Correction to: Earth, Planets and Space (2017) 69:144

After publication of this work (Iio et al. 2017), an error was noticed. Figures 10 and 12 were accidentally swapped. This was caused due to a typesetting error.

This is now corrected below (Figs. 10, 12):

Fig. 10
figure 10

a Plots of the normalized shear and normal stresses on faults on a three-dimensional Mohr diagram for a grid point (x = 10, y = 9, z = − 2). Pore pressure indicators Pp are calculated as Pp = σn − τ/μ, where μ is assumed as 0.6. Sizes of circles represent the difference of misfits between the fault plane and auxiliary plane (misfitdiff); coloring indicates only data with misfits on the fault plane greater than the error of focal mechanisms, 10°. b Histogram of misfits. c Relationship between azimuths and dip angles of the fault planes. Misfits are also indicated by the sizes and colors of circles. d Relationship between magnitude and misfit. e Histogram of the pore pressure indicator, Pp

Fig. 12
figure 12

a Plots of the normalized shear and normal stresses on a three-dimensional Mohr diagram for a grid point (x = 9, y = 6, z = − 2). b Histogram of misfits. c Relationship between azimuths and dip angles of the fault planes. d Relationship between magnitude and misfit. e Histogram of the pore pressure indicator Pp. Other explanations are the same as for Fig. 10

The publisher apologises for these errors.