1 Introduction

Let G be a group. A descending sequence of normal subgroups \( G = G_1> G_2 > \cdots \) is called a central series if \([G_i, G_j] \subseteq G_{i+j}\) for all \(i,j \ge 1\). The direct sum of abelian groups \(L(G) = \oplus _{i \ge 1} G_i/G_{i+1}\) is a graded Lie ring with Lie bracket \([a_iG_{i+1}, b_jG_{j+1}] = [a_i, b_j]G_{i+j+1}\); \(a_i \in G_i\), \(b_j \in G_j\).

Of particular interest are the lower central series: \(G_1 =G\), \(G_{i+1} = [G_i, G]\), \(i \ge 1\), and, for a fixed prime number p, the Zassenhaus series (see [7, 8]).

Let p be a prime number. We say that a group G is residually-p if the intersection of all normal subgroups of indices \(p^i\), \(i \ge 1\), is trivial.

A graded Lie ring \(L = L_1 + L_2 + \cdots \) is called graded nil if for an arbitrary homogeneous element \(a \in L_i\) the adjoint operator \(ad(a): x \rightarrow [a,x]\) is nilpotent.

The main instrument in the study of the Burnside problem in the class of residually p-groups is the connection between torsion in the group G and graded nilness in the Lie algebra L(G) of the Zassenhaus series (see [69]).

In this paper we prove this connection for the lower central series and for an arbitrary central series of G.

Theorem 1

Let \(\Gamma \) be a finitely generated residually-p torsion group. Let \(\Gamma = \Gamma _1> \Gamma _2 > \cdots \) be the lower central series of \(\Gamma \). Then the Lie ring \(L(\Gamma ) = \oplus _{ i\ge 1} \Gamma _i / \Gamma _{i+1}\) is graded nil.

Note that the known important classes of torsion groups: Golod–Shafarevich groups (see [2, 3]), Grigorchuck groups [4] and Gupta–Sidki groups [5] are residually—p.

We say that a (possibly infinite) group \(\Gamma \) is a p-group if for an arbitrary element \(g \in \Gamma \) there exists \(k \ge 1\) such that \(g^{p^k} = 1\). Clearly, for a residually p-group being torsion and being a p-group are equivalent.

Theorem 2

Let \(\Gamma \) be a p-group. Let \(\Gamma = \Gamma _1> \Gamma _2 > \cdots \) be a central series. Then the Lie ring \(L(\Gamma ) = \oplus _{i \ge 1} \Gamma _i / \Gamma _{i+1}\) is locally graded nil.

In other words, we claim that an arbitrary finitely generated graded subalgebra of \(L(\Gamma )\) is graded nil.

2 Definitions and results

Let \(\Gamma \) be a residually-p group and let G be its pro-p completion (see [1]). For an element \(y \in G\) let \(\langle y^G \rangle \) denote the closed normal subgroup of G generated by y. Let \([y^G, y^G]\) denote the closed commutator subgroup of \(\langle y^G \rangle \).

For elements \(g_1, g_2, \ldots , g_n \in G\) let \([g_1, g_2, \ldots , g_n] = [g_1, [g_2,[ \ldots , g_n]] \ldots ]\) be their left-normed commutator.

We will need the following equalities which can be found in [1]:

  1. (1)

    For an arbitrary integer \(k \ge 1\) we have \([y,x]^k = [y^k,x]\) mod \([y^G, y^G]\);

  2. (2)

    \([y,x^k] = [y,x]^{{k \atopwithdelims ()1}} [y,x,x]^{{k \atopwithdelims ()2}} \ldots [y,\underbrace{x, \ldots x}_k]^{{k \atopwithdelims ()k}}\) mod \([y^G, y^G]\).

Let p be a prime number. The equalities (1) and (2) imply that

  1. (3)

    \(c = [y,x^p][y,\underbrace{x, \ldots , x}_p]^{-1} = [y^{{p \atopwithdelims ()1}}, x][y^{{p \atopwithdelims ()2}},x,x] \ldots [y^{{p \atopwithdelims ()p-1}}, \underbrace{x, \ldots x}_{p-1}]\) mod \([y^G, y^G]\).

Hence \([y^p,x] = c [[y^p,x],x]^{- {p \atopwithdelims ()2}/p} \ldots [[y^p,x],\underbrace{x, \ldots x}_{p-2}]^{- {p \atopwithdelims ()p-1}/p}\) mod \([y^G, y^G]\).

Iterating this process and the use of equalities (1) and (2) we conclude that there exists an infinite sequence of nonnegative integers \(k_i \ge 0\) such that

  1. (4)

    \([y^p,x ] = c [c,x]^{k_1} [c,x,x]^{k_2} \ldots \) mod \([y^G, y^G]\).

Let \(\rho \) be a left-normed group commutator, \( \rho = [g_1, \ldots g_m]\), where each element \(g_i\) is either equal to y or to \(x^{p^k}\) for some \(k \ge 1\). Let \(d_x(\rho )\) denote the sum of powers of x involved in \(\rho \) and \(d_y(\rho )\) the number of times the element y occurs in \(\rho \).

Lemma 1

Let \(\rho = [y,x^{p^{i_1}},x^{p^{i_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]\), \(d_y(\rho ) = 1\), \(0 \le i_1,\ldots ,i_k \le l-1\). Then \(\rho \) is a converging product of commutators \(\sigma \) of types:

  1. (i)

    \( \sigma = [y,x^{p^{j_1}},x^{p^{j_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{j_s}}]\), where \(d_y(\sigma ) = 1\), no more than one integer of \(j_1, \ldots , j_s\) is different from 0 and \(d_x(\sigma ) \ge d_x(\rho )\);

  2. (ii)

    \( \sigma = [y, x^{p^{j_1}}, \ldots , y, \ldots ]\), where \(d_y(\sigma ) \ge 2\) and \((d_y(\sigma )-1)p^l + d_x(\sigma ) \ge d_x(\rho )\).


Suppose that \(i_{\alpha }, i_{\beta } \ge 1\), \(1 \le \alpha \ne \beta \le k\). We will represent \(\rho \) as a product of commutators of types (i) and (ii) and of commutators of type

  1. (iii)

    \( \rho ' = [y,x^{p^{j_1}},x^{p^{j_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{j_s}}]\), where \( 0 \le j_1, \ldots , j_s \le l - 1\) and \(0 \le d_x(\rho ') > d_x(\rho )\)

and type

  1. (iv)

    \( \rho '' = [y,x^{p^{j_1}},x^{p^{j_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{j_s}}]\), where \( 0 \le j_1, \ldots , j_s \le l - 1\) and \(d_x(\rho '') = d_x(\rho )\), \(s >k\).

Iterating we will get rid of commutators (iii) and (iv).

Without loss of generality we will assume that \(\alpha = 1\), \(\beta = 2\) and \(1 \le i_1 \le i_2\).

By (3) we have

\([y,x^{p^{i_1}}] = [y^{{p \atopwithdelims ()1}}, x^{p^{i_1-1}}] \ldots [y^{{p \atopwithdelims ()p-1}}, \underbrace{x^{p^{i_1-1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_1-1}}}_{p-1}] [y,\underbrace{x^{p^{i_1-1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_1-1}}}_{p}]\)

mod \([y^{G},y^{G}]\).

Now \(\rho \) is a product of commutators of the form

\([y^{{p \atopwithdelims ()t}}, \underbrace{x^{p^{i_1-1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_1-1}}}_t, x^{p^{i_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]\), \(1 \le t \le p-1\); of the commutator \([y, \underbrace{x^{p^{i_1-1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_1-1}}}_p, x^{p^{i_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]\) and of commutators that involve at least two occurrences of y and the powers \(x^{p^{i_1-1}},x^{p^{i_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}\) (see [7]).

The latter commutators are commutators of type (ii). The commutator \([y, \underbrace{x^{p^{i_1-1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_1-1}}}_p, x^{p^{i_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]\) satisfies condition (iv). Hence it remains to consider commutators of the form \([y^{{p \atopwithdelims ()t}}, \underbrace{x^{p^{i_1-1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_1-1}}}_t, x^{p^{i_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]\).

Since \(p | {p \atopwithdelims ()t}\), \(1 \le t \le p-1\), we will consider the commutator

$$\begin{aligned}{}[y^p, \underbrace{x^{p^{i_1-1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_1-1}}}_t, x^{p^{i_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]. \end{aligned}$$

Modulo longer commutators we can move the power \(x^{p^{i_2}}\) to the left. By (4) we get

$$\begin{aligned}{}[y^p, x^{p^{i_2}}] = \sigma [\sigma ,x]^{s_1} [\sigma , x,x]^{s_2} \ldots \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma = [y, x^{p^{i_2+1}}][y, \underbrace{x^{p^{i_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_2}}}_p]^{-1}\) mod \([y^{G},y^{G}]\).

The commutators \([y, x^{p^{i_2+1}}, \underbrace{x^{p^{i_1-1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_1-1}}}_t, \ldots x^{p^{i_k}}]\) and

\([y,\underbrace{ x^{p^{i_2}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_2}}}_p, \underbrace{x^{p^{i_1-1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_1-1}}}_t, \ldots x^{p^{i_k}}]\) are of type (iii) since \(i_2 \ge i_1\) and therefore \(p^{i_2+1} + p^{i_1 -1} > p^{i_2} + p^{i_1}.\)

This finishes the proof of the lemma.

Consider again the commutator \(\rho = [y, x^{p^{i_1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]\). Suppose that \(x^{p^l} = 1.\) Consider the l-tuple \(ind(\rho ) =(k_{l-1}, \ldots , k_0)\), \(k_i \in { Z}_{\ge 0}\), where \(k_i\) is the number of times i occurs among \(i_1, \ldots , i_k\). Clearly, \(k_0 + k_1 + \cdots k_{l-1} = k\).

Consider the length-lex order in \({Z^l}_{\ge 0}\): \((\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _l) > (\beta _1, \ldots , \beta _l)\) if either \(\sum \alpha _i > \sum \beta _i\) or \(\sum \alpha _i = \sum \beta _i\) and \((\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _l) > (\beta _1, \ldots , \beta _l)\) lexicographically.

Lemma 2

Let \(x,y \in G\), \(x^{p^l} = 1\), \(y^{p^s} = 1\). A commutator \(\rho = [y, x^{p^{i_1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]\) such that \(d_x(\rho ) \ge (s+1)p^l\) can be represented as a product of commutators \(\sigma = [y, x^{p^{j_1}}, \ldots , y, \ldots , x^{p^{j_q}}]\), where \(d_y(\sigma ) \ge 2\) and \((d_y(\sigma )-1)p^l + d_x(\sigma ) \ge d_x(\rho )\).


We will show that \(\rho \) is a (converging) product of commutators of the form \(\sigma _1\) and \(\sigma _2\), where \(d_y(\sigma _1) \ge 2\), \((d_y(\sigma _1)-1)p^l + d_x(\sigma _1) \ge d_x(\rho )\) for commutators of the form \(\sigma _1\), whereas commutators of the form \(\sigma _2\) look as \(\sigma _2 =[y,x^{p^{j_1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{j_t}}]\) with \(d_x(\sigma _2) > d_x(\rho )\) or \(d_x(\sigma _2) = d_x(\rho )\) and \(ind(\sigma _2) > ind(\rho )\). Then, applying this assertion to commutators of the form \(\sigma _2\) and iterating we will get rid of commutators \(\sigma _2\).

We claim that at least one i, \(0 \le i \le l-1\), occurs in \(i_1, \ldots , i_k\) not less than p times. Indeed, otherwise \(d_x(\rho ) \le (p-1)(1+p+ \cdots + p^{l-1})\), which contradicts our assumption that \(d_x(\rho ) \ge (s+1)p^l\).

Suppose that i occurs in \(i_1, \ldots , i_k\) not less than p times and i is the smallest in \(\{i_1, \ldots , i_k\}\) with this property. Moving the occurrences of i to the left, modulo longer commutators, we assume \(i_1 = \cdots = i_p = i\).

By (2) we have

$$\begin{aligned}{}[y,\underbrace{ x^{p^i}, \ldots , x^{p^i}}_p ] = [y,x^{p^{i+1}}][y^{{p \atopwithdelims ()1}}, x^{p^i}]^{-1} \ldots [y^{{p \atopwithdelims ()p-1}},\underbrace{x^{p^i}, \ldots , x^{p^i}}_{p-1}]^{-1} \tau _1 \ldots \tau _q, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\tau _j\) are commutators that involve y at least twice.

The commutator \(\sigma ' = [y, x^{p^{i+1}}, x^{p^{i_{p+1}}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]\) has greater index than \(\rho \). Indeed, \(d_x(\sigma ') = d_x(\rho )\), but \(ind(\sigma ')\) is lexicographically greater than \(ind(\rho )\).

For a commutator \(\tau '_j = [\tau _j, x^{p^{i_{p+1}}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} d_x(\tau '_j) \ge d_x(\rho ) - (p-1)p^i. \end{aligned}$$

Hence, \(p^l(d_y(\tau '_j)-1) + d_x(\tau '_j) \ge p^l + d_x(\rho ) - (p-1)p^i > d_x(\rho )\).

Consider now the commutator \(\rho ' =[y^p, x^{p^i}, x^{p^{i_p+1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_k}}]\).

We claim that there exists \(j \in \{i_{p+1}, \ldots , i_k\}\) such that \(j \ge i\). Indeed, otherwise all integers in \(\{i_{p+1}, \ldots , i_k\}\) are smaller than i and therefore occur \(\le (p-1)\) times. Hence,

$$\begin{aligned} d_x(\rho ) \le p p^i + (p-1)(1+p+ \cdots +p^{i-1}) = p^{i+1} + p^i - 1 < 2p^l \le (s+1)p^l, \end{aligned}$$

which contradicts the assumption of the lemma.

Moving \(x^{p^j}\) to the right end in \(\rho '\) modulo longer commutators we will assume that \(i_k = j \ge i\).

Consider the commutator \(\rho '' = [y^p, x^{p^i}, x^{p^{i_{p+1}}}, \ldots , x^{p^{i_{k+1}}}]\). We have \(d_x(\rho '') = d_x(\rho ) - (p-1)p^i - p^j \ge sp^l\). By the induction assumption on s the commutator \(\rho ''\) is a product of commutators w in \(y^p\) and x, each commutator involves \(\mu = \mu (w) \ge 2\) elements \(y^p\) and \((\mu - 1)p^l + d_x(w) \ge d_x(\rho '')\). We will assume that \(w = [w_1, \ldots ,w_{\mu }]\), \(w_j = [y^p, \ldots ]\), \(1 \le j \le \mu \).


Any commutator that has degree \( \ge \mu +1\) in y and degree \(\ge d_x(w)\) in x fits the requirements of the lemma since \(\mu p^l + d_x(w) \ge d_x(\rho '') + p^l \ge d_x(\rho )\).

The commutator \([w_1, \ldots , w_{\mu },x^{p^j}]\) is equal to a product

$$\begin{aligned}{}[[w_1, x^{p^j}],w_2, \ldots , w_{\mu }][w_1,[w_2,x^{p^j}],\ldots ] \ldots [w_1, \ldots ,[w_{\mu },x^{p^j}]] \end{aligned}$$

modulo longer commutators (see the Remark above).

Consider \([w_1, \ldots ,[w_{\nu },x^{p^j}],\ldots , w_{\mu }]\).

In \([w_{\nu }, x^{p^j}]\) move \(x^{p^j}\) to the left position next to \(y^p\) modulo longer commutators (see the Remark above).

By (4), \([y^p, x^{p^j}] = c[c,x]^{k_1}[c,x,x]^{k_2} \ldots \tau _1 \ldots \tau _q\), where \(c = [y,x^{p^{j+1}}][y, \underbrace{x^{p^j}, \ldots ,x^{p^j}}_p]^{-1}\); \(\tau _1, \ldots \tau _q \in [y^{G},y^{G}]\); \(d_x(\tau _1), \ldots , d_x(\tau _q) \ge p^j.\)

If the commutator \([y^p,x^{p^j}]\) is replaced by one of \(\tau _1, \ldots , \tau _q\) then see the Remark.

If \([y^p,x^{p^j}]\) is replaced by c then

$$\begin{aligned}&d_x([w_1, \ldots , w_{\nu - 1},c,w_{\nu +1},\ldots , w_{\mu }]) \ge \nonumber \\&\quad d_x([w_1, \ldots ,w_{\mu }, x^{p^j}]) + (p-1)p^j d_x(w) + p{j+1}. \end{aligned}$$

Hence, \((\mu -1)p^l + d_x([w_1, \ldots , w_{\mu }, x^{p^j}]) \ge (\mu - 1)p^l + d_x(\mu ) + p{j+1} \ge \) \( d_x(\rho '') + p^{j+1} = d_x(\rho ) - (p-1)p^i - p^j + p^{j+1} = d_x(\rho ) + (p-1)(p^j - p^i)\ge d_x(\rho )\).

Since \(d_y([w_1, \ldots ,w_{\mu }, x^{p^j}]) \ge 2\), this commutator satisfies the requirements of the lemma. If the commutators \([y^p,x^{p^j}]\) is replaced by \([c, \underbrace{x, \ldots , x}_t]^{k_t}\), then \((\mu - 1)p^l + d_x([w_1, \ldots , w_{\nu -1}, [c, \underbrace{x, \ldots , x}_t]^{k_1}, w_{\nu +1}, \ldots , w_{\mu }]) > d_x(\rho )\).

This finishes the proof of the lemma.

Lemma 3

Let \(x \in G_i \), \(x^{p^l} = 1\), \(y \in G_j \), \(y^{p^s} = 1\). Suppose that \(j \ge 2ip^l\). Then \((yG_{j+1})ad(x G_{i+1})^{(s+1)p^l} = 0\) in the Lie algebra \(L = \sum _{k=1}^{\infty } G_k/G_{k+1}\).


By Lemma 2 the group commutator \(\rho = [y, \underbrace{x, \ldots , x}_{(s+1)p^l}]\) can be represented as a product of commutators \(w =[w_1, \ldots , w_{\mu }],\) \(\mu \ge 2\), where each \(w_k\) is a commutator of the type \(w_k = [y,x^{p^{j_1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{j_r}}]\), \((\mu - 1)p^l + d_x(w) \ge d_x(\rho ) = (s+1)p^l\).

By Lemma 1 each \(w_k\) is a product of commutators of type (i) or (ii). A commutator of type (ii) just increases the degree in y. Let \([y, x^{p^{j_1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{j_r}}]\) be a commutator of type (i). So all \(j_1, \ldots , j_r\), except possibly one, are equal to 0. This implies that

$$\begin{aligned}{}[y, x^{p^{j_1}}, \ldots , x^{p^{j_r}}] \in G_{j+i(p^{j_1} + \cdots + p^{j_r} - (p^{l-1} - 1))}. \end{aligned}$$

Hence, \(w \in G_d\), where \(d = \mu j + id_x(w) - \mu i(p^{l-1} -1) \ge j + (\mu -1)ip^l + (\mu -1)ip^l + id_x(w) - \mu i(p^{l-1}-1) \ge j + id_x(\rho ) + i[(\mu -1)p^l - \mu (p^{l-1}-1)]\).

Now it remains to notice that \((\mu - 1)p^l - \mu (p^{l-1} -1) >0\). We showed that \(d > j + id_x(\rho )\), which implies the lemma.

Lemma 4

The Lie ring \(L(\Gamma )\) is weakly graded nil, i.e., for arbitrary homogeneous elements \(a,b \in L(\Gamma )\) there exists \(n(a,b) \ge 1\) such that \(b ad(a)^{n(a,b)} = 0\).


Let \(a \in \Gamma _i\), \(a^{p^l} = 1\). Let \(n(a) = 2ip^l\). By Lemma 3, for an arbitrary element \(b \in \Gamma _j\), \(j \ge n(a)\), there exists an integer \(n(a,b) \ge 1\) such that \([b,\underbrace{a,a, \ldots ,a}_{n(a,b)}] \in G_{j + in(a,b)+1}\).

Since \(\Gamma \) is a torsion group it follows that for an arbitrary \(k \ge 1\) the subgroup \(\Gamma _k\) has finite index in \(\Gamma \), hence \(\Gamma _k\) is open in \(\Gamma \). The subgroup \(G_k\) is the completion of \(\Gamma _k\). Hence \(\Gamma \cap G_k = \Gamma _k\).

We proved that \(b ad(a)^{n(a,b)} = 0\) in \(L(\Gamma )\). Now let b be an arbitrary homogeneous element from \(L(\Gamma )\). Then the degree of the element \(b' = b ad(a)^{n(a)}\) is greater than n(a). Hence, \(b ad(a)^{n(a) + n(a,b')} = b'ad(a)^{n(a,b')} = 0\), which finishes the proof of the lemma.

Lemma 5

Let L be a Lie algebra over a field \(\mathrm { Z}/ p \mathrm {Z} \) generated by elements \(x_1, \ldots , x_m\). Let \(a \in L\) be an element such that \(x_i ad(a)^{p^k} = 0\), \(1 \le i \le m\). Then \(L ad(a)^{p^k} = (0)\).


The algebra L is embeddable in its universal associative enveloping algebra U(L). Let \(a^{p^k}\) be the power of the element a in U(L). For an arbitrary element \(b \in L\) we have \(b ad(a)^{p^k} = [b,a^{p^k}]\). If the element \(a^{p^k}\) commutes with all generators \(x_1, \ldots , x_m\) then \([L,a^{p^k}] = L ad(a)^{p^k} = (0)\), which finishes the proof of the lemma.

Lemma 6

Let L be a Lie ring generated by elements \(x_1, \ldots , x_m\). Suppose that \(p^l L = (0)\). Let \(a \in L\) be an element such that \(x_i ad(a)^{p^k} = 0\), \(1 \le i \le m\). Then \(L ad(a)^{p^k l} = (0)\).


By Lemma 5 we have \(L ad(a)^{p^k} \subseteq pL\). Hence \(L(ad(a)^{p^k})^l \subseteq p^l L= (0)\), which proves the lemma.

Proof of Theorem 1

Let \(x_1, \ldots , x_m\) be generators of the group \(\Gamma \). Then the elements \(x_i\Gamma _2\), \(1 \le i \le m\), generate the Lie ring \(L(\Gamma )\). Let \(p^l\) be the maximum of orders of the elements \(x_1, \ldots , x_m\), so \(x_i^{p^l} = 1\), \(1 \le i \le m\). Then \(p^l(x_i \Gamma _2) = 0\) in the Lie ring \(L(\Gamma )\). Hence \(p^l L(\Gamma ) = (0)\).

Let a be a homogeneous element of \(L(\Gamma )\). By Lemma 4 there exists \(k \ge 1\) such that \((x_i \Gamma _2)ad(a)^{p^k} = 0\) for \(i = 1, \ldots , m\). Now Lemma 6 implies that \(L(\Gamma )ad(a)^{p^k \cdot l} = (0)\), which finishes the proof of Theorem 1.

Proof of Theorem 2

Without loss of generality we assume that \(\cap _i \Gamma _i = (1)\). We view the subgroups \(\{ \Gamma _i | i \ge 1\}\) as a basis of neighborhoods of 1 thus making \(\Gamma \) a topological group. Let G be a completion of \(\Gamma \) in this topology. Let \(G_i\) be the closure of \(\Gamma _i\) in G. Then \(G_i \cap \Gamma = \Gamma _i\) and \( G = G_1> G_2 > \cdots \) is a central series of the group G. Arguing as in Lemmas 34 we conclude that the Lie ring \(L(\Gamma ) = \oplus _{i \ge 1} \Gamma _i/\Gamma _{i+1}\) is weakly graded nil. Choose homogeneous elements \(a_1, \ldots , a_m \in L(\Gamma )\). Since \(\Gamma \) is a p-group it follows that there exists \(l \ge 1\) such that \({p^l} a_i = 0\), \(1 \le i \le m\). Consider the subring \(L'\) of \(L(\Gamma )\) generated by \(a_1, \ldots , a_m\), \(p^l L' = (0)\). If a is a homogeneous element from \(L'\) and \(a_i ad(a)^{p^k} = 0\), \( 1 \le i \le m\), then by Lemma 6 we have \(L' ad(a)^{p^k \cdot l} = (0)\), which finishes the proof of Theorem 2.