
Demands on high-performance permanent magnets have become an imperative subject of the save-energy technology for sustainable environments1,2. To improve the performance of magnets, there is often a great desire to understand the temperature dependence of coercivity. Experimental and theoretical researches have been extensively carried out to investigate the microscopic understanding of the coercivity mechanism from atomic-scale magnetic structure3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Recently, a scanning hard X-ray microprobe was employed to visualize the nucleation and domain wall motion of magnetization reversal processes from the grain boundary interfaces in the highest performance magnet Nd2Fe14B8. Until now, a study on the microscopic approach to temperature effects on coercivity, especially a slow nucleation process, has not been reported. The nucleation leads to the observation time dependence of the coercivity. This is phenomenologically known as coercivity reduction by thermal activation effect11,12,13,14,15.

Large reduction of coercivity from the theoretically expected value is an essential current problem which has been called "Discrepancy to theory" by Kronmüller et al.16. In this regard, extensive works have been done to elucidate the reason for the discrepancy17,18,19,20,21, but not yet clear from the atomistic viewpoint. The present paper studies the reduction due to thermal fluctuations. The magnetization reversal is a transition from a metastable state to a stable state by overcoming energy barriers under a reverse magnetic field. In this overcoming process, a reverse nucleus is formed. Under thermal fluctuations, the nucleation occurs stochastically, that is, thermal-activated relaxation. Thus the coercivity, i.e., the threshold field, depends on the observation time. In the permanent magnet applications, the metastable state is required to be stable for the duration of the order of a second. To handle such a slow relaxation process, a method that uses the energy landscape has been developed, also known as the minimum energy path (MEP)22. For the magnetization reversal, MEP has been studied in the continuum approximation models with parameters with respect to a given temperature15,18,19,23. However, the aforementioned method has not considered thermal fluctuations. In the present work, we propose an approach to evaluate the temperature dependence of the coercivity from a microscopic viewpoint by using an atomistic model. In contrast to the MEP, the present technique directly handles thermal fluctuations and also the atomistic information in the magnetization reversal process. In particular, we focus on the Neodymium (Nd) magnet Nd2Fe14B24.

The coercivity is a non-equilibrium concept concerning the collapse of a metastable state, but not expressed by an equilibrium expectation value. Thus, we need a dynamical model. The relaxation time is estimated from the free-energy barrier FB by using the form (like Arrhenius law):

$$\tau ={\tau }_{0}{{\rm{e}}}^{\beta {F}_{{\rm{B}}}},$$

where τ0 is the reciprocal of the attempt frequency, which is typically set to 10−11 s12. Then, for the observation time of 1 s, setting τ = 1 s, the barrier height is given by FB = 25.3 kBT. The free energy is given by the Nd2Fe14B atomistic spin Hamiltonian, which was recently developed and successfully reproduced static properties of the Nd2Fe14B magnet (shown in “Methods”)25.

To calculate the free energy as a function of the z-component of the magnetization F(Mz) for a huge system (up to 24.6 nm × 24.6 nm × 25.6 nm, 1,130,626 spins), the size required to handle a nucleation process, we have developed an approach for the coercivity calculation based on the replica-exchange Wang–Landau (REWL) method26,27. Remarkably, we can perform an efficient parallelization scheme for the original Wang–Landau Monte Carlo (WLMC) method28 (see “Methods”).

Results and discussion

Temperature dependence of the coercivity

The obtained F(Mz) for zero magnetic field (Hz = 0) at \(T=0.46\ {T}_{{\rm{C}}}^{{\rm{cal}}}\) is depicted in Fig. 1a by the red curve (\({T}_{{\rm{C}}}^{{\rm{cal}}}\) is the Curie temperature of the model). Notably, this is the quantitatively correct (not schematic) form of F(Mz) for an atomistic spin model representing the Nd2Fe14B magnet. Shapes of the free energy with the reverse magnetic fields Hz are exactly given by F(Mz) + μ0HzMz. This is clearly illustrated in Fig. 1a. Close to the spinodal point, the point at which the metastability disappears, magnetization reversal occurs when the free energy barrier FB (see Fig. 1a) becomes compatible with the temperature. The Hz dependence of FB is given in Fig. 1b, where we define H0 as the field at which FB = 0. Similarly, Hc is defined as the field at which FB = 25.3 kBT. We call the former "spinodal field" and the latter "coercivity with thermal activation". As mentioned above, Hc corresponds to the coercive field for the observation time τ = 1.0 s. In order to see how the magnetization reversal initiates, in Fig. 1c, we depict the spatial distributions of the magnetization reversal probability at the points shown by arrows in Fig. 1a, which were obtained by the REWL method. As expected, we found out that the reversal begins at the corner. There are two reasons for this reversal: One is the decrease of a local magnetic anisotropy due to surface thermal fluctuations. Secondly, the reduction of an exchange energy by decouplings at the corner facilitates the nucleation. Here, all the corners are equivalent, and symmetric configurations are found. However, in an individual process, one of the corners is selected. Figure 1d illustrates a plot of MC snapshots at the corresponding fields.

Fig. 1: Free energy landscape simulation.
figure 1

a Free energies as a function of Mz for the Nd2Fe14B isolated grains at \(0.46\,{T}_{{\rm{C}}}^{{\rm{cal}}}\), whose size is (Lx, Ly, Lz) = (14.1, 14.1, 14.6) nm (212,536 spins). Red line is for Hz = 0 and other lines are for applying Hz. b Free-energy barriers as a function of μ0Hz for four system sizes: Lx = 10.6, 14.1, 21.1, and 24.6 nm (Ly = Lx, Lz = 1.038Lx), evaluated from F(Mz, Hz) similar to Fig. 1a. c The distributions of reversed probability Pd at Fe spins sliced by (110) plane, which correspond to the points (i–iii) in Fig. 1a. d Four MC snapshots of reversed Fe spins for the three points.

The temperature dependencies of several formulae for the coercivities are depicted in Fig. 2, and are compared with the ideal coercivity Hk. Here, we determined Hk as H0 of the same system size with the periodic boundary condition. In the calculated temperature range, we confirmed that Hk takes almost same value as the magnetic anisotropy field \({H}_{a}=2{K}_{1}/{{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}\), where K1 is the magnetic anisotropy constant20,25 and \({{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}\) is the saturated magnetization at the given temperature. The coercivity Hr of permanent magnets is reduced from its limit value Hk by various external influences. These reductions have been expressed in the following forms13,16:

$$\begin{array}{rcl}{H}_{r}&=&\alpha {H}_{\mathrm{k}}-{H}_{\mathrm{t}}-{{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}{N}_{\mathrm{d}}\\ &=&{\alpha }^{\prime}{H}_{\mathrm{k}}-{{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}{N}_{\mathrm{d}},\end{array}$$

where Ht = H0Hc and α = H0/Hk. Here, Ht and α represent the thermal activation field and phenomenological factor, respectively. The factor α often means the reduction due to the microstructure such as defects, and the surfaces. On the other hand, \({\alpha }{\prime}={H}_{\mathrm{c}}/{H}_{\mathrm{k}}\) is an expression with an alternate definition for Hk including Ht. The second line of Eq. 2 is known as “Kronmüller equation”. The terms of the demagnetization field \(-{{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}{N}_{\mathrm{d}}\) express the reduction due to the dipole–dipole (DD) interaction. Our approach can handle the temperature dependence of α and Ht explicitly. Unlike the continuum approximation, temperature is naturally introduced in our model by the Boltzmann weights in the MC simulation. This is because we used the atomistic model. The continuum approximation works with temperature-dependent input parameters in which thermal fluctuations are not included in the motion. We have also plotted the results of coercivity Hr with respect to the demagnetization factors Nd = 0.5 and 1.0 with temperature-dependent magnetization \({{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}\). Since the demagnetization field \(-{N}_{\mathrm{d}}{{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}\) approximately introduces the effects of the DD interaction as the uniform field, so it cannot consider the size and shape dependences of Nd30. However, the simulation results qualitatively validate those of the experiments because an increase in temperature leads to a downward convexity in coercivity even without \(-{N}_{\mathrm{d}}{{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}\). The effects of the DD interaction will be discussed later. In the figure, we compare the result with experimental observations. The green squares are data for a sintered sample and the purple ones for a diffused hot-deformed sample. In the former, the effect of polycrystalline causes a further reduction31, while in the latter grains are separated and compatible with the present calculation. In the former case, other effects would subject to the multi-grain approach in the future. Thus, the present result gives the upper limit of the coercivity at finite temperatures.

Fig. 2: Temperature dependence of coercivity.
figure 2

The blue line μ0H0 and the red line μ0Hc were calculated from Fig. 1b for 21.1 nm × 21.1 nm × 21.9 nm (713,172 spins) isolated grain at each temperature. The colored area depicts the coercivity μ0Hc under the demagnetization fields in the range of demagnetization factor Nd = 0.5–1.0. The green and purple squared lines denote the experimental measurements in sintered29 and the hot-deformed with grain boundary diffusion of Nd-Cu alloy14 magnets, respectively. Inset shows α = H0/Hk and \({\alpha }^{\prime}={H}_{\mathrm{c}}/{H}_{\mathrm{k}}\).

For some sintered polycrystalline magnets (corresponding to the green line in Fig. 2), Kronmüller and Durst phenomenologically estimated the decay factor as \({\alpha }_{\exp }^{\prime}=0.89-0.93\) from measured magnetic properties around room temperature16. In the inset of Fig. 2, we show the temperature dependence of α and \({\alpha }^{\prime}\). The difference of α from 1 reflects the decrease of the surface magnetic anisotropy by thermal fluctuations, and \({\alpha }^{\prime}\) also includes the thermal activation effects. The decay factors at room temperature (here, T = 0.51 TC) are determined as α = 0.93 and \({\alpha }^{\prime}=0.73\). In the case of the experiment, exchange interactions at the grain boundary interfaces suppress the interface thermal fluctuations. The suppression is one of the origins of the difference between \({\alpha }_{\exp }^{\prime}\) and \({\alpha }^{\prime}\).

Nucleation mechanism

Next, we consider the mechanism of the thermal activation (nucleation) process for which the concept of “activation volume” has been introduced11,12,13,14,15. The symbol ΔMz represents the difference of the magnetization between those at the local minimum Mz = Mb of the free energy and those at the local maximum Mz = Mt (see Fig. 1a). It is confirmed that ΔMz gives the activation volume V:

$$V=\Delta {M}_{\mathrm{z}}/{{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}.$$

Note that the unit of \({{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}\) is (μB/volume). Activation volume has been defined by

$$V=-\frac{1}{{\mu }_{0}{{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}}\frac{\partial {F}_{{\rm{B}}}}{\partial {H}_{\mathrm{z}}}.$$

By differentiating FB:

$$\begin{array}{rcl}{F}_{{\rm{B}}}({H}_{\mathrm{z}})&=&F({M}_{\mathrm{t}},{H}_{\mathrm{z}})-F({M}_{\mathrm{b}},{H}_{\mathrm{z}})\\ &=&F({M}_{\mathrm{t}},0)-F({M}_{\mathrm{b}},0)+{\mu }_{0}{H}_{\mathrm{z}}({M}_{\mathrm{t}}-{M}_{\mathrm{b}}),\end{array}$$

it is obvious that definition Eqs. 3 and 4 are equivalent. Here, we note that F(Mt(b), 0) depends on Hz since Mt(b) is a function of Hz. In Fig. 3a, the activation volumes obtained by the both definitions Eqs. 3 and 4 were plotted. This confirms the equivalence.

Fig. 3: Magnetic field dependence of activation volume.
figure 3

a The activation volume V as a function of μ0Hz for two system sizes at \(0.46\,{T}_{{\rm{C}}}^{{\rm{cal}}}\). Circle points are evaluated from Eq. 3 while solid lines are evaluated from Eq. 4. Squared lines are the exponent n of free energy barrier in formula 6. b Field dependence of the shape of free energy as a function of δMz for Lx = 24.6 nm. Blue points are the top of the free energy barrier, which corresponds to Mt, and black arrows denote the cusp in the free energy. Green line shows the value on the right axis.

From Eq. 4, the field dependence of FB is related to the nucleation process. Thus, we focus on the exponent n which is widely used for the dependence in the phenomenological form:

$${F}_{{\rm{B}}}\propto {(1-{H}_{\mathrm{z}}/{H}_{0})}^{n}.$$

The exponent n is 2 for coherent magnetization reversal. However, according to the authors12,14, the experimental value for n was given to be approximately 1.0. We evaluated the value of n in the atomistic magnetization reversal process around the coercivity. It should be noted that the value of n varies depending on the range of μ0Hz (shown in Fig. 3a), where we fit the data. However, for a wide range of μ0Hz, it was observed that the value of n was approximately 1.3. We, therefore, propose that the small value of n is ascribed to the peculiar shape of the free energy. Here we define δF(δMz) for the free energy near the local minimum, i.e., δF(δMz) = F(MbδMz) − F(Mb), where δFMz) = FB. The shapes of δF(δMz) for the fields μ0Hz = 0, 2.8, and 3.61 T are depicted in Fig. 3b, where a cusp is pointed by the arrow in each figure.

The cusp represents the point at which the type of the magnetization reversal changes32: for small value of δMz (see in Fig. 3b), the reversal process is the nucleation type, where we expect

$$\delta F(\delta {M}_{\mathrm{z}})\propto \delta {M}_{\mathrm{z}},$$

while for large value of δMz, δF(δMz) is mainly given by the change due to a domain wall (DW) motion, where we expect

$$\delta F(\delta {M}_{\mathrm{z}})\propto \delta {M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{2/3}+{\rm{const.}}$$

This magnetization reversal mechanism is schematically pictured in Fig. 4. This difference can be understood in the following picture. In the case of the Heisenberg type with uniaxial anisotropy (corresponding to the Nd2Fe14B spin model), the critical nucleation size (\(\Delta {M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{1/3}\equiv {R}_{\mathrm{c}}\)) is about the domain wall width δdw. And thus, before the cusp point (R < Rc, where R is the width of the magnetization reversing region, see Fig. 4b) the nucleation region is growing where we have Eq. 7. Around the cusp point, a fully reversed region appears. And after this point, the excess free energy δF comes from the domain wall, i.e., the surface of the fully reversed region. In this case we have Eq. 8. For comparison, we show the case of Ising model where δdw is much smaller than Rc at low temperatures, and we have the dependence Eq. 8 for almost all R except very small R. This comparison is schematically pictured in Fig. 4d.

Fig. 4: Nucleation picture in permanent magnets.
figure 4

Schematic pictures of a, c energy landscape and b, d spin configuration in the magnetization reversal processes at low-temperature limit. a, b Heisenberg type spin model with uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. c, d Ising type. The energy landscapes under several magnetic fields are drawn (the lowest line is for Hz = 0). Dotted lines are the reverse magnetic field terms μ0HzMz and blue points are the top of the energy barriers.

To clearly see the change of exponent, in Fig. 3b, we show the differentiate \(\mathrm{log}\,(\delta F)\) by \(\mathrm{log}\,(\delta {M}_{\mathrm{z}})\) with the green curve which gives roughly the power k when we assume the dependence: \(\delta F=C\delta {M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{k}+D\) (C and D are constant). We find that k is close to 2/3 for large δMz and jump at the cusp. Around δMz = 0, thermal fluctuations enhance the behavior of k = 2, i.e.,

$$\delta F(\delta {M}_{\mathrm{z}})\propto \delta {M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{2},$$

which makes it difficult to identify the behavior δFδMz (i.e., k = 1) for the nucleation process. This fact causes that we have an intermediate value (n ≃ 1.3) numerically. However, k clearly changes from 2 to 1 with δMz, which supports the present scenario.

In any case, δF has regions of upward convex and downward convex between which the cusp exists. This structure causes ΔMz to be less dependent on Hz for a range of Hz33, which can be seen from comparing the blue points in Fig. 4a, c. In this range, V is a constant and it results in the value of n = 1 by Eq. 4. Note that, the reason for the cusp explains the drastic change in the magnetization distribution between (i) and (iii) in Fig. 1c, d.

If we assume n = 1 for any Hz, then the result is the widely used phenomenological equation for the thermal activation effects13:

$${H}_{\mathrm{t}}^{\prime}=\frac{25.3{k}_{{\rm{B}}}T}{{\mu }_{0}{{\mathcal{M}}}_{\mathrm{s}}{V}_{\mathrm{c}}},$$

where Vc is the value of V at Hz = Hc. In Fig. 5, we compare the temperature dependence of Ht and \({H}_{\mathrm{t}}^{\prime}\). We found a qualitatively similar dependence. The difference between \({H}_{\mathrm{t}}^{\prime}\) and Ht becomes significant in the high-temperature range, which is attributed to the fact that the activation volume and n are not exactly constant. Thus, the difference due to the changes in the magnetization reversal type and surface effects, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4.

Fig. 5: Thermal activation reduction.
figure 5

The shifts of the coercivity due to the thermal activation effects, evaluated from the two ways: Ht = H0Hc and Eq. 10.

It is necessary to mention the exact effects of the DD interaction, which is approximately introduced as the demagnetization field in the present study. The DD interaction brings the non-uniformity of local demagnetization fields near corners and edges in grains, unlike the demagnetization field. The non-uniformity should change the nucleation process from the calculation results. However, the strength of the local field increases logarithmically with system size30,34,35, and the nucleation behavior is protected by the cusp structure. Thus, the nucleation mechanism we proposed is expected not to qualitatively change up to a certain large grain size (Lx ≃ 1 − 10 μm). Above this size, since magnetic domain structures are formed36, the DD interaction should be incorporated into the spin Hamiltonian.

In summary, our atomistic approach by the free energy landscape simulations revealed essential characteristics of the thermal activation effects for permanent magnets, i.e., the downward convexity in the coercivity concerning the temperature, the microscopic definition of the activation (nucleation) volume, and also the exponent n = 1 for the well-used energy barrier formula (6). The present study should be the first step to study the characterization of coercivity at finite temperatures from microscopic information, and the method will be extended to the cases complex of grains with the DD interaction in the future.


Atomistic spin model

The atomistic classical spin Hamiltonian of Nd2Fe14B magnet was recently proposed for the study of thermodynamic properties at finite temperatures by using Monte Carlo (MC) method20,25,35,37 and stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation38. It is given by

$${\mathcal{H}}=-2\mathop{\sum }\limits_{\mathrm{i}\,{<}\,\mathrm{j}}{J}_{\mathrm{ij}}{{\boldsymbol{s}}}_{\mathrm{i}}\cdot {{\boldsymbol{s}}}_{\mathrm{j}}-\mathop{\sum }\limits_{\mathrm{i}\in {\rm{Fe}}}{D}_{\mathrm{i}}{({s}_{\mathrm{i}}^{z})}^{2}-\mathop{\sum }\limits_{\mathrm{i}\in {\rm{Nd}}}\mathop{\sum }\limits_{\mathrm{l} = 2,4,6}{D}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{l}}{({s}_{\mathrm{i}}^{z})}^{\mathrm{l}},$$

where Jij is the exchange coupling constants between the i-th and j-th spins up to a cut-off range (in the present work 3.52 Å), and si is the normalized spin moment at the i-th site. The second and third terms are the magnetic anisotropy of Fe and Nd sites, respectively. The coefficients Jij, Di, \({D}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{l}}\) and magnetic moments are determined from ab-initio calculations and experimental data25. Note that Curie temperature of the model with given parameters is \({T}_{{\rm{C}}}^{{\rm{cal}}}=870\ {\rm{K}}\), which is higher than the experimental observation (\({T}_{{\rm{C}}}^{\exp }\simeq 585\ {\rm{K}}\)). This difference must be adjusted by fine-tuning of the parameters, but the qualitative properties are well reproduced20,25.

Wang–Landau method for magnetization

The partition function of a spin system is generally described as follows:

$$Z=\mathop{\sum }\limits_{{\boldsymbol{R}}}{{\rm{e}}}^{-\beta H({\boldsymbol{R}})}=\mathop{\sum }\limits_{E}\mathop{\sum }\limits_{{M}_{\mathrm{z}}}g(E,{M}_{\mathrm{z}}){{\rm{e}}}^{-\beta E},$$

where β = 1/kBT is the inverse temperature, E is the internal energy of a spin configuration R, Mz is the z-component of a total magnetization and g(E, Mz) is the joint density of states. By using g(E, Mz), the magnetization dependence of the free energy F(β, Mz) and a partial partition function \({Z}_{{M}_{\mathrm{z}}}\) can be defined by following formula:

$$F(\beta ,{M}_{\mathrm{z}})=-{\beta }^{-1}{\mathrm{ln}}\,{Z}_{{M}_{\mathrm{z}}},$$
$${Z}_{{M}_{\mathrm{z}}}=\mathop{\sum }\limits_{E}g(E,{M}_{\mathrm{z}}){{\rm{e}}}^{-\beta E}.$$

The Wang–Landau Monte Carlo (WLMC) method28 allows us to calculate g(E, Mz) in the basis of a relation: h(E, Mz) = g(E, Mz)w(E, Mz), where h(E, Mz) is the histogram of the spin states obtained by MC sampling with a weight w(E, Mz). If a flat histogram (h is constant) can be obtained by arbitrarily adjusting w(E, Mz) in a MC simulation, g(E, Mz) is proportional to the reciprocal of the adjusted w(E, Mz).

As mentioned above, adjusting the weight for two-dimensional or multi-dimensional space requires massive calculation cost. To reduce the cost, for the MC sampling in the energy space, we use Boltzmann weight, i.e., \(w(E,{M}_{\mathrm{z}})=w({M}_{\mathrm{z}})\exp (-\beta E)\)39,40. Then, the histogram of Mz space can be written as follows (using Eq. 14):

$$\begin{array}{rcl}h({M}_{\mathrm{z}})=\mathop{\sum }\limits_{E}h(E,{M}_{\mathrm{z}})\\ =w({M}_{\mathrm{z}}){Z}_{{M}_{\mathrm{z}}}.\end{array}$$

Therefore, by obtaining a flat histogram in one dimensional space of Mz to adjust w(Mz), the free energy can be calculated from Eq. 13:

$$\begin{array}{rcl}F(\beta ,{M}_{\mathrm{z}})=-{\beta }^{-1}{\mathrm{ln}}\,\frac{C}{{w}_{\mathrm{f}}({M}_{\mathrm{z}})}\\ =C+{\beta }^{-1}{\mathrm{ln}}\,{w}_{\mathrm{f}}({M}_{\mathrm{z}}),\end{array}$$

where C is constant, wf is the adjusted w when obtaining the flat histogram. Since the continuous spin system cannot determine C by calculation at each temperature, so in this study, we proceed with the calculation of the coercivity using the relative values of F. Although the above scheme requires the simulation for each temperature due to the use of Boltzmann weight, it significantly reduces the calculation cost for free energy as a function of Mz.

1/t algorithm

To obtain a flat histogram, the WLMC method adjusts the weight as \(w({M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\prime})\to {{\rm{e}}}^{-\eta }w({M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\prime})\) every update attempt (even if no update) of the spin state with a random walk, where η(>0) is a modification factor, \({M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\prime}\) is the total magnetization of the state after the attempt. From the formulations of the previous section, update attempts of the spin state were performed according to the following transition probability:

$$P(E,{M}_{\mathrm{z}}\to {E}^{^{\prime\prime} },{M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{^{\prime\prime} }) =\min \left(1,\frac{w({E}^{^{\prime\prime} },{M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{^{\prime\prime} })}{w(E,{M}_{\mathrm{z}})}\right)$$
$$=\min \left(1,{{\rm{e}}}^{-\beta \left[{E}^{^{\prime\prime} }-E-G({M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{^{\prime\prime} })+G({M}_{\mathrm{z}})\right]}\right),$$
$$G({M}_{\mathrm{z}})={\beta }^{-1}{\mathrm{ln}}\,w({M}_{\mathrm{z}}),$$

where E″ and \({M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{^{\prime\prime} }\) are the values of a trial state. Therefore, in the actual simulation, G is adjusted instead of w as \(G({M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\prime})\to G({M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\prime})-\tilde{\eta }\), where \(\tilde{\eta }={\beta }^{-1}\eta\) (>0). This redefined modification factor \(\tilde{\eta }\) has the unit of energy, which is convenient to adjust G with consistent values regardless of temperature.

Adjustment of G at every update attempt accelerates the convergence; however, it breaks a detailed balance condition. Thus, it is necessary to reduce \(\tilde{\eta }\) so as not to affect the results of the MC simulation. To perform the reduction, the present study adopt the so-called 1/t algorithm41 which resolves systematic error due to histogram flatness condition in the original WLMC method. The algorithm reduces the \(\tilde{\eta }\) as αNbin/t, where α is proportionality coefficient (here, we set α = 1.0 eV), t is the number of update attempts of the spin state and Nbin is the number of Mz levels in the simulation range of interest, \({M}_{\mathrm{z}}\in [{M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\min },{M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\max }]\). Note that, since the WLMC method requires to treat Mz discretely for the MC sampling with Eq. 17, in this study, we adopt the grid where h(Mz) and G(Mz) are discretized with the bins of mw = 0.3 − 0.5μB width, and \({N}_{{\rm{bin}}}=({M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\max }-{M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\min })/{m}_{w}\). As a practical matter, during small t, the changes in \(\tilde{\eta }\) is so large that the simulation does not convergence. Thus, the initial value of \(\tilde{\eta }\) is set to be 1.0 eV, and it is reduced until \(\tilde{\eta }\le {N}_{{\rm{bin}}}/t\) (eV) as \(\tilde{\eta }\to \tilde{\eta }/2\) at every random walker visit to the all the magnetization bins.

Algorithm 1.

The REWL method for Mz with 1/t algorithm.


Replica exchange parallelization approach

For further large-scale simulation, we use the replica-exchange Wang–Landau (REWL) method26,27, which is an efficient parallelization approach. The simple idea for parallelization in the WLMC method can be realized to divide the magnetization range by a small range and to allocate the piece into each processor. Each processor simulates the WLMC method individually. However, the small range may break ergodicity and inhibit the relaxation of the spin state. The REWL method is to recover the ergodicity by exchanging the spin configurations among these processors.

For the replica-exchange (RE), it is necessary to overlap the areas allocated to each processor, like Fig. 6. Previous research27 proposed that the efficiently overlap ratio is 62.5–75% (we set 70%). In this study, every Ns spin update attempt, we try to exchange the spin configuration between neighbor processors according to the following exchange probability:

$${P}_{R}(X\in n\leftrightarrow Y\in m) =\min \left(1,\frac{{w}_{\mathrm{n}}(Y){w}_{\mathrm{m}}(X)}{{w}_{\mathrm{n}}(X){w}_{\mathrm{m}}(Y)}\right)$$
$$=\min \left(1,{{\rm{e}}}^{-\beta \left[{G}_{\mathrm{n}}(X)+{G}_{\mathrm{m}}(Y)-{G}_{\mathrm{n}}(Y)-{G}_{\mathrm{m}}(X)\right]}\right),$$

where n(, m) is the index of the adjacent processors, X(, Y) is the spin configuration from which E and Mz can be calculated, and wn(, Gn) is the values of w(, G) on the processor n. The exchange probability only depends on Mz and not on E. If the spin configurations are not in the overlapping range, PR = 0.

Fig. 6: Diagram of parallelization for the REWL method.
figure 6

The calculating range of the magnetization Mz is partitioned by many processors, here P1−4. The double-headed arrows mean the replica-exchange and the shaded ranges denote the area to be omitted when connecting G among the processors (see text).

As mentioned in Eq. 16, F (and G) can only be calculated as relative values. Thus, the values of F for the processors require to be corrected and connected so that the average value of the overlapping range is equal. After this connection, the average of F for all the processors is calculated as a result. Note that, just to improve connectivity among the processors, we omit the edge ranges (5%, shown in Fig. 6) of each processor in the above correction and averaging (not so important).

To show the effectiveness of the RE, in Fig. 7a, b, we plot the flatness \(\delta h=\left[\max (h)-\min (h)\right]/{\rm{mean}}(h)\) as a function of \(t/{N}_{{\rm{bin}}}(=1/\tilde{\eta })\) in the simulations with and without RE. The accuracy of the REWL method is determined by the smallness of δH and \(\tilde{\eta }\). Thus, the figure clearly indicates that RE is necessary to obtain a converged result, especially at large system size. The results in this study are set to satisfy the following convergence conditions: δH < 10−2 and \(\tilde{\eta }\;<\;1{0}^{-8}\ ({\rm{eV}})\). Figure 7c and d show the parallelization efficiency for the two system sizes in strong scaling with under the two convergence conditions. This result indicates that the parallelization is achieved with the ideal efficiency.

Fig. 7: Parallelization efficiency of replica exchange.
figure 7

The flatness δH as a function of \(t/{N}_{{\rm{bin}}}(=1/\tilde{\eta }\,(1/{\rm{eV}}))\) at \(0.46\ {T}_{{\rm{C}}}^{{\rm{cal}}}\) of the Nd2Fe14B spin model with the isolated grain for two sizes a Lx = 10.6 nm and b Lx = 14.1 nm. Black (Blue) lines are the results without (with) RE, which are performed by 864 processors. In the simulations, the calculated ranges of the magnetization are \({M}_{\mathrm{z}}\in [-0.02{M}_{\mathrm{z}},\ 0.76{M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\mathrm{t}}]\) for Lx = 10.6 nm and \({M}_{\mathrm{z}}\in [0.3{M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\mathrm{t}},\ 0.76{M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\mathrm{t}}]\) for Lx = 14.1 nm with mw = 0.5μB, where \({M}_{\mathrm{z}}^{\mathrm{t}}\) is the maximum value of Mz in each spin system. c tc and d \({t}_{\mathrm{c}}^{\prime}\) are the computational times as a function of the number of processors Nproc, which satisfy the convergence conditions δh < 10−2 and t/Nnbin > 108, respectively. Arrows in a and b denote the points corresponding to tc and \({t}_{\mathrm{c}}^{\prime}\).

The pseudocode of the implemented methods in the present study is described in Algorithm 1. Through the methods, for large system size (up to 1,130,626 spins), we made it possible to calculate the free energy as a function of Mz.