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Stimulation et sédation dans le traitement des états dépressifs

  • Communications Cliniques
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Psychopharmacologia Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Concerning anti-depressive therapy we showed the results obtained with 104 patients treated with Amitriptylin. After having discussed the principles or stimulation and sedation by psychotropic drugs, we have tried to delimit their fields of application in function of the “positive” and “negative” signs of depression. On the basis of these considerations, Amitryptilin proved to be particularly interesting, not only because its properties are, from a quantitative point of view, between those of Chlorpromazin and Imipramin, but also and above all because it shares with these two drugs the specific sedative property of the first and the stimulating characteristic of the second compound.

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Nous remercions la Maison Hoffmann-La Roche & Cie S.A. à Bâle d'avoir mis à notre disposition les qualités de «Laroxyl» nécessaires à cette étude.

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Lai, G. Stimulation et sédation dans le traitement des états dépressifs. Psychopharmacologia 4, 206–220 (1963).

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