
Upon publication of the original article [1], it was noticed that Fig. 5 contained an error. The Fig. 5e (middle) for CD34 area fraction (%) data was erroneously included during the drafting of the manuscript. This has now been acknowledged and corrected in this erratum. The correct Fig. 5 is shown below.

Fig. 5
figure 1

RERG inhibited the tumorigenesis and angiogenesis of NPC in vivo. Eight male BALB/c athymic nu/nu mice injected with 2 × 106 cells. a Growth curve of tumors in nude mice. Tumor volume was measured every 3 days after inoculation. b Image of nude mouse tumors derived from HK1 cells stably transfected with RERG or empty vector. Arrows indicate positions and locations of tumors. c The average weights of tumors in nude mice. d Representative photographs of H&E staining, IHC analyses of the expression of RERG and immunofluorescence analyses of the expression of CD34 (red), α-SMA (green) in tumors from nude mice. Nuclei were counterstained by DAPI (blue) in the merged pictures of immunofluorescence analyses. Original magnification is × 200. Bar represents 50 μm. e Left, IHC scores of RERG in tumors from nude mice. Middle and right, for immunofluorescence analyses, graphs represent average area fraction (%) ± SD of microvessels/field by CD34 and α-SMA area fraction (%) in tumors from nude mice analyzed by Image J. Data are shown as means ± SD. **: P < 0.01, ***: P < 0.001 by Mann-Whitney U test or Student’s t-test