
1 Introduction

Fog computing [23] aims at distributing computing, storage and networking resources along the cloud-to-IoT continuum, closer to the edge of the network where millions of connected devices produce huge data flows. Many applications (e.g., intelligent transportation, emergency management or e-health) need to process such data flows by meeting compelling time requirements which cannot be satisfactorily met by traditional cloud+IoT solutions, typically because of latency and/or bandwidth limitations [6].

To suitably host autonomic data stream parallel applications on fog infrastructures, new solutions for the dynamic management of resources within and across fog nodes are needed. Container-based virtualisation can help solving this need [18, 19], and the objective of this paper is precisely to investigate how to use it to dynamically manage autonomic applications on fog infrastructures.

We present a container-based architecture for supporting autonomic data stream processing applications on fog infrastructures. The architecture exploits containerisation to dynamically scale the resources assigned to each deployed application. Each fog node hosts a fog node controller, which interacts with the controllers of the autonomic applications deployed on such node. The objective of the interaction is to dynamically scale up and down the resources assigned to hosted applications. Fog node controllers of different nodes also interact to support the migration of deployed applications. Fog node controllers and applications are deployed as Docker containers.

The rest of this paper is structured as follows. We first discuss two motivating examples that illustrate needs and benefits of dynamic resource management within/across different fog nodes (Sect. 2). After introducing Docker (Sect. 3), we describe the proposed architecture for supporting data stream processing on fog infrastructures (Sect. 4). We also present the results of two experiments that show the feasibility of the proposed container-based support (Sect. 5). We finally discuss related work (Sect. 6) and we draw some concluding remarks (Sect. 7).

2 Motivating Examples

We hereby describe two basic examples that motivate the development of our architecture. The first example describes a scenario of intra-fog node resource management and orchestration, through the synergical interaction between a fog node controller (FNC) and application controllers (ACs), which run the autonomic logic of the streaming applications deployed on such node. The second example focuses on the more complex and challenging case of inter-fog node adaptation.

Intra-fog node scenario. Each fog node, besides being interconnected to various data providers (e.g., sensors, IoT and edge devices), can be connected to an overlay of fog nodes and eventually to a traditional cloud system (Fig. 1, left).

Within a fog node, various streaming applications can run. Each streaming application is characterised by (i) a set of data providers that feed the application with a continuous flow of data items to be processed, and (ii) a set of data consumers that will retrieve real-time data analytics produced by the application. We also envision that each application should be designed with an autonomic logic inside, responsible for scaling up/down the resources utilised by the application and/or other application-dependent configuration knobs (e.g., load balancing policies, scheduling disciplines). While some reconfigurations are executed transparently to the fog infrastructure, other reconfigurations may need a proper interaction with the FNC (e.g., resource scaling).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Fog computing architecture and internal behaviour of a fog node.

Consider an application consuming a data stream generated by a set of mobile devices localised near to a fog node, and processing the most recent data items using a sliding-window model [2] according to a feasible parallel pattern (like those in [8]). To keep up with the arrival rate, the AC of the considered application may decide to increase the parallelism degree of such application in order to process input data faster. While the AC is in charge of reconfiguring the application to exploit additional resources (e.g., by spawning new processes/threads on-demand), the FNC is responsible for making the resources available to respond to the dynamic need of applications. To this end, the FNC is in charge of maintaining a complete vision of the node status (e.g., cores and cpu time available, memory utilisation [3]), and of processing the requests of AC by finding feasible agreements. For example, if the AC requires the exclusive utilisation of eight additional cores, the FNC can serve such request completely, if enough physical resources are available. Otherwise, the FNC can partially serve the request of the AC by allocating fewer cores. As extrema ratio, the FNC may unilaterally release some cores previously assigned to other running applications to serve completely the request, by informing the corresponding ACs of the decision taken. This scenario is depicted in Fig. 1 (right).

Inter-fog node scenario. Suppose that an application is a composition of two communicating components. The first (called Filtering) is a small graph of operators processing items produced by a set of data providers, by discarding inputs that are deemed to be irrelevant to the rest of the application. This component processes data items at high speed, thus it must exploit geographical proximity [21] with the data providers in order to leverage a reduced network cost. Instead, the Selection component runs a computationally demanding preference query like a skyline or a top-k query [25], in order to extract the best objects among the most recent data items received from the preceding phase.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Example of migration between fog nodes.

The infrastructure should be able to support the migration of streaming components from a fog node to another one properly chosen. This can be the result of an internal decision of the application itself, or externally triggered by the resource management control of the fog platform. As in the example of Fig. 2, the data providers feeding our Filtering component, which is initially deployed on FN1, are mobile devices that may enter in the proximity of FN2 at a certain time instant. The corresponding AC that continuously monitors the component’s QoS may experience too high network latency and/or insufficient network bandwidth. Therefore, the AC may opportunistically decide to ask the FNC of FN1 to start the migration to FN2. As a second case, the decision can be triggered by the infrastructure itself, for example if the FNC is unable to meet the resource utilisation requests of the applications running in the first fog node, and some of them must be migrated to make further local resources available. In both cases, the underlying infrastructure should provide mechanisms for seamless migration with minimal intrusion and downtime in the processing flow.

3 Background: Docker

Container-based virtualisation is a lightweight virtualisation technology which provides near-native performances [24]. Container-based virtualisation exploits the kernel of the host OS for running multiple isolated user-space instances (called containers). Since containers share the same kernel of the host OS, container-based virtualisation adds minimal overhead to the guest applications.

Docker [9] is the de-facto standard technology exploiting container-based virtualisation. It provides the ability to package any application with all its dependencies (e.g., libraries, binaries, data files, etc.) into an isolated Docker container. Docker also (i) permits limiting the resources assigned to a container in term of memory and CPU (by default, a container has no resource constraints), and (ii) it provides functionalities for checkpointing and restoring a running container by exploiting CRIU [7, 10, 20].

A Docker container is created from a Docker image. From a single Docker image one or more Docker containers can be started. Docker also permits to look for existing images instead of building them from scratch. The images can be stored into Docker registries (e.g., Docker Hub [13]) where other users can retrieve and use them. Docker registries (as well as tools for automatically discovering Docker images—e.g., [4]) ease the distribution of images across different environment.

Docker containers can communicate by using Docker container networking [12]. Two containers attached to the same network can communicate with all other containers attached to the same network. Docker offers various network drivers depending if the containers reside on a single host or across a cluster of hosts. Standard sockets can also be used as low-level mechanisms for implementing a communication channel between containers.

Docker has also built-in orchestration tools to deploy multi-container applications. For instance, Docker compose [11] permits creating and managing Docker containers on a single host or in a cluster of hosts.

4 System Architecture

We hereby illustrate the main concepts of the high-level architecture we envision. Such architecture is composed by four main components: Fog nodes (FNs), fog node controllers (FNCs), autonomic applications (Apps), and autonomic application controllers (ACs). A sample instance of our proposal is depicted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

An example of instance of the proposed architecture.

FNs are devices (e.g., smartphones, laptops, routers) with limited amounts of available computational resources, which are in charge of running containerised Apps. Therefore, FNs must be able to decide whether an App can run on a FN, and how many computational resources to assign to such App (e.g., cores, CPU time, memory, bandwidth). This is why FNs are equipped with FNCs that are in charge of scheduling containerised Apps on FNs and of assigning to each App a certain amount of resources available in the hosting FN.

Each App runs in a Docker container, or alternatively it can be split into various interacting components, each running in a Docker container. Each AC running within a container is also in charge of running the autonomic control loop of the corresponding App or component, and of interacting with the FNC of the corresponding FN to dynamically scale up/down the set of resources assigned to the container, and/or to support the migration to another FN (or to the cloud).

Accordingly, FNCs will have to support both FNC-FNC and FNC-AC communications. FNC-FNC communications are inter-node, hence requiring to be network communications. FNC-AC communications are instead intra-node, hence allowing to reduce communication latency by exploiting a shared memory or domain sockets. The latter seems more promising, as FNCs and ACs run in Docker containers, which can communicate using shared socket files (see Sect. 3).

In the following, we detail the behaviour of the architecture during the execution of the scenarios sketched in Sect. 2, by distinguishing those only concerning fog nodes from those also including autonomic applicationsFootnote 1.

Fog nodes. Our architecture is designed to account for FNs freely joining or detaching from the system. Whenever a new FN is willing to join the system, its FNC must connect to one or more of the FNCs already available in the system (e.g., those of the “geographically closest” FNs, or those that can guarantee a desired response time). It must then communicate the computational resources available in the new FN, and this information will be taken into account (by all FNCs) when deciding how to schedule containerised Apps within/across FNs. At this point, the new FN is considered to be part of the overlay of FNs, hence being eligible for deploying containerised Apps on it.

Whenever a FN wishes to detach from the system, its FNC should communicate to the other FNCs that such FN is going to detach. This will result in disconnecting FNC of the detaching FN from the overlay of FNs, and in migrating all Apps running on the detaching FN to the other FNs in the system.

It is worth noting that a FN may detach from the system without priorly advertising the FNCs of the other FNs (e.g., because the corresponding device unexpectedly crashes or shuts-down), and this should also result in migrating all Apps that were running on the crashed FN to the other FNs in the system. To enable this, the availability of each FN will have to be monitored (e.g., with watchdogs or heartbeat services connected to its FNC).

Autonomic applications. Data stream processing applications will be deployable on the proposed architecture after being properly containerised as (possibly multi-container) Docker applications. The images of the containers forming an application will have to be available on a remote, publicly accessible Docker registry (e.g., Docker Hub [13]).

The administrator of an application can issue the deployment of her application by connecting to one of the FNCs in the system, and by indicating the Apps to be executed. The administrator indicates the Docker images used to run the Apps along with the deployment constraints of each App. For example, the administrator can constraint the App to be deployed on a certain subset of FNs, or she can specify that the App must be migrated to cloud whenever all the FNs do not satisfy the requested resources by the App.

The FNCs will then coordinate themselves to identify a FN satisfying the deployment constraints of an App, and they will inform the corresponding FNC to enact the deployment of such App. The FNC will then download the image of the App from the remote registry, it will start the App by running a Docker container from the downloaded image, it will assign an initial set of computational resources to the App, and it will start interacting with the AC to scale the resources assigned to the App (when necessary).

A FNC can scale up and down the set of resources assigned to an App (e.g., by decreasing/increasing the cores, CPU time, and bandwidth assigned to such App) by simply changing the resources assigned to the corresponding Docker container (see Sect. 3). This may be driven by exploiting reactive or predictive control policies [17], and it happens: when a FNC needs to remove some of the resources that were assigned to an App and to re-assign such resources to other Apps, or when an AC realises that the App it is controlling requires less/more resources (e.g., to change the parallelism degree and adapt it to the data rate of the input stream). In the latter case, an AC sends a request to the FNC of the hosting FN, which decides how/whether to scale the resources assigned to the corresponding App.

It may happen that the computational resources available in a FN are no more capable of satisfying the requirements of all Apps running on it. If this is the case, the FNC of the overloaded FN will interact with the other FNCs in the system to decide which Apps can be migrated and on which FNs. To migrate them, it then send a migration request to the AC of each App to be migrated. The AC will then start preparing the migration by storing the current state of the App, and it will answer to the FNC by returning it the current state of the App. The FNC of the FN where the App must be migrated will then initiate the procedure for deploying such App, by exploiting the stored state of App as the initial application state.

It may also happen that no FN is capable of satisfying the requirements of a to-be-migrated App. If this is the case, the FNCs can decide to migrate an App to the cloud (with a migration approach very similar to that described above), or to reduce the resources assigned to an App as much as possible (if such App does not support fog-to-cloud migration).

Finally, an App can be undeployed from the system by simply informing the FNC of the FN where such App is running. This can either be done by the AC (if it realises that the App has ended its tasks), or by the administrator of the App. The FNC will then just have to remove the corresponding Docker container, hence freeing the resources assigned to it.

5 Preliminary Results

In this section we show two preliminary results aimed at illustrating that Docker can help deploying autonomic data stream processing applications in the Fog. First, we illustrate how Docker can be exploited by a FNC for limiting the physical resources (viz., CPUs) assigned to a containerised App running on a FN. Second, checkpoint and restore features offered by Docker (version 17.03.1-CE) are used to freeze and restore a containerised App on a FN Footnote 2.

Intra-fog node test. In this first test, we considered a FNC and an App running in Docker containers on a FN. The goal of the experiment is to show (i) how a FNC and the AC of an App can communicate on the same FN, and (ii) how a FNC can exploit Docker for limiting the CPUs assigned to such App. In this perspective, the App and the FNC employed in this test work as follows:

  • The App is an autonomic application equipped with its AC that consumes the CPUs of the FN running the cpuburn application ( The AC periodically sends a request to the FNC asking for increasing or decreasing a random number of the CPUs assigned.

  • The FNC waits for incoming requests from the AC and (if available) increases or decreases the amount of CPUs assigned to the App.

The FNC and the App reside on the same FN and they communicate using a socket file, where the FNC is the server and the App the client.

As we anticipated above, the App and the FNC are shipped in their own Docker containers and their images are stored in the Docker Hub registryFootnote 3. The App is packaged into the diunipisocc/app image while the FNC is packaged in the diunipisocc/fnc image. In order to run the experiment, the FNC must be first executed by running the diunipisocc/fnc image with the following command:

figure a

When the FNC starts, it waits for requests listening on the /tmp/ffsocket.sock socket file. The -v option is used to mount a folder from the host into a container. Instead, the /var/run/docker.sock is the socket used by the FNC for interacting with Docker to update the CPUs assigned to the App container. The App can be launched by running the diunipisocc/app image:

figure b

The App mounts the /tmp/ffsocket.sock file for communicating with the FNC.

Figure 4 (left) shows the result of the experiment executed on an Intel Linux machine with 48 cores. In the experiment, the FNC is configured to assign at most 20 cores to the App among the 48 cores available. The App, every 5 s, asks to the FNC to increase or decrease the cores assigned to it by a random number between 5 and 30. If the number of cores requested by the App are less or equal than 20, the FNC assigns to the App the cores requested, otherwise the FNC assign to the App at most 20 cores.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Results obtained by running the intra-fog node experiment (left), and by running the inter-fog node experiment (right).

We measured the mean time required by the FNC to increase or decrease the cores assigned to a container. The time measured for updating the cores is about 80 ms with a standard deviation of 16 ms.

Inter-fog node test. In the second experiment we tested the possibility of exploiting Docker for implementing live migration of containers. The current version of Docker only allows to checkpoint and restore a running container into the same host, whereas it does not support live migration across different hosts yet. There are other projects that implements live migration on top of CRIU [1], but they are not yet integrated with Docker.

The experiment reproduces a simplified version of the inter-fog scenario proposed in Sect. 2. The Filtering component sends an integer every 10 ms (100 integers per second) to the Selection component that receives the stream of integers and prints them. Selection, Filtering and FNC run in their Docker container and they communicate via the default Docker bridge network (see Sect. 3). In our test we simulated the situation where the FNC checkpoints and restores the Filtering component in the same FN, evaluating the downtime experienced by the Selection component. This situation can happen, for example, if the FNC decides to temporarily suspend the execution of the Filtering component because it needs all the resources available on a Fog node to serve a higher priority request coming from another App.

The FNC triggers the migration of a component using the following steps:

  1. 1.

    The FNC sends a migration request to the Filtering component, notifying that the migration phase is willing to start.

  2. 2.

    The Filtering component receives the migration request, performs a clean up phase (e.g., it may notify the data sources to interrupt the data streaming), and sends a migration reply to the FNC.

  3. 3.

    The FNC receives the migration reply message and performs a checkpoint of the Filtering component,

  4. 4.

    Immediately after, the FNC restores the Filtering component into the same host and it continues to produce the stream of integers starting from the last checkpointed value.

The checkpoint of the Filtering saves both the application internal state (i.e., the last integer sent in the stream) and the sockets used for the communication. Figure 4 (right) shows the result of the execution of the experiment in a single node. The Selection component receives 100 integers every second on average. After five seconds the Filtering component is forced to perform a migration by the FNC. The downtime experienced by the Selection component is about 5 s which is still significant though compliant with the measurements described in However, the checkpoint and restore mechanisms of Docker are still under development and not yet officially released. We expect to see further optimisations in the next stable releases.

6 Related Work

[21] proposes an architecture for processing streaming applications near-to-the-edge. The goal is to deploy latency-sensitive streaming operators near to the IoT devices that generate raw data streams. The infrastructure considers only two tiers, the first being traditional data centers and clouds, and the second featuring cloudlets near to IoT devices. The application programmer defines which tier will preferably execute the distinct operators of a streaming application. With respect to our work, the distinction in two tiers seems restrictive, and the applications do not provide any elastic/autonomic support or capability.

Recently, techniques to map streaming applications onto IoT environments have received a considerable attention, because existing IoT platforms still lack of advanced features in terms of dynamic resource management and data privacy that are needed by the streaming context. IoT devices are often considered as mere data providers, at most enabled to filtering the data in order to save network bandwidth. [15] envisions an interesting approach that has several common points with our research. Container-based technologies are used to encapsulate streaming operators and to easily deploy them on a distributed environment. One of the aspects that distinguishes our approach is that each containerised application should have both the processing logic and the autonomic logic inside, the latter directly connected to our infrastructure management entities. This makes each running container an autonomous and adaptive entity, and not a static running code as in [15].

[22] presents Foglets, a programming infrastructure for managing geo-distributed awareness applications in the Fog. Based on the mobility of the sensors and the requirements of an application, the paper proposes both algorithms for deploying the application components on the fog nodes and techniques for handling the migration of these components between fog nodes. While, Foglets migrates applications whenever the resources they require are no more available in a Fog node, our approach tries to accomplish the application requirements by increasing or decreasing the resources available in a fog node before starting the migration phase.

A nice application scenario has been described in [5] for a urban video surveillance system deployed on a fog infrastructure. The approach follows a divide-and-conquer design, where raw data from IoT devices is filtered by applications running in Fog nodes and forwarded to a centralised cloud for processing. Although an interesting example, the utilisation of the Fog infrastructure is limited and does not exploit the full potential of the paradigm.

Other recent papers mainly focus on extensions of the run-time support of existing and popular stream processing frameworks like Apache Storm and Flink, in order to make the frameworks able to deploy and run streaming applications in geographically distributed environments not limited to a single Cloud [14, 16]. Differently, our approach is focused around a two-level adaptation approach, where applications are themselves adaptive with their logic, interacting with our infrastructure for negotiating agreements in the resource utilisation. Therefore, our approach is not limited to a single application running exclusively on the platform, and it is suitable to manage the execution of general applications and services, also outside the stream processing domain.

7 Conclusions

Fog computing is becoming a powerful enabler for IoT. Despite the growing interest, the implications and the advantages of Fog computing in streaming scenarios must still be explored and analysed. Furthermore, the availability of new emerging virtualisation concepts, like container-based technology, stimulates the research of new solutions for efficiently and flexibly deploy streaming applications in geographically distributed environments. In this paper we proposed a Docker-based architecture as an enabler for Fog deployment of autonomic applications. Besides the general overview of our idea, we presented also a concrete discussion of how the Docker technology can be exploited. Finally, first preliminary results confirmed our expectations about Docker as a viable approach for a new highly distributed and fog-oriented framework.