Topical Collection on Epidemiology of Aging

ISSN: 2196-2995 (Online)

In this topical collection (14 articles)

  1. No Access

    Epidemiology of Aging (K Lapane, Section Editor)

    Pain and Multimorbidity in Late Life

    Lynn Nakad, Staja Booker, Stephanie Gilbertson-White Pages 1-8
  2. Epidemiology of Aging (B Mezuk, Section Editor)

    Aging in Rural Communities

    Steven A. Cohen, Mary L. Greaney Pages 1-16
  3. No Access

    Epidemiology of Aging (K Lapane, Section Editor)

    Frailty and Unintended Risks of Medications

    David B. Hogan, Colleen J. Maxwell Pages 16-24