Erratum to: Cell. Mol. Life Sci. (2012) 69:2283–2305 DOI 10.1007/s00018-012-1007-4

The original publication of this article unfortunately contained an error in figure. In page number 2286, Fig. 3:

Fig. 3
figure 1

‘‘The mechanics - those who make the engine work’’. Mapping the protein–protein interaction domains in the cytosolic NADPH oxidase components. The presentation of the domains was inspired by [4]. PX phox homology domain, SH3-N N-terminal src 3 homology domain, SH3-C C-terminal src 3 homology domain, PRR proline-rich region, TPR tetratricopeptide repeat, AD activation domain, PB1 Phox and Bem domain, Insert insert region characteristic of Rho proteins, p67 phox BD2 second Rac-binding domain on p67phox (in addition to switch I), CLLL C-terminal residues in Rac1 involved in isoprenylation, carboxymethylation, and cleavage of the three leucines

  1. 1.

    The activation domain in p67phox (residues 199–210), was mislabelled as D. This is now corrected to AD;

  2. 2.

    The numbering of residues in the SH3-N region of p67phox was erroneously shown as starting at 243 and ending at 289. The correct numbering should start with 243 and end with 298.

The correct figure is given below.