Correction to: BMC Biol 18, 90 (2020)

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified an error in Fig. 4. The error was made in the x-axis labels of the three panels, which were noted as “pairwise dN/dS”. The figure represents distributions of dS, so the labels were corrected as “pairwise dS”. The correct Fig. 4 is given below.

Fig. 4
figure 1

Distribution of synonymous distances among paralogs for grape vine phylloxera (panel a, D. vitifoliae), pea aphid (panel b, A. pisum), and fruit fly (panel c, D. melanogaster). Paralogs were identified as RBH pairs, with an iterative approach allowing to cover both recent duplications (terminal nodes in gene families) and more ancient duplications (internal nodes). For readability, the y-axis (number of dS classes) is truncated to 1500 (numbers above that threshold are indicated on the figures). For both A. pisum and D. vitifoliae, an arrowhead indicates the median dS between orthologs (RBH genes between the two species), dS = 2.83: this metric, a proxy of the age of separation between the two species allows to distinguish duplications that are more recent (left of the arrow, lower dS values) *or more ancient (right of the arrowhead, higher dS) than the speciation event