Correction to: Biol Invasions

In the original publication of this article, Table 1 and Fig. 2 contained disputed data for the New Zealand starling introductions.

In this correction we have updated the year, location, source, and individual counts of the historical starling introductions in New Zealand to reflect the newer estimations provided in Pipek et al. 2019, and no longer list those provided in Thomson 1922 which contain inaccuracies. As such, we have updated the New Zealand specific information in Table 1, Fig. 2, and have updated the first sentence of section “4.2 New Zealand” to reflect these new data.

Table 1 Global starling introductions including introduction date, location, number of individuals, and other introduction-relevant metadata. Fields with unknown values are indicated by a dash. AS = Acclimatization society
Fig. 2
figure 1

Starling distribution map according to eBird sightings data (Sullivan et al. 2009) (retrieved Feb 2018). Native marked in teal, invasive in maroon. First introduction date at an introduction site is marked with a blue circle

Section 4.2 New Zealand: (first sentence).

ORIGINAL: “The introductions were well documented, with records of 14 major introductions from 1862 to 1883 across New Zealand, including approximately 650 individuals (Table 1, Thomson 1922).”

UPDATED: “Approximately 620 individuals were introduced across seven New Zealand locations from 1862 to 1876 (Table 1).”

“The Acknowledgements section has been updated to reflect contributions made to the corrected manuscript.”

Acknowledgements Megan Bishop created the starling illustration in Fig. 3. We thank the editor and reviewers for comments that improved this manuscript. We thank Dr Pavel Pipek for their assistance in assembling the manuscript correction.