
In the original publication [1] the figure captions of Figs. 2 and 3 were reversed. The correct version can be found in this Erratum.

Incorrect version Fig. 2:

figure a

Fig. 2 Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flow diagram for Adolescent Coordinated Transition (ACT) trial site selection

Correct version Fig. 2:

figure b

Fig. 2 Adolescent Coordinated Transition (ACT) transitioning model showing the 12-month pre-transfer period (adapted from Maturo et al. [19])

Incorrect version Fig. 3:

figure c

Fig. 3 Adolescent Coordinated Transition (ACT) transitioning model showing the 12-month pre-transfer period (adapted from Maturo et al. [19])

Correct version of Fig. 3:

figure d

Fig. 3 Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flow diagram for Adolescent Coordinated Transition (ACT) trial site selection