
Morgan Stone algebras (or simply MS-algebras) are introduced and characterized by T.S. Blyth and J.C. Varlet [1] as a generalization of both de Morgan algebras and Stone algebras. In [2], T.S. Blyth and J.C. Varlet described the lattice Λ(MS) of subclasses of the class MS of all MS-algebras. A. Badawy, D. Guffova, and M. Haviar [3] introduced and characterized decomposable MS-algebras by means of decomposable MS-triples. Moreover, they constructed a one-to-one correspondence between decomposable MS-algebras and decomposable MS-triples. A. Badawy and R. El-Fawal [4] studied many properties of decomposable MS-algebras in terms of decomposable MS-triples as homomorphisms and subalgebras. Also, they formulated and solved some fill in problems concerning homomorphisms and subalgebras of decomposable MS-algebras. A. Badawy [5] introduced the notion of dL-filters of principal MS-algebras. Recently, A. Badawy [6] studied the relationship between de Morgan filters and congruences of decomposable MS-algebras. Also, many properties of ideals of MS-algebras are given in [7] and [8].

Several authors studied complete p-algebras, like C.C. Chain and G. Gr\(\ddot {a}\)tzer [9] for Stone algebras, S. El-Assar, and M. Atallah [10] for distributive p-algebras and P. Mederly [11] for modular p-algebras.

In this paper, we introduce complete decomposable MS-algebras and complete decomposable MS-triples. We show that a decomposable MS-algebra L constructed from the decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ) is complete if and only if the triple (M,D,φ) is complete. Also, a description of complete homomorphisms of decomposable MS-algebras is given in terms of complete decomposable MS-triples.


In this section, we present definitions and main results which are needed through this paper. We refer the reader to [14, 1215] for more details.

A de Morgan algebra is an algebra (L;∨,∧,,0,1) of type (2,2,1,0,0) where (L;∨,∧,0,1) is a bounded distributive lattice and the unary operation of involution satisfies

\(\overline {\overline {x}}=x,\overline {(x\vee y)}=\overline {x}\wedge \overline {y},\overline {(x\wedge y)}=\overline {x}\vee \overline {y}.\)

An MS-algebra is an algebra (L;∨,∧, ,0,1) of type (2,2,1,0,0) where (L;∨,∧,0,1) is a bounded distributive lattice and the unary operation satisfies


The following Theorem gives the basic properties of MS-algebras.

Theorem 1

([1,12]). For any two elements a,b of an MS-algebra L, we have (1) 0=1, (2) abba, (3) a∘∘∘=a, (4) (ab)=ab, (5) (ab)∘∘=a∘∘b∘∘, (6) (ab)∘∘=a∘∘b∘∘.

Lemma 1

([1,3]). Let L be an MS-algebra. Then (1) L∘∘={xL:x=x∘∘} is a de Morgan subalgebra of L, (2) D(L)={xL:x=0} is a filter (filter of dense elements) of L.

For any lattice L, let F(L) denotes the set of all filters of L. It is known that, (F(L);∧,∨) is a distributive lattice if and only if L is a distributive lattice, where the operation ∧ and ∨ are given by

FG=FG and FG={xL:xfg,fF,gG},respectively for everyF,GF(L).

Also, [a)={xL:xa} is a principal filter of L generated by a.

Definition 1

[9]. Let \(\phantom {\dot {i}\!}L=(L;\vee,\wedge,0_{L},1_{L})\) and \(\phantom {\dot {i}\!}L_{1}=(L_{1};\vee,\wedge,0_{L_{1}},1_{L_{1}})\) be bounded lattices. The map h:LL1 is called (0,1)-lattice homomorphism if (1) \(\phantom {\dot {i}\!}0_{L}h=0_{L_{1}}\) and \(\phantom {\dot {i}\!}1_{L}h=1_{L_{1}}\), (2) h preserves joins, that is, (xy)h=xhyh for every x,yL, (3) h preserves meets, that is, (xy)h=xhyh for every x,yL.

Definition 2

[14] A (0,1)-lattice homomorphism h:LL1 of an MS-algebra L into an MS-algebra L1 is called a homomorphism if xh=xh for all xL. If L and L1 are de Morgan algebras, then h is called a de Morgan homomorphism.

Definition 3

[3] An MS-algebra L is called decomposable MS-algebra if for every xL there exists dD(L) such that x=x∘∘d.

Definition 4

[3] A decomposable MS-triple is (M,D,φ), where (i) \((M;\vee,\wedge,\bar {},0,1)\) is a de Morgan algebra, (ii) (D;∨,∧,1) is a distributive lattice with 1, (iii) φ is a (0,1)-homomorphism from M into F(D) such that for every element aM and for every yD there exists an element tD with aφ∩[y)=[t).

Theorem 2

[3] (Construction Theorem) Let (M,D,φ) be a decomposable MS-triple. Then

$$L=\left\{(a,\bar{a}\varphi \vee \left[x\right)):a\in M,x\in D\right\} $$

is a decomposable MS-algebra, if we define

$$(a,\bar{a}\varphi \vee \left[x\right))\vee (b,\bar{b}\varphi \vee \left[y\right))=\left(a\vee b,\overline{(a\vee b)}\varphi \vee \left[t\right)\right)\text{for some}t\in D, $$
$$(a,\bar{a}\varphi \vee \left[x\right))\wedge (b,\bar{b}\varphi \vee \left[y\right))=\left(a\wedge b,\overline{(a\wedge b)}\varphi \vee \left[x\wedge y\right)\right), $$
$$\left(a,\bar{a}\varphi \vee \left[x\right)\right)^{\circ }=(\bar{a},a\varphi), $$
$$1_{L}=(1,\left[1\right)), $$
$$0_{L}=(0,D). $$

Conversely, every decomposable MS-algebra L can be associated with the decomposable MS-triple (L∘∘,D(L),φ(L)), where


The decomposable MS-algebra L constructed in Theorem 2 is called the decomposable MS-algebra associated with the decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ) and the construction of L described in Theorem 2 is called a decomposable MS-construction.

Corollary 1

[3] Let L be a decomposable MS-algebra associated with the decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ). Then (1) \(L^{\circ \circ }=\left \{(a,\bar {a}\varphi):a\in M\right \}\), (2) D(L)={(1,[x)):xD}, (3) DD(L) and ML∘∘, (4) The order of L is given as follows: \((a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x))\leq (b,\bar {b}\varphi \vee [y))\) iff ab and \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x)\supseteq \bar {b}\varphi \vee [y)\).

Definition 5

[14] A lattice L is called complete if infLH and supLH exist for each ϕHL.

Definition 6

[14] A lattice L is called conditionally complete if every upper bounded subset of L has a supermum in L and every lower bounded subset of L has an infimum in L.

An MS-algebra L is called complete if it is complete as a lattice.

Definition 7

[14] A lattice homomorphism h:LL1 of a complete lattice L into a complete lattice L1 is called complete if

\((\inf _{L}H)h=\inf _{L_{1}}Hh\) and \((\sup _{L}H)h=\sup _{L_{1}}Hh\) for each ϕHL.

A homomorphism h:LL1 of a complete MS-algebra L into a complete MS-algebra L1 is called complete if it is complete as a lattice homomorphism.

Characterization of complete decomposable MS-algebras via triples

In this section, we introduce and characterize complete decomposable MS-triples of complete decomposable MS-algebras.

Let L be a decomposable MS-algebra L. For ϕNL, define N as follows:


Lemma 2

If L is a complete decomposable MS-algebra, then for ϕNL,ϕCL∘∘ and ϕED(L), we have (1) (supLN)= infLN, (2) \(\sup _{L^{\circ \circ }}C=(\sup _{L}C)^{\circ \circ }=(\inf _{L} C^{\circ })^{\circ }\), (3) \(\inf _{L^{\circ \circ }} C=\inf _{L}C\), (4) infD(L)E= infLE and supD(L)E= supLE.


(1). Let x= supLN. Then xn for all nN implies xn. Hence x is a lower bound of N. Let y be a lower bound of N. Then yn for all nN implies yn∘∘n. So, y is an upper bound of N. Thus xy as x= supLN. This gives xy∘∘y. Therefore x= infLN=(supLN). (2) Let supLC=x. Then x∘∘=(supLC)∘∘. We have to show that \(x^{\circ \circ }=\sup _{L^{\circ \circ }}C\). Since supLC=x, then xc for all cC. so, x∘∘c∘∘=c for all cC. Therefore x∘∘ is an upper bound of C. Let y be another upper bound of C in L∘∘. Then yc for all cC. Thus y∘∘c∘∘=c. Hence y∘∘ is an upper bound of C. So y∘∘x as x= supLC. It follows that y=y∘∘x∘∘. Hence x∘∘ is the least upper bound of C. Since x∘∘L∘∘, then \(x^{\circ \circ }=\sup _{L^{\circ \circ }}C\). By (1) we have (supLC)∘∘=(infLC). (3) Let x= infLC. Then xc for all cC. Then x∘∘c∘∘=c. Hence x∘∘ is a lower bound of C. Thus xx∘∘ as x= infLC. But xx∘∘. Then x∘∘=x and xL∘∘. Thus \(\inf _{L^{\circ \circ }}C=x\). (4) Let x= infLE and y= infD(L)E. Then xe and ye for all eE imply that x=y. Now we prove supD(L)E= supLE. Let y= supLE. Then ye for all eE. It follows that ye=0. Then yD(L) implies y= supD(L)E. □

Let (M,D,φ) be a decomposable MS-triple. For any ED, consider the set ME as follows:

\(M_{E}=\left \{a\in M : \bar {a}\varphi \vee [z)\supset E \ \text {for some} \ z\in D\right \}\).

Lemma 3

Let (M,D,φ) be a decomposable MS-triple. For any ED, we have (1) ME is an ideal of M, (2) [E)=∪{[t):tE}, (2) ME=M[E).


(1). Let a,bME. Then \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z_{1})\supset E\) and \(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z_{2})\supset E\) for some z1,z2D. Hence \(E\subset (\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z_{1})) \cap (\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z_{2}))=\overline {(a\vee b)}\varphi \vee [t)\) for some tD (see Theorem 2). It follows that abME. Now, let aME and cM. Then, ∃zD such that \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z)\supset E\). Since aca, then \(\overline {a\wedge c}\geq \bar {a}\). This gives \(\overline {(a\wedge c)}\varphi \supseteq \bar {a}\varphi \). It follows that \(\overline {(a\wedge c)}\varphi \vee [z)\supseteq \bar {a}\varphi \vee [z)\supset E\). Then acME. Consequently, ME is an ideal of M. (2) Obvious. (3) Clearly, M[E)ME. Let aME. Then, ∃zD such that \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z)\supset E\). Since \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z)\) is a filter of D and [E) is the smallest filter of D containing E, then \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z)\supset [E)\). Hence, aM[E) and MEM[E). Therefore, ME=M[E). □

Definition 8

A complete decomposable MS-triple is a decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ) satisfying the following conditions: (i) M is complete, (ii) D is conditionally complete, (iii) For each ED, the set ME has the greatest element in M.

Theorem 3

Let L be a complete decomposable MS-algebra constructed from the decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ). Then, the triple (M,D,φ) is complete.


Since L is associated with the decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ), then by Theorem 2, we have

\(L=\left \{(a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x)): a\in M,x\in D\right \}\).

Corollary 1(1)-(3), gives

\(L^{\circ \circ }=\left \{(a,\bar {a}\varphi): a\in M\right \}\cong M\) and D(L)={(1,[x)):xD}≅D.

We have to prove that a decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ) is complete. So we proceed to prove (i)–(iii) of Definition 8. For (i), let CM. Consider a subset \(\acute {C}=\{(c,\bar {c}\varphi):c\in C\}\) of L∘∘ corresponding to C. Since L is complete, then \(\inf _{L}\acute {C}=(a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x))\) for some \((a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x))\in L\). Thus, \((a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x))\leq (c,c\varphi)\) for all cC. Then ac for all cC implies that a is a lower bound of C. We verify that a is the greatest lower bound of C in M. Let b be a lower bound of C. Then bc for all cC. This gives \(\bar {b}\varphi \supseteq \bar {c}\varphi \). Therefore, \((b,\bar {b}\varphi)\leq (c,\bar {c}\varphi)\) for all cC and (b,bφ) is a lower bound of \(\acute {C}\). Then \((a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x))\geq (b,b\varphi)\) as \(\inf _{L}C=(a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x))\). Consequently, ab and a= infMC. Since a= infMC and M is bounded above by 1, then, M is complete.Now we prove (ii). Let ϕED. Consider \(\acute {E}\subseteq D(L)\) corresponding to E. Then

\(\acute {E}=\left \{(1,[e)): e\in D\right \}\).

Let z be a lower bound of E. Since L is complete, then \(\inf _{L}\acute {E}\) exists. Let \(\inf _{L}\acute {E}=(a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x))\). Since ze for all eE as z is a lower bound of E. Then, [z)⊇[e) and (1,[z))≤(1,[e)). Thus, (1,z) is a lower bound of \(\acute {E}\). Then, \((a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x))\geq (1,[z))\) because of \(\inf _{L}\acute {E}=(a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x))\). This implies that a≥1 and \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x)\subseteq [z)\). Consequently, a=1 and \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x)=0\varphi \vee [x)=[x)\). Thus [x)⊆[z) implies xz. This shows that x is the greatest lower bound of E in D and x= infDE. Using a similar way, we can show that, if E has an upper bound, then supDE exists. Therefore, D is a conditionally complete lattice as required.

Now we prove (iii). Let ED. Consider \(\acute {E}\subseteq D(L)\) corresponding to E. Then

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \acute{E}=\left\{(1,[x)): x\in E\right\}. \end{array} $$

Since L is complete, then \(\inf _{L} \acute {E}\) exists. Let \((b,\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z))=\inf _{L} \acute {E}\). We show that b is the largest element of ME. Since \((b,\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z))=\inf _{L} \acute {E}\), then \((b,\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z))\leq (1,[x)), \ \forall x\in E\). This gives b≤1 and \(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z)\supseteq [x), \ \forall x\in E\). Therefore, \(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z)\supseteq \cup _{x\in E}[x)=[E)\supset E\). Thus, bME. Now, let cME. Then \(\bar {c}\varphi \vee [y)\supset E\) for some yD. It follows that \(\bar {c}\varphi \vee [y)\supseteq [E)\supseteq [x)\) for all xE. Hence, \((1,[x))\leq (c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [y))\) for all xE. Thus, \((c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [y))\) is a lower bound of \(\acute {E}\) and therefore \((c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [y))\leq (b,\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z))\). Then, cb. This deduce that b is the largest element of ME in M. Therefore, (M,D,φ) is a complete decomposable MS-triple. □

The converse of the above theorem is given in the following.

Theorem 4

Let L be a decomposable MS-algebra constructed from the complete decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ). Then L is complete.


Let (M,D,φ) be a complete decomposable MS-triple. Then –(iii) of Definition 8 hold. Let NL, where L is constructed as in construction Theorem from the decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ) as follows:

\(L=\left \{(a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x)):a\in M,x\in D\right \}\).

Since L is bounded, it is enough to show the existence of infLN. Denote a= infMN∘∘ and \(F=\cup \left \{[t): (c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))\in N \text {for some} \ c\in M\right \}\) (∪ means the union in F(D)). Let b= maxMF. Now, we prove that there exists an element zD such that \(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z)\supset F\) and if \(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [y)\supset F\) for some yD then \(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [y) \supseteq \bar {b}\varphi \vee [z)\). For this purpose, consider the following set:

\(\left \{x_{\gamma }:\gamma \in \Gamma \text {for all}x_{\gamma }\text {with}\bar {b}\varphi \vee [x_{\gamma })\supset F\right \}\).

Thus, we have to find a zD with \(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [y)\supset F\) and \(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [y)\supseteq \bar {b}\varphi \vee [z)\) for all γΓ. The set \(\left \{x_{\gamma }:\gamma \in \Gamma \text {for all} x_{\gamma }\text {with}\bar {b}\varphi \vee [x_{\gamma })\supset F\right \}\) is bounded from above. Then, by (ii), there exists s= supD{xγ:γΓ}. We prove that ∩γΓ[xγ)=[s).

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} y\in\cap_{\gamma\in\Gamma}[x_{\gamma})&\Leftrightarrow& y\in[x_{\gamma}),~ \ \forall\gamma\in\Gamma\\&\Leftrightarrow& y\geq x_{\gamma},~ \ \forall\gamma\in\Gamma\\ &\Leftrightarrow& y \ \text{is an upper bound of} \ \{x_{\gamma}: \gamma\in\Gamma\}\\ &\Leftrightarrow& y\geq s\ \text{as}\ s=\sup_{D}\{x_{\gamma} : \gamma\in\Gamma\}\\&\Leftrightarrow& y\in[s). \end{array} $$

Then it is sufficient to prove the following equality.

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \cap_{\gamma\in\Gamma}(\bar{b}\varphi\vee[x_{\gamma}))=\bar{b}\varphi\vee\cap_{\gamma\in\Gamma}[x_{\gamma})=\bar{b}\varphi\vee[s). \end{array} $$

Let \(t\in \bar {b}\varphi \vee [s)\). Then

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} t\in \bar{b}\varphi\vee[s)&\Rightarrow& t\geq t_{1}\wedge s\ \text{where}\ t_{1}\in \bar{b}\varphi\\ &\Rightarrow& t\geq t_{1}\wedge (s\vee x_{\gamma})\ \text{as}\ s\geq x_{\gamma}\text{for all}\ \gamma\in \Gamma\\ &\Rightarrow&t\geq(t_{1}\wedge s)\vee (t_{1}\wedge x_{\gamma})\\ &\Rightarrow&t\geq t_{1}\wedge x_{\gamma}\\ &\Rightarrow& t\in \bar{b}\varphi\vee[x_{\gamma})\ \text{for all}\ \gamma\in \Gamma. \end{array} $$

Then \(\bar {b}\varphi \vee \cap _{\gamma \in \Gamma }[x_{\gamma })\subseteq \bar {b}\varphi \vee [x_{\gamma })\) implies \(\bar {b}\varphi \vee \cap _{\gamma \in \Gamma }[x_{\gamma })\subseteq \cap _{\gamma \in \Gamma }(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [x_{\gamma }))\). Conversely, let \(y\in \cap _{\gamma \in \Gamma }(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [x_{\gamma }))\). Then \(y\in \bar {b}\varphi \vee [x_{\gamma })\) for all γΓ. Hence ytz for \(t\in \bar {b}\varphi \) and z∈[xγ) for all γΓ. It follows that zxγ for all γΓ. This means that z is an upper bound of the set {xγ:γΓ}. Then sz as s= supD{xγ:γΓ}. Now

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} y&\geq& t\wedge z\\ &=&t\wedge(s\vee z)\ \text{as}\ s\leq z\\ &=&(t\wedge s)\vee(t\wedge z)\ \text{by distributivity of}\ D\\ &\geq&t\wedge s\in \bar{b}\varphi\vee[s). \end{array} $$

Then \(y\in \bar {b}\varphi \vee [s)\). Therefore, \(\cap _{\gamma \in \Gamma }(\bar {b}\varphi \vee [x_{\gamma }))\subseteq \bar {b}\varphi \vee [s)\).

We prove the existence of infLN. First, we claim that

\(i=\left (a\wedge b,\overline {(a\wedge b)}\varphi \vee [z)\right)=\inf _{L} N~(\text {we put then} z=s)\).

First, we show that i is a lower bound of N. Let \((f,\bar {f}\varphi \vee [y))\in N.\) Since a= infMN∘∘, we get af. So, abaf. Then abf implies that \(\overline {a\wedge b}\geq \bar {f}\). Consequently, \(\overline {(a\wedge b)}\varphi =\bar {a}\varphi \vee \bar {b}\varphi \supseteq \bar {f}\varphi \). Moreover, \([y)\subseteq F\subseteq \bar {b}\varphi \vee [z)\) as yF. Then

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \overline{(a\wedge b)}\varphi\vee[z)&=&(\bar{a}\vee \bar{b})\varphi\vee[z)\\ &=&(\bar{a}\varphi\vee \bar{b}\varphi)\vee(\bar{b}\varphi\vee[z))\\ &\supseteq&\bar{f}\varphi\vee[y). \end{array} $$

Then \((a\wedge b,\overline {(a\wedge b)}\varphi \vee [z))\leq (f,\bar {f}\vee [y))\) for all \((f,\bar {f}\vee [y))\in N\). Therefore, i is a lower bound of N. It remains to show that i is the greatest lower bound of N. Let \((c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x))\) be a lower bound of N. Then, \((c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x))\leq (f,\bar {f}\varphi \vee [y)), \ \forall (f,\bar {f}\varphi \vee [y))\in N\). So, cf, ∀fN∘∘. Then c is a lower bound of N∘∘. Thus ca as \(a=\inf \limits _{M} N^{\circ \circ }\). On the other hand, \(\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x)\supseteq \bar {f}\varphi \vee [y), \ \forall (f,\bar {f}\varphi \vee [y))\in N\). So, \(\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x)\supseteq [y), \ \forall y\in F\). Therefore, \(\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x)\supseteq F\). Hence, \(\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x)\supseteq \bar {b}\varphi \vee [z)\) by using equality (1). Then \(\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x)\supseteq F\) implies that cMF. So, cb as \(b=\max \limits _{M} M_{F}\in M\). Now, we have ca and cb. Then cab. Moreover, we have \(\bar {c}\varphi \supseteq \bar {a}\varphi \) because of ca. Also, \(\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x)\supseteq \bar {b}\varphi \vee [z)\). So, \(\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x)\supseteq \bar {a}\varphi \vee \bar {b}\varphi \vee [z)=\overline {(a\wedge b)}\varphi \vee [z)\). Therefore, \((c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x))\leq i\). Then i= infLN and L is complete. □

Corollary 2

If M and D are complete, then so is L.


. We need only to prove that the condition (iii) of Definition 8 holds. Let ED and t= infDE. Then, [t)=[ infDE)⊇E. So, \((1,\bar {1}\varphi \vee [t))=(1,[t))\in L\). Therefore, 1∈ME. Hence, by the above Theorem, L is complete. □

Corollary 3

If M is finite and D is conditionally complete, then L is complete.


Since M is finite and ME is an ideal of M (see Lemma 1(1)), then M is complete and ME is a principal ideal of M. Therefore, ME contains the greatest element in M. So, the conditions (i)– (iii) of Definition 8 are satisfied and consequently, L is complete. □

Combining Theorems 3 and 4, we get the following theorem.

Theorem 5

Let L be a decomposable MS-algebra constructed from the decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ). Then L is complete if and only if (M,D,φ) is complete.

Let L be a complete decomposable MS-algebra. In the proof of Theorem 4 arbitrary meets in L are described. In the following Lemma, we describe joins in L.

Lemma 4

Let L be a complete decomposable MS-algebra constructed from the decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ). Let ϕNL and a= supMN∘∘. Then there exists an element zD such that \([z)=\bigcap \left \{\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t):(c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))\in N\right \}\cap a\varphi \) and \(\sup N=(a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z))\).


Let ϕNL and \(\sup _{L} N=(b,\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z))\). We can assume that zaφ. We prove that b=a= supMN∘∘. Using Lemma 2(2), we get

\(\sup _{M}N^{\circ \circ }=(\sup _{L}N)^{\circ \circ }=(b,\bar {b}\varphi \vee [z))^{\circ \circ }=(b,\bar {b}\varphi)\).

But \(a=(a,\bar {a}\varphi)=\sup _{M}N^{\circ \circ }\). Then b=a. Hence, \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z)\) is the greatest filter of the form \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [x), x\in D\) with

\(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z))\subset \bar {c}\varphi \vee [t)\) for each \((c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))\in N\).

The last condition is equivalent to

\([z)\subset \bigcap \left \{\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t):(c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))\in N\right \}\cap a\varphi \).

Let \( \bigcap \left \{\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t):(c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))\in N\right \}\cap a\varphi =R\). If [z)≠R, then there is yR,y≧̸z. It follows that yz<z and yzR. Then [z)⊂[yz) implies \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z)\subset \bar {a}\varphi \vee [y\wedge z)\). Since yzR then \([y\wedge z)\subset \bar {c}\varphi \vee [t)\) for all \((c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))\in N\). Since ac (as a= supMN∘∘) then \(\bar {a}\leq \bar {c}\). It follows that \(\bar {a}\varphi \leq \bar {c}\varphi \). Therefore, \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [y\wedge z)\subset \bar {c}\varphi \vee [t)\) for all \((c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))\in N\). Consequently,

\(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z)\subset \bar {a}\varphi \vee [y\wedge z)\subset \bar {c}\varphi \vee [t)\) for all \((c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))\in N\),

which contradicts the maximality of \(\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z)\). □

Complete homomorphisms via complete triple homomorphisms

In this section, we introduce complete triple homomorphisms of complete decomposable MS-algebras. Then, we characterize complete homomorphisms of complete decomposable MS-algebras in terms of complete triple homomorphisms. For this purpose, we recall from [4], the notion of triple homomorphism of decomposable MS-triples and related properties which will be used in rest of the paper.

Definition 9

[4] Let (M,D,φ) and (M1,D1,φ1) be decomposable MS-triples. A triple homomorphism of the triple (M,D,φ) into (M1,D1,φ1) is a pair (f,g), where f is a homomorphism of M into M1,g is a homomorphism of D into D1 preserving 1 such that for every aM,

$$ a\varphi g\subseteq af\varphi_{1} $$

Lemma 5

[4] Let (f,g) be a triple homomorphism of a decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ) into a decomposable MS-triple (M1,D1,φ1). Let a,bM and x,y,tD. Then (i) aφ∩[y)=[t) implies afφ1∩[yg)=[tg), (ii) \(\left (\bar {a}f\varphi _{1}\vee \lbrack xg\right))\cap (\bar {b}f\varphi _{1}\vee \lbrack yg))=\overline {(a\vee b)}f\varphi _{1}\vee \lbrack tg).\)

Theorem 6

[4] Let L and L1 be decomposable MS-algebras, (M,D,φ) and (M1,D1,φ1) be the associated decomposable MS-triples, respectively. Let h be a homomorphism of L into L1 and hM,hD the restrictions of h to M and D, respectively. Then (hM,hD) is a triple homomorphism of the decomposable MS-triples. Conversely, every triple homomorphism (f,g) of the decomposable MS-triples uniquely determines a homomorphism h of L into L1 with hM=f,hD=g by the following rule:

$$ xh=x^{\circ \circ }f\wedge dg,\text{for all}\ x\in L, $$

where x=x∘∘d for some dD(L).

If L and L1 are represented as in the construction Theorem then (3) reads

$$ (a,\bar{a}\varphi\vee[x))h=(af,\overline{(af)}\varphi\vee[xg))\ \text{for all}\ (a,\bar{a}\varphi\vee[x))\in L. $$

In the following, we will write L=(M,D,φ) to indicate that (M,D,φ) is the decomposable MS-triple associated with L, that is, L∘∘=M,D(L)=D, and φ(L)=φ. Let L=(M,D,φ) and L1=(M1,D1,φ1) be decomposable MS-algebras, we will write h=(f,g) to indicate that (f,g):(M,D,φ)→(M1,D1,φ1) is the triple homomorphism of decomposable MS-triples corresponding to the homomorphism h of L into L1.

Lemma 6

Let h=(f,g) be a homomorphism of a decomposable MS-algebra L onto a decomposable MS-algebra L1. Then for each aL∘∘, we have



We have, aφgafφ1 by (2). It remains to show that afφ1aφg. Let yafφ1. Then

y∈[(af))∩D(L1)=[(ah))∩D(L1) implies y∈[(ah)) and yD(L1).

Then y≥(ah)=ah. Since h is onto, then g:D(L)→D(L1) is also onto. Hence, there exists xD(L) such that xh=y. Evidently, ax∈[a)∩D(L) and

(ax)h=ahxh=xh as xh=yah.

Therefore, y∈[ah)∩D(L1)=([a)hDg)=([a)∩D)g=aφg. □

Now, we introduce the concept of complete triple homomorphism.

Definition 10

A triple homomorphism (f,g) of a decomposable MS-triple (M,D,φ) into a decomposable MS-triple (M1,D1,φ1) is called complete if the following conditions are satisfied (i) f is a complete homomorphism of M and M1, (ii) g is a complete homomorphism of D and D1, (iii) (maxME)f= maxM1Eg for each ϕED.

Remark 1

First, we observe that the map g:DD1 is a complete means that \((\sup _{D}E)g=\sup _{D_{1}}Eg\) for any ED and if infDE and \(\inf _{D_{1}}Mg\) exist then \((\inf _{D}E)g=\inf _{D_{1}}Eg\).

Theorem 7

Let L=(M,D,φ) and L1=(M1,D1,φ1) be complete decomposable MS-algebras and let h=(f,g) be a homomorphism of L onto L1. Then h is complete if and only if (f,g) is complete.


The decomposable MS-triples (M,D,φ) and (M1,D1,φ1) are associated with L and L1, respectively. Let h=(f,g) be a complete homomorphism of L onto L1. Then f is a de Morgan homomorphism of M onto M1 and g is a lattice homomorphism of D onto D1 preserving 1. We have to verify that f and g are complete. Let ϕNM. Then

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \left(\inf_{M}N\right)f=\left(\inf_{L}N\right)f=\left(\inf_{L}N\right)h=\inf_{L_{1}}Nh=\inf_{L_{1}}Nf=\inf_{M_{1}}Nf\ \text{by Lemma 2(3)},\\ \left(\sup_{M}N\right)f=\left(\sup_{L}N\right)^{\circ\circ}f=\left(\left(\sup_{L}N\right)h\right)^{\circ\circ}=\left(\sup_{L_{1}}Nh\right)^{\circ\circ}=\sup_{M_{1}}Nf\ \text{by Lemma 2(2)}. \end{array} $$

Thus, f is complete. We prove that g is complete. Let ϕED. Then

\((\sup _{D}E)g=(\sup _{L}E)g=(\sup _{L}N)h=\sup _{L_{1}}Nh=\sup _{D_{1}}Eg\ \text {by Lemma 2(4)}.\)

If infDE and \(\inf _{D_{1}}Eg\) exist, then

\((inf_{D}E)g=(\inf _{L}E)g=(\inf _{L}N)h=\inf _{L_{1}}Nh=\inf _{D_{1}}Eg\ \text {by Lemma 2(4)}.\)

Now, we prove (iii). Let ϕED. Consider E corresponding the set \(\acute {E}\) on D(L), where

\(\acute {E}=\left \{(1,[x)):x\in E\right \}\subseteq D(L)\).

By (4), we have

\(\acute {E}h=\{(1,[xg)):x\in E\}\subseteq D(L_{1})\).

Since h is complete, then \((\inf _{L}E)h=\inf _{L_{1}}Eh\) for each ϕEL. Hence, (infLE)∘∘= maxME (see the proof of Theorem 3) and similarly \((\inf _{L_{1}}Eh)^{\circ \circ }=\max M_{1Eg}\). Conversely, assume that (i)–(iii) hold and let h=(f,g) be a homomorphism of L onto L1. We have to show that h is complete. First we prove that for \(\phi \not = H\subseteq L, (\inf _{L}H)h=\inf _{L_{1}}Hh\) holds. Consider \(E=\bigcup \left \{[t):(c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x))\in M\right \}\). Let maxME=b and infMH∘∘=a. Then according to the proof of Theorem 4, we get

\(i=\left (a\wedge b,\overline {(a\wedge b)}\varphi \vee [z)\right)=\inf _{L}H\), where \(z=\sup _{D}\left \{x_{\gamma }:\bar {b}\varphi \vee [x_{\gamma })\supset E\right \}\). Using (4), we have

\(Hh=\left \{(cf,\bar {cf}\varphi \vee [xg)):(c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [x))\in H\right \}\),


\(ih=\left ((a\wedge b)f,\overline {(a\wedge b)f}\varphi \vee [zg)\right)=(\inf _{L}H)h\).

Now, \(\inf _{L_{1}}(Hf)^{\circ \circ }=(\inf _{M}H^{\circ \circ })f= af\) by (i) and maxM1Eg=(maxME)f=bf by (iii). Since L1 is complete and HhL1 then again according to the proof of Theorem 4, we get

\(\inf _{L_{1}}Hh=\left ((a\wedge b)f,\overline {(a\wedge b)f}\varphi \vee [z_{1})\right)=ih\), where z1= sup{xγg:γΓ}=(sup{xγ:γΓ})g=zg as g is an onto homomorphism. Therefore, \(\inf _{L} Mh=(\inf _{L_{1}}M)h\).

Now, we prove that \((\sup _{L}H)h=\sup _{L_{1}}Hh\). By Lemma 4, \(\sup _{L}(M)=(a,\bar {a}\varphi \vee [z))\), where a= supMH∘∘ and \([z)=\bigcap \left \{\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t):(c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))\in H\right \}\cap a\varphi \). Then \(\sup _{L_{1}}Hh=(a_{1},\bar {a_{1}}\varphi _{1}\vee [z_{1}))\), where \(a_{1}=\sup _{M_{1}}(Hh)^{\circ \circ }=\sup _{L_{1}}(Hh)^{\circ \circ }=\sup _{L_{1}}H^{\circ \circ }h=(\sup _{L}M^{\circ \circ })h=(\sup _{M}H^{\circ \circ })h=ah=af\)(by using Lemma 2(2) and (i) of Definition 9) and \([z_{1})=\bigcap \left \{\bar {cf}\varphi _{1}\vee [tg):(c,\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))\in H\right \}\cap a_{1}\varphi _{1}\). We show that zg=z1. We have cfφ1=cφg by Lemma 6 and \(\bar {c}\varphi g\vee [tg)=(\bar {c}\varphi \vee [t))g\) by Lemma 5(1). Then

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} [z_{1})&=&\bigcap\{\bar{c}\varphi\vee[t))g:(c,\bar{c}\varphi\vee[t))\in H\}\cap a\varphi g\\ &=&\left(\bigcap\left\{\bar{c}\varphi\vee[t):(c,\bar{c}\varphi\vee[t))\in H\right\}\cap a\varphi\right)g\\ &=&[zg) \end{array} $$

which implies z1=zg. Therefore, \((\sup _{L}H)h=\sup _{L_{1}}Hh\) and h is complete. □