
Nicotiana glauca (tree tobacco) is a member of the Solanaceae family, which includes important crops (potato, tomato, eggplant, pepper) and many medicinal plants [1]. This diploid plant is native to South America and is one of the first Nicotiana species with Agrobacterium cellular T-DNA (cT-DNA) [2]. Its cT-DNA is a partial, inverted repeat, called gT [3]. Tree tobacco belongs to the section Noctiflorae. Sequencing of the genomes of N. tomentosiformis and N. otophora (section Tomentosae) and N. tabacum (section Nicotiana) allowed the detection of previously unknown multiple cT-DNAs [4], raising the question whether there are other T-DNA insertions in the N. glauca. NGS data can help answer this question. Besides, N. glauca contains a profile of alkaloids different from N. tabacum [5]. The plant is used for medicinal purposes. Comparative analysis of genomic data of phylogenetically distant tobacco species will provide valuable information on the genetic basis for various traits, especially secondary metabolism. Our data complement the list of species for the comparative genomics of Nicotiana, which opens up new opportunities for pharmacological and phylogenetic studies.

Data description

One plant isolate was sequenced on Illumina HiSeq machine, yielding in total 210 Gb of raw sequence data. De novo assembly resulted in 385116 scaffolds, with N50 and L50 of 31.1 kbp and 27293 respectively. Genome size suggested by K-mer analysis is 2 Gb, while the final size of the assembled genome equaled 3.2 Gb. Comparative analyses of N. glauca scaffolds against genome assembly of N. tabacum TN90 cultivar strain resulted in 3.2 Gbp of aligned sequences median identity of 88%. T-DNA analysis revealed sequences homologous to agrobacterial genes orf13a, orf13, orf14, rolC, rolB and mis. The fragment of T-DNA obtained in the assembly is organized in an imperfect inverted repeat. The similarity of the nucleotide sequences, that we found, and sequence of gT, previously described by Suzuki [3] was 99%, while its similarity to Agrobacterium T-DNA is 77–89%. Sequences of PCR fragments, amplified from T-DNA/plantDNA junction areas, coincide with known ones (Acs. AB071335, AB071334).


Sample collection

Leaf tissue of aseptic plants N. glauca was used for DNA extraction, with a modified version of Doyle and Doyle protocol [6], yielding 30 ng/μl of high molecular weight DNA.

Library construction

Purified genomic DNA from N. glauca was used to construct both pair-end and mate pair libraries in order to generate a high coverage de novo assembly. A pair-end library with an insert size of 350 bp was constructed using the TruSeq® Nano DNA Library Prep Reference Guide. To improve resolution of repeats during the assembly stage and scaffolding process, one mate pair library with an insert size of 4 kbp was constructed, according to the Nextera® Mate Pair Library Prep Reference Guide.

Read sequencing, quality analysis and filtering

Pair-end and mate pair libraries were sequenced on four and two lanes using Illumina HiSeq. Quality of raw reads was analyzed with the FastQC [7] program, followed by filtering and trimming raw PE reads with Trimgalore [8]. Mate pair raw reads were processed and splitted with Nextclip [9] and additionally filtered with Trimgalore [8].

Genome assembly

The genome was assembled with the MaSuRCA-3.2.2 genome assembler [10], [config in data file 1].

Whole genome alignment of Nicotiana glauca and Nicotiana tabacum

To identify the location of the N. glauca cT-DNA insertion relative to the N. tabacum genome, we mapped all N. glauca scaffolds to N. tabacum scaffolds downloaded from the Sol Genomics Network [11]. To increase accuracy of alignment we masked all known plant repeat classes and their homologs in the N. glauca genome. For repeat identification, we used the RepeatMasker software [12] and the latest Repbase Update library from 09.27.2017. For whole genome alignment, we used the Last software [13].

T-DNA analysis

The Last software [13] was used to carry out the alignment of the database, containing all known T-DNA-like sequences, that were detected as part of cT-DNA [data file 2], to the N. glauca genome. To reaffirm T-DNA/plantDNA junction areas Long PCR was carried out using “LONG PCR enzyme Mix” (Thermo scientific) according to the instructions for the kit (Table 1).

Table 1 Overview of data files


85% of the mate pair library proved to be PCR duplicates, which we filtered before assembling. Low coverage of MP reads resulted in low N50 and big number of contigs and scaffolds. A better quality or/and a bigger number of MP libraries should be used in future to improve the assembly.