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Autonomous Robots - Top 10 Downloaded Articles 2023

We want to thank the authors of our most-downloaded articles during 2023, and highlight to our readers some of the most impactful research to have been published in the journal. We hope that you will find the data interesting.

Large language models for chemistry robotics
by Naruki Yoshikawa, Marta Skreta, Kourosh Darvish, Sebastian Arellano-Rubach, Zhi Ji, Lasse Bjørn Kristensen, Andrew Zou Li, Yuchi Zhao, Haoping Xu, Artur Kuramshin, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Florian Shkurti & Animesh Garg 

Visuo-haptic object perception for robots: an overview
by Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero, Sibel Toprak, Josip Josifovski, & Lorenzo Jamone 

AGRI-SLAM: a real-time stereo visual SLAM for agricultural environment
by Rafiqul Islam, Habibullah Habibullah & Tagor Hossain

ProgPrompt: program generation for situated robot task planning using large language models
by Ishika Singh, Valts Blukis, Arsalan Mousavian, Ankit Goyal, Danfei Xu, Jonathan Tremblay, Dieter Fox, Jesse Thomason & Animesh Garg 

Provident vehicle detection at night for advanced driver assistance systems
by Lukas Ewecker, Ebubekir Asan, Lars Ohnemus & Sascha Saralajew

A novel framework for generalizing dynamic movement primitives under kinematic constraints
by Antonis Sidiropoulos, Dimitrios Papageorgiou & Zoe Doulgeri

Point-based metric and topological localisation between lidar and overhead imagery
by Tim Yuqing Tang, Daniele Martini & Paul Newman

Inverse reinforcement learning for autonomous navigation via differentiable semantic mapping and planning
by Tianyu Wang, Vikas Dhiman & Nikolay Atanasov

An empowerment-based solution to robotic manipulation tasks with sparse rewards
by Siyu Dai, Wei Xu, Andreas Hofmann & Brian Williams

Collaborative programming of robotic task decisions and recovery behaviors
by Thomas Eiband, Christoph Willibald, Isabel Tannert, Bernhard Weber & Dongheui Lee 
