Correction to: Implement Sci

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported an error in the wording of the study hypothesis. The error occurs in the Aims and Objectives sub-section of the Methods section and is highlighted in bold below.

The original article reads:

The hypothesis is that survival rates will be lower in TB, HIV, and TB-HIV co-infected patients accessing health care at clinics implementing the study intervention to deliver integrated TB-HIV care, compared to survival in patients accessing health care at clinics that provide only the standard of care for people with TB and or HIV.

The sentence should read:

The hypothesis is that survival rates will be higher in TB, HIV, and TB-HIV co-infected patients accessing health care at clinics implementing the study intervention to deliver integrated TB-HIV care, compared to survival in patients accessing health care at clinics that provide only the standard of care for people with TB and or HIV.