Correction to: Arch. Math.

It has been brought to the author’s attention that the statement of [1, Theorem 2.4] is incorrect. However, it is easily corrected by adding the following relation to its statement: The number r is the minimum number such that

$$\begin{aligned} 2^r \equiv 1\pmod {q} \quad \text {or}\quad 2^r\equiv -1\pmod {q}. \end{aligned}$$

The reason is the following:

In the proof, we deduce that there is a permutation s of \(\{1, 2,\ldots , k\}\) such that \(\langle 2a_i\rangle =\langle a_{s(i)}\rangle \). We need to show that \(\langle 2a_r\rangle =\langle a_1\rangle \) in order to define \(B_1=\{a_1,\ldots ,a_r\}=\{b_1\cdot (\pm 2^{j-1})\}\) with leader \(b_1=a_1\).

But \(\langle 2a_r\rangle =\langle a_1\rangle \) holds if and only if \(a_1\equiv \pm 2a_r\), which is equivalent to \(a_1\equiv \pm 2^ra_1\pmod {q}\). Since \(\gcd (a_1, q)=1\), this is possible if \(2^r\equiv \pm 1 \pmod {q}\). The careful reader may observe that \(2^r\equiv -1\pmod {q}\) is possible only if the order of 2 modulo q is even. This means that if the order of 2 modulo q is odd, the statement is valid without any corrections.

In addition, at the beginning of page 6, the phrase

“From this construction, it is also evident that \(a_1\equiv \pm 2a_r\) since \(2^r\equiv 1\pmod {q}\)” should be

“From this construction, it is also evident that \(a_1\equiv \pm 2a_r\) since \(2^r\equiv \pm 1\pmod {q}\)”.