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Right-wing populist parties as defender of Christianity? The case of the Italian Northern League

Rechtspopulistische Parteien als Verteidiger christlicher Identität? Das Fallbeispiel der italienischen Lega Nord

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Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Right-wing populist parties have recently seen remarkable electoral success in Europe. The exclusion of the political elite and certain ethnic, cultural, or religious groups from the people is described as their core characteristics. Some scholars argue that—within this logic of reasoning—right-wing populist parties increasingly refer to (supposedly) Christian roots and traditions, which are said to be endangered by the immigration of ‘aggressive’ Muslims. Thus, right-wing populists abuse the Christian religion and traditions in order to exclude certain sections of the population from the people or to deny them access to the ‘Christian Occident’. Taking the Italian Northern League as a case study, this paper examines whether and in which context this right-wing populist party refers to Christianity. Based on a content analysis that examines both quality and quantity of Christian-religious references, election programs, articles from the party’s website, and the party’s Twitter account are analysed. In conclusion, it can be stated that the Northern League actually refers to Christian traditions, dignitaries, and followers only in the context of a demarcation rhetoric towards others—especially towards Islam, although these references are used rather rarely. In addition, the Northern League seems to be the only relevant Italian party that uses Christian references at all.


Rechtspopulistische Parteien verzeichnen in jüngster Zeit bemerkenswerte Wahlerfolge in Europa. Die Exklusion der politischen Elite und bestimmter ethnischer, kultureller oder religiöser Gruppen vom Volk gelten dabei als deren Kernmerkmale. Innerhalb dieser Logik – so wird von einigen Sozialwissenschaftlern argumentiert – beziehen sich rechtspopulistische Parteien auch zunehmend auf (vermeintlich) christliche Wurzeln und Traditionen, die durch die Einwanderung ‚aggressiver‘ Muslime gefährdet seien. Rechtspopulisten würden folglich die christliche Religion missbrauchen um bestimmte Bevölkerungsgruppen vom Volk auszuschließen oder diesen erst gar nicht den Zugang zum ‚christlichen Abendland‘ zu gewähren. Anhand des Fallbeispiels der italienischen Lega Nord untersucht diese Arbeit, ob und in welchem Zusammenhang sich diese rechtspopulistische Partei auf das Christentum bezieht. Auf Basis einer Inhaltsanalyse die sowohl die Qualität als auch Quantität christlich-religiöser Bezugnahmen untersucht, werden sowohl Wahlprogramme, Artikel der Parteiwebseite, als auch der Twitter-Account der Partei analysiert. Als Fazit kann festgehalten werden, dass sich die Lega Nord tatsächlich nur im Kontext einer Abgrenzungsrhetorik gegenüber Anderen – insbesondere gegenüber dem Islam – auf christliche Traditionen, Würdenträger und Gläubige bezieht, wenngleich diese Bezugnahmen eher selten zu finden sind. Darüber hinaus scheint die Lega Nord die einzig relevante italienische Partei zu sein, die christliche Bezugnahmen überhaupt verwendet.

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  1. In the large German meta-catalog “KVK”, the keyword search for the term “Populism” delivers 322 hits for the publication year 2010. This number increases yearly, and reached a new high in 2016 with 534 new publications. URL:

  2. At least in Italy this is the case as Wave 5 of the World Value Survey shows for the year 2005. Accessible via

  3. According to some opinion polls, the NL even became the strongest political party (with about 30%) after the formation of the government in 2018. See:

  4. Furthermore, Fig. 1 provides strong evidence that the rise of Berlusconi in the mid-90s contributed significantly to the increased satisfaction with democracy in Italy.

  5. An interesting example is the nomination of Simone Pillon who became deputy of NL after the general elections in 2018. Pillon was one of the initiators of the “Family Day” in Italy, a conservative Catholic rally that campaigns against ‘gender mainstreaming’, homosexuality and abortion and in which also politicians of the League participated in recent years (Corriere della Sera 2018).

  6. Statements that criticize other religions or religious groups (the Islam; Muslims) without referring to Christianity in some way haven’t been coded.

  7. See:

  8. For the computer-based analysis, a dictionary with the following terms was constructed: “cristiano”; “cristiana”; “cristiani”; “cristiane”; “religione”; “religioni”; “religioso”; “religiosa”; “religiose”; “religiosi”; “tradizione”; “tradizioni”; “cultura”; “chiesa”; “chiese”; “pontifice”; “papa”; “ratzinger”; “francesco”; “benedetto”; “gesù”; “maria”; “radice”; “radici”; “cardinal”; “cardinale”; “cardinali”.

  9. Matteo Salvini himself is co-director of the page that can be considered as a tabloid from the far-right. There are classic boulevard themes (“Sex & Trash”) but primarily articles that are aggressively directed against “do-gooders”, migrants and Muslims.

  10. Own counting for the European Election Program 2014. Electoral program available at

  11. As suggested by the reviewer, Salvini’s Twitter account was also searched for references. However, only eight of such references could have been found during the period of investigation.

  12. A structured overview of former Christian Democratic politicians in Forza Italia is available on the Italian-speaking Wikipedia:

  13. Own translation: “Più Europa dei Popoli, meno euro-burocrazia.”.

  14. Own translation: “degna di un paese civile”.

  15. Own translation: “Nessuno potrebbe negare la laicità degli Stati membri dell’Unione Europea e dell’Unione stessa ma, allo stesso tempo, chi potrebbe negare, senza stravolgere la storia, le profonde influenze cristiane sull’Europa? Sono quelle famose radici che, pur non essendo state incluse esplicitamente nei Trattati UE (ma comunque il preambolo del TUE recita: ‘Ispirandosi alle eredità culturali, religiose e umanistiche’), non per questo sono meno presenti. No, lo abbiamo più volte detto e continueremo a dirlo: la Turchia non è uno Stato europeo sotto tutti i punti di vista.”.

  16. Own translation: “L’Europa è secolarizzata, la Turchia no”.

  17. Own translation: “L’Unione Europea è prevalentemente cristiana. La Turchia ha una popolazione al 99.8% musulmana. Questo dato non rappresenterebbe un problema considerando che l’Unione Europea è un’unione secolarizzata nella quale la tolleranza verso le altre religioni (o verso le minoranze in generale) è garantita. Anche la Turchia è, secondo l’articolo 24 della sua Costituzione, un Paese secolarizzato e quindi con una divisione tra la propria sfera pubblica e quella religiosa. Ma lo è veramente?”.

  18. Own translation: “nonostante quanto dica la sua costituzione, difficilmente può essere considerato uno Stato laico.”.

  19. Own translation: “Una ferma opposizione all’ingresso della Turchia nell’UE, con la relativa battaglia per inserire convintamente le radici cristiane nei Trattati UE”.

  20. Own translation: “Su questo tema così delicato abbiamo ovviamente una linea di ferma opposizione e ci batteremo per riaffermare i valori della tradizione giudaico-cristiana sui quali è fondata la nostra società.”.

  21. Own translation: “i terroristi di matrice islamica”.

  22. Own translation: “alle porte”.

  23. Own translation: “sulle torture, persecuzioni, decapitazioni e barbarie contro i cristiani è arrivata solo qualche parola di circostanza, insomma il nulla”.

  24. Own translation: “Europa dormiente”.

  25. Own translation: “le radici cristiane su cui si fonda”.

  26. Own translation: “I fatti dimostrano che stanno facendo sbarcare estremisti islamici violenti e accaniti contro i cristiani, potenziali terroristi pronti a colonizzare la nostra terra.”.

  27. Own translation: “Boldrini inquietante su cristiani uccisi”.

  28. Own translation: “assassini islamici”.

  29. Own translation: “una vera e propria invasione”.

  30. Own translation: “per sapere in che modo il governo intenda garantire in futuro ai cittadini di Conselice la possibilità di esercitare il proprio diritto a professare liberamente il culto cattolico”.

  31. Own translation: “la nostra cultura e i nostri popoli”.

  32. Own translation: “non si può cercare di bloccare espressioni democratiche di pensiero anche se queste sono in contrasto con il relativismo imperante.”.

  33. However, it is not the first time that politicians from the NL demonstrate their closeness to the fundamentalist Christian association. The current family minister of the NL, Lorenzo Fontana—to give just one example—already participated in marches of Pro-Vita and other Christian fundamentalist organizations and is well known for his statements against homosexuals (Cafasso 2018).

  34. Own translation: “Più che corte per i diritti umani dovrebbe chiamarsi corte islamica. Sono indignato. Se invece di Gesù e Maria nudi e tatuati usati per vendere ci fosse stato Maometto avremmo già assistito all’assalto alle ambasciate. Per me non si scherza su alcun simbolo e figura religiosa.”.

  35. Own translation: “integralista aderente a una cosiddetta ‘religione di pace’”.

  36. Own translation: “è stata CONDANNATA A MORTE perché cristiana”.

  37. Own translation: “Cristianamente parlando, non penso che l’Italia possa offrire casa e lavoro a milioni di immigrati […]. Come diceva Papa Benedetto, prima del ‘diritto a emigrare’ viene il diritto a non emigrare.”.

  38. Own translation: “Se certa parte di clero ha tanto a cuore gli immigrati nordafricani, meglio farebbe a riconvertire le chiese in moschee …”.

  39. Own translation: “grido pro invasione da parte della Chiesa”.

  40. Own translation: “buonista”.


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Schwörer, J. Right-wing populist parties as defender of Christianity? The case of the Italian Northern League. Z Religion Ges Polit 2, 387–413 (2018).

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