Erratum to:

Berg Huettenmaenn Monatsh (2018)

Das untenstehende Erratum zu dem in Heft 8 veröffentlichten Artikel

“ULF Cell—a Novel Design Principle for Pneumatic Froth Flotation Apparatus Utilizing Uniform Laminar Flow”

von Janez Susa und Rüdiger B. Richter wurde aus Gründen der Aktualität bereits in Heft 9 publiziert. Um den fachspezifischen Zusammenhang zu gewährleisten, stellen wir es noch einmal in das vorliegende Heft 10.

Erratum to:

Berg Huettenmaenn Monatsh (2018)

Unfortunately, errors occurred in the original article.

The presentation of the Figs. 8, 9 and 10 and the Eqs. 23 and 33d were incorrect.

The correct versions are given below.

$$\tau _{10}=\frac{V_{10}}{Q_{cz}}=\frac{A_{cz}\cdot h_{10}}{Q_{cz}}$$
Fig. 8
figure 1

Pilot test unit (Susa ULF cell), used for the execution of the flotation experiments

Fig. 9
figure 2

Depletion (conversion) rate vs. time in minutes and depth of clarifying zone in cm for experiment no. 20. Linear fit of experimental points results in flotation kinetic rate of κ = 0.93 1/min

Fig. 10
figure 3

Diagram of depletion (conversion) rate vs. time in minutes and depth of clarifying zone in cm for all 32 experiments

The original article has been corrected.