Special section: Articles expressly submitted by authors that address an issue that is pertinent to:

Advancing Medical Image Analysis through Biomedical Engineering and Health Informatics

Kelvin Wong1, Heye Zhang2, Zhonghua Sun3

  • 1School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia.

  • 2Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

  • 3Department of Imaging and Applied Physics, Curtin University, Western Australia.

The aim of this Special Section is to source and publish high quality articles that involve the analysis of medical images. Some articles are more surgically or clinically orientated than is usually the case for articles published in APESM. Nevertheless, they fall within the area of interest of the Journal and the boundaries of the Special Section as they have a medical imaging application.

(All articles were subject to final review and acceptance by the APESM Editor in Chief.)