Correction to: BMC Public Health

It was highlighted that the original article [1] contained an error in the title. Additionally, Table 2 contained a typesetting mistake. This Correction article shows the incorrect and correct article title and Table 2. The original article has been updated.

The Publisher apologizes to the authors and readers for the inconvenience caused by the typesetting mistake.

Incorrect title:

Formative research for the design of a scalable mobile health program water, sanitation, and hygiene: CHoBI7 mobile health program.

Correct title:

Formative research for the design of a scalable water, sanitation, and hygiene mobile health program: CHoBI7 mobile health program.

Incorrect Table 2 (affected section underlined):

Correct Table 2 (affected section underlined):

Table 2 The IBM-WASH Framework Applied to the Development of the CHoBI7 Mobile Health Intervention Based on Qualitative Findings
Table 2 The IBM-WASH Framework Applied to the Development of the CHoBI7 Mobile Health Intervention Based on Qualitative Findings