1 Introduction

The development of AI-based medical systems, as well as their translation to medical practice, is playing an increasingly prominent role in the treatment and therapy of patients [13, 28]. Along with the automated methods that rely on blood test results or biomarkers for diagnosis [2, 3, 22, 35, 38], an increasing number of deep learning-based methods, specifically the convolution neural network (CNN)-based models [7, 14, 24, 29, 32], are being implemented and used to develop accurate, robust, and fast detection techniques to fight against COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases. In the environmental and industrial domains, there are studies that explore the utilisation of deep neural networks (DNNs) to approximate solutions for partial differential equations (PDEs) in computational mechanics, emphasising the energetic format of PDEs and demonstrating their efficacy in various engineering applications [36]. Furthermore, there are studies highlighting the use of CNNs and artificial intelligence in geoscientific, meteorology, and climate science applications [26, 27].

As the prevalence of deep learning applications continues to grow exponentially in medical, environmental, and industrial domains, the imperative for effective hyperparameter tuning strategies becomes crucial. Ensuring optimal performance of networks on large datasets, while concurrently managing training times, is essential for advancing the capabilities of these applications.

A widely used method for training neural networks is to apply a loss early stopping (LES) criterion and a maximum number of epochs for training [25, 31, 34, 46]. Typically, the dataset is divided into a training set, a validation set, and a test set. During training, it is common to observe that the validation set reaches a local (or even global) minimum of the network’s loss function, indicating that further training may lead to overfitting. To prevent this, a criterion is applied to monitor the loss function for the validation set during training, with the user specifying the maximum number of epochs for training and the number of permitted epochs to continue without a change in the minimum loss value. Once either of these conditions is met, training is terminated, and the network’s weights that lead to the minimum loss value for the validation set are used [34].

However, we argue in this paper that the LES approach may not always be the optimal solution. While the loss function can reach a minimum for the validation set, other evaluation metrics may continue to improve. For example, in certain medical applications it may be important to achieve a sensitivity threshold above a certain value, meaning that positive patients are correctly identified as positive. In practice, there are even requirements on multiple metrics, such as on both sensitivity and specificity [30]. In these cases, assuming overfitting based solely on a loss function may not be appropriate. Thus, we propose evaluating multiple metrics during training and advocate for the benefits of training for a longer duration. We develop a new method, called deep multi-metric training (DMMT) that utilises heuristics to automate the evaluation of multiple metrics. Our approach aims to optimise multiple criterion separately, rather than using a single loss function or aggregating multiple loss functions for optimisation. In case of combining multiple loss functions into a single function, changes in one component can interact with changes in another, leading to a stabilising effect on the overall criterion. Consequently, an aggregated criterion may exhibit early stopping behaviour, which should be mitigated if the loss functions are evaluated separately. Therefore, evaluating multiple metrics independently during training can yield more accurate and robust models. To facilitate this study, we introduce new terminology summarised in Table 1.

Table 1 Terminology introduced in the current study

The proposed methodology introduces a new important criterion of multi-metric performance evaluation to deliver robust learning for a network in a dataset. Our methodology involves evaluating network performance using a protocol that incorporates both independent identical distribution (i.i.d.) cohorts and out-of-distribution (o.o.d.) cohorts. In medical applications, this evaluation protocol is crucial as it tests the network’s ability to generalise and remain robust across different datasets. Our ultimate objective is to create a training methodology that delivers a reliable and robust AI network, capable of consistently providing precise results across a range of imaging scenarios (medical environmental, ecological, etc.). To achieve this, we propose testing the established training methodology, which employs the LES approach, alongside our own approach. To evaluate our methodology, we test it in a classification problem on four different kinds of image datasets (COVID chest X-rays from two different datasets, weather data, and animal species). Furthermore, to show the robustness, we apply five state-of-the-art deep learning networks, namely DenseNet-121 [17], ResNet-50 [15], VGG-16, VGG-19 [37], and DenResCov-19 [29]. The DenResCov-19 has consistently superior performance in all applications as compared to the other networks, and hence, to generalise its application we rename it to DenRes-131. Here, the ‘131’ represents the total number of layers in the model.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first development and utilisation of a deep multi-metric training methodology in a variety of different state-of-the-art deep learning networks. To this end, the main contributions of this study are:

  1. 1.

    Justifying the importance of multi-metric (AUC-ROC, recall, precision, F1, etc.) utilisation to achieve robust learning and avoid state of weak learning in deep learning networks;

  2. 2.

    Evaluating the performance and robustness of established deep learning networks over heterogeneous medical imaging, environmental, and ecological datasets with multi-class labels;

  3. 3.

    Comparing the new DenRes-131 network with the DenseNet-121, ResNet-50, VGG-16, and VGG-19 established networks in multi-field, multi-size, multi-vendors, and multi-class validation schemes in both independent identical distribution (i.i.d.) cohorts and out-of-distribution (o.o.d.) cohorts; and

  4. 4.

    Finally, a proposed methodology that exhibits superior performance compared to the established training methodology that employs the LES criterion.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Sect. 2 presents a brief overview of the related works. Section 3 describes the proposed methodology and summarises its implementation, along with a brief description of the imaging datasets. Numerical results of the performance of proposed methodology are presented in Sect. 4, and a detailed discussion is provided in Sect. 5. The paper concludes in Sect. 6.

2 Related work

There are two main hyperparameter optimisation approaches: manual (e.g. grid search, random search) and automatic (e.g. Bayesian optimisation). More recently in the literature, new automatic strategies and approaches for optimal searching are developed.

[47] describe the Orthogonal Array Tuning Method and evaluate it by using recurrent neural networks and CNNs. Their method decreases the tuning time compared to previous state-of-the-art methods and delivers high performance of the results.

[20] describe a method utilising genetic programming to deliver both optimal activation functions and optimisation techniques. To evaluate their method, they implemented a neural network with the activation function and an optimisation technique that the algorithm chooses per iteration. Their method performed superior compared to conventional methods.

[49] determine a hyperparameter selection process with high diversity, investigating the optimal joint hyperparameter configuration on network structure and training to evaluate road image classification tasks. They showed that their approach can deliver an optimal architecture with an associated training configuration, to deliver a consistent and accurate performance of the network.

[10] propose a hyperparameter optimisation method, which searches for optimal hyperparameters based on an initial sequence and utilises an action-prediction network leveraged on continuous deep Q-learning. They evaluated their algorithm on different benchmarks, presenting its superior performance.

[39] introduce the application of the fractal decomposition-based algorithm to the optimisation of the hyperparameter of deep neural network architecture, in order to deliver state-of-the-art results.

[40] discuss empirical comparisons of the optimisers. Their investigation revealed that incorporating relationships between optimisers is crucial in practical scenarios, especially in adaptive gradient methods. Through their work, they raised some concerns about fairly benchmarking the optimisers for neural network training.

It is important to mention here that some of the studies discussed the importance of hyperparameter tuning in fine-tuning and not just during the training process [23, 39, 40].

New trends regarding optimisation approaches are the automated machine learning (AutoML) [11, 16, 44] and the no-new-UNet (nn-Unet) [18]. Both of these methodologies try to deliver the optimal accuracy solution in more than one step of deep learning training, such as pre-processing, post-processing, hyperparameters, and identification of the optimal structure. As COVID-19 has become an important area of research in the last years, there have been some attempts to apply hyperparameter strategies in COVID-19 classification and detection benchmarks [1, 4, 19, 41, 42]. These studies generally focus on efficient ways of searching the optimal values of hyperparameters.

[45] and [5] propose deep multi-metric learning methods, utilising cost functions involving multi-metric scores. The disadvantage of these studies is that they used only the cost function minimisation approach to determine the optimal solution.

On the contrary, here we advocate the involvement of more than one evaluation metric (multi-metric) score during the training process, in order to consider them separately, and a different total cost function minimisation criterion. To this end, the optimisation criterion of hyperparameters takes into consideration the performance of the network in terms of important evaluation metrics (AUC-ROC, recall, precision, and F1-score, as will be introduced later) depending on the computer vision application problem. As a result, the optimisation approach of the hyperparameter values, namely learning rate, epochs, batch number, patch number, etc., delivers robust learning results for the network. For our classification tasks, we have chosen the AUC-ROC, recall, precision, and F1-score evaluation metrics, due to their wide usage in the literature.

To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to deliver the development and evaluation of a new training methodology combining multiple quantitative metrics and a cost function minimisation criterion.

3 Methods

In this section, we present the algorithm and associated implementation details of the proposed DMMT method. Furthermore, a description of the network architectures that we use to evaluate the training methodology is presented.

Algorithm 1
figure a

The deep multi-metric training

3.1 DMMT methodology

To explain the idea of DMMT methodology, we present the parameter and variable definitions in Table 2 and the algorithm in Algorithm 1. The DMMT algorithm requires choosing the N multiple metrics of the training \(M_1\), \(M_2\), \(\ldots \), \(M_{N}\), the epoch checkpoint interval \(\Delta t\), the maximum epochs for training \(t_{\max }\), the acceptable variation of the moving average metric value to define as equal \(\Delta _k\), and the loss cost function value at the \(t^\textrm{th}\) epoch, \(\textrm{loss}^t\).

Table 2 Hyperparameters, variables, and functions of the DMMT algorithm

Algorithm 1 presents the novel mathematical approach of the DMMT methodology for training the deep learning networks based on the multi-metric criterion. We utilise a combination of the cost function minimisation and multi-metric curve evaluation criterion. The training procedure initialises the model with random weights or transfer weights. The user sets the number of multi-metric evaluation scores, the epochs period \(\Delta t\) where the algorithm will check the convergence of the multi-metrics, and the maximum number of epochs for training. The convergence of the multi-metrics is achieved when the score of the metric is within \(\Delta _k\) variation as defined by the user. The end of the training is achieved when either the algorithm reaches the maximum number of epochs or when all the multi-metrics converge and the loss value, \(\textrm{loss}^{t}\), is higher than or equal to the previously stored value, \(\textrm{loss}^\textrm{prev}\) (local minimum).

In Fig. 1, the second row and last column illustrate all the criterion employed in the DMMT methodology. We can observe that the loss function has been optimised, and all four evaluation metrics—\(M_1\), \(M_2\), \(M_3\), and \(M_4\)—have stabilised. The results shown in Fig. 1 correspond to the performance of the Resnet-50 network in the weather evaluation dataset, as determined by the converged multi-metrics criterion and the loss function within the DMMT (green line). It is crucial to note that these outcomes differ from those obtained using the LES criterion (red line).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Proposed DMMT methodology illustrated on the weather data: The user determines the number N and choice of multi-metric curve evaluation scores (here \(N=4\), with \(M_1\): AUC-ROC, \(M_2\): recall, \(M_3\): precision, and \(M_4\): F1-score), the epoch interval where the algorithm will check the convergence of the multi-metrics (here every 100 epochs), and the maximum number of epochs for training (here 1500). The function \(\textrm{SMA}_{\Delta t}^t(M_k)\) is used to compute the simple moving average (SMA) between two checkpoints t and \(t-\Delta t\) for each of the metrics \(M_k\). A few sample SMAs are indicated in the graphs. The convergence of the multi-metrics is achieved when the score of the metric is within \(\Delta _k\) variation of this average, as defined by the user (here \(\Delta _1=\Delta _2=\Delta _3=0.04\) and \(\Delta _4=0.08\)). The end of training is achieved when either the algorithm reaches the maximum number of epochs or when all the multi-metrics converge and the loss value (\(\textrm{loss}^t\)) is higher than the previous stored (\(\textrm{loss}^\textrm{prev}\)). The red lines at 200 epochs are the result of the traditional technique of loss early stopping. The green lines at 1000 epochs are the result of the proposed DMMT algorithm

The metrics are often prone to large statistical fluctuations. To dampen these, we use an averaging procedure based on the simple moving average (SMA). For a quantity A, the SMA is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{SMA}^t_n(A)=\frac{1}{n} \sum _{i=0}^{n-1} A_{t-i} \end{aligned}$$

where \(A_{t}\) is the value of the quantity at epoch t and n is the number of instances averaged. We define the metrics recall, precision, and F1-score as

$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{Recall}= & {} \frac{TP}{TP+FN} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{Precision}= & {} \frac{TP}{TP+FP} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \text {F1-score}= & {} \frac{2\times \textrm{Precision}\times \textrm{Recall}}{\textrm{Precision} + \textrm{Recall}} \end{aligned}$$

where TP is the true positive results, TN is the true negative results, FP is the false positive results, and FN is the false negative results. We also define AUC-ROC as area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve that combines TP, TN, FP, and FN. In order to discretise the ROC curve, a set of thresholds evenly distributed along a linear scale is employed to determine pairs of recall and precision values. The height of the recall is multiplied by the FP to measure the final AUC-ROC metric. Equation (1) is used to compute the moving average of each of the metrics in Eqs. (2)–(4) and the AUC-ROC.

3.2 Network architectures

To test the DMMT methodology, we use four established networks, namely VGG-16, VGG-19, DenseNet-121, and ResNet-50, and a state-of-the-art deep learning model DenRes-131.

VGG-16 and VGG-19 are two well-established convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with a combination of pooling and convolution layers [37]. ResNet-50 is a deep network, in which all layers have the same number of filters as the number of the output feature size. In case the output feature size is halved, the number of filters is doubled, thus reducing the time complexity per layer [15]. DenseNet-121 is an efficient topology of convolutional network. The network comprises of deep layers, each of which implements a nonlinear transformation. [17] introduced a unique connectivity pattern information flow between layers to direct connecting any layer to all subsequent layers.

DenRes-131 network [29] is a concatenation of four blocks from ResNet-50 and DenseNet-121 with width, height, and frames of \(58 \times 58 \times 256\), \(28 \times 28 \times 512\), \(14 \times 14 \times 1024\), and \(7 \times 7 \times 2048\), respectively. Each of the four outputs feeds a block of convolution and average pooling layers. Thus, the initial concatenated information can be translated into the convolution space. [29] used some level of concatenation-CNN block techniques to create kernels that deliver a final layer of soft-max regression, so that the network can conclude in the classification decision.

3.3 Datasets

We evaluate our methodology on five different image datasets. We use two large datasets of COVID-19 and abnormal lung screening, two large datasets of animal species classification, and one relatively small dataset of weather classification. The evaluation tasks are: three-class classification (normal, abnormal, or COVID-19 in medical imaging dataset; cat, dog, or wild in ecological dataset), four-class classification (cloudy, rainy, shine, or sunrise in environmental dataset), and ten-class classification tasks (CIFAR-10 dataset, second ecological dataset).

The first dataset, which we refer to as BIMCV, is generated by combining the BIMCV COVID-19+ [8] and the BIMCV-COVID19-PADCHEST data [4] for medical imaging application. BIMCV COVID-19+ contains the normal and COVID-19 cases, while BIMCV-COVID19-PADCHEST contains the abnormal cases, which is a reorganisation of the PadChest dataset [4] related to COVID-19 pathology. In total, we use 4740 lung X-ray images classified as abnormal, 4456 as normal, and 2646 as COVID-19 positive.

For the second medical imaging dataset, named Sheffield hospital, we use a Sheffield hospital COVID-19 dataset of lung X-ray images. Here, we use 2011 chest X-ray images classified as abnormal, 2861 as normal, and 2263 images as COVID-19 positive.

The third dataset, concerning animals species, is a large collection of 16, 122 publicly available images for the three-class species classification into cats, dogs, and wild animals [6]. The dataset is a collection of 5153, 4731, and 4738 images of cats, dogs, and wild animals, respectively.

The fourth one, called the multi-class weather dataset, is a collection of images for environmental classification [12]. It consists of 357 sunrise, 253 shine, 215 rainy, and 300 cloudy images.

For the evaluation of the three classification tasks, we first split the total images into 70% and 30% as the training and testing datasets, respectively. The training dataset is further split into 70%:30% as the final training and validation datasets. As we need to evaluate the generalisation of our training algorithm, we test the deep learning networks in an identical independent distribution (i.i.d.) cohort of a collection of 500 images from each of cats, dogs, and wild animals (excluded before the splitting) and in an out of the distribution (o.o.d.) cohort by training on the BIMCV dataset and testing on the Sheffield hospital dataset. In this way, we verify that the DMMT can achieve highly accurate and robust results compared to the traditional LES criterion training technique [34].

We conduct a sensitivity analysis of the LES ‘patience’ (early stop criterion) hyperparameter and the DMMT \(\Delta _t\) hyperparameter, using the publicly available CIFAR-10 dataset (https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/cifar-10). The CIFAR-10 dataset is a subset of the Tiny Images dataset and comprises 60,000 \(32\times 32\) colour images. Each image is labelled with one of 10 mutually exclusive classes, including aeroplane, automobile (excluding trucks or pickup trucks), bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship, and truck (excluding pickup trucks). The dataset is structured with 6,000 images per class, split into 5,000 training images and 1,000 testing images per class.

3.4 Datasets pre-processing image analysis

Image analysis techniques are applied to all slices to reduce the effect of noise and increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We use noise filters such as binomial deconvolution, Landweber deconvolution [43], and curvature anisotropic diffusion image filters [33] to reduce noise in the images. We normalise the images by subtracting the mean value from each image and dividing by its standard deviation. Finally, we use data augmentation techniques including rotation (around the centre of the image by a random angle from the range \([-15^{\circ }, 15^{\circ }]\)), width shift (up to 20 pixels), height shift (up to 20 pixels), and ZCA whitening (add noise in each image) [21].

3.5 Hyperparameters initialisation

After random shuffling, each dataset is partitioned for training, validation, and testing of the models. We use the categorical cross-entropy as the loss function. The loss function is optimised using the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method with a fixed learning rate of 0.001 for both the LES and DMMT methodologies. We apply transfer learning techniques to the networks using the ImageNet dataset [9] (https://www.image-net.org). The ImageNet dataset consists of over 14 million images, and the task is to classify the images into one of almost 22, 000 different categories (cat, sailboat, etc.).

Table 2 summarises the main user’s hyperparameters. We want to establish the efficiency of the algorithm for different hyperparameters to validate its robustness. To do so we vary the number of available metrics N from 3 to 4. Moreover, we use different values of \(\Delta _k\) and epoch checkpoint T for each of the classification tasks. The parameters in the DMMT algorithm are taken to be \(\Delta t=10\) and \(\Delta _k=0.04\) for the considered metrics in the medical image datasets (recall, precision, and AUC-ROC). For the ecological and environmental datasets, the parameters are chosen as \(\Delta t=100\), \(\Delta _1=\Delta _2=\Delta _3=0.04\), and \(\Delta _4=0.08\) (Fig. 1) for the considered metrics recall, precision, AUC-ROC, and F1-score, respectively. The reason for the usage of \(\Delta _4=0.08\) for the fourth metric (F1-score, Fig. 1) is that the F1-score metric produces large fluctuations and therefore, the DMMT does not converge earlier than the maximum epochs (\(t_{\max }\)) within the narrow window of \(\Delta _4=0.04\). For LES, we use an early stopping of 10 continuous epochs (‘patience’). For both methodologies, the maximum epochs for training \(t_{\max }\) are 1500 for all datasets.

For the sensitivity analysis of the LES ‘patience’ and the DMMT \(\Delta _t\) hyperparameters, we vary them over the values of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 epochs, using the ResNet-50 network architecture.

3.6 Software

The code developed in this study is written in the Python programming language using Keras/TensorFlow (Python) libraries. For training and testing of deep learning networks, we use an NVIDIA cluster (JADE2) with 4 GPUs and 64 GB RAM memory.

4 Results

In this section, we examine the performance of the networks for the traditional LES criterion and proposed DMMT methodology. We present the performance of the established networks of VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet-50, and DenseNet-121 and the new state-of-the-art network DenRes-131 [29].

4.1 Evaluate DMMT in multi-field classification

To generalise the applicability of the DMMT, we first need to verify the importance of quantitative multi-metric evaluation in different computer vision applications as compared to the commonly used LES criterion [34]. To this end, we compare both methodologies in multi-field classification problems, namely on (1) medical imaging, (2) environmental, and (3) ecological datasets.

4.1.1 Medical imaging computer vision task: chest X-rays classification

We first evaluate the recall, precision, and AUC-ROC metrics for the networks and test the stability of the training in these metrics (equilibrium point of a metric training/testing curve) on the medical imaging datasets, so that we can justify a weak or robust level of training performance (state of weak learning and state of robust learning).

Table 3 highlights the quantitative evaluation metrics on the test datasets of the BIMCV and Sheffield hospital datasets. Both VGG-16 and VGG-19 networks follow a specific pattern of high variability of the metric values (from 57.17 to \(97.26\%\)) with some high and some low values for the LES criterion. For the DMMT, this variability is smoothed, and the networks appear to converge for all evaluation metrics, with a small deviation of \(\pm 5\%\). ResNet-50, DenseNet-121, and DenRes-131 follow a different pattern of performance compared to the previous two networks, with low values and low dispersion between the metrics during the LES, which increase significantly for the DMMT. Figures 2 and 3 present the behaviours of the training and validation curves for the recall, precision, and AUC-ROC metrics in BIMCV and Sheffield hospital datasets, respectively.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Training and validation curves of the deep learning networks on BIMCV dataset for three metrics (AUC-ROC, precision, and recall). The red lines at 100 epochs are the result of the traditional technique of LES. The green lines at 800 epochs are the result of the DMMT algorithm. The red line represents a state of weak learning and the green a state of robust learning

Fig. 3
figure 3

Training and validation curves of the deep learning networks on Sheffield hospital dataset for three metrics (AUC-ROC, precision, and recall). The thick dashed red line at 100 epochs is the results of the established technique of LES. The thick green dashed lined at 800 epochs is the results of the DMMT algorithm. The thick red dashed line presents a state of weak learning and the green a state of robust learning

Table 3 Quantitative evaluation metrics of different networks on test datasets for medical image classification task

Based on the AUC-ROC metric alone, the network models for the Sheffield hospital dataset (Fig. 3) seem to have virtually converged after LES (as shown with the red dashed lines). However, for the precision and recall metrics the models are still in a transitional state of training (state of weak learning). Nevertheless, a converged state of the models is achieved by DMMT in all three metrics (green dashed line). The same pattern is observed in Fig. 2 for the BIMCV dataset. The number of epochs in which all metrics are in equilibrium (here in 800) determines the state of robust learning. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the ROC curves of the deep learning networks on BIMCV dataset and Sheffield hospital dataset, respectively.

Fig. 4
figure 4

ROC curves of the deep learning networks on BIMCV dataset. Row 1: VGG-16, VGG-19, and ResNet-50; row 2: DenseNet-121 and DenRes-131

Fig. 5
figure 5

ROC curves of the deep learning networks on Sheffield hospital dataset. Row 1: VGG-16, VGG-19, and ResNet-50; row 2: DenseNet-121 and DenRes-131

To conclude, in this subsection we have justified the need to monitor more than one metric (recall, precision, and AUC-ROC) to determine the convergence of a network training in two medical image classification tasks.

4.1.2 Environmental computer vision task: weather classification

Table 4 shows the quantitative evaluation metrics of weather classification (cloudy, rainy, shine, or sunrise) for the LES and DMMT criterion. Figure 6 shows the behaviour of training and validation curves for the recall, precision, AUC-ROC, and F1 metrics. Even if precision and AUC-ROC metrics justify that the models converge at the LES (red dashed line), in the majority of the cases in the recall and F1 metrics the models are still in a transitional period of training (state of weak learning). However, the converge state of the models is achieved by DMMT for all metrics (green dashed line).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Training and validation curves of the deep learning networks on the weather dataset for four metrics (AUC-ROC, precision, recall, and F1). The red dashed lines are the convergence results of the traditional LES technique. The green lines are the results of the DMMT algorithm

Table 4 Quantitative evaluation metrics of different networks on test set of the weather dataset

Figure 7 shows the confusion matrices of the environmental classification problem for the five networks using the LES and DMMT criterion. The DenRes-131 achieves recall of 76.7, 96.9, 90.8, and \(92.5\%\) during LES and 76.7, 98.4, 90.8, and \(92.5\%\) by DMMT, for the classification of cloudy, rainy, shine, and sunrise classes, respectively. DenseNet-121 achieves recall of 74.4, 92.2, 85.5, and 89.7% during LES and 75.6, 93.8, 86.8, and 88.8% during DMMT. ResNet-50 achieves recall of 72.2, 92.2, 80.3, and 86.9% at LES and 76.7, 95.3, 84.2, and 87.9% with DMMT. VGG-16 achieves recall of 72.2, 92.2, 85.5 and 90.7% by LES and 71.1, 89.1, 80.3, and 87.9% by DMMT. Finally, VGG-19 achieves the recall of 75.6, 89.1, 84.2, and 91.6% during LES and 73.3, 89.1, 84.2, and 86.9% with the DMMT criterion.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Confusion matrices of the classification performance of five deep learning networks on Weather dataset. Row 1: LES criterion, row 2: DMMT criterion

Figure 8 shows the barplots of recall, precision, and F1 metrics for the weather classification problem using five networks with LES and DMMT criterion. Both Figs. 7 and 8 show the improvement in the DMMT methodology regarding the need of a multi-metric performance evaluation, so that the network reaches a state of robust learning instead of a state of weak learning.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Barplots for the classification performance of five deep learning networks on the Weather dataset

4.1.3 Ecological computer vision task: animal species classification

Table 5 shows the quantitative evaluation metrics of animals species classification (cat, dog, or wild) by LES and DMMT criterion. Once again, the same trend as in the medical and ecological applications is observed here. The models initially deliver a state of weak learning after LES and more robust learning after DMMT. All networks deliver higher performance for all metrics in DMMT, as compared to the LES. Figure 9 shows the behaviour of the training and validation curves for AUC-ROC, precision, recall, and F1 metrics. Even if the AUC-ROC and precision curves (Fig. 9, columns 1-2) show that the models have converged during the LES (indicated by the red dashed line), in the majority of the cases in the recall and F1 metrics the models are still in a transitional period of training (state of weak learning). However, the convergence state of the models is achieved at DMMT for all metrics (green line). Hence, we justify the need to observe curves for more than one metric (specifically recall, precision, AUC-ROC, and F1 here) to determine the state of robust learning for a deep network in an environmental classification task.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Training and validation curves of the deep learning networks on Animals dataset for four metrics (AUC-ROC, precision, recall, and F1). The red lines are the convergence results of the traditional LES technique. The green lines are the results of the DMMT algorithm

Table 5 Quantitative evaluation metrics of different networks on test set of the Animals dataset at the LES and DMMT criterion

Figure 10 shows the confusion matrices of the ecological classification task for the five networks using the LES and DMMT criterion. DenRes-131 achieves recall of 93.0, 96.8, and 88.4% at LES and 92.7, 97.3, and 88.3% at DMMT. DenseNet-121 achieves recall of 92.7, 95.3, and 86.4% after LES and 93.2, 96.0, and 87.8% after DMMT. ResNet-50 achieves recall of 91.1, 95.8, and 84.9% using LES and 92.6, 95.5, and 86.6% using DMMT. VGG-16 achieves recall of 94.0, 97.6, and 91.3% at LES and 94.8, 97.3, and 90.9% at DMMT. Finally, VGG-19 achieves the recall of 94.0, 97.5, and 89.4% using the LES and 94.3, 97.3, and 90.3% using the DMMT criterion.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Confusion matrices of the classification performance of five deep learning networks on the Animals dataset. Row 1: LES criterion, row 2: DMMT criterion

Figure 11 highlights the barplots of the animal species classification for the five networks using the LES and DMMT. Both Figs. 10 and 11 show the proposed criterion of DMMT methodology, regarding the need of a multi-metric performance evaluation so that the network reaches a state of robust learning.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Barplots for the classification performance of five deep learning networks on the Animals dataset

4.2 Evaluation of networks’ generalisation: effect of DMMT

In this section, we present the results of two evaluation tests in an i.i.d. and o.o.d cohorts for the LES and DMMT criterion, in order to study their generalisation.

4.2.1 Evaluation of networks in i.i.d. cohorts: effect of DMMT

The first evaluation to examine the generalisation of the DMMT algorithm is an i.i.d. evaluation of the deep learning models in the animals testing dataset with 500 images per class. Table 6 shows the quantitative evaluation metrics without meta-learning or domain adaptation techniques in the unseen cohort of animals dataset for both LES and DMMT criterion. Once again, the networks follow the same performance patterns as in the test cohort of the animals dataset (Table 5) described in the previous subsection.

Table 6 Quantitative evaluation metrics of different networks on i.i.d. test set of the Animals dataset using the LES and DMMT criterion

4.2.2 Evaluation of networks in o.o.d. cohorts: effect of DMMT

To strengthen the justification and the generalisation of the importance of multi-metric evaluation, we validate the deep learning networks using the LES and DMMT criterion on an unseen test dataset (trained on BIMCV cohort and tested on Sheffield hospital cohort) to examine their classification performance. Table 7 shows the quantitative evaluation metrics without meta-learning or domain adaptation technique in the unseen Sheffield hospital dataset for both LES and DMMT. Once again, the networks follow the same performance patterns as in the test set of BIMCV dataset (Table 3 top) described in the previous subsection.

Table 7 Quantitative evaluation metrics of different networks for medical image classification task without meta-learning on the o.o.d. Sheffield hospital dataset

4.3 Statistical significance analysis of DMMT criterion

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DMMT methodology, we perform a statistical significance analysis between the metrics of the performance criterion in the state of weak learning (LES criterion) and the state of robust learning (DMMT criterion). We present our results as boxplots in Fig. 12, with red boxplots showing LES results and cyan boxplots the DMMT, for all quantitative metrics in Tables 3 and 7. The cyan boxplots show significant difference from the red, with reduced quartile deviation and higher median value for the majority of the metrics. This can verify our criterion of multi-metric convergence in the proposed DMMT methodology for all metrics. For the quantitative evaluation of the statistical significance analysis, we incorporate the one-tailed paired t test, with level of significance 0.05.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Boxplots for the state of weak (LES criterion, red boxplots) and robust training (DMMT criterion, cyan boxplots) in deep learning networks. The results include the performance of all five deep learning networks on two large medical imaging datasets

Table 8 shows the results of statistical significance analysis using the paired t test between the state of weak learning and state of robust learning for the recall, precision, AUC-ROC, F1, and the combination of all metrics. We only consider the medical imaging application here, since we have more samples for the statistical significance analysis (two large datasets for five networks). From the results, we can see that the state of robust learning is providing statistically significant improvement over the state of weak learning for the recall, AUC-ROC, F1, and combined metrics (with p values 0.009, 0.014, 0.04, and 0.009), while no significant difference is observed for the precision metric (with p value 0.253). Therefore, it justifies the need for multi-metric evaluation in order to achieve robust learning.

Table 8 Statistical significance analysis between the state of weak learning of LES criterion and state of robust learning of DMMT criterion on the medical imaging application

4.4 Sensitivity analysis of DMMT and LES parameters

The detailed sensitivity analysis of the LES ‘patience’ and the DMMT \(\Delta _t\) hyperparameters using the ResNet-50 network over the CIFAR-10 dataset are presented in Supplementary Material (Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 and Tables 1, 2). For LES, the best performance metrics are: 1.429 (validation loss), 0.845 (F1), 0.213 (AUC-ROC), 0.196 (sensitivity), 0.129 (precision), 0.621 (accuracy), and 0.645 (specificity). For DMMT, the corresponding metrics are: 1.425, 0.860, 0.245, 0.220, 0.134, 0.455, and 0.395. Overall, DMMT outperforms LES in five out of seven metrics. However, these results reflect the best performance from each methodology, rather than a single trained model. To assess robustness, we consider the parameter settings that consistently yields top results across multiple metrics. The best outcomes for LES are observed with a ‘patience’ setting of 15, whereas for DMMT, the optimal results come with a \(\Delta _t\) parameter of 20. Notably, DMMT achieves superior performance in five out of the seven metrics at this setting, indicating greater robustness and consistency.

Furthermore, DMMT shows improved results in key metrics such as F1, AUC-ROC, sensitivity, and precision. This improvement in terms of both consistency and performance metrics indicates a more robust learning state for the network when employing the DMMT methodology. Although LES occasionally achieves higher results in specific metrics (like accuracy and specificity), its performance is less consistent across different parameter settings, thus highlighting the robustness and overall reliability of DMMT over LES.

4.5 DenRes-131: a superior network again?

DenRes-131 is a new network introduced by [29], with promising state-of-the-art performance. The authors claimed that the network provides superior performance over established networks such as ResNet-50, DenseNet-121, and VGG-16. In this study, we justify the claim, since the DenRes-131 achieves superior performance in two medical imaging cohorts (BIMCV and Sheffield hospital) and in the o.o.d. evaluation scheme (Sect. 4.2.2) for all evaluation metrics, as presented in Tables 3 and 7. The DenRes-131 network achieves better results in terms of the ROC curve in Figs. 4 and 5, with 80.81, 98.38, and 82.23% AUC-ROC in the BIMCV dataset and 69.76, 74.45, 83.11% AUC-ROC in the Sheffield hospital dataset for abnormal, COVID-19, and normal classes, respectively.

Furthermore, the DenRes-131 attains superior performance for the classification tasks in the environmental and ecological cohorts. Tables 4 and 5 show that DenRes-131 delivers state-of-the-art results and outperforms the other deep learning networks. More thoroughly, the DenRes-131 achieves 87.83% recall and precision, 91.90% AUC-ROC, and 87.70% F1 metric values in the Weather cohort and 93.01% recall and precision, 95.14% AUC-ROC, and 93.07% F1 metric values in the Animal species cohort. For the ROC curves, DenRes-131 outperforms all classes’ scores compared to the VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet-50, and DenseNet-121 networks for the environmental and ecological classification problems.

Figures 7, 8, 10, and 11 show the performance of the networks based on true positive and true negative predictions and recall, precision, and F1 metrics for the state of weak learning (LES criterion) and the state of robust learning (DMMT criterion). The DenRes-131 outperforms the other established networks in the environmental classification problem and achieves the similar level of performance compared to the leading VGG networks in the ecological classification problem. We did not expect DenRes-131 to outperform the VGG networks in this cohort, as the VGG networks perform significantly better than both ResNet-50 and DenseNet-121 networks in this dataset. This probably happens because the VGG structures outperform the complex structures of ResNet and DenseNet for less complicated classification problems such as the animal species classification [48].

5 Discussion

We have developed a new deep multi-metric training (DMMT) methodology to avoid the state of weak learning of a deep learning network for medical, environmental, and ecological classification tasks. The convergence criterion of the DMMT methodology is defined as the optimal number of epochs for achieving equilibrium in the user-defined multi-metric performance (recall, precision, AUC-ROC, F1, etc.). One important limitation of this study is the utilisation of one computer vision task, namely classification, to verify the optimal training methodology. To generalise the proposed methodology, a study involving different computer vision tasks (e.g. semantic segmentation, regression, object detection, etc.) is required. Another less important limitation of this study is that the classification experiment has been applied on medical, environmental, and ecological datasets. A further investigation on some other fields such as automation and industrial classification problems could be beneficial. The main advantage of this study is the simplicity of the converge criterion to deliver state of robust learning performance for a deep network (criterion of multi-metric performance evaluation).

In the second part of this study, we have examined the performance of DenRes-131 compared to other established networks of VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet-50, and DenseNet-121. DenRes-131 was first introduced in [29] with promising state-of-the-art performance, and it provided superior results compared to established networks of ResNet-50, DenseNet-121, and VGG-16. The DenRes-131 was initially tested in small size cohorts due to the lack of available large COVID-19 datasets. Thus, one of the aims of this study has been to further evaluate its performance in larger COVID-19 datasets (BIMCV COVID-19+ and Sheffield hospital datasets). In addition, we are interested to study the performance of the network in multi-field classification problems such as environmental and ecological classification tasks. The network outperforms the established networks in the environmental problem and provides similar performance with the leading VGG-16 and VGG-19 networks in the ecological task.

In our future study, we want to focus on the generalisation of the DMMT methodology for robust learning in different computer vision tasks such as semantic segmentation, regression, and object detection. We wish to evaluate the performance of DenRes-131 in industrial classification problems and present an ablation analysis study of the network structure. We are also interested in evaluating the performance of Bayesian optimisation when combined with the DMMT.

6 Is faster always better? Concluding remarks on DMMT methodology

In this study, we have proposed the DMMT methodology, which incorporates a convergence criterion that defines the optimal number of epochs for achieving an equilibrium point in multi-metric performance, including recall, AUC-ROC, precision, F1, and others. Unlike most existing methodologies, which rely on loss early stopping (LES) or evaluation of the network’s training based solely on accuracy metric results, our approach demonstrates a distinct advantage. In validation protocols, we have demonstrated that our proposed methodology outperforms the established training methodology that employs the LES criterion. Our findings indicate that achieving the point of equilibrium for the multi-metrics evaluation methodology may require deeper epochs, suggesting that faster training is not always the optimal solution. Overall, our research offers a valuable contribution by providing a more effective and efficient methodology for achieving generalised and robust performance of deep learning networks. Moreover, we have verified the superior performance of the deep learning network DenRes-131 [29] on four large imaging datasets.

Our study has revealed that in our analysis faster training is not the best approach for achieving optimal accuracy performance in multi-metrics evaluation. We have observed the point of equilibrium may only be reached after training for deeper epochs, suggesting that a slower and more deliberate approach to training may be more effective.