1 Introduction and physics case

Flavor physics phenomenology has a long history of substantial impact on the development of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Over the last decades, two developments are particularly noteworthy:

First, the determination of the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements has developed into a precision enterprise, thanks in large parts to the efforts at the B-factory experiments BaBar and Belle [1] and more recently the LHCb experiment [2], the technological progress in lattice gauge theory predictions [3], and the development of precision phenomenology with continuum methods.

Second, the emergence of the so-called “b anomalies” has led to cautious excitement in the community. These anomalies are substantial tensions between theory predictions of b-quark decay observables and their measurements by the ATLAS, BaBar, Belle, CMS, and LHCb experiments, which present a coherent pattern that might be due to Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) effects, but do not yet reach individually the required significance of \(5\,\sigma \); see e.g. Refs. [4, 5] for recent reviews.

Both developments have led to increasingly sophisticated phenomenological analyses.

Such analyses involve researchers regularly carrying out structurally similar and recurring tasks. These typical use cases include

  1. 1.

    predicting flavor observables and assessing their theory uncertainties both within the SM and for general BSM scenarios in the Weak Effective Theory (WET);

  2. 2.

    inferring hadronic, SM, and/or WET parameters from an extendable database of experimental and theoretical likelihoods;

  3. 3.

    simulating flavor processes and producing high-quality pseudo events for use in sensitivity studies and for the preparation of experimental analyses.

The EOS software [6] has been continuously developed since 2011 [7, 8] to achieve these tasks. EOS is a free software published under the GNU General Public License 2 [9]. It has produced publication-quality results for approximately 30 peer-reviewed and published phenomenological studies [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38].

Besides applications in phenomenology, EOS also has been used in a number of published experimental studies by the CDF [39], the CMS [40, 41] and the LHCb [42,43,44,45,46,47] experiments. The Belle II experiment has included EOS as part of the external software [48] within the Belle II software analysis framework [49].

In this article, we describe the EOS user interface. Although the software is developed mainly in C++, it is designed to be used in Python [50]. As such, EOS relies heavily on the numpy [51] and pypmc [52] packages. We highly recommend new users to use EOS within a Jupyter notebook environment [53].

EOS can be installed in binary form on Linux-based systemsFootnote 1 with a single command:

figure a

To avoid conflicts with the system packages, we strongly recommend to install EOS in a virtual Python environment, as described in the frequently-asked questions [55, FAQ].

Afterwards, the EOS Python module can be accessed, e.g. within a Jupyter notebook, using

figure b

We note that this means of installation also works for the “Windows Subsystem for Linux v2 (WSL2)”. For the purpose of installing EOS, WSL2 can be treated like any Linux system. Although EOS can also be built and installed from source on macOS systems, we do not currently support these. For macOS users we recommend to install on a remote-accessible Linux system and access a Jupyter notebook via SSH; our recommendation is described in detail as part of the frequently-asked questions [55]. Prospective EOS developers find detailed instructions on how to build EOS from source in the installation section of the documentation [55].

Presently, EOS provides a total of 844 (pseudo-)observablesFootnote 2 pertaining to a large variety of flavor processes. Obtaining and browsing the full list of observables is discussed in Sect. 2.4. The processes implemented include

  • (semi)leptonic charged-current \({\bar{B}}\) meson decays (e.g., \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D^*\tau {\bar{\nu }}\));

  • semileptonic charged-current \(\varLambda _b\) baryon decays (e.g., \(\varLambda _b\rightarrow \varLambda _c(\rightarrow \varLambda \pi )\mu {\bar{\nu }}\));

  • rare (semi)leptonic and radiative neutral-current \({\bar{B}}\) meson decays (e.g., \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow {\bar{K}}^*\mu ^+\mu ^-\));

  • rare semileptonic and radiative neutral-current \(\varLambda _b\) baryon decays (e.g., \(\varLambda _b\rightarrow \varLambda (\rightarrow p \pi ) \mu ^+\mu ^-\)); and

  • B-meson mixing observables (e.g., \(\varDelta m_s\)).

EOS is designed to be self documenting: a complete list of processes and their respective observables is automatically generated as part of documentation, which is accessible both through the software itself and online [55]. The theoretical descriptions of most observables use the WET to account for both SM and BSM predictions. Details of the EOS bases of WET operators are described in Appendix A.2.

Although EOS is – to our knowledge – the first publicly available open-source flavor physics software [7, 8], it is by far not the only one. EOS competes with the flavio [56], SuperIso [57], HEPfit [58] and FlavBit [59] software. Major distinctions between EOS and these competitors are:

  • EOS focuses on the simultaneous inference of hadronic and BSM parameters;

  • EOS ensures modularity of hadronic matrix elements, i.e., the possibility to select from various hadronic models and parametrizations at run time;

  • EOS provides means to produce pseudo events for use in sensitivity studies and in preparation for experimental measurements; and

  • EOS provides means to predict hadronic matrix elements from QCD sum rules.

These distinctions make analyses possible that cannot currently be carried out with the competing software [13, 15, 26, 29, 60], e.g., due to multi-modal or otherwise complicated posteriors that cannot be captured by Markov chain Monte Carlo methods alone. However, this benefit comes with an increased level of complexity, which we address in the EOS documentation [55] and – to some extent – in this article.

1.1 How to read this document

Although this paper will give you a first impression of EOS and basic examples to try in a Jupyter notebook, it is not meant to be a stand-alone document. To obtain a deeper understanding, additional documentation, and further examples, the user is referred to Refs. [55, 61, 62]. Wherever we list Python code, we assume that the reader evaluates it within a Jupyter notebook environment, to make full use of its rich display capabilities.

In Sect. 2, we illustrate the basic usage of EOS, beginning with an overview of the various classes and concepts available through the Python interface. In Sect. 3 we continue with a discussion of and examples for the main use cases. In a series of appendices we provide further details.

  • We describe the three physics models available in EOS in Appendix A.

  • We relegate lengthy Python code examples that would otherwise interrupt reading Sect. 3 to Appendix B.

  • We document the EOS internal data format for storing experimental and theoretical likelihoods in Appendix C.

  • We include a glossary of the main EOS objects and associated methods in Appendix D.

This article is accompanied by a number of auxiliary files, containing example Jupyter notebooks for the basic usage and each of the use cases. These notebooks correspond to the examples contained in the public source code repository [62] as of EOS version 1.0.

2 Basic classes and concepts

EOS provides a number of Python classes that make it possible to fulfill the physics use cases discussed in Sect. 3. Three of the most relevant classes are used as follows:

  • hadronic and BSM parameters are represented by objects of the eos.Parameter class;

  • physical observables and pseudo-observables (such as hadronic form factors) are represented by objects of the eos.Observable class;

  • likelihood functions, stemming from either experimental measurements or theoretical calculations, are represented by objects of the eos.Constraint class.

To facilitate their handling, EOS has databases for all known objects of these classes. The user can interactively inspect these databases within a Jupyter notebook in the following way:

figure c

EOS provides a rich display for most classes, including the above, which is not shown here for brevity. Note that the information displayed by the above commands can also be obtained form the list of parameters, observables, and constraints that are part of the EOS documentation [55].

All three databases can be searched by name of the target object. EOS uses the same naming scheme for all three databases, which is enforced through use of the eos.QualifiedName class. The naming scheme is

figure d

where parts shown in square brackets are optional. The individual parts have the following meaning:

  • The prefix part is used to separate objects with (otherwise) identical names into different namespaces, to avoid conflicts. Examples of prefixes include parameter categories (e.g., mass or decay-constant), physical processes (e.g., B->Kll), or sectors of the WET (e.g., sbsb).

  • The name part is used to identify objects within its PREFIX namespace. Examples include observable names (e.g., BR for a branching ratio) or names of WET Wilson coefficients (e.g., cVL for a coefficient of a left-handed vector operator).

  • The (optional) suffix part is used to distinguish between objects of otherwise identical names based on context. One example is the parameter describing the \(\varLambda _b\) baryon polarization, which takes different values based on the experimental environment. Generally, the \(\varLambda _b\) polarization would be represented by Lambda_b::polarization. The use of @LHCb and @unpolarized as a suffix distinguishes between the average polarization encountered within the LHCb experiment and an unpolarized setting (e.g. when using the whole phase space of the ATLAS and CMS experiments).

  • The option list is an optional comma-separated list of key/value pairs, which allows to modify the named object in an unambiguous way. One example is model=SM,l=mu,q=s, which instructs an observable to use the Standard Model, \(\mu \) lepton flavor, and strange-flavored spectator quarks. Details on possible options are discussed in Sect. 2.4.

In the remainder of this section we discuss how to use the six representation classes and their corresponding database classes

  • eos.Parameter within eos.Parameters,

  • eos.KinematicVariable within eos.Kinematics,

  • eos.Option within eos.Options,

  • eos.Observable within eos.Observables,

  • eos.Constraint within eos.Constraints, and

  • eos.SignalPDF within eos.SignalPDFs,

and the utility classes eos.Analysis and eos.Plotter. The relationship between the first four sets of classes are illustrated in Fig. 1. We provide a few examples here. However, for more exhaustive and interactive examples we refer to the notebook named basics.ipynb, which is part of the collection of EOS example notebooks [62].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Visual representation of the basic EOS classes and their relationships

2.1 Classes eos.Parameters and eos.Parameter

EOS makes extensive use of the eos.Parameter class, which provides access to a single real-valued scalar parameter. Any such eos.Parameter object is part of a large set of built-in parameters. Users cannot directly create new objects of the eos.Parameter class. However, new named sets of parameters can be created from which the parameter of interest can be extracted, inspected, and altered.

We begin by creating and displaying a new set of parameters:

figure i

The new variable parameters now contains a representation of all parameters known to EOS. The Jupyter    display command has been augmented to provide a sectioned list of the known parameters, which is rather lengthy and not shown here. It is equivalent to the section “List of Parameters“ in the EOS documentation [55]. The display provides the user with an overview of all parameter names, their canonical physical notation, and their value and unit. A single parameter, here the muon mass as an example, can be isolated:

figure j

Again, the user is provided with an overview of the parameter, including its qualified name, unit, default value, and current value. The value of an eos.Parameter object can be altered with the set method:

figure k

In this example, the muon mass parameter within parameters has been set to the measured value for the tauon mass, and the m_mu object, which represents this parameter, has transparently changed its value. Put differently: any eos.Parameter object “remembers“ the set of parameters (i.e., the eos.Parameters object) that it belongs to and forwards all changes to that set. To obtain an independent set of parameters, the user can use

figure l

A parameter’s properties can be readily accessed through the methods name, latex, and evaluate

figure m

A parameter object can be used like any other Python object, e.g., as an element of a list, a dict, or a tuple:

figure n

These properties allow to bind a function (e.g., the functional expression of an observable or a likelihood function) to an arbitrary number of parameters, let the function evaluate these parameters in a computationally efficient way, and let the user change these parameters at a whim. Parameter sets are meant to be shared, i.e., a single set of parameters is meant to be used by any number of functions. The sharing of parameters across observables makes it possible for EOS to consistently and efficiently evaluate a large number of functions.

The default set of parameters is stored in YAML files that are installed together with the binary EOS library and the Python modules and scripts. The default parameter set can be replaced. To do this, the user must set the environment variable EOS_HOME to point to an accessible directory. The YAML files found within EOS_HOME/parameters will be used instead of the default set of parameters contained in the EOS package. The class eos.Parameters facilitates creating such files, through the dump method, which writes the current set of parameters to a YAML file. Alternatively, to use mostly the default parameter set, but override a subset of parameters in a persistent way, the user can use the override_from_file method to load only a subset of parameters from a given file.

2.2 Classes eos.Kinematics and eos.KinematicVariable

EOS uses the eos.Kinematics class to store a set of real-valued scalar kinematic variables by name. Contrary to the class eos.Parameters, there are neither default variables nor default values. Instead, eos.Kinematics objects are empty by default. Moreover, their variables are only defined within the scope of a single eos.Observable object: two observables that do not share an eos.Kinematics object can use identically-named, independent kinematic variables. Therefore, the names of kinematic variables do not require any prefix, and are simply (short) strings.

An empty set of kinematic variables can be created by

figure o

A new kinematic variable can be declared with the existing (empty) set by providing a key/value pair to the kinematics object, e.g.

figure p

In this example, we have also captured the newly created kinematic variables as objects k1, k2, and k3 of class eos.KinematicVariable for latter use. EOS uses the following guidelines for names and units of kinematic variables:

  • using ’q2’, ’p2’, and so on for the squares of four momenta \(q^\mu \), \(p^\mu \);

  • using ’E_pi’, ’E_gamma’, and so on for the energies of states \(\pi \), \(\gamma \) in the rest frame of a decaying particle;

  • using ’cos(theta_pi)’ and similar for the cosine of a helicity angle \(\theta _\pi \);

  • using natural units, i.e., expressing all momenta and energies as powers of \(\mathrm {GeV}\).

The new eos.KinematicVariable objects are now collected within the kinematics object. They can be collectively inspected using

figure q

In addition, the individual objects k1, k2, etc. can also be inspected

figure r

To directly obtain an eos.Kinematics object pre-populated with the variables one needs, a Python   dict can be provided to the constructor:

figure s

To extract a previously declared kinematic variable from the kinematics object, the eos.Kinematics provides access via the subscript operator [...]

figure t

In the above, the set method is used to change the value of k1.

Kinematic variables and their naming usually pertain to only one observable, which will be discussed below in Sect. 2.4. Therefore, when creating observables, the user should create only a single independent set of kinematic variables per observable. Nevertheless, it is possible to create observables that have a common set of kinematic variables. This makes it possible to investigate correlations among observables that share a kinematic variable (e.g., LFU ratios such as \(R_K\) as a function of the lower dilepton momentum cut-off).

2.3 Class eos.Options

EOS uses objects of the eos.Options class to modify the behavior of observables at runtime. A new and empty set of options is created as follows

figure u

This object is usually populated with individual options, which are key/value pairs of str objects. Typical keys and their respective values include:

  • is used to change the behavior of the low-energy observables. As of EOS version 1.0, it can take the values SM, CKM, WET.

    When choosing SM, the observables are computed within the SM, and the values of the WET Wilson coefficients are computed from SM parameters. CKM matrix elements are computed within the Wolfenstein parametrization. Details, such as the relevant parameter names, are discussed in Appendix A.1.

    When choosing CKM, the observables are computed with SM values for the WET Wilson coefficients. However, the CKM matrix elements are not computed from the Wolfenstein parameters. Instead, each CKM matrix elements is parametrized in terms of two parameters for its absolute value and complex argument. This choice makes fitting CKM matrix elements possible. Details, such as the relevant parameter names, are discussed in Appendix A.1.

    When choosing WET, the observables are computed with generic values for the WET Wilson coefficients. The CKM matrix elements are treated as in the CKM case. This choice makes fitting WET Wilson coefficients possible. Details, such as the EOS convention for the basis of WET operators and the relevant parameter names, are discussed in Appendix A.2.

  • is used to select from one of the available parametrizations of hadronic form factors that are pertinent to the process. Its values are process-specific. For true observables (e.g., a semileptonic branching ratio) a sensible default choice is always provided. For pseudo-observables (e.g., the hadronic form factors \(f_+(q^2)\) in \(B\rightarrow \pi \) transitions) the choice must be made by the user.

  • is used to select the charged lepton flavor in processes with at least one charged lepton. Allowed values are generally e, mu and tau. Individual processes might restrict the set of allowed values further, e.g., when hadronic matrix elements relevant to semitauonic decays are either unknown or unimplemented.

  • is used to select the spectator quark flavor. Allowed values are typically u, d, s, and c. Individual processes might restrict the set of allowed values further. Processes with s and c spectator quarks are typically accessible through explicit specification of the spectator quark flavor in the process name, e.g., B_s->K^*lnu.

Obtaining the full list of option keys pertaining to a specific observable and their allowed keys is discussed in Sect. 2.4.

Adding new options to an existing options object is achieved as follows

figure z

Analogously to the kinematic variables, an eos.Options object can be created pre-populated with the values one needs using a Python    dict

figure aa

2.4 Classes eos.Observables and eos.Observable

EOS uses the eos.Observable class to provide theory predictions for a variety of flavor physics processes and their associated (pseudo-)observables. The complete list of observables known to EOS is available as part of the online documentation [55, List of Observables] and interactively in a Jupyter notebook via

figure ab

Within this list, all observables are uniquely identified by an eos.QualifiedName object; see the beginning of Sect. 2 for information on how such a name is structured. To ease recognition, the typically used mathematical symbol for each observable is shown next to its name. To search within this list, keyword arguments for the prefix part, name part, or suffix part of a qualified name will filter the output. For example, the following code displays only branching ratios (BR) in processes involving a \(B^\mp \) meson (B_u)

figure ac

Amongst others, this command lists the observable B_u->lnu::BR, representing the branching ratio of \(B^\mp \rightarrow \ell ^\mp {\bar{\nu }}\) decays. As part of the output the user is notified that this particular observable requires no kinematic variables. The user is also notified about the eos.Options keys recognized by this observable, which include model and l.

To create a new eos.Observable object the user needs to

  • identify it by name;

  • provide a set of parameters that can optionally be shared with other observables;

  • provide a set of kinematic variables that can optionally be shared with other observables; and

  • specify the relevant options.

Again, the branching ratio of \(B^\mp \rightarrow \ell ^\mp {\bar{\nu }}\) is used as an example, specifically for a \(\tau \) in the final state. The observable is created as an eos.Observable object as follows

figure ad

Here B_u->lnu::BR is the eos.QualifiedName for this particular observable, and default parameters are provided when using eos.Parameters(). This observable does not require any kinematic variables, and therefore an empty eos.Kinematics object is provided. Setting the l option to tau selects a \(\tau \) final state. Setting the model option to WET enables the user to evaluate the observable in the WET for arbitrary values of the Wilson coefficients; see Appendix A.2 for details. The eos.Observable class provides access to the name, parameters, kinematics, options, and current value of an observable by means of the following methods

figure ae

Note that each observable is associated with one object of the class eos.Parameters. To illustrate this feature, the above code is repeated to create a second observable observable2

figure af

Even though the two objects observable1 and observable2 share the same name and options, their respective parameter sets are independent, as can be checked as follows:

figure ag

To correlate any number of observables, it is necessary to create all of them using the same eos.Parameters object; this will be further discussed in Sect. 3.2. In the above, this is not the case, since for the creation of each observable the call to eos.Parameters() created a new, independent set of parameters as explained in Sect. 2.1.

In many cases, observables have a default set of options, e.g., the default choice of hadronic form factors or the default choice of a BSM model. In some cases, it does not make sense to have a default choice. In such cases, an error will be shown through a Python exception if the user does not provide a valid option value. An example for this behavior are the form factor pseudo-observables, e.g., B->K^*::V(q2), which always require providing a valid value for the option form-factors. This is achieved by including the option as part of the eos.QualifiedName. In this case, B->K^*::V(q2); form-factors=BSZ2015 selects the form factor parametrization as used by Bharucha, Straub, and Zwicky [63] in 2015. A full list of all option keys and their respective valid values is available as part of the online documentation [55] and by displaying eos.Observables() in an interactive Jupyter notebook.

Contrary to parameters and kinematic variables, modifying the eos.Options object of any observable after its creation has no effect

figure ah

This design decision ensures high-performance evaluations of all observables.

Objects of type eos.Observable are regular Python objects. For example, they can be collected in a list, which is useful for evaluating a number of identical observables at different points in their phase space. This can be achieved as follows

figure ai

Here the instantiation of all observables with the same eos.Parameters object parameters ensures that they share the same numerical values for all parameters. As a consequence, changes of numerical values within parameters are broadcasted to all these instances and are taken into account in their subsequent evaluations.

2.5 Classes eos.Constraints and eos.Constraint

EOS uses the class eos.Constraint to manage and create individual likelihood functions at run time. To this end, objects of type eos.Constraint contain both information on the concrete likelihood (e.g., mean values and standard deviation of a Gaussian measurement) and meta-information about the constrained observables (e.g., the EOS internal names for an observable, relevant kinematic variables, and required options).

Besides (multivariate) Gaussian likelihood functions, EOS also supports LogGamma and Amoroso functions [64], and Gaussian mixture densities. The database of constraints makes it possible to construct a likelihood function for any experimental measurement and/or theory input in terms of eos.Observable objects. Hence, eos.Constraint objects are the building blocks for parameter inference studies that use the EOS software.

EOS provides a database of constraints, which is available as part of the online documentation [55, List of Constraints] as well as interactively accessible in a Jupyter notebook via

figure aj

This database is stored within EOS in a series of YAML files. Most EOS users will not require knowledge about the file format. However, advanced users may need to provide constraints that are not part of the built-in database. In such a case, the user can specify a manual constraint; see Sect. 2.7 and Ref. [61] for details. Alternatively, similar to the eos.Parameters database, the user can set the EOS_HOME environment variable to point to an accessible directory. All YAML files within EOS_HOME/constraints will be loaded and used instead of the default eos.Constraints database. We document the format in Appendix C and an example entry is shown in Listing C.1.

Examples of built-in constraints that are used later on in this document include:

  • The constraint B->D::f_++f_0@FNAL+MILC:2015B describes a lattice QCD result for the \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D\) form factors \(f_+\) and \(f_0\). Here the suffix indicates that this constraint has been extracted from Ref. [65], which is included in the EOS list of references as FNAL+MILC:2015B. The constraint can be used to create a likelihood function for the model parameters for the form factors \(f_+\) and \(f_0\), e.g., when using the BSZ2015 parametrization as the form factor model. Using B->D::f_++f_0@FNAL/MILC:2015B;form-factors=BSZ2015 (i.e., the constraint name including an option list that specificies the form factor model) ensures that the correct form factor model (here: BSZ2015) is used when creating a likelihood from this constraint.

  • The constraint B^0->D^+e^-nu::BRs@Belle:2015A describes the correlated measurement of the \({\bar{B}}^0\rightarrow D^+e^-{\bar{\nu }}\) branching ratio in 10 bins of the kinematic variable \(q^2\). Here the suffix indicates that the results have been extracted from Ref. [66], which is included in the EOS list of references as Belle:2015A.

2.6 Classes eos.SignalPDFs and eos.SignalPDF

EOS uses the eos.SignalPDF class to provide a theoretical prediction for the Probability Density Function (PDF) that describes a physical process, be it a decay or a scattering process. The dependence on an arbitrary number of kinematic variables are modeled through a shared object of class eos.Kinematics, and its eos.KinematicVariable objects. Parameters can be modified or inferred through a shared eos.Parameters object. Hence, each eos.SignalPDF object works very similar to an eos.Observable object. The list of PDFs can be accessed using the eos.SignalPDFs class. Searching for a specific PDF in the EOS database of signal PDFs is possible by filtering by the prefix part, name part, or suffix part of the signal PDF qualified name, very similar to how the database of observables is searchable

figure ak

The signal PDF B->Dlnu::dGamma/dq2 features one kinematic variable, q2. Its boundaries are also passed by means of eos.KinematicVariable objects, which are conventionally named q2_min and q2_max.

figure al

The PDF’s parameters, kinematics, and options can be accessed with eponymous methods. This design permits the user some flexibility. It makes it possible to produce pseudo-events within the SM and in the generic WET; see Sect. 3.3 for this use case. In addition, it enables unbinned likelihood fits; their description goes beyond the scope of this document.

2.7 Class eos.Analysis

EOS uses the eos.Analysis as an interface for the user to describe a Bayesian analysis to infer one or more parameters. When creating an eos.Analysis object, the following arguments are used:

  • is a mandatory list describing the univariate priors. This argument must describe at least one prior. Each prior is described through a dict object, the structure of which is documented as part of the Python API documentation [61, eos.Analysis].

  • is a mandatory list describing all the constraints that enter the likelihood. Each element is a str or eos.QualifiedName, specifying a single constraint. Although it is a mandatory parameter, this list can be left empty.

  • is an optional dict describing the options that will be applied to all the observables that enter the likelihood. Note that these global options override those specified via the qualified name scheme. For example, in a BSM analysis, it is useful to include ’model’: ’WET’ as a global option, to ensure that all observables will be evaluated using a selectable point in the WET parameter space.

  • is an optional dict describing parameters that shall be fixed to non-default values as part of the analysis. For example, to carry out a BSM analysis of \(b\rightarrow c\tau \nu \) processes for a non-default renormalization scale, the user can set the scale parameter to a fixed value of \(3\,\mathrm {GeV}\) using ’cbtaunutau::mu’: ’3.0’.

  • is an optional dict describing constraints that are not yet included in the EOS database of constraints. The constraint format is described in Appendix C. Note that to use any of the manual constraints as part of the likelihood, their qualified names must still be added to the likelihood argument.

figure ar

In Listing 1 we define a statistical analysis for the inference of \(|V_{cb}|\) from measurements of the \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D\ell ^-{\bar{\nu }}\) branching ratios by the Belle experiment. This example will be further discussed in Sect. 3.2.1. First, we define all the arguments used in our analysis.

  • Using the global_options, we choose the BSZ2015 parametrization [63] to model the hadronic form factors that enter semileptonic \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D\) transitions. We also choose the CKM model to ensure that \(|V_{cb}|\) is represented by a single parameter.

  • Priors for both the \(|V_{cb}|\) parameter and the BSZ2015 parameters are described in priors. Here, each parameter is assigned a uniform prior, which is chosen to contain at least \(98\%\) (\(\sim 3\,\sigma \)) of the ideal posterior probability, i.e., the priors have been chosen to be wide enough to “contain“ the posterior defined by this analysis.

  • The likelihood is defined through a list of constraints, which in the above includes both theoretical lattice QCD results as well as experimental measurements by the Belle collaboration. For the first part we combine the correlated lattice QCD results published by the Fermilab/MILC and HPQCD collaborations in 2015 [67, 68]. For the second part, we combine binned measurements of the branching ratio for \({\bar{B}}^0\rightarrow D^+e^-{\bar{\nu }}\) and \({\bar{B}}^0\rightarrow D^+\mu ^-{\bar{\nu }}\) decay. We reiterate that EOS treats genuine physical observables and pseudo-observables identically.

The class eos.Analysis further provides convenience methods to carry out the statistical analysis:

  • uses the scipy.optimize module to find the best fit point of the posterior. Optional parameters determine the abort condition for the optimization and the starting point.

  • uses the pypmc module to produce random variates of the posterior using an adaptive version of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm [69,70,71] with a single Markov chain. This method can be run several times to repeatedly explore the posterior density and accurately sample from it.

  • uses the pypmc module to produce random variates of the posterior using the Population Monte Carlo algorithm [72]. To this end, an initial guess of the posterior in form of a Gaussian mixture density is created [73] from Markov chain Monte Carlo samples obtained using sample.

At any point, the attribute parameters can be used to access the analysis’ parameter set, e.g., to save the set to a file via the dump method. We refer to the documentation of the EOS Python API [61] for further information.

Note that the C++ backend used by eos.Analysis parallelizes the evaluation of the likelihood function. By default, the number of concurrent threads will match the number of available processors. Users who need to limit this number (e.g., due to using EOS on a multi-user system in parallel to other users’ jobs) can do so by setting the EOS_MAX_THREADS environment variable to the limit.

2.8 Class eos.Plotter

EOS implements a versatile plotting framework based on the class eos.Plotter, which relies on matplotlib [74] for the actual plotting. Its input must be formatted as a dictionary containing two keys: plot contains metadata and contents describes the plot items. The value associated to the plot key is a dictionary; it describes the layout of the plot, including axis labels, positioning of the legend, and similar settings that affect the entire plot. The value associated to the contents key is a list; it describes the contents of the plot, expressed in terms of independent plot items. Possible types of plot items include points, bands, contours, histograms.

figure av

Each of the items is represented by a dictionary that contains a type key and an optional name key. A full description of all item types and their parameters is available as part of the EOS Python API documentation [61]. Here, we provide a brief summary for the most common types, which are used within examples in the course of this document:

  • plots a single EOS observable without uncertainties as a function of one kinematic variable or one parameter. See Listing 3 for an example.

  • plots either a 1D or a 2D histogram of pre-existing random samples. These samples can be contained in Python objects within the notebook’s memory or contained in a datafile on disk. See listing 5 and listing 14 for examples.

  • plots the uncertainty band of an observables as a function of one kinematic variable or one parameter. The random samples for the observables can be contained in Python objects within the notebook’s memory or contained in a datafile on disk. See Listing 7 for an example.

  • displays a constraint either from the EOS library or a manually added constraint. See listing 11 for an example.

Beyond type and name keys, all item types also recognise the following optional keys:


A float, between 0.0 and 1.0, which describes the opacity of the plot item expressed as an alpha value. A value of 0.0 means completely transparent, 1.0 means completely opaque.


A str, containing any valid matplotlib color specification, which describes the color of the plot item. Defaults to one of the colors in the matplotlib default color cycler.


A str, containing LaTeX commands, which describes the label that appears in the plot’s legend for this plot item.

In Listing 2, FILENAME is an optional argument naming the file into which the plot shall be placed. The file format is automatically determined based on the file name extension.

2.9 Classes eos.References, eos.Reference, and eos.ReferenceName

EOS strives to give complete credit to the various works that underpin the theory predictions and the experimental and phenomenological analyses that provide likelihoods. To this end, EOS keeps a database of bibliographical metadata, which is accessible via the eos.References class. Each entry is a tuple of an eos.ReferenceName object that uniquely identifies the reference and the metadata data of the reference as an eos.Reference object. For a complete list of works used within EOS, we refer to the documentation [55, List of References].

Each observable provides a list of reference names, corresponding to the pertinent pieces of literature that were used in their implementations. This list is obtained via the references method, which returns a generator of eos.ReferenceName objects:

figure be

Further information on this reference can be obtained from its eos.Reference object:

figure bf

In a similar way, by convention the suffix part of each eos.Constraint is a valid reference name. Therefore, to look up the reference that provides a constraint (e.g., B->D::f_++f_0@FNAL+MILC:2015B) the user can look up the associated bibliographical metadata based on the name’s suffix part:

figure bg

If you feel that your work should be listed as part of a reference for any of the EOS observables, please contact the authors to include it.

3 Use cases

Each of the three major use cases introduced in Sect. 1 is discussed in details in Sects. 3.1 to 3.3.

3.1 Theory predictions

[The example developed in this section can be run interactively from the example notebook for theory predictions available from Ref. [8], file examples/predictions.ipynb]

EOS is equipped to produce theory predictions including their parametric uncertainties for any of its built-in observables using Bayesian statistics. This requires knowledge of the probability density function (PDF) of the pertinent parameters. Here and throughout we will denote the set of parameters as \(\mathbf {\vartheta }\), with

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {\vartheta }\equiv (\mathbf {x}, \mathbf {\nu })\, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathbf {x}\) represents the parameters of interest, and \(\mathbf {\nu }\) represents the nuisance parameters. This distinction is entirely a semantic one, and no technical differences arise from treating a parameter either way. Production of theory predictions then falls into one of the following cases:

  1. 1.

    theory predictions for fixed values of all parameters \(\mathbf {\vartheta }= \mathbf {\vartheta }^*\);

  2. 2.

    a priori predictions with propagation of uncertainties due to the prior PDF \(P_0(\mathbf {\vartheta })\);

  3. 3.

    a posteriori predictions with propagation of uncertainties due to the posterior PDF \(P(\mathbf {\vartheta }|D)\), where D represents some data D.

Case 1 has been already mentioned with the concluding example of Sect. 2.4. In Sect. 3.1.1 we provide an example showcasing how to efficiently obtain these predictions. Cases 2 and 3 can be handled identically in a Monte-Carlo framework and are discussed collectively in Sect. 3.1.2.

3.1.1 Direct evaluation for fixed parameters

In Sect. 2 we have explained how to evaluate an observable for a single configuration of the kinematic variables, e.g., an integrated branching ratio with fixed integration boundaries, or a differential branching ratio at one point in the kinematic phase space. Commonly, users need to plot such differential observables as a function of the kinematic variable but for fixed values of its parameters. To illustrate how this can be achieved with EOS, we use the differential branching ratios for \({\bar{B}} \rightarrow D\lbrace \mu ^-,\tau ^-\rbrace {\bar{\nu }}\) as an example. The eos.Plotter class (see Sect. 2.8), provides means to plot any EOS observable as a function of a single kinematic variable (here: \(q^2\)).

figure bh

The output is a plot containing the branching ratios for \(\ell =\mu , \tau \), where x axis shows the kinematic variable \(q^2\), and the y axis shows the value of the differential branching ratio. The output corresponds to the central curves shown in the right plot of Output 1. In the listing above, the statement ’variable’: ’q2’ specifies that the kinematic variable q2 is varied in the available range.

Similarly, we can plot an observable as a function of a single parameter, with all other parameters kept fixed and for a given kinematic configuration. To this end, the ’xrange’ requires adjustment compared to the previous example, and the contents should be replaced by

figure bi

Here the dependence of the differential branching fraction at \(q^2 = 2\,\mathrm {GeV}^2\) on the real part of the WET Wilson coefficient \(C_{S_L}\) in the \({\bar{c}}b\mu \nu _\mu \) sector of the WET is plotted. Note that the kinematics key is used to provide the fixed set of kinematic variables and the parameters key is used to modify parameter values. As before, variable selects the entity that is plotted on the x axis, which is now recognized to be an eos.Parameter object rather than an eos.KinematicVariable object.

3.1.2 Predictions from Monte Carlo sampling

EOS provides the means for a more sophisticated estimation of theory uncertainties using Monte Carlo techniques, including importance sampling techniques. For the sampling of a probability density function, EOS relies on the pypmc package that provides methods for adaptive Metropolis-Hastings [69,70,71] and Population Monte Carlo [72, 73] sampling. The uncertainty of an observable O is estimated from its random variates. We recall that \(O \sim P(O)\) with [75]

$$\begin{aligned} P(O) = \int \mathrm {d}\mathbf {\vartheta }\, P(O, \mathbf {\vartheta }) = \int \mathrm {d}\mathbf {\vartheta }\, P(O|\mathbf {\vartheta }) P(\mathbf {\vartheta })= \int \mathrm {d}\mathbf {\vartheta }\, \delta \left[ O - f_O(\mathbf {\vartheta })\right] P(\mathbf {\vartheta }). \end{aligned}$$

Here the Dirac \(\delta \)-function was used and \(f_O(\mathbf {\vartheta })\) is the theoretical expression that predicts O for a given set of parameters \(\mathbf {\vartheta }\). With this knowledge at hand, we approach the two cases 2 and 3 as discussed in 3.1 in a basically identical way:

For case 2, we use \(P(\mathbf {\vartheta }) = P_0(\mathbf {\vartheta })\), i.e., the prior PDF. We note that EOS treats all priors \(P_0\) as univariate PDFs and therefore as uncorrelated. Mathematically, a multivariate prior is equivalent to a multivariate likelihood with flat, univariate priors. By design, EOS implements multivariate correlated priors in terms of a multivariate correlated likelihood. For example, the parameters in the parameterizations of hadronic form factors are constrained by various theoretical methods like lattice QCD calculations, light-cone sum rule calculations, unitarity bounds and constraints that arise in the limit of a heavy-quark mass. Under these circumstances one might still use the terminology prior prediction whenever the included constraints are only of theoretical nature, i.e. no experimental information was used.

For case 3, we use \(P(\mathbf {\vartheta }) = P(\mathbf {\vartheta }| D)\), i.e., the posterior PDF as obtained from a previous fit given some data D. Although based on case 3, the examples below also illustrate case 2, since this distinction is entirely a semantic one.

We continue using the integrated branching ratios of \(B^-\rightarrow D^0 \lbrace \mu ^-, \tau ^-\rbrace {\bar{\nu }}\) decays as examples. The largest source of theoretical uncertainty in these decays arises from the hadronic matrix elements, i.e., from the form factors \(f^{{\bar{B}}\rightarrow D}_+(q^2)\) and \(f^{{\bar{B}}\rightarrow D}_0(q^2)\). Both form factors have been obtained independently using lattice QCD simulations by the HPQCD [67] and FNAL/MILC [65] collaborations. In the following this information is used as part of the data D in the form of a joint likelihood. The form factors at different \(q^2\) values of each calculation are available in EOS as eos.Constraint objects under the names B->D::f_++f_0@HPQCD:2015A and B->D::f_++f_0@FNAL+MILC:2015B. Here, we use these two constraints to construct a multivariate Gaussian prior as follows:

figure bj

Next we create two observables: the semimuonic branching ratio and the semitauonic branching ratio. By using prior.parameters in the construction of these observables, we ensure that our observables and the prior share the same parameter set. This means that changes to prior.parameters will affect the evaluation of both observables.

figure bk

In the above, we provide the option ’form-factors’: ’BSZ2015’ to ensure that the form factor plugin corresponds to the set of parameters that are described by prior. Sampling from the natural logarithm of the prior PDF and – at the same time – producing prior-predictive samples of both observables is achieved using the sample method. This method runs one Markov chain using the pypmc package, and it is discussed in more detail in Sect. 3.2. Here N=5000 samples of both the parameter set and the observable set are produced, and we discard the values of the log prior for each parameter sample by assigning the return value to _. Note that the production of posterior-predictive samples is achieved in the same way. The distinction between a prior PDF and a posterior PDF is entirely a semantic one.

To illustrate the prior-predictive samples we use EOS ’ plotting framework:

figure bl

The arithmetic mean and the variance of the samples can be determined with standard techniques, e.g., using the NumPy routines numpy.average and numpy.var.

A further recurring task is to produce and plot uncertainty bands for differential observables. Here, we use the differential branching ratios for the previously discussed semimuonic and semitauonic decays. Using EOS we approach this task by creating two lists of observables. The first list includes only the \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D\mu ^-{\bar{\nu }}\) at various points in its phase space. Due to the strong dependence of the branching ratio on \(q^2\), we do not distribute the points equally across the full phase space. Instead, we equally distribute half of the points in the interval \([0.02\,\mathrm {GeV}^2, 1.00\,\mathrm {GeV}^2]\) and the other half in the remainder of the phase space. The second list is constructed similarly for \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D\tau ^-{\bar{\nu }}\). We then pass these lists to sample, to obtain prior-predictive samples of the observables:

figure bm

We plot the so-obtained prior-predictive samples with EOS ’s plotting framework:

figure bn
Output 1
figure 2

Plot of the branching ratios of \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D\lbrace \mu ^-,\tau ^-\rbrace {\bar{\nu }}\). Left: prior-predictive samples for the integrated branching ratios obtained from the code in Listing 4. Right: differential branching ratios as functions of \(q^2\). The central curves are obtained from Listing 3. The uncertainty bands are obtained from the samples obtained in Listing 6 using the plotting code in Listing 7

3.2 Parameter inference

[The example developed in this section can be ran interactively from the example notebook for parameter inference available from Ref. [8], file examples/inference.ipynb]

EOS infers parameters from a database of experimental or theoretical constraints in combination with its built-in observables. This section illustrates how to construct an eos.Analysis object that represents the statistical analysis and to infer the best-fit point and uncertainties of a list of parameters through optimization and Monte Carlo methods. We pick up the example introduced in Sect. 2.7 to illustrate the above-mentioned features of EOS. In particular, we use the two experimental constraints B^0->D^+e^-nu::BRs@Belle:2015A and B^0->D^+mu^-nu::BRs@Belle:2015A, to infer the value of the CKM matrix element \(|V_{cb}|\).

3.2.1 Defining the statistical analysis

To define our statistical analysis for the inference of \(|V_{cb}|\) from measurements of the \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D\ell ^-{\bar{\nu }}\) branching ratios, some decisions are needed. First, we must decide how to parametrize the hadronic form factors that describe semileptonic \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D\) transitions. For what follows we will use the parametrization of Ref. [63], referred to as [BSZ:2015A]. Next, we must decide the theory input for the form factors. For this, we will combine the correlated lattice QCD results published by the Fermilab/MILC and HPQCD collaborations in 2015 [67, 68].

The corresponding eos.Analysis object is shown in Listing 1; it has been used previously as an example in Sect. 2.7. The global options ensure that our choice of form factor parametrization is used throughout, and that for CKM matrix elements the CKM model is used. The latter provides parametric access to the \(V_{cb}\) matrix element through two objects of type eos.Parameter: the absolute value CKM::abs(V_cb) and the complex phase CKM::arg(V_cb). The latter is not accessible from \(b\rightarrow c\ell {\bar{\nu }}\).

We also set the starting value of CKM::abs(V_cb) to a sensible value of via

figure bo
Output 2
figure 3

Display of the best-fit point and goodness-of-fit summary obtained from optimizing the the \(\bar{B}\rightarrow D\ell ^-\bar{\nu }\) analysis shown in Listing 1

To maximize the (logarithm of the) posterior density we can call the optimize method, as shown in Listing 8. In a Jupyter notebook, it is useful to display the return value of this method, which illustrates the best-fit point. Further useful information is contained in the goodness-of-fit summary. The latter lists each constraint, its degrees of freedom, and its \(\chi ^2\) value (if applicableFootnote 3), alongside the p-value for the entire likelihood.

figure bp

Instead of setting individual parameters to sensible values as we did for CKM::abs(V_cb) earlier, a starting point can alternatively be provided to optimize using the start_point keyword argument.

The maximization of the posterior by means of optimize uses SciPy ’s optimize module [76]. The default optimization algorithm is the Sequential Least SQuares Programming (SLSQP). Other algorithms can be selected and configured through keyword arguments that optimize forwards to scipy.optimize.

To interface with optimizers other than available within SciPy, EOS provides the log_pdf method. As its first argument, it expects the list of the parameter values. The parameters’ ordering must correspond to the ordering of analysis.varied_parameters, and each parameter’s values must be rescaled to the interval \([-1, +1]\), where the boundaries correspond to the minimal/maximal value in the prior specification.

3.2.2 Importance sampling of the posterior

To sample from the posterior, EOS provides the sample method. Optionally, this can also produce posterior-predictive samples for a list of observables. We can use these samples to illustrate the results of our fit in relation to the experimental constraints.

For this example, we produce such posterior-predictive samples for the differential \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D^+\mu ^-{\bar{\nu }}\) branching ratio in the 40 points of the kinematic variable \(q^2\) used in the previous examples (redefined in the following listing for completeness).

figure bq

In the above we start sampling at the best-fit point as obtained earlier through optimization, which is optional. We carry out 5 burn-in runs/preruns of 1000 samples each. The samples obtained in each of these preruns are used to adapt the Markov chain but are then discarded. The main run produces a total of N * stride = 100000 random Markov Chain samples. The latter are thinned down by a factor of stride = 5 to obtain N = 20000 samples, which are stored in parameter_samples. The thinning reduces the autocorrelation of the samples. The values of the log(posterior) are stored in log_posterior. The posterior-predictive samples for the observables are only returned if the observables keyword argument is provided; in the above example, they are stored in mu_samples.

We can now illustrate the posterior samples either as a histogram or as a kernel density estimate (KDE) using the built-in plotting functions, see Output 3 and listing B.1. Contours at given levels of posterior probability, as shown in Output 3, can be obtained for any pair of parameters using listing B.2.

Output 3
figure 4

Distribution of samples (left) of the 1D-marginal posterior of \(|V_{cb}|\) as a regular histogram and as a kernel density estimate (blue line); and (right) of the 2D-marginal joint posterior of \(|V_{cb}|\) and \(f^{{\bar{B}}\rightarrow D}_+(0)\) as contours at \(68\%\) and \(95\%\) probability (orange lines and filled areas). The plots are produced by listing B.1 and listing B.2, respectively

Sampling with the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is known to work well for unimodal densities. However, in cases of multimodal densities or blind directions, problems regularly arise. EOS provides the means to follow the approach of Ref. [73], which proposes to use (potentially unadapted) Markov chains to explore the parameter space to initialize a Gaussian mixture density. The latter is then adapted using the Population Monte Carlo algorithm [72], for which EOS uses the pypmc package [52]. Within EOS, we use schematically the following approach:

figure br
Output 4
figure 5

Plot of the posterior-predictive importance samples for the differential \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D^+\mu ^-{\bar{\nu }}\) branching ratio vs. \(q^2\), juxtaposed with bin-averaged measurements of the \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D^+\lbrace e^-,\mu ^-\rbrace {\bar{\nu }}\) branching ratio by the Belle experiment

We can visualize the posterior-predictive samples using:

figure bs

Note that the use of ’rescale-by-width’: True converts the database’s existing entry for the bin-integrated branching ratio into the bin-averaged branching ratio. Only that latter can be meaningfully compared with the differential branching ratio’s curve.

3.3 Event simulation

[The example developed in this section can be run interactively from the example notebook for event simulation available from Ref. [8], file examples/simulation.ipynb]

EOS contains built-in probability density functions (PDFs) from which pseudo events can be simulated using Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques.

3.3.1 Constructing a 1D PDF and simulating pseudo events

The simulation of events is performed using the sample_mcmc method. For example, the construction of the one-dimensional PDF describing the \(B\rightarrow D\ell \nu _\ell \) decay distribution in the variable \(q^2\) and for \(\ell =\mu \) leptons requires:

  • the q2 kinematic variable that can be set to an arbitrary starting value.

  • the boundaries, q2_min and q2_max, for the phase space from which we want to sample. If needed, the phase space can be shrunk to a volume smaller than physically allowed; the normalization of the PDF will automatically adapt.

For \(B\rightarrow D\ell \nu _\ell \), the Markov chains can self adapt to the PDF in 3 preruns with 1000 pseudo events/samples each.

The simulation of stride*N=250000 pseudo events/samples from the PDF, which are thinned down to N=50000, is performed with the following code:

figure bt

Samples for other lepton flavors, e.g., \(\ell =\tau \), require only a change of the eos.Options object to use ’l’: ’tau’ instead and adjustment of the phase space. Similar to observables, eos.SignalPDF objects can be plotted as a function of a single kinematic variable, while keeping all other kinematic variables fixed. The fixed kinematic variables are provided as a dict via the kinematics key. We show two such plots in combination with histograms of the PDF samples in Output 5 (left). The Output shows excellent agreement between the simulations and the respective analytic expressions for the 1D PDFs.

3.3.2 Constructing a 4D PDF and simulating pseudo events

Samples can also be drawn for PDFs with more than one kinematic variable. As an example, we use the full four-dimensional PDF for \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D^*\ell \bar{\nu }\) decays. Declaration and initialization of all four kinematic variables (q2, cos(theta_l), cos(theta_d), and phi) is similar to the 1D case.

figure bu

We then produce the samples in a similar way as for the 1D PDF:

figure bv

The samples of the individual kinematic variables can be accessed as the columns of the dstarlnu_samples object. We can now show correlations of the kinematic variables by plotting 2D histograms, e.g. \(q^2\) vs \(\cos \theta _\ell \):

figure bw
Output 5
figure 6

Left: Distribution of \(B\rightarrow D\ell \nu _\ell \) events for \(\ell =\mu , \tau \), as implemented in EOS (solid lines) and as obtained from Markov Chain Monte Carlo importance sampling (histograms). The samples are produced from listing 12, and the plot is produced by listing B.3. Right: 2D histogram of the \({\bar{B}}\rightarrow D^*(\rightarrow D\pi )\mu ^-{\bar{\nu }}\) PDF in the variables \(q^2\) and \(\cos (\theta _\ell )\). This output is produced by the code shown in listing 14

4 Conclusion and outlook

We have presented the EOS software in version 1.0 and explained its three main use cases at the hand of concrete examples in the field of flavor physics phenomenology. Beyond these examples, EOS has been used extensively for numerical evaluations, statistical analyses and plots in a number of peer-reviewed publications. We plan to extend EOS with further processes and observables, while keeping the Python interface unchanged.

To keep this document concise, some advanced aspects of EOS have not been discussed. These aspects, documented in the online documentation [55], include

  • the possibility to combine existing observables in arithmetic expressions at run time;

  • the command line interface intended to use as part of massively parallelized batch jobs in grid or cluster environments; and

  • the addition of C++ code for new observables and processes.

Despite ongoing unit testing and development of the software, we are conscious that EOS is neither free of bugs nor providing all the features the user could possibly need. We therefore encourage the users to report any and all bugs found and to request additional features. We ask that any such reports or requests are communicated as issues within the EOS Github repository [8]. We are very happy to discuss the addition of further observables and processes with interested parties from the phenomenological and experimental communities.