Correction: J Neurodevelop Disord 14, 47 (2022)

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified error in the author names. The given names and family names were erroneously transposed.

The incorrect author name is:

Wantzen Prany, Clochon Patrice, Doidy Franck, Wallois Fabrice, Mahmoudzadeh Mahdi, Desaunay Pierre, Mille Christian, Guilé Jean-Marc, Guénolé Fabian, Eustache Francis, Baleyte Jean-Marc and Guillery-Girard Bérengère*

The correct author name is: Prany Wantzen, Patrice Clochon, Franck Doidy, Fabrice Wallois, Mahdi Mahmoudzadeh, Pierre Desaunay, Christian Mille, Jean-Marc Guilé, Fabian Guénolé, Francis Eustache, Jean-Marc Baleyte and Bérengère Guillery-Girard*

The author group has been updated above and the original article [1] has been corrected.