1 Introduction

It is known that certain problems on operator algebras are more feasible when the algebra under study is a von Neumann algebra (i.e. a C\(^*\)-algebra which is also a dual Banach space). For example, A.G. Robertson gave in [35] a complete description of one-dimensional Čebyšëv subspaces, and of finite dimensional Čebyšëv hermitian subalgebras with dimension bigger than 1 of a general von Neumann algebra. Concretely, for a non-zero element x in a von Neumann algebra M, the subspace \(\mathbb {C} x\) is a Čebyšëv subspace of M if and only if there is a projection p in the center of M such that p x is left invertible in p M and \((1-p)x\) is right invertible in \((1-p){M}\) (cf. [35, Theorem 1]). A finite dimensional \(^*\)-subalgebra N of an infinite dimensional von Neumann algebra M with dim \((N)>1\) never is a Čebyšëv subspace of M (see [35, Theorem 6]).

Two years later A.G. Robertson and D. Yost proved in [36, Corollary 1.4] that an infinite dimensional C\(^*\)-algebra A admits a finite dimensional \(^*\)-subalgebra B which is also a Čebyšëv subspace in A if and only if A is unital and \(B=\mathbb {C} 1\). The results proved by Robertson and Yost were complemented by G.K. Pedersen, who shows that if A is a C\(^*\)-algebra without unit and B is a Čebyšëv C\(^*\)-subalgebra of A, then \(A=B\) (compare [34, Theorem 4]).

We recall that a subspace V of a Banach space X is called a Čebyšëv (Chebyshev) subspace of X if for each \(x\in X\) there exists a unique point \(\pi _{_V} (x)\in V\) such that \(\hbox {dist}(x,V)=\left\| x-\pi _{_V} (x)\right\| \). Throughout this note the symbol \(\pi _{_V} (x)\) will denote the best approximation of an element x in X in a Čebyšëv subspace V of X. For more information on Čebyšëv and best approximation theory we refer to the monograph [37].

Similar benefits to those obtained working with von Neumann algebras re-appear when studying Čebyšëv subspaces of Ternary Rings of Operators (TRO’s) of a given von Neumann algebra, or when exploring Čebyšëv JBW\(^*\)-subtriples of a given JBW\(^*\)-triple (see Sect. 2 for definitions). In a previous paper, we establish the following description of Čebyšëv JBW\(^*\)-subtriples of a JBW\(^*\)-triple.

Theorem 1

[26, Theorem 13] Let N be a non-zero Čebyšëv JBW\(^*\)-subtriple of a JBW\(^*\)-triple M. Then exactly one of the following statements holds:

  1. (a)

    N is a rank one JBW\(^*\)-triple with dim \((N)\ge 2\) (i.e. a complex Hilbert space regarded as a type 1 Cartan factor). Moreover, N may be a closed subspace of arbitrary dimension and M may have arbitrary rank;

  2. (b)

    \(N= \mathbb {C} e\), where e is a complete tripotent in M;

  3. (c)

    N and M have rank two, but N may have arbitrary dimension;

  4. (d)

    N has rank greater or equal than three and \(N=M\). \(\Box \)

We refer to [21, Preliminaries] and [11, Example 2.5.31] for the definition of Cartan factors.

The question whether in the above theorem JBW\(^*\)-triples and subtriples can be replaced with JB\(^*\)-triples and subtriples remained as an open problem. The techniques employed in [26] rely heavily on the rich geometric properties of JBW\(^*\)-triples. In this note we study this problem in the more general setting of JB\(^*\)-triples. We combine here new arguments involving inner ideals and compact tripotents in the bidual of a JB\(^*\)-triple. The main result of this note shows that the conclusion of the above Theorem also holds when N is a JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a general JB\(^*\)-triple M (see Theorem ).

Among the new results proved in this note we also establish that a Čebyšëv C\(^*\)-subalgebra B (respectively, a Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple) of a C\(^*\)-algebra A with rank\((B)\ge 3\) coincides with the whole A (see Corollary 10).

2 Preliminaries

The multiple attempts to understand a Riemann mapping theorem type for complex Banach spaces of dimension bigger or equal than 2, led some mathematicians to the study of bounded symmetric domains (compare [10, 23, 24, 33] and [29]). The definite answer was given by W. Kaup, who showed the existence of a set of algebraic-geometric-analytic axioms which determine a class of complex Banach spaces, the class of JB\(^*\)-triples, whose open unit balls are bounded symmetric domains, and every bounded symmetric domain in a complex Banach space is biholomorphically equivalent to the open unit ball of a JB\(^*\)-triple; in this way, the category of all bounded symmetric domains with base point is equivalent to the category of JB\(^*\)-triples.

A JB \(^{*}\)-triple is a complex a Banach space E with a continuous triple product \((a,b,c) \mapsto \{a,b,c\}\), which is bilinear and symmetric in the external variables and conjugate linear in the middle one and satisfies:

  1. (a)

    (Jordan identity)

    $$\begin{aligned} L(x,y)\{a,b,c\}=\{L(x,y)a,b,c\}-\{a,L(y,x)b,c\}+\{a,b,L(x,y)c\}, \end{aligned}$$

    for all \(x,y,a,b,c\in E\), where \(L(x,y):E\rightarrow E\) is the linear mapping given by \(L(x,y)z=\{x,y,z\}\);

  2. (b)

    For each \(x\in E\), the operator L(xx) is hermitian with non-negative spectrum;

  3. (c)

    \(\left\| \{x,x,x\}\right\| =\left\| x\right\| ^{3}\) for all \(x\in E\).

Given an element a in a JB\(^*\)-triple E, the symbol Q(a) will denote the conjugate linear map on E defined by \(Q(a) (x) := \{a,x,a\}\).

The class of JB\(^*\)-triples includes all C\(^*\)-algebras when the latters are equipped with the triple product given by

$$\begin{aligned} \{a,b,c\} = \frac{1}{2} (a b^* c+ c b^* a). \end{aligned}$$

The space B(HK) of all bounded linear operators between complex Hilbert spaces, although rarely is a C\(^*\)-algebra, is a JB\(^*\)-triple with the product defined in (2.1). In particular, every complex Hilbert space is a JB\(^*\)-triple. Thus, the class of JB\(^*\)-triples is strictly wider than the class of C\(^*\)-algebras.

A JBW\(^*\)-triple is a JB\(^*\)-triple which is also a dual Banach space (with a unique isometric predual [1]). The triple product of every JBW\(^*\)-triple is separately weak\(^*\) continuous (cf. [1]). The second dual, \(E^{**},\) of a JB\(^*\)-triple, E,  is a JBW\(^*\)-triple with a certain triple product extending the product of E (cf. [12]).

Let E be a JB\(^*\)-triple. An element \(e\in E\) is called a tripotent if \( \left\{ e,e,e \right\} =e\). For each tripotent \(e\in E\), the eigenspaces of the operator L(ee) induce a decomposition (called Peirce decomposition) of E in the form

$$\begin{aligned} E= E_{2} (e) \oplus E_{1} (e) \oplus E_0 (e), \end{aligned}$$

where for \(i=0,1,2,\) \(E_i (e)=\{ x\in E : L(e,e) (x) = \frac{i}{2} x\}\) (compare [33, Theorem 25]). The natural projections of E onto \(E_i(e)\) will be denoted by \(P_i(e)\). It is known that this decomposition satisfies the following multiplication rules:

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ E_{i}(e),E_{j} (e),E_{k} (e) \right\} \subseteq E_{i-j+k} (e), \end{aligned}$$

if \(i-j+k \in \{0,1,2\}\) and is zero otherwise. In addition,

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ E_{2} (e),E_{0}(e),E \right\} = \left\{ E_{0} (e),E_{2}(e),E \right\} =0. \end{aligned}$$

A tripotent e in E is called complete (respectively, minimal) if the equality \(E_0(e)=0\) (respectively, \(E_2(e)=\mathbb {C} e \ne \{0\}\)) holds.

The connections between JB\(^*\)-triples and JB\(^*\)-algebras are very deep. Every JB\(^*\)-algebra is a JB\(^*\)-triple under the triple product defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ x,y,z \right\} = (x\circ y^*) \circ z + (z\circ y^*)\circ x - (x\circ z)\circ y^*. \end{aligned}$$

The Peirce 2-subspace \(E_2 (e)\) is a JB\(^*\)-algebra with product \(x\circ _e y := \left\{ x,e,y \right\} \) and involution \(x^{\sharp _e} := \left\{ e,x,e \right\} \).

Let a be an element in a JB\(^*\)-triple E. It is known that the JB\(^*\)-subtriple, \(E_{a}\), generated by a, identifies with some \(C_0(L_a)\) where \(\Vert a\Vert \in L_a\subseteq [0,\Vert a\Vert ]\) with \(L_a\cup \{0\}\) compact, and the element a is associated with a positive generating element in \(C_0(L_a)\) (cf. [29, 1.15]). The above identification lifts to that of the bidual of the JB\(^*\)-triple generated by a with a commutative von Neumann algebra the identity element of which, r(a), is called the range tripotent of a in \(E^{**}\), and we note that a is positive in \(E^{**}_{2} (r(a))\) (see [13, §3]).

A (closed) subtriple I of a JB\(^*\)-triple E is said to be a triple ideal or simply an ideal of E if \( \left\{ E,E,I \right\} + \left\{ E,I,E \right\} \subseteq I\). If we only have \( \left\{ I,E,I \right\} \subseteq I\) we say that I is an inner ideal of E. Following standard notation, given an element a in E, we denote by E(a) the norm-closure of \(Q(a) (E) = \{a,E,a\}\) in E. It is known that E(a) is precisely the norm-closed inner ideal of E generated by a (cf. [6]). The identity \(2 Q(a,b) = Q(a+b) -Q(a) -Q(b)\) (\(a,b\in E\)) implies that a JB\(^*\)-subtriple I of E is an inner ideal if and only if I contains E(a) for all a in I. It is also known that

$$\begin{aligned} E(a)^{**} = \overline{E(a)}^{\sigma (E^{**},E^*)} = E^{**}_{2} (r(a)) \end{aligned}$$

(see [6, Proposition 2.1 and comments prior to it]).

If e and a are contained in a JB\(^*\)-subtriple F of E we have

  1. (*)

    \(F_k (e) = E_k (e)\) if and only if \(E_k (e)\) is contained in F;

  2. (**)

    \(F(a) = E(a)\) if and only if E(a) is contained in F.

The first of these equivalences is immediate upon application of the projection \(P_k(e)\). As for \((**)\), F(a) is contained in E(a), by definition, and if F contains E(a) then \(F^{**}\) contains \(E(a)^{**} = E^{**}_2(r(a))\) so that \(F(a)^{**} = E(a)^{**}\), by (a), implying the result. A similar argument shows that F(a) is the intersection of F with E(a).

We recall that two elements ab in a JB\(^*\)-triple E are orthogonal (written as \(a\perp b\)) if \(L(a, b) = 0\) (see [7, Lemma 1] for several equivalent reformulations). Given a subset \(M\subseteq E\), we write \(M_{E}^{\perp }\) (or simply \(M^{\perp }\)) for the (orthogonal) annihilator of M defined by \(M_{E}^{\perp }=\{y\in E:y\perp x,\forall x\in M\}\). If \(e\in E\) is a tripotent, then \(\{e\}_{E}^{\perp }=\) \(E_{0 }(e)\), and \(\{a\}_{E}^{\perp }=\) \((E^{**})_{0 }(r(a))\cap E\), for every \(a\in E\) (cf. [8, Lemma 3.2]).

It is known that

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert a + b\Vert = \max \{ \Vert a\Vert , \Vert b\Vert \}, \end{aligned}$$

whenever a and b are orthogonal elements in a JB\(^*\)-triple (cf. [20, Lemma 1.3(a)]). A subset \(S \subseteq E\) is said to be orthogonal if \(0 \notin S\) and \(x \perp y\) for every \(x \ne y\) in S. The minimal cardinal number r satisfying \(card(S) \le r\) for every orthogonal subset \(S \subseteq E\) is called the rank of E (and will be denoted by r(E)). Given a tripotent \(e\in E\), the rank of the Peirce 2-subspace \(E_2(e)\) will be called the rank of e.

We shall also make use of a natural partial order defined on the set of tripotents (see Corollary 1.7 and comments preceding it in [20]). Given two tripotents eu in a JB\(^*\)-triple E, we say that \(e\le u\) if \(u-e\) is a tripotent in E with \(u-e\perp e\).

We finally, recall that an element x in a JB\(^*\)-triple E is called Brown-Pedersen quasi-invertible (BP quasi-invertible for short) if there exists \(y\in E\) such that \(B(x,y)=0\) (cf. [27]), where B(xy) denotes the Bergmann operator \(B(x,y)=I_E-2L(x,y)+Q(x)Q(y)\). Theorems 6 and 11 in [27] prove that an element x in E is Brown-Pedersen quasi-invertible if, and only if, x is von Neumann regular in the sense of [9, 15, 30] and its range tripotent is an extreme point of the closed unit ball of E, equivalently, there exists a complete tripotent \(v\in E\) such that x is positive and invertible in \(E_2(v)\). In particular, every extreme point of the closed unit ball of E is BP quasi-invertible. The symbol \(E_q^{-1}\) will denote the set of BP quasi-invertible elements in E.

3 Čebyšëv subtriples of JB\(^*\)-triples

The following auxiliary results were established in [26, §3]

Proposition 2

[26, Propositions 9 and 10] Let F be a Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a JB\(^*\)-triple E. Suppose e is a non-zero tripotent in F. Then the following statements hold:

  1. (a)

    \(E_0 (e) = F_0 (e)\), and consequently, every complete tripotent in F is complete in E.

  2. (b)

    If \( \{e\}^{\perp }_{F}\ne 0\), then \(E_2 (e) = F_2 (e)\).\(\Box \)

We continue, in this paper, our study on Čebyšëv subtriples of general JB\(^*\)-triples. The first part of the next proposition owes much to the arguments developed by Pedersen in [34, Lemma 4].

Proposition 3

Let a belong to a Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple F of a JB\(^*\)-triple E. The following statements hold:

  1. (a)

    If a is not BP quasi-invertible we have \(F(a) = E(a)\);

  2. (b)

    If F contains no BP quasi-invertible elements we have that F is an inner ideal of E.


(a) Since a is in \(F\backslash F_q^{-1}\) we have two possibilities either a is not von Neumann regular or a is von Neumann regular and its range tripotent is not an extreme point of the closed unit ball of F. We deal with each case separately. We can assume that \(\Vert a\Vert =1\). Suppose first that a is not von Neumann regular. Then 0 is a non-isolated point in the triple spectrum \(L_{a}\) of a. We know that in this case, \(0,1\in L_a\subseteq [0,1]\), with \(L_a\) compact. Regarding \(F_a\) as a commutative C\(^*\)-algebra by its identification with \(C_{0}(L_a)\) in the standard way, given a positive \(\varepsilon \), as in [34, Lemma 4] we can choose positive norm one elements xy and z in \(F_a\) such that \(\{y,x,y\} = x\) such that y (and hence, x) is orthogonal to z and \(\Vert a - x\Vert <\varepsilon \). In addition, we have that r(x) is orthogonal to \(y - r(x)\) (in \(F^{**}\)). In particular, \(Q(y)^2\) must restrict to the identity map on E(x). We claim that

$$\begin{aligned} F \hbox { contains } E(x). \end{aligned}$$

To see which, let w belong to E(x). With \(c = \pi _{F} (w)\) we have c lies in F and \(\left\| w - Q(y)^2 (c)\right\| = \left\| Q(y)^2 ( w - c)\right\| \le \left\| w - c \right\| ,\) so that \(c = Q(y)^2 (c)\) by uniqueness of best approximation, which further implies that c is orthogonal to z. If c is not equal to w choose any positive real \(\lambda \le \Vert w-c\Vert \) to give

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert w -(\lambda z + c)\Vert = \Vert (w-c)-\lambda z\Vert = \max \{ \Vert w- c\Vert , \lambda \} = \Vert w-c\Vert , \end{aligned}$$

contradicting unique approximation. Thus \(w = c\) and so belongs to F, which proves the claim. Since the above argument is true for all positive \(\varepsilon \) we deduce that E(a) is contained in F, as desired.

If a is von Neumann regular, so that its annihilator is nonzero and r(a) lies in F then, since a belongs to \(E_2 (r(a))\), F must contain E(a) by Proposition 2(b). The statement (a) follows from \((*)\).

(b) Is immediate from (a) and the comments in page 4. \(\square \)

Lemma 4

Let F be a JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a JB\(^*\)-triple E. Suppose F contains no BP quasi-invertible elements (equivalently, \(\partial _e (F_1)=\emptyset \)). Then for each \(e\in \partial _e(E_1)\) we have \(\hbox \mathrm{dist}(e,F)= 1\). If F is a Čebyšëv subspace of E, we have \(\pi _{_F} (e) =0\), for every e as above.


Suppose we can find \(x\in F\) satisfying \(\Vert e-x\Vert < 1\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \left\| e-P_2(e) (x)\right\| = \left\| P_2 (e) (e-x)\right\| \le \Vert e-x\Vert <1. \end{aligned}$$

Since e is the unit element of the JB\(^*\)-algebra \(E_2(e)\), we deduce that \(P_2 (e) (x)\) is an invertible element in \(E_2(e)\). Lemma 2.2 in [25] implies that x is BP quasi-invertible in E, and hence BP quasi-invertible in F, which is impossible. The second statement is clear because dist\((e,F)=1=\Vert e\Vert \).

We establish now an strengthened version of Proposition 2. The result is inspired by an argument in [34, Theorem 4].

Proposition 5

Let F be a Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a JB\(^*\)-triple E. Suppose that a is a non-zero element in F. Then \(\{a\}_{E}^{\perp } \subseteq F\).


Arguing by contradiction, we suppose the existence of an element \(x\in \{a\}_{E}^{\perp } \backslash F.\) Fix a real number t and consider the automorphism of F (and E) given by \(S_{t}=\exp (it L(a,a))\). It is clear that \(S_t (\pi _{_F} (x)) = \pi _{_F} ( S_t (x)),\) for every \(t\in \mathbb {R}.\) Having in mind that \(a\perp x\) it follows that \(L(a,a)^n (x) =0,\) for every natural n, which shows that \(S_t (x) = x\) for every real t. Therefore

$$\begin{aligned} \pi _{_F} (x ) =\pi _{_F} (x) + it L(a,a) (\pi _{_F} (x)) + \sum _{n=2}^{\infty } \frac{i^n t^n}{n!} L(a,a) (\pi _{_F} (x)). \end{aligned}$$

Differentiating at \(t=0\) we conclude that \(L(a,a) (\pi _{_F} (x))=0\), or equivalently \(a\perp \pi _{_F} (x)\) (cf. [7, Lemma 1]).

We have proved that \(a\perp x, \pi _{_F} (x).\) Therefore \(\pi _{_F} (x)+\mu a\in F\), for every \(\mu \in \mathbb {C}\) and, by orthogonality,

$$\begin{aligned} 0<\hbox {dist} (x,F)= \Vert x-\pi _{_F} (x)\Vert = \max \{ \Vert x-\pi _{_F} (x)\Vert ,\Vert \mu a\Vert \} = \Vert x-\pi _{_F} (x) -\mu a\Vert , \end{aligned}$$

for every \(\mu \in \mathbb {C}\) with \(\Vert \mu a\Vert \le \Vert x-\pi _{_F} (x)\Vert ,\) contradicting the uniqueness of the best approximation of x in F. \(\square \)

We recall that a tripotent u in the bidual of a JB\(^*\)-triple E is said to be open when \(E^{**}_2 (u)\cap E\) is weak\(^*\) dense in \(E^{**}_2 (u)\) (see [14]). A tripotent e in \(E^{**}\) is said to be compact-\(G_{\delta }\) (relative to E) if there exists a norm one element a in E such that e coincides with s(a), the support tripotent of a (see [14]). A tripotent e in \(E^{**}\) is said to be compact (relative to E) if there exists a decreasing net \((e_{\lambda })\) of tripotents in \(E^{**}\) which are compact-\(G_{\delta }\) with infimum e, or if e is zero.

Closed and bounded tripotents in \(E^{**}\) were introduced and studied in [16] and [17]. A tripotent e in \(E^{**}\) such that \(E^{**}_0 (e)\cap E\) is weak\(^*\) dense in \(E^{**}_0(e)\) is called closed relative to E. When there exists a norm one element a in E such that \(a= e + P_0 (e) (a)\), the tripotent e is called bounded (relative to E) (cf. [16]). Theorem 2.6 in [16] (see also [19, Theorem 3.2]) asserts that a tripotent e in \(E^{**}\) is compact if, and only if, e is closed and bounded.

Corollary 6

Let F be a Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a JB\(^*\)-triple E. Let e be a tripotent in \(F^{**}\) satisfying that \(F^{**}_2 (e) \cap F\ne \{0\}\). Then \(\{e\}_{E}^{\perp } = \{x\in E : x\perp e\} = E\cap E^{**}_0 (e) \subseteq F\). Furthermore, if e is closed in \(E^{**}\) relative to E we also have \(E^{**}_0 (e) = F^{**}_0(e)\).


By hypothesis, the set \(F\cap F^{**}_2 (e)\) is non-zero, thus, there exists a non-zero element \(a\in F\cap F^{**}_2 (e)\). It is easy to check that \(\{e\}_{E}^{\perp } \subseteq \{a\}_{E}^{\perp }\), and the latter is contained in F by Proposition 5.

We have already proved that \(\{e\}_{E}^{\perp } = E\cap E^{**}_0 (e) \subseteq F\), which implies that \( E\cap E^{**}_0 (e) = F\cap F^{**}_0 (e)\). Since e is closed in \(E^{**}\), we can assure that

$$\begin{aligned} E^{**}_0 (e) = \overline{E\cap E^{**}_0 (e)}^{\sigma (E^{**},E^*)}= \overline{F\cap F^{**}_0 (e)}^{\sigma (E^{**},E^*)} \subseteq F^{**}_0 (e) \subseteq E^{**}_0 (e). \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Corollary 7

Let F be a Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a JB\(^*\)-triple E. Let a be a non-zero element in F and let r(a) denote the range tripotent of a in \(F^{**}\). Suppose that \(\{a\}^{\perp }_{F}\ne \{0\}\). Then \(E^{**}_0 (r(a)) = F^{**}_0(r(a))\).


Proposition 3(a) implies that \(E(a) = F(a).\) Therefore \(E(a)^{**}=F(a)^{**}\) is an open JB\(^*\)-subtriple of \(E^{**}\) relative to E in the sense employed in [16, 18, 19]. Proposition 3.3 in [19] (or [16, Corollary 2.9]) implies that every compact tripotent in \(F(a)^{**}\) is compact in \(E^{**}.\) Let us take a compact tripotent \(e\in F(a)^{**}\) satisfying that \(e\le r(a)\) and \(F^{**}_2 (e) \cap F\ne \{0\}\). Since e is compact, and hence closed in \(E^{**}\) (cf. [16, Theorem 2.6]), Corollary 6 proves that \(E^{**}_0 (e) = F^{**}_0(e).\) Finally, it is easy to see that, since \(r(a)\ge e\), \(E^{**}_0 (r(a))\subseteq E^{**}_0 (e) = F^{**}_0(e)\subseteq F^{**},\) and hence \(E^{**}_0 (r(a)) = F^{**}_0(r(a))\).

We turn now our focus to the Peirce 1-subspace associated with a range tripotent. For this purpose we state the following technical lemma.

Lemma 8

Let e and f be orthogonal tripotents in a JB\(^*\)-subtriple F of a JB\(^*\)-triple E such that \(E_0 (e)\), \(E_0(f)\) and \(E_2(e + f)\) are contained in F. Then \(E = F\).


It is sufficient to show that the Peirce 1-subspace of \(e + f\) is contained in F (since the other two Peirce subspaces of \(e + f\) are automatically in F). It is known (elementary calculation) that \(E_1 (e + f)\) is always contained in \(E_0(e) + E_0(f)\), which is contained in F by hypothesis, giving the result. \(\square \)

We can establish now our first main result on Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriples of a general JB\(^*\)-triple.

Theorem 9

Let F be a Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a JB\(^*\)-triple E. Suppose F has rank greater or equal than three. Then \(E=F\).


Since F has rank greater or equal than three, we can find mutually orthogonal norm-one elements abc in F.

Proposition 3(a) yields \(E(a+b) = F(a+b)\). From (2.3) we conclude that

$$\begin{aligned} E_2^{**} (r(a+b)) = \overline{E(a+b)}^{\sigma (E^{**},E^*)} = \overline{F(a+b)}^{\sigma (F^{**},F^*)} \subseteq F^{**}. \end{aligned}$$

Corollary 7 now implies that \(E_0^{**} (r(a))= F_0^{**} (r(a))\) and \(E_0^{**} (r(b))= F_0^{**} (r(b))\). We deduce from Lemma 8 that \(E^{**} =F^{**}.\) Finally, as a consequence of the Hahn-Banach Theorem, it is easy to check that \(E=F,\) as desired. \(\square \)

Corollary 10

Let B be a Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a C\(^*\)-algebra A. Suppose B has rank greater or equal than three. Then \(A=B\).

It remains to study Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriples of rank smaller or equal than two. In this case, the conclusion will follow from the main result in [26] and the studies about finite rank JB\(^*\)-triples developed in [5] and [2].

Theorem 11

Let F be a non-zero Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a JB\(^*\)-triple E. Then exactly one of the following statements holds:

  1. (a)

    F is a rank one JBW\(^*\)-triple with dim \((F)\ge 2\) (i.e. a complex Hilbert space regarded as a type 1 Cartan factor). Moreover, F may be a closed subspace of arbitrary dimension and E may have arbitrary rank;

  2. (b)

    \(F= \mathbb {C} e\), where e is a complete tripotent in E;

  3. (c)

    E and F are rank two JBW\(^*\)-triples, but F may have arbitrary dimension;

  4. (d)

    F has rank greater or equal than three and \(E=F\).


If F has rank \(\ge 3\), Theorem 9 implies that \(E=F\). We may therefore assume that F has rank \(\le 2\). It follows from [5, Proposition 4.5 and comments at the beggining of §4] (see also [2, §3]) that F is reflexive. So, F is a reflexive JBW\(^*\)-triple of rank \(\le 2\).

We shall adapt next the arguments in the proof of [26, Theorem 13], providing a simplified argument. Every JBW\(^*\)-triple admits an abundant collection of complete tripotents or extreme points of its closed unit ball (cf. [3, Lemma 4.1] and [32, Proposition 3.5] or [11, Theorem 3.2.3]). Thus, we can find a complete tripotent e in F. There are only two possibilities: either e is minimal in F or e has rank two in F.

When e is rank two in F, we can write \(e= e_1+e_2\) with \(e_1,e_2\) mutually orthogonal minimal tripotents in F. Proposition 2 proves that \(E_2 (e_j) = F_2 (e_j) = \mathbb {C} e_j\), \(E_0 (e_j) = F_0 (e_j)\), and \(E_0 (e_1+e_2) = F_0 (e_1+e_2)=\{0\},\) which proves that \(e_1\) and \(e_2\) are minimal tripotents in E, e is complete in E, and E is a rank-2 JBW\(^*\)-triple.

We finally assume that e is minimal and complete in F. If dim \((F)=1\), then \(F= \mathbb {C} e\), and we are in case (b), otherwise we are in case (a). \(\square \)

It should be remarked here that Remark 7 in [26] provides an example of an infinite dimensional rank-one Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a JB\(^*\)-triple, while [26, Remark13] gives an example of a rank-one Čebyšëv JB\(^*\)-subtriple of a rank-n JBW\(^*\)-triple, where n is an arbitrary natural number.