
The original version [1] of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The additive effects of the eQTLs of lncRNAs were flipped, meaning that the base allele in the contrast to derive the additive effects should have been B73, rather than Mo17, due to the original coding of biallele SNPs as “0s” and “1s”. Going through the entire analysis procedure, it was determined that the mistake was made while tabulating the eQTL results from QTL Cartographer. The eQTL locations, the proportion of cis- and trans- eQTLs and the eQTL effects for lncRNAs as reported in the original manuscript are all correct. The effect directions of the eQTLs for lncRNAs was not reported. Hence, the correction to reverse the effect directions of the eQTLs is reflected below and in the attached updated Additional file 6 (Table S2) and Additional file 7 (Table S3). The original article was corrected.

In table S2 footnote j and Table S3 footnote j, “the allele from Mo17 increases the phenotypic value” has been corrected to “the allele from B73 increases the phenotypic value”.

The flipped additive effect mistake does not affect other portions of the paper.