possible to add further information such as the observation time or the id of the entity (e.g., a license plate or a flight number) to the stream elements.

1.1 Multi-dimensional data streams

There are many different types of multi-dimensional data. Such data can have: (1) an extension in space (e.g., the geometry of a ship) or (2) no extension in space (e.g., the coordinates of a point). In the first case, we call the data of the object non-point data, while in the second case point data. Often, multi-dimensional data describe the position of an object of the real-world. The position of an object can be described in the following ways: (1) as a point in space, (2) as an n-dimensional axis-aligned bounding box, and (3) with the full geometry of the object (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Three ways to describe the position of an object (e.g., a ship) in the two-dimensional space

Using the complete geometry is the most precise way to describe the position of an object in space. In contrast, the bounding boxFootnote 2 gives only a rough estimation of the location of the object in space. However, the simple structure of a bounding box makes operations like intersection tests fast to calculate; such operations are expensive to compute on the complete geometry of an object.

The most inaccurate way to describe an object is a point in space. The whole object, whether it has an extension or not, is described only by an n-dimensional point. Many real-world data streams such as: (1) ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast), which contain the position data of aircraft, (2) AIS (Automatic Identification System), which contain the positions of ships, or (3) GTFS real-time (General Transit Feed Specification), which contain the position data of public transport vehicles, express the position only with point data.Footnote 3

Definition 1

A multi-dimensional data stream \(S_n\) of the dimensionality n is a potentially unbounded continuous sequence of stream elements e, \(S_n=(e_0, e_1, e_2, \dots , {}e_\infty )\). Each stream element \(e = (id, t, value_n, \dots )\) consists at least of an object identifier, denoted as id, the event time t when the element was produced, and an n-dimensional value \(value_n\). \(\square\)

1.2 Processing data streams

Stream processing systems [2] are software systems that are developed to handle data streams. In contrast to database management systems, which store data first and answer queries afterward, stream processing systems work in exactly the opposite way.

In the first step, queries are registered, and afterward, a data stream is processed [3]. Every element in the data stream that fulfills a query predicate is reported. Depending on the stream processing system that is used, the query predicate can contain complex filters or transformations.

The near real-time (low-latency) processing of data streams is essential for many areas of application. For example, on a stream of position data, the following queries might be interesting: (1) Is an aircraft about to enter a certain airspace? (2) Which taxis are located near a passenger? (3) Has a convoy of vehicles broken apart and the cars do not drive next to each other anymore? All these queries need to process the stream elements fast (near real-time) so that actions based on these events can be executed (e.g., warn the aircraft that enters a restricted airspace).

Figure 2 shows a further application from the field of maritime observation. The figure depicts the real geometries and the bounding boxes of a ship and a reef. A continuous query is registered, which should report all ships that come dangerously close to a reef. To be able to warn the ship about a possible collision, the bounding box of the ship is enlarged by a constant value.Footnote 4 Therefore, the intersection between the enlarged bounding box of the ship and the bounding box of the reef is reported by the query before the reef is actually hit.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Does a ship collide with a reef? The bounding boxes of the ship and the reef are shown as dotted boxes. In addition, the enlarged bounding box of the ship is shown as a dashed box

1.3 Challenges

We have identified four major challenges when multi-dimensional data streams are processed:

  • Multi-dimensional data and non-point data: Objects of any dimensionality can be contained in a data stream. For example, the position of a car is two-dimensional (latitude and longitude); the position of an aircraft also contains an altitude and is three-dimensional. Therefore, the proposed solution should be able to handle n-dimensional data. In addition, a data stream can contain point and non-point data; the solution should be able to process both types of data (see Sect. 1.1).

    Existing stream processing systems perform the distribution of the stream elements only based on one-dimensional point data. For the efficient and scalable processing of multi-dimensional data streams, it should be possible to perform the stream distribution based on multi-dimensional data (see Sect. 4.1).

  • Spatial joins: For some applications, the stream elements need to be joined with already stored data. For example, the position of a car needs to be joined with a road network to determine in which street the car is currently located. Therefore, the solution needs to provide efficient access to previously stored multi-dimensional big data. Joining the dynamic stream data with n-dimensional static big data at scale is a novel topic that is not addressed by other stream processing systems (see Sect. 4.4.2).

  • Scalability: The number of elements in a data stream per time unit can fluctuate significantly; a large number of stream elements can occur within a short period of time. The receiving system needs to process the elements with a low latency delay. A scalable and distributed approach is required, which is capable of utilizing the resources of multiple nodes. Handling multi-dimensional stream data at scale introduces challenges that are not addressed by current systems (see Sect. 4.5).

  • Transformations and data distribution: Some continuous queries require the transformation of stream elements (e.g., the enlargement of the bounding box of the spatial join as depicted in Fig. 2 in Sect. 1.2). To execute such a join efficiently, the stream data needs to be distributed to nodes that contain the join partners. Joins in distributed stream processing systems are usually performed in two steps: (1) the data are distributed, and (2) the continuous join queries are executed by the nodes. The enlargement of the stream elements is performed in the continuous join query. This means that the enlargement of the stream elements is calculated after they are distributed, which makes it hard to distribute the data to all needed nodes. However, spatial joins that contain transformations should be supported by a stream processing system (see Sect. 4.6).

1.4 Proposed solution

In this paper, we propose BBoxDB Streams [4] as a novel solution to process multi-dimensional data streams. The paper provides the following major contributions:

  • A generic stream processing solution for multi-dimensional data, which supports n-dimensional point and non-point data.

  • A novel approach for the execution of continuous spatial joins between static multi-dimensional big data and multi-dimensional data streams.

  • An efficient way to express queries (e.g., continuous range queries and spatial joins) and transformations on data streams and stored data.

  • A solution to distribute stream elements to nodes, even when transformations are applied and spatial joins should be performed.

  • A GUI which can be used to execute queries on real-world data streams.

  • A free implementation that is available under an open-source license on GitHub [5].

BBoxDB Streams is an extension of BBoxDB [6]; a distributed key-bounding-box value store, optimized for the handling of multi-dimensional data. To the best of our knowledge, BBoxDB is the first freely available data store that is capable of handling n-dimensional point and non-point big data efficiently; data can be retrieved in \({\mathcal {O}}(\log {}n + k)\) time. In contrast to a key-value store, BBoxDB stores each value together with a bounding box. The space is partitioned dynamically into distribution regions, and these regions are assigned to the nodes of a cluster. In BBoxDB, operations are executed primarily on the bounding boxes of the data. User-defined filters (UDFs) are used to enhance the generic query processor [7]; they refine the query results and decode custom data formats. In BBoxDB Streams, UDFs are used to decode the various data stream formats and process the geometries of the stream elements (see Sect. 3.6).

BBoxDB Streams focuses on the handling of two- and three-dimensional data streams. However, the data model is generic and data streams of other dimensionalities can be handled. The software concentrates on processing continuous range queries and continuous spatial joins on these data streams. However, some features that are part of common stream processing systems (e.g., windows or aggregates) are not implemented in BBoxDB Streams.

BBoxDB was developed in our previous research and provides native support for the distributed handling of multi-dimensional data. It is one of the first systems which addresses the problem of storing n-dimensional data in a generic way. However, the system focuses only on the handling of updates; the processing of data streams was not covered by the system so far. The system implements a generic key-bounding-box-value data model that can be re-used to handle multi-dimensional data streams. In contrast, most existing stream processing systems focus only on the distribution of one-dimensional data. The data model, query processor, and data distribution logic are implemented to handle such data, which would make integrating the required changes to support multi-dimensional data complex. In addition, the indexed storage of big multi-dimensional data is not covered by these systems, which is required to realize efficient continuous joins between stream elements and previously stored data. Therefore, we have chosen BBoxDB as the foundation for our implementation.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 gives an overview of the related work. Section 3 contains the details of BBoxDB that are required for the understanding of BBoxDB Streams. Section 4 describes our solution for the handling of data streams. Section 5 shows how queries can be expressed and executed. Section 6 contains a performance evaluation of BBoxDB Streams, while Sect. 7 concludes the paper.

2 Related work

The handling of data streams and the execution of continuous queries has related work in the areas of: (1) database management engines (storing large amounts of data and allowing the efficient data retrieval), and (2) stream processing systems (the handling of continuously changing values).

The related work of these areas is discussed in the following sections. The related systems are compared with BBoxDB (for the data storage part) and BBoxDB Streams (for the stream handling part).

2.1 Database management systems

For more than a decade, distributed storage and retrieval of large amounts of data (big data) has been an important topic in research. The related systems of these areas are discussed in the following sections.

2.1.1 Traditional database management systems

Many database management systems (DBMS) that are used today focus on the relational data model; such systems are called relational database management systems (RDBMS) [8, 9]. They are optimized for ad-hoc query processing, transactions, and consistency. However, these features make it hard to scale well across a cluster of nodes [10]; most RDBMS are only capable of running on one node.

Compared to the relational data model, BBoxDB (and BBoxDB Streams) uses simpler key-bounding-box-value tuples. The software supports queries such as range queries or spatial joins on n-dimensional data (see also the discussion in Sect. 2.1.3). The queries are simpler than the queries supported by RDBMS, but BBoxDB stores the data in a distributed way and re-distributes unevenly partitioned data automatically in the background. Such concepts are not supported by most DBMS. Therefore, BBoxDB can work on larger datasets.

DBMS like MySQL can be extended by user-defined functions [11]. Extensible DBMS like SECONDO [12] can be extended by complete operators or new data models. User-defined filters (see Sect. 3.6) extend the query processor of BBoxDB. In BBoxDB Streams, these UDFs can be used to process data streams with custom data formats like GeoJSON (see Sect. 3.6.2 for an example).

2.1.2 Key-value stores

Key-value stores (KVS) belong to the family of NoSQL systems. They use a simple data model consisting of key and value tuples. To store large amounts of data, they can be implemented as a distributed key-value store (DKVS), such as Cassandra [13] or HBase [14].

In a DKVS, the data are distributed across a cluster of nodes and each node stores only a partition of the data. A partitioning function like a range- or a hash-partitioning function is applied to the key of the tuple to determine to which node the tuple belongs.

(D)KVS provide simple methods to manage large amounts of key-value pairs. For storing data, they provide an operation such as put(table, key, value). The given value is stored in a table under a particular key. For retrieving data, another operation such as get(table, key) is provided. This operation retrieves the stored value for a key from a table. (D)KVS focus on data storage, data streams are not supported, and the features to execute queries on the data are limited.

2.1.3 Multi-dimensional data in KVS

Most (D)KVS are optimized to handle one-dimensional data; handling n-dimensional data is laborious in these systems. Figure 3 depicts the problem for one- and two-dimensional data. In the figure, we assume that the shown customer record is retrieved only via the customer_id attribute. Therefore, this attribute can be used as the key in the KVS. Choosing the key for a road (two-dimensional non-point data) is much more difficult.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Determining a proper key for data in a (D)KVS can be a hard problem

(D)KVS work with one-dimensional keys, and these keys are the only access path to the data. Because of this, the key has to support the query processing. For example, when the road’s name (e.g., Road 66) is chosen as key for a tuple that stores the spatial data of a road (see Fig. 3b); the road can be accessed by the name efficiently. However, the key does not contain information about the location of the road in space. It is impossible to deduce the needed keys to retrieve the data for a query such as Which roads are located in the following area? and in such cases, an expensive full data scan has to be performed.

In general, multi-dimensional range queries are not directly supported in regular (D)KVS; a full data scan must be performed to answer such queries. A full data scan is an expensive operation; the complete dataset has to be read from disk. To answer queries efficiently, full data scans have to be avoided.

Linearization [15] can be used to encode the location of multi-dimensional point data into a one-dimensional key. Systems like MD-HBase [16] are using this technique to work with such data. MD-HBase is a multi-dimensional extension of HBase, which allows the efficient storage of two-dimensional points. A K-D Tree or a QuadTree partitions the space, and linearization is employed to generate ids for these partitions. An additional indexing layer maps from these partition ids to HBase buckets, where the data are stored. Queries like range queries are performed by determining the required partitions and performing a scan of the affected buckets. BBoxDB works with n-dimensional data and can also store non-point data. In addition, no bucket scans are performed in BBoxDB. The local index (see Sect. 3.4) allows retrieving the required tuples directly.

The source code of MD-HBase is not publicly available. With Tiny MD-HBase [17] an open-source implementation does exist. Tiny MD-HBase is a sample implementation that shows the implementation aspects of the system. However, this version is not designed for handling large amounts of data.

Systems such as EDMI - Efficient Distributed Multi-dimensional Index [18], Pyro [19], HGrid [20] are also enhancements of HBase, which use an additional index layer to store multi-dimensional data. M-Grid [21] uses a peer-to-peer overlay network to organize multi-dimensional data. The software also uses HBase as a storage backend and provides the ability to execute point, range, and kNN queries. However, all of these systems do not support operations such as spatial joins or continuous queries. In addition, these systems only support point data.

HyperDex [22] is a distributed key-value store that supports multi-dimensional point data directly. However, non-point data are not supported by HyperDex. In [23], a spatio-temporal indexing extension to the key-value store Apache Accumulo [24] is discussed, which is based on GeoHashing [25]. However, this extension can handle only spatio-temporal (three-dimensional) data and does not support data streams. The GeoMesa project [26, 27] has developed a spatio-temporal database built on top of existing NoSQL databases like Cassandra, HBase, or Accumulo. Two- and three-dimensional point and non-point data are supported. Also, GeoMesa allows the handling of data streams. However, the software supports only very simple queries on data streams.

2.1.4 Further approaches

Array databases such as Rasdaman (raster data manager) [28], SciDB [29], or SciQL [30] allow the processing of multi-dimensional arrays (data cubes). In addition to these dedicated software systems, raster data extensions for relational database management systems such as PostGIS Raster [31] or Oracle GeoRaster [32] exist. Array databases allow the handling of data like maps (two-dimensional) or satellite image time series (three-dimensional). These systems are optimized for storing and retrieving data. Handling data streams or continuous queries is not covered by all these systems.

Parallel SECONDO [33] and Distributed SECONDO [34] are distributed versions of SECONDO. They also allow the handling of multi-dimensional data. However, the distribution of the data is based on a static grid, and uneven partitions are not re-balanced automatically. In addition, continuous queries are not supported by these systems.

MapReduce [35] is an approach for the processing of large amounts of data on a cluster of unreliable nodes. With Apache Hadoop [36], an open-source implementation of the MapReduce algorithm does exist. Specialized extensions for the processing of spatial data (like SpatialHadoop [37]) or Spatio-Temporal Data (like ST-Hadoop [38]) were developed.

Apache Spark [39] is another widely used distributed processing engine for big data. Data are stored in resilient distributed datasets (RDDs). In contrast to Hadoop, Spark provides a wider range of operations and query processing is performed by faster in-memory computations. In addition, the handling of data streams (called Spark Streaming) is supported. Simba [40] extends Spark with the support for spatial data. Range queries and spatial joins are supported. Currently, only two-dimensional points are supported as a data type. SpatialSpark [41] is another software that extends Spark to process spatial data. The software also supports range queries and spatial joins on two-dimensional non-point data. GeoSpark [42] and the associated open-source project Apache Sedona [43] are also extending Spark by the ability to index spatial data and to execute queries like range queries or spatial joins. However, these systems focus on processing static datasets and do not support the processing of data streams. So, they cannot handle the data sources that BBoxDB Streams can process.

2.2 Stream processing systems

This section compares popular stream processing systems and common architecture patterns with BBoxDB Streams. Besides, other approaches for the handling of multi-dimensional stream data are discussed.

2.2.1 First stream processing systems

The STanford stREamdatA Management (STREAM) system [44] was one of the first publicly available systems to evaluate continuous queries over data streams. The system uses a centralized architecture and does not focus on the special characteristics of multi-dimensional data. In contrast, BBoxDB is a distributed system that is specialized in the handling of multi-dimensional data.

The Tapestry system [3] introduces the concept of continuous queries. Continuous queries are registered by a user and evaluated as soon as new data are stored. Tapestry is an append-only database, and the continuous queries are formulated in the Tapestry Query Language, which is similar to SQL. In contrast to BBoxDB, data cannot be deleted, and the system can only utilize the resources of a single node.

2.2.2 Current stream processing systems

The Apache project hosts four of the most widespread stream processing systems: Apache Flink [45], Apache Spark Streaming [46], Apache Kafka [47], and Apache Storm [48].

Modern stream processing systems allow splitting up the stream into so-called windows. A window is a small partition of stream elements (e.g., based on the number of elements or the time) that are processed at once. On these windows, operations such as aggregations can be executed. Some systems allow to build up distributed tables of previous stream elements or with the most recent stream value (e.g., KTables in Apache Kafka [49]). These tables are stored in a distributed manner, but features such as the dynamic re-partitioning of these tables are not supported. However, stream processing systems provide the ability to store the result of the stream processing into data sinks such as Cassandra. These stream processing systems are not optimized to compare the elements of the streams with larger previously stored datasets. These systems do not support operations such as geometric indexing or spatial joins. BBoxDB instead re-distributes datasets dynamically in the background without interrupting access to the data. The system supports multi-dimensional indexing and spatial joins are supported out of the box. BBoxDB Streams allows performing continuous spatial joins between the elements of a data stream and stored data. However, some functions that are implemented in such stream processing systems (e.g., aggregates or windows) are not addressed by BBoxDB Streams.

2.2.3 Data streams and continuous joins

Joining previously stored data with stream elements is an important topic for many areas of application. In general, joins in stream processing systems can be divided into: (1) windowed joins and (2) unwindowed joins [2, p. 254]. In a windowed join, the data of the stream is joined with a fixed range (e.g., a fixed time range of one day) or a sliding range (e.g., the last 100 elements of the stream) of the previously received data. In an unwindowed join, the data of the stream are joined with the complete history of the stream.

Performing joins on streams is discussed in papers like [50, 51]. Both papers propose Distributed Hash Tables [52] to distribute the tuples of a data stream in a way that joins can be efficiently executed. In contrast to BBoxDB Streams, these systems focus only on point data. Systems such as DEDUCE [53] allow the usage of MapReduce jobs to access large amounts of static data in stream processing systems. These systems allow joining data streams with static data; however, they focus also on one-dimensional key-value pairs, which MapReduce can process. Topics such as spatial data are not covered by these systems.

A unique feature of BBoxDB Streams is the efficient continuous unwindowed spatial join between a data stream and previously stored n-dimensional big data.

We have chosen Apache Kafka for a more detailed comparison and to discuss the differences between BBoxDB Streams and a typical stream processing system in-depth. The architecture of Apache Kafka and the implemented join types are discussed subsequently. The comparison is also valid for other stream processing systems like Flink, Storm, or Spark Streaming. These systems are also only capable of distributing stream data based on a one-dimensional key.

In Apache Kafka, a data stream is called KStream. Each element of a KStream consists of a key and a value. The key is used to partition the stream elements across the nodes of the cluster. Each node processes only a partition of the whole data stream. A KTable is an “abstraction of a changelog stream” [49]; for each key it contains the most recent value. Just like the data stream, KTables are partitioned across the nodes of the Kafka cluster. GlobalKTables are similar to KTables, with the difference that they are not partitioned; each Kafka node stores a full copy of the table. Therefore, GlobalKTables allow joins over non-key stream attributes. Regardless of how the stream data are partitioned, the join partners are present on the nodes.

Apache Kafka supports five different join operations [54]: (1) the KStream-KStream Join, (2) the KTable-KTable Join, (3) the KStream-KTable Join, (4) the KStream-GlobalKTable Join, and (5) the KTable-to-GlobalKTable Join. The KStream-KStream join is a windowed join; the remaining joins are unwindowed.

Similar to a key-value store, Kafka works with simple data types for the key and the value of the stream elements (e.g., byte, string, int, long) [55]. However, this leads to the same problems as discussed in Sect. 2.1.3 when multi-dimensional data or non-point data have to be processed. Determining a proper key is problematic for such kind of data. Therefore, it is problematic to distribute a stream of n-dimensional data across a cluster of nodes in a way that KStream-KTable joins can be performed. To perform this type of join, the stream elements have to be partitioned in the same way as the KTable.

As an alternative, the KStream-Global-KTable join can be performed. However, in this case, the table is not partitioned and has to be stored on each Kafka node completely. The resources of the nodes limit the size of the table. Therefore, such joins can only be performed on small tables.

The spatial join of BBoxDB Streams can be compared to the KStream-KTable Join of Apache Kafka. The data of the table containing the join partners of the stream elements are partitioned across the cluster of nodes; the stream is partitioned in the same way. So, the stream elements are processed by the same nodes that store the join candidates. The difference between Kafka and BBoxDB Streams is that BBoxDB Streams uses a partitioned n-dimensional space and n-dimensional bounding boxes of the stream elements to distribute the data. Apache Kafka uses only a one-dimensional key to distribute the data, which leads to the problems discussed above.

2.2.4 Data streams and multi-dimensional data

The systems PLACE [56] and Tornado [57] are built to handle data streams of spatial data. PLACE focuses on spatio-temporal data streams and supports continuous queries, and implements operations like spatial joins. However, the system is not a distributed system. Therefore, the system can only employ the resources of one node to handle the data stream and to calculate the continuous queries. Tornado focuses on spatio-textual datasets (e.g., geo-tagged text messages from Twitter). The distributed architecture allows the system to process data streams and register continuous queries. In contrast to BBoxDB, the system can handle only point data with two spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension. In addition, both of these systems are not publicly available, and they focus only on two- and three-dimensional data.

In [58] an extension of Apache Storm for the handling of spatial data streams is proposed. However, the paper focuses only on two-dimensional point data. In contrast, BBoxDB Streams can handle n-dimensional point and non-point data.

The paper [59] focuses on the handling of continuous spatial joins on moving objects. However, it does not cover topics such as the handling of previously stored n-dimensional big data or the distributed computing on a cluster of nodes.

When a data stream of position data is processed, the continuous queries are evaluated on each position update. This requires a certain amount of resources. To reduce the needed resources, concepts such as the safe region [60] were introduced. A safe region is a region in space where the object can move without changing the result of a continuous query; this reduces the number of calculations required. The safe region gives only a rough estimation of the location of an object. Applications that need the exact position of the object cannot work with safe regions. BBoxDB is a highly scalable system that is designed to handle large amounts of data and updates. Concepts to reduce the number of updates or query re-calculations are not implemented at the moment. Instead, more resources can be added easily, and the existing data are re-distributed in the background without interrupting the service. Besides, the GUI of BBoxDB is used to visualize the stream data in real-time. Therefore, all changes need to be processed by the registered continuous queries (see Sect. 4.8).

2.2.5 Software architecture

The lambda architecture [61] is a software architecture pattern that deals with the low-latency processing of data streams. A stream-processing system and a batch-processing system are used in parallel to get the best of both worlds: accurate and up-to-date results. The stream-processing system is used to get the most recent but inaccurate results. The batch-processing system re-processes the complete data periodically. The output of this system is a bit outdated but accurate. For the batch processing component, the complete data history has to be available. The drawback of the architecture is that the same logic has to be implemented twice: (1) in the batch-, and (2) in the stream-processing system.

A more recent approach is the kappa architecture [62]. The batch processing engine is passed, and so, the duplicate implementation of the logic is omitted. The data are still stored in an append-only way, but everything is treated as a data stream. The architecture can re-process the historical and the most recent data if needed (e.g., further aspects of the data should be analyzed). The history data are read entry by entry and processed as a regular data stream.

In BBoxDB, continuous spatial join queries are performed between stream elements and previously stored data. The software can store the stream elements in a persistent way. In this situation, the spatial joins are performed between current stream elements and all previously stored stream elements. This means that BBoxDB Streams is inspired by the kappa architecture.

3 BBoxDB basics

BBoxDB is a distributed key-bounding-box-value store designed to handle multi-dimensional big data. In contrast to regular key-value stores, which store key-value pairs, BBoxDB stores each value together with an n-dimensional bounding box. The system is optimized for the handling of low-dimensional (e.g., spatial and spatial-temporal) data.Footnote 5 BBoxDB is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and is available for download on the website of the project [5]. More information about the concepts can be found in papers such as [7, 6].

Building a highly-available distributed system is a complex and error-prone task. Failures such as node or network outages have to be handled properly. Apache ZooKeeper [64] is a software that was developed to simplify the implementation of distributed systems. The software provides a simple tree-oriented structure, which can be used to realize more complex tasks. BBoxDB uses ZooKeeper for tasks such as service discovery (i.e., which BBoxDB nodes are available) or sharing information (e.g., which part of the space is handled by which node).

3.1 Tuples and consistency

Definition 2

A tuple t consists of a key, a value, a bounding box and a version; \(t = (key, bounding\ box, {}value, {}version)\). (1) The key identifies the tuple, (2) the bounding box is used as a generic description of the location of the tuple in the n-dimensional space (see Sect. 3.3), (3) the value contains the data, and (4) the version is used to identify the newest version of the tuple.Footnote 6 Table 1 lists the attributes of a tuple. \(\square\)

Table 1 The attributes of a tuple in BBoxDB

BBoxDB uses eventual consistency [65] to deal with outages such as network partitions or unavailable replicas. The timestamp of the tuple is used to keep track of the most recent version of a tuple. Eventual consistency means that all replicas become eventually synchronized with the last version of the data when no updates are made.

3.2 Operations

BBoxDB has some similarities to key-value-stores. But in contrast to a KVS, BBoxDB uses slightly different operations. New data are stored with the put(table, key, hrect, value) operation. In addition to the already described parameters, an n-dimensional bounding box (a hyperrectangle; see Sect. 3.3 for a detailed description) has to be specified when the data are stored. Data are retrieved using the operation queryByRect(table, hrect), which retrieves all tuples whose bounding box intersects with the query bounding box. Besides, further operations such as a spatial join (operation join(table1, table2, hrect)) are implemented. Table 2 lists BBoxDB operations that are used in this paper.Footnote 7

Table 2 The most important operations of BBoxDB

BBoxDB is a generic data store that can store any kind of data (e.g., a geometry encoded in GeoJSON or WKT format, or a trajectory encoded in CSV format). Each stored value is a plain array of bytes for the datastore. Only the bounding box of the value is encoded in a format that BBoxDB can decode. Therefore, the query processor takes only the bounding boxes of the tuples into consideration. Some operations, such as spatial joins on polygons, need to decode the stored values to produce the correct query result. User-defined filters (UDFs) can decode the value and can refine the bounding box based operations (see Sect. 3.6).

3.3 Bounding boxes

In BBoxDB, each value is stored together with an n-dimensional bounding box. To calculate the bounding box for a value, the minimum and maximum coordinates have to be determined for each dimension. BBoxDB provides some helper functions which calculate a bounding box for common data formats like GeoJSON, WKT, or GTFS.

Definition 3

The n-dimensional axis-aligned minimum bounding box, which is simply called bounding box in this paper, is represented by an n-dimensional hyperrectangle consisting of 2n values of the datatype double. The value \(2(i-1)\) describes the lowest included coordinate in the dimension i, while the value \(2(i-1)+1\) describes the highest included coordinate in the dimension i. For example, the tuple (0.5, 2.5, 0.2, 3.0) describes a two-dimensional hyperrectangle. In the first dimension, the range [0.5, 2.5] and in the second dimension, the range [0.2, 3.0] are covered (see Fig. 4). \(\square\)

Fig. 4
figure 4

The bounding box for a two-dimensional non-point entity (e.g., a road)

3.4 Data distribution

BBoxDB stores tuples in tables. Tables of the same dimensionality can be grouped together in a distribution group. To address a table in BBoxDB, the complete name consisting of the name of the distribution group and the table has to be specified. For example, dgroup_table1 denotes the table table1 of the distribution group dgroup.

By splitting the space, BBoxDB splits the data of a distribution group into almost equal-sized partitions (distribution regions) and spreads the data of these partitions across a cluster of nodes. Therefore, each node stores only a part of the whole dataset.

Geometric data structures (such as the K-D Tree [66] or the Quad-Tree [67]) are used as space partitioner to partition the space into distribution regions. The space is split and merged based on the actual distribution of the stored tuples. The used partitioning algorithm can be chosen when the distribution group is created.

The global index contains two types of information: (1) the current partitioning that is generated by the space partitioner \((space \rightarrow distribution\ region)\) and (2) the assignment of these partitions to the nodes of the cluster \((distribution\ region \rightarrow {\mathcal {P}}(nodes))\).Footnote 8

On the nodes, data are indexed by an R-Tree [68]; this data structure is called the local index. The local index maps from the n-dimensional space to the stored tuples \((space \rightarrow tuples)\). Both indexes are stored in ZooKeeper.

Figure 5 shows an example of stored tuples, their bounding boxes, and the partitioned space. The mapping between the space and the nodes is the global index. All the tuples whose bounding box belongs to multiple distribution regions (e.g., Tuple G in the figure) are duplicated and stored multiple times.

Fig. 5
figure 5

BBoxDB partitions the space into distribution regions and assigns these regions to the nodes of a cluster. The different symbols of the tuples represent the different values. The box around the symbol represents the bounding box of the value

BBoxDB is designed to handle growing and shrinking datasets. To ensure an equal data distribution, the data are re-partitioned and re-distributed dynamically. When a distribution group is created, an upper- and a lower threshold (\(t_{upper}\) and \(t_{lower}\)) are defined. Each node of the BBoxDB cluster calculates the size of the locally stored distribution regions periodically. When a distribution region becomes larger than \(t_{upper}\), the region is split. When a region becomes smaller than \(t_{lower}\), the region is merged. BBoxDB re-distributes the data in the background without interrupting access to the data.Footnote 9

When a new distribution group is created, the entire space is covered by one distribution region. By storing data and the re-partitioning of the space performed by BBoxDB, the space is partitioned into more and more distribution regions. It takes some time until the space is partitioned in enough partitions that each node can store at least the data of one distribution region. Nodes that do not store any distribution regions are idle. To utilize the nodes directly from the beginning and to reduce the amount of data re-distribution tasks, BBoxDB allows one to pre-partition the space of a new distribution region into n distribution regions by a provided sample. BBoxDB determines the distribution of the data from the sample and creates matching partitions. Because no data are stored in the distribution region, the partitions can be created and assigned to the nodes without re-distributing any data. When data are stored after the region is pre-partitioned, the data is distributed directly to all nodes of the cluster.

3.5 Efficient data access

The two-level index structure of BBoxDB, consisting of (1) the global index, and (2) the local index allows the efficient retrieval of tuples. Most of the operations in BBoxDB take a hyperrectangle as a parameter. The hyperrectangle is compared with the global index to determine which distribution regions are affected by the operation. The nodes that are responsible for these regions are contacted, and the operation is performed on these nodes. The local index on the nodes is used to identify all the local stored tuples that intersect with the hyperrectangle.Footnote 10

All tables of a distribution group share the same global index. This means that the data are spread in the same manner (co-partitioned) across the nodes of the cluster; the same regions in space are stored on the same nodes.

Definition 4

For a join \(\bowtie _p\), we call two partitioned tables \(R=\{R_1, ..., R_n\}\) and \(S=\{S_1, ..., S_n\}\) co-partitioned iff \(R \bowtie _p S = \bigcup _{i=1,..., n}R_i \bowtie _p S_i\). \(\square\)

On co-partitioned data, spatial joins (performed by the join() operation) can be efficiently performed. No data need to be transferred through the network; all join partners are stored on the same node. The join() operation also takes a hyperrectangle as a parameter. This hyperrectangle determines the area in space where the spatial join is performed. The global index is employed to determine the distribution regions on which the operation needs to be performed. These nodes are contacted and the local index on these nodes is used for an index nested loop join. Figure 6 illustrates a spatial join on two co-partitioned tables.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Executing a spatial-join on two co-partitioned tables

3.6 User-defined filters

As a generic data store, BBoxDB is unable to interpret the bytes of the stored values. The bounding box is stored in a standardized format that BBoxDB can interpret. Therefore, the query processor can only perform operations on the bounding boxes of the data.


Performing a spatial join on spatial data, which only considers the bounding boxes, leads to incorrect results. Intersecting bounding boxes is a necessary criterion but not a sufficient criterion for a spatial join (see Fig. 7). \(\square\)

Fig. 7
figure 7

Two spatial objects (solid line) with intersecting bounding boxes (dashed line). In a the spatial objects do not intersect, while in b the spatial objects do intersect

To solve this problem, user-defined filters (UDFs) are supported by the query processor of BBoxDB. These filters contain the knowledge to decode a certain data format (e.g., GeoJSON encoded values) and to perform a certain operation on the data. UDFs refine the bounding box-based output of the generic query processor by applying a further filter step on the values (see Fig. 8). These filters are deployed to the nodes of the cluster and executed directly in the query processor. Therefore, UDFs are executed in a distributed manner on different nodes, and the data is filtered before it is transferred to the client.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Refining the bounding box based result of the generic query processor with a user-defined filter. In a spatial join, a user-defined filter can consider the real geometries and let only the intersecting geometries pass

3.6.1 Implementation details

UDFs are developed by the user of the system. Only the user who has stored the data knows how to interpret the values of the data. However, BBoxDB contains some pre-defined UDFs for common data formats (e.g., for decoding GeoJSON data or WKT). UDFs are written in Java and they can use existing libraries. The filters are deployed and executed on the BBoxDB nodes. A UDF is a class that implements the interface UserDefinedFilter, which is provided by BBoxDB. The interface contains two methods that need to be implemented by every UDF (see Listing 1).

figure a
  • The method filterTuple in Line 3 of the listing is used to refine range queries: \(filterTuple: tuple \times bytes \rightarrow bool\). For each tuple that has a bounding box that intersects with the query rectangle, the method is called.

  • The method filterJoinCandidate in Line 5 is used to refine spatial join queries: \(filterJoinCandidate: tuple \times tuple \times bytes \rightarrow bool\). The method is called for all join candidates that have intersecting bounding boxes.

When these methods return true, the tuple is part of the final query result. Otherwise, the tuple is not part of the final result. In addition, both methods accept a user defined value customData, which can be used for further operations (e.g., test a property like the name of the road in the GeoJSON encoded value).

3.6.2 A UDF for GeoJSON encoded data

In this paper, many examples work with GeoJSON encoded data. In this section, a UDF is discussed, which decodes GeoJSON encoded data. The UDF can be used: (1) to refine range queries and (2) to refine bounding box-based spatial joins to spatial joins on the real geometries.

The range query refinement is done by performing an intersection test between the real geometry of a tuple and a provided geometry. The spatial join refinement is done by performing intersection tests on the real geometries of the elements. Elements that have only intersecting bounding boxes and no intersecting geometries (see Fig. 7) are removed from the result. The ESRI Geometry API for Java library [69] is used by the UserDefinedGeoJsonSpatialFilter UDF to perform the intersection test. The UDF is used later in Sect. 5 to refine continuous queries. For a good understanding of the examples, this UDF is described in this section in greater detail.

The UDF performs the following filter tasks on range queries:

  • When the filterTuple method is called with only a tuple, all tuples can pass the filter.

  • When the filterTuple method is called with a tuple and a GeoJSON element as custom value, an intersection test is performed between these objects.

The UDF performs the following filter tasks on spatial join queries:

  • When the filterJoinCandidate method is called with two tuples, the performed operation depends on the type of the GeoJSON geometries:

    • When both geometries are regions, an intersection test is performed.

    • Otherwise (e.g., for a point and a region), a distance test of the geometries is performed. Geometries that are closer than five meters are treated as intersecting and can pass the filter. The distance test for lines or points is implemented for situations where a position of a car (a point) should be compared with a road (a line). Due to measurement tolerances, the geometries do not really intersect but they become close (see Listing 12 in Sect. 5.5.5 for an example). The distance of 5 meters is the default value and can be changed by the user.

  • When the filterJoinCandidate method is called with two tuples, and a custom value, the same calculation as described above is performed. In addition, it is assumed that the custom value is in the format key:value. GeoJSON elements can contain a property map of key-value pairs.Footnote 11 The filter tests that the provided key and value are contained in at least one of the property maps of the tuples. For example, with the custom value name:road66 the name of the road is restricted to road66. By specifying bridge:yes the road has to be a bridge, and by specifying lanes:4 the road has to have four lanes. Only tuples with a matching property and intersecting geometries can pass the filter.

In addition to the UserDefinedGeoJsonSpatialFilter, BBoxDB contains a more strict version of the filter called UserDefinedGeoJsonSpatialStrictFilter. This UDF performs only the real intersection test of both geometries; no distance check is performed. This filter can be used when it is required to test that a point is really inside of another geometry, like the position of a car (a point) in a forest (a region).

It is a common pattern in spatial join algorithms to evaluate the bounding box of an object in the first step and evaluate the full geometry only if required. For example, the calculation of a spatial join is often divided into a filter step and a refinement step [71]. The filter step is cheap to calculate and detects all possible join candidates by intersecting bounding boxes. The refinement step is more expensive to calculate, works on the real geometries, and eliminates all join candidates that do not really intersect.

4 BBoxDB streams

The introduction lists several challenges in the handling of multi-dimensional data streams (see Sect. 1.3). To solve these problems, we have developed a new data stream processing solution called BBoxDB Streams. The system is an extension of the key-bounding-box-value store BBoxDB. BBoxDB is used for data distribution and storage. Features such as the decoding of stream elements or the support for continuous queries are part of our BBoxDB Streams implementation.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Handling a data stream with BBoxDB Streams. The data stream is captured, converted into tuples, and written to the nodes of the BBoxDB cluster. Afterward, the continuous queries are executed and the results are delivered to the clients

The handling of data streams consists of two major tasks: (1) the data stream needs to be captured and handled, and (2) continuous queries need to be evaluated. Both tasks are fulfilled by our implementation and described in the next sections. The upper part of Fig. 9 depicts the capturing of data streams (which will be described in Sect. 4.1). The middle part depicts the handling of multi-dimensional data in BBoxDB, which was already described in Sect. 3. The lower part in the image contains the execution of queries (see Sect. 4.2) and the visualization of results (see Sect. 4.8). The types of queries that can be executed is covered in Sects. 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.7. Section 4.6 discusses strategies to distribute the stream elements to the nodes of the cluster.

4.1 Handling data streams

To handle a data stream, the stream has to be: (1) read from an input source, (2) decoded and converted into a data format that can be handled by BBoxDB Streams, and (3) partitioned and distributed to the nodes that are responsible for the tuples.

4.1.1 Decoding and processing streams

BBoxDB Streams contains a stream capturing tool. The stream capturing tool allows the user to read data streams from input sources like network sockets, named pipes, or files. The goal of the stream capturing tool is (1) to read data from an input source (\(input\ source \rightarrow string\)), and (2) to decode the content and generate a stream of BBoxDB compatible tuples (\(string \rightarrow tuple\)). To decode the data of the input sources, BBoxDB Streams contains decoder for GeoJSON, ADS-B, and GTFS real-time. Therefore, many streams can be handled out of the box. Support for additional data formats or stream inputs can be integrated by creating a Java class that implements the interface TupleBuilder.

The stream capturing tool uses the BBoxDB client library for communicating with the BBoxDB cluster. The client library is written in the programming language Java. This library connects to the ZooKeeper installation, reads the global index and the state of the BBoxDB nodes (i.e., alive or failed). The operations are redirected to the nodes that are alive and responsible for the required area in space (see [6, pp. 30 ff.]). When a distribution group is stored in a replicated manner, node failures can be compensated. During the regular operation of the cluster, data are transmitted and continuous queries are registered on all affected replicas. Once one node fails, the remaining replica(s) ensure that the stream elements and the continuous queries can still be processed. Duplicates that are generated by the handling of the data on multiple replicas are filtered automatically (see Sect. 4.7).

After starting the stream capturing tool, the following steps are performed continuously:

  • Read data: The data stream is read continuously from the input source.

  • Parse data: The read data are parsed, and the stream elements are decoded and converted into tuples, consisting of a key, a bounding box, a value, and a version (see Sect. 3.1).

  • Ordering: A version for the tuple is determined. When the stream elements contain a version field, this value is used. Otherwise, the current timestamp is used as a version. Taking the original version honors the order of the tuple at the creation time. By generating a new version, the receiving order of the tuples is taken.

  • Distribution: The tuple is distributed to the nodes of the BBoxDB cluster. To perform this action, the capturing tool executes the put() operation together with a table name. Afterward, the tuple is sent to the nodes that are responsible for storing data for the region in space which is described by the bounding box of the tuple. Non-point data that belongs to multiple distribution regions are replicated and sent to multiple nodes (e.g., see Tuple G in Fig. 5). Due to the fact that a table name is associated to the stream elements in this step, continuous queries can be registered on these stream elements by specifying the table name.

  • Continuous queries: When a node receives a new tuple, the tuple is processed and the execution of the registered continuous queries is performed (see Fig. 9 for an illustration).

  • Store: After the tuple is processed, the tuple can be stored on disk or discarded. The desired action for the tuples can be configured by the user of the system in the stream capturing tool.Footnote 12

4.1.2 Data storage and index updates

The capabilities of BBoxDB are used to store the elements of the data stream. How the storage structures work and the two-level index structure (see Sect. 3.4) is affected by new data is described in this section.

Local index: Memtables and String Sorted Tables (SSTables) [72] are employed as data structures to store data; both data structures are optimized for writes. Memtables are located in memory, and SSTables are located on disk. Tuples are stored in a Memtable first. When a threshold is reached, the tuples are sorted by key and written to disk as an SSTable. Tuples are never updated; instead, new versions of a tuple are stored. Old versions of the tuples are removed periodically in a cleanup task called compactification.

SSTables are optimized for key-based retrieval operations. For efficient hyperrectangle-based retrieval operations (e.g., range queries), an R-Tree is created for each Memtable and SSTable (the local index).

Global index: The global index determines which node is responsible for which distribution region (a partition of the space). Updating the global index is an expensive operation because the data between the nodes need to be re-distributed and transferred between the nodes. Therefore, the global index is only updated when a partition becomes unbalanced. Two threshold values (the upper and the lower limit) are defined when a partition is considered as unbalanced. These values are configured when the distribution group is created. In addition, it can be configured if tuples or the amount of the stored data is used as the size of the region. The global index also determines how the data stream is partitioned and distributed in the BBoxDB cluster. Therefore, when the global index is changed, the stream is distributed in a different manner. The global index is split in a way that the data is evenly distributed across the cluster. Therefore, the data stream is also distributed in a way that reflects the distribution of the stream elements in the n-dimensional space.

The data re-distribution was already implemented in BBoxDB. Also, the handling of read- and write-operations during the data re-distribution was implemented. These implementations are re-used by BBoxDB Streams. More about the storage management and the data re-distribution of BBoxDB can be found in [6].

4.2 Performing continuous queries

BBoxDB Streams enhances BBoxDB by two operations for the handling of continuous queries: (1) continuousQuery(queryPlan) and (2) cancelQuery(id) (see Table 3). The first operation registers a new query while the second operation cancels a previously registered continuous query.

Table 3 The operations implemented for BBoxDB Streams

The operation continuousQuery takes a query plan as a parameter. This query plan describes how the tuples of the stream are processed and which result tuples are returned by the continuous query. How the execution of the query plan is done is described in Sect. 4.4. How a continuous query plan can be constructed (e.g., which transformations are performed and the specification of the area where the query is registered) is described in Sect. 5. The operation returns an id of the continuous query together with a stream of result tuples. The query id can be used as a parameter for the operation cancelQuery to stop the execution of the continuous query. Listing 5 of Sect. 5.1 demonstrates the usage of these operations.

These operations are fully integrated in the BBoxDB client and also track the state of the global index (the data distribution). When a continuous query is registered and the data distribution is changed (e.g., a distribution region is split or merged), the query is automatically re-registered on the new distribution regions.

4.3 Tuple transformations

Tuple transformations are an important part of the evaluation of continuous queries. BBoxDB Streams supports two types of transformations: (1) Modifying Transformations and (2) Filter Transformations.

4.3.1 Modifying transformations

Modifying transformations allow the user to change the tuples of the stream (see Sect. 4.4); they are applied on the bounding box b of a tuple and return a modified bounding box \(b'\). Depending on the transformation, additional parameters can be passed to the transformation: \(f(b[r_1, \dots , r_{2n}], \ \dots ){} = b'[r'_1, \dots , r'_{2n}]\). f is the modifying transformation, b is the original bounding box, \(b'\) is the transformed bounding box, [\(r_1,{} \dots , r_{2n}\)] and \([r'_1, \dots , r'_{2n}]\) are the values of the n-dimensional bounding boxes (see Sect. 3.3).

The following modifying transformations are supported in BBoxDB:

  • Enlarge bounding box by factor: This transformation enlarges the bounding box by a constant factor c. In each dimension the extension is calculated and multiplied by c. Half of the enlargement is subtracted from the start coordinate of the bounding box and the other half is added to the end coordinate. So, the bounding box is enlarged and the location of the center remains unchanged: \(f(b[r_1, r_2, \dots , r_{2n}], c) {} = b'[r_1 - \frac{c(r_2 - r_1)}{2}, r_2 + \frac{c(r_2 - r_1)}{2}, \dots , r_{2n} + \frac{c(r_{2n} - r_{2n-1})}{2}]\).

  • Enlarge bounding box by value: The bounding box b is enlarged by a constant value v in each dimension. As in the factor transformation, half of the value is subtracted from the start coordinate and half the value is added to the end value in each dimension: \(f(b[r_1, r_2, \dots , r_{2n}], v) = b'[r_1 - \frac{v}{2}, r_2 + \frac{v}{2}, \dots , r_{2n} + \frac{v}{2}]\).

  • Enlarge WGS84 bounding box by meter: Enlarge the two-dimensional bounding box b that uses WGS84 coordinates by a certain value v in meters. The extension on the latitude axis is specified as \(e_{lat}\); the longitudinal extension is specified as \(e_{lon}\). These meter based values are converted into the proper changes of the WGS84 coordinates \(e'_{lat}\) and \(e'_{lon}\). The bounding box is changed as follows: \(f(b[r_1, r_2, {} r_3, {} r_{4}], v) = b'[r_1 - \frac{e'_{lat}}{2}, r_2 +\frac{e'_{lat}}{2}, r_3 - \frac{e'_{lon}}{2}, r_{4} + \frac{e'_{lon}}{2}]\).

4.3.2 Filter transformations

Filter transformations decide whether or not a tuple t should be further processed or omitted from the query result. Depending on the filter, additional parameters (e.g., name of a key to filter) can be passed to the filter function: \(f: tuple \times \ldots \rightarrow bool\). Filter transformations can be applied on the stream and on the previously stored tuples.

When the filter returns true, the tuple can pass the filter; otherwise, the query processing for this tuple is stopped and the tuple will not be part of the query result. The following filter transformations are supported in BBoxDB:

  • Filter by key: If the key of a tuple is equal to a certain value, true is returned; false otherwise: \(f: tuple \times value \rightarrow bool\).

  • Filter by bounding box: If the bounding box of the tuple does intersect with a constant hyperrectangle, the filter function returns true; false otherwise: \(f: tuple \times hrect \rightarrow bool\).

  • Filter by user-defined filter: This is a generic filter operation that delegates the real filter operation to a user-defined filter with a custom value (see Sect. 3.6.1) and returns the result of the UDF: \(f: tuple \times UDF \times custom\ value \rightarrow bool\).

4.4 Continuous queries

BBoxDB Streams supports two types of queries: (1) continuous range queries and (2) continuous spatial join queries. These queries are discussed in the following subsections.

4.4.1 Continuous range queries

The continuous range query \(q_{cr}\) is used to filter stream elements that intersect with a given query rectangle. The stream elements can also be transformed and filtered (see Sect. 4.3). The query performs a selection on the n-dimensional data stream \(S_n\) and returns all stream elements that intersect with the range \(\alpha\) where the query is registered and matches the selection function \(\sigma _{cr}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} q_{cr}(S_n, \alpha , \sigma _{cr}) = \{ s \ \vert&\ s \in S_n \ \wedge \ s \cap \alpha \ne \emptyset \\&\wedge \ \sigma _{cr}(s, \tau , \theta , \beta ) \} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Table 4 describes the notations of the equation. Section 5 discusses the elements of the query in greater detail and gives some examples.

Table 4 The notations of the continuous range query

The query is registered on all nodes that are responsible for the area \(\alpha\). This is determined by reading the global index and determining all distribution regions that are intersecting with \(\alpha\). Because the data stream is also partitioned and distributed according to the global index (see Sect. 4.5), all needed stream elements are processed by the query. After a tuple s of a data stream is received by a BBoxDB node, the continuous queries are executed. When the bounding box of the tuple intersects with the area in space \(\alpha\) where the continuous query is registered, the following steps are executed:

  1. 1.

    The transformations \(\theta\) for the bounding box of the tuple s are executed.

  2. 2.

    After the transformations are applied and no filter has stopped the execution of the query (see Sect. 4.3.2), the bounding box of the tuple is compared with the query hyperrectangle \(\tau\).

  3. 3.

    If the bounding box of the tuple and the query hyperrectangle do intersect and positive matches should be reported \(\beta\), the tuple is sent to the query client. The same is performed if the bounding boxes do not intersect, and negative matches should be reported.


With this type of query, the ships of a static region of the ocean can be observed. The position data of the ships is written to a table; on this table, the continuous range query is registered. The region where the query is registered \(\alpha\) and the query rectangle \(\tau\) are identical. \(\beta\) is set to true so that all ships that are intersecting with the query rectangle are reported. So, all ships that enter the region are detected by the query. Transformations on the stream elements \(\theta\) are not performed in this example. \(\square\)

By using the continuous range query, more complex queries can also be executed. This is shown in the following example.


Again, all ships that are heading to an island should be reported. But in addition, ships that are in the direct neighborhood of the island should be ignored by the query. For instance, these are ships waiting for a free berth in the harbor, or these are ships that are maneuvering in the harbor area. The situation is depicted in Fig. 10. The continuous query should report all ships that are in the light grey area; Ship 1 should be detected and Ship 2 should be ignored.

Again the data stream containing the position of the ships is written to a table. On this table, the query is registered in the area \(\alpha\). This is the part of the ocean that is observed, the area around the island is \(\tau\), \(\beta\) is set to false. Therefore, only ships are reported by the query that are inside of \(\alpha\) but not intersecting with \(\tau\). The query reports the ships that are inside of the region \(\alpha \setminus \tau\). \(\square\)

Fig. 10
figure 10

A continuous range query that determines all ships that are heading to an island. Ships in the direct neighborhood of the island are ignored

4.4.2 Continuous spatial join queries

The continuous spatial join query \(q_{cj}\) is used to compare stream elements with previously stored static multi-dimensional data. Because BBoxDB is used for data storage, the join operation can efficiently join the data stream with large amounts of already stored data, which is a unique feature of BBoxDB Streams. Like the continuous range query, the continuous spatial join query can filter and transform the elements of the stream. The query performs a spatial join between the n-dimensional data stream \(S_n\) and the table \(R_n\) of the same dimensionality in the area \(\alpha\) using the selection function \(\sigma _{cj}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} q_{cj}(S_n, R_n, \alpha , \sigma _{cj}) = \{ (r,s) \ \vert&\ r \in R_n \ \wedge \ s \in S_n \\&\wedge \ s \cap \alpha \ne \emptyset \\&\wedge \ \sigma _{cj}(r, s, \theta , \lambda ) \} \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Table 5 describes the notations of the equation. Section 5 discusses the elements of the query in greater detail and gives some examples.

Table 5 The notations of the continuous spatial join query

For the previously stored tuples, only filter transformations are supported; applying modifying transformations is not supported. Otherwise, the stored tuples would need to be accessed to calculate the enlargement of the resulting bounding boxes (e.g., multiply the length of the bounding box by a value of two). Since it is unknown in advance how the transformation will change the bounding box and whether the resulting bounding box is relevant for the query afterward, the transformation has to be applied to all stored tuples. The calculation would be very inefficient because all already-stored tuples have to be loaded. Therefore, modifying transformations on previously stored tuples are not implemented in BBoxDB Streams; modifying transformations can only be applied to the stream elements.

Like the continuous range query, the continuous spatial join query is executed every time a stream tuple s is received by a BBoxDB node. If the bounding box of the tuple and the range where the query is registered \(\alpha\) do intersect, the query is executed. The following steps are executed:

  1. 1.

    The transformations \(\theta\) on the bounding box of the stream tuple are applied.

  2. 2.

    Afterward, the transformed bounding box is used for a range query on the table \(R_n\). Details of this operation are discussed in Sect. 4.6.

  3. 3.

    For each result tuple t of the range query, the persistent tuple filter transformations \(\lambda\) are applied.

  4. 4.

    If the tuple t is not eliminated by a filter operation, the intersection between the bounding box of t and the bounding box of the stream tuple s is calculated.

  5. 5.

    If the bounding boxes do intersect, both tuples are sent to the query client (see Sect. 5.1 for a detailed example). Due to the transformations \(\lambda\), the bounding boxes might no longer be intersecting.

Due to the global index and the local index, this type of query can be executed efficiently (see Sect. 3.5). The stream elements are partitioned, distributed according to the global index to the required distribution regions, and joined with the stored data. The join is performed on the bounding boxes of the data in the first step and can be refined afterward. So, this type of query is an adapted version of a partition based spatial-merge join [73] between static data and dynamic stream elements.


With this type of query, the problem that is depicted in Fig. 2 on Page 4 can be solved. In the figure, collisions between ships and the reefs of the ocean should be detected before they occur. The stream \(S_n\) contains the position of the ships and the table \(R_n\) contains the spatial data of the reefs. The observed region of the ocean is \(\alpha\). The transformation of the stream elements \(\theta\) is used to enlarge the bounding box of the ships to detect a possible collision before it occurs. Transformations on the persistently stored data \(\lambda\) are not used in this example. \(\square\)

4.5 Distributing stream elements

A challenge in the scalable handling of data streams is the efficient distribution of the stream elements to the nodes of the cluster (see the stream capturing part in Fig. 9 on Page 22). To execute efficient continuous spatial join queries, the stream elements need to be spread to the nodes that store the join partners. So, the stream elements are be co-partitioned with the stored data (see Definition 4). Listing 2 shows in pseudocode how the stream elements are distributed in BBoxDB Streams.

According to the global index, the stream elements are distributed to all nodes responsible for the area of the bounding box of the tuple. This means that the stream elements are partitioned in the same way as the tables of the distribution group. This leads to the same partitioning of the stream elements and the stored data of this distribution group; the tables and the stream elements are co-partitioned.

figure b

Technically, the distribution is implemented as follows:

  1. 1.

    The stream is converted into tuples and stored in a table in BBoxDB by calling the put() operation.

  2. 2.

    The BBoxDB client queries the global index of the distribution group with the bounding box of the tuple. The tuple needs to be sent to all distribution groups, which intersect with the bounding box of the tuple (Line 2 and 3 in Listing 2).

  3. 3.

    The nodes that are responsible for these distribution regions are determined. The BBoxDB client contains a robust implementation that handles changes in the global index (i.e., splits or merges of distribution regions, or failed and newly started nodes) automatically (Line 4).

  4. 4.

    The tuple is sent to all of these nodes that process the tuple (Line 5).

  5. 5.

    After the tuple is sent to the required nodes, the registered continuous queries are executed (see Sect. 4.4).

The architecture of BBoxDB Streams is highly scalable. The basic algorithms for the scalability are already implemented in BBoxDB. BBoxDB re-partitions the space automatically in the background if the data are unevenly distributed. This is performed without interrupting read or write access to the data (see [6] for a more detailed discussion of this functionality). BBoxDB Streams re-uses these algorithms for the distribution of the stream elements. BBoxDB Streams automatically adapts changes of the global index and registers already started continuous queries on newly created (split or merged) distribution regions.

When the stream contains an area in space in which many stream elements are located, the nodes that are responsible for this area have to do more work than other nodes. The nodes have to process a large number of stream elements in the continuous queries, and they have to store the stream elements on disk. Storing the stream elements on disk leads to growing distribution regions. BBoxDB recognizes these regions and they are split automatically after some time (see Sect. 3.4). The split of a distribution region leads to a changed distribution of the stream. The dense area is now distributed and handled by more nodes.

4.6 Data in different distribution regions

To perform continuous spatial joins between a data stream and previously stored data, the stream elements and the previously stored data need to be co-partitioned. This means that the stream elements are spread to the nodes that store the possible join partners (see Sects. 3 and 4.5). Transformations (e.g., enlargements of the bounding box) can be applied to the bounding boxes of the stream elements (see Sect. 4.3). Enlargement transformations are executed on the BBoxDB node that executes the continuous query. The transformation of the bounding box can lead to the situation where the enlarged bounding box intersects with another distribution region. In this case, the stream element and the join partner are located on different nodes. This behavior is shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11
figure 11

A stream of position data of ships is joined with the reefs of the ocean. The position data of the ship belongs to Distribution region 1 and is distributed to Node a. The spatial data of the Reef b belongs to Distribution region 0 and Distribution region 2 and is stored on Node b and Node c

In the figure, the spatial data of the ocean are stored in a cluster of BBoxDB nodes. A continuous spatial join covering almost the entire space is used to find all ships that are about to hit a reef. To get notified about this before the ship has actually hit the reef, the bounding box of the ship is enlarged by a constant value.

As described in Sect. 4.1, the stream elements are distributed to the nodes that are responsible for the region in space. In the figure, the position of the ship belongs to the Distribution region 1, which is stored on Node a. The continuous query for the stream element is performed on this node, and the bounding box of the ship is enlarged. With the enlarged bounding box, a spatial join is performed. However, the enlarged bounding box also belongs to the Distribution region 2. In this region, the join partner Reef b is located. If the stream element is only joined with the local data on Node a, the intersection between the bounding boxes of the ship and Reef b will not be detected.

In general, when a transformation enlarges a bounding box of a stream element, the enlarged bounding box can intersect with additional distribution regions. The join partners of these regions need to be included in the join to calculate the correct result. The strategies of the following subsections are implemented in BBoxDB to solve the problem.

4.6.1 Fetch data from nodes—FETCH

This strategy fetches the missing join partners from other nodes via the network. When the bounding box of a stream element intersects with another distribution region, all data stored in this area are fetched from the nodes. Listing 3 shows the algorithm of this strategy. The advantage of this strategy is that no special distribution of the stream elements is required. The drawback is that data have to be transferred through the network when the continuous spatial join query is evaluated. Transferring data through a network has high latency, and the network bandwidth can become a bottleneck.

figure c


Figure 12 depicts the situation, the light grey area is fetched via the network by Node a from Node c. Therefore, the spatial data of Reef b is transferred to Node a and the intersection between the reef and the enlarged bounding box is detected. \(\square\)

Fig. 12
figure 12

By using the FETCH strategy, the data of the light grey area is fetched via the network during the spatial join

4.6.2 Enlarge by static padding—STATIC

When a stream element is processed by the stream capturing tool (see Fig. 9), the bounding box that is used for the distribution is enlarged by a static padding. The enlargement of the bounding box ensures that the tuple is distributed to all required nodes. On these nodes, the execution of the continuous query is also performed and the join with the locally stored data is executed. The static padding has to be calculated and specified by the user. The drawback of this strategy is that continuous queries that perform tuple transformations that are larger than this enlargement still lead to incorrect results.


When the stream element of the ship is distributed in Fig. 11, the bounding box of the ship is enlarged by the same padding as used by the transformation in the continuous query. Therefore, the ship is distributed to Node a and Node c and the possible collision is detected by the continuous join. \(\square\)

4.6.3 Enlarge by dynamic padding—DYNAMIC

The strategy is similar to the STATIC strategy. The main difference is that the enlargement of the bounding boxes is automatically determined. The enlargement is determined by calculating the largest enlargement of all currently registered continuous queries. When a user registers a continuous query that uses a bigger enlargement than the already registered queries, the stream capturing tool automatically uses the biggest enlargement. The strategy is illustrated in Fig. 13.

Fig. 13
figure 13

To distribute the stream elements to the proper nodes, the bounding boxes are enlarged in the stream capturing tool, and the distribution is performed based on the enlarged bounding boxes. To determine the needed enlargement, each BBoxDB client registers the maximum enlargement of all of his queries per table and enlargement type in ZooKeeper. The maximum enlargement is used by the stream capturing tool to enlarge the bounding box

Each BBoxDB client tracks its continuous queries. When a new continuous query is executed, the BBoxDB client determines the maximum enlargement of all of his continuous queries per table and per modifying transformation type (see Sect. 4.3.1). These enlargement values are stored in ZooKeeper for every running BBoxDB client (see Sect. 3).

As soon as the continuous query is canceled, the maximum enlargement of all remaining queries is recalculated and updated properly in ZooKeeper. In ZooKeeper, the enlargements are stored as ephemeral nodes [64, p. 3]. This means that this node is automatically deleted as soon as the BBoxDB client disconnects or crashes. Therefore, outdated enlargements are automatically removed.

The stream capturing tool takes the maximum of all stored enlargement values per transformation type from ZooKeeper and uses these values to enlarge the bounding boxes of the stream elements. Due to the watcher functionality of ZooKeeper [64, p. 3], the stream capturing tool gets notified about changes automatically and adapts the maximum enlargement.

Listing 4 contains the algorithm of the dynamic padding in pseudocode. The maximum enlargement of the supported modifying transformations is applied, and the bounding box of these bounding boxes is determined.Footnote 13 The resulting bounding box is the maximum enlargement of the bounding box of the tuple, after all transformations of the currently registered continuous queries are applied. The tuple is distributed according to this bounding box.

The advantage of this strategy is that the stream elements are always distributed with the correct padding. The drawback is a more complex implementation and the necessity to determine the maximum enlargement of all registered continuous queries. The advantages and the drawbacks of these strategies are discussed in the evaluation in Sect. 6.9.

figure d

4.7 Performing queries in multiple regions

A bounding box of a stream element can intersect with multiple distribution regions. In this case, the element is replicated and sent to multiple BBoxDB nodes (see Sect. 4.6). Also, a query rectangle can intersect with multiple distribution regions. In this case the continuous query is registered on several nodes (see Fig. 16).

The duplication of the stream elements and the execution of the query on multiple nodes in parallel could lead to the situation that a tuple is contained multiple times in a query result, which is incorrect. To prevent this, a hash map in the BBoxDB client is used to detect and filter duplicates (see the lower part of Fig. 9). The hash map is built over the keys and version timestamps of the query result tuples. When the client detects an already known tuple, the tuple is discarded before it is reported to the user.

4.8 The GUI

The GUI of BBoxDB provides information about the cluster, the data distribution, and allows one to perform queries. BBoxDB Streams enhances the GUI in a way such that continuous queries are supported.

The GUI is optimized to handle two-dimensional GeoJSON encoded data. On the GUI, a user can define a query rectangle and execute queries. BBoxDB Streams integrates the support for continuous queries into the GUI. With the enhancement, continuous range queries and continuous spatial join queries can be executed. The GUI executes the specified continuous query and processes the received result tuples. The geometries of the tuples are shown as an overlay over the map. In addition to the location, the stream elements contain further information. Placing the mouse cursor over an element opens a tooltip containing all the information that is contained in the GeoJSON object (e.g., the altitude of an aircraft or the trip id of a bus). The area of the GUI under the map shows details about the used cluster (i.e., IP, software version, available disks, disk space, CPUs).

Real-world queries can be performed and observed using the GUI. The stream capturing tool of BBoxDB can decode some real-world streams, such as ADS-B encoded data (i.e., aircraft position data) or GTFS real-time encoded data (e.g., public transport vehicles). Queries such as Which aircraft is currently in the airspace over Berlin? (Fig. 14) or Which public transport vehicle drives currently through a forest? (see Fig. 15 and Listing 11 on Page 44) can be performed.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Visualizing aircraft traffic over Berlin, Germany in the BBoxDB GUI

Fig. 15
figure 15

A continuous spatial join between the forests and public transport vehicles in Sydney, Australia

In addition queries, such as Which buses are located on the Elizabeth Street in Sydney? (see Listing 12 on Page 45) can be performed. More details about these data streams can be found in Sect. 6.1. Additional real-world use-cases of BBoxDB Streams are described in the demo paper [4] and in the documentation of BBoxDB Streams [74].

5 Continuous queries

This section describes how continuous queries can be expressed and executed. Besides, some example queries are discussed. Before a continuous query can be executed, a query plan needs to be created. In BBoxDB Streams, the query plan can be specified directly in the programming language Java. A query plan builder ensures that the created query is syntactically correct.

After the query plan is built, it is serialized into JSON (see Fig. 16) and submitted to the required BBoxDB nodes. As an alternative to the query plan builder, the query plan can be directly written in JSON. However, the query builder performs some basic checks, and we recommend using this class to create the query plans.

Fig. 16
figure 16

The query plan is built by the QueryBuilder, serialized into JSON, and registered on the required BBoxDB nodes

5.1 Execute continuous queries

To support continuous queries, the BBoxDB Java client was enhanced by two methods for the handling of continuous queries (see Sect. 4.2). These methods are used in Listing 5. In the listing, the creation, registration, execution, and the cancellation of a continuous query is shown.

figure e

In Line 2, the query plan is created and serialized into JSON. To keep this example clear, the actual specification of the query plan is omitted; in the following listings, the calls to build a query are shown. In Sect. 5.4 the methods of the QueryPlanBuilder are described in detail.

The QueryPlanBuilder allows the creation of continuous queries by using the builder pattern [75, pp. 97ff.].Footnote 14 In Line 5, the created query plan is passed to the BBoxDB client and registered on all required nodes. A futureFootnote 15 is returned that can be used to fetch the results of the query. In Line 8, the result tuples are fetched. When no unprocessed tuple is available, the iterator blocks and waits until the next tuple is available. When a result tuple is available, the tuple is assigned to the variable tuple. In Line 9, the tuple can be accessed and processed by the actual application code. In Line 13, the query id of the continuous query is determined, and in Line 14, the query id is used to cancel the running query.

The result type of a continuous query is a MultiTuple (see Line 8). A MultiTuple contains an ordered set of tuples. Depending on the query type, each MultiTuple consists of one or more tuples. For range queries, the MultiTuple contains only one tuple; this is the stream tuple that matches the query hyperrectangle. For spatial join queries, the MultiTuple contains two tuples: (1) the tuple of the stream and (2) the tuple from the static dataset. The MultiTuple abstraction can also be used by further operations to return more than two result tuples.

5.2 Building continuous range queries

To build a continuous range query with the QueryPlanBuilder, the static method createQueryOnTable has to be called with the table name on which the continuous query has to be registered (see Line 2 of Listing 6).

figure f

The area in space where the query is registered (symbol \(\alpha\) in Table 4 on Page 27) is passed to the forAllNewTuplesInSpace method (Line 3). In this example, this is a one-dimensional hyperrectangle. Transformations of the stream elements \(\theta\) are specified by methods like enlargeStreamTupleBoundingBoxByFactor (Line 4). The method compareWithStaticSpace takes the query hyperrectangle \(\tau\) as a parameter (Line 6). The query building is finished by calling the build method (Line 7), which returns the query plan serialized to JSON.

A continuous range query can report positive or negative matches \(\beta\). A positive match is an intersection between the stream element and the query rectangle; otherwise, it is a negative match. The behavior of the query can be specified with the methods reportNegativeMatches and reportPositiveMatches. If none of these methods are called, positive matches are reported.

The QueryPlanBuilder implements the fluid interface pattern [77, pp. 343ff.]. All methods can be written fluently in a chain. The next method is called directly on the result of the last method (e.g., in Listing 6 the method enlargeStreamTupleBoundingBoxByFactor is directly called on the result of the method forAllNewTuplesInSpace).

5.3 Building continuous spatial join queries

Continuous spatial join queries can also be built with the QueryPlanBuilder. Building such queries is similar to the building of continuous range queries. Listing 7 contains an example of a continuous spatial join query.

figure g

The methods called in Lines 1–3 are equal to the last example. In contrast to the range query, the method spatialJoinWithTable is called (Line 4). The method takes a table name as a parameter; this is the table of join partners (symbol \(R_n\) in Table 5 on Page 29). Every stream element is compared with the tuples of the table. In spatial join queries, transformations on the stored tuples \(\lambda\) can also be applied. This can be done by methods like enlargeStoredTupleBoundingBoxByFactor (Line 5). The building of the query is finished by calling the method build (Line 6).

5.4 The query plan builder

This section describes all methods of the QueryPlanBuilder. This class is used to construct continuous query plans in BBoxDB Streams. The available methods are listed in Table 6 with a description. Calling a method multiple times overrides the older value. An exception are the methods addStreamFilter(..) and addJoinFilter(..), which can be called multiple times to add additional filters.

Table 6 The methods and parameters of the QueryPlanBuilder that can be used to create a query plan

5.5 Query examples

This section shows some query examples and the wide range of practical problems that can be solved with BBoxDB Streams.Footnote 16

5.5.1 Is the price of the stock “Apple” above €100?

This is a query in the one-dimensional space. The price of a stock is treated as a point in space and the stream is written into the table dgroup_stock (see Listing 8). The query is registered on this table (Line 2). The query observes the price of the stock of the company Apple (Line 3) and produces query results as soon as the stock is traded for more than €100 and less than €9999Footnote 17 (Lines 4 and 5).

figure h

5.5.2 Do two vehicles drive side by side?

In this scenario, two cars are equipped with GPS receivers. They send their positions every few seconds to a BBoxDB cluster. The query in Listing 9 is used to test if the vehicles with the ids vehicle1 and vehicle2 are closer to each other than 10 meters.

figure i

For each stream element, it is tested that it contains a position update for vehicle1 (Line 3). The two-dimensional bounding box of the vehicle is extended by 10 meters in both dimensions (Line 4). Then a spatial join is executed in this area (Line 5). The join partners are filtered by the key; only tuples with the key vehicle2 (Line 6) are valid join partners. The query returns results as long as vehicle1 and vehicle2 are closer than 10 meters.

The spatial join is performed between the stream elements of dgroup_car and the elements of the table dgroup_car (Lines 2 and 5). This is a self-join between the current position of a car and the historical positions.

In the query, the current position of vehicle1 is joined with the last known position of vehicle2. The query also works when the roles of vehicle1 and vehicle2 are swapped. In this case, the current position of vehicle2 would be joined with the last known position of vehicle1.

5.5.3 Which ships are heading to an island?

This example is the same as shown in Fig. 10 on Page 29. The ships heading to an island should be reported while the ships that are already near the island should be ignored by the query. The query is registered on a larger bounding box and negative matches for a given query rectangle are calculated. Listing 10 contains the calls required to construct such a query.

figure j

In this example, the query is registered on the table ships (Line 2). In Line 3, the space where the query is registered is defined. The query rectangle is specified by the method compareWithStaticSpace in Line 4; this is the bounding box \(\tau\) of the island. A slightly larger space \(\alpha\) is passed to the method forAllNewTuplesStoredInSpace. All ships that are inside of this space but are not inside the bounding box of the island are reported by the query. These are the ships that are heading toward the island.

5.5.4 Which buses are driving through a forest in Sydney?

This example performs a spatial join between (1) a data stream, which contains the positions of several buses, and (2) an already stored dataset, which contains the spatial data of the forests of Australia. The spatial join is used to join the position of the bus with the forests. The result of the query are all buses that are currently inside of a forest. To ensure that the bus is really inside the polygon of the forest and not only inside the bounding box, a UDF is used to refine the query (see Fig. 7 on Page 19). The refinement is done by the UDF, which is discussed in Sect. 3.6.2.

Listing 11 shows the building of the query plan. This query will also be used in the experiments on recorded bus trajectories and the spatial data of the roads of Sydney in Sect. 6.1.

figure k

In Lines 1–3, a transformation with a user-defined filter is created. The query is evaluated when new data are stored in the table dgroup_bus (Line 6). For every new tuple in the region of Sydney (Line 7) a spatial join with the table dgroup_forest is performed (Line 8). In Line 9, the UDF is referenced to refine the spatial join result.

5.5.5 Which buses are driving currently on the “Elizabeth Street” in Sydney?

This query is identical in many aspects to Listing 11. Again the positions of buses are joined with static data. This time, the spatial data of the roads in Australia are used. In contrast to the last query, it is not just a spatial join that is performed. In this query, one of the join partners has to contain a certain property value. As described in Sect. 3.6.1, the customData value of the UserDefinedGeoJsonSpatialFilter is used to check the property map for a certain value.

In Lines 1–4, the UDF is created and initialized. The name of the street and the associated key of the property map (name:Elizabeth Street) are passed as custom data to the UDF (see Sect. 3.6.2). In this example, the properties of both join candidates are tested to determine whether or not the key and the value are contained in the property map of one of the GeoJSON objects. If one of the join candidates matches, the intersection test on the real geometries is executed.Footnote 18

figure l

6 Evaluation

The evaluation of BBoxDB Streams is performed on a cluster of five nodes. These nodes contain an Intel Xeon E5-2630 CPU with eight cores, 32 GB of memory, and four 1-TB hard disks. All nodes are connected via a 1 Gbit/s switched Ethernet network and running Java 8 on a 64 bit Ubuntu Linux. Unless stated otherwise, before the experiments are performed, the space is pre-partitioned (see Sect. 3.4) into 40 distribution regions to utilize all nodes of the cluster. Since not all distribution regions might be equally utilized, more distribution regions than nodes are created. In the used environment, each of the five nodes is responsible for eight regions, which leads to an almost equal utilization of the nodes (see Sect. 6.10 for a detailed discussion).

The pre-partitioning is performed with samples from the stored datasets to generate a good data distribution. Taking random samples is not possible when a data stream is processed sequentially. How a data stream can be used to pre-partition the space is discussed and evaluated in Sect. 6.10. The data streams are imported (unless stated otherwise in the experiment) by one instance of the stream capturing tool. This is done in the same way as a real-world data stream would be read from a network socket, with the exception that the data are read from a disk.

In most of the experiments, the throughput of the stream elements is measured.Footnote 19 These experiments show how a variation of some parameters (e.g., number of nodes, number of queries) affects the throughput of the stream element processing.

In a real-world scenario, stream elements have to be processed at the speed at which they are delivered. So, the design of the experiments differs from the real-world scenario. However, we have chosen to process a stored data stream and measure the element throughput because: (1) the same stream elements are processed in all experiments, which makes it possible to compare the experiments. (2) The measured throughput is more meaningful than simply stating that a certain amount of resources is insufficient to fully process the stream.

Usually, BBoxDB Streams skips stream elements when not enough resources are available to process the stream at the required speed. For the following experiments, this behavior of the software was changed. All stream elements have to be processed. When not enough resources are available, the stream capturing tool has to wait for the processing of further stream elements. The change in the stream processing makes it possible to measure the processing time of the complete data stream.

6.1 Used datasets

For the evaluation of BBoxDB Streams, two two-dimensional, one three-dimensional, and one four-dimensional stream datasets are used. Two stream datasets are captured from real-world data sources, and two stream datasets are synthetically generated. These datasets are described in detail in the following subsections. Besides, two static datasets are used to evaluate the spatial join between a data stream and previously stored data.

6.1.1 BerlinMOD stream dataset

BerlinMOD [78] is a benchmark for spatio-temporal database management systems. The benchmark contains a data generator that generates positions of moving vehicles within the Berlin (Germany) metropolitan area. For the evaluation, the dataset was calculated with a scale factor of 5.0, which covers a time period of 2 months (5,184,000 s). The trips are stored as CSV data on disk, and WGS84 coordinates are used. The moving object id of the vehicle (Moid) is used as the key when the data is written to BBoxDB, and the two-dimensional position of the vehicle is used to calculate the bounding box of the elements.

6.1.2 NSW transport stream dataset

The government of the state of New South Wales in Australia operates the NSW open data portal [79]. On this portal, real-time data about buses, ferries, metros, and trains of the Sydney (Australia) metropolitan area are published. A GTFS encoded real-time feed of the data can be subscribed. The elements of the feed contain, among other things, an id, a position, the speed, and a tour number (see the tooltip in Fig. 15). In this paper, we use the position data of the buses since they provide the majority of the elements in the stream. The stream content was captured for a whole week (604,800 s) 21 January 2020–28 January 2020 and stored as GeoJSON. The id of the trip (TripID) is used as the key when the data is written to BBoxDB, and the two-dimensional position of the bus is used to determine the bounding box.

6.1.3 ADS-B stream dataset

An aircraft continuously determines its position. The position is broadcasted periodically via radio as automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast (ADS-B) transmissions. In addition to the position, the transmissions contain the altitude, the callsign, the heading, and some more information. These ADS-B transmissions can be captured with an antenna on the ground. However, an ADS-B receiver captures only the transmissions in a radius of a few miles around the antenna. Websites such as https://www.adsbhub.org [80] provide a service to aggregate the feeds of several individual stations into a global feed.

For creating the ADS-B dataset, the global ADS-B data stream of the website adsbhub.org was captured for a whole day (86,400 s) on 16 February 2020 and the data are stored as CSV on disk.

ADS-B messages are typed. Depending on the message type, different information is contained in the message. Three messages of different types need to be read to construct one stream element. The callsign of the aircraft is used as the key when the data is written to BBoxDB. The two-dimensional position of the aircraft and the altitude are used to calculate the three-dimensional bounding boxes of the aircraft that are contained in this dataset.

6.1.4 Synthetic bounding boxes stream dataset

To evaluate the behavior of BBoxDB Streams with four-dimensional non-point data, a synthetic stream dataset that contains bounding boxes in the four-dimensional space was generated. The dataset consists of 50,000,000 elements that represent different 100,000 entities. Each entity is represented by a key, a bounding box, and a random value of 200 bytes. The bounding boxes are uniformly distributed, have equal sides, and each bounding box covers 0.01% of the space. The dataset is stored in TSV format (tab-separated values) on disk and can be reproduced by using the SyntheticDataStreamGenerator, which is included in BBoxDB Streams.

6.1.5 Open streetmap static dataset

This dataset is a copy of the planet dataset of the Open Streetmap Project (OSM) [81]. The dataset contains the spatial data of the whole world. In contrast to the last three datasets, this dataset consists of static data. The spatial data of the roads (denoted as OSM roads) and forests (denoted as OSM forests) are used for the evaluation of BBoxDB Streams.

For the experiments, the dataset was converted into GeoJSON.Footnote 20 The GeoJSON elements contain properties (key-value pairs) with additional information about the objects. For example, roads are annotated with the maximum speed, the name, and the coating. The id of each element is used as the key of the tuple when the data is written to BBoxDB. The two-dimensional bounding box of the geometry is used as bounding box of the tuple.

6.1.6 Synthetic bounding boxes static dataset

To be able to evaluate continuous spatial joins in the four-dimensional space with the synthetic stream dataset (see Sect. 6.1.4), also a static four-dimensional dataset was generated. The dataset consists of 50,000,000 elements that represent different 50,000,000 entities. Like the synthetic bounding boxes stream dataset, each entity is represented by a key, a bounding box, and a random value of 200 bytes. The bounding boxes are uniformly distributed, have equal sides, and each bounding box covers 0.01% of the space. The dataset is stored in TSV format on disk and can be reproduced by using the SyntheticDataGenerator, which is included in BBoxDB Streams.

6.1.7 Summary

The described datasets are used in the evaluation of BBoxDB Streams. Table 7 summarizes the properties of these datasets.

Table 7 The datasets that are used in the experiments. The column total elements denotes the absolute number of elements in the dataset; the number of different elements denotes how many different elements (e.g., cars or aircraft) are contained

Each dataset contains a different amount of additional information, which leads to different sizes per tuple. Table 8 contains an overview about the different element sizes.

Table 8 The average size per element and stream dataset

6.2 Processing data streams

In the first experiment, the data streams are imported into the cluster of BBoxDB nodes. The time to perform the data import is measured and the throughput of the stream element processing is calculated. In addition, the number of BBoxDB nodes is varied between the experiments, and the data are imported: (1) one time with writing the data to disk and (2) one time without writing the data to disk. In the experiment, only the data stream is imported and processed by BBoxDB Streams. No continuous queries are registered during the stream processing. The evaluation of the continuous query will be part of the following experiments. The result of this experiment can be seen in Fig. 17.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Importing the data streams into a cluster of BBoxDB nodes. The number of nodes was varied during the experiments

It can be seen in the figure that increasing the number of nodes increases the throughput of stream element processing. The reason is that with additional nodes, more resources for processing the stream are available. The figure also shows that writing the data to disk takes some time. So, only processing the stream elements without writing the data to disk can speed up the processing. In addition, the stream datasets are stored in different data formats and each stream element has a different size (see Table 8). The NSW transport dataset is stored as GeoJSON values, the synthetic BBox dataset is stored as TSV values, and the ADS-B dataset and the BerlinMod dataset are stored as CSV values. Different parsers and techniques are used to read the data, which leads to different throughputs in the stream element processing. For instance, the ADS-B format decoder also has to merge different ADS-B messages into one stream element (see Sect. 6.1.3).

The system utilization of the cluster was observed during the experiment. At any time, all nodes have some free disk, CPU, and memory resources. Therefore, only a small speed-up factor can be achieved in the experiment. The limiting resource is the parsing and distributing of the input stream. However, in this experiment, no continuous queries are registered. Therefore, the nodes do not have to evaluate such queries. This will be covered in the following experiments (see Sect. 6.8), and the data of this experiment show the basic system behavior. Processing multiple data streams is discussed in the experiment of Sect. 6.3.

6.3 Importing multiple data streams in parallel

In the last experiments, only one data stream was imported. The workload to parse the data and to write the data to the BBoxDB cluster was only performed by one node. BBoxDB Streams is able to process multiple data streams in parallel. For the preparation of this experiment, the stored data streams are split into two to five pieces. The stream capturing tool is executed on different nodes, and the partial streams are imported in parallel. Therefore, the work to parse the data streams and to write the data to the network is parallelized. In the experiment, the data are written to the disks of the cluster, and no continuous queries are registered. As in the last experiment, the time to process the complete dataset is measured and the throughput of the stream processing is calculated. The result of the experiment is shown in Fig. 18.

Fig. 18
figure 18

Importing data streams in parallel using multiple instances of the stream capturing tool

It can be seen in the figure that the throughput increases when more instances of the stream capturing tool are executed in parallel. By using more instances, the workload to parse the data and to communicate with the BBoxDB cluster (e.g., determine to which nodes a tuple needs to be sent and serialize the tuple into a byte stream) is distributed between multiple nodes.

In addition, each BBoxDB node handles each connection (i.e., the connections from the stream capturing tool) in a separate thread. This thread reads the bytes from the network connection, parses the data, performs the requested operations (e.g., inserting a tuple), and writes the answers (e.g., acknowledging a successful operation) back to the client. Executing multiple instances of the stream capturing tool leads to more connections and a higher degree of parallelism on the BBoxDB nodes. However, expensive tasks (e.g., the evaluation of the continuous queries or writing the data to disk) are performed in separate threads, and executing multiple instances of the stream capturing tool cannot speed up these operations.

The BerlinMod data stream benefits mostly from parallelization. The elements of the data stream have the smallest tuple size (see Table 8 on Page 49). Due to the small tuple size, more network operations are required to process this data stream than the other data streams.

6.4 Continuous range queries on data streams

In this experiment, continuous range queries on data streams are performed, and the throughput of processed stream elements is measured. During the experiment, the amount of queries and the size of the query range are varied.

In the first step of the experiment, the bounding box of the stream dataset is determined. The query range in the experiment covers a certain percentage (0.1–2.0%) of this bounding box. To make the throughput comparable, only one bounding box is created per size and reused in all experiments. Afterward, the bounding box is used to register a certain amount (10–100) of continuous range queries. The result of the experiment is shown in Fig. 19.

Fig. 19
figure 19

Performing continuous range queries on the datasets with a varying query range and number of registered queries

The result of the experiment shows that the throughput decreases with an increasing number of queries and an increasing query range. The reason for this behavior is that with more registered queries, more query predicates need to be evaluated. With an increasing query range, the registered queries are called more often and they produce more results that have to be created and sent back to the query client. For example, with 100 registered continuous range queries and a query range of \(2\%\) per query, \(\approx 2n\) result tuples are produced by processing a stream of n elements. For example, 1,332,861,131 tuples are returned in total by 100 range queries with a query range of \(2\%\) per query on the NSW transport dataset consisting of 49,538,352 elements.

6.5 Continuous range queries and user-defined filters

By using a User-Defined Filter (UDF), the query processor of BBoxDB can be extended (see Sect. 3.6). UDFs can decode the value of the tuple and filter the tuples based on this value.

In this experiment, the UDF from Sect. 3.6.2 is used to filter the JSON values of the ADS-B, BerlinMod, and NSW transport datasets based on a property value. Therefore, the values of the stream elements are to be parsed into JSON objects. Afterward, the stream of the ADS-B dataset is filtered for the call sign QTR3WM, the BerlinMod dataset is filtered for the vehicle id 4093, and the NSW transport dataset is filtered for the route id 2436_N60. The synthetic BBox stream dataset contains random characters as values. Due to the different data format, the UserDefinedGeoJsonSpatialFilter cannot be used to refine the dataset. Instead, the dataset is refined by using the UserDefinedKeyFilter UDF. The UDF allows restricting the keys of the stream elements to a certain value. In this experiment, the keys are restricted to the value 10000. The result of the experiment can be seen in Fig. 20.

Fig. 20
figure 20

Performing continuous range queries with a filter UDF on the datasets with a varying query range and number of registered queries

Like in the last experiment, a varying amount of queries is registered with varying query ranges and the time to process the stream datasets is measured. In this experiment, evaluating the UDF causes some additional work because the values of the stream need to be handled. However, the additional filter step reduces the number of result tuples significantly.

In the ADS-B dataset, only 2013 tuples can pass the UDF, in the BerlinMod dataset 24,608 tuples can pass the UDF, in the NSW transport dataset 76,129 tuples can pass the UDF, and in the synthetic BBox dataset 500 tuples can pass the UDF.

It can be seen in the result of the experiment that the throughput of the stream elements is higher than in the last experiment without using the UDF. Besides, the throughput does not decrease as much with an increasing amount of queries as in the last experiment. This is caused by the filtering step of the UDF and, therefore, the reduced amount of results of the continuous queries. This leads to fewer result tuples that need to be produced, transferred through the network, and consumed by the continuous query client. This saves more resources than the additional effort to invoke the UDF.

6.6 Continuous spatial joins on data streams

In this experiment, the behavior of BBoxDB Streams is evaluated when continuous spatial joins are executed. The experiment is performed by using the BerlinMod, the NSW transport, and the Synthetic BBox datasets. The spatial joins of the first two datasets are performed between the stream elements and the forests and roads of the OSM dataset. The ADS-B dataset is not used in the spatial join experiments. The bounding box of the positions of the aircraft are three-dimensional, and the bounding boxes of the OSM dataset are two-dimensional. Therefore, the datasets cannot be joined directly.Footnote 21 The spatial join of the Synthetic BBox stream dataset is performed with the Synthetic BBox static dataset (see Sect. 6.1.6).

During the experiment, the number of queries and the size of the region where the spatial join is performed is varied. The join is performed on the bounding boxes of the elements. A spatial join that uses a UDF and works on the real geometries of the data will be discussed in Sect. 6.7. The result of the spatial join is shown in Fig. 21.

Fig. 21
figure 21

Performing continuous spatial join queries with a varying query range and number of registered queries

The results show that an increasing amount of registered continuous queries and an increasing query range decreases the stream processing throughput. This is caused by the increasing amount of elements that are processed by the continuous queries and the increasing amount of result tuples produced by the queries. In general, a spatial join takes more time to calculate than a range query. This is caused by the disk access to retrieve the needed join partners.

The join result sizes of the spatial joins will be discussed in more detail in Table 9, which is contained in the following experiment.

6.7 Continuous spatial joins with user-defined filters

In this experiment, a spatial join between two stream datasets and the OSM dataset is performed. In contrast to the last experiment, the spatial join is refined by the UDFs, which are discussed in Sect. 3.6.2. These UDFs decode the GeoJSON encoded elements and refine the spatial join by performing an intersection test on the real geometries. Because the synthetic BBox dataset consists only of bounding boxes, no refinement is needed. Therefore, this dataset is not used in this experiment.

The spatial join between the stream dataset and the roads is refined by the UserDefinedGeoJsonSpatialFilter UDF, which allows up to a five meter distance between the position of the stream element and the road. The spatial join between the stream dataset and the forests is refined by the UserDefinedGeoJsonSpatialStrictFilter, which requires that the position of the stream element is inside of the forest.

The decoding of the GeoJSON elements and calculating the intersection performed by the UDFs take some additional time compared with the last experiment. However, the UDFs remove many join candidates. This reduces the size of the result and the number of tuples that need to be transferred to the query client (see Fig. 7 on Page 19). The result of the experiment is shown in Fig. 22.

Fig. 22
figure 22

Performing UDF refined continuous spatial join queries with a varying query range and number of registered queries

The throughput of the processing is lower as in the last experiment. This is caused by the additional computations performed by the UDFs. For the stream positions and the forest (a point and a polygon), the UDF has to calculate whether or not the position is inside or outside of the polygon of the forest. For the stream positions and the roads (a point and a line), the distance is calculated. Table 9 shows how many result tuples are produced with and without the refinement performed by the UDFs.

Table 9 The result size of the spatial join when the result (1) is performed only on the bounding boxes, and (2) refined by a UDF on the real geometries

By joining the stream elements with the roads, the cardinality of the result is larger than the cardinality of the stream dataset. This is caused by multiple join partners with overlapping bounding boxes. When the UserDefinedGeoJsonSpatialFilter UDF refines the result, the cardinality of the result decreases. The UDF lets all join candidates pass, which have geometries that are closer than five meters. Not all stream positions have a road located in this area. Therefore, the cardinality of the refined join result is smaller than the cardinality of the stream dataset.

6.8 Scaling-up continuous join queries

In this experiment, the continuous spatial join is performed on a varying number of nodes. It is evaluated how horizontal scaling can be used in BBoxDB Streams to speed-up a continuous join operation. The spatial join in the experiment uses a query range of 50% of the space that is covered by the stream dataset. Three parallel continuous queries are registered; the result is refined by a UDF that refines the spatial join (as described in the experiment of Sect. 6.7). In all experiments, the same query range is used to ensure the same amount of stream elements are processed by the queries, and the same amount of spatial join results are calculated. The throughput of the processed stream elements is taken during the experiment and shown in Fig. 23.

Fig. 23
figure 23

Scaling a UDF refined continuous spatial join queries with a varying number of nodes

An increasing number of nodes speeds-up the spatial join. This is caused by the additional resources of the additional systems that can be used to calculate the spatial join. The experiment shows that a speed-up factor of \(\approx\) 3 is reached by scaling-up the number of nodes from one node to five nodes.

6.9 Distributing data

In Sect. 4.6, different data distribution modes of the stream capturing tool are described. In this section, these strategies are evaluated. The first subsection focuses on the FETCH strategy, whereas the second subsection focuses on the STATIC and DYNAMIC strategies.

6.9.1 The FETCH strategy

In this experiment, the behavior of the FETCH strategy is evaluated. When this strategy is used, the stream capturing tool distributes the tuples unchanged. During the calculation of a spatial join, missing join partners are requested via the network (see Sect. 4.6.1). In this experiment, the strategy is compared with the STATIC and the DYNAMIC strategies. These strategies distribute the elements to the required nodes and don’t perform a network access during the spatial join.

This experiment compares: (1) the stream element throughput to perform a spatial join without executing a network access (denoted as STATIC/DYNAMIC strategy) with (2) the stream element throughput to perform a spatial join when join partners need to be fetched via the network (denoted as FETCH strategy). The overhead that is caused by the STATIC/DYNAMIC strategy in the stream capturing tool is discussed in the next section.

For the evaluation, the continuous spatial join is performed with a varying enlargement of the bounding box. Again, the throughput of the stream element processing is measured. The continuous spatial join is performed between the stream datasets and the OSM forest dataset. The OSM forest dataset is used because it is smaller compared to the OSM road dataset. Therefore, increasing the size of the bounding box of the stream element increases the space where the spatial join searches for join partners. Due to the small cardinality of the static dataset, this change does affect the cardinality of the spatial join result much. However, with an increasing enlargement of the bounding box, the spatial join has to perform more and more network operations to fetch the missing join partners from other nodes.

In this experiment, the enlargement of the bounding box of the stream elements is performed by calling the enlargeStreamTupleBoundBoxByWGS84Meter(..) method. One continuous query is registered, which covers the complete space. In addition, the spatial join is refined by the UserDefinedGeoJsonSpatialStrictFilter UDF. The results of the experiment are shown in Fig. 24.

Fig. 24
figure 24

Performing a continuous spatial join only on local data or by fetching non-local data via the network

The figure shows that the throughput of the FETCH strategy is lower than the STATIC or DYNAMIC strategy. This is caused by the network access that is required by using the FETCH strategy. The network access causes: (1) some latency to process the query and (2) time to transfer the join partners. Performing a range query on another node took around 65.07 ms on average in the experiment. In the worst case, when all stream element tuples require a network access, this strategy leads to a throughput of \(\frac{1\,000}{65.07} = 15.36\) elements per second. Without performing any network access (as done by the STATIC and DYNAMIC strategy), a throughput of \(\approx 14,000\) elements per second is reached when the operations are performed sequentially. However, this operation could be parallelized to increase the throughput. Nevertheless, the network access requires additional resources and increases the latency of the stream processing. Due to these reasons, the FETCH strategy is not recommended to process a data stream.

6.9.2 The STATIC and DYNAMIC strategies

In this experiment, it is determined how the padding of the bounding boxes (as performed by the STATIC or DYNAMIC strategy) affects the throughput of the stream capturing tool. To measure the throughput of the stream capturing tool, the data were only processed by this tool; no data were written to the BBoxDB nodes. Otherwise, the network and the disks of the BBoxDB nodes would decrease the throughput. Only the registered padding for the queries is read from ZooKeeper and used for the padding of the bounding boxes. For the evaluation, the datasets are processed using the various strategies, and the throughput of the stream elements is determined.

The DYNAMIC strategy was performed in three different configurations: (1) with one client and one registered query (DYNAMIC 1C-1Q), (2) with one client and 100 registered queries (DYNAMIC 1C-100Q), and (3) with 100 clients and each client is running 100 queries (DYNAMIC 100C-100Q). The UNCHANGED strategy does not modify the bounding boxes. The strategy is used to show the throughput when no modifications on the bounding boxes are made. The result of the experiment can be seen in Fig. 25.

Fig. 25
figure 25

Throughput of the BBoxDB Streams capturing tool

The experiment shows two important points: (1) the used dataset affects the throughput of the stream capturing tool, and (2) modifying the bounding box slows down the throughput only slightly. Each dataset contains a different size per element, which causes the different throughput (see Table 8 on Page 49). Which strategy determines the padding does not affect the throughput; both strategies modify the bounding box in the same way. Because only the maximum enlargement of all registered continuous queries is used, the number of registered queries or clients does not affect the throughput too. The modification of the bounding box can be performed without decreasing the throughput significantly.

6.9.3 Recommended distribution strategy

Three data distribution strategies are implemented in BBoxDB Streams. In the experiments of the last subsections, the behavior of these strategies was evaluated. The FETCH strategy does not need additional logic for the distribution of the tuples. However, the continuous spatial join is slower when using this strategy because the join has to perform a network operation. The STATIC and the DYNAMIC strategies do not introduce significant overhead in the distribution of the tuples and spatial joins can be performed efficiently using locally stored data only. The drawback of the STATIC strategy is that the enlargement that is used in the continuous queries needs to be determined manually. The DYNAMIC strategy determines these values automatically and adapts changes when the registered continuous queries are changed. Therefore, we have chosen the DYNAMIC strategy as the default data distribution strategy in BBoxDB Streams.

6.10 Pre-partitioning the space

A key feature of BBoxDB Streams is the distribution of a data stream to the nodes of a cluster. To distribute the data stream, the space has to be partitioned. The created partitions determine how the stream elements are distributed. BBoxDB re-partitions unevenly distributed data automatically in the background by splitting and merging the space (see Sect. 3.4). However, re-partitioning is a slow process because the stored data need to be transferred between the nodes.

When a distribution group is created, only one partition exists, and only the nodes that store this partition are utilized when data are stored. To utilize all nodes directly after a new distribution group is created, the space can be pre-partitioned. This is usually done by taking a small number of random samples from the dataset and creating an initial partitioning. We call this sampling-based pre-partitioning. However, when a stream is processed, no random samples can be taken to create the pre-partitioning. A stream can only be accessed sequentially and not randomly. Therefore, another technique is needed to pre-partition the space for a data stream.

To pre-partition the space using a data stream, we propose an element-based pre-partitioning approach. By using the element-based pre-partitioning, the first n-elements are captured from the stream, and these elements are used to create the partitions. In contrast to the sampling-based method, all fetched elements are used. The quality of this method is evaluated in this section.

For this experiment, a varying amount of elements are taken from the stream, and a varying amount of partitions are created and assigned via round-robin to the nodes of the cluster. Afterward, the remaining stream is processed, and the distribution of the elements is determined. The distribution of the elements per node for 40 partitions is shown in Fig. 26.

Fig. 26
figure 26

Pre-partitioning the space with the datasets using 40 partitions

The quality of the data distribution can be quantified by calculating the standard deviation (\(\sigma\)). A high standard deviation means that high differences between the number of elements per node do exist. In contrast, a low standard deviation means that the nodes process an almost equal size of elements. Figure 27 shows the standard deviation when the amount of read stream elements is varied and the number of created partitions is varied. In the experiment, the created partitions are mapped via round-robin to the five nodes of the cluster, and the resulting standard deviation between the processed stream elements of the nodes is calculated.

Fig. 27
figure 27

The standard deviation of the stream element distribution of the datasets

It can be seen in the figures that the stream element distribution becomes more balanced when more partitions are created (indicated by a lower standard deviation). It can also be seen that the amount of read stream tuples has only a slight effect on balancing the stream elements. For example, reading 20,000 or 50,000 stream elements results in the almost identical standard deviation.

The data streams that are used in the experiments contain the position data of several entities. These entities are contained repeatedly in the data stream with different positions. The entities move, new entities appear (e.g., aircraft that have taken off), and other entities disappear (e.g., aircraft that have landed) from the data stream. However, the entities are distributed across the area covered by the data stream at any time. Taking the first n elements from a data stream to pre-partition the space generates a proper partitioning of the space.

In the last three figures, also the standard deviation of the sampling-based pre-partitioning approach is depicted for a comparison. The sampling based pre-partitioning takes \(0.2\%\) of the data as samples and creates 40 partitions. It can be seen, that the element-based pre-partitioning approach generates a pre-partitioning of the same quality. Therefore we recommend this strategy when a data stream should be used to pre-partition the space. However, this only works when the stream has a stable data distribution which is equivalent to the data distribution of the first n elements of the stream. For the data streams that are discussed in this paper, this is given.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we have presented an extension to the datastore BBoxDB called BBoxDB Streams. The extension allows the handling of n-dimensional data streams in an efficient and distributed manner. Data streams of any dimension can be handled. Point and non-point data are supported. Data streams are imported by a stream capturing tool. The stream capturing tool reads the data stream, converts it into BBoxDB tuples, and spreads them to a cluster of nodes. Converter for common data stream formats such as ADS-B or GTFS real-time encoded data are shipped with BBoxDB Streams. In contrast to existing stream processing systems, the stream is partitioned and distributed based on the location of the stream elements in space. This allows the efficient handling of n-dimensional data streams.

Two types of queries are implemented: (1) continuous range queries, which allow comparing the stream with a query rectangle, and (2) continuous spatial joins, which allow the comparison of the stream elements with previously stored big data.

Transformations of the queries can manipulate the bounding boxes of the stream elements. To the best of our knowledge, we provide with this paper the first stream processing system that is optimized for the handling of n-dimensional data and capable of comparing stream elements with previously stored data. Additional topics, such as the efficient distribution of stream objects to the cluster nodes, are discussed. The evaluation of the software has shown that BBoxDB Streams is a scalable solution for processing multi-dimensional data streams.

BBoxDB Streams enhances the GUI of BBoxDB. Several real-world data streams can be observed, and queries can be executed on these streams. For instance, aircraft movements can be observed (ADS-B data) by continuous range queries, or buses in Sydney (NSW transport data) can be observed and continuously joined with a road network or spatial data like forests. At the moment, queries are expressed by (1) writing query plans in JSON, (2) by using the QueryPlanBuilder, and (3) by using the GUI. An enhancement for the next version of the software could be a query language to allow more interactive queries. Besides, the experiments were performed in a small cluster of five nodes. There are plans to evaluate the system in a cluster with more hardware nodes.